



Nanning, the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is the largest city of Guangxi and the core city of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, which locates in the southwest of Guangxi and adjacents to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. There are 36 ethnic minority groups living in Nanning including Zhuang, Miao, Yao and so on. The total population of Nanning is 6.6616million, of which the urban population is 344million. Nanning is also known as green city because of its large forest coverage, beautiful scenery and comfortable living environment.

In addition to the superior geographical environment, Nanning has gradually developed into an international metropolis. October 8,2003, in Bali, Indonesia, during the Seventh ASEAN and China (10+1) Leader’s Meeting. Premier Wen Jiabao suggested organizing the China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning since and this proposal was generally welcomed by leaders. Since 2004, China-ASEAN Expo is held in November of each year in Nanning, Guangxi, which has brought great benefit to Nanning even Guangxi.

Meanwhile, Nanning is also a tourist city, attracting thousands of visitors to travel. They are impressed by the beautiful appearance of Nanning city and its friendly people. As the deepening of internationalization, the people of Nanning are trying effort to build a more beautiful, harmonious city. We believe that Nanning will develop increasingly better.


Nanning, the capital of Guangxi Province, is located in Southern Guangxi, which Yongjiang River runs.Nanning has a history of over 1680 years and Nanning was set as the capital city of Guangxi in 1958.As an important gateway to Southeast Asia, Nanning is a hub, a regional center and an opening city that plays an active role in the communication between China and Asian countries.With the development of economy, Nanning attaches great important to improving natural environment and it enjoys the reputation of “the Green City of China” because of its green coverage in the country.














篇4:南宁大明山 英语导游词

Daming Mountain Nature Reserve Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Daming Mountain Nature Reserve, both a world class leisure recuperate resort and health care famous mountain with Chinese characteristic.Daming Mountain, also known as Mogan Mountain, arises at the borders of Wuming, Mashan, Shanglin and Binyang counties.It extends for about 100 kilometers and stretches 25 kilometers in width, with an average height of 1,200 meters above sea level.Its highest peak, Longtou Peak, is 1,760 meters high.The Daming Mountain area has a varied topography-high and steep mountain peaks and deep valleys, forming magnificent landscapes.Daming Mountain is fully covered by a luxuriant growth of South Asian tropical evergreen broad-leaved primeval forests.Some examples of the species are the Chinese Hemlock, white-bean fir, spike fir, three-point fir, small-leafed fir, Tibetan mountain jasmine, and the Daming Mountain pine.There are various rare animals living in these forests, such as short-tailed monkey, golden cat, civet, silver pheasant, musk deer, Assamese macaque and loris.The seasonal changes on Daming Mountain are extremely spectacular.Classic poetry echoes the beauty seen here today: The best aspects of Daming Mountain are its spring mist, winter snow, summer waterfalls and autumn clouds-a feast for your eyes in all four seasons.Dear guests, now we arrive at the Golden Turtle Waterfall.According to expert research, there are 108 waterfalls in Daming Mountain during rainy season, just like 108 Liangshan heroes in Water Margin, of which the most typical one is this Golden Turtle Waterfall.From the side we can see one level fall, in a positive way, two instead.The two levels has a drop of 40 meters.Look, in the center of the swag, a golden turtle is crawling towards us.Yeah, it’s just a stone.What more marvelous is that no matter where you are beside the swag, you will find the head of the turtle points to another exit of the valley.Dear friends, have a try!Now, we are on the largest marriage hall in the world.With a shape of heart, people give a beautiful name to this lawn, Love Lown.It’s said that lovers walk hand in hand will belong together enduringly as the universe.So, just hold your honey’s hand and lead a happy life!Dear friends, happy time is always fleeting and soon.Our trip would end now.Hope to see you next time.Thank you!















商务英语初级 适用人群:

准备从事商贸及相关行业的人士; 课程内容:


1.迅速进入商业口语环境,能够在实际的工作中学以致用 2.掌握在商务活动中实用的口语技能,帮助解决语言困扰 3.为以后在商务英语口语中的进一步提高打下坚实的基础 开课时间:

随到随学,自由预约课程; 课程模式:


商务英语中级 适用人群:



1.提高商务英语口语能力,熟练掌握各种常用的表达 2.学员能够用丰富和准确的词汇进行商务交谈和深入的讨论

3.融合英语学习与商务实例,提高学员的实际应用能力,真正学以致用 开课时间:

随到随学,自由预约课程; 课程模式:


商务英语高级 适用人群:



1.让学员掌握地道的商务英语表达,能够在各种商务活动中应用自如 2.接触最新商务课题,开拓视野,深入了解现代商务状况 开课时间:

随到随学,自由预约课程; 课程模式:


面试英语口语 适合人群

1.需要对求职做好全面准备,学习面试技巧 ; 2.外企求职面试,提升面试自信心; 3.提高在商务英语场合的词汇运用能力。

课程内容 重点辅导学员熟悉整个应聘过程,内容涵盖面试模拟练习、面试措辞和简历制作等等,让学员在实景环境中彻底解决在面试中的各个环节中会遇到的问题。


1.提升面试自信心,运用有利于职业形象的措辞和表达方式 2.提前熟悉面试中可能会遇到的问题和情况,并做好充分准备 3.谈吐、应答恰当,并且懂得主动提问

4.提供各类面试常见问题及成功回答的例子,引导学员组织自己的回答,并帮助学员进行分析和改进 开课时间:

随到随学,自由预约课程; 课程模式:
















——致力于为公司、企业、职场人士、青少年等提供高品质教育服务的培训机构 南宁市青秀区英拓英语培训学校是广西区内唯一一所引进国际尖端多媒体语言学习软件DynEd 的高端英语培训中心。作为世界多媒体语言教学的先行者和领导者,美国戴耐德公司(DynEd International Inc.)与Easy Talk国际教研团队通过长期的合作与实践教研,总结推出“多维LTP”学习系统,能充分保证学员快速实现英语学习目标,建立说英语的自信。科学的语言学习系统能让学员极尽可能的用英语进行交流,反复加强记忆,掌握纯正实用的英语,而不仅仅是机械背诵与学习。目前,DynEd多媒体英语系列课程已被70多个国家广泛采用,并取得相当成效。丰富多彩的教学互动活动: 外教教你做披萨













*** QQ咨询:1578178955


星期二的中午托管又是英语课,这下又要让我们读什么啊?这时,Miss Chen拿ss Chen拿着两叠作业本走进教室。那两叠作业一叠大一叠小。Miss Chen拿起小的那叠让组长发了下去,接着拿起第二叠,说:“点到名字的出来拿本子!梁**没有译中,字写得太马虎,重做!张**,你怎么交了个空白本子来了?再做一便!何**,字太马虎,重做……”我扫视了一下教室了的同学,似乎除了拿到本子的同学,其它都提心吊胆。突然,我们的组的组长发下了我的作业本,幸好我不用重做!看来Miss Chen手上的本子都要重做了。折腾了半节托管课后,Miss Chen才读完重做作业的同学名字。


下课铃就在我们读完U1之后一会儿响起来了。“好!把U1的两个Let‘s read默写一遍然后拿上来边背我边批改!”“啊!”真实出于我的意料之外,Miss Chen连这种方法也居然想了出来!折腾了15分钟同学们才全部过关,才能放学去吃午饭。(到了六年级每个同学都要在学校吃午饭)

在去吃饭的路程当中,我们遇见了怀念以旧的李老师。“Miss Li!”同学们齐声叫道。“你们好!对了,最近学习怎么样?”“我们的压力很大啊!特别是英语,就连Let’s read也要背啊!”我情不自禁的说道“啊?不会吧,真是太辛苦了!”就从李老师的口里知道,她所教的班是不用背Let‘s read的。

当我们来到盛饭的地方的时候,发现那里没有人,只有盛菜的厨师,那就证明我们已经拖堂很久了。“死人Miss Chen!”我的好朋友小敏埋怨道。












Yuanyang County of Yunnan Province is well-known for its spectacular rice-paddy terracing, splendid cultures of various ethnic groups, and colorful ethnic festivals;therefore it is called the “hometown of Hani terraces” and the “hometown of the sea of clouds”.The county houses seven ethnic groups including Hani, Yi, Dai, Miao, Yao, Zhuang and Han, forming a gallery of colorful folk cultures in the remote area.The terraces with an area of over 360,000 mu or 24 000 hectares, reclaimed by the hardworking people from various ethnic groups there, deserve to be called a wonder in the world

In order to develop the brand of the terrace culture and accelerate the successful bid for Hani Terraces in Honghe State to be included in the World Heritage List, Yuanyang County shall hold the Hani Terrace Culture and Tourism Festival in five consecutive years.Rich ethnic cultural activities such as the distinctive Banquet at the Street of the Hani group, folk rituals to offer sacrifices and folk songs and dances shall be held during the festival.On February 28th, 2009, the festival shall be held in Xinjie Town, Yuanyang County.At that time, the large performance Terrace Impression(Ti Tian Yin Xiang)combining original singing and dancing of diverse ethnic groups will be so impressive that you cannot miss it.Sightseeing:

The terraces should definitely be your focus.In fact, terraces are all over the place here.No matter where you are heading for, you will see the magnificent sceneries of terraces around you.Photographers often go to the following places: Bada, the best place for taking pictures of sunset;Duoyishu, a perfect choice for taking pictures of sunglow;Longshuba, a large area of terraces, good for taking pictures of sunset;Mengpin, the best place for taking pictures of terraces from overhead.There are also many other places, for example, Huangmaoling and Huangcaoling.Pick up your own place when arriving at Yuanyang.Ethnic groups:

There are many ethnic groups including Hani, Yao, Miao, Dai, Zhuang and Yi in Yuanyang.It is marked with distinctive ethnic cultures and customs.In the streets of the county, you will see many ethnic minorities wearing clothes with the characteristics of their own groups.It is very special.But the best place to appreciate the ethnic cultures and customs are the streets in the rural area.Laomeng is the most famous village, where the residents mainly come from the groups of Miao, Yi, Yao and Hani.On fair days, the villager will dress up and go to fair on the street.There are numerous goods for sell, such as the livestock, means of production, ethnic crafts made by hand, daily necessities, agricultural and sideline products as well as special snacks.Festivals:

There are many festivals such as the Torch festival and the March Street.But the most distinctive one is the Banquet as the Street held in Habo Village and other places.During the festival, each household in the village shall prepare rich foods, bring them to the long table along the street, and share them with the whole village.Guests from outside the village can also join them.The banquet with the table reaching up to several hundred meters long is extremely spectacular.1.rice-paddy 稻田2.terracing梯田3.spectacular壮观4.云南元阳县以及为它的壮观稻田梯田,各民族灿烂的文化,丰富多彩的民族节庆活动着称,因此它被称为“哈尼梯田之乡”和“故乡的云海”。全县七家,包括哈尼,彝,傣,苗,瑶,壮,汉民族,在偏远地区形成一个丰富多彩的民俗文化长廊。用了超过36万或24万公顷亩面积,露台由各个有勤劳的各族人民开垦,不愧是世界一个奇迹








Before, how much I dont understand, always cut class, make you angry, still fight with people, to do this, you hold a lot of heart for me, although you hit me, scold me, but I still love you. Because I know it is my own fault, you dozen I scold me, just to put my back into the right direction. Whenever someone asked me ”what do you like your mom or dad?“ I would not hesitate to tell him ”I like all parents, but I like my father.“ Others asked ”why do you like my dad? Your father hit you, punish you, you should not hate him, isnt it?“ I can honestly tell him ”I the fight with person, father will be scold me, sometimes will scold me, but at night he would quietly coated for me several times, I still see him touch my wounds tears, then I will tell myself, I must not let dad sad so sad."

Now I wont fight, dont skip class, I am much better than before. These are all dads credit. No longer make my father angry, no longer get bothered by dad. Dads mood than they used to be happy, I also feel very happy.


First, mix appropriate amount of flour and water together into dough. Second, cut the dough into small potions, roll each potion out to make a round shaped dough seet. Third, prepare the stuffing by mixing chopped meat and chinese cabbage together, adding oil and salt. Fourth, wrap the stuffing into each dough sheet. Fifth, boil the stuffed dumplings and serve.


More than years ago, the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan in theriversideout into the rolling rapids, two thousand years later, has become atraditional festival in May Fifth - Dragon Boat Festival, we package dumplings,dragon boat racing, hard-boiled eggs with a variety of ways to commemorate thegreat patriotic poet. Dragon Boat Festival is a year, I would like toexperience the atmosphere experience this once asked her grandmother, she taughtme how to package rice dumplings. Bao dumplings, first of all to clean skin ofbamboo leaves in hot water in the soft foam. Re ready to dates, eggs, meat andso do collapse, the depression will be your favorite tasty cooked, you can starta. Indocalamus long before folding, to crowded, make a nest, the deployment ofintermediate good into the glutinous rice and rice, including the edges andcorners. And then the subsidence on the Miri, and even rubbing together, andfinally the skin of bamboo leaf wrapped rice dumplings into the shape of thecorners. This is the whole package dumplings effort to work together in thefinal process, your dumplings packages well, it depends on the four corners isnot symmetry, is not a type. When I started school, four corners always getwrong, and not become a six Kok, is rubbing the ball together. Grandma lookedat me on more than one of the “masterpiece” laugh: “This, this can be calleddumplings? Do you allow fine line where ah?” I fainted! The feelings of thefour-out edges and corners dumplings is to facilitate the use of fine linelinked up, how this world is not round dumplings on it? Package rice dumplingsinto the pot with a good火煮Meng, about 1 hour later, changed the text can30minutes. In the process of making dumplings, Im always eager to see thesituation to open the lid. Because the dumplings from the potaroma, DC saliva Iwas greedy. Wait a long time is always special to see steaming hot from the potof dumplings finally “liberate” them, I danced for joy. On the bowl, ripping outwith chopsticks, you can see inside the soft golden “brown the meat,” and abite, taste great, I almost have to bite even chopsticks down. Dragon BoatFestival this year, I learned how to package dumplings, tasting the fruits oftheir labor, it is not an ordinary sweet feeling.
