



Horner综合征:肺癌压迫经交感神经,出现孔小、球陷、同垂、无汗症状 Pancoast瘤:肝上沟瘤 RTE:肺血栓栓塞

ARDS:急性呼吸窘迫综合征 AB:实际碳酸氢盐 SB:标准碳酸氢盐

SIRS:系统炎症反应综合征 MODS:多器官功能障碍综合征 AOA:腺苷脱氢酶 LDH:乳酸脱氢酶 Curling:烧伤引起的胃溃疡

Cushing:中枢神经系统引起的胃溃疡 DU:十二指肠溃疡 “杜十娘饿了更迷人” GU:胃溃疡

Krubenberg瘤:胃癌种植转移到盆腔 TACE:肝癌肝动脉栓塞化疗

Charcot三联征:腹痛、寒战高热、黄疸 PTE:经皮肝穿刺胆管造影 ERCP:急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎

Reyhold五联征:痛、热、黄+休克、昏迷 Grey-Turner征:两侧腰部、协腹部皮肤青紫 Cullen征:脐周皮肤青紫 Roving:结肠充气试验 Psoas:腰大肌试验 Obturator:闭孔内肌实验

Miles手术:经腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术 Dixon手术 :经腹腔直肠癌切除术

Hantmann手术:经腹直肠癌切除、人工肛门远端封闭术 Trietz韧带:十二指肠悬韧带 BNP:脑钠肽 ANP:心钠肽

Killip:急性心梗用,心功能分级(湿啰音)NYHA:非急性心梗用(运动)ZNR:凝血酶原国际化比值 Vlavsva动作:吸气-屏气-呼气 BMI:=体重/身高的平方 PTCA:冠脉成形术 CABG:冠脉搭桥术 CKMB:肌酸激酶同工酶


Janeway:手掌、脚掌出血 Olser:手指指腹红色小结、出血 Roth;视网膜出血

Ewart:左肩胛骨下叩诊浊音,听诊支气管呼吸音 Beck三联征:急性心脏压塞三联征 CVP:中心静脉压 PCWP:肺毛细血管契压 CI:心脏指数


Terndelenburg试验:大隐静脉瓣膜功能试验 Perthes试验:深静脉通畅试验 Pratt试验:交通静脉瓣膜试验 Guthrie试验:苯丙酮尿症,新生儿试验 Koplik斑:见于小儿麻疹 DOTS:短程督导 化疗,儿科结核 MCV:红细胞平均容积

MCHC:红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度 Brown-Sequard:半切综合征 Romborg:闭目难立征

Battle斑:颅后窝 乳突部有出血点、瘀斑 TIA:短暂性脑缺血发作 Wallenberg:延髓背外侧综合征 Lock-in综合征:闭锁综合征 DSA:数字血管造影 AD:老年痴呆


Verick脑病:喝酒出现眼球震颤,不能外展,有意识障碍 SSRIS:选择性五羟色胺摄取抑制剂 抗GBM:抗肾小球基底膜型 ANCA抗体:抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体 CTX:环磷酰胺 IVP:静脉肾盂造影 IVU:静脉尿路造影 KUB:尿路平片

Turp:经尿道前列腺切除术 GFR:肾小球滤过率 EPO:促红细胞生成素 PCP:卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎 ELISA:酶联免疫吸附试验 PCR:聚合酶链 PRL瘤:泌乳素瘤

Graves:弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿 TRH:促甲状腺激释放激素





Addison病:原发性慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退症 VMA:香草扁桃酸

OGTT:口服葡萄糖耐量试验 PNH:阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿 Coombs试验:抗人球蛋白试验 Ham试验:酸溶血试验 ALL:急淋 ANLL:非急淋 Pas:糖原染色试验 NSE:非特异性酯酶染色 NAP:中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶 CML:慢粒

MDS:骨髓增生异常综合征 MTX:甲氨蝶呤 HL:霍奇金淋巴瘤 NHL:非霍奇金淋巴瘤 ATRA:全反式维甲酸 VP方案:长春新碱+泼尼松 DA方案:柔红霉素+阿糖胞苷

ABVD方案:阿霉素、博来霉素、长春新碱、甲氮咪胺 CHOP方案:环磷酰胺、阿霉素、长春新碱、泼尼松 MPT方案:美法仑、泼尼松、沙丁度胺 BT:出血时间 CT:凝血时间 PT:凝血酶原时间

APTT:部分凝血活酶时间 AKP:血清碱性磷酸酶

Cooper韧带:乳房悬韧带,酒窝征 Paget病:湿疹样癌

CAF方案:环磷酰胺、阿霉素、氟尿嘧啶 CMF方案:环磷酰胺、甲氨蝶呤、氟尿嘧啶 CTD:弥漫性结缔组织病 PSS:干燥综合征 PA:类风湿性关节炎 SSC:系统性硬化病 AS:强直性脊柱炎 OA:骨性关节炎

Relter综合征:反应性关节炎 Forment征:夹纸试验

Monteggia骨折:孟氏骨折,尺骨上三分之一骨折,合并桡骨小头脱位 Galeazzi骨折:盖氏骨折,桡骨下三分之一骨折,合并尺骨小头脱位 Colles骨折:伸直型骨折 Smith骨折:屈曲型骨折

Chance骨折:椎体水平状撕裂骨折 Jefferson骨折:第一颈椎骨折 Dugas征:杜加征,搭肩试验

Hippocrates法:足蹬法,肩关节复位 Allis法:提拉法,髋关节脱位复位法

Mills征:伸肌腱牵拉试验 Finkelstein征:握拳尺偏试验 Eaton征:上肢牵拉试验 Spurling征:压头试验 Heberden结节:见于骨关节炎 CCP抗体:环瓜氨酸肽抗体 Thomas征:见于髋关节结核 Codman三角:见于骨肉瘤 HCG:人绒毛膜促性腺激素 HPL:人胎盘生乳素 LH:黄体生成素 FSH:卵泡刺激素

Braxtion Hicks收缩:妊娠12-14周,子宫第一次出现不规律、无痛收缩 LOA:左枕前 NST:无应激试验 OCT:缩宫素激惹试验 TC方案:紫杉醇+卡铂

BEP方案:博来霉素 +依托泊苷+顺铂 Asherman综合征:人流、刮宫等导致的闭经




4.audit of financial statements 财务报表审计5.agreed-upon procedures 执行商定程序6.high levels of assurance 高水平保证7.compilation 编制8.reliability 可靠性

9.relevance 相关性

10.professional skepticism 职业谨慎11.objectivity 客观性

12.professional competence 专业胜任能力13.Senior/CPA-in-charge 项目经理14.audit engagement letter 业务约定书15.recurring audit 连续审计16.the client 委托人

17.change CPA 更换注册会计师18.the existing CPA 现任注册会计师19.the successor CPA 后任注册会计师20.the preceding CPA前任注册会计师21.issue the audit report 出具审计报告22.expert 专家

23.the board of directors 董事会

24.knowledge of the entity‘ s business 了解被审计单位情况

25.assess material misstatement risks评估重大错报风险

26.detemine the nature,timing and extent of the audit procedures 确定审计程序的性质、时间和范围 27.a general knowledge of初步了解―――的情况28.a more knowledge of 进一步了解的情况

29.the prior year‘s working papers 以前工作底稿

30.minutes of meeting 会议纪要31.business risks 经营风险32.appropriateness 适当性

33.accounting estimate 会计估计

34.management representations 管理层声明35.going concern assumption 持续经营假设36.audit plan 审计计划

37.significant audit areas 重点审计领域38.error 错误


40.modified or additional procedures 修改或追加审计程序

41.misappropriation of assets 侵占资产

42.transactions without substance 虚假交易43.unusual pressures 异常压力

44.the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为45.materialiy 重要性

46.exceed the materiality level 超过重要性水平47.approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平48.an acceptably low level 可接受水平

49.the overall financial statement level and in related account balances and transaction levels 财务报表层和相关账户、交易层

50.misstatements or omissions 错报或漏报51.aggregate 总计

52.subsequent events 期后事项

53.adjust the financial statements 调整财务报表54.perform additional audit procedures 实施追加的审计程序

55.audit risk 审计风险

56.detection risk 检查风险

57.inappropriate audit opinion 不适当的审计意见58.material misstatement 重大的错报

59.tolerable misstatement 可容忍错报

60.the acceptable level of detection risk 可接受的检查风险

61.assessed level of material misstatement risk 重大错报风险的评估水平

62.simall business 小规模企业63.accounting system 会计系统64.test of control 控制测试65.walk-through test 穿行测试

66.communication沟通67.flowchart 流程图

68.reperformance of internal control 重新执行69.audit evidence 审计证据

70.substantive procedures 实质性程序71.assertions认定72.esistence存在73.occurrence发生74.completeness完整性

75.rightsand obligations 权利和义务76.valuationand allocation 计价和分摊77.cutoff截止


81.supervision of counting 监盘82.observation观察


85.analytical procedures 分析程序86.vouch核对


88.audit sampling 审计抽样89.error误差

90.expected error 预期误差91.population总体

92.sampling risk 抽样风险93.non-sampling risk 非抽样风险94.sampling unit 抽样单位95.statistical sampling 统计抽样

96.tolerable error 可容忍误差

97.therisk of under reliance 信赖不足风险98.therisk of over reliance 信赖过度风险99.therisk of incorrect rejection 误拒风险100.the risk of incorrect acceptance 误受风险101.working trial balance 试算平衡表

102.indexand cross-referencing 索引和交叉索引103.cashreceipt 现金收入

104.cash disbursement 现金支出

105.bank statement 银行对账单

106.bank reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表107.balance sheet date 资产负债表日108.netrealizable value 可变现净值109.store room仓库

110.sale invoice 销售发票111.price list 价目表

112.positive confirmation request 积极式询证函113.negative confirmation request 消极式询证函114.purchase requisition 请购单115.receiving report 验收报告116.gross margin 毛利

117.manufacturing overhead 制造费用118.material requisition 领料单119.inventory-taking存货盘点120.bond certificate 债券121.stock certificate 股票122.audit report 审计报告


124.addressee of the audit report 审计报告的收件人 125.unqualified opinion 无保留意见126.qualified opinion 保留意见127.disclaimer of opinion 无法表示意见128.adverse opinion 否定意见


审计法 Audit Law, Audit Act

审计法实施条例 the Implementary Rules of the Audit law 审计标准 audit criteria,audit standard 审计准则 auditing standard 审计原则 auditing principles 审计手册

audit manual

公认审计准则 Generally Accepted Auditing Standards

审计法律规范 audit laws and regulations 审计体制 audit system

审计权限 audit purview; audit jurisdiction;audit mandate

审计职责 audit responsibility

审计监督 audit supervision; supervision through auditing

审计管辖权 audit jurisdiction

审计执法 implementation of audit laws and regulations

审计处理 audit sanction 审计处罚 audit penalty

依法审计 conduct auditing in accordance with laws 审计意见 audit opinion

审计决定 audit decision

审计建议 audit suggestion, audit recommendation 复核意见 conclusion of audit review 审计复议 audit appeal 审计听证 audit hearing 审计复核 audit review 审计战略 audit strategy 审计计划 audit plan


auditing program

审计目标 auditing objective 审计范围 audit scope 审计内容 audit coverage 审计结论 audit conclusion 审计任务 audit assignments 审计结果 audit finding 审计报告 audit report 审计方法 audit method 审计过程 auditing process 审计证据 audit evidence 审计测试 audit test 审计风险 audit risk

审计抽样 audit sampling

审计软件 audit software

审计程序 auditing procedures 审计调查 audit investigation 审计小组 audit team

审计线索 audit trail 工作底稿 working paper

绕过计算机审计 auditing around the computer 通过计算机审计 auditing through the computer 计算机辅助审计 computer-assited audit 信息技术审计 IT audit

合法性审计 compliance audit, regularity audit 合规性审计 compliance audit 综合审计 comprehensive audit

效益审计 value for money audit(VFM audit)绩效审计 performance audit

财务审计 financial audit

财务报表审计 financial statement audit 财务收支审计 audit of financial revenues and expenditures

决算审计 final account audit

经济责任审计 accountability audit

任中经济责任审计 middle term accountability audit 离任经济责任审计 term-end accountability audit 管理审计 management audit 项目审计 project audit 外部审计 external audit 内部审计 internal audit 政府审计 government audit 联合审计 joint audit

实地审计 field audit 期末审计 final audit 期中审计 interim audit 定期审计

periodic audit

初次审计 initial audit

初步审计 preliminary audit 事后审计 post-audit 事前审计 pre-audit 事中审计 concurrent audit 专项审计 special audit 法定审计 statutory audit 后续审计 successive audit 跟踪审计 follow up audit

全过程审计 whole process auditing 突击审计 surprise audit 审计报告 audit report 标准报告 standard report

长式报告 long-form report 短式报告 short-form report

审计工作报告 audit working report

审计结果公告 Announcement of Audit Findings审计长 Auditor General

副审计长 Deputy Auditor General 审计主任 chief auditor 资深审计师 senior auditor


注册内部审计师 certified internal auditor(CIA)注册信息系统审计师 certified information systems auditor(CISA)

注册公共会计师 certified public accountant(CPA)特许会计师 chartered accountant(CA)审计经费 audit funds



一月:January二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May六月:June七月:July 八月:August九月:September十月:October十一月:November 十二月:December

星期: Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天


1、Blue Hawaii Recipe Ingredients oz.Orange Juice 5 oz.Pineapple Juice 0.5 oz.Dark Rum 0.5 oz.Rum 1 oz.Blue Curacao 3 oz.Crushed Ice Mixing Instruction

Pour crushed ice into blender.Add curacao, rum, pineapple juice, and orange juice, and blend until smooth.Pour into beer goblet.Garnish with an orange slice, pineapple chunk, and cherry on a toothpick.Drink Category

Blended And Frozen Glass Type Pitcher


2、Martini Recipe Ingredients

0.5 oz.Dry Vermouth 2.5 oz.Gin Mixing Instruction

Fill a shaker half full with ice cubes.Pour all ingredients into shaker and shake well.Strain drink into a Cocktail glass.Garnish with either a Lemon Twist or a Cocktail Olive.Drink Category Cocktails Glass Type


3、Margarita Cocktail Recipe-Mixed Drink Drink Title

Margarita Cocktail(Classic)Ingredients 1/2 oz Tequila 1/2 oz Triple Sec 1 oz Lime Juice Salt Drink Recipe Instruction

run the rim of a cocktail glass with lime juice, and dip in salt.Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into the glass, and serve.Drink Category Cocktails Glass Type Margarita

4、Grasshopper Recipe Ingredients

3/4 oz.Light Cream 3/4 oz.White Creme de Cacao 3/4 oz.Green Creme de Menthe Mixing Instruction

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.Drink Category Cocktails Glass Type Cocktail

5、Pink Lady Recipe Ingredients tsp.Grenadine 1 tsp.Light Cream 1 Egg White 1 1/2 oz.Gin Mixing Instruction

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.Drink Category Cocktails Glass Type


Pink Lady(2)Recipe Ingredients 1 1/2 oz.Gin 3 oz.Sour Mix 1 oz.Light Cream Splash of Grenadine Mixing Instruction

Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass.Drink Category Cocktails Glass Type Collins

6、Hot Toddy Recipe

Ingredients Boiling Water 3 oz.Whiskey Generous Cinnamon Lemon Slice 1 oz.Simple Syrup 4 cloves cinnamon stick Nutmeg Mixing Instruction

Warm a mug or Old Fashioned glass and add all ingredients, except nutmeg, and fill with boiling water.Stir and top with nutmeg.Garnish with cinnamon stick, if you wish.Drink Category Hot Glass Type Collins

7、Godfather Recipe Ingredients 1/2 oz Scotch Whisky 3/4 oz Amaretto Liqueur Mixing Instruction

Pour ingredients into an old-fashioned glass over ice and serve.(Bourbon may be substituted for scotch, if preferred.)Drink Category Cocktails Glass Type Old-Fashioned

7、Straw Hat Recipe

Ingredients 1 oz.Vodka 1/4 cup Strawberries 1 oz.Malibu Coconut Rum Mixing Instruction

Blend with cracked ice until smooth, garnish with strawberry.Drink Category

Blended And Frozen

Glass Type Margarita

8、Scorpion Recipe Ingredients 1 oz Light rum 1 oz Dark rum 1 oz Brandy 1 oz Orange juice 1 oz fresh Lime juice 2 dashes Sugar syrup Mixing Instruction Fill a 12 oz wine glass with ice, add a lime wedge and transfer into shaker.Add ingredients, shake and pour back into glass.Garnish stirrer, straw, cherry,pineapple, parasol, and mint.Drink Category Punches Glass Type White Wine

9、Bloody Mary Recipe

Ingredients oz.Tomato Juice 1 1/2 oz.Vodka 1 dash Lemon Juice 1 wedge Lime 1/2 tsp.sauce Mixing Instruction

Shake all ingredients(except lime wedge)with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes.Add salt and pepper.Add the wedge of lime and serve Drink Category Cocktails

Glass Type Old-Fashioned

10、Bellini Recipe

Ingredients oz peach brandy 4-6 oz Italian dry Sparkling white wine or Champagne Mixing Instruction

Pour peach brandy into glass and slowly add champagne.Stir gently.Garnish with a peach slice.Drink Category Cocktails

Glass Type


The Analyze of Hamlet Abstract: the king of Denmark passed away and his wife married his brother who is the king now a few days after the funeral.The prince Hamlet is told that his father was killed by a viper until one night he met the old king’s spirit who told him that his uncle is the murderer.So he decides to revenge.He could have many chances to kill his uncle, but he always heisted to do it.At last, in the duel with his girlfriend’s brother, he sees through his uncle’s trickery and kills him.Key words: revenge, hesitation, humanism The most distinct temperament of the leading character Hamlet is hesitation.Hamlet makes his decision to revenge for his father after meeting the spirit, and he could have many chances to kill the murderer, but he always heisted to do it for some reasons.“to be or not to be, that is the question.Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer.The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them, to die to sleep no more.And by a sleep to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to”.These words embody his hesitation well.After he met with his father’s spirit, he starts to suspect whether the words of a ghost should be trusted, and what if his father’s spirit is from a devil who wants to fool him and set him up.His uncle is a king with a lot of bodyguards around everyday, so it is difficult to kill him.And what makes him more hesitating is that his mother has married his uncle, and if he kills the king, she will cry her heart out.Hamlet loves his mother so much that he doesn’t want to see his mother heartbroken.His hesitation and depression torture him everyday, until one day, he invited a drama group into the palace to perform for the king and queen.He himself made the playbook about how the old king was killed, and when his uncle watched the play, Hamlet noticed his uncle was extremely nervous which makes him sure that his uncle is the murderer and he must fulfill his promise to kill him.On the way to his mother’s room, he saw the murderer is alone.He took out the sword, but his hesitation made him put his sword back again.If he didn’t hesitate to kill his uncle, he would not die in the duel, and his mother, Ophelia and laertes will not die without his hesitation.His character leads to the tragedy.Although Hamlet’s hesitation caused his misery, his braveness and witness make his character more attractive.His friends told him that they saw a spirit which is resembled very much his father, so they waited for the appearance of the spirit the next night.When the spirit showed up, all his friends held back and persuaded him not to follow the spirit, but he feared nothing and followed his father’s spirit to find out the truth.If he is a coward, he will never know who is the murderer.When he was plotting his revenge plan, he got a good idea, that is, pretending to be mad.Under his madness, he will plot his plan more successfully, and the king will not suspect him.What a great idea.In this way, he found out that his two classmates were the spies the king sent for.His witness saves his life.He was excluded to England afterward with those two classmates accompanied.Since he already knew they were the spies, he slinkingly exchanged the letters the king gave to, and in the end, his two classmates became the victims and died instead of him in England.Not only did he disobey the king’s order, but also he got rid of the two spies, saw through the frame-up and returned to Denmark securely.If he behaved normally or offend his uncle publicly, the king would suspect him whether he is doing something unfavorable to the king or planning to get the throne back from him, then he would kill Hamlet already instead of sending the spies to watch him, and that gives Hamlet more time to fulfill his promise.Another brilliant idea is to let his uncle know his sin by the play of the drama group.When he suspected whether his uncle is the real murderer and hesitated to kill him, he invited the drama group into the town, and reproduce the scene about how his father was murdered.He noticed the nervous and wired face of the king, and finally make up his mind to kill the king.That saves his lots of time, and he will not be disturbed by his doubt and hesitation anymore, and he also let his mother notice that his uncle is the one who killed his father.Hamlet’s brave and witness make this story more absorbing and make the character more charming.Apart from the revenge, the most absorbing plot is the love between Hamlet and Ophelia.Their love is a tragedy, and Ophelia is the unlucky sacrificial lamb of Hamlet’s revenge plan.Indeed, Hamlet chased Ophelia.He wrote love letters to her, and the words which movable and elaborate touched the beautiful maid, and Ophelia, of course, fell in love with the charming prince.But Hamlet became sad and depressed because of his father’s death, and afterwards he pretend to be mad and to be very cold to Ophelia which broke her heart, moreover, her father and brother stopped her to met hamlet, because he is mad.This love tortured her and upset her, and when she knew that it was Hamlet who killed her father, she could not support this disaster anymore and she was mad.Hamlet did not know these at all, the last time when they met was on her funeral.Ophelia has drowned.And that was the end of their love-the evil consequence of his revenge.Some people may ask: does Hamlet really love Ophelia? My answer is: of course he does.But there is something more important than love for Hamlet at that time-the revenge.When he pretended to be mad and to be cold to Ophelia, he is the most depressed one, for he hurt the one he loves most, and he can not let her know the truth, but just continue to hurt her and to be cold to her.Once, he maybe think he was too cold and heartless to her, so he wrote her a extremely passionate love letter, here we can see he does love Ophelia.When he returned to Denmark, by chance he was in Ophelia’s funeral.He could not believe his eyes, when Ophelia’s brother held her and cried loudly, he rushed forward to hold her, because he could not endure other people’s love to Ophelia could have more than his.He cried:” I love Ophelia, forty thousand brother’s could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum.” It embodies that his love for Ophelia is indubitable.And does Ophelia love Hamlet? I think her love for Hamlet is no less than the love of Hamlet for her.When Hamlet got mad, she did not blame him, and she just thought that his heartlessness and coldness is just because of his disease not his nature.Hamlet wrote her love letter once when he pretended to be mad, and the words indicated that Hamlet still loves he, and she thinks she is the reason that made Hamlet mad.She loves Hamlet so deep that when she knew Hamlet killed her father, she got mad, because she lost her father, and she will not and should not love Hamlet anymore.Ophelia is a typical woman of feudal society, conservative, prudent, and submissive to all the words of father and brother, and can not choose their own life, and this is also a tragedy factor that leads to their love tragedy.If Ophelia could be open-minded and have her own thoughts and ideas rather than obey all her father and brother said, she might become a kind listener or even an assistant of Hamlet’s revenge project, and then she would not be heart-broken for his heartlessness and would not doubt about his love, and her father might not die, and she would not be mad.She and Hamlet could have a happy ending.Her character leads to another tragedy.
