



In my point of view, Spielberg wants to express many aspects in the movie Empire of the Sun, including the cruelty of war, the will of life and the passion of dream.However, when conveying the three aspects, he fails to give them an appropriate sequence, but just put them together instead of considering the logic and importance of these themes.There is no doubt that Spielberg’s aim is to demonstrate the hurt that war bring us.Yet he choose a little boy from England as a main character.From this view, we cannot touch the real hurt that Japanese brings because he didn’t form a correct value of the world.We can see that Jimmy ardently love “Zero” warplane and Japanese pilot.From his point, he admire the spirit of these Japanese solider.Therefore, the movie has bias from the very beginning to the end, impairing the theme of against the war.The movie also wants to eulogize the will of life.Little Jim choose all the way to keep alive.He ate maggot, looted lunchbox from died people and work for others to exchange food and water.These made him grow up quickly from a boy to a man.But this theme is really not that important in the movie.Spielberg only use no more than fifteen minutes to express it.So the impression of the theme is not very deeply.The third one is the boy’s passion on warplane and pilot, which is the hardest part for me to understand.When having experienced so many sufferings that Japanese bring him, how can he kept the passion and love? As a child, it’s reasonable that he don’t understand what war is.But it’s strange that he don’t hate the people who hurt him just because he love their plane.In a short, the movie convey too much, yet nothing can touch me.










































天命星象 从来不会垂怜弱者,向来都是强者的光环。













The holy scripture of Christianity is the Bible, which has two sections: Old Testament and New Testament. The Old Testament is what the Jews believe to have happened, they call it the Torah;it is their accounts of their history and of their God; it is the events before Christ’s coming. The New Testament is the accounts of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection and His revelation. The orthodox Jews do not believe in Christ as Lord God as Christians do; they are still waiting for their Messiah to come. But Christians believe in both Old and New Testaments and their prophecies and revelations. The importance of this is that The Matrix refers to Old and New Testament facts and events to drive their story of Neo being the savior, relating him to Jesus.

The film is about a futuristic world where the machine has controlled human. To keep them incarcerated, the AI created the Matrix, which is basically a computer program controlled by the machines, to which the humans are connected to through their brain. Within the Matrix there is a computer programmer Neo who is not satisfied with his existence and he is groping for an answer. Then Morpheus and Trinity find him and explain to him that the world he is used to is a fabrication. They believe that Neo is the One and he will free the mankind from the machine finally.

The Matrix is related to Christianity in a variety of ways.One example is that they talk about Neo as the ONE. This can be seen in the Old Testament where God foretold about the coming of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Neo’s name in the Matrix is Thomas Anderson. Thomas means “twin”, implies about his double roles. And Anderson means “son of man” in Hebrew language, which is a messianic tile, and “son of man” is another name for Christ. There is also a scene when Neo has to decide whether to find out the truth of the Matrix or be blissfully ignorant, he chooses the red pill. The choosing of the red pill represents Eve’s choosing to eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree (the tree of knowledge).

Film’s real world can be related to our real world, too, and the concept of Heaven. Humans are trapped in the Matrix as we perceive the same, and going up to heaven is like being freed from the Matrix. Another corresponding example is when Neo is finally freed from the Matrix, he comes out naked and through a canal, representing the birth canal and, thus, rebirth. Biblically when you receive Christ as your Savior you are considered born again. Neo’s way of leaving the Matrix represents him finding the truth as it does in Christianity.

In film, the characters drive the plot and the characters in this film had impacting symbolism accompanying them. For the first powerful character there is Morpheus, captain of the hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar. Morpheus believes in The Oracle's prophecy,and he believes he will finally found the One. He acts as Neo's mentor and is the one of the persons who never doubts Neo as the One. We can find the same character in the Bible as John the Baptist that John never doubted Jesus as the Messiah. And when Morpheus chose to give his life as a sacrifice to Neo, we can see that John did the same thing for Jesus.

With Trinity being the prominent female figure, there is also a correlation to the Bible. It is said Jesus had a love interest with his disciple Mary Magdalene. And Trinity was the one who was the first to see Neo come back to life, Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus when He rose from the dead. As for her name trinity, the reference here is to the biblical trinity—God the Father,God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Agent Smith, the main adversary to Morpheus' plan, is a sentient program in the Matrix; Smith is able to do almost everything Neo can. Agents are supremely powerful, and no one has ever survived before except Neo. Agent Smith could possibly symbolize Satan who is the enemy of Christ and thus the enemy of Neo. In the beginning of the film he tricks Neo into believing that Morpheus is a criminal that should not be trusted. But Neo doesn’t fall for this deception. Yet this can be correlated to Christ roaming through the desert for 40 days and nights, being tempted by the devil, but rejecting him. Agent Smith is the antagonist throughout this film as Satan is throughout the Bible.

Cypher is the classic betrayer, the Judas Iscariot. The word refers to a mathematical symbol denoting an absence of quantity,a zero and someone with no value, a nonentity. It's also potentially related to Satan as it is a shortened version of “Lucifer”.Cypher also has a goatee and wears red early in the film, which relate to the popular images of Satan. So this character represents the Judas’ betrayal of Christ

As the story goes along we confirm more illustrations connecting the film and Christianity, so more works should be worked on. More semiotic elements are reflected in the film like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Edwin Abbott’s Flatland,the experiment of Brain in Vats hypothesis, Descartes’ Evil Genius and Nietzsche’s Overman and so on. The combining of philosophy and religion is always a great challenge for a movie.In this movie, the characters, dialogues and even the scenes are sorts of metaphor and allusion of philosophy and religion. Thus its rich symbols will inspired more and more people to examine this movie.




[1]Grau,Christopher.Philosophers explore The Matrix[A].London:Oxford University Press.2005.

[2]Irwin,William.The Matrix and Philosophy:Welcome to the Desert of the Real[M].Pub Group West.2002.












To the Tune of Intoxicated under the Shadow of Flowers

Light mists and heavy clouds,

melancholy the long dreary day.

In the golden censer

the burning incense is dying away.

It is again time

for the lovely Double-Ninth Festival;

The coolness of midnight

penetrates my screen of sheer silk

and chills my pillow of jade.

After drinking wine at twilight

under the chrysanthemum hedge,

My sleeves are perfumed

by the fragrance of the plants.

Oh, I cannot say it is not endearing,

Only, when the west wind stir the curtain,

I see that I am more gracile

than the yellow flowers.


2. Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win. ?逃离困难,是一场永远跑不赢比赛。

3. Life is simple.You make choices and you don`t look ?back.人生很简单,做了决定就不要后悔。

4. Relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. It just needs ?two wonderful people one who can trust and one who can ?understand.感情不需要诺言、协议与条件。它只需要两个人:一个能够信任的人,与一个愿意理解的人

5.. When you fully trust a person without any doubt, you finally get one of ?the two results: a person for life, or a lesson for ?life.当你地相信一个人,最终可能出现两种结果:要么找到一生的伴侣,要么得到一生的教

6. Not every effort there is a harvest, but each time the harvest must be ?hard, which is not a fair irreversible propositions. 不是每一次努力都会有收获。 ?但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。

7. Win a few, lose a few. That’s life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此。

8. Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you. ?有时候,孤单一个人反而更好,因为这样就没人伤害得了你。

9. Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your ?tomorrows.放下那些不能帮助你前行的过去。


摘 要:由导演的《辣妈辣妹》是一部喜剧、家庭、奇幻电影,影片主要讲述的是一对母女由最初的互相不理解,经过交换灵魂而得以亲身体会对方的生活,最后隔阂消除,母女益发情深的故事。当噪音不再是噪音,继父并不是恶父时,当她们真正的体会到了别人的生活,以及什么才是最重要的(最重要的是站在别人的立场上考虑问题,每个人都有自已生活的状态,不是因为我们倔强的就要这样,而是你们并不了解事情的真相)。


黛丝·科尔曼(杰米•李•柯蒂斯 饰)是一个心理医生也是一个单亲母亲,独自抚养女儿安娜(林赛•洛翰 饰)与小儿子。但黛丝跟安娜的关系一直不好,两人都看不惯对方的做法。妈妈一直不理解高中的女儿,并且试图控制女儿的生活,不允许女儿参加乐队,对于女儿经常得到的F加以批评,并总是肯定的说“如果我是你,我肯定会很努力„„我可以通过所有的考试„„”。女儿同样不理解妈妈,她试图向妈妈解释些什么,而且一直认为母亲是幸福的,因为她可以“做任何想做的事情”。一个星期五的早上,为安娜乐队及母亲再婚的事,两人又闹起来,互相表露着各自的不满。这天在唐人街的一家餐馆,两人同时冒出个念头,希望自己变成对方,并表示如果换做是对方,事情就会有好的结果。这种幻想,在一块神秘饼干的参与下,居然实现了……一觉过后,妈妈和女儿如愿地换了灵魂,惊恐中她们不得不接受事实,走进对方的生活,互相配合做好各自的事:妈妈去女儿的学校上学,女儿去代替妈妈做一名心理医师,虽然这并不是她们待见的。这期间经历的事,才让母女认识到各自的生活,理解到各自的感受。或许处在她的位置你会比她做得更恶劣,就像妈妈被女儿的朋友考试所害,在受到帮助时,她竟恶意的去报复。她们开始从不同的角度了解对方,同时也让母女学会彼此谅解。与此同时,女儿作为“未来继父的未婚妻”终于真切的了解到继父的想法以及继父对自己和母亲的爱。糟糕的是,苔丝妈妈不久就要嫁人,再做新妇了。就在跌跌撞撞中,母女两人在相互体会着对方的生活,最终在妈妈的婚礼上,母女二人终于回到各自的躯体。


1、本片最重要的是反应母女之间的矛盾,和现实生活中大部分家庭中孩子与家长的关系相同。现在大多数的家长们爱自己的孩子,给了孩子们所想要的一切,但是却并不了解孩子不知道孩子内心的世界,所以一味的以自已的方式去给予他们。但与此同时孩子们也不理解,既然给予了一切,为什么还要有所限制,所以我们抱着各自所持有的态度相处着。因此在相处的过程中,父母和孩子应该有更多的交流和沟通,在没有了解事实的情况下,不要对别人的做为轻易的Say No!





2,《奥巴马》——主题美国的变革,呼吁团结克服 面对阿富汗战争 金融危 全球环问,要变革 未来艰辛,团结 信念 克服,口号—改变 演讲贯穿思想—重造美国,终结布什的自有资本和单边外交,多元文化,他是产物!外交和安全政策谈判协商多边外交 领导地位 反伊克战 撤军,增兵阿富汗,跟伊朗接触,中国 长期积极建设关系 经安全 全球政策对话 环境军事交流。

3,《西风颂》——雪莱 英浪漫 赞革命,春来 冬远?意象 色彩 光亮与哲思 道思 政报复融合一起气势磅礴 感情炽烈 境界壮阔 鼓舞人 新希望。丧子后 诗反映 痛苦低落,但乐观 广视野 新生活向往。五部分 每部14行,1—激情歌颂秋风灵魂,2—天空广袤,3—盛夏 后秋天地中海植物 枯萎 凋零,4—自己比作叶子云彩浪花 希望随西风而动,5—新生活 憧憬希望 新生命新思想涌现成长。大自然意象,反映心境感觉,诗歌艺术 生活乐观。

4,《最后一信》——沙利文 巴卢少校,南北战争 为信念而战,南=州权 奴隶制,北=奴隶自由。布尔郎战役,作者是律师,共和党 忠林肯,1861 参战。思念妻 爱恋 国家责任,心酸的情书,甜蜜的遗嘱,战争与爱情的勇士。华丽辞藻 语言美 深情。第三段,最善良激情,诠释爱,死亡不止爱,妻子独自抚养两孩,战争灾难,生命贵,爱情美,军人坚毅 丈夫深情。

5,《The law of life》——杰克 伦敦,描写工人运和无产阶级作家“美无产阶级文学之父”,擅长动作描写,形象鲜明 情节紧凑 简练生动。19c末,淘金热 1897年 杰克虽败血病,收获多=北风光,土著悲遭遇。《》写失明老人,年轻时骁勇,老了不能迁徙被遗弃雪地,等死,对酋长儿子失望,回想他自己也抛弃父亲,自己后来死了。《》死亡气息贯穿始终。生死自然规律,生=欢乐希望,死=悲伤绝望。笔下“严酷的真实”展露人最深刻最震撼心灵,老人没食没帐篷没伙伴没柴火,只能思考,无论什么 结局都是死 都被吞噬古老永恒法则里,只能等待。

6,《雾都孤儿》——狄更斯,欧19c杰出批判现实主义大师,揭露英各阶层生活实况,掀起文学革命。以前文学中,普通人没地位,他最有效改变这种现象。生动写下层悲惨,对穷人劳动者同情。讽刺资产阶级虚伪民主政治党派活动,不平等合理 非人道 揭露抨击。19c初叶社会真实面貌,幽默,细致入微心理分析。奥利弗,善良,正直,不忘恩。贫民救济院,讽刺,孤儿饥饿,黑暗社会现实,资本主义下贫穷,没民主自由被虐,社会问题,历史意义。艺术手法=现实主义叙事;精彩的个性化语言 冷幽默 反讽。作者小说鼎盛明星,高产。

7,《玩偶之家》——亨里克 易卜生,挪威欧洲近代喜剧新纪元开创者,与莎士 莫里哀 齐名,19c后半叶资产阶级道德法律宗教教育家庭多方假面具。《》=“妇女解放运动宣言书”娜拉意识到自己玩偶地位,向丈夫宣言,个性解放思想叛逆女。易卜生=“一个伟大的句号”,句号发人深省,促使思考+联系现实


英文诗歌是用独特语言和表达方式来抒发情怀的一种体裁。其语言之精炼、表达形式之精美、情感之细腻往往让人叹为观止。然而, 正确理解诗歌的含义和主题并不是一件易事。我们在欣赏英文诗歌时, 不但应该运用诗歌的基本知识去分析它的含义, 还要透过语言本身去揭示诗歌中所包含的主题。本文将简要分析如何运用诗歌的两大主要分析法——文体分析法和主题分析法来更好理解诗歌的美学意义以及其所产生的社会意义与价值。


(一) 文体分析法

文体分析法就是运用英语语言学理论对文学作品进行分析的方法。这种方法更多关注的是诗歌的语言体系和语言特点。若想要更好地运用这种方法研究诗歌特点, 首先应该掌握诗歌的一些基本知识, 如诗的音步、韵脚和词音象征法。

1. 诗的音步。

诗歌是一种具有音乐性的语言。音符流动的节奏性是其音乐性的保障。所谓节奏就是强拍和弱拍按一定的形式相互配合并有规律地进行反复。因此, 诗歌的韵脚和音步是使诗歌读起来悦耳并具有节奏感的关键所在。音步是由重读音节和非重读音节构成的诗的分析单位。英文诗歌中的音步类型有十几种之多, 常见的有如下四种: (1) 抑扬格:如果一个音步中有两个音节, 前者为轻, 后者为重, 则这种音步叫抑扬格音步。抑扬格非常符合英语的发音规律, 因此, 英文诗歌中用得最多的便是抑扬格。 (2) 扬抑格:如果一个音步中有两个音节, 前者为重, 后者为轻, 这种音步叫扬抑格音步。英语中读音为一重一轻的单词不多, 所以扬抑格的诗也不多。 (3) 抑抑扬格:抑抑扬格含三个音节, 即轻——轻——重, 这类诗歌所占比重不大。 (4) 扬抑抑格:重——轻——轻是扬抑抑格。同样, 这类诗歌也不是太多。

2. 诗的韵脚。

押韵是指通过重复元音或辅音达到一定音韵效果的诗歌写作手法。常见的韵脚有如下几种: (1) 尾韵:尾韵是最常见、最重要的押韵方式。它包括联韵:aabb型;交叉韵:abab型。 (2) 同韵:有的诗押韵, 一韵到底, 大多是在同一节诗中共用一个韵脚。 (3) 头韵:头韵是指一行 (节) 诗中几个词开头的辅音相同, 形成押韵。 (4) 内韵 (同元音) :内韵指词与词之间元音的重复形成的内部押韵。

3. 词音象征法。

诗人在描述一个事物或是抒发某种感情时, 有时是通过声音来传达内心感受的, 即词音象征法 (sound symbolism) 。如辅音中的/s/、/z/, 因发出“咝咝”的声音, 在诗句中就有很强的暗示作用, 树叶在风中抖动, 蛇在蠕动等。辅音中/p/、/b/可产生流水声的效果。

(二) 主题分析

文学批评的最终目的是为了能把文学作品作为艺术品来加以解读和鉴赏, 而评论家们最关注的却是如何解读作者在其作品中所反映出的个人信息以及这些信息在读者中所产生的社会意义和价值。本文试从托马斯·格雷的《乡村墓园挽歌》为例, 利用主题分析法来诠释这首不朽诗篇。

1. 背景知识。

这部作品的时代背景是18世纪中叶的英国。当时的英国正如火如荼地经历着工业革命。一方面, 工业革命给工业化带来了无限生机;另一方面, 它却给农民带来了无尽的苦难。在资本家捕获了商机不断赚取利润的同时, 宁静的田园风光和农民的自给自足的安宁生活已不复存在。失去土地的农民要么去城里成为廉价劳动力, 要么困守在农村过着食不果腹、衣不蔽体的生活。正是此情此景使作者触景生情, 创作出了这篇堪称经典的《乡村墓园挽歌》。

2. 单词和修辞法的使用对主题的烘托。

第一节至第四节描写的是黄昏中宁静的乡村景象, 充分烘托出乡村的宁静对于农民来说是何等的重要。塔楼上那只忧郁的猫头鹰在对着月光抱怨是拟人的手法, 用以暗示18世纪英国田园式的农村生活即将被工业化吞噬, 也表达了诗人对此无奈伤感的情怀。第十二至十九节中诗人运用对比的修辞方法一方面充分地表达了对农民疾苦的同情怜悯, 另一方面强烈地讽刺了权贵们尔虞我诈、贪婪无情、虚伪残忍的丑陋嘴脸。

3. 诗人的自由联想对主题的渲染。

在第六、七节是诗人想象长眠地下的农夫生前的生活。几句诗句却能勾勒出农夫生前虽然物质匮乏但却不能不让人艳羡的田园生活:家庭的温馨、收获的快乐以及生机盎然的田园风光。然而, 温馨的场景在残酷的现实面前变得不堪一击。通过这些诗句, 诗人流露出对工业前的乡村的留恋和对残酷的现实生活的不满。

4. 现实意义。

通过诗歌诗人把自己对社会严重的贫富分化、弱肉强食、资本家对下层劳动人民无情的剥削等社会现象的不满表现得淋漓尽致。同时, 他对劳苦大众的同情和怜悯、对平静的大自然和农村传统生活方式遭到破坏的惋惜和哀叹也体现在字里行间。


本文简要介绍了分析和评论诗歌常使用的两种方法:主题分析法和文体分析法。只有正确使用这两种方法分析诗歌才能让我们更好地解读诗歌本身描绘的意境及现实意义, 才能让我们更好地鉴赏诗歌, 领悟其精妙所在。

摘要:本文简要介绍了英文诗歌的两种分析方法:文体分析法和主题分析法, 借此更好地赏析诗歌的含义和主题。



[1]聂珍钊.英语诗歌形式导论.北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2007年.


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.

“My dear Mr. Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is rented at last?”

Mr. Bennet replied that he had not.

“But it is,” returned she; “for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.”

Mr. Bennet made no answer.

“Do not you want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently.

“You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.”

This was invitation enough.

“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a carriage and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he immediately agreed with Mr. Morris, the landlord of the Park; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas (米迦勒节), and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”

“What is his name?”


“Is he married or single?”

“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!”

“How so? How can it affect them?”

“My dear Mr. Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.”

“Is that his design in settling here?”

“Design! Nonsense, how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes.”

“I see no occasion for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party.”

“My dear, you flatter (奉承) me. I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be anything extraordinary now. When a woman has five grown up daughters, she ought to give over thinking of her own beauty.”

“In such cases, a woman has not often much beauty to think of.”

“But, my dear, you must indeed go and see Mr. Bingley when he comes into the neighborhood.”

“It is more than I engage for, I assure you.”

“But consider your daughters. Sir William and Lady Lucas are determined to go, merely on that account, for in general you know they visit no newcomers. Indeed you must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him if you do not.”


“My dear, depend upon it that if twenty such young men of four thousand a year come into the neighborhood, I will visit them all,” said Mr. Bennet.

Mr. Bennet was so strange that the experience of threeandtwenty years had not been enough to make his wife understand his character. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information and uncertain temper. The business of her life was to get her daughters married, and its comfort was visiting and news.



























