






Cultivate students to master the classical and modern mathematic basic concepts, basic principles and the methods of solving problems. Be able to establish the mathematical models and to explain laws of nature with mathematical methods.



Including basic knowledge of probability theory, important concepts and methods of statistics, orthogonal experiment design, etc. Paying more attention to the applications in medicine and pharmacology.



Including the basic laws of chemical reactions, the basic structure of the matter, elemental chemistry etc. Providing the theoretical foundation to learn the other courses and works in drug synthesis, drug analysis, pharmaceuticals for the future. Using chemical basic principle to understand the chemical problem in medicine and pharmacology.



Including foundation knowledge and basic theories of classical physics, modern physics and its application in science and technology. Research the basic structure and interaction of material, the most fundamental and most common forms of motion and the rules of their mutual transform. 有机化学


Including naming, property, utility, preparation method of organic compounds;the properties of various functional group;the mechanism, the reaction conditions, influence factors and application range of various types of organic reaction, etc.



It is a science based on the phenomenon of organisms life activity and the function of each component of the body. Revealing the body function rules from the overall level, organic and systemic level, cellular and molecular level.



Including the data processing and quality assurance, titration method, weight analysis, spectrophotometric method, separation and enrichment methods. Students can use the chemical equilibrium theory and knowledge to resolve various basic problems of titration method, including titration curve, titrate error, acid-base titration jump and titration feasibility criterion, to master basic principle and application of weight analysis and spectrophotometric method, data processing and quality assurance of analytical chemistry.



Introduce basic principle, method and application of chemical thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, electrochemical, interface chemical and colloidal chemistry. Systematically master the basic knowledge and basic principle of physical chemistry, deepen our understanding of the essence of natural phenomena.


掌握药理学,药效学,药物作用,量效关系的基本概念及临床意义,掌握药物与受体作用的有关基本概念。掌握常用药物的药理作用、临床应用及主要不良反应,了解药物的作用机制。 Master basic concepts and clinical significance of pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, drug interactions and dose-response relationship, grasp relevant basic concepts of the action between drugs and receptor. Mastering pharmacological functions, clinical applications and major adverse reaction of commonly used medicine, understanding the mechanism of drug action.



Medicinal chemistry is a subject which discoveries and inventions drugs, syntheses chemicals, clarifies the chemical property of medicine, researches the law of interactions between drug molecules and biological macromolecules. The main research is chemical structure characteristics, physical and chemical properties and the stability of chemical medicines, also understand biological effect, the toxicological effects and biological transformation of drugs within the body, etc.



Clarify life phenomena at the molecular level, including chemical composition, structure and function of organism, material metabolism and its regulation, the storage, transfer and expression of genetic information, intercellular information transfer and other life science content. 药物制剂


The main contents include the basic theories, basic formulations, preparation and quality standards of pharmaceutical preparation, preparations unit operation, new technology and new dosage form of preparation.


Dear leaders:

Hello! I叫陈excellent Changde Vocational Technical College is a professional pharmacy graduates in 2009, I sincerely hope that through this cover letter to you I have a basic understanding of.

Xuehai career of more than a decade, an increase of my knowledge and self-confidence. University of the growth phase of the study and more practice I will improve my self! pharmacy profession as a university student, I love my profession, two years in college, I studied the system of professional pharmacy-related courses and, through synchronization experiments and production practice, I have a preliminary drug workers should learn the basic knowledge, basic theory, basic skills.

Candidates for the job I did, because I have the following conditions: a wealth of theoretical knowledge and proficiency in the practice of skills; a good ability to adapt to hardship, and to work seriously and practical; enrich mind, good health and abundant energy.

As a student about to graduate, although the lack of work experience, but I will learn, work positively and work faithfully in doing their own due diligence. Work in the future, regardless of any post, I will work hard to down-to-earth, to enjoy the results of the work and the work brought me pleasure.

"There is nothing unachievable if there is, really to pay, others sincere, hard work", which is the principle of my life.

Look forward to hearing from you, wish him every success in work, good health.

With best regards!


一、 不同阶段的猪专业词汇 boar(公猪) gilt(后备母猪) sow(经产母猪) piglet(乳猪):特指尚没有断奶的小猪,国内称为仔猪的实际上包括未断奶的和已经断奶的,分别称为“哺乳仔猪”和 “断奶仔猪”,用“仔培猪”这样的名称更是少见。 weaning(断奶) weaner(断奶猪):断奶后的猪只——一般是18-24日龄直到30公斤。 Pre-starter (断奶前仔猪) Starter(断奶仔猪) grower(生长猪):指大于30公斤的猪只——也称为feeder pig。 finisher(育成猪):指大于60公斤的猪只,故称为肥育猪或育肥猪是不恰当的。

mummified piglet(木乃伊猪):在怀孕期间死亡的胎儿以木乃伊的状态被产出。有些文献上称“产木乃伊”是不正确的,应该是“产木乃伊胎”。 Yorkshire 大白 Duroc 杜洛克 Hampshire 汉普夏 Landrace 长白

Farrow to wean出生到断奶 Wean to feeder断奶到育肥 Farrow to feeder出生到育肥 Feeder to finish 育肥到育成 Farrow to finish出生到育成


farrowing(产仔):母猪产小猪的过程-即分娩(parturition)。 Introducing control 引种控制

Segregated early weaning 早期隔离?断奶 lactating(泌乳):母猪产生乳汁的过程。 gestating(怀孕期):从断奶后配种到产仔的一段时间(即干乳期)。 litter(窝):从同一头母猪一次产出的一群仔猪。 parity(胎次):每个胎次就是指每一次分娩。如:第三胎是指母猪产的第三窝。

stillborn(死产):产出死亡的胎儿。 fostering(寄养):将仔猪在不同的母猪间饲喂以获得更多的乳汁。 colostrum或colostral milk(初乳):分娩后最初几天产生的乳汁——含有较多抗体和其它因子。 processing(产后处理):对仔猪进行的各种处理过程——去势、断尾、剪牙、剪耳缺和注射铁剂等。

pre-weaning mortality(断奶前死亡率):仔猪在分娩舍内的死亡数目。 post-weaning mortality(断奶后死亡率):断奶猪/生长猪到育成猪直到屠宰前死亡的数目。

breeding/service(配种):公母猪交配的过程,现也包括人工授精。 weaning to breeding interval(断奶到配种间隔):母猪断奶至下一次配种的天数。


conceive(怀孕):母猪孕育胎儿的状态。 farrowing rate(分娩率):真正分娩的母猪数目与配种母猪数目的比值。 culling(淘汰):将某些猪只从农场(猪场)里剔除出去的过程。 Breed purity 品种纯度

Carcass Lean Percentage 胴体瘦肉率 Carcass &Meat Quality 胴体与肉质 Genetic profile 遗传标记 Genetic programs 育种计划 Genetic pyramid 遗传金字塔 Total herd reporting 全群测定

Specific performance testing 特定性能测定 Pig carcass grading and classification 胴体等级 Boar semen 公猪精液

Artificial insemination(AI,人工授精) Sow Productivity Index (SPI) 母猪繁殖指数

Genetic traits for terminal sires终端父系遗传性状 growth rate 生长速度 Lean meat 瘦肉 Soundness 健壮 Uniformity 一致性

Feed efficiency 饲料利用率

Genetic traits for maternal lines 母系遗传性状 born alive 出生活仔数 Weaning weight 断奶重 Number weaned断奶猪数 Sow longevity母猪使用年限 Farrowing interval 分娩间隔 Geneticist 育种师

Heat exchangers 热交换器

Less dust and ammonia 较少的灰尘和氨气 Filter training pathogen barrier 空气过滤系统 Outbreak 爆发

Screen for the virus 病毒监控

Electronic sow feeding 母猪电子饲喂 Genetic improvement 良种繁育技术 Nutrition and feeding 营养饲养技术 Production management 生产管理技术 Environment control 猪舍环境控制技术 Disease control 疫病防治技术

Environment management 环境保护技术

Conventional and molecular breeding technology 常规育种和分子育种技术 Performance testing:ultrasonic technology(B-mode ultrasound),automatic feeding system性能测定:超声波技术、种猪自动饲喂系统 Back fat thickness 活体背膘厚 Loin eye muscle area 眼肌面积

Genetic evaluation:animal model BLUP

遗传评估:动物模型BLUP Maker-assisted selection分子标记辅助选择

New breeds and specialized lines 新品种和配套系 AI technology人工授精技术


Stage production procedure:service and pregnancy,farrowing and lactation,weaning and nursing,growth and finishing


pig husbandry 养猪业

Construct farm:site selection 建场:场址选择 body condition score(体况记分):估测猪只身体肥瘦(尤其是母猪)的一种5分制方法,即1——5分。 growth rate(生长速度):猪只每天体重增加的克数。 farrowing house(产仔舍,产房):母猪从产仔到泌乳的栏舍,亦称产房。 gestation barn/dry sow house(怀孕舍):母猪怀孕的栏舍。 nursery(保育舍):饲养断奶到30公斤猪只的栏舍。 grow/finish(生长/育成舍):饲养30公斤到出栏猪的栏舍。 wean to finish(断奶到育成舍):饲养断奶到屠宰猪的栏舍。 all in/all out(全进全出制):一批猪从猪舍出来后,栏舍经彻底清洁后空栏数天再重新引入新猪群的饲养方式。 batch(批次):一群日龄、大小相近的猪的总称。 depopulation(清群):一种净化疾病的策略,就是将猪舍内的所有猪只清空的做法。

repopulation(建群):一种净化疾病的策略,就是将引进的健康猪只放回清空的猪舍的做法。 Herd closure(闭群):一种净化疾病的策略,即将整个猪群封闭饲养一段时间,使猪群的健康状态保持一致的做法。 batch farrowing(批次产仔):一批母猪作为一个组群进行同期的配种和产仔。 three site production(三点生产):在三个不同的地点养猪的生产体系——总体上是怀孕/分娩在一个场/点;保育在另外一个场/点;而生长/育成在另外一个场/点。 two site production(两点生产):在两个不同的地点养猪的生产体系——总体上有两种形式-a)怀孕,分娩和保育在一个场/点,而生长/育成在另外一个场/点;b)怀孕,分娩在一个场/点,而断奶到育成在另外一个场/点。 Multiple-site-production 多点式生产 crates/stall(畜栏), ESF,Electronic sow feeding(电子母猪饲喂), trickle feeding (少喂多餐) Automatic feed自动给料

Automatic drink water 自动饮水 Slatted floor 漏粪地板

Ventilation and reduce the humidity indoor 室内通风降温系统 Natural ventilation 自然通风

Mechanical ventilation:negative pressure ventilation,positive ventilation机械通风:负压通风、正压通风

Lateral ventilation,roof ventilation 水平通风、屋顶通风 Reduce temperature in summer 夏季降温技术 Curtain 卷帘 Cooling pad 水帘

Heating system in winter 冬季保暖技术

Central heating,incubator,thick litter 暖气、保温箱、厚垫料






Tibetology Terms

Amitabha 阿弥陀佛

Anterior Tibet 前藏 一个大**,其庙叫祖卜寺(Tsurpu) Apsaras 飞天

Attisha 阿底峡

Avalokiteshvara 观音

Bhodisattva 菩萨

Bon (Black) 本 教 (黑)

Budda 佛 Dorje (多杰/藏文)

Chapel 佛堂

Circumanbulate 转经道 (v.)

Circumanbulation 转经道

Circumanbulator 转经道的人

Consort 明妃

Dakini 空行母

Deity 明王

Dipamkara 燃灯佛;宝光佛

Dipamkara 宝光佛;燃灯佛

Disciplinarian 铁棒喇嘛

Dorje 多杰(藏文:金刚)

Dorje 金刚

Drakpa 和尚(藏文)刚)

Dratsang 扎仓(学校)

Drepung 哲蚌寺

Drepung Monastry 哲蚌寺(拉萨三大寺之一)Drolma 卓玛(藏文:度母)

Drolma 度母(女菩萨)

Empty 空

Enthronement 坐床

Esoteric Buddhism 密宗

Exotoric Buddhism 显宗

Form 色

Formless 空

Ganden Monastry 甘丹寺(拉萨三大寺之一)Ge-kor 铁棒喇嘛萨三大

Great Perfection 大园满

Green Tara 绿度母

Gulug (Yellow hat) 格鲁派

Guru 和沿(梵文)

Hayagriva 马头明主

Hinayana 小乘

Holy mountain 魂山

Hutukta **(蒙文) (最好不要用) Incarnated lama 转世**

Jampa 弥勒慈氏

Jokhang Temple 大昭寺

Kaggu (White) 噶举

Kalachakra 时轮(金刚)

Kangyur 甘珠尔(佛语)

Karmapa 葛玛巴

Khangtsen 康村(宿舍)

Khatag 哈达

Khenpo 堪布(主持)

Kumbum 塔尔b

Kunbum M. 堪布寺(在西宁)

Labrang M. 拉卜楞寺(甘南)

Lama 喇嘛,指大和尚

Lineage 传承

Lobsang 洛桑

Losang 洛桑

Lozang 洛桑

Mahakala 大黑天(本教中神的名字)

Mahayana 大乘

Main Assembly Hall 大经堂

Maitreya 弥勒慈氏

Mandala 檀城

Mandala 曼陀螺

Manjushri 文殊(菩萨)

Mantra 咒语

Master 上师 (和尚)

Material 色

Medicine Buddha 药师佛

Monastry 寺院(比Temple大)

Monk 和尚( 小)

Monlam 默然**会

Monlam 传昭**会

Mudra 手印

Nga 阿

Ngari 阿里

Nirvan 涅盘

Nyingma 宁玛

Order 教派

Padma 莲花

Padmasambhava 莲花生

Pagoda 佛塔

Palkor Chode 白居寺

Panchen Lama **

Partner 明妃

Pelden Lhamo 吉祥天女

Pelden Lhamo 班丹拉母

Potala 布达拉宫

Prayer meeting festival 传昭**会Prayer wheel 传经筒

Ramoche Temple 小昭寺

Reincarnation 灵童

Rinpoche **(通用)

Sakya (Stripe hat) 花派(萨迦)

Sect 教派

Sera Monastry 色拉寺(拉萨三大寺之一)Shakyamuni 施加摩尼

Shantarakshita 寂护

Shantarakshita 静命

Sharipu 舍利子 (骨灰)

Sku-Vbumchen-mo 白居寺

Sontzen Gampo 松赞干布

Soul mountain 魂山

Soul yak 魂牛l

Stupa 灵塔p

Sutra Chanting Hall 大经堂a

Taer 塔尔r

Tara 度母(女菩萨)

Tashilhunpo Monastry 扎时伦布寺(在日喀泽)Temple 寺庙

Tengyur 丹珠尔(论部)喀泽)Tibetan Buddhism 藏传佛教Tibetan Studies 藏学

Tibetan Tripitaka 大藏经Tibetology 藏学

Tradition 教派

Trulku **(藏文)

Tsam-pa 糌粑

Tsamba 糌粑

Tsang 后藏

Tsongkhapa 宗喀巴

U 前藏

Union of happiness 乐空双运Vajra 金刚

Vajrayana 密宗

White Tara 白度母

Yamataka 阿曼德迦;大威Yamataka 怖畏金刚

Yidam 本尊


机床 machine tool

金属工艺学 technology of metals刀具 cutter摩擦 friction联结 link

传动 drive/transmission轴 shaft弹性 elasticity

频率特性 frequency characteristic误差 error响应 response定位 allocation机床夹具 jig动力学 dynamic运动学 kinematic静力学 static

分析力学 analyse mechanics拉伸 pulling压缩 hitting剪切 shear扭转 twist

弯曲应力 bending stress

强度 intensity

三相交流电 three-phase AC磁路 magnetic circles变压器 transformer

异步电动机 asynchronous motor几何形状 geometrical精度 precision正弦形的 sinusoid交流电路 AC circuit

机械加工余量 machining allowance变形力 deforming force变形 deformation应力 stress硬度 rigidity热处理 heat treatment退火 anneal正火 normalizing脱碳 decarburization渗碳 carburization电路 circuit

半导体元件 semiconductor element反馈 feedback

发生器 generator

直流电源 DC electrical source门电路 gate circuit逻辑代数 logic algebra

外圆磨削 external grinding内圆磨削 internal grinding平面磨削 plane grinding变速箱 gearbox离合器 clutch绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer

螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铣削 mill

铣刀 milling cutter功率 power工件 workpiece

齿轮加工 gear mechining齿轮 gear

主运动 main movement

主运动方向 direction of main movement进给方向 direction of feed

进给运动 feed movement

合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting

合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant

movement of cutting切削深度 cutting depth前刀面 rake face刀尖 nose of tool前角 rake angle后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck

加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削 镗削 bore车削 turning磨床 grinder基准 benchmark钳工 locksmith

锻 forge压模 stamping焊 weld

拉床 broaching machine拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found

流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining

液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent

机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration

气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure

稳定性 stability

介质 medium

液压驱动泵 fluid clutch

液压泵 hydraulic pump

阀门 valve

失效 invalidation

强度 intensity

载荷 load

应力 stress

安全系数 safty factor可靠性 reliability螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin

滚动轴承 rolling bearing滑动轴承 sliding bearing弹簧 spring

制动器 arrester brake十字结联轴节 crosshead联轴器 coupling链 chain

皮带 strap

精加工 finish machining

粗加工 rough machining

变速箱体 gearbox casing

腐蚀 rust

氧化 oxidation

磨损 wear

耐用度 durability

随机信号 random signal离散信号 discrete signal超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor
