









Text 1

W: Mike, your watch is very nice.

M: Thank you, Lucy. It’s my birthday present from my aunt.


Text 2

M: Where do you live?

W: I like living in the countryside. I drive my car to work every day.


Text 3

W: When did the meeting start?

M: Well, it started at ten o’clock, but I was twenty minutes late.


Text 4

W: I’d like a book about computer.

M: Just a minute, please… Here is one about ABC of computer.

W: Thanks. By the way, how long may I keep it please?

M: Two weeks.


Text 5

M: Lily, let’s go to play football this afternoon.

W: I’d rather not. I don’t like soccer.

M: Shall we play basketball?

W: Well, I feel a little tired. What about going to the movie?

M: That’s a good idea.


Ⅱ. 听小对话,回答问题。




- 1 -

Text 6

W: What do you want for Christmas this year?

M: I hope Santa brings me a bike. What do you want Santa Claus to bring you?

W: I want a volleyball. I didn’t do very well in volleyball this year.


Text 7

M: It’s time to check in now. So goodbye, Betty!

W: Goodbye, Jack. It’s really nice of you and Ted to see me off.

M: Well, do write to us while you’re in Hangzhou!

W: I will.


Text 8

M: Anna, I had a strange dream last night.

W: Really, Victor? What is it?

M: Someone gave me one million dollars.

W: One million dollars? What did you do with it?

M: Well, I was laughing aloud when I woke up.


Text 9

W: I think we need a new flat, dear.

M: Yeah, I know.

W: Well, I want to live in a big house with a garden. So I can sit in it and relax. And our son can

play ball games there, not in the bedroom.

M: It’s a nice dream. We must work hard, dear.


Text 10

M: Amy, you are going to take part in this year’s sports meeting, right?

W: Yeah! I’m going to take part in high and long jumps. I’ll try to make a better record.

M: Good luck!

W: Thank you.


Ⅲ. 听长对话,回答问题。





W: Frank, have you seen my bird stamp from Hawaii?

M: No, I haven’t. Which one is it?

W: It’s the blue stamp with a red bird.

M: Oh, I see it now. Linda, where did you get it?

W: My dad got it for me.

M: Oh, did he go there on vacation?

W: No, he went there on a business trip.





M: Aden Police Station, can I help you?

W: Oh, yes, please. It’s about my daughter, Sally. She went to school this morning and she hasn’t

come back yet.

M: Take it easy, Madam. Tell me more about it, please. What does she look like?

W: She has short brown hair and blue eyes.

M: How tall is she?

W: About four feet tall.

M: And what’s she wearing?

W: She is wearing a blue shirt and black shoes.

M: Don’t worry, Madam. We’ll do our best to find her.

W: Thank you very much.






There are some people waiting to see the doctor. They are Frank, Mrs. Black, David, Linda and Edward.

Frank fell off his bike yesterday. He wants to know if he broke his arm. Mrs. Black needs to know if she has lost too much weight. David hurt his leg last week. The doctor told him to have a good rest. He hopes to find out if he’ll be able to play in the soccer match next week. Linda’s bad teeth have made her worried. She is going to ask the doctor if she can have them pulled out. And Edward can’t see the blackboard clearly. He expects to find out whether he needs glasses.

Everybody is waiting patiently, but they hope they don’t have to wait too long. They’re worried. They want to hear the answers to their problems as soon as possible.







Ⅱ. 听小对话,回答问题(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

6—10 ABCBA

Ⅲ. 听长对话,回答问题(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

11—15 CBABA

Ⅳ.听独白,回答问题(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)16—20 BACAB

Ⅴ. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21—25 CBADB26—30 ACADB31—35 DACAB

Ⅵ. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

36—40 BADAC41—45 ABCAD46—50 DBACD

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(共15小题;第51-55题每小题1分,第56-65题每小题2分,满分25分)51—55 CDACA56—60 CBADB61—65 ACBDC

Ⅷ. 任务型阅读(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)

66—70 BDCAC

Ⅸ. 词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

71. happily

76. himself

81. most72. left73. different78. without83. playing74. computer79. missed84. boys75. health 80. broken 85. lot 77. because82. tired


One possible version:

I usually ride my bike to school. I hardly ever buy soft drinks. I drink boiled water instead. I always remember to turn off the light when leaving my room. The “3Rs” plays an important part in my daily life. For example, I use both sides of paper to reduce waste. And I never use plastic bags. As for recycling, I always sort the trash before throwing it away.

I’m proud of what I’ve done. And I think we will live a better life if every one of us makes an effort to protect our earth.评分标准




第二档(11-13分): 能写明大部分要点,语言有少量错误,行文比较连贯,表达比较清楚。 第三档(8-10分):能写明部分要点,语言有较多错误,行文不太连贯,但尚能表达意思。 第四档(5-7分):能写明少部分或个别要点,语言错误较多,只有个别句子可读、可看懂。 第五档(0-4分):基本上没有写出内容要点,语言错误多,只有一些词汇堆积,不知所云。


1. 我的生活方式

(1) How do I usually go to school?

(2) Which do I prefer, soft dinks or boiled water?

(3) Do I turn off the light when leaving the room?

(4) What do I do about the “3Rs”?(至少一条)

2. 对我的生活方式的自我评价

What do I think of my lifestyle?


Am I willing to change my lifestyle?

3. 对“低碳生活”的看法

What’s my opinion about the low-carbon lifestyle?


泰兴市实验初级中学 初三语文阶段试题




_________________________________________________________________________________ (2)微山湖地处山东省济宁市微山县,是我国北方最大的淡水湖,有亚洲最大的十万亩天然荷花池。7月26日至29日将举办第十五届微山湖荷花节暨经贸洽谈会,请你从荷花价值的角度说说举办这一活动的意义,并设计两个与荷花有关的活动方案,以吸引游客或外来投资者。(4分) _________________________________________________________________________________



人人尽说江南好,游人只合江南老。春水碧于天,画船听雨眠。 垆边人似月,皓腕凝霜雪。未老莫还乡,还乡须断肠。

【注】①合:应当。②垆边人:酒家女。③霜雪:形容女子手腕白皙。 7.(1) 简要概括:词中从哪三个方面写出了“江南好”? (3分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ (2) 词中“江南”、“还乡”反复出现,具有怎样的表达效果?(2分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ (3) 这首词表达了诗人怎样的思想感情?(2分)

__________________________________________________________________________________ (二)阅读下面的文言语段.完成8-11题。(13分)

孔奋,字君鱼,扶风茂陵人也。遭王莽乱,奋与老母、幼弟避兵河西。建武五年,河西大将军窦融请奋为议曹掾,守姑臧长。八年,赐爵关内侯。时天下扰乱,惟河西独安,而姑臧称为富邑,通货羌胡,每居县者,不盈数月辄致丰积。奋在职四年,财产无所增。事母孝谨,虽为俭约,奉养极求珍膳。躬率妻子,同甘菜茹。时天下未定,士多不修节操,而奋力行清洁,为众人所笑。或以为身处脂膏,不能以自润,徒益苦辛耳。太守梁统深相敬待,不以官属礼之,常迎于大门,引入见母。 【注】①议曹掾:官名。


①不盈数月辄致丰积()②躬率妻子() ..③或以为身处脂膏()④徒益苦辛耳 () ..(2)下列各句与例句中“为”的用法相同的一项是()(2分)例句:为众人所笑

A.可以为师矣(《<论语>八则》)B.以天下为己任(《赵普》) C.为宫室之美(《鱼我所欲也》)D.士卒多为用者(《陈涉世家》)



(考试时间:150分钟 满分:150分)




2.下列标点符号使用有错误的一项是()(2分) ...


C.春天应多食春笋、芹菜等蔬菜,此外草莓、菠萝、枇杷„„春季水果也是大家的首选。D.马航MH370坠毁的原因何时才能大白于天下,是大家目前最关注的问题。 3.下列句子中加点成语使用正确一项是()(2分)

A.汽车厂商做产品研发,将新车设计得八面玲珑,不仅动力强劲,而且驾乘舒适。 ....B.如果不是沉迷网络,他也不会走到今天这一步,那段峥嵘岁月,让他不堪回首。 ....C.针对日方的恣意妄为,中国政府展开了维护国家领土主权完整的各项反制措施。....D.在维也纳金色大厅,各具民族风格与艺术特色的优美歌声交相辉映,久久回荡。 ....4.根据提示补写名句或填写课文原句。(8分,①一④每题1分,第⑤题4分) ①,谬以千里。②安不忘危,。 ③,她在丛中笑。④不愤不启,。

⑤古代诗词中,很多诗句都表明了诗人的雄心壮志和宏伟抱负,如:辛弃疾《破阵子为陈同甫 赋壮词以寄之》中的“____,”,李白《行路难》中的“,”。 5.名著阅读。(6分)


(2) 鲁迅在《藤野先生》一文中写到:“但在那时那地,我的意见却变化了。”请你结合文章内容说说“但在那时那地,我的意见”发生了怎样的变化?为什么会有这样的变化?(2分)__________________________________________________________________________________ (3)鲁迅在《朝花夕拾》中善用对比的手法,请结合具体的文章内容说说对比的作用。(2分) _________________________________________________________________________________


河西大将军窦融请奋为议曹掾 10.翻译下列句子。(4分)

(1) 事母孝谨,虽为俭约,奉养极求珍膳。(2分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ (2)山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。(《醉翁亭记》)(2分) 11.请你说说太守梁统对孔奋深为敬重的原因有哪些。(2分) (三)阅读《植物知道些什么》一文,完成12-14题。(10分)









_________________________________________________________________________________ 13.本文以“植物知道些什么”为题,有什么作用?(2分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ 14.你的弟弟发现路边的一棵柳树的树身内严重遭受了虫害,但它周围的柳树却完好无损,弟弟

认为植物和人一样,一旦有病菌袭击,周围的树也应该不会幸免,根据本文相关知识,请你_________________________________________________________________________________ ①“父与子”时常被看作是对立的两方,意味着思想的冲突,观念的差异,新与旧的不同,进步与保守的矛盾。下一代往往在下意识中受到这流行观念的影响,好像一开始便必然处在与上一代对立的地位。





⑥只要年青的一代把父母看作可以谈心的知己,而父母则顺应时代潮流,把下一代看成自己的朋友,双方共享喜乐,分担烦恼,就没有化解不了的两代人的矛盾。 15.概括选文的论述思路。(3分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ 16.文中第④段主要运用了什么论证方法?有什么作用? (3分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ 17.针对一部分父母的愚昧和落伍,文中提出了哪些解决的措施? 生活中如果你与父母发生矛盾,你打算怎样化解矛盾?(4分)



15-17题。(10分) _________________________________________________________________________________( 四) 阅读杨子的《两代人的矛盾》一文,完成










_________________________________________________________________________________ 19.理解下面句子在文中的含意。(4分)


_________________________________________________________________________________ 20.请赏析第四段画线句子。(4分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ 21.文章结尾写道“每一次回故乡,我都会爬上楼,看看那架老水车”,请从内容和结构两方面








分酿成才气;钟子期遇见伯牙,留下高山流水之曲;盲人歌手杨光遇见音乐,带来心灵的阳光;某本书里有一个人,有一句话,等着我去品读,去感受„„生命中你曾遇见过的人、事或物,往往会提升生命的情境,铸造生命的美丽。请以“生命的遇见”为标题,写一篇文章。 要求:(1)文体自选(诗歌除外)。

(2)不少于600字,不出现真实校名、人名。 ...........(3)书写工整规范。(4分)



31.缀、窈窕、涟 2.B 3.C

4.(1)差之毫厘(2)盛必虑衰(3)待到山花烂漫时(4)不悱不发(5)了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名; 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 5.(1)马克·吐温《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 (2)①我决定弃医从文





器等防止污染物的排放;进行宣传活动,提高人们环保意识;绿化环境,净化空气。(具体 措施要能减少空气污染,且中学生合理可行即可)


等具有食用价值,荷花的药用价值等,可用来招商引资,开发当地的经济,促进经济发展。 ②荷花书画摄影展,荷花赛诗会,品尝荷花美食等。 7.(1)①江南水乡的景色(风景)美(或:江南水乡的秀色)。

②江南人的生活(情趣)美(或:悠然自得的情趣)。 ③江南的人美。(1点1分)

(2)衬托(以乐景写哀情)。既强调了“江南好”、“江南的生活太值得游子留恋”之意,更突 出了“游子思故乡”的主题。(2分)



8.(1)满(2)亲自(3)有人(4)增加 (2)D

9.河 西 大 将 军 窦 融 /请 奋 为 议 曹 掾


(2)欣赏山水的乐趣,领会在心里,寄托在喝酒上。 11.①为官清廉②孝敬母亲③生活节俭(答对两个即可)


12.植物对“邻居”发出险情警报;植物能“看到”“闻到”和“感觉到”,懂“社交”; 植















20.比喻,排比。(2分)生动形象地突出了水车灌溉农田、滋润庄稼的作用,增强了语势。(2分) 21.(1)内容:突出作者对水车的深厚感情,引起对以往与水车有关生活的美好回忆,赞美母亲及


(2)结构:照应前文内容,突出文章的主旨。(2分) 22.(1)母亲:谦让、勤劳、无私奉献;

双喜:淳朴、善良、友爱、无私、聪明、能干、有组织才能和号召力等。(答到3个即可) (2)《水车》表达了作者对母亲及水车的喜爱、赞美、怀念的深厚感情。



鹅公中学 叶月平 期中测试阅卷结束后我对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查结果表明英语成绩不够理想。在本次期中测试中我教初三1和4班英语共有2个班三1班共57人参加考试及格38人优秀7人最高分113最低分38三4共63人参加考试及格3人优秀0最高分86最低分17。

一、试卷特点 试卷紧扣教学大纲的要求着重考察了学生的基础知识以及在掌握知识的同时对基础知识的运用。试卷总体感觉不难但是从学生角度反应出试题具有较大的迷惑性要求学生能够排除干扰因素并且注意知识细节。

二、本试卷在命题上的特点 听力部分三大题考查了学生的理解日常英语的能力相当部分题目难以直接从录音对话中找到答案学生必须通过思考从词语释义、句意理解或段意理解等不同方式悟出正确的选择内容难度不大而且语速不快但部分学生本来基础知识欠熟练而且没有掌握好答题技巧也就是说没能按老师平时的要求在听录音前做到反复看透听力的题目所以答题反应慢而失分说明学生的听力理解能力还待提高。如 单项选择题。试卷要求所有的考点都不是孤立地考语法知识而是将他们放在特定的语境中学生必须看懂题干的全部内容以后经过思考方能选出正确答案。一些中下层生失分多集中在语法方面。 完型填空。大部分学生比平常测试的成绩要好一些上层生得分较高其中原因一是短文所描述的内容较容

易理解学生对这方面了解较多。 阅读理解。第

一、二篇短文内容较为简单所选的答题大体都能一目了然但7选5这题错的较多学生不能把握短文意思而且学生很多审题不清。 书面表达。明显检查学生运用语言能力这是学生成绩差距最大的一题15分的题目差的只能得23分普通的一般是56分左右好的约910分关键是学生很多以汉语的思路来写作以至不能正确表达意思从中反映了学生句子结构还不熟练语言表达能力弱语法错误多的缺点。

三、学情分析 总的来说这次考试成绩不理想优秀率偏低尖子生还没有发挥水平低分较多两极分化的距离还没有缩少。通过整体的分析反映了学生在复习中基本上能领会课堂的要点要求一些知识点在堂上反复出现的掌握得较牢固但是运用这些知识去解决实际问题的能力较差这与课后的练习有关说明了部分学生对课后的练习作业不够重视、缺乏主动性而且解题的依赖性强缺乏独立的思考能力另外对于一些相关的语法知识和句子的构成学生的遗忘率也很高。

四、今后的教学措施 针对目前学生状况要提高成绩首先要端正学生思想态度在保证课堂质量的同时一定要确保课后的“自我消化”环节尤其是中上层学生只有通过练才能达到知识的巩固、才能学会灵活运用、才能发现问题查漏补缺、才能培养独立的解题能力。结合实际我们的具体计划 第


练》平时组织学生定期训练真正提高学生的听力水平。 第

二、强化单词的记忆并结合目前的情况对优生及中上等的注意培养他们对一些多义词、兼类词的实际运用能力提高他们基础题的解题水平。 第

三、抓好语法的分类复习在此过程中就当前所暴露出来的弱点开展进行通过分析试题教会学生学会归纳知识并如何把识记的内容用于实践中 第

四、完形填空及阅读理解部分平时应加强训练同学们的答题速度及答题质量。有针对性地组织学生组织阅读训练期中考试后组织学生用好《初三英语读写训练》确保每周训练12次。 第

五、争取改变学生凭感觉做动词填空的方式。通过时态语态固定用法等培养学生动词填空的能力。 第

六、指导学生做好短文填词这一中考题型首字母填空是一项综合能力考查题要求学生能读懂短文然后选用恰当的词进行填空我们需要对学生进行方法指导并多做这类题目才能真正提高学生的能力。 第



北 大 学 课 程 考 核 试 卷 xxxx---xxxx学年第一学期xxxx级xxxx专业类 考核科目 大学英语三 课程类别 必修课 考核方式 闭卷 卷别 B 注考生务必将答案写在答题纸上写在本试卷上的无效 I. Listening Comprehension 30 marks Part 1: Short dialogues 10 marks 1 mark each Directions: Listen to the short dialogs and then choose the correct answers to the questions. 1. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 2. A. Write a statement for the woman. B. Revise what the woman will write. C. Fill in forms for the woman. D. Apply to an American university for admission. 3. A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husbands. B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands. C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband. D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband. 4. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies. C. She tends to work whole-heartedly. D. She is not willing to start a project. 5. A. The football match should be called off. B. The meeting should not include new items. C. The meeting should have another two items. D. The football should be included in the agenda. 6. A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink. B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend. C. Ensure that nobody

puts anything harmful into your drink. D. Be sure to shake the drink before you take it. 7. A. The wildfire in Spain is a good thing. B. The wildfires are changing the climate. C. Her son studies environmental protection in college. D. Her son is protecting the environment. 8. A. 2 kilograms. B. 3 kilograms. C. 23 kilograms. D. 28 kilograms. 9. A. Stories about monsters. B. Stories about pirates. C. Children not afraid of fighting. D. Children in strange costumes. 10. A. Nasdaq takes an average of all its stocks while Dow does not. B. Dow takes the average of its all its stocks while Nasdaq does not. C. Neither uses the average of its stocks. D. Both take an average of all their stocks. Part 2: Long dialogues and multiple choice questions 5 marks 1 mark each Directions: Listen to the following recording then choose the correct answers to the questions. Now listen to questions 11 to 15. 11. How much percent of the courses has the student missed A. About 10 percent. B. About 25 percent. C. About 50 percent. D. About 75 percent. 12. What trouble is the student likely to have A. He is likely to fail the courses and repeat the grade. B. He is likely to get a poor mark and lose his scholarship. C. He is likely to take a make-up exam. D. He is still likely to get a pass. 13. How important is what a student says in class A. It accounts for 50 percent of the total grade. B. It accounts for 15 percent of the total grade. C. It accounts for 50 percent of the seminar grade. D. It

accounts for 15 percent of the seminar grade. 14. What does the professor NOT advise the student to do A. Take part in class activities. B. Apologize to all teachers. C. Speak in class. D. Attend the classes for the rest of the semester. 15. What can we infer from the conversation A. Speaking is more important than reading. B. Speaking is more important than writing. C. Class participation is an important part of the course. D. Top students do not have to speak a lot in class. Part 3: Short passages and multiple choice questions 5 marks 1 mark each Directions: Listen to the following recording then choose the correct answers to the questions. Now listen to questions 16 to 20. 16. According to Jones why do top students take notes in class A. Because the notes help you remember the text. B. Because students who failed to attend the lecture will borrow the notes. C. Because teachers will test you on what they believe to be important. D. Because teachers give them additional information beside the textbook. 17. What is special about Jack Smiths quothomemadequot system A. He compares his notes from the lecture with those from his reading. B. He puts more emphasis on his notes from the lecture with those from his reading. C. He puts more emphasis on his notes from the lecture with those from his reading. D. He emphasizes listening attentively instead of taking notes. 18. What does Anderson do right before the bell rings A. He writes

down the last few sentences the teacher says. B. He writes a short summary of the main ideas of the lesson. C. He scans the lesson for the next day. D. He gets ready to rush out. 19. What does class participation involve A. Asking the teacher questions. B. Showing interest in learning. C. Displaying ones potential. D. Both A and B. 20. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage A. Secrets of successful students. B. Methods for academic success and the reasons. C. Top and bottom students. D. Top students take notes. Part 4: Compound dictation 10 marks S1-S7 0.5 mark each S8-S9 2 marks each S10 2.5 marks Directions: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time check your answers. As you may have already discovered paying for a S1 education in the United States can be very expensive. But with S2 preparation you may minimize the costs of this extraordinary S3 visit our financing page to learn more about paying for S4 . In this section we S5 money matters that you may S6 __ on a daily basis during your S7 in the States. As with any country S8 ________________ around with you. There are other options

such as credit cards or travelers checks which are all valid forms with which to pay for things in U.S.A. Travelers checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money because S9______________________. If you choose to carry travelers checks with you from your home country to the States be sure they are denominated in U.S. funds. Most businesses --- except taxi drivers and public transportation personnel --- will accept U.S.-denominated travelers checks during regular business hours typically between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It is wise to bring about 100 with you in U.S. cash S10 . II. Reading Comprehension Skimming and scanning 10 marks 1 mark each Directions: Read the following passages and then answer the questions. For questions 21–27 mark Y YES if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage mark N NO if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage mark N G NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage. For questions2830 complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Drinking in America Drinking in America is very unique. It cannot be explained briefly as is possible when describing drinking in many other countries. There are special laws to limit drinking and Americans enjoy their own tastes. Alcohol American laws concerning alcohol differ from state to state and city to city. In

some towns even states alcohol is not allowed for sale at all except for the very weak 3.2 percent alcohol beer known as ―three-two‖ beer. Some places do not allow the sale of alcohol on Sundays even in shops—you may find a bar with locks on its alcohol shelves. Other places permit alcohol to be sold on Sunday afternoons and evenings but not on Sunday mornings. In many parts of America you are not allowed to drink alcohol in a public place. That is you may not sit in a park or walk along a street while drinking beer and you cannot even take a nice bottle of wine on your picnic. And in many states you are not allowed to drink alcohol while driving or even have an opened alcohol bottle in the car. Some bars have a license only for beer and wine. Others are also allowed to sell spirits 烈性酒 and as Americans say ―mixed drinks‖. Many bars have a period known as ―happy hour‖ often longer than an hour when they sell drinks at lower-than-usual prices. This is usually around 5 p.m. and may be only on certain days of the week. The Legal Drinking Age The legal drinking age differs from place to place but is generally between 18 and 21. Some places permit the consumption of beer at 18 but spirits only at 21. Others permit the consumption only of ―three-two‖ beer from 18 to 21. Young people therefore often drive from one place to another with more free drinking laws. In some parts of the US young people are

allowed to vote marry raise children keep full-time jobs be tried in courts as adults join the army and even buy guns—but NOT have a glass of beer. In some places people aged between 18 and 21 are allowed to go into bars but not allowed to drink. Another even more interesting aspect of American drinking age laws is that in some places people below legal drinking age are not even allowed to sell alcohol. Proof of Legal Drinking Age In most places these drinking laws are fairly rigidly kept. You may for example find people lining up to get into a bar and discover that the line is caused by a guard on the door who is asking everybody for identification. If you ask him why he wants to know who you are he will inform you that he actually wants proof of how old you are. On such occasions Americans often show their driving licenses which have their date of birth written on them. Beer American beer with very few exceptions ranges from the average to the terrible. There are not many types of beer in the US—‖light‖ and ―dark‖ are two terms commonly used. It is therefore normal to order beer simply by brand names. In a restaurant in fact it is quite all right to order ―a beer‖ and they will tell you what they have. It is not necessary either to specify quantity when ordering beer. If it comes in bottles or cans you will get a bottle or can and if it’s ―on tap‖可以随时取用的 you will get a glass unless you order a ―pitcher‖大酒罐. The latter is very

convenient to serve since you can then take the pitcher and glasses to your table and keep filling up without going back to the bar. It is harder however to know how much you have drunk. Some beer comes in bottles with taps that look as if they need an opener but you can in fact open them up by hand—though you have to be very careful not to hurt yourself. It is possible in some stores and bars to find a wide variety of beer from all over the world especially Western Europe and Australia and it is fun to try them. Cocktail 鸡尾酒 Cocktails and ―mixed drinks‖ are much more popular and stronger in the US than in Europe and visitors may not be familiar with some of the term. ―On the rocks‖ as you probably know means with ice while ―straight up‖ or ―up‖ means neat and without ice. There are hundreds of different cocktails and there is no space here to list all the different names. Whiskey In America ―whiskey‖ means bourbon unless otherwise indicated. Bourbon波旁威士忌 is a rather oily spirit made from corn. Rye 黑麦 whiskey is called ―rye‖ and Scotch whiskey ―Scotch‖. Wine In bars wine can often be bought by the glass. Don’t be misled by names. ―Chablis‖ is used to refer to white wine and ―Burgundy‖ to red—Americans seem never to have heard of white Burgundy. 21. Limits on drinking in the US are the strictest in the world. 22. Alcohol in some states can be sold if they are not very

strong. 23. In many states people are not allowed to drink alcohol while driving but they can keep opened alcohol bottles in the car. 24. The legal drinking age in the US is between 18 and 21. 25. Americans often show their driving licenses if asked for identification when they get into a bar. 26. You are requested to clarify how much you want when you order beer. 27. Many stores and bars offer a wide variety of beer from all over the world. 28. If you say ―straight up‖ when ordering cocktail in the US you mean you want it_____________ 29. In America ―whiskey‖ usually refers to a kind of oily spirit made from __________________. 30. ―Rye‖ is another name for _______________________________ III. Reading Comprehension Reading in Depth 20 marks 2 marks each Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A B C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible. If we are to solve the nursing shortage hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel’s example. At Beth Israel each patient is assigned to a primary

nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from his medical history to his emotional state. Then she writes a care plan centered on the patient’s illness but which also includes everything else that is necessary. The primary nurse stays with the patient through the hospitalization keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor. If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor. What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague. Nursing at Beth Israel also involves a decentralized 分散的 nursing administration. Every floor every unit is a self-contained organization. There are nurse-managers instead of head nurses. In addition to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing employee advising and they make salary recommendations. Each unit’s nurses decide among themselves who will work what shifts and when. Beth Israel’s nurse-in-chief ranks as an equal with other vice presidents of the hospital. She is also a member of the Medical Executive Committee which in most hospitals includes only doctors. 31. Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital A. The doctor gets more active professional support from the primary nurse. B. Each patient is taken care of by a primary

nurse day and night. C. The primary nurse writes care plans for every patient. D. The primary nurse keeps records of the patient’s health conditions every day. 32. It can be inferred from the passage that_________. A. compared with other hospitals nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more patient B. in most hospitals patient care is inadequate from the professional point of view C. in most hospitals nurses get low salaries D. compared with other hospitals nurses have to work longer hours at Beth Israel Hospital 33. A primary nurse can propose different approach of treatment when_________. A. the present one is refused by the patient B. the patient complains about the present one C. the present one proves to be ineffective D. the patient is found unwilling to cooperate 34. The main difference between a nurse-manager and a head nurse is that the former________. A. is a member of the Medical Executive Committee of the hospital B. has to arrange the work shifts of the unit’s nurses C. can make decisions concerning the medical treatment of a patient D. has full responsibility in the administration of the unit’s nurses 35. The author’s attitude towards the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital is_________..


苏教版第一学期期中试卷九年级数学 考试时间:120分钟 满分分值:130分 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.一元二次方程x2+px﹣2=0的一个根为-1,则p的值为(▲) A.1 B.2 C.﹣1 D.﹣2 2.如图,l1∥l2∥l3,AB=a,BC=b,,则的值为(▲) A. B. C. D. 3.等腰三角形的底和腰是方程x2﹣6x+8=0的两根,则这个三角形的周长为(▲) A.8 B.10 C.8或10 D.不能确定 4.如图,添加下列一个条件,不能使△ADE∽△ACB的是(▲) A.DE∥BC B.∠AED=∠B C. D.∠ADE=∠C 5.若⊙P的半径为5,圆心P的坐标为(-3,4),则平面直角坐标


③相等的弦所对的弧也 相等;

④圆的对 称轴是直径;

其中正确的个数是(▲) A.4B.3 C.2 D.1 9.平面直角坐标系中,直线和x、y轴交于A、B两点,在第二象限内找一 点P,使△PAO和△AOB相似的三角形个数为(▲) A.2B.3 C.4 D.5 10.如图,Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB=4,F是线段AC上一点,过点A的⊙F交AB 于点D,E是线段BC上一点,且ED=EB,则EF的最小值为 (▲) A.3 B.2 C. D.2  A D B C E F 第17题图 第15题图 第10题图 第18图 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每空2分,共16分,把答案填在相应横线上) 11.方程2x2=3x的解是▲. 12.在比例尺为1:30000的地图上,量得A、B两地的图上距离AB=5cm,则A、B两地 的实际距离为▲km. 13.用一个圆心角为120°,半径为9的扇形作一个圆锥的侧面,这个圆锥的底面圆半径 是▲. 14.某品牌的手机经过四、五月份连续两次降价,每部售价由2500元降到了2025元,则 平均每月降价的百分率为▲. 15.如图,在斜坡的顶部有一铁塔AB,B是CD的中点,CD是水平的,在阳光的照射下, 塔影DE留在坡面上.已知CD=20m,DE=30m,小明和小华的身高都是1.5m,同一 时刻,小明站在E处,影子落在坡面上,影长为2m,小华站在平地上,影子也落在 平地上,影长为1 m,则塔高AB是▲米. 16.已知直线交x轴、y轴于点A、B,⊙P的圆心从原点出发以每秒1个单位 的速度沿x轴正方向移动,移动时间为t (s),半径为,则t=▲s 时⊙P 与直线AB相切. 17.如图,圆心O恰好为正方形ABCD的中心,已知AB=10,⊙O的半径为1,现将⊙O 在正方形内部沿某一方向平移,当它与正方形ABCD的某条边相切时停止平移,设此时的平移的距离为d,则d的取值范围是▲. 18.如图,以半圆中的一条弦BC(非直径)为对称轴将弧BC折叠后与直径AB交于点D, 若,且AB=10,则CB的长为▲. 三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共84分,写出必要的解题步骤和过程) 19.(16分)解方程 ⑴(x﹣2)2=9;



⑷(x+1)2﹣6(x+1)+5=0. 20.(6分)如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,过点A作AE⊥BC,垂足为E, 连接DE,F为线段DE上一点,且∠AFE=∠B. (1)求证:△ADF∽△DEC;

(2)若AB=18,AD=,AF=,求AE的长. 21.(6分)已知,△ABC在直角坐标平面内,三个顶点的坐标分别为A(﹣2,2)、B(﹣1,0)、C(0,1)(正方形网格中每个小正方形的边长是一个单位长度). (1)画出△ABC关于y轴的轴对称图形△A1B1C1;

(2)以点O为位似中心,在网格内画出所有符合条 件的△A2B2C2,使△A2B2C2与△A1B1C1位似, 且位似比为2:1;

(3)求△A1B1C1与△A2B2C2的面积比. 22.(6分)小明打算用一张半圆形的纸做一个圆锥,制作过程中,他将半圆剪成面积比 为1:2的两个扇形. (1)请你在图中画出他的裁剪痕迹. (要求尺规作图,保留作图痕迹) (2)若半圆半径是3,大扇形作为圆锥的侧面,则小明必须在小扇形纸片中剪下多 大的圆才能组成圆锥?小扇形纸片够大吗(不考虑损耗及接缝)? 23.(6分)若关于x的一元二次方程x2﹣(m+6)x+3m+9=0的两个实数根分别为x1,x2. (1)求证:该一元二次方程总有两个实数根;

(2)若n=4(x1+x2)-x1x2,判断动点P(m,n)所形成的函数图象是否经过 点A(1,16),并说明理由. 24.(8分)在“文化无锡•全民阅读”活动中,某中学社团“精一读书社”对全校学生的人数 及纸质图书阅读量(单位:本)进行了调查,2016年全校有1000名学生,2017年 全校学生人数比2016年增加10%,2018年全校学生人数比2017年增加100人. (1)求2018年全校学生人数;

(2)2017年全校学生人均阅读量比2016年多1本,阅读总量比2016年增加1700本 (注:阅读总量=人均阅读量×人数) ①求2016年全校学生人均阅读量;

②2016年读书社人均阅读量是全校学生人均阅读量的2.5倍,如果2017年、 2018年这两年读书社人均阅读量都比前一年增长一个相同的百分数a,2018 年全校学生人均阅读量比2016年增加的百分数也是a,那么2018年读书社 全部80名成员的阅读总量将达到全校学生阅读总量的25%,求a的值. 25.(8分)如图1,△ABC内接于⊙O,∠BAC的平分线交⊙O于点D,交BC于点E (BE>EC),且BD=.过点D作DF∥BC,交AB的延长线于点F. ⑴求证:DF为⊙O的切线;


26.(8分) 车辆转弯时,能否顺利通过直角弯道的标准是:车辆是否可以行使到和路的边界夹角是45°的位置(如图1中②的位置),例如,图2是某巷子的俯视图,巷子路面宽4m,转弯处为直角,车辆的车身为矩形ABCD,CD与DE、CE的夹角都是45°时,连接EF,交CD于点G,若GF的长度至少能达到车身宽度,则车辆就能通过. ⑴试说明长8m,宽3m的消防车不能通过该直角转弯;

图2 ⑵为了能使长8m,宽3m的消防车通过该弯道,可以将转弯处改为圆弧(分别是以 O为圆心,以OM和ON为半径的弧),具体方案如图3,其中OM⊥OM′,请 你求出ON的最小值. 27.(10分)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=12cm,BC=4cm,点E从点C 出发沿射线CA以每秒3cm的速度运动,同时点F从点B出发沿射线BC以每秒1cm 的速度运动.设运动时间为t秒. (1)若0

A B C E F (2)若∠ACB的平分线CG交△ECF的外接圆于点G. ①试说明:当0

②试探究:当t≥4时,CE、CF、CG 的数量关系是否发生变化, 并说明理由. 28.(10分)如图,已知线段AB=2,MN⊥AB于点M,且AM=BM,P是射线MN上 一动点,E,D分别是PA,PB的中点,过点A,M,D的圆与BP的另一交点C(点 C在线段BD上),与MN的另一个交点R,连结AC,DE. (1)当∠APB=28°时,求∠B的度数和弧CM的度数. (2)求证:AC=AB. (3)若MP=4,点P为射线MN上的一个动点, ①求MR的值 R ②在点P的运动过程中,取四边形ACDE一边的两端点和线段MP上一点Q, 若以这三点为顶点的三角形是直角三角形,且Q为锐角顶点,求此时所有满 足条件的MQ的值. R 备用图 备用图 R 2018-2019学年第一学期期中试卷 九年级数学参考答案 一、选择题:

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 二、填空 11.0或3/2 ;

12.1.5 ;

13. 3;

14. 10% ;

15. 37.5 ;

16. 24/11或24 17. 4≤d ;

18. 4 三、解答题 19.计算题:⑴ 5,-1;



⑷4,0 20、(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AB∥CD,AD∥BC, ∴∠C+∠B=180°,∠ADF=∠DEC. ∵∠AFD+∠AFE=180°,∠AFE=∠B, ∴∠AFD=∠C. 在△ADF与△DEC中, ∴△ADF∽△DEC.………………………………………………3分 (2)解:∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴CD=AB=18. 由(1)知△ADF∽△DEC, ∴,∴DE===27. 在Rt△ADE中,由勾股定理得:AE==18.………………………………6分 21、解(1)如图:A1(2,2),B1(1,0),C1(0,1);

………………2分 (2)如图:A1(4,4),B1(2,0),C1(0,2) 或A1(﹣4,﹣4),B1(﹣2,0),C1(0,﹣2);

…………4分 (3)∵△A2B2C2与△A1B1C1位似,且位似比为2:1, ∴△A1B1C1与△A2B2C2的面积比=()2=.…………………………6分 22、1)如图:…………………………………………………4分 (2)∵OA=3, ∴l弧AC=π×3=2π, ∴小圆半径r=1, 正好够剪.………………………………………………6分 23、解(1)∵△=(m+6)2﹣4(3m+9)=m2≥0 ∴该一元二次方程总有两个实数根………………………………2分 (2)动点P(m,n)所形成的函数图象经过点A(1,16), ∵n=4(x1+x2)﹣x1x2=4(m+6)﹣(3m+9)=m+15 ∴P(m,n)为P(m,m+15). ∴A(1,16)在动点P(m,n)所形成的函数图象上.…………6分 24、解:(1)由题意,得 2013年全校学生人数为:1000×(1+10%)=1100人, ∴2014年全校学生人数为:1100+100=1200人;

……………………………………2分 (2)①设2012人均阅读量为x本,则2013年的人均阅读量为(x+1)本,由题意,得 1100(x+1)=1000x+1700, 解得:x=6. 答:2012年全校学生人均阅读量为6本;

………………………………………………4分 ②由题意,得 2012年读书社的人均读书量为:2.5×6=15本, 2014年读书社人均读书量为15(1+a)2本, 2014年全校学生的人均读书量为6(1+a)本, 80×15(1+a)2=1200×6(1+a)×25%…………………………………………………………………………6分 2(1+a)2=3(1+a), ∴a1=﹣1(舍去),a2=0.5. 答:a的值为0.5.…………………………………………………………………………8分 25、证明:(1)连结OD,如图1, ∵AD平分∠BAC交⊙O于D, ∴∠BAD=∠CAD, ∴=, ∴OD⊥BC, ∵BC∥DF, ∴OD⊥DF, ∴DF为⊙O的切线;

…………………………………………………4分 (2)连结OB,连结OD交BC于P,作BH⊥DF于H, 如图1, ∵∠BAC=60°,AD平分∠BAC, ∴∠BAD=30°, ∴∠BOD=2∠BAD=60°, ∴△OBD为等边三角形, ∴∠ODB=60°,OB=BD=2, ∴∠BDF=30°, ∵BC∥DF, ∴∠DBP=30°, 在Rt△DBP中,PD=BD=,PB=PD=3, 在Rt△DEP中,∵PD=,DE=, ∴PE==2, ∵OP⊥BC, ∴BP=CP=3, ∴CE=3﹣2=1, 易证得△BDE∽△ACE, ∴AE:BE=CE:DE,即AE:5=1:, ∴AE= ∵BE∥DF, ∴△ABE∽△AFD, ∴=,即=,解得DF=12, 在Rt△BDH中,BH=BD=, ∴S阴影部分=S△BDF﹣S弓形BD=S△BDF﹣(S扇形BOD﹣S△BOD) =•12•﹣+•(2)2 =9﹣2π;

…………………………………………………8分 26、解:(1)消防车不能通过该直角转弯. 理由如下:如图,作FH⊥EC,垂足为H, ∵FH=EH=4, ∴EF=4,且∠GEC=45°,………………………………2分 ∵GC=4, ∴GE=GC=4, ∴GF=4﹣4<3, 即GF的长度未达到车身宽度, ∴消防车不能通过该直角转弯;

…………………………………………………4分 (2)若C、D分别与M′、M重合,则△OGM为等腰直角三角形, ∴OG=4,OM=4, ∴OF=ON=OM﹣MN=4﹣4, ∴FG=OG﹣OF=×8﹣(4﹣4)=8﹣4<3, ∴C、D在上, 设ON=x,连接OC,在Rt△OCG中, OG=x+3,OC=x+4,CG=4, 由勾股定理得,OG2+CG2=OC2, 即(x+3)2+42=(x+4)2, 解得x=4.5. 答:ON至少为4.5米.…………………………………………………………8分 27、解:(1)由题意,EC=3t,BF=t,FC=4﹣t ∵∠ECF=∠ACB, ∴以E、C、F为顶点的三角形与△ACB相似有两种情况:

当=时,△EFC∽△ABC ∴,解得t=2, 当=时,△FEC∽△ABC ∴,解得t=0.4. ∴当t=2或0.4秒时,以E、C、F为顶点的三角形与△ABC相似;


∵∠ACB=90°, ∴EF为△ECF的外接圆的直径, ∴∠EGF=90°, ∴∠EGH=∠FGC, ∵CG平分∠ACB, ∴∠ECG=∠FCG=45° ∴=, ∴EG=FG ∵∠ECG=45°, ∴∠EHG=45°, ∴∠EHG=∠FCG, 在△EGH和△FGC中, , ∴△EGH≌△FGC. ∴EH=FC ∵∠EHG=∠ECG=45°, ∴CH=CG ∵CH=CE+EH, ∴CE+CF=CG;

②当t≥4时, 过点G作GM⊥CG交AC于M,如图2:

同理可得△EGM≌△FGC. ∴EM=FC ∵∠EMG=∠MCG=45°, ∴CM=CG ∵CM=CE﹣EM, ∴CE﹣CF=CG. 28、解:(1)∵MN⊥AB,AM=BM, ∴PA=PB, ∴∠PAB=∠B, ∵∠APB=28°, ∴∠B=76°,…………………………………………1分 如图1,连接MD, ∵MD为△PAB的中位线, ∴MD∥AP, ∴∠MDB=∠APB=28°, ∴=2∠MDB=56°;

…………………………………3分 (2)∵∠BAC=∠MDC=∠APB, 又∵∠BAP=180°﹣∠APB﹣∠B,∠ACB=180°﹣∠BAC﹣∠B, ∴∠BAP=∠ACB, ∵∠BAP=∠B, ∴∠ACB=∠B, ∴AC=AB;

………………………………………………5分 (3)①如图2,记MP与圆的另一个交点为R, ∵MD是Rt△MBP的中线, ∴DM=DP, ∴∠DPM=∠DMP=∠RCD, ∴RC=RP, ∵∠ACR=∠AMR=90°, ∴AM2+MR2=AR2=AC2+CR2, ∴12+MR2=22+PR2, ∴12+(4﹣PR)2=22+PR2, ∴PR=, ∴MR=,………………………………………………7分 ②Ⅰ.当∠ACQ=90°时,AQ为圆的直径, ∴Q与R重合, ∴MQ=MR=;

Ⅱ.如图3,当∠QCD=90°时, 在Rt△QCP中,PQ=2PR=, ∴MQ=;

……………………………………………8分 Ⅲ.如图4,当∠QDC=90°时, ∵BM=1,MP=4, ∴BP=, ∴DP=BP=, ∵cos∠MPB==, ∴PQ=, ∴MQ=;

…………………………………………9分 Ⅳ.如图5,当∠AEQ=90°时, 由对称性可得∠AEQ=∠BDQ=90°, ∴MQ=;

