


国际学术英语交流Lecture 2

Lecture 2

Information gathering for

international conferences

Task 1 Learn the possible sources for conference information Task 2 Understanding and writing a call for conference papers

The planning process for holding a conference should begin early. A chairperson is selected to make the plan. Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee. The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference. Format of call for conference papers

☺ Theme and / or background

☺ Conference objectives

☺ Topics to be discussed

☺ Papers and submissions

☺ Organizing institution and committee

☺ Contact information

Task 3 Understanding and writing a conference agenda and program

The agenda lists the order of business for a meeting. If it is short with few decisions to be made, it can be incorporated into the minutes* (an official written record of what is discussed or decided at a formal meeting). If it is long with many points to be discussed and acted on, the agenda may be omitted and a program may take the place. The following style is adopted: a wide column at the left for the point to be discussed, and a narrower column at the right for the person or body responsible for carrying out any action decided on. The points are numbered and may be given subject headings.

Format of agenda ☺ Call to order by the presiding officer ☺ Roll call ☺ Announcement of quorum ☺ Reading and adoption of agenda ☺ Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Related matters ☺ Unfinished business ☺ Appointments and removal ☺ Nomination and elections ☺ Adjournments

A conference program acts as a guide as well as a plan for the participants. It lists a series of activities to be done at a definite time and place. It helps participants fulfill their activities in accordance with its plan. Usually it contains the following information: time, date, activities, venue, and people involved. When the academic committee has decided which participants to admit after an anonymous review of their abstract or papers, the program should be prepared and distributed to all the participants.

Format of programs ☺ Time ☺ Venue ☺ Programs to be discussed

Terms to learn Call to order by the presiding 主持人致辞 Roll 点名

Announcement of 宣布大会决议

Reading of the minutes of the previous 宣读前期会议纪要

officer call quorum meeting

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

通过前期会议纪要 Related matters

相关事宜 Unfinished business

未尽事宜 Appointments 任命及离任 Nomination 提名及选举



Keynote speech 主题发言 Forum 论坛

Plenary session 全体会议 Poster session 论文展示 Panel session 专题讨论会

and and

removal elections

Discussion 讨论 Field trip 考察活动

Assignment: 1. Based on the forthcoming conference information you have found, please write a conference notice for it. 2. Put the following conference notice into Chinese.

International Higher Education Conference

A conference organized by China Higher Education Association will be held at Peking University, Beijing, Friday 25-Sunday 27 March 2012. The International Higher Education Conference is consisting of keynote speech, technical seminar and thesis forum. Except the open address delivered by the government representative in the Opening Ceremony,officials and scholars from China Higher Education Association, Chinese Key Universities and ETS will give their keynote speeches.

Higher Education provides a valuable opportunity of self-development and innovation development. The conference will push forward the reform and open of China’s education. Further details of speakers and papers will be circulated in February.




高等教育会议提供了。。。, 会议将推动。。。。





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25 更新时间:2008-6-20

第一条 为提高我校整体科技水平,增强技术储备和科技竞争实力,鼓励自由探索,支持申报国家基金项目、专利,鼓励我校科技人员参加各种学术交流,促进科技成果转化,特设立长安大学科技基金(科学基金、人文社会科学基金、专利基金、学术活动基金和科技成果转化基金),并制定本办法。

第二条 长安大学科技基金面向全校科技人员,是学校设立的专项科技经费,由学校科技管理费支持。

第三条 长安大学科学基金:






第四条 长安大学人文社会科学基金:





第五条 长安大学专利基金:




第六条 长安大学学术活动基金:




第七条 长安大学科技成果转化基金:




第八条 受基金资助的项目承担单位和个人要严格按合同要求进行,主管部门对项目运行实行跟踪管理,并依据合同对项目执行情况实行监督,对督检不合格的项目,可采取缓拨、减拨、停拨后续资金或中止项目合同等措施。在实施过程中,若改变研究内容,提前结题或延长研究时间等,项目负责人必须提前写出书面报告,经所在单位主管领导签署意见,报主管部门审批后方可变动。

第九条 受基金资助的项目执行实行校、院(部、独立研发机构、部门)二级管理。各院(部、独立研发机构、部门)应做好监督检查工作,积极支持配合项目开展工作,保证项目正常实施。在每年年底,项目负责人须填写《长安大学××基金项目执行情况检查表》,全面汇报项目执行情况,保证项目良好运行。

第十条 依托基金资助项目,公开发表论文、出版专著或取得其它成果,应注明“长安大学××基金资助”及批准号。项目完成后需提交项目研究报告,并附有公开发表的论文或公开出版的专著等成果,装订成册一式两份递交主管部门以备评审。

第十一条 本办法自发布之日起执行,由科技主管部门负责解释。

   

分享到 主 办:长安大学社会科学处 电 话:029—82334859(兼传真) 地 址:校本部北院教学区行政楼六楼 Email:skc4859@163.com 湖南大学高水平学术会议专项资助管理办法(试行)

第一条 为促进学术交流,浓厚学术氛围,搭建我校专家教授与国际国内同行对话的平台,提高学校知名度和学术影响力,学校每年从“985工程”建设经费或中央高校基本科研业务费中预算专项经费,用于资助各学院、各国家级研究基地举办或承办高水平学术会议。

第二条 本专项资助对象为:规模较大、层次较高、国外(境外)学者参加人数较多的国际学术会议;由全国性学术团体组织的国内高水平学术会议。

第三条 本专项的资助条件为:



(3)应有学校专家学者作大会报告或学术报告。 (4)会议应有所在学科领域知名专家学者出席。 (5)会议地点原则上安排在校内。

第四条 会议主题应符合国家法律法规规定,国际学术会议须经上级相关主管部门批准。有下列情况之一的不得申请资助:



第五条 拥有国家重点学科、国家重点科研基地及建设任务的单位每年可申请一次。其他单位原则上每两年申请一次。

第六条 本专项资助金额标准为:国际学术会议每次资助10至20万元人民币;国内高水平学术会议每次资助5至12万元人民币。学校根据到会国外专家人数、国内知名学者人数及会议规模,确定具体资助额度。

第七条 申请单位应在会议举办前3个月向学校提交书面申请材料,举办高水平国际会议应提前1年向学校提交书面备案材料。书面材料包括:申请报告(含会议名称、申报单位、会议时间、地点、规模及出席会议的国内外学者名单、会议内容及作用,500字左右);《湖南大学高水平学术会议专项经费资助申请表》(附件1)。 第八条 申请及审批流程为:自然科学类向科学技术研究院提交书面申请材料,人文社科类向社科处提交书面申请材料,经科学技术研究院或社科处预审同意后,报发展规划办汇总。举办国际学术会议须经国际合作与交流处签署意见后报发展规划办。发展规划办根据学校“十二五”发展规划及经费预算,提出初步审批意见,最后报请主管副校长审批。申请单位根据主管副校长审批的经费额度,填写《湖南大学高水平学术会议专项资助经费使用计划表》(附件2)。

第九条 资助经费管理




(4)获资助的学术会议,其性质、规模、经费用途等不能随意更改。如确有特殊情况需要更改的,须提交书面申请,经发展规划办初审后报主管副校长批准。 (5)申请单位应于会议结束1个月内,凭《湖南大学高水平学术会议专项资助申请表》、《湖南大学高水平学术会议资助经费使用计划表》以及有效票据,按照学校财务相关规定在批准额度内核销相关费用。


第十条 申请单位应于会议结束1个月内,向社科处或科学技术研究院提交不低于1000字的会议总结报告。总结报告内容包括:会议背景介绍、会议具体情况、会议成果、经费执行情况等(有关内容可参照《湖南大学高水平学术会议专项资助申请表》)。

第十一条 申请单位要做好重大和敏感问题的预案和处理工作,申请单位的负责人是会议安全稳定的第一责任人。

第十二条 本办法自颁布之日起试行,由发展规划办(重点建设办)负责解释。


(Some Useful Words in the International Academic Communication)





convention 大会(指全国性大会和政治、宗教、政党等集会)

congress 大会(通常是具有代表性质的会议) convocations



研讨会、学术报告会 symposium




 annual meeting


 biennial meeting

隔年会议  Forum


 NGO Forum

非政府组织论坛  summit

峰会,首脑会议  seminar

研讨班,研讨会  round-table


 special panel


 poster session

张贴会议,展示会议  exhibit


 exposition


 Internet search engine


 meta-search engine

元搜索引擎(可搜索相关搜索引擎)  search terms

搜索主题词  keywords

关键词  subjects


 search by subject

按主题搜索  search by date

按日期搜索  call for papers

论文征稿启事  call for abstracts

文章征稿启事  call for posters


 call for proposals

提案(会议、项目等计划书)征稿启事  announcement

会议通知  circular


 calendar

会历,会议日程,活动安排表  forthcoming/ upcoming meeting


 …(meeting) will be hosted by … (organization) on … (date) in … (city)  (某会)将由(某机构)于(某日)在(某地)主办  keynote speaker

主旨发言人,主题发言人  invited speaker

特邀发言人  organizer/organizer

会议主办机构  a fellow student 学长

 tutor, supervisor, advisor, hierophant 导师


表示欢迎:Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m privileged to welcome you all to “Nuclear energy around us” conference.

You have come all the way for this conference. Thank you very much for your attention/participation.

自我介绍:Let me introduce myself I am Dr Wangfrom DLUT, China, and I am going to be the chair for this morning’s session.


This conference will focus on the

discussion of the various aspects of Nuclear Energy

It includes the application of nuclear energy and the Safety and Waste of Nuclear Energy .And we will also discuss the prospect of Nuclear Energy.


I hope that this conference of Nuclear Energy will improve our understanding of DEF. I also hope that the Congress will provide the opportunity for personal

exchange of scientific results, facilitate the making of new acquaintances, and strengthen personal friendships among participants from different parts of the world.


Now it gives me great pleasure to introduce today’s speakers. They are :

Zhao Fan, professor of Tsing Hua University institute of Nuclear and new energy technology.

Xu Chong feng, president o f China Power investment group company.

Liu Qian, professor of Physics ,head of American Nuclear Energy Association.

1Today our first speaker is Zhao Fan,

The title of her presentation is “The History of Nuclear Energy”. Let’s welcome

toprofessor Zhao Fan.


Thanks professor Zhao very much for her splendid report. After pro Zhao’s speech , do you have any questions, hands up please!

No? Okay,

Our allocated time is almost up. Now I would like to answer one more question.

Any additional questions ?Thank you once again for your excellent explanation

2Our second speaker is Xu Chong

feng, as the president of China Power investment group company,he will present us another excellent report titled “The Safety and Waste of Nuclear Energy”.

Let’s welcome to president Xu with our warm applause.


Thanks president Xu very much for

his excellent speech. After pre Xu’s reportIs there any specific question you would like to address to president Xu?

I believe president Xu will give you any satisfactory answers.

Any additional questions?

I hope the audience will participate in the discussion by raising their hands.

3The third presentation will be made

by Liu Qian, head of American Nuclear Energy Association. She will be speaking to us on something about the Prospect of Nuclear Energy.

Let’s welcome to Professor Liu. 向报告人示谢:

Thanks professor Liu very much for her wonderful speech. After pre Xu’s report is there any specific question you would like to address to professor Liu?

Any additional questions ?


Let’s keep on schedule and go ahead to the fourth paper. We’ll then go on with the last paper. Well, I am sure we could discuss longer, but unfortunately time is up. Thank you very much, Dr A. Our next speaker

is Dr C. Sorry, we don’t have any time for questions, so we have to proceed to the next paper.


Thanks for the excellent report of the three experts. Finally Let’s welcome to Professor Liu Jian ,Secretary,Dalian University of Technology ,Dalian,China, give us a summary of conference. 报告总结:

Thanks for the excellent report of the four experts.

Nuclear energy Safety is important for public health, socio-economic stability and global commerce.


There is no denying the fact that it makes nuclear energy protection an

extremely important issue worldwide, the city authorities should take strong

measures to deal with it. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.


Nuclear energy safety also happens to be an issue that could be significantly improved through dialogue, knowledge sharing and collaboration.

核能安全也是一个可以通过对话、协作和知识共享而得到极大改进的问题。he International “Conference Nuclear energy around us”

Each year the nuclear Safety Conference offers stakeholders an

unparalleled opportunity to come together to discuss and solve the most pressing nuclear energy safety challenges.


宣布休会 We have come to the end of our session。 We will now close the session. Thank you. I declare the session closed. Today,we are so lucky. 今天我们很幸运。

We have given a lot of outstanding experts` reports.

我们听取了许多优秀的专家的报告。Thanks again!Okay, well, thank you all for your

attention and your time. I appreciate it very much. I am sorry to say that this session will have to stop here. Thank you for your illuminating questions, I would be very glad to discuss them with you after the meeting.Any other questions? Well, we do

appreciate your patience and willingness to share with us your experiences as well. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Drive safely or fly safely.Additional questions from anyone in the audience? If not, on behalf of the three of us, we greatly appreciated all of your interaction with us.

第五篇:国际学术交流英语 第四单元重点词汇

Unit 4 Task 1 Words 1, tactful, 机智的,圆滑的。 2, expertise, 专门知识。

eg, The appropriate handing of a meeting depends on a chairman’s adequate preparations, expertise in the topic of the meeting and tactful chairing manners. 3, credential, 学术经历,成就。

eg, I am going to start by covering Randy’s academic credentials. 4, tenure, 长期聘用。

eg, He was granted tenure a year early at Shandong university. 5, delegate, 代表。Distinguished delegates. 6, reservoir, 水库。

eg, Everyone has an enormous untapped reservoir of potential. 7, exponentially, 以指数方式地。

eg,If you want to keep your wealth and grow it exponentially, please join me in … 8, adjourned, 休会

eg, I declare the plenary session adjourned until tomorrow. 9, recital, 朗诵

biography, 传记

anecdotes, 轶事

eg, Avoid boring the audience with a long recital of the speaker’s biography or with a long series of anecdotes about your acquaintance with him. 10, prestige, 威望、声望

eg,The less well-known the speaker is, the more you will need to build up his prestige. 11, venue, 地点

eg, Be in attendance at the venue minutes. 12, rehearse, 排练

eg, You should rehearse your remarks several times before you chair a meeting. 13, podium, 乐队指挥台,讲台

eg, You should walk confidently to the podium, stand erect . 14, salute, 致敬,欢迎

eg, “Your Excellencies” used to salute a head or heads of government present. 15, allotted, 分配的

eg, You should also indicate the allotted time for each presentation. 16, courteous, 有礼貌地,谦恭地

eg, A good chairperson needs to deal with unexpected events in a firm but courteous manner. 17, affiliated, 附属的,有关联的,就职于

eg, From 2000 to 2004, he was affiliated with the Institute for Social. 18, verse, 诗

crystallized, 趋于完美的 eg, Over time, his verse id simplified and crystallized.

Phrase 1, plenary session 全体会议。 2, cater to 迎合,为……服务。 3, zest for 对……热心。 4,back up 支持。

5,pay one’s tribute to 表达对某人的致敬、称赞。 6, refreshment arrangement 提神饮料地。 7, to name but a few 仅以这些为例。

Task 2 Words 1, propagate, 传播

eg, It is an effective tool for propagating an idea, outlining a plan and explaining a problem. 2, mitigate, 减弱,缓和

eg, Wetlands can mitigate extreme weather events. 3, buffer, 缓冲物

eg, Coastal wetlands appear to be a buffer for the waves of storms. 4, glaciers, 冰川、冰河

eg, Now global warming is causing the glaciers to disappear. 5, intact, 完整的

eg, Millions of people depend for their livelihoods on intact and functioning wetlands. 6, corridors, 走廊

Intrusion, 侵入

eg, The wetlands act as transport corridors and provide protection against floods and saltwater intrusion. 7, integrate, 整合

eg, Sustainable development therefore means recognizing and integrating these environmental values. 8, violated, 侵犯

eg, Women are most often the ones whose human rights are violated. 9, echo, 反复、共鸣

eg, If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that … 10, heed, 注意、留心

eg, ;Let us heed that call so we can create a word in which … 11, rhetoric, 华丽的辞藻,修辞 eg, We must move beyond rhetoric. 12, symposium, 讨论会

canvass, 讨论、细查

eg, The canvass of the symposium is very large. 13, divergence, 分歧 eg, There is often a divergence between a person’s actual abilities, contributions and needs. 14, destitute, 贫穷的

entitle, 赋予……什么权力

eg, In India, for instance, even if destitute, are not entitled to a pension if they have an adult son. 15, altruism, 利他主义

eg, In practice, assumptions about male altruism are often proved wrong. 16, claimant, 原告,索赔人

eg, In South Asia they define the legitimate claimants for property. 17, seclusion, 隔离

eg, They may even define whether at all women should work outside the home, such as female seclusion norms. 18, inheritance, 遗产

eg, Social norms can thus severely restrict women’s economic options by discouraging them from claiming their inheritance or from taking up jobs. 19, exogenous, 外因的

eg, Conventionally, economists have taken very little account of perception biases and assume that social norms are exogenous. 20, digress, 离题

eg, Don’t allow yourself to digress about side issues or irrelevancies. 21, cohesion, 凝聚,结合

fragment, 碎片

eg, Without transitions, speeches lack cohesion and sound fragmented. 22, monotone, 单调

syllable, 音节

enunciate, 发音,阐明

eg, Do not speak in a monotone, speak each syllable of every word clearly and distinctly and enunciate clearly. 23, ambivalent, 矛盾的

eg, If you are bored or ambivalent, your tone and manners will reflect your attitude. 24, dwell, 居住,存在于,细想某事

eg, This part is most difficult, let’s dwell a little on it.


1, move beyond rhetoric, 实际行动 2, take perceptions, 首先来讲 3, be embedded in 根植于……

4, transfer…to… 过户,转账财产,转学,调离工作 5, be entitled to 有权力做某事

6, cut across 径直穿过,抄近路通过 7, claim one’s inheritance, 继承遗产 8, take account of 考虑 9. trim away 剔除, 10, glue to 粘上,盯住,注意力集中于 11, dwell on 细想某事

Task 3 Words

1, retention, 保留,扣留

eg, A well-prepared and successful Q&A has many advantages: to clarify points, to gain additional information and to increase retention of information. 2, moderator, 仲裁人、调解人

sponsor, 赞助者

panelist, 专家小组 3,toxic, 有毒的

gigantic, 巨大的,庞大的

eg, The result is that we put billions of pounds of toxic materials in the air and generate gigantic amounts of waste. 4, crank, 奇想,曲柄

eg, I want to crank the goal of industry in a different direction to produce a world of abundance and good design. 5, dispense, 免除,分配

eg, “We’ll tell you at what rate you can dispense death.” 6, juncture, 时刻

eg, The U.S. is pleased to be able to share our experiences at this important juncture in Chinese history. 7, dictate, 命令,指示

eg, We have learned the increased economic growth does not dictate a decrease in environmental progress. 8, hazardous, 有危险的,碰运气的

eg, We have signed an agreement on hazardous waste management. 9, annex, 附加物

eg, This new annex will enhance the successful relationship that has been established between the U.S. and China. 10, capacitor, 电容器

eg, China has started work on projects to aid in the cleanup of sites where capacitors are stored and buried. 11, disposable, 可任意处理的,用完即可丢弃的

beverage, 饮料

eg, Denmark has completely banned the use of disposable beverage containers. 12, attribute, 属性、特质

empathy, 神入,感同身受

eg, A manager should possess attribute such as confidence, flexibility , helicopter view(全局观念) and empathy are also very helpful. 13, adversity, 逆境

tribulation, 失败,失利

resolute, 坚决的 eg, Every great person has to endure tremendous trail and tribulations, each time you persist in the face of adversity and disappointment, you become stronger and more resolute. 14, instill, 徐徐滴入

eg, How do you instill ethical leadership throughout your organization? 15, dictate, 指示,命令

eg, there are some particular dictates:… 16,remunerative, 盈利的

eg, I have to say it is not very remunerative, I couldn’t even make the fight out here. 18, groom, 培养人才,整饬

eg, I am looking forward to being a good advisor, making sure that Berkshire is grooming people for whatever succession.

Phrase 1, open up 打开,开始

2, integrate…with… 把…结合起来 3, commit to 承诺,许诺 4, helicopter view, 全局观念 5, build into 注入

6, proficiency in 精通,熟练 7, a shred of 碎片,少量 8, wrap up, 包裹,圆满完成

9, hit the nail on the head 直中要害 10, don’t hold water, 站不住脚
