




A:“青春飞扬,朝气蓬勃”,因为青春是人生的花季,是充满理想与激情的年华。 B:沐浴着新世纪曙光的中国青少年,我们豪情满怀,意气风发。





A:今天我们相聚在这里,让每首歌化作一捧鲜花,装点杏花学校这个大家庭 AB:共同奏响一曲盛世欢歌




蒲校长、肖书记、季校长、田校长、辛全伟老师、陈大鑫老师、白宏伟老师、崔巍老师 张景梅老师



B:青春如沙般流逝,一粒一粒,随风飘扬而曼舞轻歌,每一粒都有一段故事,都可以谱写一首歌曲,青春的我们共同谱写一曲少年的歌谣,我们的青春虽不轰轰烈烈,却也不可复制。 请欣赏由高一·二班、王宏毓带来《光阴的故事》


B:青春中,我释怀,青春的我独特,青春使我成熟,青春使我明白,人生的路应该往哪走,让我懂得人生应该如何取舍,我们有朝气有活力,无论何时何地,总能看到我们脚尖的身影 请欣赏由高一一班马振昆带来的歌曲《让世界为你转身》








A:思绪总爱流浪,穿过时间的界限,来到茫茫的海上,飞越群山峻岭,依偎在明月的身旁,天下所有人都如夜空中的繁星一样,散发着迷人的光芒。想象着不久的将来,我们都将会如繁星一样,闪耀着灿烂的光芒。请欣赏高二二班邰艳秋、顾雨萌﹑朱欣茹演唱的歌曲《Super Star 》



























的夜晚! 11位选手将会全面展示自我,向在场所有观众诠释一个新的自我!让我们将热烈的掌声送给他们,预祝他们在比赛中获得优异的成绩!

甲:我宣布工商英协外文歌曲大赛赛现在开始,首先我先介绍今天到场的嘉宾。 乙:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。


乙:请允许我说明一下本次比赛的评分细则 评分细则(满分100分)

A) 语音语调40B) 音准音质10C)台风 10D)整体造型 10

E) 表演创意 10F)对乐谱的忠实程度,表现技巧和真实性 20

甲:一号选手为我们带来一首旋律优美的英文歌曲,这首歌是加拿大电影《最后一支舞》的主题曲, 表达了恋人即将永别的深深的痛苦和无奈,歌曲前段如同恋人的丝丝低语,温婉而浪漫,以一个回忆作为开头,用一种仿如异国情缘的浪漫道来。

乙:请欣赏来自XXX带来的歌曲《Just one last dance》。

甲:感谢一号选手的深情演绎,接下来让我们欣赏一首舒缓悠长的歌曲,有请二号选手。。。她为我们带来一首Grace。乙:感谢二号选手的精彩演唱。在我们的成长过程中,总有些人一直在关注注视着我们,让我们感受到温暖与幸福,接下来有请三号选手。。。为我们带来一首Someone watching over me,掌声有请。 甲:感谢三号选手的精彩演唱。青春,一个多么美好的字眼。也许,青春中的我们有过迷茫,但更多的是美好带给我们的难忘,让我们珍惜我们的拥有,珍惜青春,珍惜未来。



乙:下面有请4号选手。。。为我们唱响青春的力量—Young for you。掌声欢迎。

甲乙:感谢四号选手的精彩演唱。如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活,白天会变得很空虚,黑夜会变得很漫长,也许,这就是至死不渝的爱情吧。让我们接下来欣赏5号选手。。。为我们带来的nothing gonna change my love for you. 甲:离别是种伤感还是释怀,当一个人离开你身边的时候你会是怎样的心境呢?

乙:请6号选手为我们带来一首来自女子组合m2m的英文歌曲“the day you went away”,。

甲乙:谁在最快乐的时候愿意和你分享,谁在最需要的时候轻轻拍着你肩膀,当你失落时,总会有一个人让你依靠,带给你力量,掌声有请7号选手。。。带来的you rise me up.


乙:亲们,让我们做几个小游戏缓解一下紧张气氛吧1)“人体坐标”游戏(进行两次),(2)“谁是卧底”(进行次数视情况而定),每次游戏均有奖品赠送。 甲:又到了小激动的时刻了,XX的得分是XX

甲乙:朋友的支持让我们感动,感谢七号选手让我们重温了朋友的温馨。因为你,我的生活不再空虚;因为你,我的生活充满色彩;因为你,我的生命不再寂寞;因为你,我的生命充满欢乐。只是因为你,下面有请8号选手。。。为我们带来because of you。掌声欢迎。甲:相信大家都听说过这样一句话,不是在最美好的年华遇见了最好的你们,而是有了你们,我才有了最美好的年华。接下来有请9号选手。。。为我们带来good time。掌声欢迎。

乙:每次都要到了现在才开始怀念以前的好,但是错过的,你都不会再有 让我们有请10号选手。。。带来Back to December.



甲乙下面公布得分排名XXX,在宣布获奖情况XXX。有请XX为获奖选手颁奖。 甲:在青春的扉页上,我们写下梦想与激情!




甲:歌声唱响激昂青春, 梦想照亮人生舞台,比赛中,我们不仅收获了成功的喜悦,更懂得在歌声中丢弃烦恼,在学习中享受快乐。


甲:歌声唱响激昂青春, 梦想照亮人生舞台,同学们,我宣布工商英协外文歌曲大赛圆满成功!谢谢大家!



1、Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students,welcome to the English compitition of our school.各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好,欢迎大家参加今天的英语朗读比赛。

2、We`re very pleased to be the hosts for today`s compitition,to give the opening speech for everybody.我们很高兴能为大家主持今天的比赛。

3、Now you are watching the English speech contest. From now on , I hope everyone can get ready for it as early as possible. Thank you for coming to this afternoon`s compitition .这是我们学校英语演讲比赛,以后我们每个班级举行英语演讲比赛,我希望大家以后能早点为此做好准备。

4、In today`s compitition,we both havecontestants from each class. There are 13 classes 。they are coming from different classes of different grades.这次比赛每个班都参加,所以我们的参赛选手共有13班,他们来自不同的年级和班级。

5、I hope we can experiences of how to learn English better,these experiences will be very rseful for the students in our school.so I hope we`ll all make good use of this opportunity.我希望通过这次比赛,大家能交流如何更好的学习英语的经验,这对我们的英语学习将会有很大的帮助,所以我希望大家都能好好珍惜这次机会。

二、Ok,now,I think it`s better for me to introduce our judges,they are our English teachers.They are our headmaster~~Mr Chen,our director~~Mr Yang,our English group leader~~Miss Fang,our English teachers~~Miss Hong,Miss Chen Xiaoying,Miss Chen Minmei ,Miss Chen Beixuan, Miss Lin Minli, Miss Fang Jieni. Let`s warmly welcome.接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师-----


1、Now ,I think it`s time for show our English speech contest starts.first,Let`s warmly welcome Class2,Grade6,They are going to perform《The girl next door》《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》Class1,Grade6 get ready,please.

现在比赛正式开始,欢迎六年二班上场,他们将表演的歌曲是《The girl next door》,歌谣是《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》请六年一班做好准备。

2、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 6.They are going to perform 《Catch the eels》《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》.And Class 1,Grade 5 get ready,please. 欢迎六(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Catch the eels》,歌谣《Honey,Honey》《Peter,Peter》,请五(1)班做好准备。

3、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 5. They are going to perform《If you are happy》 《What can you do》 《My favourite day》. And Class 1,Grade 2 get ready,please.

欢迎五(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《If you are happy》,歌谣《What can you do》《My favourite day》,请二(1)班做好准备。

4、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 2. They are going to perform《Ten little Indian boys》 《Head shoulder knees and toes》 《A happy bus》. And Class 1,Grade 3 get ready,please.

欢迎二(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Ten little Indian boys》《Head shoulder knees and toes》,歌谣《A happy bus》,请三(1)班做好准备。

5、We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 3. They are going to perform《Follow me》 《Ten little Indian boys》 《Clap your hands》《Act like an elephant》. And Class 1,Grade 4 get ready,please.

欢迎三(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Follow me》《Ten little Indian boys》,歌谣《Clap your hands》《Act like an elephant》,请四(1)班做好准备。

6 We are going to welcome Class 1,Grade 4. They are going to perform《Jingle Bells》 《Tim is my friend》 《Go to living room》. And Class 2,Grade 5get ready,please.

欢迎四(1)班上场,他们表演的歌曲是《Jingle Bells》,歌谣《Tim is my friend》 《Go to living room》,请五(2)班做好准备。

7、Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.7_____,her topic is____,and contestant No.8,get ready please,(No.5______the last mark is ______).下面热烈欢迎7号选手上场,他演讲的题目是___________,请8号选手做准备,5号选手最后得分_________。

8、The next contestant`s topic is also ______,now ,let`s welcome No.8_____,And contestant No.9,get ready please.8号选手为我们带来的也是___________,请9号做准备。

9、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is No.9`s show.Now let`s warmly welcome contestant No.9_______And No.10 get ready please.各位老师,同学们,下面欢


10、Let`s warmly welcome the last contestant No.______get onto the stage and give us a wonderful performance.His/Her topil is ______.下面热烈欢迎我们的最后一位选手_______上台来做精彩演讲。

五、Wonderful!These _______contestants give us a wonderful show.Now ladies and gentlemen.after all the contestants finished their speeches,our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.Now,we are taking a break,let`s get down to the next show.Now let`t warmly welcome our headmaster Mr Yuan to make remarks.


六、Good afternoon,everyone,welcome back to the first”welcome New Year”English speech contest,And now you are watching the final,After our judges`discussion,now the resulthas come out,(Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exating the moment).各位老师,同学们,大家好,经过评委老师们的最后评定,激动人心的时刻来到了。

2、first,I world like to announce the winners of the third prize:___________,首先,我宣布三等奖获得者是___________

3、and then ,the second winners:二等奖获得者是_____

4、Ladies and gentlemen ,here comes the most exciting the moment!Can you feel the most exciting moment?right!now,what I am going to announce is the winners of the first prize:________各位老师,同学们,最激动人心的时刻就要来临了,大家想不想知道一等奖是谁?好,下面我要宣布的是:一等奖获得者为_____班______,______ _____,


1、Now,let`s welcome the third winners_______to come onto the stge.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.下面有请三等奖获得者___________上台,并请我们的各位领导上台颁奖。

2、And then second winners,please.__________下面有请二等奖获得者————上台领奖。

3、Ladies and gentlemen ,let`s bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.最后让我们以热烈的掌声有请一等奖获得者___________上台领奖。

4、Well,how exciting today the contest is !That`s all for today`s contest but I hope that we can keep on studying English warmly.First we should listen to the teachers carefully in class .second we should spend more time in listening,speaking,reading,writing,And then we should also practice English with classmates as much as possible and as often as possible ,Come on,everyone!今天


5、OK,well,no matter how exciting to day the contest is!but now ,I have to say,That`s all for today ,thank you!最后,我宣布付庄乡中心学校第一届“迎新年”英语演讲比赛到此结束,请各班同学按秩序退场。



温:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sixth English Speaking

Contest of the School of Applied foreign languages. I’m your host_______

王:I am your hostess________. As we all know, the English Speaking Contest has

become an annual traditional event and it brings good atmosphere to us.

温:Through a fierce competition, 10 contestants come to today’s finals. I wish

everyone here will have an enjoyable time tonight.

王:First of all, And this competition will be mediated by a panel of six judges. I have

the great privilege of presenting today’s judges for today’s speaking competition. 应用外语学院商务英语系教师*********

温:Now, let’s make acquaintance with the top ten contestants through a VCR. (播放


温:Now, let’s go over the rules of the contest. There are two rounds of

the final competition. In the first round, each of the 10 contestants will have 5 minutes to present a prepared speech with PPT. Principles of judging are mainly based on pronunciation, intonation, gestures and contents.

王:I’d like you to pay attention that during the prepared speech, an indicative sound

will be given to the contestant by the time 30 seconds before the speech reaches its required time. Failure to meet the requirement will result in the deduction of points.

温:The second round speakers are all the top 6 finalists. They will present an

impromptu(即兴的) speech within 2 minutes. After the speech , it is the question and answer part and each contestant has 30 second to think over and 1 minute to answer the question from the judge.

王:I think all of us are looking forward to watching the most exciting performance, so

let’s get started.

温:First, let’s put our hands together to welcome contestant No. 1____ from class __grade __, and contestant No. __, please get ready.


王:Thanks for your speech, now let’s welcome contestant No. 2_____ give us her


温:Thank you. Let’s welcome Contestant No. 3______ from e class 2__grade 2__

and contestant No.4, please get ready.

王:Thanks for your wonderful speech, we really enjoy it. Next, is the turn of

contestant No. 5_______ from class__ grade __, and contestant No. __, please get ready.




温:Thank you for your speech. Next, Welcome contestant No.7 and contestant No.8,

please get ready.




王:Thank you. Thanks for Chen qu. Let’s welcome contestant No. 9_______ from

class __ grade__. Contestant No. 10, please get ready.



温:Thank you. Thanks for______, Now let’s welcome the last contestant, contestant

No. 10______ from class 1 grade 2.


王::Thank you, Thank you all for your excellent performance. I almost can’t believe

my eyes! Everyone is versatile. All of you must have worked hard all the time. After seeing so fierce contest, you may feel a little serious, so, let’s have a short breath and wait for the last contestant who will be able to enter the next round. Now you’ll hear …………..let’s welcome……to ….

温:What a nice sound! Thank you again for the brilliant performance. Now, let’s

take a look at the score of contestants No.1 to No.10. Contestant No.1 is ___, Contestant No.2 contestant is___, contestant No.3 is___, contestant No.4 is ___, contestant No.5 is___. Contestant No.6 is ___, Contestant No.7 contestant is___, contestant No.8 is___, contestant No.9 is ___, contestant No.10 is___. Congratulations


王:Now, please allow me to announce the last number of entering the impromptu

speech .They are contestants No.______ , No.______, No._______,No._______,No._______,No._______are the top six contestants. You are able to get to the second round. Congratulations again. Now, let’s start the second round competence.

温:Please welcome contestant No.1 gets onto the stage and draw your topic for the impromptu speech. (选手抽签)

温:The topic for you is … And you will have 30 seconds to prepare. Please get ready. Now, Let’s begin, Welcome.


王:Thank you. Thanks for ______. Let’s welcome contestant No. 2______ from class

__ grade__. Please get on the stage and cast your topic. (选手抽签). Contestant No. 10, please get ready.

王:The topic for you is …. Please get well prepared. Now let’s welcome contestant

No.2___to give us her/his impromptu speech. Contestant No. 3, please get ready. 温:Thank you. Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.3 …from

class __ grade__. Please get on the stage and cast your topic. (选手抽签).

温: The topic for you is …. Please get well prepared. Now let’s welcome contestant

No._3__to give us her/his impromptu speech. Contestant No. 4, please get ready. 王:Thank you. Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.4…from

class __ grade__. Please get on the stage and cast your topic. (选手抽签).

王:The topic for you is …. Please get well prepared. Now let’s welcome contestant

No.4___to give us her/his impromptu speech. Contestant No. 5, please get ready.

温:Thank you. Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.5…from

class __ grade__. Please get on the stage and cast your topic. (选手抽签).温:The topic for you is …. Please get well prepared. Now let’s welcome

Contestant No.5___to give us her/his impromptu speech. Contestant No. 6, please get ready.

王:Thank you. Thank you for_____Next, let’s welcome contestant No.6…from

class __ grade__. Please get on the stage and cast your topic. (选手抽签).

王:The topic for you is …. Please get well prepared. Now let’s welcome contestant

No.6___to give us her/his impromptu speech.

王:The topic for you is …. Please get well prepared. Now let’s welcome contestant

No.6___to give us her/his impromptu speech.

温:Thank you. Thank you for_____Ok, now the two-round competitions have ended. Please wait for the final scores patiently. During this time, , let’s welcome our guest ________and________ to give us a performance. 俩节目

温:Thanks for the brilliant performance. Now, Now, the final results have come out,

please allow us to announce the final scores The score of contestant No.1’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is…. Congratulations.

The score of contestant No.2’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is…. Congratulations.

The score of contestant No.3’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is…. Congratulations.

王: The score of contestant No.4’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of

the two rounds is…. Congratulations.

The score of contestant No.5’s impromptu speech is …and his/her total score of the two rounds is…. Congratulations.

The score of contestant No.6’s impromptu speech is … and his/her total score of the two rounds is…. Congratulations.

温 :Ok, now the two-round competitions have ended. let’s invite our foreign teacher

XXX to give some comments. (外教评论)

王:Also, let’s welcome XXX to make some comments. (中文教师点评) 温:Thank you for your excellent comments. Thank you.

王:Ok, ladies and gentlemen, after our judges discussion, the most exciting moment

is coming. Right now, what I am going to announce is the winner of moderate excellent rewards. They are XXX. Now, let’s welcome XXX to confer excellent awards to our contestants. (为优秀奖和单项奖颁奖)最佳语音语貌奖 ,最佳文稿奖最佳人气奖

温:The third prize winners of the competition are XXX. Let’s welcome XXX to

confer the third prize for the contestants. (为三等奖颁奖)

王:The winners of the second prize are XXX. Let’s welcome XXX to confer the

second prize for the contestants. (为二等奖颁奖)

温:The first prize comes to XXX, let’s welcome XXX to confer the first prize for our

champion. Congratulations! (为一等奖颁奖)

温:That is the end of the Sixth English Speaking Contest of the School of Applied foreign languages. Thanks for your attention.

王:Wish you have a good memory and see you. Bye bye.


2.颁奖顺序:优秀奖和单项奖, 三等奖, 二等奖, 一等奖一共四次





English Song Contest Hosts Contribution W: Good evening, my honored teachers. X: Good evening, my fellow students. W: We will be the hosts today. X: I’m Xiong Xinya. W: I’m Wang Zhiying.

X: This is a happy day full of flowers day. W: This is a day full of hope for the future day. X: In this beautiful day, we gathered together. W: In this wonderful day, we burst into songs. X: Class 3’s English Song Contest XW: starts now!

W: The purpose of the contest is to arouse students’ interest in English learning and motivate them to practice their English. X: First of all, please allow us to introduce our distinguished guests here who are: W: the foreign teacher Mrs. Moore, X: and our head teacher Mr. Ye. W: Today, there will be 11 students to sing for us. X: And all of you will be the judges of the contest. W: Thank you very much for joining us.

X: Now, ladies and gentleman, let’s welcome the first contestant Peng Kailun with warm applause! W: I can’t wait! Now please enjoy her song Tik Tok. Please make a good start!

W: I couldn’t imagine a cute girl had a voice with strong rhythm before her singing. X: Yes. What an amazing performance! And I love it very much.

X: Life is like a show, we should show our best. Let’s welcome Qin Ye. Her song is The show.

X: Her voice is really beautiful. Don’t you think so? W: I approve of you. X: And I have strong desire to see next show. W: We know, music is created for expressing our spirit. Just sing a song for who you love and who love you. My Love, hope you will like it.

W: Thanks for her nice performance. My Love is really classical! I love it. X: I also enjoy it. Next one is Mao Yangbo. His song is My Love, too. W: Let’s listen to him.

X: His voice gives us another feeling. His singing is quite different from Zhou Yu’s. W: I think so. However, their shows both are very nice. X: Let’s enjoy Zhou Bo’s Beautiful in White.

X: If I remember correctly, Beautiful in White was originality sung by Westlife. The group is really popular! So Zhou Bo, why did you choose this song? X: (Free Play) W: Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, love should be kept in our heart. Next song is Jar of Love, it will be sung by Huang Zhe.

X: Her voice made me feel a little distressed. I reveled in the beautiful song just now. W: Me too. I want to enjoy it once more. X: I hope you will. We often wish we can turn back time, though it’s impossible. Please welcome Liu Fuhan and her song Back to December. W: Let’s enjoy.

X: I love her voice, it’s different from others. It’s simple but real. W: I agree with you. I think she is a little nervous. I once said that love is the most beautiful things, and somebody even against the world in order to love. Let’s enjoy Us Against the World, which will be sung by Huang Yuqing.

W: How great her performance is! I still remember the beautiful lyrics. X: You are right. The lyrics are like the beautiful poem! W: In our life, we usually pray for wealth, health and everything we want, because we believe the God will help us. Let’s enjoy Zhu Rui’s Pray.

X: The song is really beautiful. I fell in love with it. It makes me forget the unhappy things and trouble in life. W: Yes, I love this kind of songs very much. When I am at a loss, those songs will help me find the right direction.

X: After a peaceful song, we will enjoy a pop song. Then let’s enjoy Dynamite, it will be sung by Zhang Jiacheng.

W: When I heard the melody, I can’t help feeling like dancing! It’s really rhythmed. X: His performance is really nice. In our life, we should have a clear direction showing us where to go. So we need holding our heart in our hands. Then it’s my turn. My song is Holding a Heart.

W: You voice is really nice. I have never known you could sing well before today. X: Thank you very much. W: Everybody knows that time is really valuable, especially when you spend your time with someone who is important to you. So never close our eyes, cause we got no time to lose. Please enjoy the song Never Close Our Eyes which will be sung by the last contestant, Ye Yihang!

W: Thank you. From now on, I will try to make good use of every minutes of myself because of your song. X: Me too. Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance. You really did a good job! The most exciting part of the contest is coming! Now let’s welcome our English teacher Ms. Lan. And she will choose some student to give an extra show for us!

(After the extra show)

W: Now please all of you to choose the best contestant today. (……) X: Oh! Congratulations! XXX, you are the best contestant! What do you want to say to our classmates and our teachers?

W: Our voice is like the singing bird today X: Our smile is like the bright sunshine today. W: I hope we can always smile happily like this. X: I hope we can always singing beautifully like this. W: Thank you! Congratulations everybody, you are really excellent, thank you for you outstanding performance. X: Thanks our distinguished guests. You are the best guests! W: Now, ladies and gentleman, thank you for your watching! X: Class 3’s English Song Contest XW: is ended!
