










主要是代词的格与数的错用。如男性用了女性代词,单数用了复数代词或相反;应当用形容词性的物主代词用了名词性等。 4.数词的误用

主要是序数词与基数词的混用和错用,以及hundred, thousand, dozen, score等词和具体数量词连用时的用法以及表示约数的用法。






but, and, so,however, otherwise等一些并列连词和连接副词的误用。before, after, when, until, since等状语从句引导词的误用等。还有肯定和否定的误用等。


如used to do, be used to do, be used to doing等结构的误用。
















6.冠词:定冠词the的多余或缺失,如季节,月份,星期,球类及三餐活动,称呼头衔前等不能加the的地方加了the,或是same等常和the一起使用的词却漏税掉了the;a,an的混用,注意,判断一个词的前面加a还是an不是看其首字母是不是元音字母,而是看首字母的发音是不是元音,如an hour,an honest boy ,其首字母不是元音字母,但其发音却是以元音素开始,故用an,而a useful book,a university,a European, a one-hour trip,虽然以元音字母开始,但却读作辅音音素的音,故用a ; 7.数词:主要是序数词与基数词的混用和错用,如分数的分子大于一时分母没有用复数等,基数基数词的复数形式如几百hundreds of,几千thousands of漏掉了s,或是当其前有具体数字或several时加了复数,如seven hundred,写作seven hundreds.








英语中的可数名词有单复数的变化,如apple—apples,而汉语中除了表示人的名词可以加“们”表示复数,其余的均无复数形式。所以中国学生学英语的时候特别容易忽略这一点,而名词单复数问题是出现率最高的点。如2006年陕西卷第79题:They have all sorts of course. (应该为courses)。

此外,英语中可数名词的单数前需要加冠词(a, an, the),而汉语中则不是必须的,如:“请把门关上。”门前没有冠词,而英语的表达应该是“Shut the door, please.”。如2005年全国二卷改错第8行:I hope you’ve had pleasant journey home and… (pleasant 前应加a)。另外,由于考生的记忆不准确,也会在不可数名词前加不定冠词。所以冠词的漏用和误用也是命题的一大重点。如2006年福建卷改错第9行:We will have plenty of spare time to visit the area and have a fun.(a 应去掉,因为fun是不可数名词)。


英语的动词有人称,数,时态,语态等变化。而在汉语中动词无相应的变化,无论过去现在还是将来,不论一个人还是许多人,不论你,我,他还是你们,我们,他们,动词都没有变化,所以学生在这方面的学习上相对吃力,因而容易对于“He come tomorrow.”这样的句子无动于衷。

英语中的被动语态是“be+动词过去分词”构成的,如“The apple was eaten by him.”;而汉语的动词则没有相应的变化,被动语态的标志只有一个“被”字,而且经常被省掉,如上面的句子翻译成汉语就可以是“苹果我吃了。”所以命题中动词形式的错误几乎是每次必涉及到的,相信原因大家已经很清楚了。


英语中形容词和副词的差异除了形式不同,主要是功能,形容词做定语,修饰名词,如:a good lesson,副词做状语,修饰动词和形容词,如:run fast; very good等。而汉语尤其是口语中要求则没有那么严格,例如周杰伦的歌《简单爱》,这个“简单”既可以解释为形容词,“简单的爱”,也可以解释为副词“简单地爱”,原因是爱可以是名词也可以是动词。但是英语的love虽然也有两种词性,但是必须严格表达为“simple love”和“love sb. simply”。这就使得很多同学受到汉语的影响,看不出试题中形容词和副词的混用现象。如2006陕西卷第81题:I know you are particular interested in Human rights. (particular应改为particularly)



1)英语中介词用法灵活,使用频繁,英语中用介词的地方汉语常常不用介词或用动词表达。如:She ran across the street after him.这句话中包括两个介词:“across”和“after”。而在汉语的相应形式“她跟他跑过了街”中,则没有使用介词。2005年重庆卷改错第9行:It is basically the only measure that the rest of the world can depend to decide…,这句话考点就是汉语的“依赖”(动词)对应英语的“depend on”,而很多考生由于受汉语的影响,都没有改正确。

2)英语介词在一定的句式中可后置,如Which house did you live in?但汉语一般讲介词置于被修饰的成分之前。

3)中英语部分介词使用不同。汉语说在校园里,英语则要用on the campus,汉语说在家里,而英语表达是at home。这很容易造成记忆上的错误。


表达习惯的不同也是命题的一个点。2004年全国四卷改错第8行:I will take you

together to a hot-pot restaurant for dinner and…翻译成汉语 “我要带你一起去火锅店吃饭。”特别顺,所以很多考生改不出来。其实英语的take sb. to a place已经完整表达“带某人去某地”的意思,句中的together在表达意义上是多余的,为中国式英语。再如2005年安徽卷改错第9行:This is not surprising that the Silver Ghost was regarded as “the best car in the world”.翻译成汉语“银鬼被认为是世界上最好的车,这一点也不奇怪。”也很符合汉语的表达习惯,但是英语中的形式主语有且只有一个就是“it”,这其实是it is +adj. +for sb. to do sth./ it is +adj. +that clause这一句型。








第二步、细读文章的每一句话。一般要结合文章的前后句以及出题规律来做题。 第三步、代入已经修改完成的答案通读全文,看其是否通顺。



高考短文改错出题人一般会在以下八个方面进行出题。掌握出题规律之后做题便会事半功倍! 1.动词:

(1)主要考察能力:时态、主谓是否一致、固定搭配。 (2)出题形式: ①时态混用

ie, Then the trouble started. We can not open the door. So we asked the policeman for help. 讲解:很显然此句子主时态是一般过去式,因此应把can改为could。 ②主谓不一致

ie, There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening. 讲解:原句中a football game决定了谓语动词必须用单数,所以应该把were改为was。 ③固定搭配

ie, I have given up smoke. The dog doesn’t like the smell.

讲解:give up doing sth。因此动词smoke应该改为smoking。 2.名词:

(1)主要考察能力:单复数混用。 (2)出题形式: 单复数混用

ie, Helen is seventeen year old. She is very busy.

讲解:“年龄多大了”应该为复数形式,应此应该把year改为years。 注意:代词单复数混用类似。

ie, As for a friendship, we can readily find them in our classmates and other people around us. 讲解:显然因该把them改为it,指代前面提及的friendship。此句话意思是“就友谊来说,我们可以很容易地从我们的同学和周围的人中找到。” 3.形容词/副词



形容词与副词混用。即该用形容词的地方原文用了副词,该用副词的地方原文用了形容词。 ①副词代替正确形容词出现在文章当中

ie, During the football season, Helen is much busier than usually. 讲解:很明显“与平时相比较更忙”,因此需要把usually改为usual。 ②形容词代替正确副词出现在文章当中

ie, As the time clock showed one minute and forty-two seconds left in the game, she began cheering excited, “Come on-get going!”

讲解:原文意思是说比赛还剩一分四十二秒时,她开始兴奋地叫道-----,显然应把excited改为excitedly,用来修饰动词cheer。 4.介词

(1)主要考察能力:(特别是与动词的)固定搭配。 (2)出题形式: ①介词省略

ie, I’m surt you will get rid the sorrow and unhappiness caused by the disaster. 讲解:get rid of 是固定搭配,意思为“摆脱,除去” ②介词多余

ie,My wife is also happy because of I have given up smoking. 讲解:这里显然示对because of与because用法的辨别区分。前者不能接句子,而后者充当连词可以接句子。所以应该把of去掉。 ③介词用错(一般为固定搭配) ie, I pick out her false hair and said, “Don’t be sad, Miss.”

讲解:pick out应该为pick up。pick out挑选的意思;pick up捡起的意思。 5.连词

(1)主要考察能力:前后两句话之间的衔接关系。 常考三种关系: but转折 and并列


①ie, One day, my wife and I went shopping at a store. We drove the car but we had a lot of things to buy. 讲解:显然原文中所要表达的意思是“我们开车去的原因是因为我们要买好多东西”,所以应该把but改为because/as/for。

②ie, Chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions, but improve their English if they are talking with native speakers. 讲解:原文表达的意思是“通过网上聊天,学生能够更加轻松自由地表达自己的想法和观点,并且如果他们同外国人交谈,能够提高他们的英语水平。”所以前后句之间是并列关系,因该把but改为and. 6.句式

(1)主要考察能力:常考that与what或which/how与what之间的转换。 (2)出题形式: ①ie, She never has enough time for that she wants to do. 讲解:原文意思是“她没有足够多的时间来做自己想做的事情”,很明显应该把that改为what。 注意:这一形式是改错常考点。

②ie, We Chinese people have always been concerned about which has happened in your area. 讲解:原文中需要一个连接词承接前后连个句子,这个连接词充当be concerned about引导宾语从句中的主语,所以应该把which改为what。 7. 冠词

(1)主要考察能力:句中冠词是否多余 (2)出题形式: ①冠词多余

ie, I sat in the front of the TV at 7 o’clock, when the game just began. 讲解:区分in front of sth和in the front of sth。解决这个问题记住一句顺口溜就可以了“有the是内无the是外”,即in the front of sth显然是指在事物(sth)内部空间的前面,比如说I prefer to travel in the front of the car.(我愿意坐在汽车的前面);而in front of sth是指事物(sth)外部空间的前面,比如说the car stops in front of the house(汽车停在房前)。因此原文中应该把the去掉。 ②冠词遗漏

ie, As we all left home at early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. 讲解:at an ---- age固定搭配词组,表示“出于---年龄”,比如说at an early/tender age,可以翻译为“很小/年幼的时候” 8.代词

(1)主要考察能力:代词是否多余,以及与反身代词之间的混用。 (2)出题形式: ①代词多余

ie, Don’t lose your heart. With the help of the people all over the world, I’m sure you will get rid of the sorrow and unhappiness. 讲解:lose heart:become discouraged泄气;丧失勇气;而lose one’s heart(to sb/st):fall in love爱上;钟情于。原文意思很明显是“别泄气”。所以应该把your去掉。一字之差,离题千里。 ②代词混用

ie, We were living in a big family. We treated each other as brothers and sisters. If any one of them had any difficulty, the other would help him or her out. 讲解: 原文意思是说“我们生活在一个大家庭之中,彼此间相处如同兄弟姐妹。如果我们之中谁有困难,其他人就会帮助他/她解决困难。”所以应把them改为us;把other改为others。 注意:the other表示两者之中“另一个”; the others表示在一个范围内的其他全部。 ③代词遗漏

ie, A teacher could make classes lively and interesting. 讲解: 应该在classes前加his,表示“使他的课堂生动有趣”。





The existence of consistent rules are(A) important if(B) a teacher wants to run (C) a classroom efficiently(D).NO ERROR(E)

很明显这道题目当中主语是一个A of B结构The existence of consistent rules,这种结构的中心词应该是前面一个词A即existence,它是单数,而后面的谓语动词却是复数are,所以主谓搭配不一致了,答案应该选 A.


Like every other(A) sociological system, the commune has(B) a way of functioning that may be easily upset(C), either slightly or extreme(D). NO ERROR(E)

这道题目所考察的就是平行结构,因为either or所紧连接的两个词在语法功能和时态结构上应该保持一致,前面是副词slightly,所以后面也应该是副词extremely.答案选D.


Many(A) biographers had stated(B) that Samuel Langhorne Clemens changed(C) his name to Mark Twain to echo the riverboat captain’s call ascertaining the safe navigation(D) depth of the Mississippi River. NO ERROR(E)



NEW SAT中的名词主要是考察名词的单复数错误。

Although(A) they have(B) radically different career plans, Luna and Gabriei both(C) hope to be a Michigan State graduates(D) one day. NO ERROR(E)




Wanda implored(A) Marco not to be jealous over(B) her work; she explained that because(C) she liked both Marco and her job, he would have to share(D). NO ERROR(E)

我们知道固定搭配应该是be jealous of,所以jealous后面的介词应该是of而不应该是over,答案选B.



Because(A) a basketball scout from the university was in(B) the bleachers, Kurt’s coach knew that it(C) was essential for him(D) to play well during the final game against their school’s arch-rival. NO ERROR(E)


One should use(A) parchment paper while(B) baking cookies because(C) the cookies won’t stick to this lining and you(D) won’t have to scrub the pan. NO ERROR(E)

这是一道比较难的题目,一般托福里面是不考这个考点的,不过大家掌握了以后也比较简单。同学们以后要记住,在sat的语法当中是不允许one和 you同时出现的,因为它们一个是第二人称,一个是第三人称,不能用来指代同一事物。所以凡在语法中,如果一道题目中one和you同时出现了,含有 one或you的这个选项必错。




I am interested at swimming very much. At first, I went swimming just to keep health. Now my dream was to swim for my country in the Olympics. Though practicing in the pool is very bored, but I still work very hard in order to realize my dream. Because my hard work, I have already come first in much important competitions. In the competitions, I’ve made lot of friends and we’re very close. It’s much easier to have friends which are swimmers because they also have to get up early to practice like you and they understand this kind of life.



One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. Five minutes later. Tony saw parents. Mom said,” How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried.” Tony promised her that this would never happen again.



Last summer vacation, I went on a school trip with mine classmates. We visited a farm in a countryside. We took a bus for a while, and then we walked here. We saw a lot of different kinds trees and villages along the way. Some farmers were worked hard in the farm when we arrived. One of the farmer showed us around, introducing differently crops to us. We fed chickens, picked some green apples and took up many beautiful photos. It was really interesting and at the same time, I learned a lot about farming. What an excited school trip!



I’ve been playing baseball for six year and I’m the only girl on an all-boys baseball team. Our strict coach wants us do our best when we are playing. So it’s not always about winning. He also tells us to just smile and enjoyed ourselves. I take advice he gives me and bring them to my game. Some people say girls can’t play baseball. Hear that doesn’t get me mad. Instead, it makes me play more harder. I want to be knew for being a good player, not just for being the only girl on the team. If you’re a girl who want to play ball, just play you heart out!



My uncle drove his car meet his friends. When he found there was still some time leaving before the train had arrived, he wanted to take a short sleep. He was falling sleep when a woman came and asked him the time. He opened his eye and answered, “Half past eight.” With a “Thank you!” a woman left. On a short while this happened again. So my uncle wrote “I don’t know the time” on a piece of paper and put them on the window of the car. A few minutes late, an old man came and woke him up, “Hi, young man. I can tell you that time it is. It’s nine o’clock now.”



When I began my senior high school years, I had difficulty to learning English. I dared not speak English in the public because of my poor pronounce. I could not get high marks, but I always used bad grammar. Afraid of be laughed at, I never put up my hand answer questions in class. When my English teacher Miss Li learned about this, she encouraged me and lend me a hand, that helped improve my English. With her help, I became interest in English and finally got high marks. Miss Li, like a shining star, shines on her path to success.



Dear Tim, How time flies! It has been a month since you go to America. What is everything going? Next weekend I will take part in a national English speaking competition to be holding in Shanghai. It will be a good chance to improve your English and make friends with students from other part of China. But right now I’m not sure that I can remember all the words for a competition. Anyway, I will hope I can get a good result. I am looking forward seeing you again and hope we can have a true great time then.

Yours, Li Hua



As a service dog, Sandy’s job is help manage a medical condition I have. My condition can be dangerously. When something bad happen, Sandy will tell my parents immediately. Of course, I help take care of Sandy, too. I feed him, walk him, but even take him just about everywhere I go. If I don’t bring Sandy to me, he will get upset. Once he stays with my grandparents for a few hours while my parents and I went to the beach. Sandy was upset in the whole time. He never stopped look for me. When I got home, he was such happy that he rushed to me. I love his dog very much. 4



1.The day is my dad’s birthday. This afternoon I went to the shopping center downtown, and hesitated for 犹豫(v)a moment,and then offered my seat to her.The old lady thanked me a lot and sat [be] ready to help others in the future.

2.Two years ,I travelled to BT and Ia car.Unfortunate[~ly],I had an accident and hit another car,and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two Iaway,and that my mother would not sleep if she knew.Therefore,I told them stories and how I was enjoying BT .As a result,nobody knew[the] truth.I still think that it was the righ thing to do.

3.The world is not only hungry,but also 渴的(adj).this may strange,since nearly 70 % of the earth’s surface is covered with water.Man and most of the animals can only drink and use the 10% of the water---fresh water.The need for water is day by day.Only when steps are taken to deal with this problem immediate [~ly],can we avoid a serve worldwide water shortage短缺(n)later on.One of the first [is]to develop ways to reuse to a water purifying it can be separated from waste matters and treated with 4.[2012唐山is a sick friend,or attend a wedding or[a] birthday party.I still remember one day last year when Tom,a disabled some flowers to his mother to express his gratitude.He life to his mother’s patient was finally admitted to a key university. ’hurt.With tears in her eyes,she could do nothing butfor help.Zhang li ran “take it easy”he said.Then he sent her to a nearby hospital.That[it] was not long before the girl’6.Mr.smith had an 8-year-old son named tony,who enjoyed listening to music very much.So he a [for]Tony,hoping that he could become [a] famous pianist one day.The little boy into the piano day after day and seemd to enjoy if you don’tAttend v.出席,到场,参加bleed n.血 v.流血handkerchief n.手绢,纱布,丝绸confidence n.自信,信心






丢介词、丢(多)to 、丢 be


词性用错 名词、形容词、副词

词形用错 形容词:原级 比较级 最高级

副词:原级 比较级 最高级

动词:时态错误 主谓不一致 非谓语动词 拼写相似词用错:如beside bedides 具体词用错(主要是用同类词替换) 连词用错





1、动词, ①主谓一致

②时态: 并列句中,连词(and/but/or)前后动词时态一致!


③语态: 物做主语时,注意是否需要改为被动 ④非谓语动词

2、名词, ①单复数

②名词变词性,变为形容词或副词(直接变副词很少见) ③名词变所有格,单数加 ’s,复数加 ’

3、代词, ①人称代词主宾格、单复数、逻辑对象




注:逻辑对象是指按照行文逻辑能够明确的对象。比如说通过上下文可以知道是“和他说话”,但短文中却说talk with me,就是明显的逻辑对象错误。改错中常出现混淆逻辑对象的情况。

4、形容词, ①名词与形容词、形容词与副词词性互变




6、冠词, ①使用冠词、不使用冠词

②使用定冠词、使用不定冠词 ③使用a、使用an

7、连词, ①语法错用,that和what的用法

②逻辑关系错用,and、but、or ③意思错用,如状语从句中明明是时间却用where等。

8、介词, ①固定搭配错误

②意思错误,语法上可搭配,语意不通。 ③介词缺失



1、步骤: 1快速通读全文,切忌拿来就改。三看:看人(人称)、看事(短文意思)、看时间(行文时态)

2分句阅读,逐行找错。三不:不多(每句或每行的错误数一般不超过2个)、不少(哪句没有 错误要重点回看)、不重复(类型不重复、词不重复) 3重读修改后短文。三看:看语法、看逻辑、看拼写。


顺成分:即按照句子的成分梳理每一句。主要找主谓一致、谓语动词时态。 顺词:按照词性梳理每个词或词组。主要找单复数、固定搭配。


举例:When I was a very young children, my father created a regular practice I remember well years late. 思维过程:(此时通过预读已知道行文的时态)I was a very young children,children是复数,和I、a不搭配,修改为单数child。my father created没有错误,时态正确。a regular practice 单复数搭配正确,regular词性正确。a regular practice I remember well years late.句子很长,且没有连词,考虑是否是缺少连词的从句或者是可以省略连词的从句。此时不管能不能确定都应继续看完句子,发现years late使用错误,years later为固定用法,意为“很多年后”。如果读完句子没发现其他错误,则先将上一处标记,等修改完全文再回看。

Every time he arrived home at end of the day ,we’d greet her at the door. 思维过程:Every time 正确,he arrived home 时态正确at end of the day ,at使用正确,end of the day使用错误,应为the end of the day,加上the;继续看 发现her是一个明显的错误,改为him;

He would ask who we was and pretend not to knowing us, then he and my mother would have had a drink while she prepared dinner and they would talk about his day and hers. 思维过程:长句子,马上想到从句连词的问题。但不要着急,还是从头看。He would ask没有错误 who we was主谓不一致,was改为were; and pretend not to knowing us, pretend是原形,是用错了吗?再看到前面有would,and,那么pretend应该和ask同为原形,没有错误。(看到ing形式和ed形式都要格外留心)想到to后面动词形式的问题,一般为原形,再看前面的动词pertend,判断为pretend to do sth.所以把knowing改为know。如果不知道这个表达方式,将此处标记,改完回看。接下来一个长句,先看then使用正确,then he and my mother(时刻注意主语的数) would have had a drink,此处发现为would have done的形式,该形式意思为对过去已发生的事情的推测,文中意思显然不是推测,只是陈述事实,所以去掉had。while 使用正确,表两端动作同时进行she prepared dinner时态正确, and they would talk about his day and hers.没有错误,would后使用动词原形,hers名词性物主代词使用正确。

While they chat, my father would lift my sister and me up to sit in the top of the fridge. It was both excited and frightening to be up there!

思维过程:While they chat,动词时态错误,改为chatted,my father would lift ,would后动词原形,没有错误,my sister and me up ,up为lift的固定搭配,to sit in the top of the fridge.看到介词就要注意,这里有介词in,在继续看后面是top,明显不能用in the top of,改为on。 It was both excited and frightening to be up there! 思维过程:It was 时态正确,看到both …and…的结构注意两边结构一致的问题。发现两边结构不一致,excited 和frightening要修改一个。根据这两个类型形容词的使用方法(见附录一:

四、形容词、副词一节)将excited 改为exciting. 全部改完之后,将确定的错误数计算出来,再回看不确定的地方。


1、错点分布: 名词1 代词1 冠词 1 介词1 连词1 形容词+副词2—3 动词 谓语动词 时态 1 语态1 /0 非谓语动词1


1)增一删一改八个(增删总数一般是2个最多超过3个),不多不少不重复。 2)三不改:①标点符号不改 ,②大小写不改, ③生词不改(有汉语注释的)。


1)实词变性或变形,虚词增减或替换。 2)特殊形式要警惕,时态复杂有猫腻。(特殊形式比如词的ing形式 ed形式 复数形式) 3)并列、平行要统一,前后一致才平衡。 即一碗水端平:并列结构或者平行结构的几组词或表达法有统一性,可以根据其中一个判断另一个(几个)。



 work(工作不可数;作品可数), job(可数)

 time(时间不可数;次数可数), hour, year, month, day  student, classmate, friend(别忘了+s)  side, place(都是可数名词)

 eyes, parents, feet, cheeks, shoes,shoulders…(这些都是一定+s的,parent是单亲,cheek是一个脸蛋,想想用单数有多诡异~)  grade(年级不可数;分数可数 +s)  people(这是个复数名词,单数 person), family(表示家人时,单复数写法相同,都是family), kind(种类,可数名词)

 thanks, regards, wishes, congratulations(感谢类名词永远都要+s)


 he - she  me – mine  we – I 单复改点

 one – it 泛指/特指 改点(不定代词/指代词)  some – any 肯定/ 否定句  little – few 不可数-可数

 the other – others – the others (另一个【特指】,其他的【泛指】,另外那些【特指】)  each / every+ 单数n


1. the和 same 要连用,比如,This is the same present. 2. 形容词最高级前the/a 均可(意思有差别“最/非常”)  the most disgusting affair 最恶心的事儿  a most disgusting affair 非常恶心的事儿 3.固定搭配,注意冠词。

 get into trouble 惹麻烦  at an early age 小时候  have a rest 休息一下  catch sight of 看见  go for a walk 去散步  in fact 事实上

 hit sb. on the head/face/leg 击打某人的头/脸/腿  once upon a time 很久很久以前



2、形容词/副词,比较级/最高级问题 (1)搭配

比较级中–er或more与than搭配;最高级中the/a/an与 -est或most搭配。

 He hopes to create an environment for his students that is much relaxing than the one he used to study in.〖much改为more〗 (2)more与-er不共存

 Our country will become more brighter in the coming future.〖more去掉〗 (3)as……as… 同级比较用原级,前一个as可省略。

 So now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who like to play.〖more改为much或去掉more〗

3、形容词的so 与such 结构 so + adj + (a/an) + n such + (a/an) + adj + n I have never seen so an abnormal text like this.〖so改such〗


surprise/interest/disappoint/excite/encourage/ frighten  I am suprised/ intetested/ disappointed/ excited/ encouraged/ frightened  It is surprising/ interesting/ disappointing/ exciting/ encouraging/ frightening


1、固定搭配中的动词【注意是to do还是do】

 ’d better + do 最好做某事

 have/let/make sb. do 让某人做某事  would rather + do 宁愿做某事

 want + to do; come + to do; would like + to do  used to +do (过去常常,曾经的习惯,已结束)

 be(was/were/is/are)… used to + doing(习惯做某事,表示习惯的持续)

2、以下这些词要加 …doing形式做宾语

avoid, enjoy, understand, risk, appreciate, image, look forward to, spend on, insist on

3、see sb do变被动后 —— sb is seen to do主动不要to,被动要to。


1、及物动词后不能加介词,常错点enter into;return back;reach at(这几个介词看见请通通划掉)

2、介词+ 动词-ing形式




3、丢 to :want to do ; come to do

4、丢 be :(1)漏掉be done 被动结构中的be (2)漏掉will be 系表结构中的be

5、漏掉常用结构中的介词:a lot of , because of , insist on
