









(二)、工程地质及土力学、建筑经济与企业管理、工民建课程设计与实验、毕业论文 、结构力学(一)、房屋建筑学、混凝土及砌体结构、工民建生产实习(2周)



(一)、审计学、金融理论与实务、资产评估、管理系统中计算机应用、管理系统中计算机应用实验、财政学、国际贸易、会计制度设计、市场营销学、毕业论文 、面向对象数据库技术、计算机网络基础、信息系统开发、财务管理学、中级财务会计、成本会计、政治经济学(财经类)、管理会计

(一)、国际经济法概论 电子商务:马克思主义基本原理概论、数量方法

(二) 、英语


(二) 、网络经济与企业管理 、电子商务法概论 、互连网数据库 、互联网数据库(实践) 、电子商务网站设计原理 、电子商务网战设计原理(实践) 、电子商务安全导论 、电子商务安全导论(实践) 、网络营销与策划 、网络营销与策划(实践) 、电子商务与金融 、电子商务与金融(实践) 、电子商务与现代物流 、电子商务与现代物流(实践) 、毕业设计及答辩、对外经济管理概论、财务管理学、网络操作系统、计算机网络原理、经济学










【如何报名】更多资料请与招生老师咨询,招生老师结合您自身情况为您总结最好的专业和学校————请搜索报名在线[edu84. com]-选择广州自考-选择报名-填写报名信息-等待回复/或根据帖子显示联系方式直接咨询。



一、 选题的背景及意义 近四十年来,传统的确定性数据( deterministic data) 管理技术得到了极大的发 展,造就了一个数百亿的数据库产业。 数据库技术和系统已经成为信息化社会基 础设施建设的重要支撑。 在传统数据库的应用中,数据的存在性和精确性均确定 无疑。 近年来,随着技术的进步和人们对数据采集和处理技术理解的不断深入, 不确定性数据( uncertain data) 得到了广泛的重视。

在许多现实的应用中,例如 经济、军事、物流、金融、电信等领域,数据的不确定性普遍存在,不确定性数 据扮演着关键角色。

传统的数据管理技术却无法有效管理不确定性数据,这就引 发了学术界和工业界对研发新型的不确定性数据管理技术的兴趣。

由于不确定性数据的产生原因比较复杂(可能是原始数据本身不准确或是采 用了粗粒度的数据集合,也可能是为了满足特殊应用目的或是在处理缺失值、数 据集成过程中而产生的),因此,不确定性数据的种类较多,例如关系型数据、半 结构化数据、流数据、移动对象数据等,相应地也出现了许多与数据类型紧密相 关的数据模型。

定义与应用场景相匹配的数据模型是不确定性数据管理的首要任务. 在不确 定性数据管理领域,最常用的模型是可能世界模型(possibleworld model) 。该模型 从一个不确定性数据库演化出很多确定的数据库实例(称为可能世界实例) ,而且 所有实例的概率之和为 1. 不确定性数据的种类较多,例如关系型数据、半结构化 数据、流数据、移动对象数据等,尽管存在许多与数据类型紧密相关的数据模型, 但是这些模型最终都可以转化为可能世界模型. 其中,基于 xml 的不确定性数据建模的研究对象主要是半结构化数据模型。

半结构化数据模型( semistructured data model) 能有效描述缺乏严格模式结构的 数据。 半结构化数据通常可以用文档树来描述。

Dekhtyar 等人提出了一种管理 概率半结构化数据(probabilistic semistructured data) 的方法,该方法以关系数据库 技术为基础,支持丰富的代数查询。

更多的工作则是直接以文档树形式描述不确 定性半结构化数据,例如p2 文档模型( p2document model) 、概率树模型,以及 PXML 模型 、Keulen 等人的概率树模型、PrXML 模型等。

二、 工作任务分析 我在小组中的研究部分是不确定性数据的模型。项目开启后,我的工作与任 务可分解分以下几个部分

1、学习与整理前辈们在不确定性数据方面的研究成果。这项目工作任务主要 分三个阶段进行。第一阶段是广泛地收集与了解不确定性数据的相关知识,了解 不确定性数据的轮廓,知道相关的术语、概念,方便以后与别人作相关的交流。

第二阶段是有针对性学习与理整理现有的不确定性数据模型方面的理论知识。这 一阶段,要知道各种模型的概念、所针对不同种类的数据、以及它们优势与不足 之处。第三阶段是把精力放在不确定性数据研究的某种数据的模型上。

此阶段要 做到对相关的模型在较深入的理解,不单要知道他们的定义、优劣、具体应用情 况,还要理解它们在数学上表述、证明。


1)仔细研究现在模型的优点与不足之处;2)与其它组员(还有指导老师以及相 关的研究人员)交流看法,尤其是向其它组员了解在不确定性数据的存储与查询 方面算法知识,为优化工作提供依据与灵感。3)整理所收集到的不确定性数据模 型的资料。

三、 调研报告 1 不确定性数据与xml 的发展史 实际上,针对不确定性数据的研究工作已经有几十年历史了。从二十世纪八 十年代末开始,针对概率数据库(probabilistic database)的研究工作就从未间断, 这类研究工作将不确定性引入到关系数据模型中去,取得较大研究进展。近年来, 针对不确定性数据的研究工作则在更广的范围之内取得更大的进展,即:在更丰 富的数据类型上处理更多种类的查询任务。不确定性数据管理技术的典型框架包 含四大部分:模型定义、预处理与集成、存储与索引、查询分析处理。

可扩展标记语言XML(eXtensible Markup Language)〔1〕是一种简单灵活的 文本格式的可扩展标记语言,起源于 SGML(Standard Generalized Markup Language),是 SGML 的一个子集合,也就是 SGML 的一个简化版本,非常适合 于在 Web 上或者其它多种数据源间进行数据的交换。随着 Web 上数据的增多, HTML 的缺点越来越突出。W3C 的成员认识到,必须有一种方法能够把数据本身 和数据的显示分离开来,这样W3C 在1996 年提出了XML 的概念。XML 不仅保 留了SGML 的很多优点,而且更加容易操作以及在World Wide Web 环境下实现。

1998 年,XML 成了W3C 的推荐标准。

2 不确定性数据的发展方向 在传统数据库的应用中,数据的存在性和精确性均确凿无疑。近年来,随着 技术的进步和人们对数据采集和处理技术理解的不断深入,不确定性数据 (uncertain data)得到广泛的重视。在许多现实的应用中,例如:经济、军事、 物流、金融、电信等领域,数据的不确定性普遍存在,不确定性数据扮演关键角 色。传统的数据管理技术却无法有效管理不确定性数据,这就引发了学术界和工 业界对研发新型的不确定性数据管理技术的兴趣。针对不确定性数据的研究工作 则在更广的范围之内取得更大的进展,即:在更丰富的数据类型上处理更多种类 的查询任务。

四、 方案拟定与分析


不确定性数据对于我来说,是比较新的东西。要想快速把握一样新的东西, 并不断深入,从整体上了解它的整个框架,是很重要的。这样可以防止在研究的 过程中迷失方向,同时,从整体上把握了不确定性数据后,也可以更方便更有效 率地与别人进行交流,更有效地从网络上检索到有用的信息。

万丈高楼平地起,把握不确定性数据的整体,就是为不确定性数据的模型研 究打基础。基础扎实,深入研究阶段才能底气。

五、 毕业论文撰写提纲 摘要Abstract 第一章 绪论 1.1 不确定性数据的背景 1.2 不确定性数据的管理框架 1.2.1 模型定义 1.2.2 预处理与集成 1.2.3 存储与索引 1.2.4 查询分析处理 1.3 不确定性数据的模型 1.4 建模的要求与挑战 1.4.1 庞大的可能世界实例集合 1.4.2 新出现的维度———概率维 1.4.3 不确定性数据管理的理论问题 第二章 可能世界模型 2.1 可能世界模型的简介 2.2 可能世界模型的举例与说明 第三章 针对关系型数据的模型

3.1 Probabilistic ?-table 模型 3.2 Probabilistic or-set table 模型 3.3 Probabilistic or-set-? Table 模型 3.4 Probabilistic c-table 模型 3.4.1 三个简单的表达系统 3.4.2 Probabilistic c-table 第四章 针对半结构化数据的模型 4.1 p-document 模型 4.1.1 模型简介 4.1.2 xml 4.1.3 模型定义的相关问题与解决方法 4.2 概率树模型模型(probabilistic tree model 4.2.1 模型快照 4.2.2 模型的定义 4.2.3 模型的不足之处 4.3 PXDB 模型 4.3.1 PXDB 模型引入 4.3.2 模型定义 4.3.3 c-formulae 4.3.4 模型评价 第五章 其它模型 5.1 针对数据流的模型 5.1.1 针对数据流的模型 5.1.2 一个常用模型的定义 5.1.3 相关窗口的分类 5.2 针对多维数据的模型 5.2.1 关于OLAP 5.2.2 针对多维数据的模型 5.2.3 相关模型 第六章 总结 6.1 内容总结 6.2 展望 参考文献 致谢

六、 实施计划 设计总共用时3 个半月左右。


2010.3.1——2010.4.11 论文选题,收集资料,并完成开题报告初稿。 2010.4.12——2010.4.30 学习与整理不确定性数据的相关资料。 2010.5.1——2010.5.15 进入不确定性数据模型深入研究阶段,并完成论文初 稿。

2010.5.16——2010.5.25 修改毕业论文 2010.5.26——2010.6.10 整理好材料,装订好论文,进行答辩准备。

指导教师意见: 签 名:

年 月 日 备注:

1、要有10 篇以上相关文章的阅读量。

2、理、工科开题报告撰写不少于2500 字,人文社科开题报告不少于3500 字,包括论文选题 的背景和意义、工作任务分析、调研报告、方案拟定与分析、毕业论文撰写提纲及实施计 划、文献综述(理、工科可不提交文献综述)等。

3、电脑打印,用 A4 纸,页边距左边 3。2cm,右边 2。54cm,上下边距 2。54cm,在左边装 订;内容为小四号宋体,行距为固定值20 磅。



第四册Test A词汇和语法练习

1.The young scientists ___________ many difficulties during the exploration.(年轻的科学家在探究问题时___许多困难) A . described描述

B. encountered遇到

C. contacted联系

D. enrolled注册 2. Dick lent me the money ________ one condition that I paid it back within three weeks.

A. on

B. with

C. in

D. at 3. We must _____________ of every chance to practice our English.

A. fall short

B. stay put

C. take advantage

D. long for 4. He did not fully _____________ the significance of signing the contract.

A. appoint

B. appreciate

C. enroll

D. admit 5. You will be paid ______________ the amount of work you have done.

A. in addition to

B.due to

C. according to

D. in charge of 6. Fred could finish his work in less time if he were more ____________.

A. impatient

B. efficient

C. excellent

D. negative 7. The man’s _____________ was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.

A. confidence

B. decision

C. failure

D. survival 8. My teacher ______________ upon me the value of hard work.

A. awakened

B. claimed

C. impressed

D.strengthened 9. It is easy for the boy to take the clock apart but difficult to ____________ it together.

A. get

B. put

C. have

D. show 10. According to the data, we can _____________ say that pollution is increasing.

A. definitely

B. frequently

C. readily

D. seriously 11. I don’t feel like going to that party; _______________ I’ve a bad cold, so I shouldn’t go.

A. hence

B. but

C. in addition

D. previously 12. In that country, the tax burden has been _________ from companies to individuals in the past ten years.

A. explored

B. shifted

C. ignored

D. admitted 13. My father suggested I _______at Westminster College of Law, where classes were held at night because students there held down day jobs.

A. look

B. looking

C. looked

D.might look 14. The new government __________ the oil fields owned by foreign companies one after another.

A. took out

B. took over

C. took up

D. took off

15. _________________ I regard as most important is that people have come to realize the importance

of healthy living.

A. Everything

B. All

C. What

D. That 16. Clifford Mills let me enroll at Westminster ________ condition that I repeat all my first-year classes.

A. in

B. on

C. with

D. at

17. __________________ table tennis was accepted as a regular part of the Olympic Games.

A. Not until 1988

B. It was not until 1988 that

C. It was in 1988 when

D. It was until 1988 that

18. ______________ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.

A. That

B. As

C. What

D. It

19. On Christmas Eve I saw my mother had _______________ herself in creating a strange menu.

A. interest

B. made

C. busied

D. spent 20. Here are some toys. You can ____________ one or two for your little son as a birthday gift from me.

A. pick out

B. fix upon

C. show up

D. come about 21. I cried when I ________________ that my parents had invited Robert’s family over for Christmas

Eve dinner.

A. found

B. was finding out

C. found out

D. would find 22. Harmonious society can not _________________ by itself; it is to be built by the efforts of all members of the society. A. bring up

B. come about

C. call on

D. show up 23. The government is going to work out an _________________ plan to solve the problem of water pollution. A. efficiency

B. effective

C. efficient

D. effect 24. What you said reminds me ________________ something I read a few days ago.

A. for

B. by

C. for

D. of 25. Mr. Coggeshall said the _________________ of the ACE program was to uncover any positive

passion that a student had and strengthen its practice until true change can take place.

A. decision

B. purpose

C. determination

D. instruction 26. ___________________ are two of the biggest causes of crime.

A . Poor and employed

B. Poor and employment

C. Poverty and unemployed

D. Poverty and unemployment 27. The film festval is ________________ as an event of international importance.

A. acknowledged

B. revealed

C. confused

D. blosomed 28. Cathy _________________ that no one had been to the airport to meet her.

A. forbad

B. confused

C. complained

D. justified 29. They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan ten days ahead of time, ____________

was something we had not expected.

A. that

B. this

C. it

D. which 30. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, ____________ something occurred which

attracted my attention.

A. which

B. while

C. when

D. so 31. We desire that the tour leader ________________ us immediately of any change in plan.

A. inform

B. informs

C. would inform

D. has informed 32. The machine will start instantly ________________ you press the button.

A. where

B. as

C. because

D. while 33. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ____________ every night this week.

A. practice

B. to practice

C. practiced

D. practicing 34. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy ______ for her examination.

A. to prepare

B. to prepared

C. preparing

D. being prepared 35. The principal discovered that three boys in the school were _______ in the fight.

A. caught

B. associated

C. connected

D. involved 36. The teachers couldn’t believe that the principal would allow this crucial beginning of a three-year plan to stay in the ______________ hands of Ware.

A. incapable

B. capable

C. positive

D. passionate 37. How we ______ a chance to visit your great country!

A. look for

B. long for

C. wait for

D. want for 38. David’s job ______ him with the opportunity to meet new people every day.

A. commands

B. prohibits

C. provides

D. claims 39. Now that you’re going to live in America, you’ll be able to make _______________ use of your knowledge of English. A. practical

B. restricted

C. positive

D. crucial 40. The kind nurse ________________ reading to her patients pleasant stories.

A. assisted by

B. persisted in

C. consisted of

D. insisted on 41. It is becoming a trend for large companies to _______________ smaller firms by buying their


A. take over

B. take off

C. take after

D. take to 42. Some students made it clear __________ they wouldn’t do what their parents asked them to do.

A. that

B. which

C. for that

D. for which 43. The young man went away in a hurry, ______________ to come back in a few minutes.

A. promised

B. be promising

C. to have promised D. promising 44. His teacher insisted he ___________ the book once again before he started writing the report .

A. might read

B. read

C. would read

D. had to read 45. Last year the number of flight delays in the U.S. rose by 20%, according to figures ____________

by the Administration last month.

A. produced

B. released

C. spoken

D. claimed 46. Over a third of the population in that African country was estimated to have no ___________ to

the health service.

A. excess

B. success

C. process

D. access 47. What terrible disappointments would Robert feel ______________ not a roasted turkey and sweet potatoes but Chinese food?

A. upon seeing

B. to see

C. that

D. if 48. Now almost all the parents want their children to learn the piano or the violin, ______________ their

children are willing or not.

A. no matter whether

B. no matter if

C. however

D. whatever 49. In India, 80 persent of the population live in rural areas, ___________ cattle are the basic power source.

A. where

B. there

C. which

D. in there 50. If students can’t focus on the spoken word of the teacher, they not only lost _________________ to

learn; they actually lose ability to learn.


B. wish

C. desire

D. power 51. All the people __________________ will be assembled in the hall to have a discussion on the issue.

A. joined

B. connected

C. involved

D. concerned 52. I don’t realized that I had lost my key ________________ I got home and found it wasn’t in my bag.

A. when

B. until

C. the moment

D. no sooner 53. John decided to go for a holiday by ship ______________ the fact that he was usually seasick.

A. in spite of

B. in case of

C. because

D. as a result of 54. My grandparents refuse to join us in Beijing. They enjoy a _______________ life in the countryside.

A. still

B. quiet

C. silent

D. alone 55. When Mr. John gets old, his son will ___________ over the business from him.

A. think

B. take

C. hand

D. get 56. The reason why he was late for class this morning is _________ his mother had suddenly fallen ill.

A. because

B. for

C. because of

D. that 57. It’s high time that they _____________ to do the experiment.

A. begin

B. had begun

C. began

D. were begun 58. ____________ disturbing Helen, the news had a strange effect on her mind.

A. Due to

B. Instead of

C. Because of

D. In addition to 59. Not _______________ , the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.

A. obviously

B. surprisingly

C. particularly

D. normally 60. He was ______________ to go to the concert, for he didn’t like pop music.

A. ready

B. pleased

C. happy

D. reluctant 61. The sales assistants are trained to _______________ customers complaints in a friendly manner.

A. end up

B. turn in

C. prevent from

D. deal with 62. They showed me the spot _______________ the accident took place.

A. there

B. that

C. where

D. which 63. _________________ to the speaker for five minutes, he got up and left.

A. Listened

B.To listen

C. Listening

D. Having listened 64. There is still ______________ hope of our getting there in time.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few 65. The paper parcel ________________ a clean shirt, socks and a hankerchief.


B. contained

C. constituded

D. was made up of 66. We ______________ that it would take three years to finish the project.

A. sensed

B. proceeded

C. restricted

D. estimated 67. The matter _______________ you were arguing about last night has been settled.

A. when

B. that

C. for which

D. what 68. ______________ seems quite useless to try and help them.

A. That

B. What

C. The thing

D. It 69. I’m sorry that a ___________ engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.

A. pervious

B. urgent

C. irritating

D. ready 70. Teachers should have patience; _______________ children would never learn anything.

A. hence

B. however

C. nevertheless

D. otherwise 71. __________ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.


B. To be seen

C. Seen

D. Having seen 72. Students must ____________ themselves at the beginning of each school year.

A. inquire

B. register

C. detect

D. elect 73. The average wage of 25 dollars a week was hardly enough for a family to _______________.

A. pass by

B. live on

C. live with

D. pass on 74. If you continue stealing, you will surely _________________ in prison.

A. grow up

B. end up

C. put up

D. bring up 75. I don’t like being a _____________ on other people. I’d like to depend on myself.

A. weight

B. pressure

C. burden

D. barrier 76. I could tell he was surprised from the _____________ on his face.


B. sight

C. expression

D. view 77. John took ____________ of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.

A. advantage

B. profit

C. interest

D. charge 78. The parents _______________ to look after their little child, the young couple have more time to study at the Adult College. A. helped

B. helping

C. help

D. may help 79. It was with great joy ______________ she received the news that her long lost son would soon return home. A. how

B. because

C. as

D. that 80. The book __________ 30,000 volumes by the end of next year.

A. is being published

B. has published

C. is being published D. will have been published

Key to Exercises 1-5




11-15 C B A B C

16-20 B B B C A

21-25 C B B D B

26-30 D A C D C

31-35 A B A C D

36-40 A B C A B

41-45 A A D B B

46-50 D A A A C



56-60 D C B B D

61-65 D C D B B

66-70 D B D A D

71-75 C B BB C 76-80 C A B D D



第一条 为加强我校成人高等教育学士学位授予工作的管理,提高学位授予质量,促进我校成人高等教育的发展,根据国务院学位委员会有关规定和广东省学位委员会、广东省教育厅《关于加强学士学位授予管理工作的通知》(粤学位〔2016〕3 号)等有关文件精神,结合我校成人高等教育(函授、业余、网络、自考等)本科毕业生申请学士学位的实际情况,特制定本细则。

第二条 主管部门


第三条 申请对象



1. 通过全国成人高考招收录取的函授、业余本科毕业生; 2. 以我校为主考单位的自学考试本科毕业生;

3. 通过自主招生所招收的网络高等学历教育本科毕业生。

第四条 申请条件

1. 遵守国家法律法规,遵守公民道德规范,遵守学校管理规定,品行端正,恪守学术道德,坚持学术诚信。

2. 在规定的学习年限内完成教学计划所规定的全部课程。函授、业余、网络学生 10 门主干课程考试成绩平均 70 分以上(10门主干课程由继续教育学院确定,报学位评定委员会办公室备案;凡是通过相应课程国家统考的视为达到要求),自学考试学生须通过考试计划中规定的全部课程,毕业论文(设计)成绩良好(含良好)以上,并获得本科毕业证书。

3. 通过学位课程(1 门外国语、1 门专业基础课、2 门专业课)水平统一考试(专业基础课、专业课由继续教育学院确定,报学位评定委员会办公室备案)。 4. 较好地掌握本学科的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能,并且具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力。

第五条 学位课程要求

1. 外国语水平统一考试。非外语专业申请者须参加广东省学位委员会办公室组织的成人本科毕业生申请学士学位外国语水平统一考试(只能选考英语);外语专业申请者须参加广东省学位委员会办公室组织的申请学士学位第二外国语(俄语、日语、德语、法语)水平统一考试。考试成绩及格视为通过。

2. 专业基础课与专业课。函授、业余、网络教育各专业指定的 1 门专业基础课、2 门专业课由学校统一组织,自学考试各专业指定的 1 门专业基础课、2 门专业课由广东省考试院组织。考试成绩及格视为通过。

3. 外国语水平统一考试的命题和评卷由广东省学位委员会办公室负责统筹、监督;专业基础课和专业课的考试工作由学校学位评定委员会办公室负责统筹、监督及检查,继续教育学院负责组织命题、考试及评卷等具体工作。专业基础课和专业课水平统一考试应按照“教考分离”的原则建立试题库,从试题库中随机抽取试题组织考试。

第六条 凡有下列情况之一者,不授予学士学位: 1. 在读期间曾受记过以上处分者;

2. 在校期间曾有 3 门以上(含 3 门)课程补考者; 3. 在校期间严重违反考试纪律或剽窃他人学术成果者。

第七条 学位授予程序

1. 学位申请人填写《华南理工大学成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位审批表》(以下简称《学位审批表》),由继续教育学院提出审查推荐意见,并经所在学位评定分委员会审核通过。 2. 继续教育学院在规定时间内,将下列材料报送至学位评定委员会办公室:


(2)学位申请人的学位课程水平统一考试成绩,10 门主干课程考试平均成绩、毕业论文(设计)成绩等;


(4)学位申请人的学位证书照片 2 张。 3. 学位评定委员会办公室综合审查后,将拟授予学位名单报学校学位评定委员会主席(或主管校长)审批,学位授予日期为学校学位评定委员会主席(或主管校长)批准之日。

第八条 函授、业余及网络教育本科毕业生申请学士学位只限应届毕业生,应在取得毕业证书的同期申请和授予学位;自学考试本科毕业生申请和授予学位的时间一般不得晚于毕业证书签发时间 6 个月。

第九条 我校成人高等教育(函授、业余、网络、自考等)本科毕业生所授学士学位证书为成人高等教育本科毕业生学士学位证书。

第十条 本细则适用于 2017 年 9 月以后入学者,在此之前入学者参照本细则执行。如与国家有关规定不符的,以国家规定为准。

第十一条 本细则由学校学位评定委员会办公室负责解释,自2017 年 9 月 1 日起实施,原《成人高等教育本科毕业生申请学士学位实施细则》(华南工研〔2009〕55 号)同时废止。












