


初中英语教案Unit 4 Where

Unit 4 Where’s my backpack ?


1、 知识目标:

A、 学会一些表示家具的名词以及学习用品的单词; B、 方位介词,如:in , on , under , behind的用法; C、 学会运用方位介词和where句型表述物品所在的位置。

2、 能力目标:

A、 学会正确描述物品作在的位置; B、 学会询问自己或他人物品的具体位置; C、 能够合理地描述和设计房间。

3、 情感目标:培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯。


重点:A、方位介词 in , on , under , behind的用法。

B、Where的特殊疑问句和Is this a/an . . . ?一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答。 C、学习名词 bed , dresser , bookcase ,backpack . . . 难点:A、能够正确运用方位介词描述物品作在的位置;

B、能够运用Where的问句找到物品位置。 课时安排:4课时

Period One 教学步骤

Step One: Present the New words. ①Warming up. (Prepare some school things for the students as presents .) T: What’s this ? (There is a pencil in the teacher’s hand .) S1: Yes you a right . Here you are . (give it to the student as a present .) T: Is this a ruler ? (hold up a ruler .) S2: Yes it is. T: How to spell ruler ? S2: R-U-L-E-R , ruler . T: Good , here you are. (Hold up a pen , an eraser , a notebook and so on . Ask the questions in the same way . And give the presents to the students .) T: What’s this ? S3: It’s a backpack . T: I have a backpack for you as a present ,(Looking for it in the desk , under the chair . . . ) but I can’t find it . Where’s it ? Do you know ? S3: I don’t know . S4: I think it’s in your desk.. T: (Look into the desk.) No ,it isn’t .Now , let’s look for the backpack together , OK ? (Write down the title on the blackboard .)

②Learn the New words.

T: Look at the big picture on the screen .This is a big nice room .I want to own such a room . Because there is some nice furniture in it . Do you know the names of the furniture ? (Show a picture of a bed and a dresser .)

T: What’s this ? It’s a bed . “BED” . Read after me .B-E-D , bed. Ss: B-E-D , bed.

T: What’s this ? It’s a dresser . D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser. Ss: D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser. (Teach the other words bookcase /sofa/chair/drawer/plant/ . . . in the same way .) T: Read the words aloud .

③Present the words in , on , under , behind using the objects . T: Where is my book ? It’s on the desk . (Put a book on the desk .) T: Where is my bag ? (Put a bag on the desk and ask this question .) S1: It’s on the desk . T: Where is my bag ? (To all the students) Ss: It’s on the desk . T: Where is my pen ? It’s in the pencil case . (Put a pen in the pencil case and ask .) T: Where is my ruler ? (Put a ruler in the pencil case , too .) S1: It’s in the pencil case , too . T: Where is the ruler ? Ss: It’s in the pencil case . (Then learn the other two prepositions “under”, “behind” in the same way . )

④Present the words .

T: Now , please look at the screen , where is the ball in Picture 1 ? S1: I think it’s in the box . T: Where is the ball in Picture 2 ? S2: It’s on the box . T: Where is the ball in Picture 3 ? S3: It’s behind the box . T: Where is the ball in Picture 4 ? S4: It’s under the box . T: There are some pictures on the screen , please match the sentences and the pictures . 1: The cat is under the chair . 2: The cat is on the bed . 3: The cat is behind the door . 4: The cat is in the box . 5: The cat is next to the plant . 6: The cat is on the chair . T:Please open your books and do 1a quickly as you can. (After doing 1a,check the answer.) Step Two :drills . ①Practice the drills .

T: This time , use the school things around you to practice the conversation . T:Where’s the watch? (Hold up a watch in the hand.) S1: It’s in your hand. T: Where’s the bag? (Put a bag on the chair.) S2: It’s on the chair. (Ask the students to practice the dialogue like this. Then get some pairs to act it out.) ②Introduce a room and listen to the tape. T: This is Tommy’s room, but he can’t find his books, his pencil case, his baseball, his computer game and his keys, please help him find the things. Listen and number [1-5] the things in the picture. (Play the recording and then check the answer.) Step Three: Play a game. T: Now, we will play a game , I have a new ruler, all the students close your eyes, and I hide it in our classroom. Please guess, Where is it ? If your answer is right, it is yours. Please ask like this Is it on the desk? Is it on the floor? Are you ready? S1: Is it in the ...? T: No,it isn’t. S2: Is it under the…? T: No, it isn’t. S3: Is it behind the…? T: Yes, it is. Please find it out .Here you are.(Give the ruler to him.) (Ask three or four students to come to the front to hide three or four new school things, others look for them.) T:Who can come here to hide my new pen? Ss: I can. (After playing the game, some students who can find the school things will have them.) Step Four: Task. T: Look at the picture on the screen. This is Mary’s room. In groups of four , describe where the things are in the room.(Prepare For five minutes.) S1: Is the book on the desk? S2: Yes, it is. Is the backpack under the chair? S3: No, it isn’t. It’s… Where are the keys? S4: They are…

Homework: Make a play. There is a man. His name is “forgetful”. He always forgets somethings, and he always asks Where is / are my …? Please make a short play and next class we will act it out.

第二篇:Song:Where is the thumbkin?教案

* 教学活动教案 * ESLP:Song:Where is the thumbkin?


主题名称::I’m Courteous 活动名称:ESLP:Song:Where is the thumbkin? 活动目标:

1.学会儿歌:Where is the thumbkin?,尝试创编儿歌。

2.掌握单词:“thumbkin”“pointer”“tall man ”“ring man”“baby”. 3.体验学习儿歌的乐趣。

活动准备:1.单词卡片“thumbkin”“pointer”“tall man ”“ring man”“baby”. 背景音乐

2.幼儿对儿歌音乐节奏有一定的了解。 活动过程:

一、 谈话中激起幼儿的兴趣。

1. Greeting: Good afternoon. How are you today? 2. 情景创设:一位幼儿做小老师,其他幼儿主动打招呼。

二、 以游戏的形式教授新单词及儿歌。

1. 用Magic box 教授新词:“thumbkin” “pointer” “baby”. 2. 用小白兔的声音低声说和用大灰狼的声音高声说“tall man ”“ring man” 3. 新授儿歌Where is the thumbkin?(播放背景音乐): (1) 老师说儿歌,幼儿认真听,老师提问:你听到了什么? (2) 老师和幼儿一起来唱儿歌并配以相应的动作。

三、 儿歌创编。

1.“pointer”“tall man ”“ring man”“baby”来替换“thumbkin”。 2.请幼儿尝试着两个好朋友一组来说说新儿歌。


幼儿手拉手一起唱“Where is the thumbkin?”并指导幼儿排队去喝水。

第三篇:教学反思Unit 3 Where did you go

Unit 3 Where did you go? A Let’s learn教学反思


本单元是六年级下册第三单元,是过去时态。过去时态在第二单元,学生已经接触,学生对过去时的用法已经已有初步的了解,学生知道在过去的时间发生的事就应当用过去时态,而过去时态体现在谓语动词上,而且学生也了解了动词过去式的变化规则,学生已经会用句型相互询问上个周末过得怎么样?上个周末做了什么?本单元,在第二单元学习的基础上,进一步学习接触不规则的动词过去式,及询问上个假期去了哪儿?是怎样去那儿?以及与谁去的?我这一节课是第三单元第一个课时内容,五个不规则的动词短语和一个新句型,询问上个周末去了哪儿? 教学流程:

我在教学设计时,让学生学唱第三单元的歌曲,让学生对本单元有一个初步感知。上课前给学展示本节课的学习目标,让学生有目的的去学习。充分利用学生学过的语言知识进行大量的复习,加深学生对过去时用法的巩固。用已经学过的句型What did you do? 来引出新的短语went fishing, went camping, rode a bike, rode a horse, hurt my foot. 新的短语引出后,我让学生跟读,齐读,Chant, Do actions and guess game, 在句型中进行操练。在学生掌握了新的短语后,我再引出新句型Where did you go? I went to … ,引出句型后,我通过大量的图片对学生进行句型操练,通过学生传话的游戏巩固句型。然后我把新句型新短语揉到一起进行对话练习,进一步巩固。当学生已经对新知识上口之后,再进行听力训练,继而把第二单元学的句型与本节课的句型结合在一起编对话表演,即用How was your weekend? Where did you go? What did you do?培养学生语言综合运用能力。然后让学生做调查,进一步巩固句型,短语,最后做了当堂练习,检查教学目标是否达成,最后给学生留下写一份调查报告的家庭作业,训练学生写的能力。


第四篇:Unit4 Where is my car?教学反思

Unit4 Where is my car?A.Let’s learn教学反思2014-4-10


今天我执教的内容是PEP新版教材Unit4 Where is my car?第二课时Part

A.Let’s learn。在设计课时,我把词的教学不仅和语音紧密联系,而且融入到了句子的教学中,遵循有趣、有效、有用的原则,通过游戏、歌谣、动画、大量的TPR活动及丰富的肢体语言来激发孩子们的学习兴趣、调动身体的多种感官参与学习,以提高课堂效率。


1、词不离句,句不离篇。在掌握发音的基础上,根据具体的语境,我输入了大量的语言,Put your……in/on/under…… Where is ……?在大量输出语言的基础上才有了学生的少量输出。











第五篇:教学设计详案 Where is the post office

Unit 7 Where’s the Post Office? Part2


所教授的内容是小学英语EEC四年级下第七单元 Where’s the Post Office? 第二课时 核心语言操练。 这个单元讲授的内容是有关问路和邮寄包裹时的对话。本节课的教学任务就是如何操练相关的词汇和句型,将知识有效的运用在实际的生活中。


知识目标:掌握认读词汇:bookstore, restaurant, post office, hospital, supermarket

掌握运用句型:-Where’s the post office?

-It’s over there.

-May I help you?

-I want to send this to ...

-How long does it take?

-It takes about 3 days.



词汇: bookstore, restaurant, post office, hospital, supermarket


-Where’s the post office? -It’s over there.

-May I help you? -I want to send this to ... -How long does it take? -It takes about 3 days.





Part 1: Greeting: T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you ready? S: Yes.

T: First, let’s sing a song, OK?

(Sing a song: Where is the post office? ) Part 2: Revision:

1. Today we’ll go on to learn: Where’s the post office? (Show the title)

Now let’s review the story, Ok?

T: In the story, where are Lili and Ken going? (PPT) S: They are going to the post office.

T: Lili doesn’t know where the post office is, so she asks: Where’s the post office? (TPR) (PPT) T: Does Ken know it? S: No.

T: So he says: Well, I don’t know. (TPR) (PPT) T: Look! Who is he? S: He is the policeman.

T: Then they have a good idea: Oh, there’s a policeman. Let’s ask him. (TPR) (PPT) T: Now they are talking with the policeman. Ken asks: Excuse me. Where’s the post office? (TPR) (PPT) T: The policeman says:It’s over there. (TPR) (PPT) T: Lili says: Ah, I can see it. Thank you. (TPR) (PPT) T: The policeman says: You’re welcome. (TPR) (PPT) 2. T: So can you act this story? Who can be Lili? Who can be Ken? Who can be the policeman?

(Act the first and second story) 3. T: Ok, let’s go on the story. Look! Where is it?

S: It’s in the post office. T: Who are they? S: They are clerks.

T: What does the clerk say? S: Can I help you?

T: Lili says: I want to send this to Beijing. T: The clerk says: OK.

T: Lili asks: How long does it take?

T: The clerk says: It takes about 10 days.

4. So can you act this story? Who can be the clerk? Who can be Lili? (Act the story) 5. T: Wow, that’s nice. You are super stars. Part 3: Presentation:


T: Now look at this picture. Where is it? (PPT) S: In the post office. T: And who is she? S: She is Betty.

T: Betty wants to send something, too. What do they say? Can you guess? Can you talk about it with your friends?

T: Ok, let’s play a board game. If you are right, we will clap for you. (PPT) (Play the board game)

T: Good job! Now, let’s follow the tape, Ok? (Follow the tape) 2. In the post office, there are some other friends, too. This is Tom. He wants to send something to his friends. Can you help Tom? (板书)

I can be the clerk, who can be Tom? (PPT)

(Pair work, pair show)

3: T: Now, here’s the street. Who’s she? (PPT) S: She is Betty.

T: What do they say? Can you guess? Can you talk about it with your friends? T: Board game again! (Play the board game) 4:T: Now here’s a picture of the street, where is the post office?

S: It’s over there.

T:What can you do in the post office?

S: I can…

T: There are some other places, too. Which one do you know or which one do you want to

know? Can you tell us?

(Students report) (PPT)

(Learn the places one by one) (PPT)

(Put the words on the blackboard. ) (板书)

T: What can you do in the ...?

Part 4: Practice

1. Now open your books. Turn to Page 54. Can you read the words to your friends? If he is right, you can draw a happy face for him. And if you don’t know how to read the word, you can come to the front and listen to the computer, understand?

2. Ok, any questions? No questions? Then let’s check. Can you help them find the right places to go? P57.

3. Now let’s come to P56. Listen and choose the correct picture. Then write the word. Part 5: Extension.

1. T: You did a very good job. So we can play a game.

Close your eyes. (Put the buildings in the classroom) Now open your eyes. See? Our classroom

is a street, now! (板书)

( Game: Where is the ...? It’s over there. )

(Little teacher ask: Where’s the post office? )

2: T: Look, here come some volunteers, they often help others. Do you want to be some volunteers? And some foreign friends come here, too. They need our help. Can you help them?

3. Can you show the way for the foreign friends? For example, look! (video) 4. Group work and group show.

3. T:You did a good job! Now listen!The foreign friends want to say something to you. (Thank

you for you help!) What can you say? (PPT)

S:You are welcome. Part 6: Homework:

1. Remember all the keys words today. (PPT)

2. Make a new dialogue according to what you’ve learnt.

3. You can find your own school or home in the map. Then draw a picture of your own street. Name the places in English. And if you meet some new words, you can look it up in the dictionary. Look, I’ll show you how to do it: A paper map or map through the internet. You can find your school. This is my school. This is my street. There are some shops, a bookstore, a restaurant and a post office. You can draw your own street. Ok? (PPT)

4. T: That’s all for today. I really have a good time. But it’s time to say goodbye. Let’s sing a goodbye song, Ok? Goodbye, goodbye, see you again. Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends. Goodbye, goodbye, I have fun, today. I have fun today! Goodbye! (flash)
