








Chapter1 Introduction

1.1 Background to the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Purpose of the study

1.4 Objectives of the study

1.5 Research Questions

1.6 Significance of the Study

1.7 Definition of Key Operational Terms

Chapter2 Literature Review

2.1 Internal Control system and its definitions

2.2 Effectiveness of Internal Control System

2.3 Objectives of Internal Control System

2.4 Role of Internal Control System in Relation to Financial Performance

2.4.1 Preventive Internal Control System

2.4.2 Detective Internal Controls

2.4.3 Compensating and Directive Internal Control System

2.5 Components of Internal Control System

2.5.1 The Control Environment

2.5.2 Risk Assessment

2.5.3 Control Activities

2.5.4 Information and Communication

2.5.5 Monitoring

2.6 Internal Audit system in an organization

2.7 Organizational Financial Performance

2.8 Internal Control systems in Organizations

2.8.1 Control Environment

2.8.2 Control Activities

2.9 Measures of Financial Performance in Organizations

2.9.1 Organizational liquidity

2.9.2 Organizational Financial Reporting

2.9.3 Return on Equity(ROE)

2.9.4 Return on Asset(ROA)

2.9.5 Net Interest Margin(NIM)

2.10 Effect of Internal Control and Organizational Financial Performance

2.11 Theoretical Review

2.11.1 Agency Theory

2.11.2 Dynamic Theory of the Firm

2.12 Review of Theoretical Studies

2.13 Summary and Gaps in the Literature

Chapter3 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Research Methodology

3.3 Target Population

3.4 Sampling Design and Sample size

3.5 Research Instruments and Measurements

3.5.1 Measurements

3.5.2 Questionnaire

3.5.3 Interview schedule

3.6 Piloting of the Research Instruments

3.7 Data Collection

3.8 Data analysis

Chapter4 Data Analysis And Discussions

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Background of the SME’s

4.2.1 Duration of Existence of SME

4.2.2 Level of Education of internal Audit Function(IAF)

4.2.3 Years of Experience of Internal Audit Head

4.3 Functionality of Internal of Internal Control

4.4 Model Analysis

4.4.1 Data Normality and Adequacy

4.4.2 Factor Analysis

4.4.3 Reliability and Corrected Item Total Correlation(CITC)

4.4.4 Correlation,Mean and Standard Deviation

4.4.5 Discriminant Validity

4.4.6 Model Fitness and Hypothesis Testing

4.5 Discussion of the Regression Results

4.5.1.Effect of Control variables on Performance of SME’s

4.5.2 Effect of control Environment on Financial performance of SME’s

4.5.3 Effect of Risk Assessment and management on financial performance of SME’s

4.5.4 Effect of control activities on financial performance of SME’s

4.5.5 Effect of information and communication on financial performance of SME’s

4.5.6 Effect of monitoring on financial performance of SME’s

4.6 Summary of Hypothesis Testing

Chapter5 Findings Recommendations And Suggestions

5.1 Findings of the study

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Contributions to Theory and Practice

5.4 Recommendations of the Study

5.5 Limitations of the study

5.6 Suggestions for Future Research


