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The Secretary-General Video Message on United Nations Day 24 October 2012

联合国秘书长潘基文联合国日视频致辞 2012年10月24日

Every year on UN Day, we celebrate the United Nations and the values of its founding Charter. 每年的联合国日,我们都庆祝联合国,弘扬其创始《宪章》所载的价值观。

This year, at a time of turmoil and global transition, we reaffirm our pledge to the peoples of the world: 今年,在这动荡和全球变革之时,我们重申对世界人民的承诺: To stop the wars …


To work for justice … 谋求正义……

To address silent crises like hatred, hunger, disease and environmental degradation. 应对各种无声的危机,例如仇恨、饥饿、疾病和环境退化。

People and problems cry out for sustainable solutions. The world needs greater global cooperation. We can forge this at the UN. 人民吁求可持续的出路,各种问题亟需可持续的解决办法。世界需要更多全球合作。我们能够在联合国推动这一切。

The United Nations is not just a meeting place for diplomats. The United Nations is a peacekeeper disarming troops … a health worker distributing medicine … a relief team aiding refugees… a human rights expert helping deliver justice. 联合国不仅仅是外交家的会议场所。联合国是解除部队武装的维持和平人员……是分发药品的保健工作人员……是援助难民的救济团队……是帮助伸张正义的人权专家。

But we can only succeed with the support of our partners: NGOs and CEOs; scientists and scholars; philanthropists and community leaders.


No single leader, country or institution can do everything. But each of us, in our own way, can do something. Together, as partners, we can meet the threats … end the wars and wipe out poverty. 任何一个领导人、国家或机构都不是万能的。但我们每个人都能以自己的方式有所作为。我们作为伙伴共同努力,就能应对挑战……结束战争并消除贫穷。

On UN Day, let us pledge to join as one human family to create a better world for all.

在联合国日,让我们承诺凝聚成一个人类大家庭,为所有人创造一个更好的世界。 原文链接:http:///speech/1889.html


Thank you, Sir.

I am Shashi Tharoor. Born in London in 1956, I grew up in UK, began my schooling in India, and went on to pursue graduate studies at Tufts University, from where I obtained a doctorate. After that, I got an honorary doctorate of international affairs in Padgett Sander University. I am an academician of New York humanities research institute, with many journalism awards and literature prizes, including the Commonwealth Writers Prize.

Since 1978, I began to work in the United Nations. I worked in the UN refugee agency for 11 years. From 1989 to 1996, I was transferred to the United Nations headquarters in New York. I served as the special assistant to the under-secretary-general for Special Political Affairs, the unit that later became the Peacekeeping Operations. I also worked for two leaders of the UN peacekeeping operations consecutively. Because I dealt with the peacekeeping operations excellently, I was appointed as executive assistant to the Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 1996. In 2003, the Secretary-General appointed me to the additional responsibility of United Nations Coordinator for Multilingualism. Now, I am the Under-Secretary-General for Communications and public information. Our responsibility is to achieve coordinated and effective UN foreign information, and maintain the relationship with local and international news media.

According to I have mentioned above, you can know me a lot about my academic background and past performance. I have extensive working experience within the UN system. In addition, I am always loyal to act on the purposes and principles of the . I want to speak for people around the world, especially the poor and disadvantaged people. Now, I am nominated by the Government of India for the post of UN Secretary General. So, I’m here. I have faith in myself that I am qualified for this sacred position. I wish I could get your support. Thank you!













Check against delivery







Beijing, 24-15 April 2008

Climate change has risen to the top of the policy agenda, at local, national, and international levels. The Secretary-General has called climate change one of the defining challenges of our time. At the Bali Climate Change Conference, parties launched a process of negotiations that will conclude in 2009. The UNFCCC meeting in Bangkok earlier this month adopted a detailed programme of work. We are entering into a period of intensive and very significant negotiations. 气候变化已成为地方,国家和国际社会最为关注的重大政策课题。联合国秘书长潘基文先生认为气候变化是当今时代性的挑战之一。 在巴厘岛气候变化大会上,缔约方发起了以2009年为终点的谈判进程。 本月初在曼谷召开的联合国气候变化框架公约会议,通过了详尽的工作方案, 从而进入了紧张而重要的谈判过程。

The reality of global climate change has heightened the critical importance of science and technological innovation to achieve sustainable development goals. The capacity to produce, select, adapt, and disseminate knowledge is critical for sustained economic growth and improved quality of life. The wealth of the world’s industrialized economies is built on the intensive exploitation of scientific and technological knowledge. Recently, leading developing countries have been rapidly developing their own capacities in science and technology.

全球气候变化的现实突出了以科技创新推动可持续发展的重要性。它高度突出了科技创新的重要性。 人类发明,创造,改进和传播知识的能力,是维持经济增长,不断改善人民生活的先决条件之一。世界发达国家的财富积累,大大受益于科技知识的积累。 近年来, 发展中国家的一些大国,在科技领域中也突飞猛进,加强了自己的实力。

Climate change is a complex, multi-dimensional problem. An effective and sustainable response to climate change demands the best, most up-to-date scientific assessments of the issue, made in a holistic and multi-disciplinary way. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) continues to provide the most authoritative assessment of the state of our knowledge about the physical, economic and social dimensions of climate change.

气候变化是一个复杂而多样性的问题。 要有效而持久地应对气候变化,首先需要对它进行最先进,最全面,多部们的评估。政府间气候变化专业委员会,对气候变化的经济,社会,和自然界影响,将继续提供最权威的评估, 提高我们的认识。

Climate change is as much an opportunity as it is a threat. The High-level Event held on 24 September 2007 at the United Nations in New York has sent a strong message that all countries are committed to addressing climate change. Global awareness has grown tremendously and there is readiness to act. The High-level Event also reaffirmed common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in combating climate change.

气候变化即是一项挑战, 同时也是一个机遇。 去年9月24日潘基文秘书长在纽约联合国总部召开一次高级别会议。 会议鲜明地指出,世界各国有决心应对气候变化。全球对气候变化的认识已大幅提高,各界人士积极性高涨,跃跃欲试。高级别会议还再次重申了在应对气候变化方面共同但有区别的责任和各自的能力。

Cleaner technologies, including cleaner energy technologies, have an important role to play in addressing climate change. According to the IPCC, a range of stabilization scenarios can be achieved with a portfolio of technologies some of which are already available. Others are expected to be ready for broader application in coming decades.

在应对气候变化过程中,清洁技术,包括清洁能源技术,可发挥重要的作用。政府间气候变化专业委员会评估表明,通过技术创新和利用, 包括现有技术的利用,二氧化碳的浓度可以稳定下来。未来10年内将会诞生新技术,得到更广泛的运用。

What we do not have, however, is the luxury of time, as the window of opportunity for reducing emissions and combating climate change is closing rapidly. Mitigation and adaptation action in this and the coming decades is crucial to stabilizing greenhouse gases at a level generally considered safe by IPCC scientists. Therefore we must accelerate the deployment, and enhance the accessibility, of existing clean technologies. We must redouble our efforts to diffuse and transfer proven technologies, for instance, in the area of energy efficiency. At the same time, we should continue to advance the frontiers of innovation and discovery. This will require sustained investment in energy

2 research and development (R&D). At present, compared to other sectors, global public spending and private spending on energy R&D remains low. 但我们不能应此就袖手旁观,错失良机。 我们要把握目前减少排放,应对气候变化的机遇,抓紧行动, 争取在今后10至15年内,把二氧化碳的浓度稳定在政府间气候变化专业委员会认为安全的水平。当务之急,是尽快获得并运用现有的清洁技术。已检验成功的清洁技术,比如能提高能源效率的技术,我们应加倍努力来促进这些技术的推广和转让。与此同时,我们应继续开拓发明创造与技术革新的新边缘,不断加强能源研究与开发的投入。 目前,与其他部门相比,全球能源研究与开发的总投入,不论是公营, 还是私营部门,都处于低落状态。

Technology innovation is an ongoing process. Fifteen years ago, few could have predicted the way in which cell phones and other telecommunications technologies have developed. Now, we need to accelerate the transition to a sustainable low-carbon energy economy. Scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs need to again rise to the occasion, and to play their part in this transition process.

技术革新, 是一个不断更新的过程。15年前,谁能预见信息技术,如手机等,会如此突飞猛进。 今天,我们要不断加快迈向低碳能源经济的转型。我们需要科学家,研究人才,企业家,携手并进,为低碳能源经济的转型而发愤图强。

The production and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge thrives in the right environment. Experience and economic theory teach us that public support for R&D is a necessity. Incentives can foster private sector investment in R&D.


Equally critical is international technology cooperation and focussed partnerships, both to broaden the scope and to accelerate the pace of innovation. There remain untapped potentials for cooperation between developed and developing countries, as well as for South-South cooperation. Indigenous knowledge and practice can be an important source of innovation, especially when facilitated through cross-fertilization of ideas.

加强国际技术合作和明确的伙伴关系,同样不可缺少, 由此而扩大技术革新的范畴,加快技术革新的步伐。发达与发展中国家之间的合作潜力, 南

3 南合作的潜力,都有待开发。 各国本土产生的知识与经验,也是科技革新的肥沃土壤,通过交流,相互补充而萌发,茁壮成长。

The energy sector is the central front in the battle to mitigate GHG emissions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that the world will need to invest about US$20 trillion in new energy infrastructure between now and 2030. The shift in the pattern of investment towards clean technologies should begin early and should be sustained over time.


Overseas it is often noted that, on average, China builds a coal-fired power plant every ten days, with consequences for carbon dioxide emissions. Less well known is the fact that China is rapidly becoming a major global producer of wind energy, with about half of the domestic market supplied by equipment from domestic firms. In fact, renewable energy already accounts for nearly 10 per cent of total energy supply in China today, and its contribution is expected to increase to 15 per cent by 2020. Encouraging developments are taking place in other developing countries, too, as they develop to become technology providers and innovators. 国外经常报道,中国每十天就新建一家煤炭发电厂,增加二氧化碳的排放。但鲜为人知的事实是,中国正快速成为世界生产风能的大国,中国的风能市场,半数以上的设备是自产。可再生能源已占中国能源供应的百分之十,到2020年预计可达百分之十五。其他发展中国家近年来也有可喜的进展,逐渐成为技术创新国和输出国。

However, developing countries continue to confront barriers to access to clean and climate-friendly technology. International technology cooperation and partnerships can help to overcome these barriers and accelerate the transfer, deployment and diffusion of climate mitigation and adaptation technology. 然而,发展中国家在获得应对气候变化的清洁技术方面,继续面临重重障碍。加强国际技术合作,推动伙伴关系,将有助于克服这些障碍,从而加快减排与应对技术的使用,传播和转让。

Adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change is a looming reality for most countries, China included. Adaptation technologies, such as in the area of biotechnology and efficient use of water, will need to be vigorously pursued.

4 应对气候变化的不利影响, 对大多数国家而言,包括中国,已是迫在眉睫。 我们要大力推广应对技术,包括有关的生物技术,并不断提高水资源的效用。

The Secretary-General has called on the entire UN system to better coordinate its support for Member States in the area of climate change. The UN Department that I lead – the Department of Economic and Social Affairs – supports the Secretary-General in his initiatives on climate change and has a particular focus on international technology cooperation.

潘基文秘书长要求整个联合国系统组织密切合作,协调支持各成员国应对气候变化。 我所领导的经社部,充分支持秘书长的各项倡议,把工作重点放在国际技术合作方面。

China’s capabilities in the field of science and technology are widely recognized. I hope that this Forum can contribute to ensuring that the collective talents and capabilities of all those present are harnessed for the purposes of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

中国近年在科技领域的发展,举世瞩目。我相信,本论坛群英聚会,各抒己见, 定能为气候变化的减排和应对,献智献策。

Thank you.
