
























70~80 年代,由于出现世界性的能源危机和燃料电池在航天上成功应用及其高的能量转化效率,促使世界上以美国为首的发达国家大力支持民用燃料电池的开发,进而使磷酸型及熔融碳酸盐型燃料电池发展到兆瓦级试验电站的阶段。

















上图为典型的单结质子交换膜燃料电池结构。由质子交换膜、催化层、气体扩散层、密封圈、双极板等关键部件组成。通常以全氟磺酸型质子交换膜为电解质膜,用Pt/C或者PtRu/C作为催化剂。以阴阳极催化剂层和电解质膜所组成的三合一组件统称为膜电极,是 它的核心部件。





熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC)在高温下工作(约 650℃),可以利用排气余热和燃气轮机混合发电,发电效率通常高达50%以上,,可用多种燃料(如天然气和煤),不需要用铂等贵重金属作为催化剂,有望应用到中心电站,工业化或商业化联合发电,是目前燃料电池研究的主流之一,上图为平板式熔融碳酸盐燃料电池单体结构示意。它由电极-电解质、燃料流通道、氧化剂流通道和上下隔板组成。目前,MCFC的主要技术问题已经基本解决。美国、日本等正在进行十万瓦和兆瓦级的实用演示试验,预计距商业化为期不远。



上图为固体氧化物燃料电池的工作原理图。它主要由阴极、阳极、电解质和连接材料组 成。在阳极和阴极分别送入还原、氧化气体后,氧气在多孔的阴极上发生还原反应,生成氧负离子。氧负离子在电解质中通过氧离子空位和氧离子之间的换位跃迁达到阳极,然后与燃料反应,生成水和二氧化碳,因而形成了带电离子的定向流动。



早在上个世纪60年代,燃料电池就成功地应用于航天技术,这种轻质、高效的动力源一直是美国航天技术的首选。比如,以燃料电池为动力的 Gemini宇宙飞船1965年研制成功,采用的是聚苯乙烯磺酸膜,完成了8天的飞行。后来在Apollo宇宙飞船采用了碱性电解质燃料电池,从此开启了燃料电池航天应用的新纪元。

中国科学院大连化学物理研究所早在70年代就成功研制了以航天应用为背景的碱性燃料电池系统。A型额定功率为 500 W,B型额定功率为 300 W,燃料分别采用氢气和肼在线分解氢,整个系统均经过环境模拟实验,接近实际应用。这一航天用燃料电池研制成果为我国此后燃料电池在航天领域应用奠定了一定的技术基础。


燃料电池作为潜艇AIP动力源,从2002年第一艘燃料电池AIP潜艇下水至今已经有6艘在役。FC-AIP 潜艇具有续航时间长、安静、隐蔽性好等优点,通常柴油机驱动的潜艇水下一次潜航时间仅为 2天,而FC-AIP潜艇一次潜航时间可达3周。








1 锂电池储能系统结构




由港口电网三相交流电接入门座式起重机进线变压器,经过变压整流和大电容滤波,得到脉冲直流,即为公共直流母线[4]。采用锂电池储能的门座式起重机的公共直流母线电压为540 V,电路包括两部分[5,6]:电机负载回路和锂电池储能回路。电机负载回路是由门座式起重机的直流总线并联,然后逆变器将脉动的直流电逆变为频率和幅值可调的交流电供给交流感应电机;锂电池储能回路由充放电控制单元和电池组组成。在门座式起重机原机型中增加的部件主要有:电压互感器、电流互感器、DC-DC变换器、锂电池组、监视显示器等,如图2所示。

2 节能效果测试方法

2.1 设备参数


锂电池储能单元采用某公司技术方案,选用50 AH、3.2 V的锂电池2并186串,共372节单体电池,额定电压为540 V,额定电流490 A。

2.2 测试分析


2.2.1 分解操作

势能回收装置不工作,测量门座式起重机(吊钩)按照规定动作分别吊运12 t和6 t砝码的能耗。规定动作:

(1)起吊载荷,幅度取最大幅度的50%,载荷起升高度10 m(重载起升);




(5)空钩起升,起升高度10 m(空载起升);





2.2.2 联动操作


3 节能效果分析

为了得到锂电池储能技术实际的节能效果,考虑到通用件杂货码头的实际情况,设计2种测试工况(分解及联动),分别进行3次测试。6 t砝码、12 t砝码分解操作有功功率和有功电能趋势图(取平均值)分别如图3至图6所示。6 t砝码、12 t砝码联动操作有功功率和有功电能趋势图(取平均值)分别如图7至图10所示。


根据测试结果,采用标准规定的分解操作,在起吊12 t负载时,锂电池储能技术的节能效果为40.91%,在起吊6 t负载时,锂电池储能技术的节能效果为38.10%;采用联动操作,在起吊12 t负载时,锂电池储能技术的节能效果为48.86%,在起吊6 t负载时,锂电池储能技术的节能效果为47.76%。该技术节能效果十分明显。












中图分类号:TM912 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-2374(2014)03-0068-02

1 概述


2 微电网的功能及特性


3 储能系统的必要性


3.1 储能系统的种类


3.2 传统蓄能系统特性——铅酸蓄电池







3.3 磷酸铁锂电池在微电网中应用前景

3.3.1 磷酸铁锂电池电化学原理:磷酸铁锂电池的正极材料是磷酸铁锂(锂的过氧化合物),负极材料是石墨或焦炭,磷酸铁锂电池是锂电池的一种,其得名于磷酸铁锂电池的正极材料。

3.3.2 磷酸铁锂电池的特性:





3.3.3 磷酸铁锂电池的不足。磷酸铁锂电池因为其材料为锂金属以及加工工艺的成熟度不高,导致其成本居高不下,除此之外磷酸铁锂电池的容量还需要进一步改进。磷酸铁锂电池的能量管理系统、电池充放电均衡功能在未完善之前,还不宜在微电网系统中大规模


4 结语



[1] 张建华.微电网运行控制与保护技术[M].北京:中国电力出版社,2010.

[2] 赵波,王成山,张雪松.海岛独立型微电网储能类型选择与商业运营模式探讨[J].电力系统自动化,2013,(4):27-33.

[3] 刘冬升,陈宝林.磷酸铁锂电池特性的研究[J].河南科技学院学报,2012,40(1):65-68.

[4] 赵晏强,李金坡.基于中国专利的锂电池发展趋势分析[J].情报杂志,2012,(1):20,39-44.


In recent decades,wind power is showing a rapid development all around the world due to escalating fuel prices as well as increasing public concern on environment protection[1].An energy policy called the renewable portfolio standard(RPS)is widely accepted by more and more countries and regions[2].RPS is indeed a promise of producing a specified percentage of the total power generation from renewable sources within a certain date.As a result,more and more large-scaled wind farms will be integrated into power systems.Unfortunately,wind power depends on climatic conditions and tends to be intermittent.

In many utilities,the intermittent wind power is considered as a negative load that cannot be dispatched and is excluded from the process of unit commitment(UC).On the basis of load and wind power predictions,conventional generator units are scheduled for serving the net load(i.e.,load demand minus wind power)at the minimum cost by means of UC tool.Due to the limitation of present prediction tools,the wind power prediction is far more difficult than the load prediction,and the prediction error increase dramatically with the prediction time horizon[3].Under this condition,the uncertainties of the net load increase due to the uncertainties of the wind power,so the operation risk of power systems consequently increase.In this paper,the operation risk refers to the probability in which the scheduled generating capacity will fail to carry the net load over a scheduled time horizon(24 h or less).Loss of load probability(LOLP)is a widely used reliability index and quantifies the probability of the load loss resulted from insufficient generation capacity.So it is utilized to measure the operation risk in this work.Scheduling sufficient spinning reserve(SR)capacity is considered as an effective means for reducing the operation risk,but it comes at some cost,because additional generator units might be synchronized and other units might operate at their suboptimal output points[4].

Since the early 1980s,the utility-scaled battery energy storage system(BESS)has been applied widely[5,6].It has been used for load leveling,peak shaving,voltage-frequency stabilizing,and other purposes.In recent years,BESS has been incorporated into wind farms for mitigating the disadvantages resulted from the integrated wind power.In Refs.[7-10],BESS has been incorporated into wind farms as an energy storage medium for dispatching the wind power.By controlling the charging/discharging behavior of BESS,the wind power can then be dispatched by system operators to some extent.The wind power is also intermittent.Its reliability contribution to generation systems is consequently far less than that of conventional generator units.In Ref.[11],the case study on a test system reported in Ref.[12]demonstrates that the reliability contribution of a90 MW wind farm is only equal to that of a 10 MW conventional generator unit.Refs.[13-14]incorporated BESS into wind farms for mitigating the intermittency of wind power,so the reliability contribution of wind power can be dramatically improved[13,14].

The highlight of the present work is to utilize BESS to reduce the operation risk of power systems.BESS is designed to discharge for serving some load in case of power shortage resulted from unpredictable events,such as generator outages,sudden load/wind power changes or a combination of both.In this instance,BESS can be considered as another kind of reserve.Regarding expensive BESS,an important consideration for design is the finite number of charge-discharge cycles that BESS can undertake over its lifetime[15].A special operation strategy is designed to make full use of the battery.A new index,called the expected cycle life consumption(ECLC),is proposed to measure the cycle life consumption of BESS during the scheduled time horizon.Sequential Monte Carlo simulation(SMCS),described in Ref.[16],is adopted to assess the system operation risk,in which,both stochastic factors associated with power systems and effects of BESS are considered.Simulations on a case system are done to justify the feasibility of the designed BESS.

1 BESS Integrated as Reserve

1.1 System Configuration

In Refs.[7-8],BESS is incorporated into a system at the point of common coupling(PCC)for dispatching wind power by adjusting the charging/discharging state of BESS.In the present work,BESS designed for reducing the operation risk of power systems is also incorporated into a wind farm according to the same technical scheme in Refs.[7-8],as shown in Fig.1.

In Fig.1,Pw,tand Pb,tare wind power output and charging/discharging power of BESS at hour t respectively(1≤t≤T,Tis the total number of hours over the scheduled time horizon).If BESS discharges at hour t,Pb,tis positive;if BESS charges at hour t,Pb,tis negative.Pd,trepresents the output power from the wind farm and the BESS power station.Assuming that power losses of converters are ignored,it can be computed as

In many utilities,the wind power is considered as a negative load when scheduling power systems.The precision of wind power prediction is far less than that of load prediction,so the integration of wind power increases the operation risk of power systems.In case of an emergency that SR fails to compensate power shortage entirely,the energy stored in BESS discharges to serve some load to reduce the operation risk of power systems.In this instance,BESS can be considered as another kind of reserve.Subsequently,SR provided by operating generator units starts to charge BESS.Under this condition,Pd,tcan be negative,i.e.,the wind farm and BESS power station absorb energy from the grid.After the charging period,the recharged BESS has a capability of compensating unpredictable power shortage again and discharges as needed.

1.2 Technical Characteristics of BESS

BESS is mainly comprised of batteries,the control and power conversion system(C-PCS),and the rest of the plant.The rest of the plant is designed to provide good protection for batteries and C-PCS[6].Batteries are the most important and expensive component of BESS.The performances of BESS depend on the battery characteristics.

Regarding BESS,an important characteristic is the finite number of charge-discharge cycles that the battery can undertake over its lifetime[15].The number of such cycles,called the cycle life,is of nonlinear and complex relationships with various factors,such as the depth of discharge(dDOD)that the battery has to undergo,the ambient temperature and the charging/discharging rate of the battery.For example,the cycle life of a certain type of battery,as reported in Ref.[17],decreases dramatically from 4 200for dDOD=20%to 2000for dDOD=80%.However,too deep discharge(e.g.,dDOD>80%)should be avoided as it may lead to permanent physical damage to the battery and an exceedingly low cycle life[18].In the present work,if the battery is fully charged,its state of charge(SOC)is 1.Hence,when the battery is subsequently fully discharged,i.e.,its dDODreaches the allowable maximum value,denoted as dmax,thus SOC of the battery is 1-dmax.In order to obtain a judicious balance between the discharging level of battery energy and the battery lifetime,a reasonable value of dmaxis 0.8[9].

Due to the nonlinear relationship among SOC,charging/discharging rate,internal losses of battery,and other factors,only nonlinear model[19]can accurately represent battery charging/discharging behaviors.Because the scheduled time horizon is short-term,a simplified linear battery model can be adopted,in which a fixed charging/discharging efficiency,denoted asη,is utilized to express internal losses of the battery.

2 Operation Strategies of BESS

To date,BESS is still a very expensive appliance,and its cycle life is finite.To make full use of BESS in an economic way,three principles must be observed in the operation as follows:

1)To avoid damages to BESS,the charging/discharging rate at any time must be less than its allowable maximum value,denoted as Pbm.

2)The charged/discharged energy must be confined strictly to avoid an over-charge/discharge.

3)Any incomplete charge-discharge cycle must be avoided for making full use of BESS and prolonging its lifetime,i.e.,as long as a BESS starts to charge/discharge,it must be fully charged/discharged.

During hour t,it is assumed that some power shortage occurs due to generator unit outages,sudden load/wind power changes or a combination of both.Subsequently,SR provided by operating generator units starts voluntarily to compensate the power shortage,but fails to compensate entirely.The uncompensated power shortage is denoted as Ps,t.Under this condition,BESS designed for reducing the operation risk needs to be discharged to serve some load.The allowable maximum discharging power,denoted as Pdm,t,depends on the current charging/discharging state and SOC of BESS.It can be computed as

where St-1is the SOC of BESS at the previous hour;Ebthe BESS capacity;Tsthe studied time span of this work(1h);and Utis the charging/discharging state of BESS during hour t.

Uthas two different values,i.e.,0 means discharging state,while 1 means charging state.If BESS is unfortunately in charging state during hour t(i.e.,Ut=1),it cannot be discharged to reduce the operation risk.Otherwise,an incomplete charge-discharge cycle will happen and a charge-discharge cycle of BESS will be wasted.

The real discharge power of BESS depends on both uncompensated power shortage and allowable maximum discharge power.It can be expressed by

Then the SOC of BESS at hour t,denoted as St,can be calculated as

If BESS has been fully discharged at the end of hour t,i.e.,its SOC has reached 1-dmax,its state will change from discharge to charge immediately,i.e.,Ut+1will change to 1from 0.During the subsequent charging period,three principles should also be observed as the discharging period,i.e.,the charging rate and the total charging energy of BESS will be strictly confined for avoiding damages to batteries.As long as BESS has been fully charged,i.e.,its SOC has reached 1,the state of the recharged BESS will change from charge to discharge immediately.

According to the operation strategy described above,an hourly charging/discharging sequence of BESS,as shown in Fig.2,can be obtained to assess the operation risk of power systems.

The hourly charging/discharging sequence is comprised of a series of alternating charging/discharging periods,during which,BESS has been fully charged/discharged.If there are mcharging/discharging periods,it can be easily concluded that BESS has undergone m/2charge-discharge cycles over the studied time horizon.mis uncertain due to many random factors,such as stochastic fluctuations of load and wind power,random outage of generator units,etc.The ECLC index is defined to represent the expected value of cycle life consumption of BESS over the studied time horizon.

3 Assessment of Operation Risk

The objective of UC is to minimize the energy production cost over a scheduling period with constraints of generator operation and power systems.The detailed model can be found in Ref.[20].The UC problem is so difficult that only exhaustive enumeration can obtain its accurate solution[21].In recent years,genetic algorithm(GA)has been successfully utilized to solve this problem.In this work,GA is a choice.

When wind power is integrated into power systems,it is usually viewed as a negative load and is incorporated into load demand for obtaining a net load.Under this condition,the load demand considered in the UC process is consequently a net load prediction,i.e.,the load prediction minus the wind power prediction.

The constraint on the amount of SR is of importance in the UC process,as it is related to not only system operation risk,but also production cost.How to quantify the optimal SR amount is an important issue.In this paper,SR amount is predetermined to be 10%of the net load prediction.

3.1 Uncertainties in Assessment Process

The charging/discharging sequence of BESS is chronological,so SMCS is a suitable computational tool to assess the operation risk of power systems.In SMCS,both random factors associated with power systems and effects of BESS are considered.The random factors include stochastic outages of generator units and uncertainties of load/wind power.

The actual load demand La,tcan be expressed as the sum of load prediction Lf,tand an normally distributed prediction errorεt.

The mean ofεtis 0.The standard deviation ofεtis a function of the prediction tool.And it can be expressed as a percentage of the load prediction.

The actual wind power is also assumed to be the sum of wind power forecast Wf,tand a prediction errorεw,t.But being different with the load prediction error,the wind power prediction error does not follow the normal distribution.Instead,some scholars conclude that the prediction error follows aβ-distribution.However,the large number and the geographical dispersion of wind turbine generators allow the application of central limit theorem to justify the assumption of normally distributed wind power prediction error,which is a common practice[22,23,24].With the current prediction techniques,the wind power prediction is far more difficult than the load prediction and the time factor is of a primary concern.It is believed that the prediction error increases dramatically with the prediction time horizon.The studied time horizon in this work is short-term,so a zero-mean,normally distributed random variable is used to describe the wind power prediction error[24].The standard deviation of the prediction errorσw,tcan be estimated as[3]

where LTis a system lead time;k1and k2are adopted for quantifying the prediction errors.In Ref.[3],these two parameters are set to be 0.061 6and 0.228 5respectively according to a case of Danish systems.

3.2 Assessment Process

Step 1:Obtaining the optimum generation schedule by UC tool.

Step 2:Specifying the initial state of each generator unit.Here,it is assumed that all generator units are in the upstate for the convenience of description.

Step 3:Simulating the duration of each generator unit residing its present state by the inverse transformer model,and the distribution functions of the generator unit failure and repair rates.In this work,the failure and repair times are all supposed to follow an exponential distribution,so the sample value of the duration time is

where Diis a duration of unit i residing its present state;δian uniform-distributed random number in[0,1]for unit i;andλiis a constant repair/failure rate depending on the current state of unit i.

Step 4:Step 3is repeated to construct a chronological upand down-state of each generator unit during the scheduled time horizon.Then,the system operation cycle is determined by combining all the generator cycles.

Step 5:Randomly generating normally distributed prediction errors of load and wind power at each hour over the scheduled time horizon.These prediction errors are added to the load and wind power predictions for obtaining chronological hourly load and wind power models,respectively.

Step 6:According to the operation strategy,an hourly BESS charging/discharging power sequence is constructed and incorporated to calculate LOLP and ECLC indices over the scheduled time horizon.In order to obtain accurate results,Step 3and 4should be repeated for many times.In this paper,the repeated time denoted as nsimis set to be 106.Then,LOLP and ECLC indices can be calculated by

where VECLCis the value of ECLC index;VLOLP,tthe value of LOLP index at hour t;mjthe number of charging/discharging periods in the jth simulation;and nd,tis the number of load loss during hour t in nsimsimulations.

4 Case Study

A case study is given to justify the feasibility of the designed BESS for reducing the operation risk.

4.1 Case System Data

The case system is extended from a typical thermal system[25]by adding a 400 MW wind farm.Some key parameters of thermal units are given in Table 1,other parameters and hourly load demands can be found in Ref.[25].In Table 1,Pi,maxand Pi,minare the maximum and minimum output powers of unit i respectively,and ai,bi,ciare the cost coefficients of unit i.

The hourly wind power predictions are adjusted proportionately according to the actual conditions in a typical spring day of Jiangsu power system in China,and are expressed as square symbols,as shown in Fig.3.For comparison,the hourly load and net load predictions are expressed as deltoid and diamond symbols in the same figure,respectively.In order to assess the operation risk of the case system,the constant failure/repair rate of each unit is shown in Table 2.The standard deviation of load forecast error is assumed to be 2%of the load prediction.The parameters k1and k2are assumed to be 0.061 6and 0.228 5respectively,and the value of LTis supposed to be 4h.

4.2 Simulation Results Without BESS

UC tool is adopted to schedule 10thermal units in the case system for meeting the net load at the minimum cost.The converged UC solution is illustrated in Fig.4,and the corresponding production cost is$443 390.

The operation risk can be measured by hourly LOLP index,which is expressed as square symbols,as shown in Fig.5.In order to highlight the impacts of wind power uncertainties on the operation risk of the case system,it is assumed that wind power can be predicted or dispatched,i.e.,the prediction error of wind power is 0.Under the assumption,the values of hourly LOLP index are decreased dramatically and expressed as deltoid symbols in Fig.5.

Fig.5indicates that the operation risk of the case system increases dramatically due to the uncertainties of integrated wind power.For example,the value of LOLP index during hour 9increases from 1.28%to 1.96%,the corresponding rise expressed in percentage is as high as 53%.

4.3 Simulation Results with BESS

Scheduling sufficient SR capacity is widely considered as an effective method to cope with the increased operation risk resulted from integrated wind power.But it comes at some cost.In the present work,BESS is connected to wind farms to reduce the operation risk.

From 1988 to 1997,a 10 MW/40 MW.h BESS had been successfully utilized for peak shaving,load leveling,load following,and other purposes as a demonstration project in Chino,California,USA[5].In this paper,it is also assumed that Pbmis 0.25 Eb.It is emphasized that BESS is scheduled according to the operation strategy.The 40 MW.h,80 MW.h,120 MW.h and 160 MW.h BESS is supposed here to be incorporated into wind farms.The operation risks for different BESS capacities are expressed by different symbols,as shown in Fig.6.

It can be found that BESS can dramatically reduce the operation risk of the case system.Moreover,the extent of the operation risk reduction depends on the BESS capacity.If a 40 MW.h BESS is incorporated,the maximum value of LOLP index decreases from 2.58% to 2.17%.When the BESS capacity increases from 40 MW.h to 160 MW.h,the maximum value of LOLP index decreases further from 2.17% to 1.62%.

In the present work,ECLC index is formulated to quantify the cycle life consumption of BESS.Fig.7 gives the values of ECLC index for different BESS capacities.It can be found that the value of ECLC index decreases with the increasing Eb,i.e.,the larger BESS will outperform the smaller BESS on the expected life.Moreover,the values of ECLC index for different BESS capacities are all less than 0.015.These values are tiny compared with the cycle life of BESS.For example,the cycle life of Chino BESS is as high as 2000[5].In addition,the value of cycle life will be gradually improved with the technical progress on batteries.In view of the above,BESS can reduce the operation risk of the case system without evident consumption of BESS.That is to say,BESS originally designed for reducing the operation risk can also be used for other purposes,such as achievement of wind power dispatching,which is the highlight of Refs.[7-10].

From the above case study,it can be concluded that larger BESS outperforms smaller BESS on the effectiveness of reducing operation risk under the expected lifetime.Unfortunately,the battery is so expensive that selecting larger BESS to reduce the operation risk is not optimal from the viewpoint of economy.In the future research,we wish to explore a calculation methodology of optimal BESS capacity.

4.4 Effectiveness of BESS Operation Strategy

If incomplete charge-discharge cycle of BESS is permitted,the operation risk of the case system incorporated with a 40 MW.h BESS is shown in Fig.8.For comparison,the case without any incomplete charge-discharge cycle(i.e.,BESS is scheduled according to the operation strategy proposed in this paper)is also illustrated in the same figure.It can be seen that the permission of incomplete chargedischarge cycle will not bring out more remarkable reduction in the operation risk.But the value of ECLC index increases dramatically from 0.0137 to 0.049,of which the corresponding rise expressed in percentage is as high as 257%,i,e.,the cycle life consumption of BESS has been increased dramatically.The comparison described above demonstrates that the operation strategy of BESS designed in this paper can make full use of BESS in an economic way.

5 Conclusions

In this paper,BESS is introduced as another reserve for reducing the increased operation risk resulted from the uncertainties of integrated wind power.To make full use of BESS in an economic way,a special operation strategy is designed,in which any incomplete charge-discharge cycle is avoided.Simulation results on a case system demonstrate that the designed BESS can effectively reduce the operation risk of power systems without evident consumption of BESS.

BESS is so expensive that using it only as a reserve for reducing the operation risk is not economic.The case study also indicates that the cycle life consumption of BESS is tiny compared with the cycle life of BESS.The designed BESS still has a capability of achieving other purposes simultaneously.

