




班级:___________ 姓名:__________ 小组:_________ 考号:___________

一.单项选择(每题1分,共15分)()1.Will you please tell me_______?A.where is the airportB.how far the airport isC.how can we get to the airportD.when can she come back()2.Peter knew____.A.whether he has finished reading the book.B.why the boy had so many questionsC.there were 12 months in a yearD.when they will leave for Paris()3.The teacher his students the sun ____ in the east.A.riseB.risesC.roseD.risen()4.Who is calling , please?A.I am Jack.B.speaking C.this is Jack speakingD.he is Jack()5.Peter is afraid _______in front of othersbecause his English is not good.A.to speakB.speakingC.spoke D.of speak()6.---Linda, gave me my glasses to me, please.I can ___ read the words in the newspaper.---with pleasure.A.hardB.nearC.hardlyD.clearly()7.Maria’s mother ____ at 6:30 every morning to get ready for the school.A.picks her upB.wakes her upC.looks for herD.worries about her()8.The boy _____ his friends were playing in the street when the earthquake happened.A.withB.andC.as well asD.as far as()9.The girl is too young.Don’t make her ____ the piano all the time.A.playsB.playingC.playD.to play()10.Bob enjoys playing computer games.He ____ all his time on it.A.takesB.spend sC.costsD.pays()11.Daming’s hobby is collecting tickets.He ____ them for two years.A.collectsB.collectedC.will collectD.has collected()12.---Arthur is a loving grandmother.---Yes, she ____ all her free time with her grandchildren.A.paysB.takesC.spendsD.uses()13.Her voice _____ beautiful.A.tastesB.soundsC.feelsD.smells()14.He has ____ China twice, and he has visited many interesting places there.A.gone toB.been inC.been toD.went to()15.The teacher often tells the boy ____ quiet in class.A.to keepB.keepC.keepingD.keeps

二、按要求完成句子: 1.Will he come tomorrow? I don’t know.(改写成宾语从句)I don’t know ___________________________________ tomorrow.2.Does Mr.Brown enjoy living in Beijing? Can you tell us?(改写成宾语从句)Can you tell us ________Mr.Brown __________________ in Beijing? 3.Where is his mother? I wanted to know.(改写成宾语从句)I wanted to know ___________________________.(划线提问)_______________ do you visit your grandmother? 5.______________________________________ in England? 6.He bought the book last month.(用 for three days改写)He ________________ the book for three days.7.She has already finished her homework.(改为否定句)She _______ finished her homework yet.(对划线部分提问)_______________________________________ in Beijing?


























各位领导、老师们: 大家好!

我要交流的是英语(新标准)初中八年级下册Module4 New technology的内容,我从六个方面展开:教材内容分析、学情分析、教学目标、重点难点、教材处理、教学设计。

一 教材内容分析


二 学情分析


三 教学目标




听:懂有关学习介绍的简短对话,提高学生实际应用能力。说:能利用if 句型介绍产品的使用说明;流利地说出本模块的生词、短语。读:能阅读包含if句型的有关使用说明的简单文章。进行简单的阅读技能训练。




认知策略: 联系,归纳,推测等技能。

调控策略: 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误 进行修改。

交际策略: 学习运用恰当词语介绍有关产品使用说明

资源策略: 通过其他资源获取更多产品介绍的信息。

自学策略: 借助词汇图掌握单词,形成话题联想的习惯。

合作学习策略: 关心身边的生活环境,能互相介绍有关生活中的用品。



在中外对比中,了解Internet café 情况,了解Internet café 在国际的使用情况。5情感态度目标


四、重点和难点1 教学重点

(1)重点句型: “If从句+祈使句”的句子(2)重点话题: Introduce new technologies;

Learn to how to protect themselves when they are in danger.教学难点


(2)能用英语介绍生活中的科技用品。3 突破途径


五、教材处理1 核心任务:能够运用所学知识介绍生活中的科技用品。



Task-cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化“介绍 科技产品”的表达能力,为


post-task: 达成任务,展示成果,自我评价,反馈学习情况。2 课时安排第一课时:Unit 1: Vocabulary and listening

第二课时:Unit 2: Vocabulary and reading

第三课时:Unit 3: Language in use1-7

第四课时:Writing, Speaking, Around the world, Module task

第五课时:Self-assessment, analysis of Ex.第一课时:Vocabulary and listening(Unit 1Activity 1~8)

Step 1 Brainstorming:

从本单元的题目new technology 入手,利用学生已有的认知水平进行头脑风暴,并引入新单词(video, video, recorder etc)主要为下一步教学做好准备。

Step 2Which suggestion do you give?通过简单问答,从听开始介入if的从句,让学生有一个比较的直观的认识。引入new words(press, button, copy, memory, turn on, play recorder).通过model训练学生的发散性思维.Step 3Lead –in: instructions of computer

Computer属于new technology,温故知新,对本单元能过起到过渡的作用。

Step 4 Presentation


Step5 Listen and read在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力,充足的输入,更有利于学生进行目标语言的输出。如果可能的话,把不同的按键涂成相应的颜色,让学生更好的理解课文。Step6 Answer the question 学生可以根据问题的回答充分的熟悉课文,通过学生的个别回答,可以提高学生的口头表达能力和语言的组织能力,这是语言的有效输出。

Step7Reading and speaking让学生听磁带,增强他们的语感,培养学生良好的语音,语调。还要培养学生良好的朗读习惯(默读、集体朗读、个别朗读)。还可以培养学生的表演能力。Step 8To be a salesman使用 mobile phone 是Unit 2 的相关环节,学习它,能够起到承上启下的作用。Step 9 Homework 适当的抄写和阅读是必需的,作文在课堂里已经进行过讨论,所以大部分学生有能力掌握,他们并不会感到困难。To be a good salesman,跟学生的生活实际相结合。第二课时:Vocabulary and readingStep1 check the homework

这部分既是check the homework,同时也是Unit 2 第一部分的内容。如果学生在课前预习过该部分内容,那完全可以利用好这个环节,节减上课的时间,提高上课的效率,教与学双赢。


Step 3 Making up a story 可以充分地发挥学生的想象力,自主学习和合作学习相结合。这些图片跟课文有密切的联系,学生熟悉他们。对理解课文有很大的帮助。让学生对具体的文章内容不 觉得陌生。

Step 4ReadingHerry Jackson meets the same situation as you.Let’ssee how he does? Read the passage and answer thequestions.根据故事的时间、人物、地点、起因、经过、结果等进行提问,让同学们掌握相应的阅读技巧和策略。2 Read the passage again, choose the best answer.加大问题的难度,进一步地理解课文,加强学生的推理和归纳能力。3 Retell the story in English.学生根据图片Key words或进行复述,可以降低难度,故事的复述更具有流畅性,针对性和目的性。通过复述,学生能够熟悉课文,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,考虑到学生的个别差异性比较大,水平参差不齐,适当的话可以参考课文,充分展示他们的成果,这是有效的语言输出。4 Expand“学以致用”是我们的学习目的。学生要学会处理生活中的突发事件,具有应变的能力,并采取妥善的措施。学生要学会如何的保护自己和他人,遇事要保持冷静的头脑。

Step 5 Homework

要多阅读课文,联系学生生活实际,引导学生关注生活环境, 用中学。第三课时:Language in use 1-7

Step 1 Investigate whatyour response is.多说 if 的句型,熟练生巧。提高学生说的能力。

Step 2 Complete the sentences

下个单元讲的是If 条件状语从句的主从句的时态,这里讲的起到铺垫的作用。

Step 3 write instructions


Step 4 Group competition


Step 8 Homework要学生知道新的技术给我们带来了什么好处,科学技术是第一生产力。同时为第五课时的辩论赛作好准备。学生的学习也要反馈,做到查漏补缺。

第四课时: Writing, speaking, around the world, Module task

Step 1Listen and repeat

进一步进行听力的训练,增加学生的语感。Step2 Writing要培养学生良好的写作习惯。有些学生很怕写作,因为他们觉得太难,要消除学生对写作的恐惧感,应该由易到难,层层深入,循序渐进,培养他们的写作兴趣,能够取得事半功倍的效果。

Step 3 Work in groups


Step 4 Around the world

Step 5 Homework学生的学习要及时的反馈,新的技术有他好的一面,也有坏的一面,学生要客观地分析问题,不能够一刀切。同时为第五课时的辩论赛作好准备。学生的学习也要反馈,做到查漏补缺。

第五课时:Self-assessment, ExercisesStep1 Sharing the story


Step 2 Making a debate


Step 3 Additional exercisesStep 4Self-assessment 自我反馈、自我评价、自我改进是非常必要。这是学生自主学习的重要体现。


教材用词应力求准确无误, 这样才能为学生提供规范准确的学习资源。《英语 (新目标) 》八年级下册有几处用词瑕疵:

P41 Write the names your hear in the conversations next to each picture.

P74 Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China?

P76 Listen and number the pictures above in the order you hear them.

P80 Match each note with the correct situation.

P41中的“your hear”应改作“you hear”才符合英语语法规则;P74里的“outside of”仅在美国英语中使用, 一方面不够典型, 另一方面“outside”与“of”连用, 学生易误认为是名词, 而作名词时的意思是“the outer side or surface;the outer parts (……的外围, 外表面) ”, 去掉“of”就无此歧义了。P80中的“number”应改为“check”更合适, 因为学生听到的只是四幅图片中的三幅;P80“situation”应改成“subject”, 因为短信前提供的不是使用短信的“情境”, 而是短信的“主题”。

2. 所选句式的典型性。

《英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》强调, 教材的编写应该保证重要语言现象有足够的再现率, 教材应尽可能选择真实、地道和典型的语言素材, 其目的是让学生学习标准、地道的英语, 尽可能减少已有的母语认知结构的负迁移作用。笔者认为, 教材在追求“真实、地道”的同时, 也应充分考虑所选素材的典型性。

P70 It is just so much fun in Disneyland!

P3 People will use the subways less.

P80 Sometimes it isn’t easy being the new kid at school.

P70中“fun”的词性和用法令人费解, 凭初中生的认知能力和英语水平根本无法理解。七年级上册中“fun”作形容词, 用在口语中作定语, 可例句中的“fun”又作名词, 学生被弄得一头雾水。P3里的画线部分仅在美国英语里使用, 且“the”可以省略, 在学生的原有认知结构中, 复数名词表示“一类”时是不用冠词的。P80改为“Sometimes it isn’t easy to be a new kid at school”更符合英语的表达习惯。

3. 逻辑思维的缜密性。

文字是语言的符号, 人们把思维活动用符号记录下来就是书面表达, 直接说出则叫口头表达。语言能显示出人们思维活动的先后顺序, 即所谓的逻辑关系。如果逻辑出现错误, 那么语言就会出现前言不搭后语或自相矛盾的情况。

P97“注:非延续性动词在否定结构中可用现在完成时。例如:I haven’t bought anything for two months.”

教材P96却是:“某些动词的现在完成时可表示过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在 (包括‘现在’在内) 的动作或状态, 可以和表示延续的时间状语连用。表示持续动作或状态的动词多是延续性动词”, 这显然是说:“非延续性动词不可以和表示延续的时间状语连用”, 而例句中却变成“非延续性动词在否定结构中可用现在完成时”, 这分明是逻辑上的混乱, 应改为“非延续性动词在否定结构中可以和表示延续的时间状语连用”, 以保持逻辑上的连贯性。

P93 Conversation 2

Boy 1:You’re new here, aren’t you?

Boy2:Yes, Iam.Myname’s Bill.You’re Tony, aren’t you?

Boy 1:That’sright.Whatdo you think of school?

Boy 2:It’s great.Have you always gone to this school?

Boy 1:No, I haven’t.I started here last year.

根据第一句话可以看出此对话发生在学校, 而下面用的“have gone to”表示的是“已经去某地了”, 既然都“在学校”, 为何又说“去某地”了?前后自相矛盾。笔者认为改作“--How long have you been studying at this school?--Oh, not too long.I started here last year.”更符合逻辑。

4. 教材编写的科学性。

《英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》要求, 英语教材的编写要依据语言学习的客观规律, 充分体现不同年龄段和不同语言水平学生的学习特点和学习需要, 教学内容和教学要求要符合学生的心理特点和认知水平。

P50 I’ve been teaching in China for two yrars.…I’m certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2008.

笔者在教学时告诉学生这是作者过去写的文章, 学生却根据第一句判断出作者是2008年开始在中国教书, 那时奥运会已经结束 (八年级新学期九月份开始) , 由此判断画线部分确实应用一般过去时。

P74...you won’t have any problem finding rice...


本单元谈论的话题是“Fun places”,其功能项目是“Talk about past experiences”,通过对比、使用现在完成时态、一般过去时态谈论过去曾经去过的地方. Section A的内容是在复习巩固一般过去时用法的基础上学习使用Have you ever been to…这个句式表述过去曾经去过的地方。




通过情境导入提出Have you ever been to…? 的问题,引导学生积极参与课堂口语交际,学习使用新的词汇和短语,来训练和强化现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to …?的答语形式,,最终达到使用该句型描述过去的某个经历。



掌握现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to ……?及答语形式Yes,… have/ No, … haven’t;通过情景设置、两人一组对话练习、小组合作等方式学会谈论过去曾经到过的地方。


通过情境导入来引导学生谈论过去发生的事,提出Have you ever……?的问题,继而引出一些新的词汇和句型,然后通过精讲多练的课堂教学来达到本节课的教学目标。




1. 掌握重点句型Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have. /No, I have never been to an amusement park.學会使用该句型与其他人谈论过去曾经去过的地方,并能对该地的风景、娱乐等方面进行简单的描述。

2. 熟练运用现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to…?描述过去曾经去过的地方,并能就这个话题进行讨论。






Step 1 Warming-up

1. Make conversations with some students to talk about past events.

T: Tom, what did you do yesterday?

S1:I played basketball.

T:(writing the words on the board) Tom played basketball yesterday. (to another student) Mary, What did you do last Sunday?

S2:I went to the zoo.

T:(writing on the board) Mary went the zoo last Sunday.

2. Make a short conversations in pairs. (两人一组进行以上的对话练习)

( 设计意图:用闲聊的方式带领学生走进课堂,给学生创造轻松愉快的学习氛围,学生容易接受。 同时以简单的对话方式复习前面所学的内容,过渡自然。小组对话练习不但可以提高学生对过去发生事情的表述能力,还可以提高他们的听说能力,达到较好的复习效果,为新课的学习做好铺垫)

Step 2 Leading in

1. Learn the new sentence “ Have you ever been to …?” with some pictures. ( 长城、北京、红峪上庄) T: I went to the Great Wall last week.

I have ever been to the Great Wall. Have you ever been to the Great Wall?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

2. Practice in pairs by using some pictures.


A: Have you ever been to …?

B: Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t) Have you ever been to…?

A: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.


Step3 Learning new words

1.Watch a short play (Disney 动画片)

2. Learn the new words by some pictures. Using some Disney Character to talk about the amusement park.

3. Practice in pairs (Ask some students to practice in pairs)

4. Talk about 1a


Step 4 Listening

1. 1b Listen. Have these students ever been to these places?

2. Read the listening materials loudly.

3. Talk about the places that Claudia and Sarah have ever been to.


Step 5 Groupwork

Talk about your unforgettable place that you have ever been in groups.

(温馨提示:Have you ever been to …? When did you go there? How did you go there ?Have you taken any photos there? Bring some of your photos here and write a short composition to introduce the place you have ever been to.)


Step 6 Homework

1. Make a survey (小组合作,共同完成)


Where have you ever been?

When did you go there ?

How did you go there ?

What did you do there ?

How do you like it ?


(提示句型:Report : ***has ever been to … .

He / She went there ***.

He /She went there by ***.

He /She ***. He /She thinks it’s ***.)

2. Write your unforgettable place that you have ever been .

(温馨提示:Have you ever been to …? When did you go there? How did you go there ?Have you taken any photos there? Bring some of your photos here and write a short composition to introduce the place you have ever been to.)


我夯基我达标 Ⅰ.英汉互译

1.顺便说一下________________________________________ 答案:by the way 2.别挂断(电话)________________________________________ 答案:hold the line/hold on 3.和某人交朋友________________________________________ 答案:make friends with sb.4.一天天地________________________________________ 答案:day by day 5.担心……________________________________________ 答案:worry about...6.a couple of________________________________________ 答案:两个,几个

7.in fact ________________________________________ 答案:实际上

8.far away________________________________________ 答案:遥远的

9.remember doing sth.________________________________________ 答案:记得曾经做过某事

10.hear sb.doing sth.________________________________________ 答案:听到某人正在做某事


1.May I speak ________ Linda? 答案:to 2.I’m here ________ some classmates.答案:with 3.They will be there in a couple ________days.答案:of 4.Gook luck ________ your final examination.答案:with 5.Sally wants to make friends ________ a cute girl.答案:with 6.I couldn’t talk ________ anyone ________ my problem.答案:to,about 7.He looked at me and,________ a word,smiled.答案:without 8.So smile ________ the world and it will smile back.答案:at 9.Day ________ day,I became closer to everyone.答案:by





1.My mother said to me,“ I will wait for you after class at the gate.” ________________________________________ 答案:My mother said to me she would wait for me after class at the gate.2.My English teacher said,“You are a hard-working student.” ________________________________________ 答案:My English teacher said I was a hard-working student.3.He asked,“Can I help you?”

________________________________________ 答案:He asked whether/ if he could help me.4.The foreigner said,“Where is the nearest bank?” ________________________________________ 答案:The foreigner asked where the nearest bank was.5.She said,“Do you agree?”

________________________________________ 答案:She asked if / whether I agreed.Ⅳ.用所给词的适当形式填空

1.The people in Beijing are very ________(friend).答案:friendly 2.May I ask you some ________(person)questions? 答案:personal 3.I always heard the boy ________(sing)in the next room.答案:sing


1.I don’t know ________ he will come.(that,if)答案:if 2.I believe ________ he is a good teacher.(that,if)答案:that 3.I want to know ________ you join this club.(why,what)答案:why 4.They asked ________ I came from.(if,where)答案:where 5.I can’t remember ________ I bought this bag.(when,that)答案:when

我综合我发展 Ⅰ.听力


1.A.In a park.B.On a road.C.At Mr.Black’s.D.In a street.2.A.A dog.B.His father



专心 C.His parents.D.Mr.Black.3.A.Because he is afraid of the dog.B.Because he likes to go home.C.Because he is looking for his dog.D.Because he knows that a barking(叫)dog can bite(咬)him.4.A.Yes,it is.B.It isn’t theirs.C.No,they aren’t.D.His father’s.5.A.Yellow.B.Blue.C.I don’t know.D.Black.6.A.By bus.B.Go away.C.Never.D.No mind.7.A.Go to school.B.Turn to the blackboard.C.Go to bed.D.See a doctor.8.A.Bananas.B.A cup of coffee.C.Hot dog.D.Coke.9.A.Yes,I will.B.Yes,I can.C.Yes,you may.D.Yes,you will.10.A.At table.B.Going to the park.C.At the table.D.Playing cards.B.听短文,填入所缺的单词。

There are two 11 under the tree.One is 12;the other is 13.Tom’s father is 14 his bike,the black one.Tom is 15 his father.Tom’s mother and sister are 16.They are 17 some cakes.Now the bike is 18.Tom wants to 19.But his father doesn’t 20 him do so.Tom is only eight.His father takes the bike to the room.C.听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。

21.The Mid-autumn Festival is on September 15th.22.The writer went to a hill with his partners for a picnic.23.They bought food from a shop to eat.24.They ate much food on the hill.25.They enjoyed themselves.答案: Ⅰ.A.1.Where are they having their dinner? 2.How can I get to the station,Mr.Black?Q:Who does the boy ask? 3.Why was he in a hurry to pass the dog? 4.Whose coat is this? 5.What colour is a pet pig? 6.How can you go to the amusement? 7.What can you do when you are ill? 8.What’s your favourite food? 9.Will you get something for me to drink from the shop? 10.Where are they talking?



专心 B.There are two bikes under the tree.One is black;the other is blue.Tom’s father is cleaning his bike,the black one.Tom is helping his father.Tom’s mother and sister are cooking.They are making some cakes.Now the bike is clean.Tom wants to ride.But his father doesn’t let him do so.Tom is only eight.His father takes the bike to the room.C.Last month we had the Mid-autumn Festival.We went to a hill for a picnic.We went there on foot.We cooked food ourselves.We had a big dinner outside.We also ate mooncakes.They tasted a little like pies.Our teacher told us the story of Chang’e.At last we sang a few songs.We had a good time that day.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.bikes 12.black 13.blue 14.cleaning 15.helping 16.cooking17.making 18.clean 19.ride 20.let 21.F22.T 23.F 24.T 25.T


1.Do you know ________ Emma has arrived in Beijing? A.if



D.when 答案:A 本题的含义是“你知道艾玛是否到达北京了吗?” C和D两项与原句所给时态冲突。

2.I asked your mother if she ________ that dress.A.bought

B.had bought

C.had buyed D.buy 答案:B 本句中从句的动作应该是发生在 ask之前的,所以用“had +过去分词”形式来表达。

3.When I was only a child,my mother said that the earth ________ bigger than the moon.A.was


C.had been

D.is 答案:D 客观真理不受主句的限制,要用一般现在时来表示。4.Could I borrow ________ eraser,please?________ is broken.A.you;My B.yours;Mine


D.your;Mine 答案:D mine是名词性物主代词,在此指my eraser,your是形容词性物主代词,后接名词,故选D项。

5.This action movie made me ________ excited.A.feel


C.to feel

D.felt 答案:A make sb.do sth.是个固定句式,含义是“让某人做某事”。6.The house ________ a big garden is Mr.Smith’s home.A.by



D.likes 答案:B with在此处表示“具有,带有”,是个介词。表示伴随关系。7.The boy sits at the desk ________ but he doesn’t feel ________.A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.lonely;alone

D.alone;lonely 答案:D alone表示“独自一人”,而lonely表示“孤独的”。

8.Please remember ________ the window when you leave the room.A.close B.open

C.to close

D.closing 答案:C remember to do sth.含义是“记得曾经做某事”。表示提醒某人去做某事。9.Do you think ________?



专心 A.is he a popular teacher

B.he is a popular teacher C.was he a popular teacher

D.he was a popular teacher 答案:B 本句是个宾语从句,后面要用陈述句语序。询问一般情况,要用一般现在时。10.In the party,everyone dances and sings ________and laughs all the time.A.happy B.happily


D.unhappily 答案:B 本句需要用副词修饰前面的动词dance和sing,从下句的提示可以看出是高兴的心情。


Scientists are trying to make the desert into good land again.They want to bring 1 to the desert.So people can live and 2 food.They are working a lot on the desert.But more and more ground 3 desert all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the desert 4 time.Why is more and more land becoming 5 ? Scientists think that 6 make desert.People are doing 7 things to the earth.Some places on the earth don’t have many rivers.8 they still don’t become desert.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grasses are very important to bad places.9 don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants don’t let the wind 10 the dirt away.When a little bit of rain fall,the plants hold the water.Without plants,the land can become a desert much more easily.1.A.air B.water C.food

D.sun 2.A.grow

B.plant C.eat

D.cook 3.A.becomes B.became C.becoming D.is becoming 4.A.on



D.at 5.A.rivers B.mountains C.desert

D.hole 6.A.people B.animals


D.birds 7.A.good



D.a lot of 8.A.And B.So


D.Because 9.A.Plants B.Animals C.People

D.Birds 10.A.to blow B.blow

C.blowing D.blows 答案:

1.B 从前一句话“科学家想把沙漠变成良田”看,air和sun不符题意。所以选B项。2.A 从长远的角度看,不能是“吃食物和做食物”,排除C、D两项。而种吃的应该是个完整的全过程,所以应该选grow。

3.D 从后面的all the time 来看,应该是一直在持续没有停止的动作,故用进行时。4.B on time“准时”,in time“及时”,C、D两项无此搭配。改变沙漠,没有固定日期,及时为好。

5.C 通篇文章都是讲的有关沙漠的话题。

6.A 因为人的社会活动改变了自然,使陆地变成了沙漠。7.B 本处主要强调人们做的事情的性质对土地的影响。

8.C 句意为“地球上的一些地方没有很多河流,但是它们仍然没有变成沙漠”,前后两句是转折关系。

9.A 句意为“……不让太阳把地球晒干”,只有植物才能起到这个作用。



专心 10.B 关键句型是“let sb.do sth.”,含义是“让某人做某事”。


A We must look after our environment well.Do you know why? Because environment is very important for human beings.For example,we have to breathe in(吸入)oxygen every minute.And oxygen mainly comes from trees.That’s one reason why trees are so important.They make oxygen and oxygen is essential(必要的)for us.We need it in order to live.We also need the rainforest,because they make 20% of the world’s oxygen.There is a famous forest named Amazonian in Brazil.A lot of rainforests there are disappearing now.This is because people are cutting down the trees because they want the wood.And they also want the cattle(牲口)in the forest for meat.In order to protect our environment,we must stop destroying them!1.What do we breathe every minute? A.Air.B.Oxygen.C.Carbon dioxide.D.Water.2.Oxygen mainly comes from ________.A.trees



D.flowers 3.Where is the Amazonian Rainforest? A.China.B.The UK.C.South America.D.Australia.4.What do they want for cutting down the trees? A.Wood and oxygen.B.Wood and water.C.Wood and cattle.D.Nothing.5.Shall we protect the rainforest? A.Yes,we shall.B.No,we shouldn’t.C.I don’t know.D.Yes,we shouldn’t.答案:

1.B air为空气,oxygen为氧气,carbon dioxide为二氧化碳,water为水。本题文中有提示,属于常识题。

2.A 第一段“And oxygen mainly comes from trees”提示了答案。3.C 书中明确给出Amazonian在巴西,而巴西在南美。4.C 书中第二段给出了答案。

5.A 本题属于分析题,全文的主旨就在于提倡保护环境、保护雨林。

B(2006山西课改实验区)The world is becoming smaller by using modern traffic,TV,telephone and so on.Life today is easier than it was hundreds of years ago,but it has also brought new problems.One of the biggest is pollution.Pollution comes in many ways.We see it,smell,drink it and even hear it.The more people,the more pollution.Many years ago,the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people.Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.Air pollution is still the most serious It’s bad to all the living things in



专心 the world.Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us become angry more easily.The pollution of SO2 is now the most dangerous problem of air pollution.It is caused by heavy traffic.It is sure that if there are fewer people driving,there will be less air pollution.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.They stop people from burning coal(煤)in houses and factories in the city.So the less pollution there is,the better life people will have.6.Our world is becoming much smaller ________.A.because of science development B.because there are fewer people C.because the earth is being polluted day and night 7.Thousands of years ago,life was ________ it is today.A.easier than

B.as easy as

C.harder than 8.Pollution comes in many ways.We can even hear it.Here “it” means________.A.air pollution B.noise pollution C.water pollution 9.Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because ________ A.it makes much noise B.it’s bad to all the living things in the world C.it has made our rivers and lakes dirty 10.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Many countries are making rules to fight with(与……斗争)pollution.B.The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world’s population does.C.The problem of pollution is not serious because there are so many people.答案:

6.A 因为现代交通及科技的发展,所以说世界变小了。

7.C 从第一段“Life today is was easier than it was hundreds of years ago”判断,现在的生活更容易。

8.B A项为空气污染,B项为噪音污染,C项为水污染。

9.B A、C两项分别是指噪音污染和水污染的后果,而所有生物都呼吸,所以空气污染最严重。

10.C 本文所讲的就是空气污染的严重。

C Peter was a small boy.He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep,Peter suddenly heard some noise.It came out from the kitchen(厨房).He got up and walked to the kitchen.He found that the wood beside the stove(火炉)was burning.There was no water tap(水龙头)in the house,so he could not put out(扑灭)the fire.He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house.They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen.Many houses were burnt.But nobody was hurt in the fire.11.Peter lived with his ________.用心


专心 A.sisters



D.parents 12.One night he found that ________ beside the stove was burning.A.the table B.the wood

C.the door D.the window 13.________,so he could not put out the fire.A.Everybody was asleep

B.He couldn’t shout loudly

C.The kitchen was very big

D.There was no water tap in the house 14.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses ________.A.to wake the people up

B.to get some water C.to find his classmates

D.to visit them 15.________ hurt in the fire.A.People in other houses were

B.Peter’s parents were C.Nobody was

D.Peter was 答案:

11.D 从文中第二句话可以判断,他和父母住在一起。

12.B 由“He found that the wood beside the stove(火炉)was burning”可知。13.D 文章中明确说明因为没有水龙头而扑灭不了火。14.A 因为是夜里,他为了叫醒别人。

15.C 从最后一句“...nobody was hurt in the fire”可知答案。


(2006河南中考)You may know the English letters A,B and C.But do you know there are people called ABC ? You may like eating bananas.But do you know there is such a thing as a “banana person”? How strange!Are these people from “another earth” ? No.They are just Chinese people like you and me.ABC means America-born Chinese.An ABC is a Chinese,but was born in the United States.Sometimes,people call an ABC a “banana person”.A banana is yellow outside and white inside.So,when a person is a banana,he or she is white inside-thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside-looking like a Chinese.Do you know why? Usually,ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language.Some of them do not speak Chinese.Also,they are not interested in Chinese politics.But if ABC cannot speak Chinese,can we still call them Chinese people? Yes,of course.They are Chinese.They are overseas Chinese.These people may be citizens of another country, like the US,England or Canada,but they have Chinese blood.Their parents,grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China.They all have black eyes and black hair.But they are not Chinese citizens.They are not people of the People’s Republic of China.For example,we all know the famous scientist C.N.Yang.He got the Noble Prize in 1957.Chinese people love him.But he is an American citizen.根据短文内容,完成下列句子。

1.“ABC” in this passage means“_____________________”.2.Chinese in Western countries are called “banana persons” because _____________________.3.The underlined sentence means “______________________” in Chinese.4.C.N.Yang is mentioned here to show that _______________________.用心


专心 5.This passage mainly talks about ____________________.答案:

1.America-born Chinese 由文中第二段第一句话可知。2.they have yellow skin but thinking like a westerner 3.这些人有可能是另一个国家的公民。注意citizens含义是“公民”,可以根据上下文去猜测和联想。

4.overseas Chinese are not Chinese citizens but they have Chinese blood 5.what ABC means 本文的主题是“什么是ABC?”


How to protect the environment becomes one of the big problems in the world.1.________ We can find the rubbish not only pollutes our environment but also harm people’s health.2.________ So we should throw rubbish onto the ground.3.________ Some factory are pouring waste water into rivers,lakes and fields.4.________ It can pollute plants;sometimes it can kill lots of fish.5.________ We must keep our environment clean and untidy.We have only one earth.6.________ We must try our best protect her,and make our home more beautiful.7.________ 答案:

1.big→ biggest 本处用最高级强调事态的严重性。

2.harm→harms not only...but also...连接的应该是两个并列的成分,动词要同形。3.should 后面加not 从句意上看,应该是不扔垃圾。

4.factory→factories some意为“一些”时后面要用可数名词的复数形式。5.√

6.untidy→tidy and连接并列结构。

7.best 后面加to try one’s best to do sth.为固定结构,意为“尽最大努力做某事”。




Last weekend, I went to the Great Wall with my family.It was a sunny day and there are a lot of people there.Before entering the gate, a foreign boy came to me and asked where he could buy a ticket in English.I told him and found that he came here by himself.So I invited him to go with us.I tried to introduce the Great Wall



专心 to him in English.We were so happy together that day.Before we were back, we promised to write to each other.Making a new friend made me so happy.用心




Winter may be the great time to travel to Europe.he bought a ticket and got on the ship.The man closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell.When dinnertime came, he didn’t go to dining room, saying that he was not feeling very well.The next morning he still didn’t have breakfast and at lunchtime he again stayed in his room.But at dinnertime he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and ate everything the waiter put in

Why not travel in winter? Hotels and air tickets are cheaper, hot summer and crowded people are never in your mind and there’s plenty of activities;

★Attend cultural(文化的)events: operas,front of him.He got ready for the quarrel.theaters, and music concerts.★Have fun in the snow: skiing and snow-boarding.★ Visit Christmas markets, festivals.Enjoy winter food!

How can you afford all these? —Save money!In fact, if you don’t think you can afford to travel in winter, take a look at the price of the plane.It can only cost you a half or a third of the price of a summer flight to get to Europe in winter.Also, hotels usually offer discounts(折扣)in winter as well.In this way, you will have a very satisfying(令人满意的)vacation.1.From the passage, travelling to Europe in winter will cost or take ______than in summer.A.more moneyB.less money C.more timeD.less time

2.If you travel in summer, it may be ______according to the passage.A.cheaperB.interesting C.perfect and crowdedD.hot and crowded 3.You can ______when you travel to Europe in December.A.afford a more expensive travelB.go swimming in the river C.see operas for freeD.visit Christmas markets

4.______are often cheaper in winter than summer.A.Hotels and airlinesB.Tickets for parks C.TheatersD.Operas


An English traveller found himself in Norway

with only enough money to buy the ticket for his journey back home.As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England, he decided that he could easily spend the time without food.So

“Bring me the bill,” he said.“The bill, sir?” said the waiter in surprise.“There isn’t any bill.On our ship meals are included in the money for the ticket,” said the waiter.1.The story happened _______.A.in England

B.on a ship from Norway to England C.in Norway

D.on a ship from England to Norway

2.Why didn’t the traveler go to the dining room first?

A.Because he had no money.B.Because he didn’t feel very well.C.Because he didn’t want to eat anything.D.Because he didn’t hear the sound of the bell.3.The traveller went to the dinning room to eat something because______.A.his friend had given him some money B.the waiter had asked him to change his mind

C.he learned that there was no bill on the ship D.he was too hungry

4.How many meals did the traveler have on the ship?
