描写动物的英语作文带翻译 animal


描写动物的英语作文带翻译 animal(精选5篇)

篇1:描写动物的英语作文带翻译 animal

My favorite animal is panda. The panda look like a bear and polar bear. I think the panda are very cute and lovely, and is very strong and heavy. They canwalk, and they can climb trees. They live in the china. I like them.




篇2:描写动物的英语作文带翻译 animal

Dogs, along with cats, are thought to be as the most favored as pets in America today.?This wonderful animal is valued for their companionship, protection and friendship they bestow to their owners. So it is hardly suprising to find dogs or cats on television shows and movies and who could not forget Lassie, one of the most famous canine of all time.?

For the wonderful companionship this pet gives, it is vital the owner does his or her share of responsibilities that comes on owning a dog.?The owner has the obligation to make certain that their pet receives adequate attention and affection, adheres to a nutritious diet, have regular visits to the vet for a check up or for shots and a plenty amount of exercise to keep them healthy and mentally alert.

Although it takes time and effort to care for your dog, the rewards ultimately pay off.? In return for their owner caring efforts, the dog will grant them unwavering loyalty, their affection and most important of all, the desire to please you.?This is probably the reason why people sometimes prefer this exquisite creature than their own and for years to come canines will remain people favorite pet.



篇3:描写动物的英语作文带翻译 animal


英语中动物词汇在使用中非常有趣, 很多词汇的派生意义源于动物的特性或特点, 如butterfly stroke (蝶泳) , zebra crossing (斑马线) , crocodile tears (鳄鱼泪) , a swallow-tailed coat (燕尾服) , goose-step (正步走) , hawk-nosed (鹰钩鼻子) 等, 这些词汇既形象又生动。而有一些由动物词汇构成的合成词和该动物的特性没有直接的关联性, 但却妙趣横生, 如puppy love (早恋) , white elephant (没有价值的东西) , a night owl (晚睡的人) , wet hen (泼妇) , crow’s feet (眼角皱纹) 等。把握这些动物词汇的各类含义, 在翻译的恰当语境中借助动物词汇的扩展用法, 其表达效果远比直译要形象生动得多。

1. 借助动物特性来比喻人和事, 追求译文的多元性

每种动物都有其独特的天性, 如狐狸的“狡猾”、狮子的“凶狠”、毒蛇的“可怕”等。英语中常用某种动物比喻一种人或事物。这是直译表达法以外的又一种翻译方法。直译比较直白, 而借用比喻性的翻译方法则更加含蓄。例如:

1) 潜伏的敌人最可怕。

a) A snake in the grass poses the greatest threat.

b) The hidden enemy is the most dangerous

2) 他守口如瓶。

a) He was a fastened oyster.

b) He kept a tight lip about this.

3) 他老奸巨猾。

a) He is a sly old fox.

b) He is shrewd and crafty.

4) 他外交上是个新手。

a) He is a fledgling diplomat.

b) He is a green hand at diplomacy.

5) 她既腼腆又胆小。

a) She is sheepish and chicken-hearted

b) She is bashful and timid.

6) 他十分勇敢。

a) He was lion-hearted.

b) He was quite brave.

7) 这位年轻人误入了歧途。

a) The young man was a lost sheep.

b) The young man went astray.

8) 我父亲总是很早起床

a) My father is always an early bird.

b) My father always gets up early.

2. 借助动物词汇的词性活用, 增强译文的生动性

很多动物词汇引申为动词使用, 这种动词表示的动作体现出该动物特有的形体动作, 使译文的描述颇为生动而具有美感。例如:

1) 他一个猛子潜入水底。

He ducked and dived into the water.

2) 山道蜿蜒穿过峡谷。

The path snakes through the valley.

3) 沽名钓誉的人最后将一事无成。

Those who fish for fame and honors will end up nowhere.

4) 重复一种理论决不等于就是实践。

Parroting a theory is a far cry from what the practice requires.

5) 地铁车厢里挤满了乘客。

Passengers were sardined into the compartment of the subway.

6) 警察一直将罪犯穷追不舍, 最后在他老家将其抓获。

The police hounded the criminal all the way to his hometown.

7) 他一口气吃完早饭, 然后飞奔办公室。

He wolfed down breakfast and darted to office.

8) 他渐渐骗取了我的信任, 但随后背叛了我。

He wormed himself into my confidence and betrayed me afterthat.

9) 旁观者伸着脖子要看个明白。

The onlookers craned their necks to have a better look.

3. 借助动物词汇的引申含义来指代某一事物, 追求译文的简洁性

英语中很多动物词汇都有丰富的指代意义, 如:bear表示“鲁莽的人”;shrimp表示“小人物”;insect表示“令人讨厌的人”;dragon表示“看管严厉的人”, 等等。借助这些动物词汇的纸带含义来表达某个特有的人或事物, 既有生动又精辟, 更达到了避免直译的简洁效果。例如:

1) 抄袭者将受到严厉处罚。

Copycats are subject to severe penalty.

2) 地方纪检部门正在调查这一案件。

The local discipline watchdog is probing into this case.

3) 当时在偏远的部落, 当地人私设法庭处理纠纷。

In the remote tribes of those days disputes were handled inkangaroo courts.

4) 早恋对中学生学习有很大影响。

Calf love of the secondary school students is a great distraction to their study.

5) 新开发的生态环保型产品给公司带来很高的利润。

The newly-developed eco-friendly products are a cash cow to the company.

6) 我们做任何事情都应该有主见, 而决不去随大流。

We ought to abandon“herd mentality”in everything and make our own judgment instead.

7) 他管理上无所作为, 任期未满就被免职了。

He was a lame duck at administration and was dismissed before his term expired.

8) 这位原本默默无闻的运动员却在比赛中夺魁, 使自己一夜成名。

The otherwise unknown athlete turned out to be a dark horsein the match and shot to stardom overnight.

9) 史蒂芬是班上唯一一个捣蛋鬼, 经常扰乱课堂秩序。

Steven was a black sheep and often made trouble in class.

10) 他总是认为自己在学书界了不起, 不失时机炫耀学问。

He always regards himself as a big fish in the academic circleand never loses a chance to flaunt his learning.

11) 我们在剧院门口被票贩子缠住了。

We were plagued by ticket sharks at the entrance to the theatre.

12) 他把奖金的绝大部分捐给了当地的学校。

He donated the lion’s share of his award to the local school.

13) 患难夫妻情更真。

Couples who have gone through locust years have their bondcemented

14) 如果你们不能胜任这一工作, 我们就立即换人。

Unless you are fit for the job, we will change horses promptly

4. 借助动物的相关特性选择词汇, 增强翻译的形象性

英语中由动物词构成的词组直观地描述一种现象或阐述一个道理, 形象无比。例如:

1) 孩子径直朝学校走去。

The kid made a beeline for the school.

2) 本市经济跳跃式发展, 一季度国民生产总值以两位数增长。

The economy of the city has taken a frog-leap and its GDPchalked up a two-digit growth in the first quarter.

3) 在工作中炫耀自己不对, 但不正视自己的缺点也是错误的。

It’s unwise to play the peacock in the work, but ill-advisable as well to adopt an ostrich policy.

4) 他经常玩小聪明, 我得提防着点。

He often plays the fox and I am to keep an eye open.

5) 上海至威海的直线距离980公里。

Shanghai is 980 km away from Weihai as the crow flies.

6) 整天照应两个一岁大的双胞胎可是个单调乏味的苦差事。

It’s simply donkeywork to baby-sit one-year-old twins the whole day.

7) 汽车横着滑向马路一侧。

The car skidded to a halt crabwise on the road.

8) 我绝不容忍这样的恶作剧。

I have zero tolerance of such monkey business.

9) 他敏锐的眼光洞察秋毫。

Nothing can elude his eagle-eyed observation.

10) 船被大海汹涌的波涛掀翻了。

The boat turned turtle in the choppy waves of the sea.

5. 借助丰富的动物词汇短语, 体现翻译的活泼性

英语中的典故极为丰富, 这些典故往往阐述一个哲理或揭示某一现象, 由此派生出来的动物词汇具有深厚的语言内涵。将这些短语巧妙地运用在特定的语境中, 可以大大增强译文的活泼性。例如:

1) 他在台上十分紧张, 说话语无伦次, 简直难堪透顶。

He was nothing short of a hog in armor when he was seizedwith a terrible stage fright and spoke incoherently

2) 他为人极端吝啬, 几乎没有朋友。

He can skin a flea for its hide and has virtually no friends inhis life.

3) 那里的景色美不胜收, 可美中不足的是游人太多。

The beauty of the scenic spot defied description, but it waspacked with a sea of people——a fly in the ointment.

4) 兄弟俩一个性格开朗, 一个性格内向, 两人有天壤之别。

There is a whale of a difference between the two brothers——one is quite agreeable while the other keeps to himself.

5) 必须采取预警机制防止潜在的金融危机, 这决不是虚张声势。

Proactive measures ought to be taken to forestall the looming economic downturn.We are not crying wolf.

6) 这孩子对音乐就是不敢兴趣, 你强迫他一点也没用。

The boy shows no interest in music.You are flogging a dead horse.

类似的词组十分普遍, 再如:swallow a camel (忍受极艰难的事) ;have ants in one’s pants (焦虑不安) ;play cat and mouse with (玩弄) ;a dog in the manger (站着位置不尽责的人) ;a bull in a china shop (鲁莽行事的人) ;make a hare of (作弄) ;a bird in the bush (未到手的东西) ;beard the lion in his den (太岁爷头上动土) ;Can the leopard change his spots? (江山易改, 本性难移) 。

另外, 英语中还有大量借用明喻的手法以某种动物比喻一种状态, 如:as merry as a cricket;like a lamb to the slaughter;a fit as a flea;as proud as a peacock;live like a fighting cock等。

总之, 借助动物的某个特点而巧妙地运用关联的词汇是汉译英的技巧之一, 可使译文更加栩栩如生而传达“美”的意境。但使用时要恰如其分, 不要牵强使用, 否则会词不达意, 起到适得其反的效果。


[1]刘宓庆.翻译美学导论.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2005.

[2]刘士聪.汉英英汉美文翻译与鉴赏.南京:译林出版社, 2005.

[3]毛荣贵.翻译美学.上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2005.

篇4:描写动物的英语作文带翻译 animal

They are grass-eating animals in parts of Africamost famous for their distinctive striped coats.

They have muscular bodies immense speed and strength.They can use powerful jaws and heavy hooves to attack their enemies when threatened.

They also have unusually large ears which give these animals a very good sense of hearing .




篇5:描写动物的英语作文带翻译 animal

When I was a little girlkeep a rabbit by myselfit was very lovely with a pair of long earsand two red round eyesthe hair of it was white.

After school I fed it everydayit liked vegetables and carrots.

So when I gave them to itthe rabbit always jumpped happilylooked at me by its red eyesseemed to tell me it was very hungry.So I love the rabbit !



