




A wise man once said “how dreadful knowledge of the truth can be, when there’s no help in truth.” I think, out of all thoughtful things one can think about, this quotes is unique description of what the depth of Drama and the Performing Arts can do for people. By studying Drama, we can become a variety of people, trapped within one single mind, all trying to be freed and each with their own personality and poison. Humanity has helped Drama so much to produce narrative of such calibre, and characters of such depth and poise – characters, which can be as sweet and innocent, or can take the more disgusting side of what being a human is, being as evil as what thought possible

Performance Art explores the whole range of human emotion and can produce tremendous performances and visual experiences and with Drama, in particular, we can go further than flesh and blood and express ourselves as somebody else and take on this ‘mask’. The most profound thing I have found when studying Drama is that we can become any person in the entire world, and still be us

I have always had a love for the performing arts since I can remember; for there has never really been anything else I have ever wanted to do apart from act. But acting is not just a subject to study people, narratives or social issues – we can discover so many things about ourselves, why we perform a character this way: is it because this person is so much like us? There have been numerous qualities I have discovered about myself while participating in drama. In teaching, I have learn how to really connect with people and help them to explorer what their feelings produce and more notably, how we learn about others, about a single person just by the way they say a monologue

Teaching has been a great experience for me because it has given me the time to evaluate my own performance and teaching skill, learning to become that character just a little but more. This has also been enhanced by the performances I have taken part in, learning to work together in teams to realise the dream of the narration and the vision of the director (for nothing really exists without the vision or image)

While experiencing other aspects of the Performing Arts, I have found that is has increased my performance skill on whole and expended my knowledge on the performance world greatly, Dance, Art and English all focusing on similar issues such as the Commedia dell’arte, Henrik Ibsen, Physical Theatre and Movements and philosophies. These subjects have greatly complemented my time in Drama, and increased my confidence and ability in being a performer. Being involved in 5 consecutive school productions, 2 amateur productions, teaching experience and a student has really influence me concerning the determination I will put into a career in Drama and Acting, and just working with these people and directors have really bettered me in the way I act, see myself and carry on with my life. The Performing Arts is such a brilliant profession to work in, because there is so much opportunity to explore the world

I know that I can offer the performing arts the time, the expense and the spark that it deserves. There is nothing else in world that I would devote more time to than being on the stage or acting in the street, and with the passion and determination to succeed behind me, I will give that spark and flavour that acting and the performing arts is all about. I know I can offer so much, because it is the only profession where, maybe just for one night, I can become someone else and do a damn good job of being that person – and I can easily say that I can offer the world, because performance and acting is my whole world. As well as enjoying Drama, I have also taken a shine to Philosophy and finding the reason for irrationality, and I feel particularly moved in amazement by the work of Bob Fosse and George Orwell for their use of horror, sorrow and murder. And a great interest to the History of Art, because so much of the story of us is portrayed in Art and more so these days it is so unique how Art and Drama work together to produce movement, beauty and conception.















































Most of my education to date is characterized by preeminence. a graduate from the Beijing No.4 Senior High School, one of the country’s very best high schools, I did my undergraduate university studies at the University of Inter national Business and Economics, a most respected institution that specializes in training economists and entrepreneurs. At this university, I received extensive training that was both rigorous and vigorous in economics. Exercising diligence and creativity, I achieved an academic record that was the envy of many of my schoolmates. Such education should provide solid grounding for me as I seek to vault into higher intellectual domains.

Upon graduation in , I have been working for China National Chemical Supply and Sales Corporation, one of the country’s key state-owned companies. I obtained the position on the strength of my outstanding academic records as well as the excellent performance I exhibited during my internship there. The job is satisfying in terms of both remuneration and prestige, but it does not give me a big enough stage to realize my ambition of making myself a prominent Chinese economist.

I understand that, in today’s world, the power of a nation lies in its economic strength. This is particularly so for China, which has to support almost a quarter of the humankind with only a fraction of the world’s resources and wealth. While the development of economy is essential to every country, no other country in the world has to shoulder the kind of responsibility that China does. With an economy the size of Canada’s, China has a population that increases by a Canadian population every two years, even while it is enforcing a strict family planning rules. That means that, to just maintain the existing living standards of its citizens, China has come up with a enough jobs every two years for what amounts to the employment of every Canadian, young or old, healthy or sick. This is a daunting task that no country has ever faced. The fulfillment of this task, no doubt, calls for ingenuity.

I am glad to see that China is following a path that it has chosen, first and foremost, in response to the realities within its own borders, even though it has not shunned from integrating its economy with that of the developed world. With almost 20 years of vigorous economic reforms, the Chinese seem to have struck the right balance between answering the call of accelerating globalization and defending its national interests. This balance has paid off in many ways. The country’s average economic growth rate of nearly 10 per cent for almost 20 years makes its economy the fastest growing among all major economies. The economic strength it has thus accumulated is helping it to stave off the financial meltdown that has ravaged the tiger economies. I want to know what China has done right that the other countries have done wrong and how China can build upon its impressive record so far for sustained growth in the future. Sophisticated answers to these questions require sophisticated training, which I hope I can achieve in your distinguished program.

My undergraduate studies, though far from enough for my long-term purpose, have adequately prepared me for advanced research.. I am now solidly grounded in mathematics, statistics and basic theories of economics, all fundamental subjects in learning economics. I have been particularly interested in Game Theory and Money & Banking. To broaden vision, I have audited, by special arrangement for the gifted students, graduate courses like Futures & Securities Investment and International Marketing, taught by overseas professors. Through these courses, I have learned the concepts and theories of Western economics. All this has added to my intellectual depth.

With the vigorous training I received in my undergraduate studies, I have arrived at some basic understanding of the Asian economy, on which I would like to focus my graduate studies. I believe that, in spite of the breakneck growth in the 1970s and 80s of the tiger economies that gave rise to the “East Asian Miracle”, the East Asian countries failed to build up sound economic structures. Their economic growths were powered more by the injection of tremendous investments than anything else, which led to what has come to be called the bubble economies. In their rush to achieve grandiose growths targets, they set up only rudimentary systems of control over their financial industries. As a result, too many loans were allowed to be secured on overpriced real estate and stocks. Such a situation would result in grave consequences if either the real estate or stock market collapsed. When both of these markets crashed last year in one after another Southeast Asian country, their banks’ bad loans multiplied, setting off domino effects across whole economies throughout the region. The devastation was such that, more than a year after the crisis began, few people in Asia can see any light at the end of the tunnel today.

The big question in the Asian crisis is now on China. In the face of the Asian crisis, China has demonstrated remarkable strength and courage. Unlike in most other East Asian countries, the economy in China is still growing, and the Chinese currency is still stable. The difference is spelt, I believe, by the measures that China has taken in preventing the occurrence of a bubble economy. The Chinese government has not rushed to bless run-away speculation on the stock market, as some other Asian governments seemed to have done. Foreign investments, of which China has received more than any other country except the US, have been carefully channeled into infrastructure projects and industrial production. This, along with the inconvertibility of the Chinese currency on the capital accounts, has prevented the kind of capital flight that has undermined the financial systems in other Asian countries. Amazingly, China has become a powerful stabilizing force in Asian economies, although the country has been faulted by some in the West for not having embraced the free market concept as readily as other developing countries did. I think the stark contrast between the success of a somewhat more controlled economy and the failures of the free market economies begs for many questions.

The story on China is of course not over yet, nor will it be anytime soon. With the deepening Asian financial crisis mounting more and more pressure on China, the Chinese government and businesses are desperately trying to maintain economic growths while continuing the country’s structural reforms. We do not yet know whether China will in the end be able to tough out the current crisis that keeps knocking on its doors. Even if China can survive this round of crisis unscathed, it will have to continue integrating its economy further with that of other countries, thereby exposing itself more and more to the capricious forces of the international financial markets. In the process, Chinese economists will have to meet the challenge of answering difficult questions, questions that may not have been asked anywhere else. I would like to be one of those meeting this challenge.


关于选校, 笔者不赞同US News的详细排名。对全美排名前14的一流法学院而言, 详细的排名并不能区分学校的优劣。哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福大学声名卓著, 纽约大学、哥伦比亚大学、乔治城大学有其地缘优势, 而密歇根大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、芝加哥大学等名校有其师资优势。例如密歇根大学法学院以国际法比较法闻名, 其独有的国际税法项目每年定量培养一批专业人才;而其他专业同样具有无可比拟的师资优势, 如商法领域赫赫有名的Jame J.White, 曾是美国合同法界最具权威的泰斗级人物, 而公司法和证券法领域的Adam C.Prichard, Nicholas C.Howson (其太祖父曾任剑桥三一学院院长, 并在英国接待过李鸿章的访问团) 这些教授, 早年都曾在美国法院或政府部门发挥过影响力。

值得一提的是, 密大法学院是全美输送法律学者和法官最多的学校, 在十多年前, 曾仅次于哈佛耶鲁排在全美法学院的第三名。后来才被斯坦福和伯克利这些新秀超过。 (3) 密大法学院对民国时期的法学影响更大, 东吴大学 (现苏州大学) 法学院的前院长吴经雄, 1946年宪法的主要起草人, 当年就是密大法学院的毕业生。密歇根大学法学院也是与中国交往最久, 联系最密切的美国法学院, 早在二十世纪初期, 几位中国著名的法学家、法官、律师和立宪主义者就来到安娜堡访问, 目的是进一步加深对“英美法”法律传统的了解。从1859年密大法学院成立到1959年的一百年间, 中国留学生始终是这里外国留学生中人数最多的。 (4) 1949年后由于意识形态的分歧, 中国大陆和美国官方的交流戛然而止, 但密歇根对中国和中国问题的研究依然在继续, 先后成立了远东语言和文学系, 远东研究专业, 并获得了支持东方艺术研究的Freer基金的资助, 最终成立了中国研究中心。这个特征和耶鲁的中国法研究中心有异曲同工之妙。1972年, 应密歇根大学乒乓球队的邀请, 中国乒乓球团抵达底特律, 与先前曾赴中国的美国乒乓球队进行互访, 标志着两国正式交往的开始, 即闻名于世的”乒乓外交“。在这一时期, 两国学术互访的传统也得以断弦重续, 交流合作进一步加强。2005年, 密歇根大学校长Mary Sue Coleman女士到中国各地访问, 并与中国的大学签订一系列合作协议, 以北京大学、清华大学和人民大学等高校的法学院为代表, 建立了合作交流的框架和平台。这些法学院的名师也曾先后来密歇根大学法学院访问。从这个角度而言, 密大的中国法研究与哈佛耶鲁不分伯仲。芝加大学的JD项目格外出众, 而宾夕法尼亚大学法学院以学术见长。伯克利侧重理工科, 虽然有良好的民主传统, 但伯克利法律的优势借助硅谷, 主要集中在知识产权领域。纽约大学法学院的LLM项目规模大, 有助于校友人脉网络的建立, 找工作也有其他学校不可比拟的地缘优势。如何选择, 要根据个人需求、爱好品味、申请的条件和要求, 客观衡量自己与学校的匹配程度, 对症下药, 择校而论, 见仁见智。

从项目规模角度而言, 密大法学院的LLM项目一直保持每年只收40人的小规模, 密歇根大学LLM硕士项目的国际化程度之高, 也超过了笔者的预期。就密歇根LLM项目40人的班级而言, 就读的学生来自世界各地, 其来源包括英国爱尔兰, 芬兰, 德国, 意大利, 克罗地亚, 新西兰, 南非, 日本, 菲律宾, 墨西哥, 巴西, 巴基斯坦, 伊朗, 中国大陆及中国台湾等地区。丰富的国籍和法律背景对同学们开拓国际视野, 建立广泛而持久的人脉关系, 都有积极而长远的意义。

追根溯源, 密歇根大学也是与中国关系最密切的美国大学之一, 十九世纪九十年代到二十世纪五十年代, 来到密大就读的中国学生人数超过美国其它任何一所大学, 包括中国“物理学之父”吴大酋博士, 中国工程院第一任院长朱光亚博士, 1976年诺贝尔物理学奖得主丁肇中博士, 以及中国第一位大学女校长吴贻芳博士等。除了学术传统和与中国的联系, 密歇根的校园环境也是不可比拟的。安娜堡是小城市, 但排名全美最适宜居住的小城市第二名。笔者坚信, 历史决定了未来的走向, 专业如此, 大学如此, 选择也如此。看到未来的二十到五十年, 想想自己的发展将何去何从, 然后再决定是否出国深造, 选择哪所学校, 将更加理智。

摘要:出国留学热的背景下, 美国法学院成为诸多法学学子和法律工作者留学的选择。关于如何选校, 如何在申请中展现自己的优势等, 困扰着许多申请者。笔者自身的申请和留学经历为莘莘学子提供了借鉴。美国法学院案例法的教学方式提供给法学留学者一种全新的思维方式, 而密歇根大学法学院自身优势项目和学术氛围、教学特色、与中国法的渊源等都为法学留学者提供了一种崭新的视角。



1梅仲协.民法要义[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社, 2004, 1:1.

2孙笑侠.法律人之治:法律职业的中国思考[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社, 2005.5.

3全美排名第十:密歇根大学法学院[EB/OL].http://www.fornow.cn/news/81315.html, 2014-2-11.




申请适合的课程:申请硕士的同学要注意了。英国两种硕士课程都是1年制的研究生课程。授课式以授课、讲座、论文等为主,多为实用性的专业。研究式的申请较授课式要比较难一些,因为它是以某一研究课题作为主要目标,需要申请人有一定的研究能力、研究方向或研究成果。研究式课程通常是博士前的一年学习,所以希望继续读博(或硕博连读)的学生可以考虑申请,一年后获得Masterof Research的学位或Masterof Philosophy学位。









Dealing with figures has been our family tradition. As my mother is a statistician and my grandma a certified public account, as a teenager I had also commenced my observations and reflections on figures and calculations in the statements and reports that they had prepared with strong curiosity and interest. This interested strengthened my love for mathematics, often described as the “gymnastics of abstract thinking.” From elementary school to middle school, it was virtually a rule for me to achieve straight A’s in almost every course related to mathematics, a talent which has always made me feel proud of myself. Deep in my subconscious, I knew that a career related to mathematics would fit me most perfectly. Therefore, when I gained my undergraduate admission, I chose to specialize in Mathematics at Beijing Normal University. I believe that this specialty has provided me with a perfect arena to give vent to my passion for mathematics. My dedication to studies in mathematics and effective strategies of learning, plus voluminous readings of technical literature in various academic journals, have led to my top third ranking in my class and a number of major scholarships.

My greatest passion for learning mathematics was stimulated when I came to discover the foundational importance in social sciences, the essential function of mathematics behind its abstract concepts and number theories. When I first studied Advanced Mathematics, I was not clear about the real use of abstract mathematical theories. This kind of puzzlement lasted until I found that the genuine function of mathematics lied in its ability to solve problems in the real world objectively and scientifically, to develop human wisdom, to enable one to arrive at higher horizons and to examine problems with insights and discriminations. The courses that have particularly fascinated me most are Mathematical Analysis, Higher Geometry, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, and Matrix Construction in Mathematics. Those courses allowed me to experience the charm of mathematics’ symbolic language and that of mathematical thinking, in addition to its omnipresent utility.

As an undergraduate, I am most proud of my experience of constructing the Social and Economic Growth Model as a team member representing our university during a mathematical modeling contest in Beijing. As our three-person team lacked the experience of applying theoretical knowledge to practical problems, we felt at an impasse in the face of the challenging task. I took some time to examine in detail all the mathematical models we had learned in class and proposed the idea of dividing the entire modeling into individual modules and piecing them together to form a complete model. Eventually our team was awarded second prize at this provincial contest. In retrospect, it is precisely this experience that aroused my serious interest in the application of mathematics in the realms of economics and finance. To further develop myself in this direction, I studied a lot of optional courses including macroeconomics, microeconomics, e-commerce, etc. Thenceforward, I developed a new objective—to combine my knowledge of mathematics with economics and finance and to exploit the function of mathematics in social life.

My undergraduate thesis, entitled Vector Quantity and Geometry, though purely theoretical in appearance, is actually a vivid description of how mathematical theories can be applied to reality. It focuses on precise analysis of those potential yet absolute relationships between different entities and how we can uncover and examine those relationships from mathematical perspectives. Rated by the department academic council as “Class A”, the thesis has been accepted by the editorial board of our departmental journal for publication.

Apart from cultivating my rigorous attitude for scientific research and developing my analytical and problem-solving abilities, I have taken an active part in extracurricular activities. With my strengths in mathematics, I passed a number of certification tests with much facility, including Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Office-Use Specialist, and LOTUS 1-2-3. I have been correspondent and editor for our campus radio broadcasting station and campus website. My English proficiency qualified me as a volunteer working for the Beijing Worldwide Chinese Businessmen Meeting. In summer vacation, I worked part-time at a local accounting firm where I exercised my knowledge of mathematics and skills of electronic computation to establish for the firm a financial database. I also worked on preparing business accounting plans and digitalized financial management plans for the firm’s clients.

My experiences of social practices have permitted me to understand how mathematics can best be used. As far as I am concerned, my lack of advanced academic knowledge, especially my lack of in-depth understanding of economics and finance, and my lack of formal and systematic trainings in those fields, have constituted my “bottleneck” for further academic development. The overall situation in China is that there is an oversupply of theoretical mathematicians while applied mathematicians are sorely needed. Interdisciplinary subjects between mathematics and economics, such as financial mathematics, actuary science, economic engineering, and mathematical economics, are virtually nonexistent in China. The consequence is that China’s economic development will be seriously hampered for the lack of those important sciences. Great Britain plays a leading role in the world both in financial sciences and in education. Those two factors have motivated me to seek advanced studies there.

In this Personal Statement, I would like to indicate to you unequivocally my intention to specialize in financial mathematics, mathematical economics, or similar programs of an interdisciplinary nature. My choice is motivated by the consideration that in China virtually all financial professionals do not possess a strong background in mathematics, thus they rely heavily on foreign technical models and concepts. However, China’s economic conditions and models differ from those in Western countries and any unquestioning importation would be counterproductive. My plan is to probe into the possibility of developing some economic and financial models that best fit in with China’s circumstances based on a critical analysis of Western models and extensive practices. Projects in those areas will be what I am most concerned with and interested in.

London School of Economics and Politics is reputed for its time-honored history, respected for its distinctive status in economics and finance, along with its unparalleled research and pedagogical standards. Advanced educational concepts and methodologies there would undoubtedly broaden my vision and perspectives, enhance my fundamental skills in devising and launching large-scale cases. Most importantly, for a woman like me who has a penchant for English culture in general and English literature in particular, going to study in Britain will foster my spirit of independence the way Jane Eyre did. Nothing can delight me more than to observe and to experience, with heart and soul, the historical, cultural legacies of such a great country.








对于去英国留学的同学们,可以选择报考UKIV的雅思(IELTS for UKVI),也就是用于英国移民及签证的雅思考试,方便之后申请语言课程,价格比雅思便宜几十。









SAT是由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办的一场考试,其成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国大学入学资格及奖学金的重要参考,它和ACT(American College Test)都被称为美国高考。改革后新SAT总分共1600分,分为阅读、文法和数学三部分,写作改为选考。由ETS承担其命题及阅卷工作。但是它们只是录取学生时参考的材料之一,不起完全决定性的因素,其成绩有效期为2年 。


SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test,中文名称为美国中学入学考试,适用于美国、加拿大私立中学的入学,是申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩。

主要测量学生的数学、语文以及阅读理解能力,考察考生的逻辑思维和发展潜力。由Admission Test Board命题。针对不同年龄的学生,SSAT考试分为高级(upper level)和低级(lower level),前者针对目前就读8-级的学生,后者针对目前就读5-7年级的学生。


AP课程是指针对AP众多的考试科目进行的授课辅导,目前以Calculus AB(微积分AB)、Calculus BC(微积分BC)、Statistics(统计学)、Physics B(物理B)、Macroeconomics(宏观经济学)、 Microeconomics(微观经济)几门课程为主。

AP是Advanced Placement的缩写,中文一般翻译为美国大学先修课程或美国大学预修课程。指由美国大学理事会(The College Board)提供的在高中授课的大学课程。美国高中生可以选修这些课程,在完成课业后参加AP考试,得到一定的成绩后可以获得大学学分。





















5.英国(Great Britain)












8.韩国(South Korea)








10.新西兰(New Zealand)




For me the appeal of anthropology is that it draws on a wide range of disciplines, and that it combines theory with empirical study. Anthropology is a useful discipline in the world, where, for example, its use in developing countries is needed to give appropriate consideration as to how to successfully aid development without harming or diluting the country’s indigenous cultures. In my A level courses I have enjoyed the juxtaposition of scientific enquiry with the imaginative scope allowed me by my other subjects. The precision of chemistry, the polemic nature of history and the perceptiveness and observational powers fostered by my classics studies have created a dynamic I’ve enjoyed.

Part of my family lives in Denmark and I feel as though I have been brought up between two worlds; while I consider myself as belonging to both, this has meant that I constantly compare the two, conscious of them each. One of my cousins in Copenhagen gave me ‘Soul Hunters’ by Rane Willerslev, which ignited my passion for anthropology because it combines exploration and adventure with observation and contemplation. It made me see the beauty of the discipline as Willerslev writes so tenderly and I could see that one doesn’t have to completely eliminate any trace of one’s personal self in order to achieve an objective view, but simply be aware of one’s own subjectivity.

Last summer I spent six weeks in the Andes teaching English to primary school children. I was living with a family which accepted me as a surrogate daughter while I was there, even taking me on their family holiday during the ‘fiestas patrias’. This gave me an invaluable chance to experience daily life in Peru. I enjoyed watching the rate at which my Spanish improved during my stay. I also tried to learn some Quechua. It was good to get a feel for the language as it is very central to the identity of the indigenous Peruvians of that area. The experience in highland Peru drew my attention to the wide and apparently unbridgeable gaps in wealth and existences of people that are living side by side but almost unaware of each other. Even with my host family it was strikingly evident that their friendship groups were almost exclusively held with other people of the same kind of economic and ethnic background. I am now reading ‘Linking Separate Worlds, urban migrants and rural lives in Peru’ by Karsten Paerregaard, which is a study of the social identity that urban migrants carry with them.

One afternoon a week I help archive in the small local history museum where amongst other things I am learning about the history of indexing and also about the way that museums and exhibits are arranged. I have just started a course in a circus school and work on Saturdays at an arts bar in London. I am excited about going to University and being in an environment where no one is afraid to think, or is constrained by boundaries created by learning just for exams. Having been involved in the Amnesty International team at school and in starting up the fledgling ecology group and school magazine I would like to continue to seek out and get involved in things that inspire, challenge and stimulate me.





























