



in the spring and autumn period, a man in the state of song raised monkeys. the monkeys could understand what he said.

as the man became poor, he wanted to reduce the monkeys food. he first suggested that he give them three acorns(橡子) in the morning and four acorns in the evening.

thereupon, the monkeys protested angrily. then their owner said, “how about four in the morning and three in the evening?” the monkeys were satisfied with that.

this idiom originally meant to befool others with tricks. later it is used to mean to keep changing ones mind.


The servants thought that there was not enought wine for all of them, and decided to each draw a picture of snake; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine.

One of them drew very rapidly. Seeing that the others were still busy drawing, he added feet to the snake.

At this moment, another man finished, snatched the beaker(烧杯,大口杯) and drank the wine, saying,“A snake doesnt have feet. How can you add feet to a snake?”


From September 2001, English has been added into the curriculum of Grade three students in primary schools in China.The task of primary school English education is put forward by the new English curriculum is:

“...to cultivate their interest in learning, motivate them to work hard, help them to establish good learning habits and develop useful strategies...arouse their interest and curiosity in different cultures and different ways of communication...develop cross-cultural awareness, linguistic competence, self-esteem, confidence in learning, cognitive abilities as well as cooperative spirit.” (Wang Qiang, 2003:67)

Students always need something new to stir up their curiosity.Therefore, storytelling approach, which can enrich the foreign language teaching, will be introduced in the following text.

2 Theories of Storytelling

Storytelling approach is to use stories as the material of English learning to arouse the students’interest in language learning, which suggests that teachers combine storytelling with story reading in the classroom.

Storytelling with Children (Wright, 2003.) is just a good book with many task-based teaching designs.It will do some guide to the teachers.

For the students of second language learning, it is very important to choose right stories.The stories selected may have words that are repeated as many as 10 to 20 times in the first selection that features them, and then these words are repeated in later selections.

Mr.Page’s Pet Shop, The Three Little Pigs, such classics are appropriate that native learners reading materials used by native children can still be used for non-native learners.For Chinese pupils, the familiar and favorite story can be introduced, such as Little Tadpoles Looking for Mummy.These stories are chosen because the content is near to the students’daily life and they have animals for their main characters.And they can arouse the students’interests on reading.Each of the stories is similar in a number of pages and words.

3 A Case Study of Storytelling Approach

This part takes Little Tadpoles Looking for Mummy for example. (Yang Xiaoyu, 2005:30-31.) A case study of storytelling will be taken on to illustrate how the approach of storytelling is applied in the real classroom.

A Lesson Plan

Aims:1.To understand new words and pronounce them correctly;

2.To be able to use properly“Are you...?”;

3.To understand the main idea of the story;

4.To read the story with the help of pictures;

5.To perform the story in English and make up a new story.

Focal points:1.the new words formed by animals’names with people’s addresses.

2.the structures of sentences:“Are you...?”;“Sorry”, “That’s OK.”and“See you.”

Difficult points:1.to use these new words, expressions and sentences properly;

2.to make up a new story.

Aids:five pictures or cards of this story (three tadpoles without legs, three tadpoles with two legs, three frogs, Mummy frog, Mummy Fish, Mummy Duck, Miss ducking, Mummy Tortoises)

Stage 1 Getting Ready for Learning

The teacher checks attendances to review the sentences of greeting that have been learned.

T:Hello, Xiao Ming! P1:Hi, Miss Xiao!

T:Nice to see you, Lin Lin. P2:Nice to see you, too.

T:Good morning, Tom. P3:Good morning, Miss Xiao.

T:Glad to meet you, Yang Yang. P4:Glad to meet you, too.

T:Where is Mike? M:Here.

Stage 2 Review

The teacher plays a game with the students to review the structures they have learned in previous lesson.The teacher chooses a group of students to demonstrate the game.

T:I’m Miss Xiao, who are you? P2:I’m Jim.T:So long.P2:So long.

T:So long. P2:So long.

P2:I’m Jim, who are you? P3:I’m John.

P2:Good-bye! P3:Bye-bye!

P3:I’m John, who are you? P4:I’m Bei Bei.

P3:See you! P4:See you!

After that, the teacher makes other groups practice it like this.

Stage 3 Pre-reading

1. To learn some new words.

T:Now, we will play another game before enjoying the story Little Tadpoles Looking for Mummy.

The teacher takes on those cards one by one.Pupils are told to read the“mummy”card.Followed it, the“duck”card will also be read.

T:Now, please look at the blackboard.Read the words one by one.

T:Please read them together (Mummy Fish) .

T:Now guess, what does it mean? (鸭妈妈)

T:Are you clear?Pease look, say and match the following pictures.

2.To learn the new structures:Are you...?Yes, I’m...

The teacher sets a scene to fall down a child’s book.T:Im sorry.

T:I’m sorry.T:You should say:Thats OK.

T:You should say:“That’s OK.”

P1:That’s OK.

The teacher turns to the cover of the book to find the child’s name.

T:Are you Ding Ding?

T:Yes, I’m...

P2:Yes, I’m Ding Ding.

T:Are you Xiao Ming?

P2:No, I’m not Xiao Ming.I’m Ding Ding.

Pupils practice these structures in pairs.

Stage 4 While-reading

1. Listen to the story and answer the questions.

T:Now, it’s time to enjoy the story.Please listen to me and answer my questions.

Question 1:How many characters are there in the story?

Question 2:Who are they?

The teacher tells the story with different intonations and body language.

2.The teacher sticks the following pictures of characters inthe story on the blackboard.The pupils listen to the story again andnumber them according to their presentation.

T:Ok, please answer the questions.

The teacher retells the story generally to check the result sothat the pupils can be more familiar with the story.3.Learn the first part of the story.

3. Learn the first part of the story.

T:We will learn the each part of the story.Please don’t look at your book and listen to me.At the first part, how many tadpoles they are?

T:Please look at Picture 1 and tell me what they talk about.

Ps:I’m Little Tadpole.I’m looking for my mummy.

The teacher helps pupils understand the meaning of“look for”through mimicking.

4. Learn the next part of the story.

1) The pupils read the story with the picture 2 while the teacher imitates the voice of Mummy Fish.The teacher says:”I’m Mummy Fish, ”when she is putting on the mask of a fish and putting palms together swinging like the tail of a fish.

2) T:At this part, who are talking?

Ps:Mummy Fish and Tadpoles.

T:Tadpoles ask Mummy Fish two questions in all.What is the first one?

Ps:Who are you?

T:How does Mummy Fish answer?

Ps:I’m Mummy Fish.

T:What’s the second question?

Ps:Are you my mummy?

T:How about the answer?

Ps:No, I’m not your mummy.

5. T:Here is a picture 3.Please read the text carefully and perform the dialogue like the dialogue between tadpoles and Mummy Fish.Just talk with your partner.

6. The pupils are required to read the fourth part.After that, the teacher invites some groups to do the role-play.

7. The pupils read the last part and answer the questions with the help of the teacher.

T:At last, do the tadpoles find their mummy?


T:When the frog says:”I’m your mummy”, what do the tadpoles say?

Ps:Mummy, Mummy, I miss you.

Stage 5 Post-reading

1.Read the story again and number the following sentences.

() So long, Mummy Tortoise.

() No, I’m not your mummy.I’m Mummy Duck.

() I’m Little Tadpole.I’m looking for mummy.

() I’m Mummy Fish.

() I miss you, mummy.

2.Act out the story

The teacher divides pupils into some groups to prepare the story.The pupils will take turns to do the role-play.Each of group can perform a part of the story.

3.Make up a new story

The teacher gives pupils another 4 pictures to make up a new story named Little Monkey Looking for Daddy.They are required to color the pictures after class.In the next period, they will share their stories with the class.

Little Monkey Looking for Daddy

4 Conclusion

Students read the story with the help of pictures so that they can develop the reading competence.Pupils’story making can extend children’s ability to tell story and to develop their imagination.Here are some limitations in this case that the adapted material merely based on the Chinese classics cannot introduce the English cultures to pupils.Whether the adaptation of stories from Chinese classics be effective for non-native learners is raised for further research.


[1]Martin W, 刘润清.外语教学与学习——理论与实践[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 1995.

[2]Wright A.Storytelling with children[M].Shanghai:SoutheastChina Normal University Press, 2003.

[3]王蔷.小学英语教学法教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2003.

[4]闫素萍.讲故事学英语的教学实验[J].基础英语教育, 2005, 7:45-49.


阅读= 游戏

讲述: 雨珂妈妈, 女儿14个月



有一本书《How Do DinosaursSay Good Night ?》(《恐龙是怎样道晚安的?》),里面有十多种恐龙的单词,我是第一次见到,而且那些单词都很长。我查了它们的正确发音,自己先学会了,念流利了,然后才给宝宝读。


书读过后, 其实还有很多事情可做。比如,那本《We’v e a l lgot bellybuttons》(《我们都有肚脐眼》),原文中有:“We’ve got earsand so do you, We can pull them, canyou ?”(“我们有耳朵,你也有。我们可以拉拉耳朵,你可以吗?”)“We’ve got hands and so do you. We canclap them, can you?” (“我们有手,你也有。我们可以拍拍手,你可以吗?”)平时和孩子玩时,我就会跟她一起边说边做,在日常生活中把这些句子真正用起来。


即便在念给她听的过程中,也可以不失时机地加入动作,宝宝更喜欢这样的“阅读游戏”。比如在讲《Good Night Moon》(《月亮,晚安》)时,有一句“a quiet old lady whisperinghush…”我每次念到这句时都会把手放到嘴边,特别夸张地拖长“sh——”。宝宝也学着把手放嘴边来模仿这个动作。我高兴地亲她一下,她模仿得就更起劲了,这本书也轻轻松松地被孩子消化了。




讲述:逗逗妈, 女儿2 岁10个月


生孩子之后,偶然看了R u b i e父母写的《宝贝比我强》,更坚定了我在生活中对孩子说英语、给她看英文书的决心,并开始尝试。

我的孩子性格属于比较好动的,很难坐得住。一年多以来,除了断断续续地坚持对她说英语以外,从2 岁左右开始,基本上坚持每天晚上睡前跟孩子一起看15 分钟的英文童书。慢慢地,一到上床时间,孩子就自己去选书。

这期间她最喜欢看的是小本的手掌书,比如《A ROOKIE READER》。那时候孩子的日常会话基本没问题了,能听懂,但很少开口说。但是读到:“Let's touch ice. Ice is cold.”(“摸一摸冰,冰是凉的。”)她就站在小凳子上到冰箱里去拿冰块,然后看着冰在手里融化成水,说:“Iceis dripping. Ice is fun!” (“冰化了,真好玩!”) 当时的感觉真是非常好,终于看到了这种潜移默化的效果。



2.选择孩子容易理解的英文故事书,难度控制掌握i ( 现在的语言理解水平) +1,太难了,超出孩子的理解水平,孩子很容易失去兴趣。




讲述:清清妈,儿子6 岁半

清清6 岁半了, 没有考过级,甚至没有正儿八经地上过牛津、剑桥之类的英语培训。可是他喜欢英语,能用英语写简短的日记,自己拼读简单的英文书,与老外交流也毫不发怵。作为英文口语水平并不高的父母,我们所做的,是从送给他一副听英语的“耳朵”开始。


最早是从那些文字压韵而短小,图画清晰可爱的书开始的。曾经有一本《Tiny Tiger》, 清清非常喜欢,我觉得就是那种压韵而短小的语音吸引了他——即使妈妈的语音不完美,宝宝都觉得很好听,我想这就够了。













She often suffered from pains in her chest, and so she would often walk around doubled over and with her brows knitted.

There was an ugly girl in the village called Dongshi who envied Xishi.triving to emulate Xishi, she imitated her stoop, knitting her brows at the same time.She thought that this made her elegant, but in fact, it only made her more ugly.



the idiom “Be there just to make up the number” is used to mock someone who passes for a specialist. You can also hear people saying it about themselves to show their modesty.


One day, King Wei of Chu asked Song Yu: “Have you ever done anything unfitting to your position? Otherwise, why do officials and people say bad things against you?”

Song Yu quickly kowtowed and said:“Yes, it may be so. I hope Your Majesty will forgive my wrongdoings and allow me to finish what I have to say.”


In the 30th Anniversary of China's Open and Reform in Logistics Industry Colloquia,LU Jiang,president of China Feder ati on of Lo gis tic s a nd Purchasing,made a speech.

In his speech,he concluded that,China has made tremendous achievements since China's open and reform policy.It is in the 30 years that China has explored and practiced the logistics developments with Chinese characteristics and it is also the logistics developments in modern China.

In the beginning,he sum-marized the process and fruits of the 30 years'open and reform developments in logistics industry.First,logistics industry has achieved continuous a nd f as t d ev el o pm en ts;second,logistics companies grow rapidly;third,manufacture and trade industries have prom ot ed mo d er n l og i st ic s management;forth,the infrastructures of logistics basis have been well-developed;fifth,logistics informationization and technology creativity have stepped forward;sixth,logistics standards of industry basis have basically been set up;seventh,logistics research,technology and education have achieved essential achievements;eighth,the policy environment of logistics developments has greatly been improved.

Next,he gave a brief summary of his own experience and understanding of the logistics industry developments in the 30 years.First,to stick to China's open and reform policy and carry out scientific outlook on developments;second,to establish logistics development strategy based on the reality;third,to enhance the harmonious development between logistics corporations and corporation logistics to upgrade industry developments;fourth,to establish modern logistics service systems by the means of resource integrity;fifth,to introduce adaptive logistics management and technology by the lead of informationization;fifth,to develop power to push developments of logistics industry by relying on all positive factors.








Some mush rooms are good to eat;some are poisonous.


How much do you charge for yourmushrooms?


I plan to look for the mushroom.


The mushroom omelets are delicious


A discontented man knows not where to sit easy。 不满足者坐无宁时。

A disease known is half cured。 病情确诊断,治病好一半。

Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public。 在私底下要忠告你的.朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone。 骨头打狗狗不叫。

Adversity is a good discipline。 苦难是磨练人的好机会。

Adversity leads to prosperity。 逆境迎向昌盛。

Adversity makes a man wise, not rich。 患难使人聪明,但不能致富。

Adversity makes strange bedfellows。 身处逆境不择友。

Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory。 成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。

A fair death honours the whole life。 死得光明,终身荣耀。

A fair face may hide a foul heart。 人不可貌相。

A faithful friend is hard to find。 益友难得。

A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit。 吃一堑,长一智。

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while。 午饭后要坐,晚饭后要走。

A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both。 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

A fault confessed is half redressed。 承认错误,等于改正一半。

Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended。 事情要安步就班地做,就会很快地做完。

A flow of words is no proof of wisdom。 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。

A fool always comes short of his reckoning。 愚人常缺算计。

A fool always rushes to the fore。 傻瓜总爱强出头。

A fool and his money are soon parted。 笨蛋难聚财。

A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity。 蠢人装聪明,实在最可怜。

A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer。 一愚发问,七智结舌。

A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years。 愚者所问,智者难答。
