



We live not far away from Beijing,there are mant old and beautiful places in Beijing.

We took train there on last Sunday.There were many people.

They were flying kites. We went to visit Palace Museum.

We had a great time there.We went shopping.We also bought some presents in the afternoon.

It was a good day.I was very happy.


Yesterday was Sunday, I didn’t go to school, but I was busy.

In the morning, I got up at eight o’clock, then I ate breakfast. After breakfast, I cleaned my room, it was dirty but it is clean now. In the afternoon, I played badminton with my friends. In the evening, my sister and I ate some cookies, ice cream and drank some juice and milk, but I didn’t like chocolate. After finishing my homework, I watched TV and listened to music.

I had a good time last Sunday!






为了提初一英语作文写作水平, 平时应多积累单词, 短语和句子。

1. 单词。

有很多同学总是在写作文时不能很好的表达自己的想法, 单词就是一只拦路虎。因此, 为了便于记忆, 可以自己把已学过的单词与某一共同的特性单词组合在一起。如speak, 记这个单词的时候, 可联想的其他三个关于“说”的单词tell, talk, say.如果有可能的话, 你还可以查看老师的笔记来区分它们的含义。记sofa时 , 你又可以想到有关家具的一些词, 如 chair, table, bookcase等。同时也可以像语文找对应词一样来记忆单词。如policeman, 记这个单词时, 我们就可以想到policewoman。记住mother, 又记住了father.无论你想到什么词都没有关系, 只要能坚持, 词汇量一定会很快增加。现在就来做一些练习:

背诵以下的单词 你会想到什么词:




(参考词汇:January Febuary March April May June July…

America China South Africa Japan English…

Comedy action movie thriller documentary… )

背诵以下的单词 你会想到什么对应的词


(参考词汇:long short; new old; sister brother; music musician; why because)

2. 句子。

用单词来组成句子, 除了掌握一定的语法外, 平时应多背诵一些句型。俗话说:“读书破万卷, 下笔如有神”, 只有多读, 多记, 多背诵, 才能出口成章, 下笔成文。与此同时, 替换法也是熟练运用句子的一个有效方法。但针对结构复杂的句子要注意人称, 时态和数的变化, 以及词性的变化。如There is a small house with an interesting garden next to the hotel.可改为There is a big school with a small pool near the park.现在来做一些练习:

(1) He likes reading and playing chess. (改为:他们喜欢打篮球和看电视。)


(参考答案:They like playing basketball and watching TV.)

(2) I think China is an interesting country. (改为:他认为美国是一个有趣的国家。)


(参考答案:He thinks America is an interesting country.)

3. 段落。

光是会写句子并不代表会写作文, 还要注意文章的逻辑和排列等。因此, 还应加强英语小短文, 小幽默, 小报道等地道英美文章的阅读。并背诵优秀的段落, 多学习地道的英语表达, 改变用汉语来思维的方式。英语是语言学科, 它不具备发明创造性, 我们不能凭空想象出英语句子或文章来, 所以模仿才是学习英语的一个有效途径。对于初学者, 这里介绍一个反翻译法。即指一段英文自己翻译成中文后又自己把它译成英文, 然后前后文对照, 就会找出容易出现的错误与自己的不足。如:Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team. He’s a man of medium build. He had short straight hair. Wang Lin is very popular. (王林是篮球队的队长。他长得高而且中等身材。他的头发又短又直。王林非常受人欢迎。) 看看自己会不会把第一句译成:Wang Lin is the basketball team of captain.在前后对照后就会知道of 的用法了。这里值得提醒的是, 翻译成中文时一定要自己来翻译才会起到作用。


(1) Mary is thin and she is a girl of medium height. She has short curly blonde hair. She's good-looking but she's a little bit quiet.______

2) Xu Qian loves to tell jokes. She's short and a little bit heavy. She has beautiful long black hair. She never stops talking!______

4. 格式.

(1) 英文的书写格式。书写应符合书写规范, 英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观, 字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮, 通篇匀称和谐。书写时还要注意词与词之间要保持一定的距离, 不能紧靠在一起。字母之间的连写也应该按照习惯, 不能随意乱来。要注意尽量不把一个单词拆开移行。 (2) 英语应用文的格式。写好初一英语作文还要掌握一些应用文体的写作方法。下面介绍几种格式:



寻物启事 失物招领


在写英语作文的时候要先仔细看清写作要求和提示, 分清材料的主次, 接着确定体裁、格式和人物、地点等要素;最后确定时态, 同时考虑相关的搭配用法。如果时间允许, 书面表达一定要先写草稿。用词要恰当, 不可将题目的要求或提示逐句翻译成英语。应尽量选用你最熟悉、最有把握的词和句型来表达思想。如果有些单词或句型不会表达, 可以设法绕开, 用熟悉的同义词、同义短语或同义句来代替。要学会善于运用适当的关联词, 如and, or, but, so, because等, 以使行文逻辑紧密, 自然流畅。如写一篇介绍你的朋友的文章, 要求包括他的名字, 年龄, 爱好.特长.和外貌。如果没有仔细审题, 可能会写成你自己, 也可能会漏掉写年龄或是外貌等。那样文章就会偏题或是不完整。


在审题与草稿之后及抄写入答题卷前, 要先进行检查修改。首先检查所写内容是否切题;之后检查主题是否明确, 表达方式是否恰当;检查所用时态、人称是否符合要求, 前后是否一致。检查冠词, 介词的用法和单词的拼写等, 做到细节决定成败。例如这篇作文:

这是Tom 一家的情况, 假如你是Tom, 请根据这份表格介绍你的家庭, 60词左右。

如果不仔细检查, 你可能会写成这样:Tom is a waiter. He wants to be a policeman. His father is ...你会以第三人称来写。也许你的草稿会出现了现三单, 人称代词, 物主代词, 单词拼写, 冠词的等问题。并且, 文章很简单, 词数也不够。因此, 在写完作文后, 认真检查。


















My mother is 36 this year,but she looks young. She has two big eyes, a smally noose snd a smally mouth. Her hair is long and brown. She is a beauiful woman.

My mother is a nurse. She works in a People Hospital. She often wears a white uniform. No wonder people call nurses “white angle”. She works carefully and she is friendly to her patints. They all like her. She is busy. Every day, she works for eight hour in a day time. Sometimes, she is on duty in the evening. After work in the afternoon she goes back home. She makes a big dinner for father and me. It is a delicious meal, decause she is goodat cooking.


The custom of Spring Festival in Yunnan is quite different from that of the Spring Festival in Beijing. It is the Spring Festival from thirty to the Lantern Festival. The Lantern Festival is over, and the Spring Festival is finished. Yunnan is not the twelfth lunar month points, do not eat Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits, so I havent tasted Beijing and Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits Laba garlic flavor.

Lets talk about the thirty day of the year. We must go to the market to the market this morning, and do buy special purchases for the Spring Festival family reunion dinner ingredients. The children went to the mountains to pick up pine needles. In the afternoon, we need to wash the quilts and clothes, and clean up the whole body as well. Because we have taboos there. We cant wash clothes and baths from the beginning of the first month to the beginning of the first month. The thirty evening of the big year is the new years Eve, which is the climax of the Spring Festival. People are busy making reunion meals, and every households chimneys are white smoke. Family reunion dinner is done, your children pick up the pine needles on the floor, when the children saw their booty by adult praise, always proudly dancing. Happy to eat before we have to burn money worship, after the paper ash drained. When all is ready, we sat on the floor, dont hesitate to enjoy the Spring Festival family reunion dinner. After eating, the adult is busy picking up the bowl and collecting the table. Children start with joy, their firecracker wars, adults sitting around the TV, holding the Spring Festival Gala. They dont want to see the adults of Spring Festival Gala playing table tennis mahjong. This enjoyable scene until twelve at night, people have dizzy spells lit firecrackers, the deafening sound of firecrackers to usher in the new year. When the firecrackers were finished, people who had been busy for a day fell to bed and slept.

Sleep to nearly three at midnight, people have continued to climb up from the bed, cooking dinner. This is the four oclock “spring rice”, because the first day of the first month is the first day of the year, so we have to eat to meet. After dinner, people go back to the quilt and sleep to daybreak.

Early in the first month can not go to other peoples home, only to go outside, this is also a big strange custom in Yunnan. Second we went to the town, to stroll temple fair in Beijing County town, shops and a superb collection of beautiful things let us endless nostalgia all sorts of strange things. We do not eat Glutinous Rice Balls Lantern Festival, still good food wine, not light, but still lively, one family to go to the mountain foot, but also look at other people down.
