





Name: jenny

Date of Birth: December 26, 1979

Nationality: China

Nation: Han

Address: N0.110 XX town, Wuxi city, Jiang su province, China

Sex: male

Marital Status: unmarried

Tel: 0510-1234567 or 0510-7654321


E-mail: xxx@hotmail.com


Dates Instituations

1986-1992 XX school

1992-1995 XX middle school

1995-1998 XX high school

1998-2002 Southern Yangtze University

Major Degree

Chinese language and culture Bachelor


Kinds Level

Chinese proficient

English CET-6


Foxpro, Flash5.0, Dreamweaver4.01, fireworks4.02, photoshop6.0 and be familiar with internet.MASTERSHIp in UNIVERSITY

Date position

1999-2001 Studying Minister in Student Union

1999-2001 president of Educational Union

1999-2001 president of Library governing Union


Computer, Reading, Sports and Music


quality as the goal, all-round development of self-direction.Establish a correct outlook on life, values, and worldview.Ideologically, I treat them sincerely and fine style of work, loving the motherland, and firmly supported Comrade Hu Jintao as the core of the correct leadership of the CpC

Central Committee and resolutely oppose to split the motherland for all the lawless elements.“Bao Jianfeng from Sharpen out plum incense from cold to” is my university to learn continuously.In addition to conscientiously study NC professional, but also to obtain a

scholarship to study at different levels.In order to enhance their own capacity, I also participated in the Southwest Technology自考with undergraduate diplomas.Learning is

important, the annual winter and summer vacations to allow me to participate in social practice, which greatly foster self-reliance of my life and social practice.Learn: I often participate in physical training, basketball, badminton are my great love.Time flies光阴似箭, with young and knowledge I am about to embark on work experience may mean that there is no young, but the young have a passion and aggressive

officers.I firmly believe that after graduation I will overcome all kinds of difficulties for the realization of self-worth the struggle.Self person: Lai right are


英文合同经过长期实践应用、改进, 其结构已经相对固定。一份标准的英文合同一般包括目录、正文和附录几部分, 而正文涵盖了约首 (导言、鉴于条款、过渡条款) 、本文 (通用条款、专有条款) 和约尾 (证明条款、签名、盖章) 三部分。本文拟以王振国、李艳琳所编著、北京高等教育出版社2015年2月出版的《新英汉翻译教程》所选英文合同翻译为例, 分析英文合同约首 (序言) 部分的翻译策略和注意事项。英文合同中, 序言 (preamble) 是位于目录之后主文之前的部分, 旨在交代合同的基本信息, 包括导言 (premises/commencement) 、鉴于条款 (whereas clause) 和过渡条款 (transitional clause) , 各自承担不同的功能。

例文涵盖了英文合同序言中的三部分内容, 而提供的译文表述中, 每一部分都有值得商榷的地方, 现逐一分析如下:

1 导言的翻译


This Contract is made this_____day of____, 20___, in (place of signature) by and between (name of one party) , a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of (name of the country) with its domicile at (address) (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and (name of the other party) a cooperation duly organized and existing under the laws of (name of the country) with its domicile at (address) (hereinafter referred to as Party B) .

本合同于二零_____年_______月_______日在 (签订地点) 签订。

合同一方为 (一方名称) , 是一家依照 (国家名称) 法律组织而存在的公司, 其住所在 (地址) (以下简称甲方) ;

合同另一方为 (另一方名称) , 是一家依照 (国家名称) 法律组织而存在的公司, 其住所在 (地址) (以下简称乙方) 。 (王振国、李艳琳, 2014:292)

英文合同的导言行文模式趋于程式化, 包括合同签约方的名称/姓名、国籍、主营业地/住所、合同签订的日期和地点。尽管其行文和结构相对固定, 但翻译时需要特别注意一些细节。

合同生效的要件之一是主体合法。合同签约方作为合同行为主体, 其签订的合同是否有效成立依赖一些基本事实, 因此在合同开始交代签约方的名称、组织形式、签订地点和时间就具有重要的法律意义, 可据此判断主体是否合法, 而万一以后发生争端, 也方便选择合同的管辖地, 根据中国合同法规定, 签约一方的主营业地、注册地和签约地的法院对合同都享有管辖权。

分析译文, 有两点值得商榷。

(1) duly organized and existing的译文不妥

合同中的每一个单词都有其存在的必要性和意义, 不能视为赘词而不翻译。根据公司法规定, 组建一家公司要经历设立和成立两个阶段, 公司设立是公司设立人依照法定的条件和程序, 为组建公司并取得法人资格而必须采取和完成的法律行为。公司的成立是指已经具备了法律规定的实质要件, 完成设立程序、由主管机关发给营业执照而取得公司法人主体资格的一种法律事实, 表现为一种法律上的状态。公司设立是成立的必经程序, 而公司的成立则是设立的法律后果或直接目的。原文中的duly强调设立过程中一切都符合法律规定, 合法有效, 因而确保公司得以成立。译文中对duly一词视而不见, 辜负了合同起草者的一片苦心。原译文中, organized被翻译成“组织”, 显属外行话, 组织当动词使用时, 其搭配要符合汉语习惯, 我们可以组织一次活动, 但不能组织公司成立, 此处如果翻译成“组建”当属最佳选择。如前分析, 组建涵盖了设立和成立两个步骤, 翻译成“成立”也可以, 它强调一种组建后的结果。原译文中将existing翻译为“存在”, 没有反映出这个词的内涵和其想强调的事实。合同签订中, 一方最怕遇到对方是“骗子公司”, 尽管是合法成立了, 但已经不再实际经营或失去了民事主体资格, 因此有必要强调其是有效存续, 而不仅仅是形式上的存在。

(2) 译文顺序应调整, 以适应读者的思维逻辑

译文的准确和通顺与否不仅取决于对字词的准确理解和搭配, 而且应关照到译文读者的阅读习惯和逻辑思维。原文是按合同签订时间、地点和合同主体的顺序排列的, 但对于合同译文的读者, 他首先关注合同主体是谁, 是否具备签订合同的主体资格, 然后才是合同签订的时间和地点。鉴于此, 译文的顺序应做必要的调整为佳。

2 鉴于条款的翻译


Whereas Party A has been engaged in the manufacture and marketing of (name of products) , and possesses valuable upto-date technology, relating to the manufacture, assembly and marketing of the said products;whereas Party B has been a leading trading company in thefield of the said products and is willing to arrange for the manufacture, assembly and marketing of the said products, and whereas both parties are desirous to establish a joint venture company to manufacture, assemble and market the said products;

鉴于甲方长期从事 (产品名称) 的制造和推销, 并拥有制造、装配、推销上述产品的有价值的先进技术;

鉴于乙方长期以来是一家经营上述产品的主要贸易公司, 愿意安排上述产品的制造、装配和推销;

鉴于双方都希望建立一家合资公司, 来制造、装配和推销上述产品; (王振国、李艳琳, 2014:292)

鉴于条款也称之为“叙述性条款” (recital) 、说明条款或订约背景 (background) , 因该段的开头多以whereas引导的句子并列行文, 故此得名。鉴于条款由合同当事人对订约目的、希望和意图所作的陈述性说明构成, 但鉴于条款不单单是几个陈述句的堆砌, 其存在有着重要的法律意义。鉴于条款具有证约的功能, 一旦发生争议, 鉴于条款对于双方订约的目的与意图以及解释某些具体条款将起到一定的作用。依据英美法的一项法律原则——“意思表示禁反语” (estoppels by representation) 之要求, 签约方在条款中写明某项事实的, 不能主张与此相反的事实, 并不得以此为由提起诉讼。亦即一方在合同中进行不真实的 (事实) 阐述, 对方信赖其所述并据之采取行动时, 有不真实阐述的一方应对其误导行为负责, 不得以己方所述不实为理由主张客观真实的情况。 (王相国, 2014:69)

分析原文发现, 三个whereas引导的分句分别交代了订约双方从事的业务、拥有的技术和合作的意图, 阐述了订约背景的基本信息。译文中将本属于一段的三个分句分成了三段, 实无必要, 英文段落结构的安排有其自己的考量, 译者一般不宜自作主张改变原先的段落顺序或增添原文没有的序列编号。重新分段后, 译文的段落顺序无法和原文一一对应, 假如下文出现对前款的指引参考时, 将出现指代错位情况, 容易引起理解争议。另外, 译文对个别词语的处理过于刻板和随意, 如将marketing译作“推销”, 从行业术语贴切角度考虑, 建议改译成“销售”更切合语境, 推销在一定语境下带有贬义, 不像“销售”这个中性词, 态度上不偏不倚。

3 过渡条款的翻译


Therefore, in consideration of the premises and conventions herein contained and other good and valuable considerationsflowing from either party to the other, the receipt whereof both parties by their execution of this Contract do hereby acknowledge, the parties hereby agree as follows:

考虑到上述各点和本合同所载各项条款, 以及双方通过签署本合同而确认收到的彼此间的其他有效相应报酬, 双方特定此协议如下: (王相国, 2014:69)

过渡条款位于鉴于条款之后, 合同主文开始之前, 起到承上启下的纽带作用, 前面的导言和鉴于条款陈述签约主体、时间、地点和签约的缘由, 而在鉴于条款之后, 合同的主文, 即规约合同当事人权利义务等条款就开始了。过渡条款的行文非常程序化, 一般以大写的NOW, THEREFORE打头, 其后是in consideration of/词组引导的约因语句, 其中文翻译也非常模式化。此处需要特别注意consideration一词, 通用英语里, consideration是“考虑”的意思, 但在法律性文本中, 某些情况下有考虑的含义, 但一般译作“约因”或“对价”。对价是英美合同法中的重要概念, 是一方为换取另一方做某事的承诺, 而向另一方支付的金钱代价或提供的承诺, 从法律上看是一种等价有偿的允诺关系。对价被认为是合同的构成要件之一, 没有对价的合同不能强制履行, 对价可以是金钱等价物, 也可以是某种允诺, 如放弃诉权、承担某种责任等, 对价不必等价, 但应具有真实价值。

分析原译文发现, 译者显然没有明白consideration一词的含义, 将其翻译成“报酬”, 而且对前面的两个限定形容词视而不见, 随意地翻译成“相应的”, 没有忠实地传递出原文想表达的意义。另外, 译文的个别选词也违背了法律文件的翻译原则, 即保持同一术语译文的“一致性”。原文是一份英文合同的序言部分, 译文中也多次出现“合同”的译语对应英文的contract, 但到了译文的结尾, 非常突兀地出现了“协议”, 显然有违这一公认的翻译原则。法律翻译有一个非常重要的原则, 即在法律文件中要保持法律术语或相同句式结构译文的同一性和一致性, 不能随意用不同形态的同义词或近义词表达相同的法律概念, 也不能让同样的句式结构有多种不同形式的翻译表达。法律翻译中只要认准并用准了某词语, 就千万别怕反复使用这一词语。 (仲人、吴娟, 1994) 法律文字的翻译在译名的选词上不能像文学翻译那样灵活多样和丰富多彩, 而必须坚持译名的同一律原则。 (刘法公, 2001) 再之, 译文最后一句“双方特定此协议如下”中的“定”字属于“订”字的误用, 或者属于“约定”一词不适当的省略。其实这两个单词在法律合同中经常被误用, 严重时会损害当事人的利益。一个典型的例子就是“订金”和“定金”, 定金属于一种债务履行担保, 对应的英语为earnest money或deposit, 适用定金罚则, 给付定金的一方在对方不履行债务义务时可以要求双倍返还定金, 具有违约罚金性质, 而“订金”在无论是担保法或合同法中都没有明确规定, 一般视作一种预付款, 其对应的英文为subscription或down payment, 收受订金的一方无须双倍返还, 而合同实践中也不乏有人故意误用两者的区别, 以逃避违约的责任。

综上分析, 拟将译文整体修改如下:

本合同由______, 一家依照_______法律合法组建并有效存续的公司, 其住所地位于_______ (以下简称“甲方”) , 和________, 一家依照_______法律合法组建并有效存续的公司, 其住所地位于_______ (以下简称“乙方”) , 于20____年____月____日在_____签订。

鉴于甲方长期从事_____产品的生产和销售, 并拥有关于该产品生产、组装和销售的有价值的先进技术;鉴于乙方是一家长期从事该产品经营的大型贸易公司, 并且愿意安排该产品的生产、组装和销售;以及鉴于双方都愿意建立一家合资公司, 以生产、组装和销售该产品。

鉴于上述事实和本合同所载条款, 以及其他双方通过签署本合同而确认收讫相互提供的有效并有价的约因, 双方兹此订约如下:

4 结语

英文合同是一种结构和遣词造句都高度规范化的法律性文件, 了解法律文本的语言特征和翻译的一般原则, 对翻译质量的提升具有重要作用。本文仅针对翻译教材中的实例, 对英文合同的序言部分翻译做了简要分析。需要指出的是, 作为一本供非英语专业大学生使用的翻译教材, 《新英汉翻译教程》对合同翻译一节的取材和设计过于简单, 既没有对合同语言特点、用词、典型句型和一般合同结构做任何介绍, 也没有详实充分的实例讲解, 没能反映英文合同的全貌。提供的参考实例也有很多值得商榷的地方, 除译文中一些似是而非的选词, 原文中也不乏错误, 如导言部分的cooperation (应为corporation) 和鉴于条款中relating to前面多余的逗号等。英文合同的翻译难度高, 除句子长、概念复杂、同义词堆砌之外, 还有就是典型句型难以理解。熟悉英文合同的结构, 正确理解常见句型, 掌握规范的中文译法, 将对提升英汉法律文本的整体翻译质量提供可靠保证。

摘要:英文合同的结构相对规范、固定, 其序言部分交代了订约背景, 由导言、鉴于条款和过渡条款组成。序言的用词和句式呈现模式化的特点, 但仍不乏翻译难点和陷阱。



[1]刘法公.涉外经济法规汉英翻译规律[J].中国科技翻译, 2001 (2) .

[2]王相国.鏖战英文合同——英文合同的翻译与起草[M].中国法制出版社, 2014.

[3]王振国, 李艳琳.新英汉翻译教程[M].高等教育出版社, 2014.



汉娜·巴库拉是位有点名气的通俗传记作家,1985年写过罗马尼亚女王玛丽传,1997年出版腓特烈女皇传。她的已故丈夫艾伦·巴库拉(Alan Pakula),则是名震全球影剧界的大制片家兼大导演。

汉娜·巴库拉和宋美龄同属美国马萨诸塞州卫思礼学院(Wellesley College)先后期校友,宋美龄毕业于1917年,汉娜则为1955级毕业生,中间相隔38年。汉娜今年已73岁,是个活力旺盛的女作家,为了撰写宋美龄传,准备了10余年,到处查档案、找资料和采访。她自己不谙中文,亦不熟悉中国历史,陆续请了几位助理帮她看材料和翻译。

经过十余年的辛勤搜集、研读和撰写,《末代女皇》终于面世。这本“大”书的最大特色也是缺点就是太厚、太长了,一般美国读者不可能有耐心、有兴趣读完长达681页正文的中国人的传记,更何况这也是一部涵盖极复杂的中国近、现代史演变和中美关系史的著作。《纽约时报》书评家都威特·加纳(Dwight Garner)读后,忍不住发出“读这本书有如长途跋涉蒙古大草原那样辛苦”的怨言。



作者说,宋美龄在长岛蝗虫谷(Locust Valley)住了30年(应是20年),邻居都不知道她的存在,绝大部分村民也未见过她,有些人只看到她的车子进出。宋美龄在当地购物中心的发廊洗头,但只选择购物中心关门的时候,并特别要求发廊专门为她一个人开门营业。上个世纪90年代中,宋美龄搬至曼哈顿上东城的葛莱西广场10号9楼后,蝗虫谷居民才知“蒋夫人”过去20年是他们的老邻居。、葛莱西广场10号是一生荣华富贵的宋美龄在人间的最后一个住所。这栋已显老旧的合作公寓共有15层,楼主是她的外甥孔令杰(一说是孔令侃)。宋美龄所住的是第九层的楼中楼(duplex),共18个房间,其中包括7间卧室。室内布置和颜色以红色为主,主卧室墙上挂了一幅宋美龄自己的画像,起居室、卧室和客厅全是中国风味。宋美龄养了3只小狗,一位纽约英文专栏作家说:“这3只狗也像它们的主人一样老了,在她的身边摇摇晃晃地跟着。”作者说,宋美龄拥有24个佣仆,分3班侍候,他们都在葛莱西广场附近租房同住。




可是该说如果属实,这批金条的下落呢?孔家子女中照顾蒋夫人最久的是2008年8月22日去世的外甥女孔令仪(终年93岁),不知她如何处理这批金条?孔家4个子女中只有曾娶影星狄波拉·贝姬(Debra Paget)的孔令杰有儿子,其他皆无后。过去每逢宋氏家族有事,总会出面的宋子文的外孙冯英翰、冯英祥(Michael Feng)以及宋子安(宋美龄的小弟)的儿子宋伯熊和宋仲虎(Le0 Soong)都知道这批金条的下落吗?

1904年代表共和党角逐总统的候选人威尔基(Wendell L.Willkie),曾于1942年9月底至10月中访问战时中国,当时陪同威尔基访华的《狄摩因纪事报》记者、日后创办《展望》(LOOK)杂志的迈克·考尔斯(Mike Cowlee)1985年在未公开发行的回忆录《迈克回望》(Mike LooksBack)中透露,威尔基在重庆曾和蒋夫人“秘密幽会”。宋美龄当然不承认有此事,还曾托人控告出版公司。不过,《末代女皇》作者汉娜·巴库拉则说,宋美龄于1943年访美时,还和威尔基有过浪漫关系。威尔基于1944年10月去世,终年52岁。



1.Advantages: helpful, good at unity, hard-working, approachable.Disadvantages: work style is too cautious not bold enough

2.Advantages: respect teachers, united students, helpful, is a good helperteacher, students good friends, diligent, positive, like and students to discussand solve problems, and actively participate in class school organization ofvarious activities inside and outside the classroom.Disadvantages: thinking is not mature enough, theory and practice abilityis weak.3.Advantages: kind-hearted, honest, single-minded, smart and capable,stable personality, proactive.Disadvantages: usually doing too much attention to detail, there may beoverlooked on the overall grasp.4.Advantages: caring for others, proactive, independent and strongcommunication skills, willing to work under pressure and leadershipqualities.Disadvantages: lack of experience in dealing with people.5.Advantages: doing things with perseverance, perseverance, doing thingshave their own views, not people have cloud.Disadvantages: theoretical learning needs to be further deepened.6.Advantages: learning has its own way, learning new things, highefficiency, learning new skills on the fast.Disadvantages: less work experience also need to further exercise.7.Advantages: a positive attitude, the courage to//yjbys.com/picmunication skills.Disadvantages: Sometimes want to have too many things.个人优点英文自我评价2

I work hard and earnestly, to be sincere, to have a good sense ofinnovation, to have a good spirit of cooperation, to work hard for ourselves andthe collective, to create more wealth for the future without wedge struggle,only in line with the principle of brainstorming and enterprising.Seek a spacecan play!

Years of work experience temper I made me move forward, responsible for thework is my principle of doing things, and lead a good team work together to moveforward is my strategy, the courage to innovate is the yardstick of mydevelopment, so I believe they have the ability The face of the new work pickstation!

As engaged in personnel administration and financial work, has accumulateda wealth of work experience.I work pragmatic, serious, with analytical skills,flexible mind, agile, flexible work to deal with emergencies.And work and teamspirit, I am cheerful, willing to communicate with others, with goodadaptability and skilled communication skills, to assist the competent personnelto complete the work well.years of enterprise management experience, skilled use of Chinesecommercial law and economic law laws and regulations to avoid the company due tolegal blind spots have been improper economic sanctions can effectively developand implement the management system and work


Lively and cheerful, optimistic, broad interest, adaptable, quick,studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, perseverance, hard work andcourage to meet new challenges

I am a warm and cheerful personality, treat people friendly, honest andhumble.Work hard, serious and responsible, can be hard-working, due diligence,patience.With affinity, approachable, good at communication.Study earnestly, outstanding performance, among the best.Excellentacademic performance, for three consecutive years of college scholarships.Heserved as the Department of the Department of Student Union cadres, vicepresident of the Department of the Organization Department of the total, theclass life of the members of the students work and go out to sponsor andbusiness contacts in the process, greatly improving their ability to work andwork.In addition, also actively participate in extracurricular sportsactivities, a variety of social practice and part-time work, in order toincrease their own experience, improve their ability.Work experience in work,exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills.For two consecutive years ofcollege “summer social practice activists”, “student union excellent officer”and the honorary title.In normal school life, did a lot of part-time.For example: tutor,telephone interviewer, restaurant waiter, send leaflets, questionnaire, but alsoto the factory played summer jobs, personal experience of a variety of differentoperating procedures and work methods, exercise has become hard-working spirit,and from work In the experience of fun, dedication.Four years of college life, so that my organization coordination,management capacity, adaptability, etc.greatly enhanced, so I have a goodpsychological quality, so I have a greater competitive advantage, let me walk inthe cause of life more High farther.Won the “outstanding college students” and“outstanding graduates” of the title.个人优点英文自我评价4

suddenly look back, only to find themselves have been transformed from apure innocent young into a familiar sedate man, this is all thanks to four yearsof university life, it is unforgettable experience in my life.here are my fouryears of university life as a self evaluation:

in school, study hard all kinds of knowledge and skills, also self-studyand good command of computer software.and take an active part in and organizethe class and grade school students groups, and extracurricular activities, tobroaden the vision, edify the sentiment.on the ideological quality, i bear hardships and stand hard work,proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, diligence andhonesty, has the team cooperation spirit, healthy body, energetic, can adapt thehigh strength work.on ability training and take an active part in all kinds of campusoff-campus training, widen the horizon at the same time, accumulated a lot ofsocial practice experience, to obtain the comprehensive development of morality,intelligence and physique.during the internship, hold the initiative oflearning attitude, i actively learn from teaching teachers, takes “life trustwith health department” belief, tirelessly absorption medicine knowledge, forfuture study and work to lay a solid foundation.everything there is a process from scratch, is about to step into society,compared with people with rich work experience, i did behind some startingpoints, so i know we need to learn fast.no matter what i will go to the companybelongs to industry, i have to own faith to grow, to run!





Dear professors:

Good morning!

It’s my honor to introduce myself.my name is xxx, i am from xx county xx province, december xxxx i was born in a poor family, and my parents are farmers, i love and respect them very much.we were delight with my becoming a fresh man in september 1997.luckily, i was permitted to be a graduate student after 4 years colorful life on campus.i received my bachelor degree 20xx in xx institute of science and technology, then a master degree 20xx in xx university of science and technology.for those 7 years my major was die design.before i received my master degree, i had done the subject of xxxxxxxxxxx.for the past 3 years, i have been in xxxxxx college, where i have been and still am a teacher.i teach students machine design etc.i have published more than 10 first-author papers.That’s all, thanks!


Good morning:
