考研英语摘要写作指导 细节很重要


考研英语摘要写作指导 细节很重要(共3篇)

篇1:考研英语摘要写作指导 细节很重要

考研英语摘要写作指导 细节很重要



1. 标题部分:小作文中告示、摘要、备忘录、报告必须有标题

2. 时态:大都采用一般现在时。

3. 人称:第三人称。

4. 句型:英文摘要结构严谨,表达精炼。英文摘要应尽量使用短句,慎用长句。摘要的句型应力求简单,表意明确。





This paper/thesis is chiefly centering on …( 主题/主旨).

To conclude them, the aspects stated below can be taken to contribute to it. In the first place, … Besides, …last but not the least, … (要点)

To sum up, from the thesis we can come to obtain a profound understanding of 得出的结论。

篇2:考研英语摘要写作指导 细节很重要

Model Answer:

Every city has its architectural character, but the similarities between cities are more obvious these days than in the past. In my opinion, one reason for this is the high price of land.

In most large cities, land is scarce and consequently it is very valuable. This has led to the construction of tall buildings which occupy only a small area of land while providing lots of floor space where people can live or work. Buildings of this type are made of concrete and steel and can be built comparatively quickly using prefabricated materials. They do not use local materials, such as stone, timber or brick, which used to give cities their individual character. In consequence many cities. now look very much the same and you might not know whether you were in Brisbane, Bangkok or Berlin when you are on the street.

While I realise that we cannot stand in the way of progress, I believe that cities should try to keep some individuality. For example, in Paris it is prohibited to build very tall buildings in the centre of the city, as this would spoil the overall appearance of the skyline. Other cities have chosen to design unique buildings to ensure they look different. The twin towers in Kuala Lumpur or the Opera House in Sydney are examples of this approach, and I agree with this kind of initiative.




1. 三种文体的特点及摘要写作要点,见图1

2. 实际演练

A. 议论文摘要写作模式


Getting up early has been regard as a good habit since ancient times. Many years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and get up early, we would be energetic the whole day. Thus, getting up early is of great importance to us all.

In fact, morning is the best time of a day. In the morning, the air is the freshest. Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and accurately in the morning than any other time of the day. If we do some morning exercise in the morning, we can build our bodies and become much healthier. Also we will have enough time to make a plan and get ready for our work or study of the day if we get up early. However, if we get up late, we will probably have to do everything in a great hurry.

Let us remember getting up early is a good habit and try our best to keep it. If we stick to getting up early every day, we will certainly benefit a lot from it.


The passage says getting up early in the morning is a good habit that will benefit us a lot. It enables us to have a better memory, healthier body and better preparation for the day.(该摘要范例)

B. 记叙文摘要写作模式


I am Hilary, a girl who plays the piano, I can still remember on May I took part in my school’s big talent showcase.

Though I was eager to show off my stuff, I had a feeling that I was going to mess up. I tried going over my music in my mind. Still I just knew I would mess up. When it’s my turn, I walked to the piano as calmly as possible, sat down, took a deep breath and played the first part. Then I forgot the next note. I froze.

With determination, I played the beginning again, and froze again. I kept playing the beginning again, and messing up. The crowd in the audience was cheering for me, but I just kept messing up! But I knew the song! I was determined to get right!

I concentrated, positioned my fingers on the keys and ready to start again. Then I heard my mom’s scream of encouragement. That scream got me going! I tried again. I finally completed my song! I went on to the next one and completed it perfectly.

Who: Hilary

What: She messed up when taking part in the showcase.

How: With determination and her mother’s encouragement

What’s the result? She eventually completed it perfectly.


When taking part in a showcase, Hilary messed up because of nervousness. But with her determination and encouragement from her mother, she didn’t give up and eventually completed it perfectly.

