



Think about the decisions you have made that led to your current position.Past: What choices have you made that led to your current position present: why is astern mba necessary at this point in your life? future: what is your desired position upon graduation from the Stern school I have always desired a career that requires innovation, educated risk, and foresight.I learned to respect these qualities from my father, a Lebanese immigrant who worked for years to create his own business.Through his example, I have seen firsthand the advantages and challenges of self-employment--the rewards to be gained and the total commitment required.My goal is to create a business based on my own ideas and efforts, and have made decisions aimed at bringing this dream into fruition.After graduating from college, I accepted a position as the manager of an established German restaurant in San Francisco.I had been the evening manager there for nearly two years while attending college, and knew that the restaurant was struggling.For several years, high overhead costs and poor marketing had brought revenue to a minimum.I saw the position as an intriguing challenge;I knew I could dramatically increase the restaurant’ s profitability.Immediately after accepting the position in July of 1995,I addressed the most significant problem: high overhead from over staffing, food waste, and unnecessary purchases of supplies.I lowered each of these expenses while maintaining the restaurant’ s quality and efficiency.My next target was marketing.Inexpensive advertisement in local newspapers, attractive signage, and Internet postings brought in many new customers.In the meantime, I took control of the accounting, eliminating the need for independent help.The increased revenue and decreased spending had an immediate effect.At the end of 1996, the restaurant reported a profit for the first time in six years.I remained with the business until it was sold in 1997, monitoring these changes in order to provide lasting improvement.Although the position made me realize that the restaurant business did not appeal to me, those two years reaffirmed my desire to operate my own business.I had not abandoned my education during that time;while working at the restaurant, I had taken real estate courses in the evening and passed the California State Broker exam in 1996.My brother and I launched our own property management company in April of 1996,and it quickly grew.We currently have seven commercial properties under management.Our responsibilities include leasing, accounting, and property maintenance.In 1997, I began working as a broker with a commercial real estate company, largely to gain the knowledge of retail to improve the leasing and sales division of my company.I am currently employed in a sales position with a private business bank in San Francisco.I was hired to bring business into the bank, which rarely advertises, prefer ring to attract business primarily from referrals.My responsibilities include interacting with potential clients, selling loans and deposits, and account maintenance.This job has given me better understanding of sales and finance, which is crucial to the success of any business.Although my ultimate goal is to grow our property management company into a full time business, these positions in other industries have been invaluable learning aids.Property management requires an extensive knowledge of real estate, banking, accounting and sales.I now feel confident that I have gained valuable experience with my work.However, I know that earning a graduate degree will further enhance the skills I need to develop a viable company.The Leonard N.Stern School of Business at New York University will allow me to learn from the finest teachers, interact with the brightest students, and experience one of the top graduate programs in the United States.I can only anticipate the invaluable knowledge and training I will gain from being a part of this program.Although my work experience has been extremely important, the NYU Stern School of Business will be equally as educational.It will allow me to incorporate my experiences with other equally ambitious students, and to broaden my goals, ideas and perspectives.A graduate degree in Management and Organizational Behavior is a significant asset to any business owner.The first year curriculum of accounting, management, finance, marketing, and economics will enhance my knowledge of the basic foundations of business and management.During my second semester, I will enroll in the track courses of Entrepreneurial Studies.These classes will teach me advanced business techniques and their successful implementation.In addition, Stern-sponsored, non-academic entrepreneurial organizations will be both educational and enjoyable.I view these as an opportunity to meet students who share similar goals.They will expand my awareness of new business concepts within our quickly evolving economy--which I hope to incorporate into my own company.The experiences available at NYU are myriad, and a degree from the Stern School will propel me toward the realization of my professional goals.







丹佛大学位于美国科罗拉多州首府丹佛市, 是落基山区最老、最大的四年制私立大学。在由《美国新闻和世界报道》发布的2012年全美大学综合排名中, 丹佛大学名列第82位。丹尼尔商学院是美国八大最悠久的大学商学院之一, 下设会计学院、金融学院、酒店和旅游管理学院、房地产和建筑管理学院四个分学院。长期以来, 社区服务或服务学习课程是丹尼尔商学院MBA教育的一门核心课程, 本文介绍其服务学习的基本理念与运作机制, 以及该校学者对本校服务学习情况的一项调查。

(一) 服务学习为什么

好的企业都明白自己是社会的一部分, 企业活动既要考虑自身利益, 也要考虑社会效益。同样, 每个健康的人都是社区的一部分, 行为要兼顾自身与社区的利益。[3]服务学习是通过学生积极参与社区服务以满足社区需要并促进学生学习和发展的一种方法。它有助于增加学生的沟通技巧, 培养学生的公民责任。商业人才作为社会经济的重要操纵者, 必须具备社会责任, 因此服务学习日益成为商业教育的必要部分。

丹尼尔商学院在MBA课程中设计了“价值观”类课程, 服务学习课程即属于“价值观”类课程。“价值观”类课程的根本目的, 或者说整个MBA课程的根本目的是为了促进学生的成长与发展, 使学生产生积极的变化。“如果学生接受教育后没有产生积极的变化, 那么这些课程就是在浪费时间。”[4]服务学习不仅提供了个人心智与情感成长的机会, 也使学生更加关注企业如何积极参与解决社区问题和满足社区需要。服务学习是学生们的一种有意义的经历, 服务学习的理论基础与前提是体验学习论与社会公民概念。

体验学习论的基本理念是通过行动与体验可以最好地实现变化与发展。服务学习既能提升个人幸福感, 也可以改善社区福祉。尽管一种良好的习惯难以通过一次社区服务便能建立, 但丹尼尔商学院至少提供了这样一种环境, 使学生有机会在实践中实现个人价值并获得满足。

服务学习的一个基本概念是社区或社会。丹尼尔商学院坚持企业与个人都是社会的一部分的观点, 作为社会的成员必须承担一定的责任。社区服务不仅是个人的一种自愿贡献, 也是合格公民的一种责任。

(二) 服务学习怎么做

学生在一个学术季度 (通常为10周) 要参加8~10小时的社区服务。学生可以自由选择最符合其兴趣与时间安排的服务组织和项目, 可以以个人、小组乃至班级为单位开展服务活动。除了可以自己寻找服务项目以外, 丹尼尔商学院还设立了专门机构为学生尤其是经验较少的留学生寻找服务项目提供指导和帮助。

学生们可以选择各种各样的项目或组织, 大多是选择非营利组织或公立学校和政府机构。学院希望学生从事“第一线”的工作, 即由组织提供的直接服务, 如在街头为流浪者准备和分发食物。[5]学院一般不希望学生申报办公室类工作, 尽管利用业务知识帮助组织发展也很有意义, 但学院希望学生能有广泛的、切身的社会体验。至于哪些活动符合服务学习的需要并没有明确的准则, 任何能够回馈社区和改善社区福祉的事情都可以算是服务学习活动。

服务结束后, 学生需要提交一份报告, 内容包括:简要描述所服务组织的情况, 如组织使命、组织成立时间、组织资金来源、全职和志愿人员比例;简要描述具体的活动;反思和批判性评价。[6]最后一部分是最重要的。学生要将自己的经历与课程的各种主题联系起来, 以及与作为一个商业人士的个人责任和职业责任联系起来。最后一节课的分享并不是做一个正式的演讲, 而是非正式的经验与反思的交流。

丹尼尔商学院将服务学习与其价值理念和组织使命联系起来, 将社区服务作为对社区的承诺。如果没有这样的组织环境与文化, 服务学习就会变得毫无意义。

(三) 调查报告[7]

Dennis P.Wittmer对丹尼尔商学院服务学习的内容及对学生的影响等问题做了实证调查。调查对象包括应届毕业的MBA学员、入学新生、已毕业校友, 并选取了一组服务学习的报告或论文进行内容分析。调查的初步结论如下。

第一, 学生们普遍认为服务学习是一项积极的经历, 不仅增强了他们对未来参与社区服务的承诺, 而且使他们认识到为社区服务是商业责任的重要表现, 能够使他们“增加对现实世界的认识”“实现个人价值”。

第二, 社区服务作为商学院课程的一部分, 可以提高学生对参与社区服务的承诺。针对应届毕业生的调查显示, 超过3/4的人在报告中承诺将社区服务作为今后生活的一部分。此外, 他们参与社区服务的时间从入学前的年均37小时提高到了毕业时的年均55小时。这一点也被校友调查所证实, 67%的被调查校友表示他们在毕业后继续参与过志愿服务。

第三, 学生们选择最多的组织是卫生与公共服务机构、教育机构 (学校) 、康乐中心。最受欢迎的服务项目是建造房屋、事件管理和参与、教育/辅导。

第四, 性别差异受到了关注。以应届毕业生为例, 72%的男生和88%的女生都期待将社区服务当作今后生活中的一部分。虽然男女比例都很高, 但女生比例更高, 这与女生更有爱心的特性一致, 事实上女生也确实承担了较多的社区志愿服务。然而, 服务学习对男生的影响似乎更明显。调查显示, 应届毕业男生社区服务时间从入学时的年均34小时提高到了毕业时的年均65小时, 女生则从年均43小时提高到了59小时。总之, 对服务学习影响的性别差异有待进一步的实证研究。

第五, 国外留学生一般社区服务经历较少, 也不容易受服务学习经历的影响, 较少承诺在未来生活中提供社区服务。文化传统可能是影响这一结果的重要因素。留学生在本国社会可能更关心自己的社会地位、工作、收入等因素, 而缺乏公民责任、社区服务这些概念。


(一) 服务学习目标的不特定性

国内学者总结了美国服务学习的功能, 包括增强公民责任感、增强对课程内容的理解、激发学习动力、提高分析问题与解决问题的能力等。但在美国服务学习实践中, 无论是国家、社会, 还是到、学校、教师, 并未规定参加服务学习的学生必须达成的目标, 而是要学生自己去体会、反思服务学习的作用。相反, 我国大学生、研究生的专业实习或社会实践看似很严谨, 制定了许多目标, 却较少有人真正关心实习或实践的成效。专业学位研究生的实践目标如果仅仅局限于提高专业技能, 必然导致培养出来的研究生视野狭隘和片面发展。

(二) 服务学习的非功利性

现在, 国内很多本科生和研究生都把社会实践与兼职和赚钱划上等号, 使社会实践充满了功利色彩。服务学习则处处体现着志愿精神, 它的发展与美国独特的宗教文化、社会制度有很大关联, 服务学习便是由志愿服务、社区服务演进而来。服务学习具有非功利性的另一表现是强调一线服务, 即到各种非营利组织的一线去出谋出力。

(三) 服务学习内容的非专业性

在这一点上, 国内学者常会陷入认识误区, 即普遍认为, 专业学位研究生提供社会服务应该充分发挥其专业特长, 为企业、政府机关、其他社会组织提供专业性的知识技能服务。然而, 丹尼尔商学院MBA教育中的服务学习却不提倡学生直接利用自己的知识技能为组织服务。正如华中科技大学校长李培根院士在该校卓越工程师计划研讨会上所言, 美国服务学习比国内的实践更散漫, 他列举了美国威斯康星大学把学生送到南非的贫困乡村去了解老百姓的生存状况的例子, 这与其工程教育的关系在于, 将来工程师有没有可能改善这类人的生活环境和条件。[8]

(四) 重视反思和经验交流

反思是服务学习的重要组成部分, 教师们会在最后一节课上认真组织学生进行经验交流, 以丰富学生们对服务学习的认识和理解。反观国内大学生实习或实践结束以后, 一般提交一篇流于形式的实习或实践报告便万事大吉, 很少有专业要求教师组织学生相互交流实践经历。

(五) 服务学习得到政府、高校、社会等各界的重视和支持

在美国, 学院、学校、州政府和联邦政府都制定了服务学习计划和法规, 这些主体不仅为服务学习提供财力资助, 而且组建了专门的机构为服务学习提供指导和帮助。学生们可以从专门机构中获得各类服务学习项目, 并根据自己的兴趣、特长、时间安排进行选择。当前, 我国教育主管部门和高校已意识到专业学位研究生实践的重要性, 并对专业学位研究生实习时间数作了明确规定, 但专业学位研究生从国家、高校得到的整体资源依然较少, 实践项目不够丰富、实践内容狭隘、缺乏实践指导和反思等问题依然严重。


当前我国专业学位研究生实践主要以专业实习的方式进行, 即到与专业对应的政府机关、企事业单位进行几个月的锻炼学习, 以了解现实工作中的情况。这种方式是与我国专业学位研究生必须具备较强的专业性、应用性的培养目标相适应的, 这种实习无可厚非。然而, 我国大学生社会道德和责任意识薄弱的现状使我们不得不反思单一的专业实习的不足。服务学习归根结底是一种实践方式, 其理念、运作流程和重视反思的做法对我国专业学位研究生实践活动具有重要启示。

(一) 转变实践理念

我国专业学位研究生教育特别强调与企业、行业建立紧密的、实质性的联合培养机制, 特别鼓励企业、行业、社会团体为专业学位研究生提供实习岗位, 专业学位研究生的实践理念很狭隘, 主要突出对专业知识和技能的应用。然而, 任何人才首先必须是一个良好的公民, 具有基本的公民意识和社会责任, 具有社会奉献精神。从广义上讲, 我国专业学位研究生的实习实践是一种服务学习, 但今后除了继续重视专业实习以外, 还要发展以为社会做贡献为目的的服务学习项目。为社会做贡献的服务学习既可以运用自身的专业特长帮助弱势群体, 如法律硕士义务为社会弱势群体提供法律咨询和援助;也可以选择与自身专业完全不相关的项目, 如支教。

(二) 加强对服务学习的组织和支持

尽管我国研究生毕业有社会实践学分要求, 但社会实践往往流于形式, 缺乏学校组织和指导是其中的重要原因之一。美国服务学习的成功离不开学校、政府和社会各方的支持与资助。美国高校和政府不仅设立了专门的机构指导服务学习活动, 设立各种服务学习项目, 高校还将服务学习课程学分纳入毕业必修学分之列, 政府更是专门立法来规范服务学习活动。借鉴美国经验, 我国高校有必要建立专门的服务学习指导机构, 提供各种服务学习项目供学生选择, 并对服务学习的成效进行跟踪调查和评估, 中央和地方政府应该为服务学习提供必要的资助。

(三) 注重反思活动

反思是服务学习的重要环节。反思一般在活动结束以后, 也可以在服务学习活动的任何一个阶段。反思的形式有多种多样, 但主要形式是提交活动报告和进行课堂讨论。当前我国专业学位研究生的实习、实践普遍不重视反思环节, 使学生难以深刻认识存在的问题, 无法改进自己的行为。反思需要教师的积极组织, 对专业学位研究生提倡实行“双导师制”, 两类导师都有责任组织学生对服务学习活动进行深刻反思。

事实上, 我国无论是专业学位研究生还是普通本科生, 都已建立了一整套比较完备的实习实践体系, 重要的是学习和践行服务学习的理念。转变已有实习实践活动的理念或设置新的服务学习项目, 培养学生的公民意识和社会服务精神就尤为重要。


1[1]游柱然, 胡英姿.美国高校服务学习课程的教育作用及启示[J].黑龙江高教研究, 2010, (7) :32.

2[2]刘长海.大学“服务学习”的综合教育价值研究[J].江苏高教, 2008, (2) :140.

3[3][4][5][6][7]Dennis P.Wittmer.Business and Community:Integrating Service Learning in Graduate Business Education[J].Journal of Business Ethics, 2004, 51 (4) :359-371.




下面这篇文章就是一个非常好的例子——作者在处理问题的过程中体现出了其主动性、适应性、自知之明和坚强的性格。这个故事说大也大,说小也小。当你在选择自己的故事时,不要担心找不到那些惊天动地的故事,因为招生委员会的评委们看重的其实是你的理解能力和反省能力,所以事件的大小并不是太重要——你没有必要把自己描述成一只在灰烬中涅 重生的凤凰。





During my first consulting project, I was asked to construct a sales plan for an insurance company. The first step was to meet Adam, the director of sales, to discuss forecasting assumptions. A list of questions in hand, I knocked on the door. To my surprise, Adam was very formal in his reception. He did not understand why we were meeting, so I explained that I would be creating sales plans. At that point, he became outright hostile, he barked out his nonanswer to my questions and informed me he was very busy preparing sales p1ans. Before I could suggest cooperation, I was ushered out, and the door slammed behind me. Too shocked to react to the secretary's condescending smirk, I attempted to grasp why a textbook opportunity for teamwork became such a spectacular failure. What had I done to attract such hostility? I had just wanted to help. I called my engagement manager to complain, but he just accused me of handling the situation poorly. I was crushed and convinced that I was not cut out for consulting.

To this day, I am not sure why Adam was so hostile. Retrospectively, I can only guess that he was insulted and threatened, because no one had formally requested his assistance. Instead, a twenty-two-year-old appeared in his office, ready to perform one of his most challenging tasks.

Adam and I never became friends, but the incident profoundly affected the way I communicate. Now, every time I interview a client, I begin by exploring and allaying any fears the person might have. I explain the project's rationale and seek a frank reaction. The rapport thus established makes the interviewees comfortable enough to share private opinions. This very human interaction not only secures me with quick yet profound insights, but also relationships that often far outlast consulting project.








网址:Personal statement(会计学)模版

A Master’s student of accounting at Xiamen University, the best higher-learning institution in China’s strategically important Province of Fujian, across the Straits from Taiwan, I would like to pursue Ph.D.studies in your distinguished program so that I can be assured a teaching career in my motherland.My education so far is characterized by indisputable excellence.During the four years of my undergraduate studies, my GPA was consistently the highest in my class of 135 students.As you can see from the transcripts of my academic record, I received straight A’s for all the courses except for first-year Physical Education.My graduation was rated “Outstanding”, the highest rating possible.An in-depth analysis of the ethical standards of Chinese auditors, the paper was later published in a quality professional journal as a seminal study of a rarely studied topic in China.As the unquestionably best student in my year, I was accepted into graduate studies by the university without the normally mandatory entrance examinations.In recognition of my academic performance and other strengths, I was decorated with many honors and accolades during my undergraduate studies.I was elected the monitor of the class and the Vice President of the university’s Student Union, making me the most important female student leader on campus.Among the financial awards I won was the Jiageng Scholarship, the university’s most prestigious award named after its founder Chen Jiageng, one of the best known patriotic Chinese in the first half of this century.The Jiageng /scholarship is offered to only ten students each year, and the offer is usually presented to the recipients by the university’s president in person in a grand ceremony, as it was in 1996, when I got it.In my undergraduate studies, I had broad academic interests, although I majored in accounting.I regularly read academic journals, both Chinese and international, to keep me abreast of the latest developments in accounting and other related fields.I devoted considerable time to learning such subjects as law and economics.My extensive knowledge provided me solid grounding as I narrowed down my research interest to professional ethics of accountants.In a country that has only an inchoate legal regime governing professional practice.Enforcing high ethical standards is both difficult and critical.But studies have been scant and haphazard so far.I am glad that I have made quite some contribution to the country’s discourse in this area.My undergraduate studies were greatly enriched with a most rewarding internship program.As a CPA assistant working for the Accounting Firm affiliated to the university, I took part in the auditing of several major corporations.In the process, I learned not only to put my book knowledge in practice but also acquired first-hand knowledge of how Chinese accountants, operating under inadequate laws and regulations, handled difficult issues.Such knowledge has constituted an important part of the basis for my research on the ethical questions of Chinese accountants and auditors.本文来自作文地带团队写作QQ: 578691213 In my graduate studies, I have broadened my intellectual horizon and refined my accounting expertise.The courses I took related to both theories and methodologies of accounting and auditing.But the more significant part of my learning is to be found perhaps not in the courses 作文地带-有翻译、写作团队的英语作文网站


网址:but in the research projects that I have taken part in together with my professors.I have, for example, helped my professors in compiling and editing a major textbook for the continuing education program of the ALL-China Association of Certified Accountants.The book, Cases of Auditing, has just been published and is expected to substantiate the curriculum of the continuing education program.In my Ph.D.studies, I wish to focus my studies and research on auditing, particularly in relation to audit risk, auditor’s decision-making, ethics of auditing.I am also interested in accounting theories.I heard of Penn State University while I was still an undergraduate student, and I know that its accounting program is marked by selectivity and excellence.I hope that, by studying in your program, I will be able to build on my academic record so far for a promising career as a teacher in China a few years down the road.更多内容请访问:http:///


education 学历

educational background 教育程度

educational history 学历

curriculum 课程

major 主修

minor 副修

educational highlights 课程重点部分

curriculum included 课程包括

specialized courses 专门课程

courses taken 所学课程

courses completed 所学课程

special training 特别训练

social practice 社会实践

part-time jobs 业余工作

summer jobs 暑期工作

vacation jobs 假期工作

refresher course 进修课程

extracurricular activities 课外活动

physical activities 体育活动

recreational activities 娱乐活动

academic activities 学术活动

social activities 社会活动

rewards 奖励

scholarship 奖学金

“three goods” student 三好学生

excellent league member 优秀团员

excellent leader 优秀干部

student council 学生会

off-job training 脱产培训

in-job training 在职培训

educational system 学制

academic year 学年

semester 学期(美)

term 学期(英)

president 校长

vice-president 副校长

dean 院长

assistant dean 副院长

academic dean 教务长

department chairman 系主任

professor 教授

associate professor 副教授

guest professor 客座教授

lecturer 讲师

teaching assistant助教

research fellow 研究员

research assistant 助理研究员

supervisor 论文导师

principal 中学校长(美)

headmaster 中学校长(英)

master 小学校长(美)

dean of studies 教务长

dean of students 教导主任

dean of students 教导主任

teacher 教师

probation teacher 代课教师

tutor 家庭教师

governess 女家庭教师

intelligence quotient 智商

pass 及格

fail 不及格

marks 分数

grades 分数

scores 分数

examination 考试

grade 年级

class 班级

monitor 班长


commissary in charge of studies 学习委员

commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员

commissary in charge of sports 体育委员

commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员

party branch secretary 党支部书记

league branch secretary 团支部书记

commissary in charge of organization 组织委员















个人简历作为一种自我宣传与自我推销的媒介,其作用也日益受到申请者的重视。如果申请者的个人简历,只是简单的罗列个人资料,或者随便堆砌一些内容,这样的个人简历是很难打动招生委员会的。如果申请者倾注精力创作出内容全面、重点突出的个人简历,那样给招生委员会的印象一定要好得多。成功申请美国常春藤名校耶鲁大学(Yale University)生物医学工程博士的任同学,其经历就值得借鉴,在申请过程中,美国留学网专业服务团队全程为他准备申请材料。在个人简历中着重介绍了他在学校参与科研项目,以及一些发表论文的实践经历。这份重点突出的高质量个人简历,为他成功申请耶鲁大学(Yale University)提供了有力的保障。





一份出色的留学申请文书,是你成功申请美国名校不可缺少的材料。例如:成功申请哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)EE专业硕士的吴同学。在吴同学的申请过程中,在Essay中,独具特色的展示了吴同学的学习经历,让吴同学从众多的申请者中脱颖而出,成功申请哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)EE专业硕士。


Discuss an ethical dilemma that you experienced firsthand. How did you manage and resolve the situation.






Is it ever appropriate to say "no" to your mother when she needs financial assistance? While I was growing up, this was not a concept I could ever fathom (v. 彻底了解). My mother is a hardworking woman. No job has ever been beneath her when it came to supporting the family whether it was loading luggage on airplanes or lifting packages at a shipping company. My mother was the infallible beacon of hard work, my superstar in a single parent household. Unfortunately, certain situations over the past three years have created an ethical dilemma in our relationship.

My love for my mother compelled me to eagerly enter the workforce in order to support her with supplemental income. However, her financial situation has deteriorated (v. 恶化) significantly over the past few years due to efforts to make up for shortfalls (n.不足) in her income by gambling at casinos. Her reliance on legal gambling has developed into borderline addiction. Due to inopportune losses, she has often turned to me for assistance in paying her rent and utility bills.

I tried to be supportive and encouraging by assisting her with creating a budget and getting her in touch with financial counselors. The situation has been emotionally difficult for me, as her requests for money have increased, While I consider myself to be financially responsible and disciplined, it is difficult for me to continue feeling comfortable supporting her behavior through passive measures. 1 often fear that my assistance may be more detrimental (adj. 有害的) than helpful. As a resolution, I recently tried declining her continued requests for financial assistance, Of course, I cannot make such a decision without fierce internal conflict and in the end, I simply felt guilty for saying "no."

I have given her the money that she needed on every occasion. I do so because I realize that everything that I have attained in my career is in large part due to her unconditional love and support. Under normal circumstances, I would not hesitate to support her financially, but this situation is troubling because I am also the source of the family's long-term financial stability. Realistically, I must think in terms of my own future, as I have no one to turn to in case of a financial emergency of my own. While 1 have yet to discover a final resolution to this ongoing dilemma, what I have found is that while in some situations, I should say "no" to my mother, I have a moral obligation to provide her with a supportive network, just as she did for me when I was a child.






