



there is a good old saying: ”A Festive Lantern Festival fifteenth day.“ This remark vividly reflect the characteristics of the largest Lantern Festival, right, is the Lantern Festival relatives and friends came from all over the Juzaiyikuai joy to children, eat a bowl of hot air with activity because of the glutinous rice balls, the street together to watch people held a grand the dragon procession, viewing from the civilian population creative dance program, enjoy the dazzling aerial Naye joy.

We have one at home early in the glutinous rice balls to eat, and then to eat together in the street lights. Just reached the junction, a huge dragon through the ranks happen, dragon and uncle were high spirit, to straighten its Yaoban, Jian Bu Ru-fei, Yikeke not like the old song, it was no angry dragon Dance in vivid. Contingent went, Luoguxuantian, see the people, it cheers, applause. Moonlight plunge in the general water the lawn, all things like cast a veil of mystery, it is the imagination, is a colorful lantern lights broke the quiet. The other side of the 12 lanterns Xiao sound particularly interesting. Look, 12 acoustic Xiao eldest brother - rats are proud hello to everyone; dedicated Laoniu why rats are unconvinced when the boss is; ferocity of the tiger yelling; scared Xiaotu the hidden side; the brave The dragon is taking off in the clouds while in the water jubilant Xiaoyi to travel; horse are endless prairie on the run; Yanger, ”Miemie“ called, mischievous monkey to pick peaches Padaoshushang eat Chicken is ”Woo“ Wong reported that this year is the year of the dog, but not a puppy, you see, it is pleased to be Guobengluandiao while piglets in Wolishuilanjiao?

Sky in a fireworks were blossoming open, liuxue86 we have one of the people sorry to see him go.


I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.

Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.

May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.





2014年高考作文的话题是现在有很多英语单词进入了中文词典, 要求考生发表个人观点, 陈述支持或反对汉语词典收录英语词汇。在写作上, 大部分学生能做到审题准确, 覆盖基本要点, 但大多表述过于简单, 句型结构和词语搭配经常失误。更为严重的是, 许多考生出现了审题失误导致写作偏题。

2015年高考的作文题具有话题性, 要求学生从个人和社会角度谈如何治理交通拥堵, 该话题跟考生实际生活很接近, 所以学生有话可说, 很少偏题。但今年的读写任务作文却增加了图表信息, 需要考生具有更好的分析材料和理解图表信息的能力。

结合这两年新型作文的考查和存在的问题, 我认为在高三阶段加强作文的方法指导和写作训练相当必要。


要想把英语作文写好, 学生必须懂得写作的具体步骤, 了解写作的性质, 掌握写作的技巧。

(一) 善于模仿

写作是一种综合的智力活动, 尤以英文写作更甚。所以学生平时要养成熟读英语美文的好习惯, 多背诵一些名言警句。这样在写作中用上几句, 无疑会使文章锦上添花。古话也说:“熟读唐诗三百首, 不会作诗也会吟。”有一定的背诵做基础, 行文才会更流畅、更地道。但有些学生有投机取巧的心理, 考前强记一堆范文, 考场上进行复制、粘贴。这充其量是机械模仿, 真正的效仿应该是针对句式结构, 而非个别词汇和套用句型。例如, 有一个句式:“for the simple reason that…”可用来表达某种现象的原因。运用在2014年的江苏高考写作中, 我们就可以用来解释为什么有些英文单词在中国如此流行:“So many English words are very popular in China for the simple reason that”运用在今年的高考作文中, 我们也可用来解释为什么现在交通会这样拥堵:“the simple reason for the traffic jams is that”然而, 很多学生在分析事件背后的原因时总习惯使用“because”, 所以简单模仿不能写出优秀作文, 关键还要灵活变通。

(二) 灵活变通

有一句话“立志如山, 行道如水”, 运用在英文写作中, 就要求学生既要有写好作文的决心, 又能像流水一样变通解决问题。当其他同学都在用“The passage above is mainly about”来概括短文时, 如果你能用“The author shares his personal experience concerningwith us”就是一种变通。不死记硬背, 不生搬硬套, 加入自己思想的作文才是好作文。

(三) 细心观察

许多学生在写作时, 总有些难以改掉的中式表达。例如, 常见的错误有:“there are 70%of the students think”像这种句型错误一是由于语法知识掌握不牢造成的, 还有一个原因就是平时在阅读过程中不能细心观察。另外, “and”也常常被误放在一句话的开头, 表示两个句子的并列或递进关系。其实, 在地道的英语文章中, 并列关系完全可以不用连词, 如果是递进关系, 用“what is more”更为普遍。

(四) 心有全局

英文写作要求有良好的篇章段落意识, 要明确书面表达不是逐字逐句的句子翻译, 更不是套用句型的堆砌。因此, 我要求学生在写作中要牢记四个基本要领——细审题、巧构思、列要点、防遗漏。有些学生完全没有段落意识, 从头到尾一整段;有些学生思维跳跃, 完全不理会写作要求, 想到什么写什么;还有些学生受固定思维所限, 每次都是“归纳概括——举例说明——个人观点”三大段, 不认真审题造成内容要点的缺失, 甚至“下笔千言, 离题万里”。这些都是没有结构意识的体现, 学生必须在不断的“trials and errors”中领悟并改进。


英语写作是学生语言综合运用能力的重要体现。要提高英语写作能力, 不能急于求成, 更不能拔苗助长。在高三阶段每周两次的写作训练是必不可少的, 只有持之以恒才能水到渠成。

(一) 科学批改

除了指导学生进行书面的训练之外, 教师的批改和讲评是提高学生书面表达能力不可缺少的一项工作。每周两次写作, 如果都是教师批改的话, 工作量很大, 极易导致作文批改时效性差。为解决这一问题, 我常交换使用两种方法。一是“点面”结合。对优等生和后进生坚持个别辅导, 面批面改。二是小组讨论批改。教师可安排两三个学生在黑板上写作, 写完后, 让学生集体讨论修改, 也可以让学生互改或小组讨论修改, 教师给予适当的辅导。这些批改方法更直观、耗时短、见效快, 还能在学生之间形成一股竞争机制, 可行性较高, 效果很好。

(二) 教学过程 (以小组讨论互批为例)


选择合适的作文素材, 要求学生认真审题, 理清要点, 梳理结构, 遣词造句, 规范书写。并且严格限定25分钟限时完成。


实行班内小组互评, 要求学生做到“四看”:一看段落层次, 二看内容要点, 三看高级表达, 四看字数卷面。依据评分标准, 给出合理总分, 有疑问处及时提出教师立时答疑。此环节用时约八分钟。


改完上交, 教师进行核实, 通报得分。选出优秀作品通过投影仪展示, 并收集学生的优美语句, 作为参考范本;充分利用激励机制, 找出学生写作中的闪光点, 如书写认真、整洁, 句式高级, 内容新颖, 卷面工整等。这种简单的激励, 能从很大程度地提高学生的写作乐趣。写作功底好的学生能体验到成功和自豪感, 而基础较差的学生也能从中得到启发。同时, 学生之间还会形成竞争机制, 来一场“你追我赶”的作文较量。有了强烈的动机, 再加上合适的方法, 作文想不提高都难。此环节用时十二分钟左右。

总之, 英语写作能力的训练是综合能力的训练之一。要想学好英语, 英语写作是必过的一道槛!从“难以下笔”到“信手拈来”, 绝非难以实现的梦想。练好英语作文, 不仅可以将英语词汇和句子融汇贯通, 更是锻炼学生英语思维的有效方法。


【关键词】 高三 英语 听说教学

【中图分类号】 G633.41 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1992-7711(2015)02-045-01













1. 基本读音





















5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用

6. 朗读和演讲中的语音技巧

7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异











The first month of the first month is another happy day.

In the morning, the golden sun shone the earth, the sun Gonggong stretched out and began to work.

I used to be the latest, but today I am the first to fight, because I want to smell the aroma of the smell of vegetables. A string of firecrackers in the hands of people lit, the sound really big, everywhere splash, as if every blessing to send thousands of households, bursts of firecrackers after another, crackling, bustling.

After lunch, uncle, little aunt came to the grandmothers home. Drop out who is coming We stretched out our neck and looked around. Oh! The original is a big aunt. They got out of the car and entered the house.

Put his luggage, two aunt began to help grandparents prepare dinner.

Raise the fire, kill the chicken duck, while vegetables, while they kill the turtle, for a while and cooking, for a while and boiled soup, one will dry this, one will dry that, all busy!

After an afternoon of effort, dinner finally done, we look at the table, wow! A lot of food! There are turtle, chicken, duck, there are a lot of delicious. At least there are more than ten dozen dishes. Well, do not say, or go late to be their folder finished!

Eat dinner, men and women gathered together, elders also give us children New Years money, in the laughter to share the grandchildren. That night, fireworks in full bloom, colorful, beautiful! Wait until midnight zero, firecrackers, celebrate the arrival of the New Year, how exciting it! I think at this moment, the people of all nationalities are cheering the joy of the arrival of the New Year.


The streets are crowded, all kinds of goods dazzling, people probably want to buy anything very difficult to choose.

Before the Spring Festival, every household is brightly lit, all dressed up a house unique, each have their own personality. They put the new year on the floor. Buy a new painting how to paste the law, then have their own style and preferences. Some are posted, and some back to the paste, and some crooked stickers, each has its advantages. People buy all the dishes are made well, just wait for the Spring Festival can be a real treat. Everyone has firecrackers, people put on new clothes, ready to meet the New Year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if you meet a good friend, the mouth always do not forget to say “buy New Year.

People kill pigs and sheep, busy preparing for the Spring Festival eat and drink some.

Spring Festival, the children will get up early, came to Mom and Dads room began the traditional New Years Eve ceremony. Children talk about some of their parents auspicious words, parents come up with lucky money, so that children are happy. We all hope that this year can be auspicious.


For thousands of years, people make annual folk celebrations became very rich and colorful, the year from the 23th day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar days to thirty years, people put the time called the ”spring day“, also called ”sweeping the dust“, Saul dust cleaning before the Spring Festival, is the tradition of our people known as. Then every family is ready for special purchases for the Spring Festival our family is no exception, every new year, a few days ago, my mother would take me to the supermarket to buy every kind of delicious, sparkling jelly, sweet and sour fruit, crispy and delicious gamigo...... These are all my favorites. Of course, not the Chinese New Year dumplings, dumplings dumplings and homophonic, and make the meaning of reunion, took the more years of Jiaozi meaning. In previous years, we were going to the grandmothers house to eat dumplings, and that scent would not have to be said. But also to the door in the residential pasted red paper yellow word New Year message before, it is written with red paper couplets. The house posted colorful auspicious New Year paintings, the word can also lose, read a blessing passers down, it is a blessing to, all of these activities is to add enough for the festive mood. The night before the Spring Festival, the new year is the twelfth lunar month thirty nights, also known as new years Eve, also called the reunion night when this turn, is one of the most important staying-up late on new years Eve, the Year customs activities on New Years Eve, the whole family together through years gathered carouse, sharing the happiness of a family union staying-up late on new years Eve, and this day, my brother and sisters want to play until the second day, can be happy. People speak about interesting story: ancient times, there is a fierce monster, scattered in the dense forests in the deep mountains, the people they called years.

To the Spring Festival couplets, remember the Spring Festival last year, I have done a little helper of my parents, I am responsible for the paste behind all the scrolls painted, father was responsible for posted on the door, and my mother was in the kitchen to cook the family reunion dinner tonight, and I will help my mother to eat wash and cut, let mother pot, in the evening, our family is happy to eat family reunion dinner, after dinner, mom and Dad took me to the big grass fireworks, at that time, our family is really very happy. Besides, during the Spring Festival, mom and dad will take me to visit their relatives and friends. Sometimes relatives and friends will visit our family for a visit. Our house is not neat and beautiful. We will pack red packets to the children of our relatives and friends, and sometimes the relatives and friends will send me a red bag.


I had a wonderfulspring festival holiday.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was asunnyday.We sat under a big tree andtalkedwith each other.We talked about some movies andfunnythings.Then we hadhamburgers and some drinks for lunch.Then we played some games.

We went home at 5pm.Although we were all fell tired,we were very happy.It was great fun!



According to the plan, the first day of the first four we went to grandmother, grandmother in Longxi, we will take the train. After passing the security check, we came to the waiting hall, where people can be more. Soon, the car came, I jumped excitedly on the train, the train slowly moving forward, Castle Peak, green trees, blue sky, this piece of mobile painting really beautiful ah! Distant hills embrace a few families, hanging red lanterns, everywhere lights, filled with festive atmosphere, immersed in a mid-flavor.

The distance is very short, less than an hour to the grandmothers home. Small town full of taste, eye-catching couplet and red lanterns, firecrackers sound one after another. Night coming, from afar, red lanterns like flowers blossoming blooming open, and as little stars, is really beautiful and extremely beautiful.

The next morning, I and the cousin Binbin went to the town of Yangko team, where the gongs and drums, the taste of the more concentrated. Bin Bin dressed as a small lion, and soon, he took a set of head from the steward, he put on the hairy clothes, bring the lion head, just like the enlarged toy. This little lion body orange yellow hair, big mouth a together, there is a white teeth in the forehead position there is a little red flower!

Although the king of jungle, but will not make people feel afraid, but feel very cordial, very cute it. ”Look, there is a dragon.“ The crowd came a voice, we look in the past, and sure enough where there is a dragon entrenched, that dragon is very fine, the dragon is with a dragon and dragon pattern cloth to do , That color is very beautiful. Head there is a pair of mighty dragon corner, dragon must flash. indecisive. No wonder the ancient emperor claimed to be true dragon emperor, that look really very mighty, it is domineering.

Hey, what is it? So they are to make a big man make-up, his face makeup, head tied with a red flower. That way can be really funny ah, so I can not help laughing.


Our family at the Spring Festival, my favorite is to set off firecrackers.

Year thirty, we eat dinner, I went to the designated location of the district firecrackers. I first from the dad car trunk a bunch of firecrackers also take a small, cylindrical firecrackers on the ground, with a lighter ignited the fuse, saw the firecrackers suddenly fly out of a small spark, then immediately turned up, like a dancing Dancing butterflies, and colorful, red, yellow, purple, blue is really beautiful; I took out a firecracker one by one, this power is called large, I first put it in the snow And then it will be lit, after a while heard only heard, snow dig a large kang; there is a tank car, I put the tank car on the ground, ignite the fuse, the tank car flying sparks, then opened Up and shoot the spark of beating; the most beautiful is the conical firecrackers, it lit, fly like a willow like a spark, very charming ah!

Although the firecrackers put a little less, because to protect the environment, but not put it, so do not feel the taste of the New Year.


I like reading books so much, rencently, I fall in love with the travel books. When I open these books, I am attracted by the colorful pictures. Reading these books can broaden my vision, I know there are so many places that I have never heard of before. I also learn the different culture. I am so eager to go to these places and have a look at them. So I have made up my mind, I will travel to the places that are around me first, and then when I grow up, I will travel further. This is my little dream, it is also my motivation to study well.



















Today, I’d like to talk about my hometown---Lishui. I love my hometown. It’s a beautiful land in the southwest of Zhejiang. It’s famous for green mountain and clean water. It’s the first country pictured in China. There are many great places of interest in my hometown, such as Sendo, Nanming Mountain, East-west Rock and so on. Every years, many people come to visit Lishui and take some beautiful photos. And you can see the photos in some books. How beautiful! Have you been there? It’s a pity really, if you not.

Do you know Ou River? It’s a river of people’s life. It keeps running and running all the year round, just like a lively horse. There are many resources and special products in my hometown, like Qingtian stone carving, Longquan double-edged sword and Qingyuan mushroom. Do you know them? All of them are famous in the world. How cool! I love my hometown. It’s getting more and more beautiful now. One day, I think it will be the centre of shopping as well as traveling.

Would you like to visit my hometown? I hope to see you soon. “One world one dream.” Let’s have a great time in my hometown Lishui.
