



Greetings: Good morning!Boys and girls.Today is my birthday, and I want you to sing a song with me, ok? A very easy song.带领学生唱完。Ok!Very good!And in the morning, my mother gives me a birthday cake.My father gives me a watch.My sister gives me a beautiful rose.展示图片。These are all birthday presents.So, do you know the word “presents”? Look at the title!“Presents for dad” , are the presents for me?学生回答。So for……?故意不说出来,让学生说。跟录音读两三遍。Why? Why we give presents for dad? 学生回答

Look at the picture1.Where is dad? He is in the hospital.Do you know hospital? Look at the picture, do you know the Red Cross? Where can we see this Red Cross? In the hospital, right?Red after me, hospital, hospital.What’s the matter with dad? Look at dad’s leg.Dad broken his leg, so, he is in the hospital.so we go to the hospital to see dad.What did they give dad? 展示图片,what’s this ? 学生回答flower.Is there only one flower? Two flowers? Or many flowers? There is a bunch of flowers, read after me a bunch of flowers.学生跟读两三遍。Ok, let’s listen the taps and read after the tapes.如上所示,展示给学生图片,在让学生音频读。分析最后一张图片,what mom gives to dad? She gives dad a kiss, right? Dose dad happy? Yes, dad is very happy, because this is for the best dad of all? read after me…… Ok,I will give you some minutes to remember the pictures and the sentences.Now, if I use this picture, you should say the sentence under the picture, for example…… Now, let’s listen and read the tapes again.Ok, read after me a bunch of flowers,两遍,bunch, bunch,黑板上写上chip, chocolate, chicken, china, Chinese等等,让学生跟读讲解ch读法。

Now, a friend of you is in the hospital, we must go to see him, what do you want to give him? Draw a picture about the presents you want to give to him, and tell us your presents.请同学上来简要说出他们画的是什么。Class is over, thank you!



1、知识目标:学生了解学习有关做pancake(烙饼)的需要厨具、原材料的英文单词:pancake,the frying pan, flour,eggs, milk, butter.2、技能目标:学生能热情洋溢地朗读、背诵这篇课文,能听懂相关单词、短语,能表演出相应的烹饪动作。




单词卡(flour,eggs, milk, butter,water),多媒体,点读笔,电磁炉,平底锅,盆,面粉,鸡蛋,饮用水,牛奶,黄油。




2、揭秘——呈现一幅 pancake(烙饼)的图片。




1、老师演示做pancake:老师一一呈现相应的原材料(新单词),同时学生大声说出英文名称。老师操作并演示烹饪过程,在学生的积极参与下做成 pancake。

2、家长、学生、老师共同参与做pancake:家长自愿报名扮演厨师,全班学生和上台表演的家长一起参与活动。在动感的音乐背景下,老师根据家长操作情况把单词卡贴在黑板上,学生大声说出新单词,家长根据学生指令向盆里加入flour,eggs, milk, butter,suger, 调匀并将一勺倒入在平底锅,调火候,做好pancake。








二 、典范英语大幅度提升初中学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣


















Winter holiday is approaching.Pretend that you and your classmates are talking about what to do during the holiday.And finally you have two choices, one is to stay at home, another is to take a trip.Now dicuss in groups, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the two choices and decide which one is the best choice.Let’s begin.Times up.Group 1, who can tell me the opinions of your group? Ok, zhangying.Your choice is,(板书:stay at home: the advantages are: less expensive and confortable;the disadvantages are: can not know more about the outside world personally).thank you, sit down please.Group 2 ?who can tell? Lixin.Your group’s choice is(板书:take a trip: advantages: enlarge your vision / broaden your horizons, and enrich your knowledge.Disadvantages: expensive, inconvenient).Thank you, sit donw please.Group 3 stay at home: have time to study.And help parents with housework.Group 4 take a trip: to have an unforgetatble experice.2、Now class, let’s look at the blackboard.We have got these ideas about staying at home or taking a trip during the winter holiday.I think everyone has his own opinion.Now can you write down your choice and your opinion in your composition?

First, we should aware that, when writing an argumentative composition, how many paragraphs should it has? Yes.At least 3 paragraphs.The first part to lead out the topic(引出论点), the second part to argue and demonstrate or describe the argument(提出论点、论证/描述论点).The third part give a summary(总结全文).And when writing, we can start like this(板书:When it comes to…, I think…

Tbere is a debate today that…).And the second part, we can use some sentences like these:(板书:some people think that…, on the other hand,…

for one thing…, for another…

the first and most important reason is that…

firstly…, secondly…, thirdly…)And the third part, we can use(板书:from my point of view, I think…

as for myself/my part, I would like to …

my answer is …

I cant agreee more with …)Ok.It is your time to write the composition.I will give you 20 minutes.3、Who finished? Hands up.Ok ,Zhanghuanyue, can you read your work to us?

Thanks.you did a good job.Class, did you find any mistakes in her composition? Yes, pay attention to the sense of time.Anyway , it is still a good work.二、Class, the homework of today is another compositon.Nowadays, more and more literary works have been adapted into movies.Some people choose to watch movies, while others prefer the originals.Please try to write an English essay in the title of “Film or Book,Which Do You Prefer?” ,according to the following points:

1、watch movies: save time, funny, easy to understand

2、reading original works: more details, beautiful language



课题:Module 10 The Months 课型:



一、教学内容:Module 10 Unit 1 and Unit 2


1、学会用“How many+人/物+are there?”句型来询问“这里有多少人或物”。回答是“There are/is……”。


3、学会用“There be……”句型来表示“在哪里有什么人或事物”。




1、学会用“How many+人/物+are there?”句型来询问“这里有多少人或物”。回答是“There are/is……”。


3、学会用“There be……”句型来表示“在哪里有什么人或事物”。







1、Greeting.2、Roll-call.3、Review the words of Module 7-Module9, no dictation.4、Warming up: 第37页的chant.5、lead-in, presentation, practice, conclusion.(1)T:(T看着事先准备好的日历)问S“What am I doing?”

S:不知道.T:“I’m counting my friends’ birthdays”.(翻译)引出count:认读、拼读、游戏(count:张收)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me count ~,~ ~ , c c c/k/~~,ou ou/ au/~~,n n n/n/~~,t t t/t/~~.T: now when I do like this you should say ‘coun’, when I do like this you should say ‘t’, Ok!T: Ok now follow me count~,~ ~.How do you spell count,c-o-u-n-t.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:What are you doing LingLing? I’m counting my friends’ birthday.(2)T:(T指着日历说)“There are so many birthday parties this year, So I’m very happy.”(翻译)引出party:认读、拼读、游戏(party:传火车)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me party ~,~ ~ , p p p/p/~~,ar ar/ a:/~~,t t t/t/~~,y y y/i/~~.T: party传火车。

T: Ok now follow me party~,~ ~.How do you spell party,p-a-r-t-y.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:I’m going to go to thirty-five birthday parties this year!

(3)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in January?

T引导S说:There are three(翻译)引出January:认读、拼读、游戏(January:上中下)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me January ~,~ ~ , j j j/ dʒ/~~,a a a/ æ/~~,n n n/n/~~,u u u/ j u/~~,a a a/ ə/,r r /r/~~, y y y/i/~~.T: now when I do like this you should say ‘Ja’, when I do like this you should say ‘nua’, when I do like this you should say ‘ry’, Ok!

T: Ok now follow me January~,~ ~.How do you spell January, J-a-n-u-a-r-y.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:January.There are three.(4)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in February?

T引导S说:There are six(翻译)引出February:认读、拼读、游戏(February:音节接力Fe-brua-ry.)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me February~,~ ~ , f f /f/~~,e e e/e/~~,b b b/b/~~r r /r/~~,u u u/u/,a a a/ə/,r r /r/~~,yyy/i/~~.T: 敲桌子接龙Feb-rua-ry.T: Ok now follow me February ~,~ ~.How do you spell February, F-e-b-r-u-a-r-y T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:February.There are six.(5)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in March?

T引导S说:There are one(翻译)引出March:认读、拼读、游戏(March:大小声)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me March~,~ ~ ,m m/m/~~,ar ar/a:/,ch ch/tʃ/.T: March大小声。

T: Ok now follow me March ~,~ ~.How do you spell March, m-a-r-c-h.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it 读句子:March.There is one.(6)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in April?

T引导S说:There are two(翻译)引出April:认读、拼读、游戏(April:左右)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me April~,~~~.a a a/ei/,p p p/p/~~,r r /r/~~,i i i/ə/~~,l l /l/~~.T: Ok now when I do like this, this team should say ‘A’, when I do like this, this team should say ‘pril’ , Ok!T: Ok now follow me April~,~ ~.How do you spell April, A-p-r-i-l.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:April.There are two.(7)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in May?

T引导S说:There are one(翻译)引出May:认读、拼读、游戏(May:拖长音)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me May~,~~~.m m /m/~~,ay ay/ei/.T: May拖长音。

T: Ok now follow me May~,~ ~.How do you spell May, M-a-y.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:May.There is one.(8)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in June?

T引导S说:There are four(翻译)引出June:认读、拼读、游戏(June:123finger)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow June ~,~ ~ ,J J J/dʒ/~~,u-e /u:/~~, n n n/n/~~.T:When I show you NO.1,you should say June, when I show you NO.2, you should say June June, when I show you NO.3 you should clap your hands ,Ok!T: Ok now follow me June ~,~ ~.How do you spell June, J-u-n-e.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:June.There are four.(9)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in July?

T引导S说:There are five(翻译)引出July:认读、拼读、游戏(July:藏卡片)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me July~,~~~.JJJ/dʒ/~~, u u u /u:/~~, l l /l/~~,y y y/ai/~~.T: July藏卡片。

T: Ok now follow me July~,~ ~.How do you spell July, J-u-l-y.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:There are five birthdays in July.(10)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in August?

T引导S说:There are one(翻译)引出August:认读、拼读、游戏(August:抖手)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me August~,~~~.au au/ɔ:/~~,g g g/g/~~u u u/ə/~~,st st/st/~~.T: Ok now when I do like this, this team should say ‘Au’, when I do like this, this team should say ‘gust’ , Ok!T: Ok now follow me August~,~ ~.How do you spell August, A-u-g-u-s-t.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it 读句子:There is one birthday in August.(11)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in September?

T引导S说:There are two(翻译)引出September:认读、拼读、游戏(September:上下键读句子,↑键站起来说单词,↓键坐下来说单词,单词要分段Sep-tem-ber)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me September~.s s /s/~~,e e e/e/~~,p p p/p/~~,t t t/t/~~,e e e/e/~~,m m/m/~~,b b b/b/~~er er/ ə/.T: Ok now when point this, you should stand up and say ‘sep’, when point this, you should sit down and say ‘tem’ , when point this, you should stand up and say ‘ber’ Ok!T: Ok now follow me September~,~ ~.How do you spell September, s-e-p-t-e-m-b-e-r.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it 读句子:There are two birthdays in September.(12)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in October?

T引导S说:There are three(翻译)引出October:认读、拼读、游戏(October:上中下Oc-to-ber)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me October ~,~ ~ , o o o/o/~~,c c c/k/~~,t t t /t/~~,o o o/əu/~~,b b b/b/~~,er er/ə/~~.T: now when I do like this you should say ‘Oc’, when I do like this you should say ‘to’, when I do like this you should say ‘ber’, Ok!T: Ok now follow me October~,~ ~.How do you spell October, O-c-t-o-b-e-r.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:There are three birthdays in October.(13)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in November?

T引导S说:There are six(翻译)引出November:认读、拼读、游戏(November:音节接力No-vem-ber)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me November~ ~,N N N/n/~~,o o o/əu/~~,v v v/v/~~,e e e/e/~~,m m /m/~~,b b b/b/~~,ere r/ə/~~.T: 敲桌子接龙No-vem-ber.T: Ok now follow me November ~,~ ~.How do you spell November, N-o-v-e-m-b-e-r.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it.读句子:There are six birthdays in November.(14)T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in December?

T引导S说:There are one(翻译)引出December:认读、拼读、游戏(December:编序号读单词De-cem-ber)、记忆单词。

T: Ok now follow me December~.D D D/d/~~,e e e/i/~~,c c c/c/~~,e e e/e/~~,m m /m/~~,b b b/b/~~,er er /ə/~~.T: Ok now when point this, you should stand up and say ‘De’, when point this, you should sit down and say ‘cem’ , when point this, you should stand up and say ‘ber’ Ok!T: Ok now follow me December~,~ ~.How do you spell December, D-e-c-e-m-b-e-r.T: Ok now I’ll give you 5 seconds to remember it 读句子:There is one birthday in December.(7)Conclusion:



7、课文: Unit 1:(1)A:How many birthdays are there in January?

B:There are three.(以上重点对话写到黑板板书中)(1)①T:Now, let’s count how many birthdays are there in January?(翻译)

T/S:There are three.②老师总结出:询问对方“这里有多少人或物”用“How many+人/物+are there?”(T要强调how many后要用复数)。

③老师总结出:“in+月份”表示“在几月”。④老师总结出:“There be……”句型来表示“在哪里有什么人或事物”,当人、物只有一个时用is,当人、物是两个或两个以上时用are.(让S将There +are+复数/is+单数写在书上,老师还要再次解释单复概念)⑤教读句子、翻译句子、挑战PK.⑥T问S“How many boys/girls/chairs/birthdays……are there?”来练习句子,再让S上来表演情景对话。(2)老师先教读课文,逐个单词教一遍,要求学生指读。

(3)听第一遍磁带,跟读课文,将不认识的单词、新单词勾出来。(4)听第二遍磁带,跟读,老师纠正,抽同学模仿读。(5)翻译课文,要求学生做笔记。Unit 2:(1)老师先教读课文,让学生把不认识的单词、新单词勾出来。



10、评讲Module 9的题单,以及月考试卷的听力部分。


(1)7-9模块的课文没背完的这个星期要背完。(2)读10模块Unit 1的课文,签已读。(如果不能完成的部分学生,可让他们来补课完成)


1、完成Module 10的作业题单。

2、抄写Module 10的单词,全班2英1汉。

3、背诵10模块Unit 1的课文。

4、回家背单词,下周听写Module 10的全部单词。

5、预习Review Module。

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