



Respect of leadership:


First of all, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to see my data from your busy schedule. In society, in order to give better play to their talents, would like to make a few self leaders recommend.

More than ten years of hard study, created my knowledge and confidence. Learning and growth stage of good university more honed my will, to improve my self-cultivation! “Yifengengyun, one harvest”! I will try my best efforts, hard work, to realize their value of life. As the new century college students, I had volunteered a bold, dare to explore, be good at innovation spirit; cultivation in continuous learning and work of the outstanding quality of rigorous, pragmatic work style and the unity cooperation, so I am sure they are completely in the post setting, Jing industry, more business! I believe that my ability and knowledge are needed by your company, I sincerely desire, I can sacrifice for the future of their youthful passion.

In the knowledge economy explosion era, not only need knowledge, more need skills -- to accept new things and the ability to adapt to the new environment. Each of the social practice, I have taken seriously. In every practice, I do my best to treat it, develop a sense of strong self-confidence, the spirit of helpfulness! During the University, part-time in many units, I worked as a teacher, salesman, graphic designer, have deep understanding of the business, communication etc.. I believe in yourself, believe in you! Give me a chance to, I will then give you a surprise! I will put all the youth and enthusiasm to into my work, to achieve the desired results, to contribute their strength for the development of the company.

Heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement!

Sincerely look forward to your reply!

Yours sincerely



Dear Ms.Dixon:

I am interested in a postition as a project engineer with Lexitron,Inc.Review of my resume will reveal that Ihave strong project experience with Johnnan Corporation,one of your key

competitors.I graduated with a B.S.degree in Mechanical Engineering from princeton University,and have 6 years of paper machine project

experience.Ienjoy an excellent reputation for bringing projects in on time and at or below budget.Some key project experience includes:-Completion of a $54 million twin wire,forming section rebuild project on time and under budget($1,2 million savings)

-Lead wet end project Engineer for purchase,design and

installation of a new $150 million Beloit paper machine($120k savings)-Engineered,installed,and started-up $45 million rebuild of after dryer section of twin wire tissue machine(project completed 2 months ahead of schedule with savings of $1/2 million)

Although well-versed in most machine configurations,i am

especially knowledgeable of twin wire formers and some of the



其宗旨是让招聘单位了解求职者的多方面能力, 包括学历、经历、专长等,以此获得面试机会,找到理想的工作。一封言简意赅、表述达意准确、礼貌客气、语气自信、文字简短的求职信,体现求职者的良好文化素养、较强的沟通能力、清晰的逻辑思维能力。一封写得好的求职信可以吸引招聘方的眼球在众多求职者中脱颖而出,获得宝贵的面试,敲开成功就职的大门。因此英语求职信的写作非常重要。


2.1被 动语态多

英语求职信体现了求职者积极乐观的心态, 展现了独特的个性和人格魅力,表明了诚心诚意的态度,体现出了极强的主动性。主动语态阐明了谁做了什么,如何做的,使得篇章活泼生动,富有活力并具主动性。被动语态只对存在的状态进行描述,呆板并缺乏动作,语气上比较弱。在求职信的写作中,主动语态使用较多。

I have worked in various positions.



I am enclosing the completed job applications,my resume,copies of my diplomas.



Presently I am working for the family restaurant as an assistant manager and I believe that I could be a best candidate for filling the restaurant manager position.




3.1书 写特点



Help to manage the scheduling,training,hiring,evaluating,and mentoring.



If you have any questions,please don’t hesitate to call meThank you for considering my application.



I believe that myandwill be benefi-cial for your organization.



With a BS degree inManagement and as seniorMBA,I have a full understanding of a business’s needs.



英语求职信是一种正式的书面文体, 客观真实地阐述自己的能力和工作经历,正式词用得比较多。正式词的运用不仅显示出求职人的文化素养,同时体现了庄重肃穆的文体特点。此外,也可洞察到求职人严肃认真的态度。如:

Help to execute budgetary responsibilities including targetwork -hours,forcasts,labor forcasting,cost control,profit and lossaccountability,just in-time purchasing and inventories.



I have worked in the company for mnay years.


动词可以独立作谓语, 求职人具体做过的事情需要用动词来表述。动词的使用使得事物的表达具有一定的力度,生动具体,逐项事宜生龙活现,打动招聘方,扫清求职的障碍,取得面试的成功。如:

I will set up a meeting and decide the date.


在英语求职信的写作中,“please”一词表示谦虚礼貌之意,求职人良好地表达自己求职的愿望,感情情真意切,语气谦虚有礼,不卑不亢,招聘方深受感动,面试达成,在写作中“please”运用较多。如 :

Please contact me at any time for arranging the interview.




I am working for the family restaurant as an assistant manageand I believe that I could be a best candidate for filling therestaurant manager position.


平行结构具有句意对称、结构紧凑、逻辑清晰、意义明显的特点。求职信多方位、多角度阐述求职者的优势,达到成功“销售”自己、成功面试的目的。 如 :

I learned that the position of a publicity manager is availableand I believe that my interest match with your requirements.



Please accept this as my formal application letter.I have attached my resume for your consideration.

3.3.4 条件句


If you desire to meet up with me to talk about my skill in doing this job,please contact me via my email.



Please contact me for the possibility of interview as per youconvenience.

3.3.6 主动语态


I have strong skills in leading production managers to get thejob accomplished.如 :


3.4.1 “this” 指示词


解的关键。如:I learned from your ads that your company is currently looking for a manager.Please accept this as my formal application letter.

3.4.2 连接词

在英语求职信里,连接词的运用使得语篇布局合理,逻辑清晰,上下语篇内容更为统一和衔接。通过连接词,求职人把自身的意愿和目的表述得非常清晰,对于求职成功起到重要的作用。如:As my resume showed,I have more than five years experience in a positions.If you desire to meet up with me to talkabout my skills,I will set up a meeting to do it.

3.4.3 重复

在英语求职信的写作中,某个单词反复重复多次,连贯语篇,求职语言明晰流畅,中心内容清楚,加深印象,丰富语篇内容,突出主题,使得整个语篇更和谐和紧密。如:With this letter,I wish to apply for the post of human resources.I am grateful toyou for considering me eligible for the post.



【关键词】英文求职信 情态表达 情态量值 情态助动词




不同的学者给予了情态不同的定义,但最为人们所普遍认可的则是Halliday所给的定义。Halliday(1994)认为,情态体现是介于否定和肯定两极之间的意义领域,体现了意义表达中的归一度。在情态的类型上,Thompson (1996)将情态分为情态及意态。情态涉及“信息”的“频率”和“概率”,意态涉及“物品或服务”的“义务”和“意愿”。在情态的表达方式上,在系统功能语言学中Halliday等人认为情态意义包括三个方面:情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻。关于语篇情态表达的分析也就是对语篇中情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻这三类表达的分析。情态意义的体现是由情态的取向来决定的,在情态系统中,情态表达的值有低、中、高三种量值,情态助动词,情态附加语和情态隐喻都有值的划分。



1.情态助动词。通过整理和分析,在情态助动词使用方面,在信件中使用较多的是will,would,can,may,should和could这六个助动词,占助动词总数的95%以上。其中使用频率最高的为will,共出现64次,可表将来,也可以表示个人意愿。如:My qualifications will meet your requirements for this position with your company;另一个出现频率很高的助动词为would,共出现了52次,如:I wouldenjoy discussing my experience and qualifications in a personal interview,此句中would十分委婉并且礼貌的表达了求职者的意愿倾向。Can是在求职信中出现频率第三高的助动词,共计30次,可表示能力和允许。如:I am open to relocating anywhere,in the United States or internationally,and can begin full-time employment with one month’s notice,此句中can 表达了求职者能够开始全职工作的时间。May,should和could 这三个助动词在信件中出现并不多,分别为12次,9次和7次。从情态助动词的值来看,低值情态动词,may,can,could,might 共计51次;中值情态动词will,would,shall,should共计128次,而高值情态动词must和can’t只出现了两次。可看出求职信中、低值的情态动词占绝大多数。

2.情态附加语。情态附加语也是情态表达的一种重要形式,包括语气附加成分和评论附加成分,可表达情态当中的频率,概率,义务,意愿等。求职信中出现次数最多的是表达恳求的评论附加成分,表达程度和频率的语气附加成分。主要出现的附加语有please,always,no,quite,fully,fairly,greatly,surely等等。其中出现次数最多的是please,共计 21次,其次是always共出现了7次。如:This educational background and my experience certainly equip me to be an excellent teacher中的certainly强烈地表达了求职者对职位的自信;又如:Would you please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss further about my qualifications?中的please表达了求职者期望得到面试机会的诚恳。从情态附加语的值来看,高值情态的附加语共计34个,中值的出现23个,而低值的只有7个。可看出中、高值的情态附加语占大多数。

3.情态隐喻。除了助动词和附加语,情态还可以通过一些小句,短语和名词来实现,这就是情态隐喻。比如“I think it is going to rain.”就是一个隐喻,因为它是“it’s probably going to rain.”的变体,还有“I believe”,“it is obvious that”,“it is foolish to deny that”等等,都属于情态隐喻(Halliday,2000)。通过对求职信的分析,发现这些情态隐喻在求职信中的使用频率也很高,以小句形式出现的有51个,如:I believe that,I hope that 等;以短语形式出现的有54个,如:look forward to,be glad to,be willing to 等;以名词形式出现的有14个,如:interest,desire等。其中出现次数最多的是look forward to,共计18次,如:I look forward to hearing from you表达求职者对收到回信的期待;其次是I believe that,共计16次,如:I believe that my background qualifications and work experience are very compatible with the requirements of this position you listed in your advertisement表达求职者对自身能力的信心;I hope/wish that 出现11次,如:I hope thatwe will have the opportunity to discuss my experience and qualifications further during a personal meeting表达对同用人单位之间的进一步交流的期待。从情态隐喻的量值来看,高值表达有18个,中值表达有71个,低值表达有30个。其中中、低值的情态隐喻占绝大多数。





[1]Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Edward Arnold,2000.

[2]Thompson,G.Introducing Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1996.




[6]Alan Bond.英文商务信函模板通[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2010.





Dear leaders:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to review my written submissions, I will receive you look at the test to get the opportunity to work in your company. I graduated from college xx apparel fashion design professional. In-school period, I completed a foundation for many disciplines of fashion design knowledge and expertise to study and master the professional skills of fashion design, and has won three good students, outstanding student leaders, outstanding cadres of various honors classes and scholarships.

I‘m a child art and art design is very popular. In , I finally came through the entrance his ideal institution --** Institute of Clothing Technology. Costume design professional learning in the hospital, I strongly feel that fashion design is my life, the most important component, and fashion design industry has a higher understanding. I normally conscientiously study professional knowledge, to focus on improving their cultivation and appreciation of art. In school and during the winter and summer vacations, through the practice in the community continue to accumulate their own practical experience, to learn different art factions of nutrition, to develop design ideas, active design thinking, and combining the expertise of science subjects for my own use. I am the spirit of play to their strengths, unity and cooperation with colleagues and serve your business long-term development plan, special to candidates.

I believe: If you give me a chance, relying on his strong love of clothing and dedication, I have to do to sell your phenomenal achievement. If you are a horses, I would sincerely and confidently tell you: “Choose me, can not be wrong! ”Please believe I also believe that your own choice.


How do you do!

I have seen your companys recruitment enlightenment. *** job to job!

Your company has a good reputation, if your company engaged in creative work, I would feel very honored. I will now tell you a brief case. I am ** years old, *, living *********。 Now xx *** *** specializing in the Department of Advertising Design College, graduating this year, * month. My graduation “*****” was named “Outstanding Professor of the design ”,*** designed specifically recommended to the author to the“**”magazine. Last summer, I was invited to market television stations, participated in public ad “****” creative, production, broadcast the advertisement in the city, and received social praise. I graduated from design instructor, the famous professor xx willing to write my letters of recommendation to the employer.

I love creative advertising, advertising production work, and in practice, had some success. My four years of professional learning for me in this industry has laid a solid foundation, I am confident that your company competent creative work, your company to give me a chance.

If your company agree to consider me, please contact me. My mailing address is :********, zip code xxxxxx, Tel xxxxxxx, e-ail :***********








How do you do!

I have seen your companys recruitment enlightenment. *** job to job!

Your company has a good reputation, if your company engaged in creative work, I would feel very honored. I will now tell you a brief case. I am ** years old, *, living *********。 Now xx *** *** specializing in the Department of Advertising Design College, graduating this year, * month. My graduation “*****” was named “Outstanding Professor of the design ”,*** designed specifically recommended to the author to the“**”magazine. Last summer, I was invited to market television stations, participated in public ad “****” creative, production, broadcast the advertisement in the city, and received social praise. I graduated from design instructor, the famous professor xx willing to write my letters of recommendation to the employer.

I love creative advertising, advertising production work, and in practice, had some success. My four years of professional learning for me in this industry has laid a solid foundation, I am confident that your company competent creative work, your company to give me a chance.

If your company agree to consider me, please contact me. My mailing address is :********, zip code xxxxxx, Tel xxxxxxx, e-ail :***********










1 相关理论概述

布拉格学派的创始人Mathesius提出了主位和述位的概念:"The theme is starting point for the message.It is the ground from which the clause is taking off."(Halliday,M.A.K.,2000)。主述位理论描述的是在句子或段落之中作者或说话人意欲突出不同的信息或赋予重要性时一种信息安排考虑(刘辰诞,1999)。一般来讲,主位表示已知信息,述位表示新信息。F.Danes(1974)提出了“主位推进模式”的概念:他指出每个句子都有它自己的主位结构。单独一个句子有一个确定的主位和述位,因为没有语境,主位和述位都是孤立的,而且没有发展,但在一个语篇中,至少存在两个句子,它们的主位和述位都相互关联着,这种关联实际上就是推进。Danes提出了三种主要的主位推进模式:1)简单线性主位推进模式;2)连贯主位模式;3)派生主位模式。此后,很多著名学者都对主位推进模式进行了大量的研究,例如黄衍(1985),徐盛桓(1985),黄国文(1988),朱永生(1995)等。朱永生,严世清在总结了众多学者研究的基础上,提出了四种主位推进类型(朱永生,严世清2001):1)主位同一型(平行型或放射型):各个子句的主位相同,述位各不相同,T1→T2;2)述位同一型(集中型):前一句的述位和后一句的述位相同,R1→R2;3)直线延续型(梯形):前一句的述位或述位的一部份成为后一句的主位,R1→T2;4)交叉型:前一句的主位是后一句的述位,T1→R2。对篇章的主位推进模式的研究能够帮助我们准确了解语篇的思想内容,合适的主位推进模式能够增强文章的连贯性和逻辑性。

2 主述位理论在英文求职信中的应用


1)Veronica laertes recommended I contact you regarding a design position with Studio di Roma.2)As a result of studying and teaching courses in Web page Design,your organization’s extensive public visibility has made a great impression on me.3)I was especially energized when Veronica showed me your innovative designs for young,previously unknown companies,such as the now famous Pastaio Uno chain restaurant.4)I want a role in Studio di Roma-with me as a team member,the studio can be even stronger tougher,and bigger.

这封求职信开头部分的主位(T)分别是:第一句T1:Veronica laertes;第二句T2:As a result of studying and teaching courses in Web page Design,your organization’s extensive public visibility第三句T3:I;第四句T4:I。各句子的其他部分则是述位部分(R)。学者们普遍认为,由于文章内容的复杂性,同一语篇中很少只使用一种推进模式,多数情况下都是多种推进模式混合使用,以达到表达文章思想的目的。此外,如胡壮麟所说(李孟君2011):后一句使用前一句的主位或述位,不一定要重复原来的词。上一句的主位或述位用作下一句的主位或述位,往往只取其中一部分语义内容。因此,第一句的述位部分"Studio di Roma"和第二句的主位部分"your organization"等值;第二句的述位"has made a great impression on me"和第三句的述位"was especially energized when Veronica showed me your innovative designs for young,previously unknown companies,such as the now famous Pastaio Uno chain restaurant"等值;正文开头部分的主位推进模式为:

开头部分使用了三种推进模式:第一句和第二句的推进模式类型是直线延续型,第二句和第三句的模式类型是述位同一型,第三句和第四句的模式类型是主位同一型。求职信开头的篇幅不应太长,内容应该充实丰富,有感染力,混合使用三种推进模式可以达到这个效果。第一句的主位"Veronica laertes"应该是求职者和招聘方都认识的人,也是求职者的推荐者,而且这位人士应该是招聘方比较重视的人,由这个主位引出述位的信息"recommended I contact you"(建议“我”和“您”联系)。这样的信息表述安排使招聘方加深了对求职者的印象,招聘方对求职者的印象是否深刻对于求职者求职是否成功非常重要。第一句的述位中的其中一个语义部分"Studio di Roma"成为了第二句的主位"your organization",即第二句的已知信息,新旧信息层层推进,使信的开头部分脉络非常清晰,并带出了下一个信息"has made a great impression on me"(使我印象深刻)。第二句的话题即阐述的核心是“使我印象深刻”,第三句继续补充说明第二句的核心话题。第三句通过已知信息"I"引出话题"was especially energized when Veronica showed me your innovative designs for young,previously unknown companies"(你们给著名的公司做的新颖设计使我十分兴奋)。这个述位再次强调了第二句的话题。这种推进模式能将招聘方的注意力吸引到“你们公司给我留下深刻印象”这个内容上。作者使用这种推进模式达到了其想向招聘方表达自己求职的强烈愿望的目的。第三句和第四句这两句通过双方共有的已知信息“I”引出作者的核心话题,求职信的写作目的突出展现在招聘方面前:"want a role in Studio di Roma"(想成为该公司工作室的设计师)。


1)My experience at the University of Paris Art Departmen(T1)includes

Three years'teaching computer illustration as part-time faculty

Designing the University's Web Page

Recipient of the Most Creative Web Design Techniques Award given by University of Paris Art Department-selected from pool o134 applicants(R1).

2)Did you know(T2)40M Web Pages exist today,and it's an exploding arena(R2)?

3)Such gazelles as Mama Maria Semolina products,Euro Travel,and the recently publicized Bather's Choice(T3)began their first marketing successes on the World Wide Web(R3).


正文部分是自我推荐部分,也是求职信的核心部分。自我推荐部分能否打动招聘者决定了求职的成败,作者在正文部分都使用了集中型推进模式。第一句用已知信息"My experience at the University of Paris Art Department"(我在大学时的经验)带出了新信息,也是核心内容之一的"Designing the University's Web Page"(设计过大学的网页)和"Recipient of the Most Creative Web Design Techniques Award"(获得过网页设计奖)。此后的第二和第三句都使用集中型推进模式强调“网页”这个相同的新信息。第二句的述位部分“40M Web Pages exist today and it's an exploding arena”强调网页市场发展迅速,急需网页设计人才,突出自己专业的重要性;第三句的述位部分“began their first marketing successes on the World Wide Web”强调了网页对商业发展的重要性。这个自我推荐部分是非常成功的,作者没有仅仅局限于罗列自己的优势,作者还通过强调自身专业对社会的贡献来引起招聘者对自己的重视,这比传统的仅罗列自己的优点的方式更加有震撼力。


My design expertise(T1)has prepared me to do big jobs for the smaller companies you service(R1).I(T2)eagerly look forward to discussing how my diverse contributions and your successful designers can work toward stronger marketing with tougher technology to make Studio di Roma bigger profits and higher visibility(R2)I(T3)have some stronger,tougher,bigger ideas to show you!(R3)


结尾部分再次强调自己的求职决心,并强调自己能为公司做贡献,这个部分同样只用了集中型推进模式,目的是为了强调“我能为公司做贡献”。第一句的述位部分提出这个话题"do big jobs for the smaller companies you service"(能够为公司做巨大的贡献);第二句的述位部分强调第一句的新信息,并对此信息作了补充说明"make Studio di Roma bigger profits and higher visibility"(使这个设计室取得更大的利润和更高的知名度)。第三句的述位部分"have some stronger,tougher,bigger ideas to show you"再次强调第一句的话题部分“我有很多更强,更大,更好的主意提供给公司”。这种推进模式的使用产生了很好的自我推销效果,使招聘方充分了解自己的实力,促使求职者求职成功。


3 结束语



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