



1. 守法不酒驾,安全千万家。

2. 酒后禁驾人人参与,平安新昌共同营造。

3. 拒酒不是狗熊,醉驾绝非英雄。

4. 一杯人情酒,坦途变穷途。

5. 拒绝酒后驾驶,共享美好人生。

6. 司机一杯酒,亲人几多愁。

7. 把酒问青天,醉驾几人回。

8. 千金万银,难比生命之贵;千悔万恨,难补酒驾之祸。

9. 喝了一点,开了一下,毁了一生!

10. 开车滴酒不沾,出行一路平安。


2. 拒绝酒后驾驶,共享美好人生。

3. 拒绝酒驾,平安万家。

4. 人生再成功,醉驾一场空。

5. 若要人长久,开车不喝酒。

6. 生命多美好,酒后别上道。

7. 生命无法重来,驾前酒杯甩开。

8. 生命无价,酒后禁驾。

9. 事故猛如虎,开车勿饮酒。


2. 驾车的朋友,端起酒杯前,可曾想起那一幕幕因酒而成的,惨不忍睹的揪人画面;可曾想起殷切的家人正盼望您平安早归;可曾想起若饮下这酒您将可能背负的后果?

3. 跟酒杯分手,和平安交友。

4. 司机一杯酒,亲人两行泪;

5. 酒后驾车者,医院给你开好了房间;

6. 拒绝酒驾从心开始,文明交通从行开始。

7. 生命无法重来,驾前酒杯甩开。

8. 拒绝酒后驾驶,共享美好人生。

9. 车技千般好,杯酒失安全!


2. 生命无价,酒后禁驾。

3. 无数次的痛,千百次的爱,汇成这句温馨的告白:开车不喝酒,酒后不开车。

4. 酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深;

5. 金樽清酒斗十千,安全驾驶直万钱。

6. 酗酒开车是驶向死亡与坟墓的选择。

7. 儿行千里母担忧,酒后禁驾记心头。

8. 驾车不是儿戏,酒后别当司机!

9. 滴酒不沾,出行平安。


2,food is life,and knowledge to save the soul.

3,cherish food,away from the waste.

4,civility and decorum and order.

5,diet culture,civilization starting from the window.

6,“Weeding” is not just a poem hard to know,we need action.

7 earth.“Grain” heart-zhen Fresh MO corrosion.

8,and now the menu,every grain.

9,the source of drinking water to eat when frugality.Puree the menu,it is hard for both.

10,a rice porridge one must think hard to come by,and subject to constant thread-read material hardship.

11,the distinguished person is distinguished themselves,and with the convenience of others is easy.

12,the collapse of Texas,running out of blood and sweat.

13,set within a minute,within the kitchen more reactive.

14,young intellectuals of the era of the past,then please do not “jump the queue.”

15,please keep food sanitation,to a clean environment meals.

16,a net food is not sick,food is not more flies.

17,the school canteen is really big,clean depends on everyone to please cars queuing scramble really wrong.

18,even hungry,but also still grace.

19,clean,sanitary,you and I work together.

20,retain the green and keep beautiful for our homes more beautiful,please do not use disposable chopsticks.

21,no easy ones,and making planting trees.

22 self-chopsticks and protect the environment.

23,intestinal meals wear off,comity mind to stay.

24,mutual accommodation and prosper.

25,although the tablets meters Xiaojun MO throwing,thrift and economy were studied.

26,although the small grains of Utah is not easy,MO hard as a trifling matter.

27,a canteen meals pilgrimage drew more humility.

28,rice and held Nian sweat,at the grain when Zihui.

29 ancient “Weeding” I read you,the menu hard to remember when.

30,saving glorious,praised Zambia; Waste shameful,who heard who dioxin.

31,I take lightly,as I gently,I Waverly sleeves,not to go away canteens ...


29、酒后驾车罚款重; 肇事丧命亲人痛.

30、文明交通停看行, 行车安全重礼让.

31、生命财产要得保, 交通安全不可少.

32、戴上安全帽, 安全身旁绕; 系上安全带, 安全随时在.

33、只要你我多用心, 交通恶运不降临.

34、一时快, 一世毁. 礼让行驶, 交通顺畅.

35、别让酒瓶与你一起上路, 交通安全须靠你我维护.

36、马路就像老虎口, 不留神就没活口

37、生命财产要得保, 交通安全不可少。

38、交通知识不可少, 遵守交通活到老

39、骑车不戴安全帽, 阴曹地府去报到.

40、「让」一下海阔天空, 「退」一下保百年身.


42、驾车打瞌睡, 一觉起不来.

43、交通规则若遵守, 全国各地安心走.


45、最上道, 醉上道; 醉上道, 最上道.

46、交通标志百百款, 重点是你看不看.


48、驾车最高守则, 让一点就通.

49、大车小车不必争, 注意安全才是真
