




Reading Comprehension(45 points) 阅读理解

Text 4 I remember the way the light touched her hair. She turned her head, and our eyes met, a momentary awareness in that raucous fifth grade classroom. I felt as though I’d been struck a blow under the heart. Thus began my first love affair. Her name was Rachel, and I mooned my way through the grade and high school, stricken at the mere sight of her, tongue-tied in her presence. Does anyone, anymore, linger in the shadows of evening, drawn by the pale light of a window—her window—like some hapless summer insect? That delirious swooning, asexual but urgent and obsessive, that made me awkward and my voice crack, is like some impossible dream now. I would catch sight of her, walking down an aisle of trees to or from school, and I’d become paralyzed.

She always seemed so poised, so self-possessed. At home, I’d relive each encounter, writhing at the thought of my inadequacies. We eventually got acquainted and socialized as we entered our adolescence, she knew I had a case on her, and I sensed her affectionate tolerance for me. “Going steady” implied a maturity we still lacked. Her Orthodox Jewish upbringing and my own Catholic scruples imposed an inhibited grace that made even kissing a distant prospect, however fervently desired. I managed to hold her once at a dance—chaperoned, of course. Our embrace made her giggle, a sound so trusting that I hated myself for what I’d been thinking. At any rate, my love for Rachel remained unrequited. We graduated from high school, she went on to college, and I joined the Army.

When World War II engulfed us, I was sent overseas. For a time we corresponded, and her letters were the highlight of those grinding endless years. Once she sent me a snapshot of herself in a bathing suit, which drove me to the wildest of fantasies. I mentioned the possibility of marriage in my nest letter, and almost immediately her replies became less frequent, less personal. Her Dear John letter finally caught up with me while I was awaiting discharge. She gently explained the impossibility of a marriage between us. Looking back on it, I must have recovered rather quickly, although for the first few months I believed I didn’t want to live. Like Rachel, I found someone else, whom I learned to love with a deep and permanent commitment that has lasted to this day.

56、According to the passage, how old was the author when his first love affair began?

A. Before he entered his teens.

B. In his early teens.

C. In his middle teens.

D. When he was just out of his teens.


57、How did the author behave as a boy in love?

A. His first love motivated him toward hard study.

B. His first love evoked sentimental memories.

C. He was overpowered by wild excitement and passion.

D. He fulfilled his expectations and desires.


58、According to the passage, what held them back from a loving kiss?

A. Her Jewish origin did not allow it.

B. His Catholic adherence forbade it.

C. They were not sure whether it was proper or ethical to kiss in line with their religious decorum.

D. Kissing was found to be inelegant or even distasteful.


59、According to the passage, what was Rachel’s response to the author’s tender affection before the war?

A. She recognized and accepted his love affectionately.

B. She thwarted his affection by flatly turning him down.

C. She fondly permitted him to adore her without losing her own heart to him.

D. She didn’t care for him at all and only took delight in playing with his feelings.


60、Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A. Statement and example.

B. Cause and effect.

C. Order of importance.

D. Linear description.



Text 3

Today, there are many avenues open to those who wish to continue their education. However, nearly all require some break in one’s career in order to attend school full time. Part-time education, that is, attending school at night or for one weekend a month, tends to drag the process out over time and puts the completion of a degree program out of reach of many people. Additionally, such programs require a fixed time commitment which can also impact negatively on one’s career and family time. Of the many approaches to teaching and learning, however, perhaps the most flexible and accommodating is that called distance learning.

Distance learning is an educational method, which allows the students the flexibility to study at his or her own pace to achieve the academic goals, which are so necessary in today’s world. The time required to study many be set aside at the student’s convenience with due regard to all life’s other requirements. Additionally, the student may enroll in distance learning courses from virtually any place in the world, while continuing to pursue their chosen career. Tutorial assistance may be available via regular airmail, telephone, facsimile machine, teleconferencing and over the Internet. Good distance learning programs are characterized by the inclusion of a subject evaluation tool with every subject. This precludes the requirement for a student to travel away from home to take a test.

Another characteristic of a good distance-learning program is the equivalence of the distance-learning course with the same subject materials as those students taking the course on the home campus. The resultant diploma or degree should also be the same whether distance learning or on-campus study is employed. The individuality of the professor/student relationship is another characteristic of a good distance-learning program. In the final analysis, a good distance learning program has a place not only for the individual students but also the corporation or business that wants to work in partnership with their employees for the educational benefit, professional development, and business growth of the organization. Sponsoring distance learning programs for their employees gives the business the advantage of retaining career-minded people while contributing to their personal and professional growth through education.

1、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of part-time education?

A、It requires some break in one’s career.

B、It tends to last too long for many people to complete a degree program.

C、It affects one’s career.

D、It gives the student less time to share with the family.


2、Which of the following is NOT an advantage of distance learning?

A、The students may choose his or her own pace.

B、The students may study at any time to his or her convenience.

C、They can pursue their chosen career while studying.

D、Their tutorial assistance comes through regular airmail, telephone, facsimile machine, etc.


3、What benefit will distance-learning program bring to a business?

A、Recruitment of more talented people.

B、Good image of the business.

C、Better cooperation with universities.

D、Further training of employees and business growth.


4、What benefit will distance learning bring to an employee of a business?

A、Professional growth.

B、Good relationship with the employer.

C、Good impression on the employer.

D、Higher salary.


5、Which is not the characteristic of distance learning?

A、It includes a subject evaluation tool with every subject.

B、Its course uses the same subject materials as those students taking the course on the home campus.

C、A distance-learning program has a place only for students.

D、The relationship of the professor/student is characterized by individuality.



汉语水平考试 (HSK) 是为测试母语非汉语者的汉语水平而设立的标准化考试。经过多年的摸索与实践, 2009年, 国家汉办正式推出新汉语水平考试, 简称新HSK。HSK最早以结构主义语言学为基础, 注重对词汇、语法等语言要素的考察, 强调语言的规范性;新HSK更多借鉴交际能力语言学思想, 注重对考生跨文化交际能力的考查, 强调语言的应用性。主要体现在:

(一) 等级更合理

旧HSK含HSK (基础) 、HSK (初中等) 、HSK (高等) 三个等级, 新HSK则包括HSK (一级) 、HSK (二级) 、HSK (三级) 、HSK (四级) 、HSK (五级) 、HSK (六级) 六个等级。由原来的三级减至六级。新HSK覆盖面增大, 吸引不同类型的考生参加考试, 提供贴近他们汉语水平的考试, 引导他们循序渐进, 逐步提高其汉语应用能力。

(二) 词汇量减少

旧HSK词汇共收词8821个, 即使最简单的等级HSK (基础) , 其词汇上限为3000词, 考生“望而生畏”。新HSK词汇量减少, 将词汇总量压缩至5000, 四级词汇总量1200。新HSK词汇大纲中的词汇兼顾“字本位”, 删减重复词汇, 数量减少, 降低考生的畏惧心理。

(三) 摈弃专门的语法测验

新HSK抛弃专门的语法结构分测验, 不再有单纯的句型、语法项目考试, 对语法的考查寓于听力、阅读、书写、口语的考查中。新HSK的排序、连词成句、造句、短文书写等题目, 实际上是对语法项目的变相考察, 更注重考生在具体语境中的交际能力的考查。

(四) 注重听说技能

在新HSK中, 听力试题数量比重增加, 且单独设置口语考试 (HSKK) , 实际上对考生提出了更高的综合能力的要求。除了语言知识之外, 思维模式、表达习惯、文化差异、个体特点等诸多因素都将影响交际能力的最终实现。HSKK独立于HSK之外, 有初级、中级、高级3个等级的口试。口试与笔试分离, 且不受笔试成绩影响, 考生可根据自身实际情况, 自由报考任一等级的口试。

新HSK考试大纲明确提出, 新HSK遵循“考教结合”的原则, 考试设计与目前国际汉语教学现状、使用教材紧密结合, 目的是“以考促教”、“以考促学”;关注评价的客观、准确, 更重视发展考生汉语应用能力;制定明确的考试目标, 便于考生有计划、有成效地提高汉语应用能力 (1) 。

新HSK分三部分:听力、阅读和书写。阅读是新HSK考题中所占比重较大、耗时最长的题型。以四级为例 (表1) , 听力题量比为45%, 时间比为30%;阅读题量比为40%, 时间比为40%;书写题量比为15%, 时间比为25%。而且随着水平等级的增加阅读题量有增加的趋势。阅读部分充分体现出对跨文化交际能力的重视。


本文调查了2014年的5套新HSK四级真题, 明显涉及文化方面的试题共计20题, 平均每套4题, 占总题量的4%, 详见表2。

对外汉语教学中的文化内容分为语言的文化因素、基本国情和文化背景知识和专门性文化知识, 语言中的文化因素又可分为语义文化、语构文化和语用文化, 往往同语言教学融为一体 (2) 。文化教学的目的是顺利进行跨文化交际。本文所分析的试题中的跨文化知识即包括以上三个方面。

(一) 成语

试题中有两个成语“事半功倍”、“心直口快”, 以排序的题型出现, 都考察其含义, 这两个成语均不在考试大纲范围内。

据调查, 《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》共收录词语8822个, 成语144个, 其中甲级0个, 乙级2个, 丙级18个, 丁级124个, 共收录144个成语。《新汉语水平考试大纲》收录的成语新汉语水平考试笔试分六个等级, 收录词语5000个, 其中成语116个, 数量与《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》相差无几。一至四级成语不在测试范围之内;五级收录2个成语“名胜古迹、一路平安”;六级成语数量明显增多, 共收录114个。含义分别为本义、引申义和比喻义 (3) 。

成语蕴含着深厚的历史文化, 体现出传统的民族特色, 在跨文化交际中准确运用成语是十分必要的。

(二) 谚语

试题中出现最多的就是谚语, 包括“差不多”、“好吃不过饺子”、“习惯成自然”、“父母在, 不远游”、“一问三不知”、“友谊第一, 比赛第二”、“日久见人心”等。

谚语作为语言财富, 有深厚的文化底蕴, 是中华民族珍贵的文化宝藏。汉语谚语以简洁明快通俗的语言形式, 形象概括了人民在生活实践中形成的经验和智慧, 往往含有深刻的寓意, 在口语中运用十分普遍。在第二语言的学习中, 学习、掌握和使用谚语是既可以加深对汉文化的了解, 又是进行交际的需要。

(三) 汉字文化

试题中关于“三点水”“旦”的考察, 主要是从字形的角度分析字义。汉字是形、音、义的结合体, 是汉语教学的重要组成部分。汉字中蕴含丰富的文化内涵, 如古代的“六书”, 我们可以从汉字的形体出发推测其含义。在汉字教学中, 启发学生认读汉字, 培养其认字猜字的能力也是有必要的。

(四) 传统文化


如58:尽管京剧只有两百年的历史, 比较年轻, 但与其他表演艺术相比, 它发展得很快, 深受人们喜爱。

汉语中有很多关于中国传统文化的词汇, 比如胡同、京剧、脸谱、中国节等。在教学中, 这类词汇应作为重点。

(五) 姓名文化

试题中对“王月”一名的来历进行解释, “月”跟“出生那天月亮又大又圆”有关。姓名是各民族共有的文化现象, 但历史、环境、宗教、审美及思维方式的不同, 形成了各具特色的姓名文化, 同时, 姓名文化也体现了民族文化的特点, 有丰富的文化内涵。在跨文化交际中, 了解姓名文化对促进交际有十分重要的作用。

(六) 国情 (地理、民族构成)

真题中有关于中国南北方气候、中国是一个多民族国家等方面的材料。学习一门语言, 就要了解该语言所记录的一切, 包括政治、经济、文化、历史等。这个国家的地理环境、风俗民情有助于学习者更好地运用语言进行交际。

(七) 民族文化 (民族特点)

每个民族的特点的形成都与这个民族所处的地理位置、物质生活及历史文化积淀息息相关。汉族是一个委婉含蓄的民族, 主要表现在交际中, 不直接表达强烈的情感, 比如“爱”一对夫妻从结婚到相互扶持一直到最后离世, “爱”虽然没有说出来, 但爱, 从来没有离开过。

如82-83:他向她求婚时, 只说了三个字:“相信我。”她生下女儿的时候, 他对她说:“辛苦了。”女儿结婚那天, 他对她说:“还有我。”他收到她病危通知的那天, 不停地对她说:“我在这儿。”她要走的那一刻, 他在她耳边轻声说:“你等我。”这一生, 他没对她说过一次“我爱你”, 但爱, 从来没有离开过。

从2014年新HSK四级真题来看, 阅读试题中涉及文化因素和文化知识的材料广泛, 有些甚至超出了考试大纲。在教学中, 如何做到“考教结合”, 培养学生的跨文化交际能力?跨文化知识是跨文化交际能力的一部分, 我们既要重视文化教学, 又要在其他方面培养学生的跨文化交际能力。


Spitzberg认为跨文化交际能力由知识、动机、技巧三个要素构成 (4) , 三者相互影响、相互依存。跨文化交际能力的培养需要足够的跨文化知识、积极的动机和有效的交际技巧, 三个要素应同时具备, 任何一个要素的缺失都不利于跨文化交际能力的培养。

(一) 重视跨文化知识教学

知识是学习者对交际的意识与理解, 包含国家层面的各种文化变量及个体认同, 也是学习者选择得体交际行为的依据。缺乏跨文化交际知识, 学习者便会无法确定自己的交际行为在目的语文化的语境中是否得体。

跨文化知识包括广义文化知识和狭义文化知识。广义文化知识涉及各国文化的知识, 从宏观上解释跨文化交际现象, 对交际者的跨文化交际行为做一般性的指导。了解各国文化中存在不同的文化模式和交往规则可以帮助交际者意识到文化差异的重要性, 提高对跨文化现象的敏感度。狭义文化知识涉及某一特定文化的知识, 该文化不同于其他文化的特点, 以及其主流文化模式和优势等。跨文化交际能力需要掌握特定语境下某一特定文化的知识和常识。

1. 理解语境

语境是交际发生的环境、场合, 指文化、交际者之间的关系、地点、交际功能等。交际要在一定的场景中进行, 交际者的身份、交际目的直接影响交际行为。在教学中只有学习者了解语言交际的具体语境, 才可能减少交际的失误。

2. 重视跨文化意识的培养

第二语言学习和直接的文化交际并一定都是有效的交际, 因为没有对跨文化知识进行分析和解释, 学习者也就不能从目的语文化的角度思考和理解其文化, 而是以自己固有的文化知识为标准衡量目的语文化。为此, 我们应采取新的教学策略研究文化知识, 培养学习者的跨文化意识。在对外汉语教学中, 根据学习者的汉语水平, 有目的、有系统和有效率地实施语言与文化相融合的教学模式, 让学生通过词汇、汉字、语法、语篇的学习及听力、口语、阅读、写作等课程感受和领悟汉语独有的文化现象和文化内涵, 体会语言的表层和内涵之间的微妙关系, 理性地把握目的语的语法规则和文化规则, 形成自觉的跨文化意识。

(二) 增强学生动机

动机即与别人交际的愿望, 在情感中占有极其重要的地位。不同的动机影响跨文化交际的效果。跨文化交际中人们会有幸福、哀伤、愤怒、紧张、轻松和快乐等情感体验, 也会对文化产生敏感性, 保持一定的态度。有的学生不习惯面对不太熟悉的事物, 其他文化中陌生的现象会使他们退却, 增强学生动机有利于跨文化交际能力的提高。在教学中, 要充分了解学生动机并合理利用, 激发学习者的交际需要以增强其学习动机;充分利用课堂教学, 运用启发式, 加强言语交际活动, 开展学习竞赛, 从而进一步激发学生的学习动机。

(三) 锻炼交际技巧

技巧即从事交际行为应具备的一些能力, 如模糊容忍能力、移情能力、自我行为调节能力等, 在跨文化交际中表现为得体、有效的交际行为。学习者只掌握必需的跨文化交际知识、持有积极的交际动机还不足以完成跨文化交际任务, 还必须运用一定的行为技巧。在教学中应加强对学生移情等能力的锻炼, 加强实践, 模拟交际语境锻炼学生交际技巧。


摘要:语言是一种交际工具。第二语言学习者要掌握运用语言进行跨文化交际的能力。新HSK注重对考生跨文化交际能力的考察, 四级阅读部分涉及成语、谚语、汉字文化等方面的内容, 充分体现对文化因素及跨文化交际能力的重视。根据大纲“考教结合”的原则, 为达到“以考促教”、“以考促学”的目的, 在教学中应重视跨文化交际能力的培养。



[1]毛通文.对外汉语教学中的文化传授——从HSK考试看跨文化交际教学的重要性[J].海外华文教育, 2002.4.

[2]林娟娟.跨文化教学策略研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2006.4.

[3]刘艳平.中、高级对外汉语成语教学的调查与反思[J].汉语学习, 2013.10.

[4]柴省三.汉语水平考试 (HSK) 阅读理解测验公平性研究[J].语言文字应用, 2013.4.

[5]黄文红.跨文化交际能力理论模型:中国与西方的对比[J].西安外国语大学学报, 2013.12.

[6]李步军, 张丹.基于图式理论的新汉语水平考试 (HSK) 教学方法研究[J].海外华文教育, 2014.4.

[7]吴迪龙, 常晓丹, 熊宇仙.跨文化交际学在对外汉语成语教学中的应用[J].湖南科技学院学报, 2016.6.








首先,从文章题材来看,三篇快速阅读的文章涉及三个不同的内容。三篇文章的标题分别是“School Lunch”(学校午餐)、“Can Digital Textbooks Truly Replace the Print Kind?”(电子版教材能否真正替代印刷版教材?)、“Surviving the Recession”(在萧条中求生)。从标题基本可以看出,第一篇文章涉及饮食和健康,第二篇文章主要讨论新技术对传统教学的冲击,第三篇文章应该与商业经济有关。从题材的角度来看,以上三篇文章可分别归入健康、新技术和商业经济的范畴。


最后,从命题的角度来看,快速阅读的命题方式依然是“7 + 3”的结构,即七道选择题和三道填空题。本次的选择题依然以考查文章细节内容为主,整体难度适中。而填空题则有难有易,所填答案主要是动词性成分和名词性成分。下面笔者重点分析两道比较典型的题目。其中一题是标题为“School Lunch”的快速阅读文章的第8题,其题干是这样的:“Students are advised to stay away from snack foods offered à la carte because their extra fat and sugar will make them ———.”考生可根据题干定位词à la carte将答案信息定位到原文倒数第五段的倒数第三句和倒数第四句:“Stay away from snack foods offered à la carte. They may fill you up now, but the ones that contain a lot of fat and sugar will slow you down later.”该题有一定难度,因为题干中有明显的表示因果关系的词because,而原文中没有出现明显的表示因果关系的词。其实,原文两句之间也暗含因果关系,只是考生需要自行判断出来。对照原文与题干中的这种因果关系,此题空格处应填入动词性成分slow down later。另一题是标题为“Can Digital Textbooks Truly Replace the Print Kind?”的文章的第8题。该题较简单,考生只要通过同义替换就能找到答案。该题题干是这样的:“One of the challenges to build an interactive digital textbook from the ground up is that it takes a great deal of ———.”考生可根据题干定位词interactive和from the ground up将答案信息定位到原文倒数第四段的这句话:“Each interactive textbook is a media-heavy experience built from the ground up, and you can tell that it takes a respectable amount of manpower to put together each one.”考生只要能看出a great deal of和a respectable amount of是同义替换,就能立刻找到答案:manpower (to put together each one)。





最后,从题型来看,往年四级考试的深度阅读部分主要考查三种题型:细节题、词义题和推断题(关于词义题和推断题的介绍请参见本刊2011年4月号和2011年10月号的相关文章)。本次四级考试深度阅读部分出现的题型基本都是细节题。词义题难度相对较大,但并没有出现在目前笔者搜集到的三套题中。在这三套题中,推断题只出现了一道,也算是本次考试深度阅读部分最难的一道题。下面笔者就来重点分析如何解答这道推断题。该题的题干表述是典型的推断题:“We can conclude from the passage that ———.”由于该题出现在最后一题的位置上,因此既有可能是针对最后一段的内容而设置的,也有可能是针对全文内容而设置的主旨性题目。审题之后可知,这道题需要联系全文内容来解答,属于一道全文主旨题。文章内容主要围绕“爱情”和“婚姻”展开论述,甚至上升到了文化的高度,通过论述阐释了婚姻的重要性。虽然文章末段没有直接给出本题的答案,但实际上结合全文主要内容,再结合文章第二段的末句“That’s why historically we see an increase in romantic love as a basis for forming long-term relationships”,考生便可得出答案。本题答案是“Romantic love is becoming increasingly important in family relationships”这一选项。




其次,从解题的角度来看,本次考试的选词填空部分仍侧重考查词性、词义和语法搭配。需要提醒考生的是,选词填空题最难的地方在于选项词经常会出现一词兼有两种词性的情况,如本次考试的三套题中出现的以下几个词:reason (作名词表示“原因”,作动词表示“推理”)、monitor (作名词表示“监视器”,作动词表示“监测”)、maximum (作形容词表示“最大的”,作名词表示“最大值”)、excess (作名词表示“过度,过量”,作形容词表示“过度的,过量的”)等。另外,就语法而言,考生除了要分析句子成分从而确定空格处所缺单词的词性外,还要重点关注名词的形式,因为名词有可数和不可数以及单数和复数之分。本次考试中出现的以下几个名词在选项中就是以复数形式呈现的:results (结果)、symbols (象征,符号)、symptoms (症状)、accidents (事故)、instances (例子,情况)等。此外,副词有时也会给考生造成一定的障碍,因为很多考生对副词不是特别熟悉。本次四级考试中出现的较难的副词有以下几个:consequently (因此)、dramatically (显著地)、briefly (短暂地,简单地说)。




1. 关注改革后的官方样题。改革后的题型没有太多现成的真题可供研究,唯一可以参考的就是官方样题,因此针对这次四级改革,考生应该重点关注官方样题,最好能自己做一做样题,找找做题的感觉(官方四级样题下载地址:http://www.cet.edu.cn/cet4_2013.pdf)。

2. 以真题为核心备考。考生在备考时应该把主要精力集中在真题上。实际上,考生只要能把近五年的真题研究透彻,通过四级考试就是水到渠成的事情。至于市面上那些令人眼花缭乱的模拟题,考生应尽量不接触,因为模拟题毕竟不是命题人出的,所以在题目的难度和考点上或多或少会偏离真题,严重时可能会误导考生的做题思路。

3. 扩大阅读面。阅读的基本功还是很重要的,所以笔者建议考生平时多做阅读训练。当然,这里说的阅读未必是四级真题的阅读文章,也可以是其他阅读内容,比如网络、报纸、杂志上的英语文章都可以作为阅读材料。读得多了,考生就能逐渐熟悉英语的很多用法和表达方式,而这些对于应对四级考试来说都是极有帮助的。


Times have changed. Today, we take pain 48____. Indeed, pain is now considered the fifth vital sign, as important as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in 49____ a person’s well-being. We know that chronic (慢性的) pain can disrupt (扰乱) a person’s life, causing problems that 50____ from missed work to depression.

That’s why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who 51____ in pain medicine. Not only do we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social 52____ related to chronic pain. Such comprehensive therapy often 53____ the work of social workers, psychiatrists (心理医生) and psychologists, as well as specialists in pain medicine.

This modern 54____ for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effective and with fewer side effects than ever before. Decades ago, there were only a 55____ number of drugs available, and many of them caused 56____ side effects in older people, including dizziness and fatigue. This created a double-edged sword: the medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the pain itself.


A) result

B) involves

C) significant

D) range

E) relieved


Section A

Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks。 You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage。 Read the passage through carefully before making your choices。 Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter。 Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。 You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once。

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Physical activity does the body good, and there’s growing evidence that it helps the brain too. Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise, whether at school or on their own,  26 to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests. In a  27  of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic 28 , investigators found that the more children moved, the better their grades were in school,  29  in the basic subjects of math, English and reading.

The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to  30  on smaller budgets. The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away from study time. With standardized test scores in the U.S.  31  in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground. But as these findings show, exercise and academics may not be  32  exclusive. Physical activity can improve blood  33  to the brain, fueling memory, attention and creativity, which are  34  to learning. And exercise releases hormones that can improve  35  and relieve stress, which can also help learning. So while it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they’re running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.

















26. 正确选项 O tend

27. 正确选项 M review

28. 正确选项 L performance

29. 正确选项 K particularly

30. 正确选项 N survive

31. 正确选项 E dropping

32. 正确选项 J mutually

33. 正确选项 H flow

34. 正确选项 F essential

35. 正确选项 I mood

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it。 Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs。 Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived。 You may choose a paragraph more than once。 Each paragraph is marked with a letter。 Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2。

Finding the Right Home—and Contentment, Too

[A] When your elderly relative needs to enter some sort of long-term care facility—a moment few parents or children approach without fear—what you would like is to have everything made clear.

[B] Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home, or has the industry simply hired better interior designers? Are nursing homes as bad as people fear, or is that an out-moded stereotype (固定看法)? Can doing one’s homework really steer families to the best places? It is genuinely hard to know.

[C] I am about to make things more complicated by suggesting that what kind of facility an older person lives in may matter less than we have assumed. And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things that make a difference to the people who are going to move in. I am not talking about the quality of care, let me hastily add. Nobody flourishes in a gloomy environment with irresponsible staff and a poor safety record. But an accumulating body of research indicates that some distinctions between one type of elder care and another have little real bearing on how well residents do.

[D]The most recent of these studies, published in The journal of Applied Gerontology, surveyed 150 Connecticut residents of assisted living, nursing homes and smaller residential care homes (known in some states as board and care homes or adult care homes). Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center asked the residents a large number of questions about their quality of life, emotional well-being and social interaction, as well as about the quality of the facilities.

[E]“We thought we would see differences based on the housing types,” said the lead author of the study, Julie Robison, an associate professor of medicine at the university. A reasonable assumption—don’t families struggle to avoid nursing homes and suffer real guilt if they can’t?

[F] In the initial results, assisted living residents did paint the most positive picture. They were less likely to report symptoms of depression than those in the other facilities, for instance, and less likely to be bored or lonely. They scored higher on social interaction.

[G] But when the researchers plugged in a number of other variables, such differences disappeared. It is not the housing type, they found, that creates differences in residents’ responses. “It is the characteristics of the specific environment they are in, combined with their own personal characteristics—how healthy they feel they are, their age and marital status,” Dr. Robison explained. Whether residents felt involved in the decision to move and how long they had lived there also proved significant.

[H] An elderly person who describes herself as in poor health, therefore, might be no less depressed in assisted living (even if her children preferred it) than in a nursing home. A person who bad input into where he would move and has had time to adapt to it might do as well in a nursing home as in a small residential care home, other factors being equal. It is an interaction between the person and the place, not the sort of place in itself, that leads to better or worse experiences. “You can’t just say, ‘Let’s put this person in a residential care home instead of a nursing home—she will be much better off,” Dr. Robison said. What matters, she added, “is a combination of what people bring in with them, and what they find there.”

[I] Such findings, which run counter to common sense, have surfaced before. In a multi-state study of assisted living, for instance, University of North Carolina researchers found that a host of variables—the facility’s type, size or age; whether a chain owned it; how attractive the neighborhood was—had no significant relationship to how the residents fared in terms of illness, mental decline, hospitalizations or mortality. What mattered most was the residents’ physical health and mental status. What people were like when they came in had greater consequence than what happened one they were there.

[J] As I was considering all this, a press release from a respected research firm crossed my desk, announcing that the five-star rating system that Medicare developed in 2008 to help families compare nursing home quality also has little relationship to how satisfied its residents or their family members are. As a matter of fact, consumers expressed higher satisfaction with the one-star facilities, the lowest rated, than with the five-star ones. (More on this study and the star ratings will appear in a subsequent post.)

[K] Before we collectively tear our hair out—how are we supposed to find our way in a landscape this confusing?—here is a thought from Dr. Philip Sloane, a geriatrician(老年病学专家)at the University of North Carolina:“In a way, that could be liberating for families.”

[L] Of course, sons and daughters want to visit the facilities, talk to the administrators and residents and other families, and do everything possible to fulfill their duties. But perhaps they don’t have to turn themselves into private investigators or Congressional subcommittees. “Families can look a bit more for where the residents are going to be happy,” Dr. Sloane said. And involving the future resident in the process can be very important.

[M] We all have our own ideas about what would bring our parents happiness. They have their ideas, too. A friend recently took her mother to visit an expensive assisted living/nursing home near my town. I have seen this place—it is elegant, inside and out. But nobody greeted the daughter and mother when they arrived, though the visit had been planned; nobody introduced them to the other residents. When they had lunch in the dining room, they sat alone at a table.

[N] The daughter feared her mother would be ignored there, and so she decided to move her into a more welcoming facility. Based on what is emerging from some of this research, that might have been as rational a way as any to reach a decision.

36. Many people feel guilty when they cannot find a place other than a nursing home for their parents.

37.Though it helps for children to investigate care facilities, involving their parents in the decision-making process may prove very important.

38.It is really difficult to tell if assisted living is better than a nursing home.

39.How a resident feels depends on an interaction between themselves and the care facility they live in.

40.The author thinks her friend made a rational decision in choosing a more hospitable place over an apparently elegant assisted living home.

41.The system Medicare developed to rate nursing home quality is of little help to finding a satisfactory place.

42.At first the researchers of the most recent study found residents in assisted living facilities gave higher scores on social interaction.

43.What kind of care facility old people live in may be less important than we think.

44.The findings of the latest research were similar to an earlier multi-state study of assisted living.

45.A resident’s satisfaction with a care facility has much to do with whether they had participated in the decision to move in and how long they had stayed there.


36. 正确选项 E

37. 正确选项 L

38. 正确选项 B

39. 正确选项 H

40. 正确选项 N

41. 正确选项 J

42. 正确选项 F

43. 正确选项 C

44. 正确选项 I
