



March …,2007

Cooperation Agreement on Introducing Projects to

Nanjing Jiangning Binjiang Economic Development Zone Party A: China Nanjing Jiangning BinJiang Investment Development

Co.Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as Party A)

Party B:(Hereinafter referred

to as Party B)

After friendly negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the agreement on project introducing cooperation as follows:

1.Party A shall insure the clearance of water feeding and entering, sewage

disposal, road, power, telecommunication, and smooth of planning red line, and shall assist the projects introduced by Party B to go through relevant formalities of project examination and approval, business license, taxation registration and account opening.2.Party A shall provide the projects introduced by Party B with

competitive land price, and shall guarantee the projects to enjoy the privilege of choosing spot land of the development zone.3.The project introduced by Party B shall satisfy the general planning

requirements of Party A.All the projects entering into the zone shall be the projects allowed by the State, make relatively good economic benefit and satisfy requirements on environmental protection.Otherwise, Party

A shall have the power to refuse the entry of Party B’s projects that do not satisfy the requirements on environmental protection.4.The project introduced by Party B shall sign the investment agreement

with Party A before entering the development zone.5.All the projects Party B may introduce shall be registered and taxed

within Nanjing jiangning Binjiang Economic development zone.6.Party B shall be rewarded for its project at the ratio of 0.2%~0.5% of the

actually realized foreign investment of the project.For project of which

total investment is less than USD 10 million(including 10 million),Party B shall be rewarded at the ratio of 0.2% of the actually realized

foreign investment.If the total investment is more than USD 10 million

but less than USD 30 million(including 10 million), 0.3% of the

actually realized foreign investment shall be rewarded.Total investment

more than USD 30 million but less than USD 100 million, 0.4% shall be

rewarded.Total investment exceeds USD 100 million(including 100

million), 0.5% shall be rewarded.7.This Agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall

remain in force for...years.8.Any matter not contemplated herein shall be determined by both parties

hereto upon mutual agreement by way of supplementary agreement.9.Any objection or dispute over fulfillment of this Agreement shall be

solved upon consultation of both parties.All dispute, if unsettled, shall

be referred to Nanjing Arbitration Commission for arbitration.10.This Agreement shall be signed in four copies and each party shall have

two copies.This Agreement shall be effective as from the date when

both parties have signed and sealed it.Party A: China Nanjing Jiangning BinJiang Investment Development Co.Ltd.Representative of Party A:

Party B:Representative of Party B:


Technical Cooperation Agreement


Party A: XX Grease Chemical Co., Ltd.地址: XX高新技术工业园

Address: XXHigh-tech Industrial Park 法定代表人:XXX Legal Representative: XXX 乙方: Party B: 地址: Address:


This Agreement, concerning the setting up of a technical research and development team, is made according to the Contract Law of PRC regulations and entered into through equal negotiation by both Parties as the free and full expression of their own wishes to mutual benefits, and to this end both Parties shall abide by this Agreement as following.第一条、甲方同意雇用乙方为新产品研发技术顾问。乙方同意为甲方提供技术顾问服务。

Article 1: Party A hereby agrees to employ party B as the technical consultant for the new product research and development.Party B hereby agrees to offer technical consultation service to Part A.第二条、甲方同意每月支付乙方的研究费用,包括:薪资、办公费、检测费、差旅费以及其他相关费用。

Article 2: Party A hereby agrees to pay Party B for the research each month, including salaries, administrative expenses, detection cost, traveling expenses and other cost associated.第三条、乙方有责任为甲方提供相关国内外技术及市场信息,并及时答复甲方技术上所遇到的问题。

Article 3:Party B is responsible to provide relevant technical and market information home and abroad and is ready to answer any technical problem frequently asked by Party A.第四条、乙方有义务向甲方提供有关个人简历和相关证明材料,甲方要尊重乙方个人隐私,有义务妥善保管相关材料。

Article 4: Party B shall has the obligation to provide Party A with any relevant personal resume and reference documents as necessary.Party A shall respect the personal privacy of Party B and has the obligation to properly keep those materials.第五条、乙方同意所研发的产品所有知识产权归甲方所有,乙方不得将相关技术信息泄露给任何第三方,否则需要承担一切法律后果。

Article 5: Party B hereby agrees that the intellectual property of any product as researched and developed herein shall be owned by Party A.Party B shall not be allowed to disclose any technical information concerned to the third party, or it shall take all the legal consequences.第六条、甲乙双方同意通过紧密合作达到共同目标;每年增加一到三个项目;每年申请一到三个发明专利;每年完成一到两个能够通过专家认证的新产品;每年至少向市场推广两个产品。

Article 6: Both Parties agree to achieve their common goals by their close cooperation.It is planned to add one to three projects each year and to apply for one to three patents for inventions each year, to make one to two new products certified by experts each year, and to promote at least two products to the market each year.第七条、此协议甲乙双方各执一份,没有在协议中提到的事项双方需协商解决。Article 7: This Agreement is held by both Parties, one for each respectively.Any issue not mentioned in this Agreement shall be settled by both Parties through negotiation.此协议从签字当日起生效。

This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signature.甲方:

乙方: Party A

Party B: 签字:

签字: Signature:

Signature: 日期:

日期: Date


The Chrysanthemums gives insight into the life of its author.John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California.The location of the story is of key resemblance to the Salinas in which Steinbeck was born and bread, it was a typical American small town.The story is about a woman called Elisa tries hard to escape from the power of the patriarchal social system.Henry Allan, her husband, is the typical image of the middle-class bourgeois, who only cares about money-earning and social relationship with the businessmen.The repair man is a stranger happened to meet Elisa, and he eagers to get a job.The Chrysanthemum is the image of the hope in the heart of Elisa, which she spends the most part of her time raising and fostering.Thus, this paper will analyze the characters through the conversation in The Chrysanthemums from the Cooperative Principle.

Cooperative Principle, abbreviated as CP, an Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice develops this theory by borrowing the concept of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant four categories:quantity, quality, relation and manner (Jiang, 2000:38) .Each category is known as maxim.Generally, people do behave in following these maxims consciously or sub-consciously, which they have learned to do so in childhood.However, the violation of the maxims in CP tends to produce the conversational implicature (Hu, 2002:205) .This theory may be seen as an attempt to explain how communication succeeds in the terms of infringement of the maxims.The analysis will combine the conversation given by the characters in the story with the theoretic frame above to explain the real intention behind the discourse.

2.Analysis on the Characters from the CP

The story sets in California, one of states in west America.Elisa is a wife of a businessman.She is fond of raising the chrysanthemums;however her husband regards this hobby as a meaningless and bored thing.The different views of value and life lead to the psycho conflict between Elisa and her husband, the conversation between them is the best evidence to show their different attitude towards the same thing, and the debate point is focused on the meaning of raising chrysanthemums.The following conversations are selected to explain the real intention and mind of the characters from the CP.Try to explain how do they adopt or violate these maxims, and what do these maxims stand for.

2.1 The conversation between Elisa and her husband

Henry:“At it again, ”he said.“You've got a strong new crop coming.”

Elisa:“Yes, they will be strong this coming year.”

Henry:“I wish you'd work out in the orchard and raise some apples that big.”

Elisa:“Good, good for you.”

This conversation happens in the garden of their house, Elisa is just trimming the leaves of the crops, and her husband comes to the garden, talking with his wife.He emphasizes that Elisa is doing the same thing to give a discourse as“at it again”to start their topic.However, Elisa doesn’t give any reflection on this topic, she only answers something about the appraise words of the latter sentence uttered by her husband.From this point, she intends to violate the maxim of relation, which means“Be relevant”on the current topic.The reason of her violation of the maxim lies in that she wants to defend for her favorite hobby.No matter her husband likes it or not, she will still insist in it, however, it’s unnecessary for her to speak it out, thus, she chooses an oblique way to avoid this topic;the second reason is that she is an independent woman who prefers to do the thing as her own willing, also has strong desire to prove herself as an able person.So, she chooses to answer another topic and repeat it, which violates the quantity maxim.This maxim is concerned with the quantity of information to be provided:Make your contribution as informative as is required;Do not make your contribution more informative than is required (Jiang, 2000:39) .It is apparently Elisa gives more information on this topic to show her talent in raising crops.

2.2 The conversation between Elisa and the repair man

In last paragraph, the conversation between Elisa and Henry shows that the wish of the protagonist has not been completed;so she hopes some day there appears someone can truly understand her feeling and appreciate her.After Henry’s leaving, Elisa happens to meet a man;he is skilled in grasping the intention of the speaker and knows how to cater for her.

The repair man:“What are them plants, ma’am?”

Elisa:“Oh, those are chrysanthemums, giant whites and yellows.I raise them every year, bigger than anybody around here.”

The repair man:“Kind of a long-stemmed flower?Looks like a puff of colored smoke?”

Elisa:“That’s it.What a nice way to describe them.”

The repair man:“They smell kind of nasty till you get used to them”

Elisa:“It’s a good bitter smell, ”she retorted, “not nasty at all.”

He changed his tone quickly, “I like the smell myself.” (聂娅琼, 2008:48)

From this conversation, it is apparent to see the repair man intends to follow the Cooperative principle.The topic that he starts and continues is all about the chrysanthemums;hence he grasps the attention of Elisa.Thus Elisa trusts that he is also fond of this plant and gives more information than what the man asked.She describes them and tells that she raises them every year, the violation of the quantity maxim shows that Elisa is interested in this topic and eagers to compare the comments on the chrysanthemums with other people, and she thought that she has found the right person who did know her.However, in the fiction, the repair man does not really like the chrysanthemums.In a matter of facts, he even hates the smell of this plant.Nevertheless, he tells Elisa that he likes the smell himself, it is easy to find that he tells her a lie, which violates the quality maxim.The Quality in CP means that the speaker should try to make his contribution that is true;do not say what you believe to be false;do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence (Jiang, 2000:39) .Here, the repair man lies to Elisa;he infringes the first specific maxim of the quality maxim.The reason is that he wants to get close to Elisa, who may provide him a chance of job.He tries hard to shorten the psychical distance between Elisa and him.From the analysis of the conversation, we


□刘艳 (中国传媒大学文学院, 北京100024)

【摘要】《何方妖魅》是美国小说家菲兹詹姆斯·奥白朗的著名作品之一, 全篇字数虽不足万字, 但是却生动形象的为我们描述了“我”和医生在吸食毒品后, “见鬼”的经历。在人人畏惧的“鬼屋”里, “我”与鬼进行搏斗, 并最终将鬼捕获。众人面对“我”的解释和与我一起吸食鸦片的医生汉莫德的证实, 都信以为真, 毫无怀疑。因而谁也不愿意或者没有胆量去揭开“鬼”的真面目。最终的结果是, “鬼”默默的死去了。奥白朗运用鲜明的反讽形态, 将整个故事描绘的有声有色, 同时, 又引人深思。本文就是以《何方妖魅》中的反讽形态角度为侧重点, 去挖掘这个短篇小说的深意。


《何方妖魅》是美国小说家菲兹詹姆斯·奥白朗的著名作品之一, 写于19世纪中后期, 全文充满着哥特式小说的基调。也蕴含着作者的反讽意味。

一、开篇以严肃语调, 烘托讽刺意味

“我承认, 我将陈述的这件亲身体验的故事, 的确怪诞得令人难以启齿。故事内容又牵涉到这么一个诡谲的东西, 我已预先有了相当的心理准备, 来应付任何的怀疑轻蔑或冷讽热嘲。我相信我的写作勇气能够面对各方的疑惑责难, 经过如此深思熟虑后, 我决定尽可能简单明了又直截了当的, 叙说六月里这件我观察过的事实——从头到尾都是生理科学的奥秘, 前所未有的记录。”小说开篇就以一种很严肃的语调开始。让人不禁以一种认真的心情, 阅读接下来的文字。虽然整篇故事无论情节还是内容, 都让人疑心重重, 但是开篇, 作者的真诚态度以及经过深思熟虑后作出的勇敢的决定——将这个奇幻的经历公之于众, 无疑给小说的真实性增加了很大的筹码。这恰恰是身为新闻记者的奥白朗, 对于人性的熟知程度做到了然于胸后他给读者的一个小恶作剧。读者只要细心, 就能发现这种反讽技巧的巧妙。

在罗吉·福勒主编的《现代西方文学批评术语词典》中, 对“反讽”定义如下:“一种用来传达与文字表面意义迥然不同 (而且通常相反) 的内在含义的说话方式。”这在我们的感觉里是一种司空见惯的现象, 因为言语含义的隐喻性和多重性始终贯穿于我们许多的对话和描述中。作为文学艺术的小说, 这种手法更是被作者喜爱而频繁使用。因为, 这种叙事的形态可以给小说带来更深层的美感。通过前面的铺垫, 我们了解到《何方妖魅》无疑就是这样一个充满反讽形态的小说。

二、第一人称表述方式, 描摹奇幻充满讽刺的境遇

为了提高小说的真实性, 全文以第一人称内聚焦的表述方式, 为我们讲述了一个匪夷所思、充满灵异色彩的经历。虽然主人公一再强调这个故事看似荒诞不羁, 可能会遭人非议, 但却是实实在在的。这无疑此地无银的提醒读者小说的真实性需要自己进行辨别。作者为我们讲述了“我”在一栋鬼屋里与一个看不见但是可以摸得着的怪物对抗, 最终主人公战胜, 怪物死掉的故事。

首先, 开头的文字就为我们创造了一个具有反讽性质的环境。原来曾拥有清泉淙淙, 无限风光的大厦因屋主的死亡而沦为人人畏惧的鬼屋。我们可以看到这里面有一对冲突, 那就是人与环境的对立。在这个小说里, 环境完全成为了一个神秘而不可知的东西, 而且是人所不能控制的。作者这样描写:“入夜, 更有无名的第三只手把不同房间的家具堆叠在其他物品的上头。即使是亮晃晃的大白天, 也有隐形的脚上下楼梯, 发出丝质衣服的窸窣声, 肉眼看不见的手沿着栏杆柱滑动。”因而整整三年来这座大厦都没有租客。在这种强大且恐怖的环境面前, 人是那样的孤独和渺小, 环境就像梦魇一般让人沦为被动者。也许, 作者正是想通过这样一个恐怖环境的描画, 想要告知人类, 即使是科学技术如何强大, 人依然有渺小无力的一面。狂妄的人类一直以地球的统治者自居, 而无视环境对人类的给予。科学技术、工业化如

Cooperative principle provides us a useful theoretic tool to analyze the conversation to find the real intention behind the utterance.The brie dialogue between the protagonist Elisa and her husband presents their different values and views of life.Several times, the intentional violation to answer directly shows the disappointment and depress of Elisa.The repair man lies to her by violating the quality maxim;this reflects he is a kind o cunning and dishonest person.Since it is the first time to apply this theory何先进又如何, 在未知者面前, 不是依然惶惶不可终日, 胆小如鼠吗?人与环境的对立, 高傲的人类在环境面前的怯懦, 无疑是《何方妖魅》抑或是奥白朗反讽的背景与基调。


故事中唯一接触过那个肉眼看不见的怪物的就是“我”和一个医生。而且这种接触完全是在“我”和他吸食完鸦片后的事情。文中描写了“我”和医生沉溺在迷幻药物的天堂里, 听任幻象自然发展, 享有着帝王都享受不到神奇。随后一股邪恶力量控制住我们的思路, 将我们的思想污染殆尽, 脑海中浮现的尽是匪夷所思的种种恐怖念头。接下来, 我们各自去睡了, 于是“我”感觉到有个东西自天花板垂降下来到“我”的胸坎上, 一瞬间“我”感觉有两只骷髅手扣在“我”的脖子上, 使劲想勒死“我”。接下来就是“我”和怪物的对决, 终于“我”将它制服后, 点燃蜡烛才发现面前一无所有。惊恐万分的“我”尖叫声, 引来了众人, 后来经过“我”和医生的证实, 大家相信有这样一个怪物, 但是没有一个人敢去碰这个看不见的东西。所以可以说没有一个真正清醒的人去验证这个怪物的存在。大家惶恐地逃离了“我”的房间, 再也不敢踏进一步, 直到那个怪物死掉, 被“我”和医生埋在花园里。

整个“见鬼”故事都发生在“我”和医生吸食完鸦片之后, 可以说后来发生的种种事情都很有可能是“我”和医生的幻想。或者是只有毒品作用下的人, 才能感受到、“触摸”到的东西。自始至终, “鬼”都是无形的, 没有声音、没有气味, 但是“我”和医生可以触摸到的。然而就是这两个处于药物作用下的人的恐惧让其他正常的人盲信、惊恐而不去亲自证实。不明所以, 但却偏听偏信。这是导致各种“见鬼”事件层出不穷的真正原因。这也是作者极力反讽的一方面。

小说写于19世纪中后期, 当时美国处于第二次工业革命的高潮时段, 这一时期, 美国的科学技术不断突飞猛进, 并很快遥遥于世界各国之上。特别是贝尔、爱迪生等人的一系列发明, 仿佛是丰满坚强的羽翼, 为美国的工业化插上了翅膀。

层出不穷的新技术、新产品在给人带来方便的同时, 更使当时的人们信心倍增, 并且一度认为, 人可以主宰世界而毫无羁绊。这样的思维使一部分人失去了自我判别的能力, 于是在“上帝死了”的世界里不断呈现出令人啼笑皆非的矛盾画面。一方面, 过去的信仰还没有彻底磨灭, 人们仍然对自然残留着一丝丝敬畏, 另一方面, 生物技术的迅猛发展又不断充斥着人们的生活, 洗涤着人们的思想。这时就必然会呈现出以下状况。一方面, 高傲智慧的人类不断向大自然进行挑战, 并且以战胜者自居, 另一方面, 盲从与偏信, 又让一些智慧的人们做出愚蠢的事情。作者正是想借这篇小说, 对这种现象进行嘲讽。菲兹詹姆斯·奥白朗不愧是嘲讽小说的大师。


刘艳 (1986—) , 河北保定人, 中国传媒大学文学院比较文学与世界文学专业硕士研究生在读, 主要研究方向:西方戏剧。

摘要:《菊花》关注于19世纪美国女性的精神状态, 被认为是约翰斯坦贝克最负盛名的短篇小说之一。本文旨在运用格莱斯的会话合作原则分析文中主人公的对话, 通过解析对话背后的会话含义即说话者真实的意图来分析小说人物。


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因为2010级中加合作班入学时,考试的生源质量差异较大,录取总分的最高分为276,最低总分为161;英语科目高考最高分为84,最低分为29 。因此学生的学习基础差异较大。这种差异性不仅表现为知识基础的差异性,还具体表现为学习习惯和学习能力的差异性。部分学生的学习自觉性较差,课前课后不复习,也不刻苦打好英语学习的功底。还有一部分学生表现为课堂时段内忍耐力不足,每天的6-8节课程特别是外教课程让不少学生倍感疲劳,足以坚持,不少学生反映这种课程结构下学习强度大,极少部分同学上课时累了就休息或离开教室。














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[3] 陈艳龙.中外合作办学背景下的雅思教学模式改革[J].改革与创新.2010,12,(中),93.


Agreement No.:




PARTY B buy the goods from PARTY A and find some quality problems as follows: The surface is rough,not good, To cause inconvenience to customer when used products, repair method as that: the surface spray sand,return the pipe, free repair within two months.After repair, product appearance intact, tested using no problem, then.Specific as follows:


The surface is rough,not good

2.Reprocessedproducts Name quantity and Amount

Stainless steel tube、177PCS、USD 5299.38

3.Delivery Time

Within two moths


Maintenance costs, and should be borne by sellers

5.Quality requirements, technical standards

Good appearance, spray sand。

6.For repair items of the sellers is responsible for conditions, the acceptance criteria

To ensure product quality, not in use.This is reached agreement





1. Party A employs Party B as Party A’s business representative from the date of January 1st to December 31st .After the maturity of this Agreement, both parties based on own necessity, may either renew or terminate the agreement without any condition.

2. Responsibilities and services for Party B are listed below:

(1) Provide expansion and service for the current clients-XXX;XXX…..

(2) Promote sales of Part A. new products and provide assistance and services as requested by aforementioned clients.

(3) Develop potential clients in Europe market.

(4) Collect and analyze marketing information in Europe, and report the result to Part A. Sales Department for reference for developing new products in future.

(5) Assist related product exhibition including liaison and execution of the said exhibition.

3. Commission to be paid to Party B under the following terms:

(1) For the current clients as mentioned before: ?% against total sales amount

(2) For new clients;

First year: ?% against total sales amount.

Second year: ?% against total sales amount.

Consecutive years: ?% against total sales amount.

(3) Party A will calculate onn the 10theach month the commission amount according to the received sales amount of last month form the clients, then Party A will pay to Party B’s account through

(this line for Part B’s account information)

On 30th of every month payment of commission for last month will be made

4. Responsible Areas: Within Party A’s business areas excluding USA and China, and Party A may have the flexibility in coordination with Party B for a reasonable adjustment, so as to meet Party A business requirements.

5. During this Agreement covering period, both parties for good reasons may request to terminated the Agreement, but either Party must inform the other Party 10days ahead of time.

6. Once this Agreement becomes effective, Party B must observe Party A’s business secrecy, and enjoy no labor insurance, health insurance, group insurance and other welfare measurements.

7. 7days before expiry date of this Agreement, if Party A has not informed Party B about termination, this Agreement is deemed to be renewed for another year.

8. Party B must observe Party A’s security regulation of this Agreement and so forth within 3years period.

9. Party B within this Agreement period, may have literary work, trade mark, patent or any other relevant intellectual asset, except already negotiated with party A, will refer to Party A’s right of possession without any condition.

10. Both Parties keep one copy of this Agreement.

