




一、看图,补全单词。(8分)s c s c p sw ter sh s Tr sers dre sk t c t


1、Colins coat

2、Thank you very much!

3、Youre welcome!

4、whose shoes

5、two sweaters

6、nice shoes

7、Alices skirt

8、How beautiful



1、A:Whose socks(is are)these? B:They(is are)my socks.2、A:(Is are)it Li Shans skirt? B:No,it(is are)Liu Meis.3、A:Who(is are am)he? B:He(is are am)my teacher.4、A:What(am is are)this? B:It(am is are)a sweater.5、A:(Is Am Are)you Alice? B.:Yes,I(Is Am Are).五、从B栏中找出A栏的答语,将序号填在括号内。(15分)A栏 B栏


1、Whos this? A.Its Li Shans skirt.()

2、Whose skirt is it? B.They are Kittys socks.()

3、Whose socks are these? C.This is my mother.()

4、Whats this? D.This is a pen.()

5、Is this your sweater? E.No,it isnt.六、看图完成句子。(12分)

1、A:Whose is this?

2、A:Whose are these? Jacks B:Its.Colins B:They are.3、A:Are they Kevins shoes? B:No,.七、选择合适的词填空。(每个单词只用一次)(12分)

1、-Is this bike?-Yes,it is.2、bike is yellow.3、My mother has a bag.bag is red.4、My father has a dog.dog is black.八、看图,选句子补全对话。(12分)A:Is this your sweater? B:No,1 A:And,2 ? B:Oh,3.A:Here 4 B: 5 以上就是由为您提供的外研版小学三年级下册英语期末测试题,希望您阅读愉快!


( ) h d A, ur B,or C, ar

( ) hamb ger A, er B, ur C, ar

( ) st dy A, a B, o C, u

( ) ex ted A, si B, ci C, sa

( ) li r ay A, b, a B, a, b C, b, e


( )A, football B, basketball C, horse

( )A, small B, shoe C, heavy

( )A, sandwich B, breakfast C, lunch

( )A, gave B, learnt C, climb

( )A, she B, us C, him


1.They go to the cinema t a mouth.

2.I’d like a b of milk.

3. It’s not Sunday today. It’sS

4.Do you often get l from your friends ?

5.A woman is r very fast around the road.

6.Please tell Jack I will come a at eight tomorrow morning.

7.Would you like to l a message .

8.My grandma is a BeijingOpera f

9.That’s a big bag, I can’tcarry it. C you help me?


Foot(复数) do(单三)

soft(反义词) run(现在分词)

We(宾格) learn(过去式)

easy(反义词) teach(现在分词)

These(单数) put(过去式)



( )1.你应该对我的朋友说你好。

A, You should say hello to myfriend.

B, You should say my friendhello.

( ) 2.你在想什么?

A, How are you thinking about?

B, What are you thinkingabout?

( )3. 在英国他们在9点开始上课。

A, They start school at 9o’clock.

B, They walk to school at 9o’clock.

( ) 4. 这位老人不能坐下。

A, This old man can’t sitdown.

B, This old man can’t standup.

( ) 5.你能很好地接住球吗?

A, Can you catch the ball well ?

B, Can you control the ballwell?

( ) 6.在这个包里有太多的苹果。

A,There is too many apples in thebag.

B, Three are too many applesin the bag



You should my hand.


Today I a chess game


TV is very for us


They want to be in ourfootball


My sweater is


We some apples


( ) 1.They didn’t enough food.

A, has B, had B, have

( ) 2.Five years ago, he to school.

Now he to school by bus.

A, walked, goes B, Walk, went C, walks , went.

( ) 3. He Chinese ten years age.

A, teaches B, taught C, teached.21*cnjy*com

( ) 4.He is English now.

A, learning B, learnt C, learns

( ) 5.Circle A is bigger circle B.

A, than B, for C, as

( ) 6.What did she have lunch.

A, in B, with C, for

( ) 7.He had at six o’clock in the morning.

A, breakfast B, lunch C, dinner.

( ) 8.Please bring back the book

A, two weeks’ time B, in two weeks’ time C, in two weeks time

( ) 9. did you go there? ----- last week

A, what B, When C, why

( ) 10.Her little son can chopsticks now.2-1-c-n-j-y

A, uses B, using C, use

( ) 11.Yao ming is very good basketall.

A, in B, for C, at

( ) 12.The girl is deaf . she can’t

A, hear B, see C, find

( ) 13. I get up half past seven.

A, in B, to C, at

( ) 14.Do you want to chess.

A, think B, make C, play

( ) 15.You should look, then the road.

A, cross B, walk C, run21*cnjy*com

( ) 16.Yesterday I lost my bag, I feel

A, happy B, hungry C, sad

( ) 17.You are back China

A, from B, in C, to

( ) 18. did you go to schoolyesterday.

A, what B, How C. How many

( ) 19.Let’ s buy one kilo noodles.

A, of B, for C, off

( )20. They walked one hour.

A, about B,with C, for


A, Her parents

B, That’s a good idea.

C, It’s in the north ofChina.

D, Kite, ball………

E, We ate hamburgers.

F , No, I can see two heads.

G, I will go to the library.

H, No, there aren’t.

I , Last Monday.

J, I’m fine , thank you.

( )Where is Yinchuan?

( ) What about a picture ?

( ) What did you have last night?

( ) Who is going to go with her ?

( ) How are you ?

( ) What are you going to take?

( )When did Damingarrive ?

( ) Where will you go tomorrow?

( ) Can you see a vase?

( ) Are there some books on the desk? .


A.He’s got chopsticks

B.I’m going to go to America.

C.How are you?

D. What do you suggest?

E.That’s a good idea.

Sam: Hi, Daming!

Daming: I’m fine, thanks. I’m very excited.

Sam: That’s great. Daming.

Daming: I want to take apresent for my cousin.

Sam : What about chopsticks?

Daming: . His mum and grandma areChinese.

Sam: why don’t you give hima kite?

Daming: Thank you. Sam.


1.We have six classes in a day.

2.We play hockey on the field.

3.They can watch TV athome.

4.We play the violinafter school.

5.There are three girls in the room.

6.Ican buy shoes in a shop.

7,We can go to the park nextweek.

8.The watch is seventy-twoyuan.

9.I like science field trip very much.

10,They do exercises at ten.


Yesterday my father andwent to the park. On the road we saw a lot of people. There was a donkey in themiddle of the road. It didn’t go. The cars and buses can’t go , too.

Then a policeman came. “whosedonkey is this?” He asked. “it’s mine”. Said a farmer. “But I can’t let it go”.The policeman and the farmer moved the donkey. But they can’t let it go. “giveit a carrot” my father said. “that’s ok” said the farmer. Soon he bought somecarrots and took them to the donkey. When the donkey saw the carrots, it jumpedup and walked after the farmer. All the cars and buses can go at last.

( )1, I went to the park

A, with my friend B, with my father C, With Sam

( )2, father and I saw

A, some animals B, some folwers C, a donkey

( )3, The buses and cars can’t go because

A, The donkey was in themiddle of the road.21cnjy.com

B, The policeman can’t letthem go.

C, The farmer were not onthe road.

( )4, The donkey was 21・cn・jy・com

A, mine B, the farmer’s C, the polimeman’s

( )5, took some carrots to the donkey.2・1・c・n・j・y

A, My father B, I C, The farmer.


Where my shirt, mother?

Do you know?

Is it in the boxes?

Let’s me have a look.

Where is mine new one?

I don’t knew. What aboutthis one?

Is it to small?

I think it’s allright.



教材所列的生词表中的部分词汇是以前学过的词汇,如:immense, impressed, label等很多单词曾在前8册的词汇表中出现过,在9、10册单词表中的重现更加深了学生的印象,毕竟新教材中的生词太多了。有的词汇是以前学过的,但赋予了不同含义。如:stand 一词,以前学习的是它的动词意义“站立、矗立”,在第10册教材中学习它的名词意义“架、座、台”。再如:以前学过question一词,在第10册教材中学习它的动词意义“(警方)审问,盘问,询问”。有些词汇是以前学过的词汇的同根词。如:前8册学过alphabet,第10册中学习了alphabetical。再如:argue—arguable, imagine—imaginary—imaginable—unimaginable, enthusiastic—enthusiasm等等,举不胜举。这有利于学生有效地复习和拓展词汇。教材中还配有阅读材料和词汇练习,只要教师在教学过程中稍微加以提示,学生们就能既复习了旧知识又掌握了新知识,可谓一石二鸟,一举两得。词汇练习的设计,侧重了同根词的考查和词义的猜测,这也在引导学生如何学习词汇,在渗透一种学习方法和理念并培养学生对词义进行猜测的能力。这体现了教材在编排时注重基础教育阶段语言知识的复现、综合练习和重新认识。


苏霍姆林斯基说:“当知识与积极的活动紧密联系在一起的时候,学习才能成为孩子们精神生活的一部分。”9、10册教材的文章涉猎范围从国内到国外,从历史到人文,从小说到诗歌,从动物到人物到高科技等等,各种题材、各种话题的文章真实、地道、经典,美不胜收,既开阔了学生的视野,激发了学生的兴趣,又让学生增长了语言知识,提高了对事物的认识和分析能力。第10册Module 2 讲述的是澳大利亚的危险动物这一话题,同时又引入了野外生存、人与动物的和平共处等话题,使学生受益匪浅。在Pride and Prejudice 和 My Fair Lady 单元,不仅有对故事的概述,有对人物的点评,更让人兴奋的是还有节选的原著内容,让学生接触到了原汁原味的文章。

三、9、10册增加了Presentation Skills 部分

这一部分引进了不同话题及表达方法,有效地对学生的口头表达和书面表达作了指导。特别是对话题作文,以前学生面对一个话题,似乎有很多话要说但不知道从何说起。在学完Presentation Skills里的表达方法和表达策略后,学生们知道如何运用所学的语言知识来表达自己的看法了。如第10册Module 2 Presentation Skills,内容为Writing a set of instructions。编者先给出了Activity I : Read the instructions...又给出了Activity II: Tips for writing instructions...最后,总结了write a set of instructions 需要注意的事项。这样学生清楚地了解了如何写 a set of instructions,就能把所想到的东西清楚明白地运用所学的知识表达出来,提升了学生的语用能力,使学生形成了较强的内化语言的能力,促进了语言的输出。

四、9、10册还增加了Language in Use 部分





[关键词]七年级英语 阅读 教学策略

[中图分类号] G633.41 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 16746058(2015)190029


新课程提倡学生在教师指导下进行自主、合作、探究的学习,让每一位学生能在课堂上感受到学习语言的喜悦和成就感,进而促进学生积极参与良性发展,提高语言综合运用能力。《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011版解读)对初一学生语言技能阅读的标准为:(1)能正确地朗读课文。(2)能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令。(3) 能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意。(4)能初步使用简单的工具书。(5) 课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上。如何让学生随着知识和词汇的增加逐步提高阅读水平,增强阅读兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯,就需要教师立足课堂教学,开展有效的阅读教学。在阅读教学中,我一般采用以下四个策略,即导入策略、词汇策略、分析理解策略和课后巩固策略。



1.对故事性较强的阅读课文,以设问导入。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Story time 教学时,学生通过学习unit1的故事,对Goldilocks这个小女孩非常感兴趣,想知道小女孩在进入小熊家之后发生了什么事,于是在上unit2阅读课时,我通过设计问题来引入阅读课文:What did Goldilocks do when she saw the three bears? Did Goldilocks go for a walk in the forest again? 通过提问激起学生学习的兴趣,因为兴趣是促成他们阅读的动力。

2.对学生感兴趣的话题,以讨论导入。如进行七年级上册(外研版新标准)Module 5 My school day教学时,因为学生对贴近学习生活的话题比较感兴趣,因此上课时我以What is your school day like ?为主线,让学生以小组为单位进行讨论,以表格的形式将日常的学习、生活时间、具体内容呈现在活动卡上,讨论结束后,小组成员还可以到其他组参观其他成果,讨论的气氛变得相当热烈。这样对于转入阅读课文就很自然,学生的课堂状态很好,阅读欲望很高,阅读效率自然就高。

3.对文化意识的话题,以视听形式导入。根据课文内容选出一些话题,用视听的形式呈现,吸引学生的注意力。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 6 Around town的教学时,通过课前播放视频,让学生了解英国首都伦敦的一些著名景点,从而进一步自然过渡到课文的学习。




1. 表演呈现,感悟词汇的趣味

运用表演法进行词汇教学。表演法就是教师运用动作(body language)和表情来教学具有动感或感情色彩的词汇。实际上,表演也是创设真实情景的有效手段之一,教师可以与学生一起做动作,促进学生积极参与词汇学习活动。如在学到七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house时,让学生进行与这个主题相关的词汇演绎活动,根据新单词asleep、return、cry、shout、jump、point at、 in pieces,学生以两人为单位,一位学生读单词,另一位学生做动作,这样既提高了单词记忆效率,又激发了学生学习后面阅读课文的兴趣,有效地促进了后面阅读课文的理解。


词汇的意义在于特定的语境中,只有在上下文中词义才能明确和具体,如果脱离语境进行词汇教学,即使学生记住了词汇的形式和意义,也很难将其运用于实际交际活动中。因此,词汇教学应融入句子和语篇的教学中,做到词不离句,句不离篇。教师应为学生创设运用所学语言的语境,深化学生在语境中熟悉词义,掌握其用法,理解词汇的意蕴。针对学生学习词汇的这种倾向,在阅读教学中有意识地创设情境教学,让学生参与到学习理解生词的教学活动中,通过上下文的语境来理解识记,而不是死记硬背。在进行七年上册(外研版新标准)Module 7 Computers的阅读单元时 ,我设计了一段话让学生猜词, You can use your computer to do lots of things on the Internet. you can listen to music or watch movies on it. You can search information. If you want to travel, you can buy train tickets on it. You can also check your email, or send emails to friends. When you are free, you can play lots of computer games.通过上下文语境的联系,大多数学生都能猜测、理解和掌握这些词语,在真正的语言环境中理解了词语的含义。

3. 阅读后的词汇巩固

学生对阅读理解课中的词汇掌握不是单靠一两个环节就可完成,需要不断地重复、加强和巩固。特别是对于七年级学生来说,由于没有较多的英语知识积累,学得快忘得快,因此需要以不同的方式不断呈现巩固。通常在教完一篇阅读课文后,让学生用所学的关键词汇来概括归纳或缩写课文,在语境中运用词汇,熟悉课文内容,巩固所学词汇,做到学以致用,切实地提高了他们的阅读理解能力。例如,学完七年级下册(外研版新标准)module 7 的阅读单元,我就设计了短文填空,让学生运用刚学到的重要的单词、短语来完成短文。Quincy is a small town on the east coast of America, two presidents of the US were born here. Betty was also born there twelve years ago. She lived in a comfortable house with a big living room, a kitchen , a bathroom and three bedrooms . Behind the house ,there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it . There was lots to do there, so Betty wasnt bored.


著名教育家叶圣陶先生说:“教是为了不教”。吕叔湘先生也指出:“教学 ,教学,就是教学生学”。可见教师的主导作用还在于做好学生学习的向导,使学生不仅学到知识,而且懂得如何去学。

首先,要教会学生猜测、概括或推理的策略。教师要指导学生选择合适的猜词技巧:根据上下文提供的内容猜测;根据题目来猜测。其次要鼓励学生对每一篇文章运用自己的背景知识来分析文中可能会出现的观点或情景。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 3 Unit 2 We are going to cheer the players这篇文章的教学时,要求学生讨论自己在周末或假期时打算做的事,带着自己的计划走入文中,感受be going to 结构的用法。


最后,要教给学生精读的策略。精读的目的在于理清句、篇的正确意思。当阅读遇到一些生词、难句,教会学生正确利用语境理解文章思想和内涵。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module5 Shopping中take 一词教学中,因为之前已经接触过take的两种意思,这单元的出现已是第三种意思了,所以应该适当讲解。但还是通过句、篇理解更为恰当,如:1. Tom often takes a bike to school . 2. I will take this T-shirt. 3. Shopping usually takes a lot of time. 通过以上句子的比较,让学生自己体验take在不同句子中的不同意思和用法。


在经过了导入和阅读阶段的训练,学生对文章的整体有了较好的理解。为了帮助学生构建知识框架,深化文章内涵领悟,教师有必要设计形式多样的练习,以巩固学习的效果,如:复述或角色表演、提炼文章、背诵课文、书面表达等。如在学习七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house后,可以让学生分组将故事情节进行表演,每位学生都参与到表演中,再次升华学习的内容,充分调动学生的学习兴趣。此外,七年级英语教材中,每个单元都有一个话题。学生经过了以上阅读知识的输入和大量的练习巩固后,可以根据每单元的话题,借鉴课文中背诵的经典词句,进行拓展性的书面写作,提高学生学习后的综合运用能力。


[ 参 考 文 献 ]

[1]陈琳, Simon Greenall. 新标准英语初一上、下学生用书[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2013.






一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1.A.like B.love C.list()2.A.four B.fifteen C.fifty()3.A.this B.that C.those()4.A.took B.take C.taken()5.A.short B.shorts C.small()6.A.well B.good C.better()7.A.kind B.cake C.kid()8.A.after B.before C.behind()9.A.sad B.angry C.tired()10A.toliet B.kitchen C.living room 二.听音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分)()1.A.There are thirty children in the playground.B.There is a cap in the desk.()2.A.What time does Jim get up? B.What time does your school start?()3..A.Is Daming feeling hungry? B.Is Lingling feeling thirsty?()4.A.Don’t shout,please!

B.Don’t walk on the grass.()5.A.We met John in the park.B.We went to the zoo.三.听音,现在正确答语。(10分)

()1.A.No,she didn’t.B.No,she don’t.()2.A.I dropped my ice cream.B.I bought some bananas.()3.A.It’s raning.B.It is a hot dog.()4.A.They went there by plane.B.They saw monkeys there.()5.A.You can catch the ball well.B.You ‘re a fantastic goalkeeper.四、听录音,根据录音内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)


1、Amy came back from China.()

2、Let’s buy one kilo of noodles.()

3、That T-shirt is Sam’s.()

4、This girl is blind.She can’t see.()

5、John feels very happy.笔试部分(70分)


()1.apple A.catch B.along C.place()2.think A.those B.mother C.healthy()3.book A.school B.food C.cook()4.class A.cat B.nice C.rice()5.year A.pear B.dear C.chair 六.按要求给下列单词分类(5分)

A.ran B.fifty C.with D.took E.near F.eighty G.for H.met I.visited J.fourteen 1.数词:___________________________________________ 2.动词过去式:_____________________________________ 3.介词:____________________________________________ 七.根据汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)

1.What do you do(在操场上)________ _______ ________? 2.I found the milk ______ ______ _______.(在厨房里)3.How many ________(蜡笔)did you buy? 4.Where did Tom lose his ________(尺子)?

5.There are ________(60个)children in the classroom.6.It’s __________.(危险的)八.选择题(10分)

()1.Please _______ the books,Sam.A.gives out B.give out C.give to()2.Thirty girls and fourty girls are_______girls.A.seventy B.seventeen C.eighty()3.I didn’t win the game ,I feel _______.A.pleased B.happy C.sad()4.Yesterday I went to ______ school.A.Sam’s and Jim’s B.Sam and Jim C.Sam and Jim’s()5._____ did you do at nine o’clock on Saturday?-----:I read a book.A.Where B.What C.How()6.I want three ______ of sweets.A.box B.boxs C.boxes()7.I can play football _____.A.good B.well C.bad()8.The first thing _____ some bread A.is B.are C.were()9.Lingling is good at ______.A.sing B.singing C.sings()10.They ______ lots of places last Friday.A.visits B.visit C.visited 九.按要求完成各题(10分)

1.hour(同音词)__________ 2.that(复数)_________ 2.we(宾格)____________ 4.meet(过去式)_____________ 5.run(过去式)_________ 6.ring(过去式)__________ 7.lose(过去式)__________ 8.win(过去式)__________ 9.swim(过去式)____________ 10.past(同音词)__________ 十.选词填空。(5分)

went many whose useful dangerous 1 Be careful!It’s ________ here!2 Yesterday he _______ to the zoo.3 How ______ apples do you want? 4 _____ hag is this? 5 Dogs can help people.They are very ________.十一.将问句和答语连线。(5分)

1.How do you feel? A.Seven 2.Can you run fast? B.Yes, I did.3.Did you wash your coat? C.I feel tired.4.Is it Jimmy’s sweater? D.No, I can’t.5.How many days are there in the week? E.No, it isn’t.十二.口语应用(10分)


1、早上到学校后,和老师和同学打招呼时,说: A、Goodbye.B、Good morning.C、Good evening.()

2、想证实这是否是对方的包,你问: A、Is this your bag? B、What’s this? C、Is this your cat?



A、Have a seat.B、How much do you want? C、How are you?


4、经过了一天的学习,你非常的累,你会说: A、I’m very happy.B、I’m very,very tired.C、I’m bored.()

5、看到别人球打得好,说: A、You can play basketball well.B、Can you play football well.C、No,I can’t.十三、读对话,判断后面的陈述是否正确,若正确,在相应的括号里划“√”表示,反之,划“×”表示。(10分)

John:I like my village.It’s beautiful(美丽的).There are many rivers and bridges in the village.The water is clean.The air is fresh.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.Chen Jie:I like my city.There are many tall buildings and roads in the city.And there is a big bookstore(书店)in the city.I can buy(买)books in it.John:Are there any rivers in your city?

Chen Jie:No, there aren’t.But there is a bueatiful lake.Are there any mountains near your village?

John:Yes, there are.There are many mountains.Chen Jie:Are there any monkeys in the mountain?

John:No, there aren’t.()1.John’s village is very beautiful.()2.There are many cars and buses in John’s village.()3.There aren’t any rivers in Chen Jie’s city.()4.There is a bookstore in Chen Jie’s city.()5.There are many monkeys in the mountain.五年级英语上册期末检测试题










七、1.in the playground 2.in the kitchen 3.crayons 4.ruler 5.sixty.八、1--5:BACCB 6--10:CBABC

九、1.our 2.those 3.us 4.met 5.ran 6.rang 7.lost 8.won 9 swam 10.passed

十、1.dangerous 2.went 3.many 4.whose 5.useful

十一、1-C 2-D 3-B 4-E 5-A




1. A. Yes, it is. B. Thank you. C. No, it isn’t.

2. A. Good idea. B. By bike. C. Enjoy yourself.

3. A. I agree with you. B. I’m sorry. C. I can spell them.

4. A. He was late for school. B. He’s from England. C.He’s 12 years old.

5. A. It’s very interesting. B. That sounds great.

C. You should read a lot of books.


6. When did the man begin to study English?

A. Last year. B. This year. C. This morning.

7. What should the man do in class?

A. Speak more English.

B. Write down the mistakes.

C. Speak more English and write down the mistakes.

8. Who thinks understanding the TV programmes in English is easy?

A. The man. B. The woman. C. Both of them.

9. When does the man watch English films and listen to English songs?

A. On Saturdays. B. On Sundays. C. At weekends.

10. Why is the woman good at English?

A. Because she likes English.

B. Because she is from England.

C. Because she practises it every day.


11. What did Lingling’s teacher give her last year?

A. Some books. B. Some magazines. C. Some advice.

12. You should check you spelling if you want to learn English well.

A. with a book B. with a classmate C. with a dictionary

13. Where should you write down the mistakes?

A. In the English books. B. In the exercise books. C. In the notebooks.

14. How often should you check your vocabulary book and read English books?

A. Every week. B. Every day. C. Every hour.

15. What else is good for you to learn English?

A. Listening to English songs.

B. Listening to music.

C. Listening to pop songs.


16. Don’t be afraid of new words. You can in the dictionary.

A. look at them B. look for them

C. look them up D. look them over

17. —Have you bought for Linda’s birthday?

—Not exactly. Just some flowers.

A. something unusual B. anything unusual

C. unusual something D. unusual anything

18. Stay away from junk food, please! It’s bad for us, for children!

A. recently B. especially C. probably D. immediately

19. —How was the food in the town?

—Terrible, we still had a good time there.

A. or B. so C. but D. because

20. — is the population of your city?

—About two million.

A. How B. What C. How many D. How much

21. This place is not big enough for Lucy’s birthday party. We should find a one.

A. big B. small C. bigger D. smaller

22. —When did your uncle Shanghai?

—The day before yesterday.

A. arrive in B. get C. reach to D. arrive at

23. The football team played well, but they didn’t the competition.

A. score B. beat C. succeed D. win

24. —Sorry. I have taken your book by mistake.

— .

A. That’s right B. Not at all C. All right D. Never mind

25. —Remember this, John. careful you are, mistakes you will make.

—Thanks, Miss Rose.

A. The more; the less B. The more; the fewer

C. The less; the fewer D. The more; the more

26. Sorry, I took your MP3 by mistake. I’ll be careful next time.

A. most B. more C. much D. less

27. — is the library from our school?

—It’s quite near. Just go the road.

A. How far; cross B. How long; across

C. How far; across D. How long; cross

28. It took me two weeks reading the novels written by Guo Jingming.

A. finish B. to finish C. finishes D. finishing

29. —What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?

—Oh! It’s one of films I’ve ever seen.

A. interesting B. more interesting

C. most interesting D. the most interesting

30. —We’ll go for a picnic if it this Sunday.

—Wish you a lovely weekend.

A. will rain B. doesn’t rain C. won’t rain D. rains

31. —Does the soup nice?

—Yes. It’s hot, but really delicious.

A. sound B. feel C. look D. taste

32. —Miss Li, could you give me on English learning?

—Certainly. First you should speak English every day.

A. any advices B. many advices C. some advice D. some advices

33. —Happy birthday to you, Mary!

— .

A. Thanks a lot B. The same to you C. You’re welcome D. It’s kind of you

34. —Is that girl Susan?

—It be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.

A. needn’t B. can’t C. need D. must

35. —Mum, must I stay there the whole day?

—No, you .You come back after lunch, if you like.

A. mustn’t; can B. needn’t; must C. needn’t; may


What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to 36 at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith 37 hard in a factory during the 38 . On weekends, he 39 does the same thing. On Saturdays, he washes his car and on 40 he goes to a village (村庄) with his family by car. His uncle and aunt 41 a farm (农场) there. It isn’t a big one, but there is always 42 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some 43 . Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field (田野). At the end of the day, they are all 44 and Mr Smith’s aunt always 45 them a big meal.

36. A. play B. stay C. look D. go

37. A. works B. does C. makes D. studies

38. A. days B. years C. weekdays D. months

39. A. usually B. sometimes C. hardly ever D. never

40. A. Saturdays B. Sundays C. Thursdays D. Fridays

41. A. find B. has C. bring D. have

42. A. much B. many C. any D. most

43. A. cakes B. rice C. food D. fruit

44. A. hungry B. angry C. funny D. happy

45. A. does B. puts C. finds D. gives

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


Do you like playing soccer? If you do, you may want to join the school soccer team. Read on and see how to join the school soccer team.

The first step is to know the information about the team. You can find more information by asking these questions. How many students are there in the soccer team? How many new players do they need? How often do they play soccer?

The second step is to practice. Practice soccer with your friends or your family. Only good players can join the school soccer team. So you need to practice your skill.

The third step is to study hard. If you always get bad grades in the exam, your teachers and parents won’t let you join the soccer team.

The last step is to relax. Don’t be too nervous. You can take a deep breath and keep smiling. Believe in yourself and you can be the best player.

46. Which is not the suitable question according to the second paragraph?

A. How often do they play soccer?

B. Can I join the school team?

C. How many students are there in the soccer team?

D. How many new players do they need?

47. Which step is about studying hard?

A. The first step. B. The second step.

C. The third step. D. The last step.

48. If you always get bad grades in the exam, won’t let you join the soccer team.

A. your teachers and parents B. your classmates and friends

C. your parents and friends D. your teachers and classmates

49. What does the underlined word “skill” mean in Chinese?

A.锻炼 B.技能 C.实践 D.方法

50. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. It’s about how to join the school soccer team.

B. It’s about how to be a good soccer player.

C. It’s about how to get good grades in the exam.

D. It’s about how to make more friends at school.


Maybe you are an average (一般的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student (尖子生). However, anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips (技巧) to help you.

Plan your time carefully. You should plan your time for such things as eating, sleeping and dressing. Then make a good, regular time for studying, but don’t forget to set enough time for entertainment (娱乐).

Keep your study quiet and clean. The study should have a desk, a chair and some study materials (资料), but no games, no radio and no television! When you sit down to study, you can put your heart into it. Make good use of your time.

Listen to everything that the teacher says. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

After you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss next day, read the material. It will help you study better.

Develop a good attitude (态度) to tests. The purpose (目的) of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. It helps you know what you are not good at. The world will still go on even if (即使) you fail (不及格) in a test, so don’t be too worried.

51. How many tips are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

52. What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese?

A.学习B.研究 C.书房 D.教室

53. Which is a good place for studying?

A. A clean and beautiful place.

B. The place with a computer.

C. The place with a television and a radio.

D. A quiet place with a chair, a desk and some study materials.

54. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The test is the most important for a student.

B. After class, you should review what you have learned.

C. You should listen to your teacher and take notes carefully in class.

D. When you plan your time, you should think of the time for eating, sleeping and so on.

55. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. How to become a top student.

B. How to plan your time.

C. How to study English.

D. How to take notes.


56. Can you show me how (use) the washing machine?

57. —I can’t work out the difficulty problem.

—Why not (ask) your brother for help?

58. You don’t need (remember) all the new words.

59. When he heard the crying, he ran out of the room (quick).

60. It is a good way (learn) English grammar.


61. I am (有点) tired, so I want to have a rest.

62. Please _________ (注意) your handwriting.

63. China (以……而有名) the Great Wall.

64. you (为……做准备) the party?

65. Who will (参加) the game?



李扬的问题(problems) 1.当别人说英语时,他有时听不懂




你的建议(advice) 1.尽量听大意(main idea)而不是每个单词




Dear Li Yang,

I know it’s not easy for you to learn English, but I have some advice that may help you.

