





姓名: 性别:女 学校:河南工业职业技术学院 学历:大专 专业:计算机应用 年龄:22 电话: E-mail:




  在学校期间用所学PhotoShop、Illustrator知识,在威客网的一些项目上,做过一些简单的logo设计,用XHTML+CSS做过一些相关网站制作项目;用InDesign软件做过学校的宣传栏、宣传海报;用Flash帮助别的系同学做过一些简单的Flash效果设计;掌握平面构成、色彩构成和立体构成,有一定美术功底;

在班级担任“文艺委员”职务,每周会负责班级里面的板报、节目流程等工作; 丰富的社团干部经验,使自己拥有良好的组织协调能力和团队合作意识,并具有良好的沟通能力。

在校拿到过国家助学金; 


1、2011年07--2012年02 北京中科院天博计算机技术有限公司 WEB前端助理工程师

 2011年7月 宣传云台山海报的制作


项目描述:海报能体现千姿百态的飞瀑流泉,如诗如画的奇峰异石,这些都是的云台山形成了其独特完美的自然景观; 应用软件:PhotoShop;

业务逻辑:此海报以传统的风格体现深邃幽静的云台上特色,体现云台山的原始生林; 心得体会:广告语一定要简洁凝练,朗朗上口才能让消费者更容易记住,PS的色彩搭配,布局的掌握,都让我有了改善;  2011年10月 门户网站制作(爱丽)


应用软件:Photoshop、Dreamweaver、Fireworks、Javascript 负责内容:图片处理和选取,网页布局;


 2011年12月企业网页(紫荆城-建福宫)


应用软件:Photoshop、Fireworks、负责内容:图片处理和选取,网页布局; 心得体会:使用Photoshop页面布局效果,提高了我对色彩形象的感受力、色彩的搭配、工作质量;






 

 

 精通XHTML+CSS网页制作技术;


能够有效解决和改善IE、Mozilla Firefox、Chrome、Saifar、Opera等浏览器的兼容性问题;掌握图象处理与后期合成制作;






 感谢您能阅读此简历,真诚希望能与您共同发展,希望贵公司蒸蒸日上;


1、学校和校外的各种网站后台以及 WEB 管理系统的设计制作


3、WEB 服务器的一些调整及设置 2005 年 3 月 至 2005 年 12 月 在 深圳海为公司 任职 主要工作职责:

1、设计开发 一起来(i170)社区第一版

2、WEB 服务器的一些调整和设置


1、精通 ASP、SQL 标准语句,熟悉 C# 语言和 ASP.NET 开发,熟悉 AJAX 技术。

2、熟悉 SQL Server、Mysql 等数据库系统的使用,了解其他数据库的一些基本应用。

3、熟悉 XHTML、CSS、Javascript,可以写出 W3C 标准代码。

4、了解 PHP、JAVA 等其他开发语言

5、熟悉 Windows 服务器的配置及操作,了解 *NIX 等服务器操作系统
世纪英才 http:// 简介:网络上使用人数最多,最流行的单用户博客(BLOG)系统之一,系统快速高效,功能强大,使用 ASP + Access 开发

2、i170-一起来社区 http:// 简介:i170 第一版 WEB 端主要开发人员,参与了架构的设计和绝大部分编码。使用 ASP + SQL Server 2000 开发

3、Geekera – 极客地带 http:// 简介: 2006 年自学.NET 开发的作品,因为是学习中开发,所以没有最终成型的产品。使用 ASP.NET 2.0(C#)+ SQL Server 2005 开发

4、秦都区政府网站 http://(多人合作)简介:秦都区政府网站于 2002 年改版,主要负责后台与前台的连接,以及部分前后台 代码和页面

5、彩虹用户质量信息月报系统 简介:基于 B/S 结构的信息管理系统,彩虹集团内部使用,使用 ASP + SQL Server 开发

6、稷山县供电支公司网站 http:// 简介:稷山县供电支公司网站

于 2005 年 1 月 10 日开始制作,整个网站独立制作完成,使用 ASP + Access 开发

7、陕西科技大学录取查询系统 简介:2003、2004 年陕西科技大学录取查询系统,方便考生查询自己是否被陕西科技 大学录取,使用 ASP + Access 开发

8、陕西科技大学招生咨询系统 简介:2003、2004 年陕西科技大学招生咨询系统,方便考生向陕西科技大学咨询招生 方面的问题,开辟书信,电话咨询第三媒体,使用 ASP + Access 开发

9、陕西科技大学校长在线 简介:陕西科技大学校长在线,陕西科技大学学生与校长交流的平台,共同促进陕西科 技大学的发展,使用 ASP + Access 开发



0 引言

元数据, 就是关于数据的数据。更准确一点说:元数据是描述流程、信息和对象的数据。本文中所表示的元数据主要是指用于描述模型、视图和数据各自内部的组成及关系。本文将提出一种系统生成驱动引擎, 在Web应用程序的开发过程中, 根据元数据管理表中包含的元数据信息, 自动生成Web应用程序。这一程序较好地解决了传统Web应用程序开发中的自适应性不强的问题。

1 系统体系结构

本系统大体分为三层结构, 针对数据模型元数据、视图元数据、控制元数据分别建立生成引擎, 然后通过这3个引擎结合应用程序元数据生成Web应用程序, 如图1所示。

其中, 视图元数据主要描述页面元素各种物理属性, 如显示位置、大小信息、对齐方式、是否显示、字体信息、颜色设置等等;控制元数据主要描述Web应用所包含功能的各种操作及相互之间的关系, 例如, 请求路径、类型、名称、生成周期、是否登陆、下一步切换动作等等;数据模型元数据对Web应用系统中所涉及的数据属性和逻辑关系进行详细的描述, 如唯一性、主外键关系、对应数据字典表等等。上述数据作为元数据管理表中的内容的存储及维护。

页面设计成引擎, 按照用户发出的请求, 根据视图元数据, 通过中间件技术, 动态生成Web应用界面;页面流程生成引擎根据控制元数据所包含的功能流程信息, 生成页面切换及其他动作, 用于实现Web应用的功能;数据库操作生成引擎根据数据模型元数据在运行期动态生成查询语句和数据操作语句, Web应用程序与底层数据库之间的交互访问。

2 系统的实现

除了建立3个生成引擎, 系统用于元数据到Web应用程序的实现。本系统还需要增加对元数据管理表的维护功能, 用于元数据表的创建、维护和基于元数据实现系统。

限于篇幅的原因, 本文重点介绍视图元数据和页面设计生成引擎的实现。

2.1 视图元数据表的创建

视图元数据存放在界面元数据管理表中, 其数据结构定义如表1所示。

2.2 元数据表的维护

元数据表建立之后, 需要将视图元数据添加到元数据表中, 添加的方法可以通过对数据模型的自动读取, 然后手工修改相结合来实现, 但必须保障元数据表描述的信息与系统数据库结构一致。假设有设备情况的视图, 其描述内容的数据关系如图2所示。

经过维护后, 元数据管理表中将添加如表2所示元数据, 用于页面设计。

2.3 页面自动生成

页面自动生成的基本过程就是通过读取元数据表, 判断数据库表及其字段界面呈现的控件类型, 并按照其排列顺序放置在页面中。其实现流程如图3所示。

3 结束语

基于元数据开发Web应用程序, 由于在系统设计阶段, 整个系统完全依靠元数据驱动生成, 因此需要考虑的元数据很多, 系统设计的难度较大。但一旦生成引擎和元数据构造完成, 就可能直接完成页面的生成, 极大地减少了对系统的维护工作。可以说利用该方式生成的系统越复杂越庞大、开发的效率越高。



[摘要] 在Web应用中,操作用户的信息和操作过程中的数据经常会存放在Session中,Session信息可提高程序的运行效率和灵活性。当用户退出系统后,如果不对该用户的Session信息及时清除,在一定的时间内仍有可能会驻留在服务器上,不仅会造成Web服务器资源浪费,而且更为严重的会使用户信息泄露。本文使用ASP.NET开发Web应用程序,对程序的注销技术进行一些探讨。

[关键词] Session JavaScript onunload事件





main_top.aspx的父窗口是main.htm,代码window.parent.window.close ()引发main.htm的window.onunload事件,window.onunload事件又会引发window.onbeforeunload事件,因此在main.htm的头文件中添加javascript代码:window.onunload = function() { var http = new ActiveXObject(”MSXML2.XMLHTTP”); http.open(“get”, ”Logout.aspx“);http.send();}} window.onbeforeunload = function() { event.returnValue =“关闭窗口同时将注销系统。”;}XmlHttp是一套可以在脚本语言中通过http协议传送或从接收XML及其他数据的一套API。XmlHttp最大的用处是可以更新网页的部分内容而不需要刷新整个页面。XmlHttp提供客户端同http服务器通讯的协议。客户端可以通过XmlHttp对象(MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0)向http服务器发送请求并使用微软XML文档对象模型处理回应。多数浏览器都增加了对XmlHttp的支持,IE中使用ActiveXObject方式创建XmlHttp对象,其他浏览器如:Firefox、Opera等通过window.XMLHttpRequest来创建xmlhttp对象。 main.htm在关闭之前执行Logout.aspx页面,该页面专门负责注销功能,页面上只有一个LinkButton控件,在Page_Load事件中,添加如下代码:LinkButton1_Click(sender,e);在LinkButton控件的Click事件中添加清除Session信息的代码,如:Session.Remove (“userid”);Session.Remove (“username”);Session.Remove (“lsdata”);Session.Remove (“rolesetup”)。









Female 24 years old,

Education: bachelor degree

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

Working location: fuzhou - there is no limit

Objective: other software/Internet development

Education experience

Fujian engineering college computer science and technology in school today

Project/training experience

In November 2016 - December 2016 personal blog

/ training contents of project: as a graduation design project by oneself and the other three partners do one for the game, teaching and communication of a personal blog platform. In January 2017 - February 2017 business city background project/training content: which shopping mall and both require a background to manage data. It USES ThinkPHP framework, the application of MVC, implemented in a wamp environment administrator login, add goods, merchandise display list, add classification, some background, such as classification list, add the administrator functions as needed.

Professional skills

PHP: skilled experience: 2 years

HTML: skilled experience: 3 years

C: skilled experience: 5 years

Java: general experience: 1 year


Male, 27 years old The cantonese

Education: college

Working fixed number of year: 2-3 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: a software engineer

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility

Work experience (work for three years, making the 2 job)

By science and technology

Working time: October to July ] [9 months

Job title: Java software development engineer

Job description:

1, using Java various technology development, the main use for springMVC + MyBatis, and SSH framework for project development. Participated in research and development of telecom operation system, charges module independently, has independently developed cloud notes project.

2, oneself also research and development for a small project, combined with the interests, developed a small project

Love riding a network project, the project, the main function is to realize the personal information management, and information sharing and interaction between groups.

Faw Volkswagen auto co., LTD

Working time: July to October 2015 (2 years and 3 months]

Job title: quality manager

Job content: responsible for collecting car quality problem and feedback process.

Education experience

Graduated in July 2013 Guangdong light car manufacturing and assembly technology

Self description


Age: 21 Nationality: Chinese

Residence: Guangdong - Huizhou height and weight: 178cm 60KG

Marital status: Single Education: Bachelor

School: Hunan University Major: Computer Science and Technology

Current residence: Hunan - Zhuzhou political landscape: Komsomolets

IT Skills:

1): Familiar with C / C + +,, proficient in Linux environment, familiar with Linux platform development environment set up.

2): proficient commonly used algorithm data structure, and process design Design Contest ACM Awards.

3): Familiar QT, QT practical development experience with the boost libraries have a certain understanding.

4): Familiar with TCP / IP protocol principles, and learn to achieve, and multi-threaded programming familiar with Socket

5): Familiar with Shell programming, familiar with gcc / g+ + / gdb / vim / emacs / git and write a Makefile

6): English CET4 level, able to read English fluently technical documentation, and carry out simple English

Time: /11 - 2011/12

Project Name: Qt + MySql College Students scoring system Billiton China

Title / Role: Analysis + Design + Code + test

Project job responsibilities:

This system is responsible for the school from to freshman quality Billiton extracurricular achievements are management, performance as a reference when graduation, graduation, student achievement based on its final validation. Background using MySQL storage, the client uses QT development, complete interaction with the customer.

Basic Course:

C / C + +, data structures, software engineering, operating systems, computer networks, databases, 8086 compilation, compiler theory, computer architecture, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, Computer English, Java, ASP, etc.



Male, 25,

Education: college

Working lives: within 1 year

Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - tianhe - there is no limit

Objective: the Java software development engineer | software engineer

A strong sense of responsibility Composed inside collect The good faith integrity

Work experience (work for four months, did the 1 job)

Guangzhou da software vocational training schools

Working time: in August to December 2016 (4 months)

Job title: intern Java software

Work content: skilled use MyEclipse/Eclipse/Tomcat server development tools, such as good programming habits. Be familiar with the Linux operating system familiar with Oracle/Mysql database mainstream open source framework, such as Spring, for SpringMVC, MyBatis framework, Hibernate technology to master the JSP, JQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, Junit, JSON, JDBC master CSS, HTML, XML related technologies such as St

Education experience

Graduated in December 2016 Guangzhou da software vocational training school in the Java software development

Self description

1, I am easy-going personality, has the enterprising spirit and team work spirit

2, have certain ability to learn, good at thinking, keep a good state of mind


·in charge of internet market segment analysis, and strategy alliance. setting marketing communications strategy and plan.

·well-established contacts with media, import & export agents, and government units.

·fluent in both written and spoken english. translation articles with 200,000 words published during 1990 to 1992 on transmission magazines.

·active, responsible, reliable and hardworking, self-confident.

·leadership and inter-personal communication skill.




date of birth:august 23th,1978

martial status:married

email address:@


mobile phone:


june, 1994 - march,

business operation


·conducting market studies on access development trends and competition, setting marketing communications strategy and plan, managing and coordinating technical promotion.

·annually organizing more than 10 various levels exhibitions and seminars all over the country.

·maintaining close relation with media in telecom for solutions promotion and technical advertising.

·coordinating vip customers participation of important events.

·working together with the sales team on wireless, wireline and internet access solutions promotion in china.

·as an interface between the headquarters and local team, in charge of making target market business plans, business opportunity analysis and sales report; controlling project status and making manufacture forecast; collecting customer information and making action plan.

·controlling the agents sales of line-transmission equipment, developing potential agents and arranging training programs plan.

·supporting contract implementation and customer coordination during and , solving problems arising during contract implementation.

december, 1992 - june, 1994

import & export corporation

sales manager

·in charge of import and export machinery & electronics equipment, including marketing, customer relations setting up, sales and contract implementation.


august, 1988 - june, 1992

university of post and telecommunications

computer & telecommunitcations

bachelor of computer engineering

·with the highest total score by graduation in the studied major.

·graduation thesis officially published.

·received university special english prize.

·being the division chief of student union for two years.


key account management, july 1997



Name Sex 
Birthday Birth Place 
Degree Subject 
Graduated college Tel 
E-mail objective C++程序员
Self assessment
Knowledge Frame
(1)Professional knowledge²         
(3)Computer and IT²         
(1)²        Position:²        Position:
(2)2005,Dem—2006,Jan²        Position:
Certificate and Credit


South China Computer Company

Guangzhou 510060

Tel: (020)7000000

Position Sought: Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Dalian

Qualifications: Four years‘ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience: Computer Programmer, Sough China Computer Company, Guangzhou, from 1990 to date.

Operate flow-charts, collect business infromation fro management, update methods of operation.

Adept at operating IBM-PC and Compact computers.

Educational Background: South China University of Technology. B.S. in Computer Science, July 1990. Courses included: Computer Science, Systems Design and Analysis, PASCAL Programming, Operating Systems, COBOL Programming, D-BASE Programming, FORTRAN Programming, Systems Management

Dalian No.34 Middle School, 1981-1986

English Proficiency: Fluent in speaking, reading and writing.

Hobbies: Bridge, computer games, boating, swimming.

Personal Data: Born: November 29, 1970 in Dalian; Health: Excellent; Marital Status: Single; Height: 175cm; Weight: 68kg


Personnal Data

Name:Xueyou Zhang





Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Single

Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Beihai City.


Four years’ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience

-Computer Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 2002 to date.

-Coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using Java or C.

-Coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams.

-Performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs.

-Documented all programs as completed.

-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.

-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.

Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B. S. in Computer Science, July 2002

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No. 14 Middle School, 1992―1998

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.


Homepage building and on-line chitchatting.

References: W

★ 营销员英文简历

★ 银行营销员应聘的自我介绍

★ 助理应聘英文简历

★ 毕业生个人简历-英文简历

★ 应聘办公室文秘英文简历

★ 英文简历:应聘资格谈

★ 应聘外企英文简历怎么做

★ 毕业生的英文简历怎样写

★ 机电专业毕业生英文简历
