




1、视听语言: 就是利用视觉和听觉的双重刺激向受众传播某种信息的一种感性语言,是电影的艺术手段,是利用镜头与镜头之间的组合来表达特殊意义,讲述故事,表达内容与情感的方法,是一种电影创作者与观众沟通的符号系统。


3、剪辑: 剪辑师要依照剧情发展和结构的要求,将各个镜头的画面和声音,经过选择.,整理和修剪,然后按照剪辑规则和一定的叙事规则,以一定的顺序组接起来,成为一部结构完整,内容连贯,含义明确并且具有艺术感染力的影片。

4、景别 :在影视画面中,一般是指被摄对象在镜头中所呈现出的视野范围,他决定观众将看到多少主题内容(面积大小0



7、几何角度 :几何角度与摄相机镜头的位置有直接的关系,包括拍摄高度和拍摄方向两个内容。


9、镜头运动 :从广义上说来说,镜头运动应该分为固定镜头和运动镜头两种。

10、运动镜头 :是相对比较复杂的一种镜头运动方式,是指摄像机持续运动拍摄的画面,即在一个画面中通过移动摄像机机位,或者改变镜头光轴,或者变化镜头焦距而进行的拍摄。










22、色彩基调: 色彩基调是之一族色彩关系在一幅画面,一个片段乃至全片中形成的色彩倾向,展现色彩的总体特征








30、重复场面调度: 重复场面调度一般指重复出现两次或两次以上相同或相似的较色调度和镜头调度








38、镜头组接 :镜头组接是把每一个镜头按照一定的顺序和手法连接起来,成为一个具有条理性和逻辑性的整体,是一种方法和技巧。











49、无源音乐:无源音乐是指没有比较明显的时空特征,在影片画面中不存在声音发出的音源 50、音效:动作音效是由影片中的角色运动所产生的声音,环境音效主要是指自然界的音响效果




A 构图: 主要是指画面的安排,即把和画面内各个组成部分构成一个统一的画面整体

B 色彩: 不仅仅是更加逼真的在线显示,还能营造环境氛围,加强戏剧效果,同时也体现出创作者的思想感情以及角色的性格特点等

C 光线: 光线是展现环境体现角色性格的重要表达方式,而却在屏幕上表现各种视觉形象,包括他们的空间位置,形状,颜色,物理性质,变化和运动等,也都离不开光










摇镜头:摄像机的位置不动只是改变镜头的拍摄方向 移镜头:摄像机的位置平行移动










A 利用短焦距镜头有利于表现宏伟的群众场面、辽阔的田野、壮观的建筑以及复杂的纵深调度等多层景物的场景。

B 利用短焦距镜头的透视效果强的特点进行拍摄,有时候用于人物对话中,拉开两人的空间距离,进而表现出他们心理上的隔阂。

C 利用短焦距镜头线条透视的夸张变形效果形成某种特殊的表现意义。不仅改变画面的深度空间,在纵向空间,它的夸张效果使景物显得更加高大、雄伟,并以一种对客观景物变形和夸张的造型效果撞击着观众的审美心境,赋予画面某种特殊意义。D 短焦距镜头有助于刻画人物某种性格。


A 由于长焦镜头视角窄,影像放大率大的特点,即使在远距离拍摄时也能够摄出被摄对象的小景别画面,从而使被摄对象突出地表现出来。B 利用长焦距镜头的远摄功能,可以拍摄距离较远的对象,追求真实自然地艺术效果。

C 由于长焦距离镜头的景深小,除主体意外,前后景都可以处于模糊状态,可以把不可回避的杂乱背景虚化,从而减少杂乱背景的干扰,达到突出主体的目的

D 长焦距镜头透视感弱,可以压缩处于纵向空间的被摄对象之间的空间距离,能够把多层景物和人物压缩在一起,加强画面拥挤,堵塞和紧张的感觉,从而使画面形象饱满,烘托环境气氛。

E 长焦距镜头拍摄横向运动的物体时,前后景在画面中变化快且虚,横向跟拍运动物体可以获得横向跟移的效果,增强画面的视觉节奏感,表现紧张,不安和欢快等情绪。

F 长焦距镜头拍摄还可以完成焦点的转换,突出被摄对象。

G 长焦距镜头常常用于拍摄人物肖像,拍摄人物面部特写可以正确还原出人脸的五官比例





光位:按照光源位置和照射角度可以分为顺光、侧光、侧逆光、逆光、顶光、脚光和平行光 直射光和散射光:按光线的性质分可分为直射光和散射光



A 对角色形象的造型作用,被摄对象只有在光线的照明下,才能使观众认识到它的形象,有了“形”,才可以以“形”写神,以“形”传神 B 对角色形象的情感进行刻画。

C 对角色形象具有社会角色的刻画作用,即光线的照明作为某种理念或观点的表征,使得在画面中的角色形象因为某种光线或者影调的出现而具有一种特定的隐喻、象征或比喻的效果,从而使作品生化到某种象征的高度。


A 影响构图平衡:光线控制着画面的明暗关系,影响着画面的平衡,因此在构图上可以通过光线打破画面的绝对平衡,形成动势,加快叙事的节奏。

B 突出主体形象:影片可以通过光线照明产生明暗效果突出主体,强调画面的兴趣中心。


A色彩之冷暖,不同的色彩可以使人产生冷暖、轻重等感觉 B色彩之轻重,色彩的轻重感主要与色彩的明度有关









A 三角形拍摄原理,场景中两个中心角色之间的关系轴线是以他们相互视线的走向为基础的。在关系轴线的两侧顶点与轴线中心外侧顶点构成一个底边与关系线平行的三角形

B 内反拍与外反拍,台摄像机都处于关系轴线同一侧,机位方向基本相背,分别向外对着各自主体进行拍摄,称为内反拍角度。摄像机处于关系轴线的同一侧,向里对着主体,称为外反拍角度。

C 骑轴镜头,骑轴镜头是两个摄像机处在轴线上,背对背或者正面相对分别拍摄各自主体






A 镜头组接必须符合观众心理和生活逻辑 B景别的变化要采取循序渐进的方法 C镜头组接要遵循轴线规律 D镜头组接要遵循“动接动”“静接静”的规律 E镜头组接的时间长度应遵循观众视觉心理的规律 F镜头组接要注意影调和色彩的过渡 G镜头组接节奏应符合情节发展需要


















1)The one I am thinking....losing itself in the shadowy distance.(此时此刻显现在我脑海中的这个中东集市,其入口处是一座古老的砖石结构的哥特式拱门。你首先要穿过一个赤日耀眼、灼热逼人的大型露天广场,然后走进一个凉爽、幽暗的洞穴。这市场一直向前延伸,一眼望不到尽头,消失在远处的阴影里。)

2>The machine is operated by one man.....and theoccasional grunts and sighs of the camels(这套装臵是由一个人操作的。他先将亚麻籽浆铲入一只大石缸里,继而动作利索地爬上令人头晕目眩的高处系牢缆索,然后全身使劲压在一根用树干做成的粗大的横梁上,带动缆索的滑轮装臵运转。古木大梁压得嘎吱作响,缆索开始绷紧,接着便见一滴滴的油沿着一条石槽流入一只废旧汽油桶里。随着大梁越压越低,缆索越绷越紧,大梁的嘎吱声,石磙的辘辘声,以及骆驼不时发出的咕噜咕噜的呼吸声和叹息声响成一片,榨出的油也很快地由涓滴细流变成了一股晶莹发亮、奔腾不止的洪流。)


1)And secondly,.....Was I not at the scene of the crime?(其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一套令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗?)

2)Quite unexpectedly,.....had lingered on to die in slow agony.(出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时袭扰着我的那种异样的忧伤情绪竟在这时重新袭上心头,我的心情又难受起来,因为我又一次意识到自己臵身于曾遭受第一颗原子弹轰击的现场。这儿曾有成千上万的生命顷刻之间即遭毁灭,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的煎熬中慢慢死去。)

3)There are two different schools of thought...at the point of impact(在这个以牡蛎闻名的城市里有两种截然不同的意见,一种主张保存原子弹爆炸留下的痕迹,另一种则主张销毁一切痕迹,甚至要拆除立于爆炸中心的纪念碑。)


5)Each day that I escape death......I have the opportunity to improve my character每当我从死神那儿挣脱出来的那一天,每当病痛将我从尘世烦恼中解放出来的那一天,我都要叠一只新的小纸鸟,加到原有的纸鸟群里去。我就这样看着这些纸鸟,庆幸病痛给自己带来的好运。因为正是我的病痛使我有了怡养性情的机会。

U3Ships in the Desert

1)But the most significant change.....the global atmosphere is still picking up speed迄今为止,地球大气层最重要的变化始于上世纪初的工业命,变化速度自那以后逐渐加快。工业意味着先是煤、后是石油消耗。我们燃烧了大量的煤和石油——导致大气层二氧化碳含的增加,这就使更多的热量得以留存在大气层中,从而使地球的候逐渐变暖。离南极极点不到一百码远,在雪上飞机降落的冰铺道上风处,科学家们一日数次地测量大气,以便绘制图表记录下无情的变化。雪上飞机在冰铺跑道上降落后,引擎仍得保持运聋以防金属部件冻住而无法发动。在我访问期间,我观看了一位科家绘出那天的测量结果,把图表上一条斜度很大的上升的线再上推进。他告诉我——在这地球的尽头——很容易看清全球大层的巨大变化的速度仍在加快。

2)However, a new class of environmental......a new threat to their survival然而,新的一类环境问题确实影响全球生态系统,而这些威胁基本上是战略性的。过去四十年中大气层氯的含量增加了百分之六百,这不仅发生在那些生产与此直接相关的氟里昂的国家,而且发生在所有国家的上空,还同样发生在南极上空、北极上空和太平洋上空——从地球表面一直到天空深处。氯含量的增加破坏了地球调节太阳通过大气层射到地面的紫外线辐射量的全球程序。如果我们让氯含量继续增加,那么紫外线辐射量也将增加——终有一天会威胁到所有的动植物的生存。

3)The strategic nature of the threat now.....involve new ways of thinking about the relationship it self当前人类文明对全球环境的威胁的战略实质以及全球环境的变化对人类文明的威胁的战略实质向我们提出了一系列相似的挑战,同时也使我们产生了一些自欺欺人的期望。有的人认为,有了某种崭新的终极技术——不管是核能还是基因工程——就可以解决这个问题。还有的人则认为,只有大大减少我们对技术的依赖才能改善人类的生存环境——这种看法充其量是一种简单化的看法。真正的解决办法要从重新设计以及最终弥合文明与地球间的关系中去寻找。要完成这一点,只有通过重新仔细估量导致这种关系在较近时期内发生的剧烈变化的所有各种因素才行。改变我们与地球的关系的途径当然会涉及到新技术的发明和应用,但关键的变化将与对这种关系本身的新的思路有关。U4Everyday Use

1)In real life I am a large.......keep up with my quick witty tongue在现实生活中,我是一个身材粗壮、大骨架的妇女,粗糙的双手就好比干男人活的。冬天睡觉时,我套着绒布睡衣,;白天干活时便穿着一件罩衫。我能像男人一样毫不心慈手软地宰杀一头猪,并把它收拾干净。我身上的脂肪使我在严冬也不会觉得寒冷。我能一整天都呆在户外干活,敲碎冰块,然后打水洗衣服。从刚宰杀的猪身上取下来还冒着热气的猪肝,在明火上烤几分钟我就吃。有一年冬天,我拿一把铁锤击倒了一头公牛犊,锤子恰好砸在它两眼之间的大脑上。天黑之前,我就已经把牛肉挂起来晾着了。但是,这一切当然都不会出现在电视上。(电视上的)我是我女儿希望的那副模样;体重掉了100磅,皮肤像入锅前的大麦饼那样光滑柔嫩,头发在耀眼的灯下闪着光泽。不仅如此,我还,妙语连珠,就连卡森也望尘莫及.2)But that is mistake.....Hesitation was no part of her nature可惜,这一切都不过是白日梦,我还没清醒之前就已经意识到了。谁认识一个叫约翰逊的伶牙俐齿的家伙?谁能想象我竟然敢直视一个陌生的白人?和他们讲话时,我似乎总是有种紧张不安,随时准备溜走,头也总是扭到一边,眼睛尽可能不看他们。不过,伊迪可不这样。对任何人都无所畏惧。犹豫不决可不是她的个性。

3)I used to think she hated Maggie,....we seemed about to understand过去,我一直以为,她也很讨厌麦琪。但那是在我和教堂筹钱送她到奥古斯塔上学之前的事啦。那时,她会经常给我们读点东西,可是她丝毫没有同情心,常用这种方式把别人的文字.谎话,习惯以及生活方式强加于我俩的身上。我和麦琪别无选择,只能坐在那,表现的无所知的样子,任由她的声音凌驾于我们之上。伊迪向我们灌输了一大堆编造出来的东西和一些我们无需掌握的知识。她一脸严肃,强迫我们听她读书,等我们刚有点似懂非懂的时候,她却把我们晾在一边。简直把我俩看成了傻瓜一样。

4)I never had an education myself.....unless you try to milk them the wrong way我没有受过教育。我念完小学二年级时,学校就被关闭了。不要问我原因:1927年时的有色人种提问题可不像现在这么多。麦琪有时也给我读点东西。虽然她看不太清,但性情温和的她仍然结结巴巴地读着。她明白自己并不聪明。正如美貌与金钱一样,(上帝也没有)给她机敏。她即将嫁给约翰,托马斯(他拥有一张诚实的面孔和长了一口苔藓的牙齿)。麦琪嫁给他之后,我就没事可做了,我也许会坐在 家里随口哼上几句赞美诗,尽管我唱的不好,还总是跑调。我倒是更在行干男人的活。过去我一直喜欢挤牛奶,直到1949年时我的肋骨被牛角给顶伤了,就再也不怎么喜欢挤奶了。其实,母牛生性安静,动作迟缓,除非你挤奶时,动作不对,否则她是不会伤人的。

U5speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R



3)He wishes to destroy theRussian.....suffer the penalty of his crimes.他之所以想摧毁俄国,乃是因为他期望着一旦这一行动顺利得手,他便可以将其陆、空军主力从东线调回,投入对英伦三岛的进攻。他清楚地知道,他必须征服英国,否则,他将因其犯下的种种罪行而受到惩罚。

4)He hopes that he may once again repeat......of the Western Hemisphere to his will and to his system.毫无疑问,他期望这一切能在冬季到来之前全部完成,期望在美国的海空军来不及插手干预之前即能征服大不列颠。他期望能以空前的规模再度重演他长期以来赖以发迹的将敌手各个击破的故伎,然后便可以腾出场地来演出最后的一幕——将整个西半球臵于他的控制和统治之下。他知道,如果做不到这一点,他的全部战果都将化为泡影。


1)I’ll tell you,....They think they got their little secret tucked away,and so they have---except like now“告诉你吧,公爵——我在这个城市和这个旅馆呆的时间都很久了。到处都有我的朋友。我时常为他们帮忙,他们也同样帮我的忙,比如说告诉我哪儿发生了些什么事儿,住在这个旅馆的人们做了些什么事情,凡是有点儿出格的,那就很少能瞒得过我。他们多半都不知道我会知道,而且也不认识我。他们以为自己的那些小秘密被隐瞒住了——也的确有瞒住的时候——可是这一回却瞒不住了。”

2)Well now,there’s no call for being hasty.......No,sir, you wouldn’t like it at all“依我说呢,这事也不用着急。”他那刺耳的尖嗓音此时带着一种沉思的声调。“事已至此,急也无益,再急也不能让那小孩和她的母亲复生。况且,到了警察局.他们用来处臵你的办法,公爵,你是不会喜欢的。真的,阁下,你绝不会喜欢的。”

3)The Duchess of Croydon kept firm,tight.....A thought occurred to her.克罗伊敦公爵夫人极力控制自己那如脱缰野马般的思绪。她知道保持自己头脑的冷静和理智是至关重要的。方才那最后几分钟的谈话似乎变得非常随便,仿佛他们所讨论的只是一些无关紧要的家常琐事,而不是人命关天的大事。她有意要使谈话照这样进行。她意识到,唱主角的责任又一次地落到了自己的肩上。此时此刻,在她与这个存心恶毒的肥佬之间的激烈交锋中,她的丈夫只当了一名紧张而被动的旁观者。没关系,既然躲不过,就只好去面对它了。要紧的是对各种可能发生的意外变故预作考虑。她突然想出了一个主意。

U9Mark Twain


2)Tom’s mischievous daring,ingenuity.....as is the Declaration of Independence.这部描写汤姆的顽皮、勇敢、机智以及他对贝琪?莎切尔的天真纯洁的感情的故事几乎像《独立宣言》一样成了今天美国学校里的必读书本。

3)Mark Twain suggested that....on the shelf occationally and renew our edges马克?吐温认为,美国人的理想中缺少了一种成分。他说:“我们只消偶尔地躺下来好好放松休息一下,保持锋棱利角,我们将有可能成为一个多么朝气蓬勃的民族,一个多么富有思想的民族啊!”4)在《神秘的陌生人》中,他指出人类应该抛弃宗教幻想,依靠自己而不是上帝的力量去创造一个更加美好的世界。

篇3:科技英语翻译 课后答案

1.1 翻译的标准 第1节 翻译练习1 The power plant is the heart of a ship.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。


第1节 翻译练习2 Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。



第1节 翻译练习3 The removal of minerals from water is called softening.A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。


1.2 对译者的要求 第4节 翻译练习1 Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.All four(outer planets)probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。(直译)

这四颗外层行星的内核可能都由金属、硅酸盐和水构成。(意译)The designer must have access to stock lists of the materials he employs.Part adjustment and repair must be performed on regular basis if an acceptable printed product is to be the end product.设计师必须备有所使用材料的储备表。(意译)


第4节 翻译练习2 The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water.The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia.The apparent change in size of the sun is caused by dust in the air near the horizon.植物生长的各因素中最重要的是水的供应。(合译)


These fragments of rock and iron range from thousand kilometers in diameter to less than one.Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.这些石块和铁块的碎片大小不等,大的直径有1000公里,小的不到1公里。(分译)制造过程可以分为单件生产和大量生产。前者指的是生产少量的零件,后者则是指生产大量相同的零件。(分译)第4节 翻译练习3 Cartography is the science of making maps.Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes.制图学是研究绘制地图的科学。(增译)


The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is the unit of voltage and that of current.That like charges repel but opposite charges attract is one of the fundamental laws of electricity.电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特:后者是电压的单位,前者是电流的单位。(增译)同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸是电学的一个基本规律。(省译)

第4节 翻译练习4 Almost any insulated body processes to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric charge.The angular contact bearing provides a greater thrust capacity.The properties of the weld can be altered by varying the grain orientation.几乎任何一种绝缘体都多少具有保留电荷一段时间的能力。向心推力轴承有较大的轴向承载能力。通过改变晶粒的方向可以改变焊缝的性能。2.1 词义的选择 第1节 翻译练习1 The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.The earth isn’t completely round;it is slightly flattened at the poles.In each round of operation the particle picks up energy from the oscillating electric field.锭子同时绕两个互相垂直的轴旋转。(介词)


An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.Her waist measures forty inches round.电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。(动词)她腰围40英寸。(副词)

第1节 翻译练习2 Rate of penetration was found to be proportional to the net pressure applied by the tool.Scientists are constantly striving to find fast and convenient way of obtaining quantitative data.To find the area of a square or oblong, you merely multiply its length by its width.Certain isotopes are not found in nature.人们发现钻孔速度与工具所受的净压力成正比。


New fibers find expanding applications in engineering and industry.Kangaroos are found in Australia.This plant is found in the sea near the mouth of rivers.Microcomputers have found their application in the production of genius sensors.Plastics find wide application in our daily life.大袋鼠产于澳大利亚。


新发明的纤维在工程和工业领域得到越来越广泛的应用。微型计算机已经应用于智能传感器的生产中。塑料在我们的日常生活中得到广泛应用。第2节 翻译练习1 The cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it rolls.Traditionally, NC programming has been performed offline with the machine commands being contained on a punched tape.The occurrence of large mats of floating algae may result in the death of many fish from lack of oxygen.滚动阻力的起因在于滚动体的配合面和它滚动的滚道的变形。(技术性引申)


The splitting of the uranium or plutonium nucleus is accompanied by the release of very considerable amount of energy.The major contributors in component technology have been in the semiconductor.The distance between the two plates is small compared with their linear dimensions.Just as different solids and liquids vary in density, so do gases and vapors.元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。(具体化引申)两板之间的距离相对于其宽度和长度而言比较小。(具体化引申)

随着铀核和钚核的裂变,会有极其巨大的能量释放处理。(修辞性引申)正像不同的固体和液体的密度不同一样,不同的气体和蒸汽的密度也不同。(具体化引申)The Curies believed that there was something in nature that gave out radiation.Obviously, there is much room for the improvement in the structure.At present coal is the most common food of a steam plant.The facts have been set down in black and white.显然,其结构还有较大的改进余地。(抽象化引申)目前,煤是火电厂最常用的能源。(抽象化引申)

居里夫妇坚信,自然界中有一种物质能放出辐射能。(具体化引申)这些事实已经清清楚楚地记录下来了。(抽象化引申)2.3 词类的转换 第3节 翻译练习1 Each time a sample was drawn for color determination.What is certain is that the oil spill has delivered a devastating blow to the ecology of the Persian Gulf.We should get familiar with different systems of units.每次取一个标本测定颜色。


These decision-making processes are applicable to the entire field of engineering design---not just to mechanical engineering design.Hydrogen instead of air is frequently used for cooling large turbogenerators.When the war was over, it was discovered that the Germans were nowhere near success in developing nuclear weapons.常以氢气代替空气来冷却大型汽轮发电机。


这些判定过程可以应用于工程设计的整个领域,而不仅仅限于机械工程设计。Various precautions have been taken against leakage.Once inside the oven, panels are subjected to a temperature of 365°F.Value is defined as a numerical ratio, the ratio of the function, or performance, to the cost.This new model should appeal to potential buyers.一旦进入烘干炉,板材就处于365华氏度的温度条件下。价值的定义是功能或性能与成本的数值比。



Galileo’s experiments are not difficult, nor is there any evidence that he performed them with exceptional skill.Sometimes a scientist observes an object and its features, for example a star or a bird;sometimes he observes an event, which is something that happens at a particular time.Earthquakes are generally more destructive of life than volcanic eruptions.有时科学家观察一物体及其特征,例如一颗星或一只鸟;有时科学家观察某一事件,即在一特定时间所发生的事。


伽利略的实验并不难,也没有证据表明他是以非凡的技能来做实验的。Heat should be applied slowly to avoid localized overheating.How rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen or air.This is why a coil is often referred to as an inductor.一种燃料燃烧的速度有多快,取决于它与氧气或空气混合的均匀程度。这就是线圈常被叫做电感器的原因。

应当慢慢加热,以避免发生局部过热现象。第3节 翻译练习2 Practically all of the useful properties of materials are strongly dependent on their internal structure.The metal casts well.A wire for conducting electric current is covered with plastic;the plastic is insulation round the wire.几乎材料的一切有用特性都与其内部的结构有密切的关系。这种金属有良好的铸造性能。


There are many ways of determining the distribution of the magnetism about a magnet.Good lubrication keeps the bearings from being damaged.Safety in a power plant is of great importance.Most modern transmitters employ solid state circuits.安全在电厂是非常重要的。现代发报机大多采用固体电路。有许多方法来确定磁场周围的磁力分布状况。润滑良好可保护轴承不受损伤。

E-Chemmerce now offers two main levels of online business intelligence on chemical, plastic and energy e-commerce.These images tend to exaggerate the robot’s similarity to human anatomy and behavior.Aluminum remained an expensive rarity till the discovery of the electrolytic process for reducing aluminum in 1886.这些概念常常夸大了机器人与人类在形体和行为方面的相似之处。《电子化工商务》目前主要提供两个层次的有关化学、塑料和能源电子商务的在线商务信息服务。


Since some materials are not damaged easily as others, the possibility exists of developing radiation-resistant parts.由于有些材料不像另一些那样容易被损坏,所以有可能研制出防辐射的零件。2.4 词的增译

第4节 翻译练习2 第4节 翻译练习1 This action externally appears like the discharge of a capacitor.Once out of the earth’s gravity, an astronaut is affected by still another problem---weightlessness.By minimizing the microscopic imperfections scientists are making far stronger ceramics.这一作用从外表上看来像电容器的放电现象。

一旦离开了地球的引力范围,宇航员又遇到了另一个问题——失重。科学家们正通过最大限度地减小微观缺陷来制造强度高得多的陶瓷。Atomic cells are small and very light, as compared to ordinary dry ones.Transistors can make previously large equipment much smaller.Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black holes as companions.天文学家有证据表明,还有其他一些恒星也可能有黑洞作为伴星。和普通电池相比,原子电池体积小、重量轻。晶体管能使原先体积大的设备变得小得多。

The key to the new materials is researchers’ increasing ability to manipulate substances at the molecular level.The largest and most expensive products cannot, because of their size, be testable in the factory.Cold rolling enables the operators to produce rolls of accuracy and uniformity, and with a better surface finish.最大最贵的产品,因为体积大,在该工厂里是不能检验的。


冷轧可使操作工生产出精确度高、均匀度好的轧制件,并具有更好的表面光洁度。All these factors play a key role in formulation of the model.PCs are not the most stable, and with video editing you have to be extra careful.This method makes it easy to identify the various components.在拟订模型时,所有这些因素都将起到关键性的作用。这个方法使人们很容易识别各种不同的构成成分。

个人电脑一般并不太稳定,所以,进行视频编辑时需要加倍小心。第4节 翻译练习2 It was estimated that the power of an average horse is equal to 500 feet-pounds per second.Panel patch is one gauge heavier than thickness of original skin.Studies have shown that information can be communicated to people many times faster in a graphic form than in written form.据估计,一匹普通马的功率等于500英尺-磅力/秒。


众多研究表明,以图形表示的信息被人们接受的速度比以文字表示的快许多倍。The chemist is making an analysis of the poison.It appears that the construction of the dam has had a considerable effect on the ecology of the region.The receiver will operate reliably no matter what happens.无论发生什么情况,这台接收机都将可靠地工作。药剂师正对毒性进行分析。


Radiant, electrical and chemical energies can all be turned into heat.The frequency, wave length and speed of sound are closely related.Noise figure is minimized by parametric amplifier.频率、波长和声速三者是密切相关的。


In the absence of sufficient knowledge confusion exists in classifying a specimen as a butterfly or a moth.Lead can be hammered into very thin sheets without being broken.There are a number of devices that give an electric current when light falls on them, without any chemical changes taking place.如果没有足够的知识,就分不清标本是属蝶类还是蛾类。

有许多器件在受光照射时能产生电流,但不发生任何化学变化。铅能被锤成很薄的薄片而不破裂。2.5 词的省译

第5节 翻译练习1 The fact that the concrete is slow in setting is no sign that it is of poor quality.Such an engine is called an internal combustion engine.The symptoms of hepatitis are similar no matter which virus is involved.混凝土凝固得慢并不表示其质量差。这种发动机成为内燃机。


This critical deficiency was itself due to three factors which interacted with each other over the entire period.The properties change in going from carbon to graphite.The design choices hinge upon considerations of gain, noise figure, and so forth.设计选择的关键在于考虑增益、噪音系数等等。

这个关键性的逆差来源于三个始终互相影响的因素。碳转变成石墨时,其性质也发生了变化。Temperatures may reach 700°C and surface oxidation becomes critical.If the atomic nucleus of a heavy element is split, a large amount of energy is released.The discovery of enzymes is very important because it gave impetus to a series of experiments.分裂一重元素的原子核,会释放出很大的能量。温度高达700摄氏度,表面氧化便成为关键问题。酶的发现很重要,因为它推动了一系列试验的进行。

Apart from the fact that it may become hot, no apparent change occurs in a metal when it is carrying a current.This equipment forms an integral part of many advanced systems.There was a rise in temperature, and as a result, the component failed.金属有电流通过时,除了金属可能变热外没有什么显著变化。温度升高了,结果元件出了故障。


If there is little cooling water available, a diesel engine makes an excellent prime mover for generation below 10,000 kVA.There was a block in the pipe and the water could not flow away.如果能利用的冷却水不多,则柴油发动机可以成为极好的发电10000千伏安以下的原动机。水管被东西堵住,水流不出去。2.6 重复法

第6节 翻译练习1 The properties of gas are quite different from those of liquid.The electric resistance of copper is not so large as that of iron.The three gas laws are true of all gases, as well as of air.气体的性质与液体的性质大不相同。(重复名词)气体三定律不但适用于空气,也适用于所有气体。(重复动词)铜的电阻不像铁的电阻那样大。(重复名词)Matter changes not only in state but also in volume.Continuous data can be expressed in either fractions or whole numbers.物质不仅形态改变而且体积也改变。(重复动词)连续资料可以用分数表示,也可以用整数表示。(重复动词)3.1 名词的译法 第1节 翻译练习1 In an unusual application, this organization uses a fingerprint scanner to monitor the comings and goings of its residents.A capacitor is used to eliminate sparking when a circuit containing inductance is suddenly opened.一个不同寻常的用途是:这个机构使用指纹扫描器监视居住人员的进出。当含有电感的电路突然断开时,可用电容器消除火花。第1节 翻译练习2 The comparison reveals that the error is due to aliasing.The scans confirmed that the subjects’ brains dealt with words in ways that contradict one hoary old idea.The latest research with radioactive isotopes has shown that this assumption is quite wrong.比较结果表明,误差是由于名称不同而造成的。

扫描结果证实,受试者的大脑处理词的方式同一种古老的旧观念不一致。对放射性同位素的最新研究结果表明,这种设想是完全错误的。Metals differ in the ease with which they give up electrons and enter into chemical combination.Internal-shoe drum brakes provide better protection from water and dust.People on earth are protected from the dangerous ultraviolet radiation of the sun by a layer or ozone that spans the planet and absorbs the radiation.各种金属放出电子和参与化学反应的难易程度不一。内蹄式鼓形制动器的防水、防尘性能比较好。


According to the molecular theory the temperature of an object depends on the average speed of its molecules.Effectiveness of temperature control depends upon the amount of lubricant supplied, the ambient temperature, and the external cooling.根据分子理论的原理,物体的温度取决于其分子的平均速度。

温度控制的效果取决于润滑剂的用量、环境温度以及外部的冷却设施。第1节 翻译练习3 Particular attention should be given to hoses to ensure that chafing does not occur.The primary concern of electrical engineering is the doing of work by the delivery of energy.Gene piracy is not new.All plants and animals need carbon for growth.要特别注意软管,保证没有擦伤。窃取基因不是新鲜事。

电工学主要关注的是通过输送能量做功的情况。所有动植物均需要碳才能生长。第1节 翻译练习4 The experiment was a success.Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control function in electronic equipment.这个试验是成功的。

半导体在电子设备中能起各种各样的控制作用。3.2 冠词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 A polymer is a substance of high molecular weight.Being a good insulator, rubber is often used in cables.The patient was administered the mixture twice a week.These machines may be oiled once or twice a month.聚合物是一种高分子的物质。这种混合剂病人每周服用两次。

橡胶是一种良好的绝缘体,所以经常使用在电缆上。这些机器每个月可以加一次或两次油。第2节 翻译练习2 A bearing can be defined as a member specifically designed to support moving machine components.Use a transformer and power at low voltage can be changed into power at high voltage.An object at rest has no kinetic energy, its velocity being zero.轴承可以定义为一种专门用于支撑运动着的机器零件的构件。静止的物体没有动能,因为它的速度为零。使用变压器可将低压电转变为高压电。第2节 翻译练习3 作为固定词组时的省译: on a large scale a majority of a wealth of as a result 结果,因此 大规模地 大多数的 大量的

第2节 翻译练习4 The machine is intended for grinding the top and bottom surfaces of tungsten carbide tips.The mechanism has been termed cumulative feedback inhibition.该机床是供磨削硬质合金刀片上下表面用的。这种机制就叫做累加反馈抑制。第2节 翻译练习5 The basic job of the computer is the processing of information.The main effect is to raise the fundamental slosh mode frequency.计算机的基本任务是处理信息。主要作用在于提高基本的晃动频率。第3章 总复习题

Other factors affect the configuration of the total system.In normal flight the hatch doors fair into the fuselage.Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed by any means known to man.另一些因素则将影响整个系统的结构。飞行正常时,舱门与机身平整贴合。


It is customary to refer to design levels as high or low on component complexity.The main economy of the system stems from the ability to move cars in a continuous train without uncoupling.He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer.他对电子计算机的操作是陌生的。


此系统的主要经济之处在于它能移动列车的车厢而不必将它们脱钩分开。A key element in system capacity planning is the financial cost of performance.The assembler can expand the key words in the assembly code into their full instruction set.The flame does not touch the flask directly.这种汇编程序能把汇编码中的关键字扩展成完整的指令集。系统能力计划中关键因素是性能的金融成本。火焰没有直接接触烧瓶。

The study of the strength of solids involves the study of the defects in the crystalline structure.The problem was solved by the provision of a compensating jet.The rusting of iron is the slow chemical combination of the elements iron and oxygen in moist atmosphere.研究固体的强度,就必须研究晶体结构中的缺陷。铁生锈是铁元素和氧元素在湿空气中缓慢化合的现象。通过安装一个补偿喷嘴,解决了这个问题。

The decay of organic matter is a slow oxidation by oxygen in the air.In order to improve a certain kind of battery, Edison spent almost ten years and made nearly 50,000 experiments.有机物的腐烂是空气中的氧引起的一种缓慢氧化过程。

为了改善一种电池的性能,爱迪生花了差不多十年时间,做了近50000次试验。4.1 代词的一般译法 第1节 翻译练习1 In this cell the light incident on the sensitive surface of the cell causes the photo-electric emission of electrons from the surface, and these electrons are attracted to the other electrode.The owl can hear a mouse chewing and fly down on it, even though it is hidden from sight under a pile of leaves.在这种电池中,照在电池光敏表面光电效应而发射电子,而这些电子被吸引到另一电极。即使老鼠躲藏在一堆叶子下看不见的地方,猫头鹰也能听见老鼠咀嚼的声音而飞下来袭击它。

This might be compared with the mumble of wavelengths of sound that go to make up ordinary noise.这可以与杂乱的声波相比,一般的噪音就是由这种杂乱的声波组成的。

第1节 翻译练习2 Drawing electrons away from the atom causes it to have a net positive electric charge.Each crystal should have a shape as much like that of the other crystals as possible.将电子与原子分离会使原子带上纯净正电荷。每一结晶的形状应与其他结晶的形状尽可能相似。第1节 翻译练习3 Every element retains its identity no matter how it is finely divided.Astronomers can estimate the size and brightness of a star by its color.每种元素不论分得怎样细小,它仍保持其特征。

天文学家根据恒星的颜色可以估计它的大小和亮度。第1节 翻译练习4 Many processes have already been proposed, and one possible future process is a smelting reduction.It is possible to work backward from the known strength and determine what factor of safety was used.Each is a solid sphere with a metallic core surrounded by silicate shells.我们能够由已知的强度反过来求出所用的安全系数。


人们已经提出了很多方法,未来可能的选择之一就是熔融还原法。第1节 翻译练习5 In this chapter our task is to find out what the air is made of.Today we have a fairly clear idea of what goes on inside of atom.Practically all of the heat energy received by the earth comes from the sun.现在我们对原子内部的情况已相当清楚了。地球所得到的热能几乎都来自于太阳。

在这一章中,我们的任务是弄清空气的构成成分。4.2 人称代词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 You can decide what resolution and compression level is best for your output.We’ll do everything possible to improve the supply of electricity.You can find the density of a body providing you know its mass and volume.We must be very careful to avoid trying to express energy in terms of power units.我们将尽一切努力来改善电力供应。

只要知道物体的质量和体积,就可求出物体的密度。你可以决定哪种溶解和压缩程度对成品最好。必须注意避免用功率单位表示能量。第2节 翻译练习2 It may require the taking of a large sample as in macro analysis.If an atom contains three protons, it must have three electrons to be electrically neutral.如果一个原子有三个质子,这个原子必然有三个电子来使其呈电中性。它可能要求像宏观分析中那样采用大的样本。4.3 形容词性物主代词的译法 第3节 翻译练习1 The density of anything is its mass per unit volume.Each substance shows an individual structure of its own.One of the drawbacks of the early lasers was their inability to operate continuously.每一种物质都显示出它自己的独特结构。任何物体的密度是它的每单位体积的质量。早期激光器的缺点之一是它们不能连续地工作。第3节 翻译练习2 In their workshop there is no one who understands how a computer uses its tubes.Transistors are more advantageous to vacuum tubes for their being small and light.The transformer cannot be called a machine because of its having no moving parts.晶体管优于真空管,因为它尺寸小、重量轻。

在他们车间,无人能理解计算机是怎样使用其电子管的。变压器不能称为机器,因为它没有转动的部件。第3节 翻译练习3 According to their ability to conduct electric current, all materials may be classified into three major categories: conductors, semiconductors and insulators.You shouldn’t have touched the wire with your wet hands.你不该用湿手触摸导线。

根据导电的性能不同,所有的材料可分为三大类:导体、半导体和绝缘体。第3节 翻译练习4 Heating semiconductors means increasing their conductivity.Triangles can be classified according to their angles or the relative lengths of their sides.According to their composition, these raw materials may be separated into three groups.The brain has its managing system.三角形可按照其角度或其相对边长来分类。

根据这些原材料的构成成分,它们可以分为三种类型。加热半导体就会增加其导电率。大脑有自己的管理系统。4.4 指示代词的译法 第4节 翻译练习1 All atoms, except those of hydrogen, contain one or more neutrons in the nucleus.The speed of the object approaches that of light.The geometry of the test specimens differs from the geometry of those used in tension tests.所用试件的形状和尺寸与拉伸试验的试件不同。除了氢原子外,所有的原子都有一个或几个中子。该物体的速度接近光速。第4节 翻译练习2 It diffracts the diffracted beam and this means that it generates an inverse transform.Heat is a form of energy and that is known to all of us.They used the transformers of poor quality, and this caused the whole power supply system break down.他们用了一批劣质的变压器,使得整个供电系统陷于瘫痪。热是能的一种形式,这是大家都知道的。

它对衍射光束发生衍射,这意味着它产生了一个逆变换。第4节 翻译练习3 This is a simple criterion that guarantees the existence of such a representation.The percentage of such cases among surgical patients can be determined in the following manner.在接受手术的病人中,这样的病例所占的百分比可用下述方法确定。这是确保这种等值表达式存在的一个简单标准。第4节 翻译练习4 As a rule solids and liquids expand when heated, water does the same except near its freezing point.The same is true when an alternating voltage is applied to a resistance.按照固体和液体遇热膨胀的原理,水除了接近其冰点的情况之外也是如此。当交流电压加在电阻上时,情况也是一样的。

第4节 翻译练习5 All motion in this universe is the form of successively rising and falling.Series do have the advantage of increasing resistance to reduce current when this is desirable.串联电路的确有这样的优点:在需要时可以增加电阻来减少电流。宇宙内的一切运动,均处在连续上升和下降的状态中。4.5 不定代词的译法 第5节 翻译练习1 All these elements can be used in semiconductor manufacture.All transformers and electric machinery use magnetic material.All the shafts were cut from heavy planks of wood.所有的变压器和电机都使用磁性材料。在半导体生产中,所有这些元件都能用上。箭杆都是用厚木板削制而成的。

Almost all who die of AIDS actually die of starvation.All the currents at node were not to add up to zero.Not all the energy from an antenna is radiated in the main beam.Not all people who test positive for the AIDS antibody get the disease AIDS.几乎所有丧命爱滋病的患者都是死于饥饿。并非所有节点上的电流总和为零。天线能量并不都是由主波束辐射的。

并不是所有的爱滋病抗体试验为阳性的人都患有爱滋病。第5节 翻译练习2 The equipment will compensate for any dimensional variations caused by wheel wear.Any portion of the flight control system may be readily removed in any sequence by the removal of attaching bolts and nuts.Which, if any, of the three statements below are false? 拆卸了原装的螺钉及螺母,便可很快地按任意顺序拆除飞机控制系统的任何部分。该装置对砂轮磨损引起的任何尺寸误差给予补偿。下面三种说法中如果有错,那么是其中的哪一种?

What, if any, effect do you feel the imports of Canadian gas will have on the American producer? There are few, if any, of them know the construction of the transformer.你觉得进口加拿大的天然气对美国的生产者可能产生什么影响吗? 他们当中几乎没人懂得变压器的结构。第5节 翻译练习3 Both alternatives are presented on the screen.Velocity is a vector quantity involving both magnitude and direction.速度是一种矢量,既有大小,又有方向。两种选择都在屏幕上显示出来了。第5节 翻译练习4 Each of the bits has a different optimum cutting speed.There are many types of efficient water pumps, each designed to meet a specific need.Every element, no matter how it is finely divided, retains its identity.效率高的水泵有多种类型,每一种都用来满足某个特定的需要。每个钻头都有一个不同的最佳切割速度。

每种元素不论分得怎样细小,仍保持该元素的特征。One half of the medium was renewed every three days.It has an error rate of one or two words in every hundred.Not every minute difference is noted.每三天更换一半溶剂。


并非每一个细微的差别都被注意到了。第5节 翻译练习5 Without electricity neither machine could be stared.I believe either method will do.我看两种方法中的任何一种都行。没有电,这两台机器都开动不了。第5节 翻译练习6 Sometimes one finds in fossil stones the imprint of a leaf.The last sound to reach the receiving ship is the one that hits the basement.Neutrinos from a subsidiary decay process are the ones to be detected.传到接收船上的最后的声音就是碰到底层的声音。有时人们能在化石里发现一片树叶的痕迹。有待探测的中微子来自次要的衰变过程。

Driving machines are always the opposite of driven ones.One of the most successful methods of achieving this depends on the use of fluidization.One of the uses of the triode is that it can amplify.主动机和从动机总是相反的。


Ones who make the decisions on what went into the system are programmers.Ones who claim ECT is both effective and safe, in fact, cannot prove it.There are two 300MW thermal power units in this power plant.One is made in China;the other is imported from Germany.决定要把什么写进系统的人是专业编程人员。



There are two kinds of electric currents.One is the direct current;the other is the alternating current.电流有两种,一种是直流电流,另一种是交流电流。第5节 翻译练习7 This chemical is poisonous.Others are poisonous, too.Some parts require a hard, tough metal and others may be made of softer metals.The coolant serves no other purpose than to remove excess heat.Some atomic nuclei undergo spontaneous disintegration while others do not.冷却剂除了排除多余的热以外没有任何其他用处。这些化学制品有毒,别的化学制品也有毒。

有些零件需要由硬的韧性金属制成,而有些则可由软的金属制成。有的原子核会同时裂变,而另外一些却不会。第5节 翻译练习8 Another method is available to increase the system capacity.Heat is always being transferred in one way or another, where there is any difference in temperature.凡有温差的地方,热都会以这样或那样的方式传输。还有另一种可增加系统容量的方法。第5节 翻译练习9 Some metals burn more readily than others.To specify a distance, we must use some unit of length.When an object is warmer than the surrounding region, it loses some of its heat by radiation.The particles require some a day to reach the earth.为了确定距离,我们必须使用某种长度单位。有些金属比另一些金属更容易燃烧。

当一个物体比周围环境热时,该物体会通过辐射失去它的一些热量。这些粒子大约需要一天的时间才能到达地球。4.6 it及其句型的译法 第6节 翻译练习1 It moves or rotates by a fixed amount each time an electrical pulse is applied to it.To help avoid information overload, it(virtual convergence)will do this intelligently.The earth rotates as it travels through space.As current flows through a conductor, it sets up a magnetic field.为了避免信息过载,它(虚拟连接)将会智能化地进行操作。对它每加一个电脉冲,它就移动或旋转一个固定的量。地球在空间运行时,它还要自转。电流通过导体,便产生磁场。第6节 翻译练习2 It is a $12-billion industry whose factories, numbering in the hundreds, are found all over the world.It is twenty meters in height.那个行业资金达120亿美元,工厂有上千家,遍布世界各地。高度为20米。第6节 翻译练习3 It is very far to the airport.It is raining hard.到机场很远。雨下得很大。

第6节 翻译练习4 It is recommended that the screw be used to increase accuracy of measurement.By using a laser, it is possible to throw very large and very clear television pictures on to a screen.It was pointed out that while the lead obtained from the disintegration of radium possessed all the characteristics of ordinary lead, it differed from it in atomic weight.使用激光器,可以将很大很清晰的电视图像投射到屏幕上。建议使用螺杆调节,以提高测量的精确度。

前已指出,虽然由镭蜕变而获得的铅具有普通铅的一切特性,但其原子量与普通铅不同。第6节 翻译练习5 It necessitates careful design of the apparatus to get rid of the heat.It is unknown when to begin to make transportable transformers.It is interesting to compare the energy needed to place a satellite in orbit with the energy that would be required to cause it to escape.什么时候开始制造移动式变压器还不知道。除热需要对设备进行仔细设计。

把一颗卫星送入轨道所需的能量和使卫星脱离地球所需要的能量进行比较是很有意思的。第6节 翻译练习6 It used to be thought that when you see a word and speak it, several stages of processing are involved.It must be remembered that the condition may be silent until haematemesis, melaena or perforation occurs.It is known that electronic computers play an important part in science and technology.大家必须记住,在呕血、黑便,或穿孔发生之前,该病可能无症状。过去人们常常认为一个词从看见到念出来包括好几个处理阶段。我们知道,电子计算机在科学和技术方面起着重要作用。第6节 翻译练习7 It follows that any form of preheat adds to the welder’s difficulties and causes discomfort, particularly when welding at high preheat temperature levels inside vessels.It can be concluded that temperatures on the surface of Venus is too hot for life as known on earth.It had been calculated that actual error probability for the value was of the order of 0.5 percent.由此可见,任何形式的预热都会增加焊工的困难,使他们身感不适,在容器内高温预热下施焊时尤其如此。

可以断定,金星表面的温度过热,地球上的生物是不能适应的。据计算,这个数值的实际误差概率约为0.5%。第6节 翻译练习8 It makes no difference when inducing an e.m.f., which moves, the coil or the magnet.It is essential that the body of the machine is effectively earthed.在感应出电动势时,是线圈运动还是磁铁运动,这没有区别。这机器的机身必须有效接地,这一点十分重要。第6节 翻译练习9 The heating effect makes it possible to produce the light.We find it possible to transform a.c.into d.c.by using a rectifier.We think it true that the human body is also a good conductor.热效应使产生光成为可能。


人体也是一种良好的导体,我们认为这点是正确的。第6节 翻译练习10 It is the voltmeter which we use to measure the voltage.It is through this interface that the substation operator must control and monitor the entire substation.It was not until I came in that he began to repair the old generator.我们用来测量电压的就是伏特计。


It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.直到19世纪,热才被认为是能的一种形式。第4章 总复习题

The rise in temperature could not have happened of itself.Be the shape of a body complicated, it is possible to find out its volume.The more energy we desire to send, the higher we make the voltage.The most typical humanlike characteristic of a robot is its arm.温度上升不可能是出于自身的原因。


In our studies of the implications for the First Law, we were able to see the importance of the distinction between state and path functions.The first job of an electron tube is to get the electrons apart from their nuclei.That type of turbine usually rotates at a very low speed.那种汽轮机通常以非常低的速度运转。


Small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their acceleration.The same has happened to the central control system.There’s hardly any room for any impurities in such a microfiber.中心控制系统也发生过同样的事故。


His instances were Lennard and Stark, both of them were Nobel laureates but later became fervent followers of Hitler.The primacy function of a regulator is to supply constant pressure to each device.The best use of these equations is in checking the theoretical analyses using the other approaches.他举出勒纳德及史塔克为例子。这两个人都得过诺贝尔奖,但后来却成了狂热的希特勒信徒。这些方程式最大的用处是可对采用了其他方法的理论分析进行检验。调节器的基本功能是给每个装置提供稳定的电压。

It is desirable to characterize electrical noise as accurately as possible.It is known that local weather can be affected within a few days by meteorological conditions thousands of miles away from here.需要尽可能准确地表征电噪音。

我们知道,当地的天气在几天内会受到几千英里以外地区气象状况的影响。5.1 数词的译法 第1节 翻译练习1 Liquid bromine boils at 58°C at which temperature it changes into a reddish-brown gas.Move to the next operation after the voltage reaches 150V.Tests have shown that the energy saving can rise about 40 percent.液态溴在58摄氏度时沸腾,在这个温度它变成红褐色的气体。等电压到了150伏时,进行下一个操作。试验证明,能量节约可增加40%左右。第1节 翻译练习2 Of many thousands spare parts does not come up to the standard but one.A lot of counties have set up power stations, chemical fertilizer plants and a hundred and one other factories.The periodic table contains more than one hundred chemical elements belonging to eight families.在几千个备件中,只有一个不合格。

许多县已建立了发电站、化肥厂以及许多别的工厂。元素周期表由属于8个族的100多个化学元素组成。These materials become quite soft and flexible below 150°C.An increase in the oxygen content of coal by 1% reduces that calorific value by some 1.7%.Nearly 25 neurotransmitters have been found so far.这些材料在150摄氏度以下变得十分柔软、易于弯曲。煤的含氧量每增加1%,其热值就下降约1.7%。迄今为止,已经发现了大约25种神经传递素。第1节 翻译练习3 With the result of automation, productivity has increased by 5 times in that factory.The sales of industrial electronic products have increased to six times.The output of the machine tools has multiplied four times.The current has increased by a factor of three.由于自动化的结果,那个工厂的生产率提高到5倍。工业电子产品的销售额增加了5倍。机床产量增加了3倍。电流增加了2倍。第1节 翻译练习4 This type of furnace uses 4 times more electricity than that type does.This rod is 4 times longer than that one.The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.这种炉的耗电量是那种炉耗电量的4倍。这根杆比那根长3倍。


The atomic weight of helium is four times heavier than that of hydrogen.In rolling bearing the starting friction is about twice the running friction.氦原子量比氢原子量重3倍。

滚动轴承的启动摩擦大概是转动摩擦的2倍。第1节 翻译练习5 The leads of the new condenser are shortened by six times.The operation of cost decreased by five times.The loss of electricity was reduced by a factor of four.The pipe is four times lighter than that one.新型电容器的引线缩短了5/6。成本运行降至1/5。

这根管子重量是那根的1/4。电损减少了3/4。第1节 翻译练习6 Weld strength can be increased by 45 percent.Tests have shown that the energy consuming can be reduced by 30 percent.The loss of energy has been reduced to less than 10 percent.焊接强度可增加45%。


Its grain output was 18 percent higher than that in 1998.The steel output is 30 percent higher than that of last year.其粮食产量比1998年高出18%。钢产比去年增加了30%。第1节 翻译练习7 Ten to one, the experiment is unlikely to produce good results.These figures show that the improvement of molecular refraction is within a factor of ten.十有八九,这项试验不可能得出好的结果。

这些数字表明分子折射度的改进值为一个数量级。5.2 形容词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 Suitable treatment shall be given as soon as possible to avoid hydrogen embrittlement.Complex computer systems are prone to software hitches.The parts must be very strong so that they may not break in use.This kind of steel becomes very hard and very brittle when hardened.尽快予以适当的处理,以免氢蚀脆化。复杂的计算机系统容易出现软件故障。零件必须十分坚固,才不会在使用中破损。这种钢淬火后就变得很硬很脆。第2节 翻译练习2 Hydrogen is about one-fourteenth as dense as air.Helium is a very light gas, only twice as heavy as hydrogen.Ice floats because it is not as dense as water.氢的密度大约是空气密度的1/14。

氦气是一种很轻的气体,重量仅为氢气的2倍。冰浮起是因为它的密度比水的密度小。第2节 翻译练习3 In the thermosciences area, the mechanical engineer is concerned with thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.This in a large measure is responsible for the high accuracy obtainable from such systems.The transmission ratio is dependent upon the ratio of the number of teeth of the meshing gear wheels.在热学领域,机械工程师关心的是热力学、流体力学和传热学。在很大程度上,这是从这类系统中获得高精度的原因。传动比取决于两个啮合齿轮的齿数比。

Once the engine is underway, these auxiliaries are turned off.发动机一旦启动,这些辅助设备就关闭了。第2节 翻译练习4 Recent discoveries have been made concerning the peculiar properties of certain semiconductors.Research and development is of particular importance to aerospace industry.In copper and most pure metals there is an appreciable increase in resistance with an increase in temperature.最近,对于某些半导体的奇怪特性有一些发现。研究和发展对航空航天工业非常重要。


One of the drawbacks of the early lasers was their inability of continuous operation.These metal ions interfere with electron flow and cause a great decrease in electron motion.Lubricating oils are used to ensure the smooth running of the machine.早期激光器的缺点之一是它不能连续工作。

这些金属离子阻碍电子流动,引起电子运动大幅减弱。使用润滑油是为了确保机器正常运转。第2节 翻译练习5 The most common application for bearing is the support of a rotating shaft that is transmitting power from one location to another.The World Wide Web is a unique medium for communication and for publishing.轴承最常见的应用是支撑旋转轴将功率从一处传至另一处。万维网是一个独特的通讯和出版媒体。第2节 翻译练习6 A practical means of transferring geothermal energy is to convert it to electric power.An electron, if moving, produces a magnetic field.将地热能转变成电能是输送这种能量的一种切实可行的办法。电子如果运动,就会产生磁场。第2节 翻译练习7 Needle bearings have a high load capacity.Considerable effort must be expended to ensure consistent blast volume, humidity and temperature.滚针轴承的承载能力大。

还要在确保风量、湿度和温度稳定方面做出相当大的努力。第2节 翻译练习8 The gear teeth should have the strength sufficient to operate.We’ll do everything possible to improve the supply of electricity.We hope everything ready for the operation.Scientists have found a method of measurement suitable for most island waters and coastal areas.齿轮的齿必须具备足够的运转强度。我们将尽一切努力来改善电力供应。我们希望一切在开工之前就绪。

科学家们已经找到了一种适合大多数岛屿的近海和沿海地区的测量方法。Coal is a kind of fuel suitable for power generation.The only transformer available is produced in Shanghai.煤是一种适合发电的燃料。


第2节 翻译练习9 The resistance of the load is too high for the amplifier.For this reason the switching signal should be no steeper or larger than necessary.The capacity to store water in their leaves is typical of desert plant.He is quite familiar with state function.负载的电阻对于放大器来说太高。

因此激励信号的斜率及宽度不应超过所要求的数值。在叶子中储存水的能力是沙漠植物的特性。他非常熟悉状态函数。第3节 翻译练习1 Deserted soils are sparsely covered with shrubs and grass.The relationships used are briefly outlined.荒漠上稀疏地覆盖着灌木丛和杂草。这些用到了的关系已简要地概括出来了。5.3 副词的译法 第3节 翻译练习2 The resulting flux is confined essentially to the ring.Actually, and metal or alloy can be cast by precision casting.Normally the whole mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.所产生的磁通基本上被限制在环内。


在正常情况下,原子的整个质量都集中在原子核里。第3节 翻译练习3 Admittedly, the term temporal coherence seems to imply an effect which is exclusively temporal.The most important advantages of rolling bearings over sliding bearings is the most complete elimination of friction.不可否认,时间相干性这个术语似乎意味着一种只属于时间的效应。滚动轴承优于滑动轴承的最重要的优点在于几乎完全消除了摩擦。第3节 翻译练习4 We are certain that neutrons act differently from protons.To detect gases, a sample of air can be analyzed chemically.Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.我们确信中子的作用和质子的是不同的。

为了检测各种气体,可以对空气试样进行化学分析。朝向不相同的山坡,直接接收到的太阳辐射量是不同的。第3节 翻译练习5 The salts should be heated electrically, if possible.The methods of controlling pests chemically often have undesirable side effects;for this reason it is likely that the methods of controlling biologically will be applied increasingly in the future.Evaporation takes place only at the surface of a liquid;boiling takes place throughout the liquid.如果可能的话,这些盐应该用电来加热。

用化学品控制害虫的方法常有不良的副作用,因此将来会越来越多地采用生物学方法。蒸发只是发生在液体表面,沸腾发生在液体各处。第3节 翻译练习6 The CPU also controls the flow of data to and from the peripheral devices.It is also possible to check the temperature distribution at the top of the burden, although the burden at the top of the furnace is not evenly distributed.There is also an increased excretion of nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, and sodium chloride(salt).CPU还控制着流向和来自外部设备的数据流。

尽管炉顶炉料的分布方式是不均匀的,但炉顶炉料的温度分布也还是可以检测的。推拿还促进氮、无机磷和氯化钠(盐)的排放。第3节 翻译练习7 A relatively small explosion would be enough to send a ship off at a very fast rate.When the core of this cloud became dense enough, gravity triggered the collapse of its inner layers.Satellites---some large enough to be planets in their own right---either formed along with the giants or were captured later.一次较小的爆炸就足以将飞船以极快的速度发射出去。



第3节 翻译练习8 The watt is a small unit of power, so we use the kilowatt instead.Instead of working with the space variable for electric field intensity we can work directly with voltage.瓦特是一个很小的功率单位,因此我们就改用千瓦代之。我们可以直接用电压来代替电场强度这个空间变量。第3节 翻译练习9 The experimental result was just the opposite of what I had expected.The introduction of laser into industry has only just begun.实验结果与我预料的刚好相反。激光用于工业还仅仅刚开始。第3节 翻译练习10 Never lay tools or workpieces on the ways of a lathe.Man has never made a machine that, of itself, will continue in a state of uniform motion.Up to now, atomic energy has never been used for aircraft propulsion.绝不要把工具或工件放在车床的导轨上。

人类从未制成过一台能自行永久保持匀速运动状态的机器。到目前为止,原子能从来没有被用于飞机的推进。第3节 翻译练习11 An electric current is only a shifting of electricity.What we call mass is only another manifestation of energy.Only when an object moves, is work done.电流仅仅是电的移动。

我们所说的质量只是能的另一种表现形式。物体只有移动时才做功。第3节 翻译练习12 Gravity keeps the satellite in orbit.Otherwise, it would drift off into space.His inspection of the transmission lines revealed some possible faults that might otherwise have been overlooked.引力使卫星保持在轨道上,否则卫星就会偏离而进入太空。

他对输电线路进行检查,查出了一些故障,否则这些潜在的故障就会被忽视。第3节 翻译练习13 In a mathematical sense the impulse response is a rather sophisticated concept.Process depends on identifying radio stars with some kind of object emitting visible light---but radio astronomers can give their optical colleagues only rather imprecise directions as to where to look.The operation of our generating unit was no better but rather worse.从数学意义上讲,冲量反应是个相当微妙的概念。


The temperature did not go up, as one had expected, but rather went down.They are encouraged in designing a turbine rather than repairing it.In deciding where an airplane actually is in the sky, we believe our eyes rather than our ears.温度没有像人们预料的那样上升,反而下降了。他们从事涡轮机的设计工作,而不是修理涡轮机。

要判断飞机在空中的确切位置,我们与其相信自己的耳朵不如相信自己的眼睛。第3节 翻译练习14 Just as the feed-water supply system can be controlled, so the coal handling equipment can also be computer-controlled.It is for this reason that so much care has to be given to the burden preparation by sintering and by the blending of fluxes and coke.So many devices have utilized these processes.正如给水系统可由计算机控制那样,输煤设备也可以这样做。

正因为如此,必须通过优良烧结以及助熔剂和焦炭来精心准备高炉的炉料。如此之多的装置现已采用了这些工艺。第3节 翻译练习15 Attention is given to the transformer, too.Too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in.Such particles are far too tiny to be seen with the strongest microscope.Hardened steel is too hard and too brittle for many tools.同时也注意变压器。


这种粒子太小,即使用最高倍的显微镜也看不见。硬化钢太硬、太脆,对许多工具的制作都不适宜。第3节 翻译练习16 Many natural phenomena yet remain to be investigated.The cause of this wear have not yet been established.If the temperature is high, the resistance of a wire becomes yet greater.尚有许多自然现象有待研究。这种磨损的原因尚未查明。


This could turn out to be our biggest mistake yet.This is the biggest underground lake yet discovered.这是我们到目前为止所犯的最大错误。这是迄今已发现的最大的底下湖。5.4 形容词和副词比较级的译法 第4节 翻译练习1 The roads in our power plant are with a new kind of material, the strength of which is as great as that of concrete.Metals do not change their form as easily as plastic bodies do.我们电厂的道路是一种新材料铺设的,这种新材料的强度与水泥的强度一样高。金属不像塑料物体那样容易变形。第4节 翻译练习2 This material can withstand higher stresses under repeated loading.Given a higher capital cost for electric buses, the cash grant payable would be higher for a conventional vehicle.If one has an attitude of respect for the equipment, the end product will be more satisfactory.这种材料在交变载荷下可以承受较高的应力。

即使电瓶巴士投资成本高于传统车辆,传统车辆应支付的现金补贴也会更高。如果人们对生产设备持尊重态度,那么其生产出的成品也会更加令人满意。第4节 翻译练习3 The right genetic material, weight for weight, can be more valuable than precious metals and jewels.Three of the giant planets radiate more heat back into space than they absorb from the sun.恰当的遗传物质,就其重要性来说,要比贵金属和珠宝更有价值。

巨大的外层行星中有三颗射向太空的热量超过它们从太阳那里吸收的能量。第4节 翻译练习4 Even quite small amounts of some impurities can make copper a much poorer conductor of electricity.Aluminum and copper are far more corrosion-resistant than ordinary steel.甚至很少量的杂质都可能会使铜成为性能差得多的导电体。铝和铜的抗腐蚀能力比普通钢高得多。第4节 翻译练习5 Nuclear energy is being used more and more widely.More and more nuclear power stations are built up.核能用得越来越广泛了。建设了越来越多的核电站。第4节 翻译练习6 The greater the bearing load, the shorter will be the life of the bearing in revolutions.The farther out the line of the momentum extends, the greater the angular momentum.The greater the cross-sectional area, the greater the strength will be.轴承的载荷越大,其以转数为单位的寿命就越短。动量作用线伸展得越远,角动量就越大。截面越大,强度越大。

5.5 形容词和副词最高级的译法 第5节 翻译练习1: Polyacetylene is the simplest possible conjugated polymer.Pain is the most prominent symptom of surgical disease.聚乙炔可能是最简单的共轭聚合物。疼痛是外科疾病最突出的症状。第5章 总复习题

This seems to indicate that further research would be necessary.An a.c.motor is similar in construction to a d.c.motor.Natural environment can be easily ruined by inappropriate exploration.Negative charges are moving counterclockwise.这似乎表明进一步研究的必要性。交流电动机与直流电动机结构相似。开发不当容易毁坏自然资源。负电荷按逆时针方向流动。

The average value of voltage can be measured point by point.The problem of materials is eased by the lower boiling point.As a result, although there is minimal friction present, a lubricant is still absolutely essential.Removal procedure for left-hand and right-hand cyclic cylinders is essentially the same.因此,虽然有很小的摩擦,但润滑剂仍旧是非常必要的。电压的平均值可以逐点测量。



Substantially, anthecyanin, the pigment that turns leaves---and apples---red, is produced by sugars that remain after the nutrients are choked off.Massage will affect muscles throughout the body.In this test the major part is backed off electrically.It is also good for shock and impact loads.The term minimum life is also used to mean rating life.在此项实验中,主要部分被电补偿。



Usually, a 2cm adjustment of the machine is enough to bring the pressure back to normal.Statistics is a rather modern branch of mathematics.Computers provide the means for greater speed and accuracy in working with ideas than had previously been possible.Less than a quarter of the energy of a human engine is converted into mechanical energy.Hydrogen is the lightest gas, its density being 0.0894 g/l.统计学是一门相当新的数学分支。



通常,把机器调整2厘米就足以使压力恢复正常。6.1 介词的一般译法 第1节 翻译练习1 In general, man serves as the source of infection while animals act as such only occasionally.An industrial robot shares many attributes in common with a numerical control machine tool.一般来说,人可作为感染源,而动物只是偶然如此。工业用机器人与数控机床有许多共同的特性。第1节 翻译练习2 With non-changeover control both the boiler plant and the chiller plant operate to provide simultaneous heating and cooling throughout the year.The online service delivers substantially more value to our global audience of e-business professionals in the chemical, plastics and allied industries.This device can mimic photosynthesis to produce usable energy from sunlight.采用非转换控制,锅炉设备和制冷装置都在运行,全年可同时供暖和制冷。


这种装置能够模拟光合作用,利用阳光产生可用的能源。第1节 翻译练习3 The longitudinal axis of the turbine generator is perpendicular to the axis of the steam generator.In the right conditions, membranes are self-assembling.Winding of the spring induces residual stresses through bending.汽轮发电机的纵轴与锅炉轴线垂直。当条件适宜时,细胞膜会自行聚集。卷绕弹簧时因为弯曲引起了残余应力。第1节 翻译练习4 If leakage occurs around output shaft, replace seal and packing.So they give off a stronger signal to sensitive radiation detectors mounted over the subject’s head.如输出轴周围漏油,应更换密封件及填料。

因而它向安装在受试者头部上方的灵敏的辐射探测器发出的信号比较强。第1节 翻译练习5 It is customary to use electromagnets rather than permanent magnets for the field.This flat screen technology eliminates curvature on the screen surface.All the charge on a conductor lies on its surface.通常磁场用的都是电磁铁而不是永久磁铁。这种纯平面技术可以消除屏幕表面的弯曲。导体的全部电荷都在其表面。6.2 介词短语的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 For ease of assembly and removal of the wheels, the outer races are press-fitted in the wheel hubs.With the length much greater than its width, the coil is called solenoid.With only about half as many moving parts as a conventional engine, a Wankel is only half the size and weight, and almost completely vibrationless.为了便于车轮安装和拆卸,把外套圈压入配合到轮毂里。如果长度远远超过了宽度,这种线圈就称为螺线管。由于其运动机件数几乎仅为一般发动机的一半,汪克尔发动机只有一般发动机的一半大、一半重,而且几乎完全没有振动。

Without an electric field applied, a dielectric atom is symmetrical.Despite changes in the load, the voltage applied to it remains fairly constant.For more information on the improvements we’ve made, scroll down to New Features & Functionality.如果没有外加电场,电介质原子是对称的。


要想对我们的改进有更多的了解,请往下看“新特点与新功能”。第2节 翻译练习2 Singularity functions do not occur in physical systems.A fair amount of theoretical and experimental work has been devoted at this agency to a better understanding of non-stationary aerodynmics.物理系统不存在奇异函数。

该机构为更好地了解非定常气体动力学作了大量的理论研究和试验工作。第2节 翻译练习3 Animals are always losing carbon by respiration as against plants always gaining carbon.The most effective method of reducing friction is to use rolling friction instead of sliding friction.动物通过呼吸排除碳,而植物却吸收碳。

减少摩擦力的最有效的方法是采用滚动摩擦,而不是采用滑动摩擦。第2节 翻译练习4 The shape of the electron spectrum in beta decay is not dominated by properties of the matrix element.Pressure in a liquid is at right angles to the walls of container.β衰变的电子谱的形状不取决于矩阵元的性质。液体的压力与容器壁垂直。第2节 翻译练习5 Hysteresis energy is a useful basis for the establishment of failure criteria in fatigue.Physical chemistry applies the methods of physics to the study of chemical systems.在建立疲劳破坏准则时,迟滞能量是一个有用的依据。物理化学是应用物理学的方法研究化学体系。6.3 常用介词的译法 第3节 翻译练习1 Little information is given about the origin of life.A basic change in thinking about force and mass is required.Fluoride damage is generally restricted to areas about manufacturing plants.The vacuum was created about the exit.关于生命起源方面的资料极少。

对于力和质量的看法需要做根本的改变。氟化物的危害一般仅限于制造厂附近。在出口附近产生真空。第3节 翻译练习2 All of its circuit elements are bonded together after being manufactured.Line reams new bushings after installation.After all logic events have been completed, the automatic control unit initiates the machine after the instruction.将所有的电路元件在制成之后都连结在一起。安装后对新轴套绞同心孔。

在所有的逻辑事件完成之后,自动控制器按照指令再次启动该机器。Those machines are made after the model.After all its changeable forms, energy can never be destroyed.那些机器是按该模型制成的。

尽管能的形式是可以改变的,但绝不会消失。第3节 翻译练习3 Working instruments are verified for calibration against reference instruments.The current in a transmitting antenna when plotted against time is usually a sine wave.The process was against any basic laws of physics.Force is necessary to drive an electric current against a resistance.工业用的仪表要根据基准仪表来校验其刻度。


One of the chief uses of zinc is to protect the surface of iron against rust.Lightening rods are used to protect electrical devices against lightening.It is necessary to prevent induction motors against overload and undervoltage.The advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm have to be weighted against each other in the light of the particular application.锌的主要用途之一是防止铁表面生锈。避雷针用来保护电器设备不受雷击。必须保护感应电动机,防止过载及欠压。

每一种算法都必须根据具体应用相互对比才能权衡其优劣。第3节 翻译练习4 The second phase of the restoration project will be to lay down a stabilization ring around the tower’s foundation.The separating force on the mill was calculated to be around 10 million 1b.The arch dam is economical in narrow canyons where the top chord length is around two to three times the height of the dam.修复工程的第二阶段是在塔基周围建造一环形稳固基。此轧机的轧制力量估计大约一千万磅左右。截面越大,强度越大。第3节 翻译练习5 Each observation could be weighted inversely as the distance or as the square root of the frequency.If the electric lines are parallel to the earth, the wave is referred to as horizontally polarized.每次观测可以倒过来加权,作为距离或频率的平方根。如果电力线与地面平行,其电波就称为水平极化电波。第3节 翻译练习6 At the beginning of its operation, this turbine is only about 50 percent efficient.It is usual to provide a flowmeter at the column outlet.A small hole is provided at the lock ring groove to facilitate removal of the lock ring.在开始运行的时候,这台涡轮机的效率只有50%。在柱子出口处常常要安装一个流量器。

为使锁定环拆卸方便,可在其沟槽内开一小孔。The shunt motor operates nearly at constant speed.Women of child-bearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.并励电动机差不多恒速运行。

育龄女性危险最大,因为月经是铁流失重要原因之一。第3节 翻译练习7 And offshore drilling is made possible by using huge quantities of gaseous nitrogen and oxygen to provide a livable atmosphere deep under water.Every metal possesses certain properties, or characteristics or qualities which we can find by experiment.All materials are deformed to some extent by the application of an external force.用大量的氮气和氧气形成在深水中能够生活的环境,才有可能进行海底石油钻探。每一种金属都具有某些性能,或特性、性质,而这些我们可以通过实验检验出来。所有材料多少都会由于外力而变形。(练习8用法)Nd

By the Law of Universal Gravitation, all bodies attract each other.By this theory we can explain the phenomenon for which the old view of matter did not account.按照万有引力定律,一切物体都相互吸引。

根据这一学说,我们就能解释旧的物质观没有说明的现象。第3节 翻译练习8 The machine tool is directly driven by the main drive motor.The pituitary gland is constituted by two lobes.The energy possessed by an object by virtue of its motion is called kinetic energy, or energy of motion.The production capacity has greatly increased by the development of the control of manufacturing processes by computers.机床由主电机直接启动。

物体由于运动而获得的能量称为动能,或称为运动能量。由于采用了计算机控制制造过程,因而生产能力大大提高。垂腺体由两个叶组成。第3节 翻译练习9 We may not have eliminated cigarette smoking completely by the end of this century.The faculty line must be repaired by the time of the summer harvest.The current in an inductor lags the voltage by 90° or, what is the same thing, the voltage leads the current by 90 °.The experts calculate that this will straighten up the tower by several centimeters.到本世纪末我们或许还不能完全消除吸烟现象。夏收之前,故障线路必须修好。

根据专家们的计算,这将使斜塔取直几厘米。电感器中的电流落后于电压90°,或者说,电压超前于电流90 °。第3节 翻译练习10 By hPa we mean an international standardized pressure unit.By conductivity we mean the ability to conduct an electric current.所谓百帕,是国际上通用的表示气压的单位。所谓导电率,是指传导电流的能力。Nd

第3节 翻译练习11 The electric drive system is made detachable for ease of transportation and installation.CFCs and other ozone-depleting chemicals were first mass-produced in the 1950s for use as refrigerants, industrial solvents, cleaning fluids and agents in making foam products.These data are the basis for important decisions.They will build two power plants here, which can meet the demands for power supply.为了便于运输和安装,电力驱动系统做成可拆式。



第3节 翻译练习12 The temperature was too high for the boiler to withstand.A visual inspection must be done carefully for the materials, especially for those to be used in fabrication of pressure vessels.For this reason, be very careful when you take antibiotics.The first passengers came to ground, none the worse for their experience, 3,000 meters from their standing point.温度提高,致使锅炉承受不了。


第一批乘客在离出发点3000米处着陆,并没有因这一 遭遇而发生不良反应。Nd

第3节 翻译练习13 Make water do duty for alcohol as a solvent.They succeeded in substituting a synthetic rubber for the natural rubber.Electricity compensates for barometric pressure as well as system pressure variations.用水代替酒精当溶剂用。


The disease raged through the city for months.The mixture was cured at room temperature for 8-14 days.这种疾病在这座城市猖獗了几个月。混合物在室温下需熟化8-14天。第3节 翻译练习14 For all their great stableness under ordinary circumstances, insulating materials may change radically in characteristics under extreme conditions of voltage stress or temperature or under the action of certain chemicals.For all its invisible shield, the ozone layer can be measured in a number of ways.For all our advice, he insists on carrying out ignition experiment.尽管在正常的情形下绝缘材料的性能很稳定,但在极端情况下,比如电压过高、高温或在某种化学物质作用下,绝缘材料的性能会遭到完全破坏。

尽管臭氧层是一种不可见的保护层,但还是有多种测量它的方法。尽管我们劝阻他,他仍然坚持要进行点火实验。Nd 第3节 翻译练习15 This reduces the resistance to current flowing from the wire through the rubber to copper strips below the tubes.A user may jump from one document to another in a nonlinear, associative way.From the information in this table, we can easily compute an estimate of the value of the mean of this grouped data.Having no compass, he got his bearings from the sun.轴承的载荷越大,其以转数为单位的寿命就越短。动量作用线伸展得越远,角动量就越大。截面越大,强度越大。Nd

第3节 翻译练习16 Fabricate a shield from 12cm aluminum alloy to the dimensions shown on Figure 11.The electronic device is made from semiconductor.Dead time is the time a worker losses from lack of materials or equipment breakdown.A similar error arises from neglect of multiple causes.按图11所示,用12厘米厚的铝合金制造防护罩。这只电子器件是用半导体做的。


第3节 翻译练习17 The hardened washer shall be prevented from turning during locknut tightening.Washers shall be from burrs and sharp edges.The triggering circuit is immune from noise.The mixture are distinct from compounds.Data is often distinguished from information and from programs.当自锁螺母拧紧时应防止淬火垫圈转动。这个触发电路不受杂音影响。混合物不同于化合物。垫圈不应带有毛刺和尖角。数据通常有别于信息和程序。Nd

第3节 翻译练习18 Highly poisonous insecticides should be kept from ordinary insecticides.Electrolysis is the liberation of free elements from a liquid by passing an electric current through it.Place these parts in a plastic bag, and keep separate from other bearing assemblies.剧毒农药和普通农药要严格分开置放。


第3节 翻译练习19 Canadian scientists looked for ozone thinning in the Arctic.31 In Canada, governments are also starting programs to recycle and recover CFCs.The uses of industrial gases in our high-tech world are numerous and varied.加拿大科学家在北极区寻找臭氧层变薄的迹象。



The hummingbird has the highest metabolic rate per unit of body weight in the avian world.Although in recent years the liquid state has been the subject of intense study, the several books treat mainly the physics of this state.In the 1970s, the focus of designing hardware was the creation of circuitry.在鸟类世界中,单位体重的新陈代谢以蜂鸟为最高。

虽然近年来液态已成为努力研究的课题,但是这些书主要是谈论液态的物理特征。在20世纪70年代,硬件设计的焦点是生成电路。第3节 翻译练习20 The decision to repair is not easy, especially in borderline cases.All molecules are in constant motion.In the study of lubrication and journal bearings, additional fundamental knowledge must be utilized.In order to prevent any damage or injury to human eyes in training, a laser energy attenuator may be mounted on the laser exit window.做出返修的决定不是容易的,在可修可不修的情况下尤其如此。在研究润滑和滑动轴承时,尚需用到另外的基础知识。


第3节 翻译练习21 The electric power which is consumed in an electric circuit is measured in watts or kilowatts.Energy and work are both measured in joules.Power, being the amount of work done per second, is measured in watts(joules/sec).电路中消耗的电力是以瓦或千瓦计量的。


第3节 翻译练习22 Objects sink down into fluids until the upthrust equals the weight of the object.If a permanent magnets is plunged into the coil the meter registers a momentary current.It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.物体沉入流体,直到向上的推力与物体的重量相等。如果把永久磁铁插入线圈,电表会记录到一次瞬间电流。只是在最近,天文学家才开始对黑洞进行具体的研究。Nd

Physics gives us power to adventure into the unknown.Heat transforms ice into water and water into steam.The process converts iron and steel scraps into metal powder.物理学给予我们探索未知世界的能力。

热使冰变成水,使水变成蒸汽。此法可把钢铁切屑变成金属粉末。第3节 翻译练习23 Considerable literature has grown up relating to experimental confirmation of elastohydrodynamic theory.The successful launching of space rockets has added much to man’s knowledge of the upper strata of the atmosphere.The processor is in over-all control of the system.关于弹性流体动力润滑理论的实验证明,已涌现出大量文献。宇宙火箭发射的成功大大增加了人类对大气上层的知识。处理器对系统实施全面控制。Nd

第3节 翻译练习24 These compounds are of the same family of organic materials.All the types of memory we have discussed are of “random access”.It might be thought that these two effects would be of the same order of magnitude.Today of the four only Earth is known to be tectonically active.这些化合物属于同族有机物。




Of all forms of energy electricity is the most important.在所有形式的能量中,电能是最重要的。第3节 翻译练习25 A magnetic system is made of wrought iron arranged as in Fig.8-16.Flat belts are usually made of either oak-tanned leather or a fabric, such as cotton or rayon, which has been impregnated with rubber.The motor consists of two parts, the stator and the rotor.磁系统是由熟铁制成,如图8-16所示。


Each stage requires a different set of tools and sometimes requires different equipment and skills.每一步都要求有一套不同的工具,有时还要求有不同的设备和技术。第3节 翻译练习26 This chart may be plotted on semilog paper or on log-log paper.Apply a small amount of the adhesive liquid on the face of the gasket.Final composition of the Theater List is normally decided by the surgeon on the day prior to operation.On freezing, water does not contract, but instead it expands.此曲线图可绘于半对数图纸或对数图纸上。在密封垫表面上涂少许粘着剂。



第3节 翻译练习27 Further research on this subject may suggest ways in which earthquakes can be predicted and prevented.A good example of the local effects of pollution on weather is the increase in rainfall found in regions adjacent to a large paper mill.The design of structures and drainage systems are not based on these adverse site conditions.在这方面作进一步研究也许能提供预报和预防地震的方法。


Relationships between voltages and currents in a circuit have been established on the experiments.On Bohr atomic theory and wave amplification theory, laser has been developed by scientists.电路中电压与电流的关系已根据实验确定。

根据玻尔的原子理论以及波的放大理论,科学家们研制了激光。第3节 翻译练习28 It relies heavily on digital processing.On these observations, a hypothesis may be formulated.The motor is on the operation.He developed pneumonia caused by blood clots in the lungs after traveling to Asia on an economy-class ticket.这在很大程度上要依靠数字处理。电动机在运行。


第3节 翻译练习29 The prereduced or raw fine ore is injected into the smelting reduction furnace through the upper tuyeres.Gases readily diffuse through porous solids.The radiation could penetrate through layers of different materials.经过预还原的矿粉或者原始的矿粉都是通过上部的风口送入熔融还原炉的。气体很容易通过多孔固体渗出。该辐射可以穿透多层不同的材料。

Through the combustion of the fuel, chemical energy is converted into heat energy.The range and variety of work that can be done on a lathe are greatly increased through the use of various work-holding attachments.Atomic energy has arrived in time to save civilization from dying through lack of power.Silicon, chiefly through its better temperature characteristics, quickly replaced germanium in the power diode.通过使用各种工件夹具,可大大扩大车床所进行的作业范围和种类。由于硅有较好的温度特性,在功率二极管中,硅很快取代了锗。通过燃料的燃烧,化学能转变为热能。


第3节 翻译练习30 Magmas in transit to the surface will further supplement this heat.The makeup water pipeline conveys the makeup water from the makeup water intake structure to the cooling tower basin.A fresh cutter can be loaded to the spindle in a similar manner.向地表移动的岩浆进一步补偿这种热量。


The function of the computer is not limited to providing support in solving mathematical problems.The system is restricted to examining the surface only.Needed is a method of timing accurate to millionths of a second.Cultivation can be mechanized to the largest degree.该系统仅限于检验金属表面。耕作可在最大程度上实行机械化。


需要有一种精确度达到几百万分之一秒的计时方法。第3节 翻译练习31 Computers have as yet contributed little to pure mathematical theory.Air pressure is inversely proportional to altitude.Thus, Fig.5 is similar to Fig.4b insofar as the same recombination and filters have been applied to both.An electric motor is similar to a generator in construction.迄今为止,计算机对纯数学理论的贡献不大。气压与高度成反比。

电动机和发电机在结构上类似。第3节 翻译练习32 Water enters the cylinder and fills the space under the piston.When a vehicle passes over a road, its weight is transmitted through the wheel on to the pavement under it.But how can bouncing sound waves help oceanographers to see the sea floor and the mud, soil, and rocks under it? 水进入泵筒,并注满活塞下面的空间。



Under certain conditions, heat energy may be changed into mechanical energy, and mechanical energy(may be changed)into heat energy.There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of forces.Water vapor in the air breaks down under the intense heat.在力的作用下,一切材料无不变形。

在一定条件下,热能可以转换成机械能,机械能也可以转换成热能。空气中的水蒸气在高温下发生分解。第3节 翻译练习33 Under some trade terms, the buyer might undertake to clear the goods for export in the seller’s

country.The books are categorized under the Dewey Decimal System.The agreement for the trade and cooperation is still under a draft.Lianyungang Nuclear Power Station is still under construction.根据某些贸易条款规定,买方须负责在卖方所在国的出口清关。这些图书是按照杜威十进制编目的。贸易合作的协定仍在草拟中。连云港核电站仍在建设中。第3节 翻译练习34 It has no connection with the automatic positioning facilities.Oxygen is a gas that can unite with many substances.The resistance usually varies with temperature.它与自动定位装置没有关系。


With the invention of the transistor, electronics entered a new phase.With the advance of science and technology, some scientific problems become less complicated than they were thought.随着晶体管的发明,电子技术进入了一个新的阶段。

随着科技进步,有些科学问题没有原先认为的那么复杂了。第3节 翻译练习35 The machining center is provided with an automatic tool changer.Bricks are also produced in many different colors and with various finishes.Most of the machining we do in a machine shop is done with cutting tools.Unix marketers have looked with some envy at these applications.加工中心备有自动换刀装置。


我们在机械加工车间所做的大部分机加工是用刀具来进行的。“UNIX”的销售者以很大的热情关注着这些应用程序。第3节 翻译练习36 With the advent of modern methods of communication the whole world has been transformed into a single mechanism.The machines may get heated with overload.Computers perform particular operations with the information they are given.由于近代通信方法的出现,整个世界已转变为一个统一的机体。机器可因过载而发热。


Assemble bearing inner and outer races with serial numbers indexed.An interrupt is allowed to occur in accordance with specified priorities.根据特定的优先权允许发生中断。根据序号组装轴承内外座圈。第3节 翻译练习37 With its many advantages, wood is not without its drawbacks as a fuel.With its complex structure, it is liable to install.36 With no discovery, many laws of nature actually exist in nature.With slight repair, the old type of engine can be used.尽管木材有许多优点,但作为燃料仍有缺陷。虽然结构复杂,但容易安装。

许多自然规律虽然尚未被发现,但它们确实存在于自然界之中。只要稍加修理,这台老式发动机就可使用。第3节 翻译练习38 Petrol is a mixture of the lower-boiling hydrocarbons, with boiling temperatures ranging from 100°C to 400°C.Never operate the engine with the water temperature in the radiator exceeding 100°C.The field-effect transistor consists of a single crystal of doped semiconductor material in the shape of a bar with leads connected to both ends.在散热器中的水温超过100°C的情况下决不要开发动机。

场效应晶体管是一个棒状的掺杂半导体材料的单晶,两端连有引出线。汽油是低沸点的碳氢化合物混合体,其沸点范围在100°C to 400°C之间。With the cause of the fault removed at once, the generator kept working.One kind of switch is inside a metal box called a switch box, with a handle on the outside.The pressure of a gas varies inversely as its volume, with temperature constant.With the switch open, there is no current flowing in the load.有一种开关是放在一个称作开关箱的金属箱内,而柄留在外面。由于即使排除了故障,发电机继续工作。温度不变时,气体压强和体积成反比。打开开关,没有电流通过负载。第3节 翻译练习39 Magnetic induction can take place without contact between the magnet and the iron.Without dust, there would be no clouds and no rain.Thin plates are joined by melting their edges together without the addition of filling metal.磁铁和铁块相互不接触便可发生磁感应。若没有灰尘,就不会形成云和雨。

薄钢板是靠熔化其边缘而焊接在一起的,不需要填料金属。A body cannot be moved without having a force act upon it.He finished the stress experiment without difficulty.他轻松地完成了这个应力实验。

若没有力作用于物体上,物体就不能移动。第6章 总复习题

The conductivity of polyacetylene drops rapidly in contact with air.There is a brighter future for intelligent devices in the home.The scientists found that the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell.Once upon a time, bold claims were made about computers, the future and the “paperless office”.聚乙炔一接触空气,其导电性就迅速下降。家庭智能装置仍有着更加光明的前景。(省译)科学家们发现腿内的血管不会肿胀。

曾几何时,有人就有关计算机、未来和“无纸化办公”做过大胆的预测。The doctor advised against the use of the new treatment.37 If a good base cannot be found at a reasonable depth, then a so-called deep foundation must be provided.Magnetic lines of force cannot be seen, but we know they exist by what they do.磁力线是看不见的,但是我们按照它们的作用即知它们的存在。医生建议不要使用新的治疗方法。

若在合理的深度内找不到坚实的地基层,那就要采用所谓的深基础。We may process directly with Kirchoff’s voltage law for the circuit.The proper values of a and b are determined from two conditions.Optional communications are free from electromagnetic interference.This type of discrepancy could have resulted from differences in kinetics.a和b的值由两个条件决定。



The visual image of the letters making up the word is converted into its spoken equivalent.Primitive man made weapons, tools, and utensils of copper, brass, and bronze.The longer wavelengths of radio signals pass through the atmosphere relatively undisturbed.将组成词的各字母的视觉形象转换成该词对应的发音。相对来说,波长较长的射电讯号通过大气时没有受到干扰。原始人类用铜、黄铜和青铜制作成各种武器、工具和器皿。

Most hardness-testing systems employ a standard load which is applied to a ball or pyramid in contact with the material to be tested.All metals are corrodible under the proper circumstances.The design of the rocket nozzle also has much to do with the behavior of the exhaust and the resulting velocity of the vehicle itself.多数的硬度实验系统使用一标准载荷加在与实验金属相接触的小球或棱锥上。所有金属在一定情况下都是可腐蚀的。


Peripheral milling operations are usually performed on milling machines with the spindle positioned horizontally;however, they can also be performed with end mills on vertical-spindle machines.Copper and aluminum are the best conductors of electric current only after silver.From various experiments we cannot but think the theory still holds good.周铣作业通常在带有水平定位主轴的铣床上进行,但也可以在带有端面铣刀的主轴铣床上进行。


根据各种实验,我们不得不承认这个理论依然是行之有效的。Hydrogen is generated from zinc and sulfuric acid.The sort of fish cannot live in the temperate zone, let alone in the frigid zone.The locomotive developed some new problems on its line-test.Gases can be chemisorbed or physically absorbed on solids.氢由锌和硫酸所产生。



Under ideal conditions the fatigue failure will consist of a spotting of the load-carrying surfaces.Oxidation implies the combination of other elements with oxygen to form compounds.在理想条件下,疲劳失效将是承载表面的点蚀。氧化意味着其他元素与氧形成化合物。7.1 连词的一般译法 第1节 翻译练习1 Carbon steel contains only iron and carbon, while alloy steel contains some other alloying metals.Because this current continually reverses in direction, it is called an alternating current.Liquid and vapor phases cannot coexist in equilibrium.碳钢只含有铁和碳,而合金钢含有一些别的合金金属。由于这种电流不断地改变方向,故称为交流电。液相和气相不能在平衡中并存。第1节 翻译练习2 Some companies replace certain parts regularly, determining the effective life of a part and then replacing it just before it would wear out.The cost of making these tests is very low when it is divided by the total number of parts manufactured.一些公司定期更换某些零部件,先推定零部件的有效寿命,以便在零部件即将磨损之前予以更换。

如果以生产零件的总数来划分,这些实验的成本会非常低。Why use metal when you can use plastic? A brief description of how transistors are manufactured is given here.That is why surfactants are so widely used in industry.既然能用塑料为什么你却使用金属呢? 这里对晶体管的是生产方法作一简略叙述。这就是在工业上广泛使用表面活性剂的原因。第1节 翻译练习3 Sometimes it is necessary to drill to a depth of 1,000 meters or more, before water is found in sufficient quantity.It is stated that the positioning system has an accuracy of repeatability within 0.0002 inch.When short waves are sent out and meet an obstacle they are reflected.有时必须钻到1000米或更深的深度,才能找到足够量的水。据称,该定位系统的重复精度在0.0002英寸。短波发送出去,遇到障碍就反射回来。7.2 常用并列连词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 Computers cope with negative numbers and fractions in binary arithmetic.Oxygen is chemically active and takes part in many reactions.计算机采用二进制算法来处理负数与小数。氧的化学性能活泼,能参与许多反应。(省译)

Modern electronic computers and other devices will be made smaller by the development of LSI.Some electrical engineers design and maintain power plants, transmission lines and home and factory electrical installations.39 大规模的集成电路的发展将使现代化电子计算机以及其他装置越来越小。

有些电气工程师设计和保养发电厂、输电线、以及各种家用和工业用电器设备。第2节 翻译练习2 The induced electromotive force lags and the current leads.Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.感应电动势滞后,而电流导前。同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。(省译)

Transformers are commonly used in radio receivers and electrical communication circuits, and they are generally much smaller than those for power transmission.Analyzing the dynamics of the way a person signs his or her name, and not just how the signature looks, is one basis of a biometric verifier.变压器通常用于无线电收音机和电信电路中,可是这些变压器一般比用于输电的变压器小得多。


第2节 翻译练习3 It is important to know that different types of control circuits may be used in one control system, and a completed control loop may consist of a combination of electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic elements.重要的是要知道,在一个控制系统中可使用不同类型的控制电路,而且一个完整的控制回路可由电力、气动或液压配合组成。

The synchronous motor is even more expensive and requires a source of d.c.excitation, as well as special synchronizing control to apply the d.c.power at the correct instant.Telephone communication is now widespread and efficient.The machine is old and heavy.同步电动机则更贵,而且需要直接励磁电源和专门的同步控制器以便在适当的瞬间接入直流电源。

现在的电话通讯既广泛又有效。这台机器又旧又笨重。第2节 翻译练习4 We have to replace some of its parts and make this machine more efficient.To make the balloon descend, the “pilot” opened a valve and allowed some of the gas escape.我们必须调换某些零件,以使这台机器效率更高。


Change one or more steps and we will improve the quality of the finished products.Use a transformer and we can transform power at low voltage into power at high voltage and vice versa.若改变一个或几个步骤,我们就有可能提高成品的质量。

用了变压器,我们就可以把低电压变为高电压,也可把高电压变为低电压。第2节 翻译练习5 Uncap openings in indicators and connect lines.Install aluminum washers nest to pump, steel washers next, and install nuts.Lead lacks tensile strength and it cannot be drawn out in the form of fine wire.取下仪表开口处的盖子,再接上管路。



For LP turbine there is no residual axial thrust caused from blading because of the turbine’s double-flow arrangement of blading and thus no balancing piston is needed.至于低压汽轮机,并没有残存的轴力,因为汽轮机的叶栅作双流配置,因而也无需采用平衡轮。

第2节 翻译练习6 The plan is very complicated technically, but the general idea is quite simple.Now the electrons which have been driven onto the negative plate are trying to get back to the positive plate, but cannot do so because of the e.m.f which is applied to the plates.这一计划在技术上十分复杂,但总的想法却相当简单。

现在已被赶到负极上的电子力图返回正极,可是由于极板上施加有电动势的缘故而办不到。There are already a number of modern vehicles which are not yet in common use, but which may become a usual means of transport in the future.现在已有一些现代化的运载工具,它们目前尚未被普遍使用,但将来可能成为一种日常的交通工具。

第2节 翻译练习7 But that he prevented me, I might have kept the machine parts in the damp place.But that the checking up of the experimental data had taken so much time, we should have completed our work long ago.若不是他阻止,我可能就会把那些机器零件保存在潮湿的地方。假若检验这些实验数据不花那么多时间,我们早就完成了这项工作。But for air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.But for the laws of motion as a basis, thousands of discoveries and inventions would have been out of the question.要是没有空气,地球温度就会发生剧变。

如果没有运动定律作为基础,就不可能有成千上万的发现和发明。第2节 翻译练习8 The positive and negative ions become separated or dissociated.No electric charges have been observed of smaller magnitude than the charge of protons or electrons.Foods quick-frozen in liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide have transformed the way we eat.正负离子彼此分解或电离。



We will start with a cubic inch of hydrogen at atmosphere pressure(or the air pressure at the earth’s surface).Scientists have shown that certain chemicals are slowly eroding the ozone layer.The main culprits are chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs.Fire is a chemical action, or an action taking place between different chemical substances.我们从大气压力(即地球表面的空气压力)下的一立方英寸氢气开始。

科学家们已经证明,某些化工产品会慢慢破坏臭氧层。主要诱因就是氯氟甲烷,即氟里昂。火是一种化学反应,也就是发生在不同化学物质间的一种作用。第2节 翻译练习9

Right or wrong, his theory is the most influential.All methods, simple or complicated, are employed in the tension-test.You have to open the switch right away or else the fuse will be burned off.无论对错,他的理论无疑是最有影响力的。

在拉伸试验中,所有方法不论简单还是复杂,都用过了。你必须把开关立即断开,否则保险丝就会烧断。A body must move, or no work is done.These old transformers have been used for ten or twenty years.The newly-installed generating set will be put in operation a month or so.物体必须移动,否则就没有做功。

这些旧变压器已经使用大约一二十年了。新机组再有一个月左右就投入运行。第2节 翻译练习10 The central computer’s job is to run through the maps in its database as well as details on road works, weather, etc.Boiling point elevations, as well as the variation of the heat capacities and latent heats with temperature, are negligible.中心计算机的任务是查阅储存在数据库中的地图以及修路工程、天气等详细情况。沸点升高以及热容和潜热随温度的变化而忽略不计。

He discovered that he could send the sound of music as well as the dot-and-dash sounds of Morse Code through the coil.The physics students study chemistry as well as physics.他发现不仅能使线圈传送莫尔斯电码的点划音,而且也能是线圈传送音乐。(倒译法)物理系学生不仅学物理,而且要学化学。(倒译)

Experimental data can be used to illustrate the application techniques as well as to demonstrate the validity of the approach.In order to get various vitamins a person should eat a diet including vegetables as well as meat.实验数据既能用来说明应用技术,也能用来验证方法的有效性。(顺译)为了摄取多种维生素,一个人既应该吃些素食,也该吃荤食。(顺译)第2节 翻译练习11 When light strikes an opaque object, the light is either absorbed or reflected.The oxygen contained in the rocket is either in the liquid or in the solid form.When astronomers look at the sky, they expect to see either a star or a galaxy.当光照在不透明的物体上时,光或是被吸引或是被反射。火箭内储存的氧或是液态的,或是固态的。

每次天文学家观测天空,他们期望看到的不外乎是一个恒星或一个星系。第2节 翻译练习12 There are materials which are neither good conductors nor good insulators.It is neither possible nor practical to make many parts to an exact size.Neither glass nor porcelain is a conductor.有些材料既非良好的导体也非良好的绝缘体。

要使许多零件加工尺寸丝毫不差,既不可能,也不切实际。玻璃和陶瓷都不是导体。第2节 翻译练习13

Not only does air exert pressure, but it also has buoyancy.This method not only simplifies analysis but also facilitates measurements.空气不仅产生压力,而且有浮力。

这种方法不仅简化了分析,而且也便于测量。7.3 常用主从连接词的译法 第3节 翻译练习1 The loop oscillator frequency can be the same as, or a multiple of , the reference frequency.Because a d.c.motor is the same physical machine as a d.c.generator, its equivalent circuit is exactly the same as that of a generator except for the direction of current flow.环路振荡器可以和参考频率相同,也可以是参考频率的倍数。由于直流电机与直流发电机的物理结构是一样的,其等效电路除了电流方向外也与直流发电机相同。

R2, as is shown in Fig.3, has been split in halves to enable the feedback to be applied.Under certain conditions a body can be charged, as has been said before.如图3所示,R2被分为两半,使得反馈能够加上去。在一定的条件下,物体能够带电,这在前面已经讲到。第3节 翻译练习2 As current is increased, the flux builds up according to Curve 2.As you are doing the experiment, write down the observations.当电流增大,磁通沿着曲线2增大。


As the 21st century approaches, complicated digital technologies and the promise of exploding bandwidth are combining to create a third kind of convergence.As particle has no extent, its position is a point.As water is a compound, it can be decomposed.As the current was trebled abruptly, the second valve burnt out.随着21世纪的来临,复杂的数字技术与带宽不断扩大的前景相结合将会创造出第三种意义的“连通”。


由于电流突然增加了两倍,第二个电子管烧坏了。第3节 翻译练习3 Gravity, the force of the earth’s attraction, governs the atmosphere just as it governs solid objects.Some waves are reflected as a mirror reflects light.The large force is to the small force as the large area is to the small area.引力,即地球的吸引力,正像它影响着固体那样影响着大气。大的力与小的力之比就像大面积与小面积之比。有些波被反射,就像镜子反射光一样。

Electron tubes are not so light in weight as semiconductor devices.The tools are machined to tolerances as close as 0.0001 inch.Modern computers can store the facts as fast as they are gathered and pour them out whenever they are needed.电子管的重量不如半导体器件那么轻。


工具加工的误差接近0.0001英寸。第3节 翻译练习4 Complicated as modern machine is, it is essentially a combination of simple machines.The various losses in a machine, great as they are, do not in any way contradict the Law of Conservative of Energy.Very large as the nuclear energy supply in the interior of the star is, it is nevertheless finite.现代化机器虽然复杂,但实质上不过是许多简单机械的组合。虽然恒星内部的核能储量很大,但仍是有限的。

机器中的各种损耗尽管很大,但这与能量守恒定律丝毫也不矛盾。第3节 翻译练习5 Each of the two wires carrying currents has a magnetic field, as if it were a magnet.Water also presses on the inside of the container as though it is trying to escape.通电的两根导线每一根都有一个磁场,好像是一块磁铁。水对容器的内壁也产生压力,似乎水力图要流出来一样。第3节 翻译练习6 So long as we have means of producing heat can we keep a steam engine working.It is capable of keeping its shape as long as the planet keeps spinning.只要设法产生热,就能使蒸汽机做功。


As far as processing power is concerned, the difference between a PC and a mainframe is closing fast.As far as the quality of transformers is concerned, the ones they produced are better.就处理能力而言,PC机和大型机之间的差异正在迅速缩小。就变压器的质量而言,他们生产的变压器更好。第3节 翻译练习7 As soon as printing quality levels can be maintained and the effective life of the machine increased, a preventive maintenance program is effective.As soon as the electrons are transformed and ions formed, they are charged.The electrons create a magnetic field as soon as they begin to move.一旦印刷质量得以保证并且机器有效使用期得以延长,经常性维修保养计划才是行之有效的。

一旦电子转移,形成离子,它们就带电了。电子一开始运动,就产生磁场。第3节 翻译练习8 Before you join one electric wire with another, make sure the current has been switched off.The leaves separate before the metallic board is touched.Further study is needed before the origin of the covalent bond can be considered a settle question.在你把一根电线和另一根电线连接起来之前,务必先切断电源。在接触金属板以前簧片分开。


The direction of the current was decided before electrons were discovered.She switched on the engine before we could stop her.电流方向确定了,电子才被发现。


第3节 翻译练习9 Even if one of the engines fails the plane will be able to continue its flight safely.It has undergone a chemical change since, even if cooled, it will not return to its original condition.The lathe can turn holes even if it is not a driller.即使发动机中有一台失灵,飞机仍能安全地继续飞行。车床尽管不是钻床,也能钻孔。

从那时起它已发生化学变化,即使加以冷却,它也不会恢复原样。第3节 翻译练习10 If a.c.power is available, all drives requiring constant speed should use squirrel-cage induction or synchronous motors because of their ruggedness and lower cost.If the parting contacts are made of low-melting-point material such as brass or copper, the arc will go out at the first current zero as the voltage is insufficient to reestablish as cathode spot after current reversal.因为鼠笼式感应电动机或同步电动机经久耐用且成本低,若有交流电源可用,所有需要恒速驱动的装置应使用这两种电机。如果分段的触点采用低熔点金属(如黄铜、铜)等制作,则电弧会在第一个电流过零点熄灭,因为在电流极性变化后,没有足够的电压再次产生阴极辉光放电。

People might have avoided many accidents if ultrasonic methods had been known.If a d.c.system were to be used, the transmission loss would be very great.If there were no air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.The question is if there are other chief sources of organic materials in addition to coal and petroleum.要是过去知道超声波法,人们当时是可以避免许多事故的。如果没有空气,地球温度就会发生剧变。若采用直流电力网,输电损失就会很大。

问题是除了煤和石油之外是否还有别的有机物主要来源。第3节 翻译练习11 The current flows through a conductor in case there is a difference of potential between the ends of the conductor.Ordinary movements would be impossible in case friction were unavailable.如果导体两端有不同电位时,电流就可以通过导体流动。假如没有摩擦力,常见的活动都不可能进行。第3节 翻译练习12 Once formed, the depletion region acts against further diffusion.Once the melting point is reached, the temperature will not increase any further until the melting is completed.Once an object is in motion, it will continue to move.耗尽区一旦形成,便会阻碍进一步扩散。

一旦达到熔点,温度就不再升高,直到完全熔化。物体一旦处于运动状态,就会继续运动下去。第3节 翻译练习13 The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume provided its temperature is kept constant.45 The blast-furnace is expected to remain the world’s chief source of iron units steelmaking, provided adequate supplies of suitable coking coal remain available at competitive cost.如果温度保持不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比。


All substances will permit the passage of some electric current, in the event that the potential difference is high enough.The magnetic effect does not represent a continuous expenditure of energy, supposing that the current is steady.倘若电位差足够高时,所有的物质都将可能通过若干电流。假如电流稳定的话,磁效应不再继续消耗能量。第3节 翻译练习14 Since that time, especially since the introduction of the Bessemer process, the age of iron has turned into an age of steel.Electricity has found wide application since it was discovered.自从那时起,特别是自从采用贝西默炼钢法以来,炼铁时代转变为炼钢时代。自从发现电以后,电就获得了广泛的应用。

Since planetesimals aggregated at different distances from the sun’s heat and light, the composition of the planets varies.Since the secondary winding is normally operated into a high-impedance circuit, the secondary current is quite small.由于微星聚集的地点离太阳的热和光远近不同,行星的组成也不同。因为次级绕组通常被输入高阻抗的电路,所以次级电流很小。第3节 翻译练习15 Large accumulations of plant remains indicate that the deposits were formed in close proximity to land in a swamp, estuary, or delta.One condition for this is that the polymer consists of alternate single and double bonds, termed conjugated double bonds.若是植物遗骸大量堆积,这表明沉积物是在紧靠陆地的沼泽、港湾或三角洲中形成的。(宾从)


We are all familiar with the fact that nothing in nature will either start or stop moving by itself.The pore space of soil that is thoroughly soaked with water does not have any air.This could result in the development of tiny, powerful computers that run for extended periods of time on little power.我们都熟知这样一个事实:自然界没有一个物质会自行开始运动或自行停止运动。(同位从)完全被水浸没的土壤,其孔隙没有丝毫空气。(定从)这种技术可以用于开发体积微小、功能强大的计算机。而这类计算机依靠极少的电能就可以长时间地工作。(定从)第3节 翻译练习16 Many substances such as glass and wood conduct so poorly that they may be called nonconductors or insulators.At an estimated 80 beats per second, the bee hummer’s wings move so rapidly that the naked eye cannot detect them.诸如玻璃、木材之类的物质传导性极差,所以可称为非导体或绝缘体。(结果状从)

蜂鸟的翅膀估计每秒扇动80次,速度之快使肉眼看不到它的翅膀。(结果状从)Cables are usually laid underground so that their life may be extended.Now that we have examined several areas of natural science, perhaps it would be well to attempt to define science.Lead is toxic in that it hampers brain development.电缆通常安装在地下,为的是延长其寿命。(目的状从)

既然我们已经仔细研究了自然科学的几个领域,现在不妨给科学下个定义。(原因状从)铅有毒,因为铅会影响大脑发育。(原因状从)第3节 翻译练习17 Unless the steam is superheated, higher pressure will be necessary.A copper wire is not affected unless there is electrical pressure.Usually substances can’t expand, unless they are heated.如果蒸汽不是过热蒸汽,就需要较高的压力。铜线不受磁铁的影响,除非它载有电流。物质如果不受热,一般是不会膨胀的。第3节 翻译练习18 Until the SCR was developed, the thyratron was the only controlled rectifier available.Rubber was known only as a natural product until its synthesis was achieved in 1916.Not until the jet engine had come into use could planes travel at supersonic speeds.在研制出可控硅之前,闸流管是唯一可用的可控整流元件。


When the water temperature is increased, it vaporizes more quickly until it reaches boiling point.水温升高时,水蒸发得越来越快,直到达到沸点为止。第3节 翻译练习19 Precisely what happens to the atomic structure of metals at such low temperatures is still not wholly understood.Since sound travels differently through different materials, analyzing the sounds can reveal what the floor is made of.在如此低的温度下金属的原子结构到底发生什么变化,还不完全清楚。(主从)


A programmer must make out, in every detail, the problem to be solved in what is called machine language.These illustrations show what happens to the mixture after it enters the cylinder of the engine.The method of physics is to analyze first the simpler cases, to extract what we can from them, and to go forward to more and more complicated cases.What the image tube does is not hard to describe.程序编制人员要用所谓的机器语言把要解决的题目详尽地编排出来。(宾从)这些插图显示混合物进入汽缸后会发生什么情况。(宾从)显象管的作用不难说清。(主从)

物理学的方法是首先分析一些较简单的事例,从中吸取我们所能吸取的知识,然后进一步分析越来越复杂的事例。(宾从)第3节 翻译练习20

We don’t know when the best times are for seeing Mercury.We don’t know when they can give the transformers we ordered.This was the period when he began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.我们不知道观察水星的最好时机是什么时候。(主从)我们不知道他们什么时候开始交付我们订购的变压器。(宾从)


In those years when electricity had not been discovered, people knew nothing of conductors and insulators.在电还没有被发现的年代里,人们不知道有导体和绝缘体。(定从)第3节 翻译练习21 When a substance is dissolved in water, the freezing point of the water is lowered.The SCR will only pass current when its gate is pulsed.Newton’s first two laws hold only when they are observed in unaccelerated reference frames.当一种物质溶解于水时,水的冰点就会降低。


牛顿的第一、第二定律,只有在非加速的参照系中作观察时,才能成立。An electric current exists when there are charges in motion.如果有电荷运动,就存在着电流。第3节 翻译练习22 Where the power station will be built is under discussion.Universal connectivity will bring together all the information and services you need and make them available to you regardless of where you are, what you are doing, or the kind of device you are using.电站建在什么地方正在讨论中。(主从)

通用连接技术将能把你所需要的信息和服务收拢起来。而且无论你在哪里,无论你在做什么,无论你使用何种设备,它都能将这些信息和服务送到你手上。(宾从)Then arose the question where we were to buy the generators needed.Water power station must be built where there are water falls.Where the watt is too small a unit, we may use the kilowatt.这时就产生了这样一个问题,我们到哪儿买所需要的发电机?(同位从)水电站必须建在水有落差的地方。(状从)在用瓦作单位太小的情况下,我们可用千瓦。(状从)第3节 翻译练习23 Resistant and tolerant varieties can help mitigate tuber damage where nematodes are present.Most urban areas now have a TDD relay center, where operators serve as intermediaries between TDD users and standard-phone users.Surrounding every magnet there is a region where magnetic forces act.在每一块磁铁的周围都有一个磁力作用的区域。(定从)抗病虫品种可以有助于减缓线虫对球根的损害。(定从)现在大部分城市市区都有“耳聋电信装置”中继中心,在那里接线员是“耳聋电信装置”用户和普通电话用户的中间人。(定从)

The reducing top gas, containing 70 percent carbon monoxide plus hydrogen, flows from an outlet pipe located near the top of the DR furnace into the top-gas scrubber, where it is cooled and

scrubbed to remove dust particles.第3节 翻译练习24 The question is whether these relays and breakers come up to the mark.We wonder whether simpler and more inclusive conservation laws exist.There is no difference whether or not the temperature is kept constant.A waterfall, whether it is man-made or natural, also possesses energy.我们不知道是否有形式更简单、运用范围更广泛的守恒定律。(宾从)温度是否保持不变,这没有什么关系。(同位从)问题是这些继电器和断路器是否合乎要求。(表从)瀑布,不管它是人造的还是天然的,也具有能量。(状从)第3节 翻译练习25 Which of these generators is the most efficient has to be tested.The problem is which generator you repair first.As to which of these apparatuses is the best, I can’t give you any definite answer.这些发电机中哪一个最有效还有待试验。(主从)

至于这些装置中哪台最好,我不能作任何肯定的回答。(宾从)问题是你先修哪一台发电机。(表从)第3节 翻译练习26 Technology tries to find applications for new ideas which science discovers.In order to keep the engine speed within the limits which it was designed for, a device which is known as a governor is incorporated in the engine.The basic principle which a tape recorder functions on is that of magnetism.技术力图为科学所发现的新思想找到应用。(定从)



Molecules in turn are made up of atoms, which are smaller particles still.An experimental station has been established off the Ivory Coast of Africa, which utilizes the different temperature levels of sea water.Light has a higher frequency than radio vaves or microwaves, which gives it a greater information carrying capacity.分子本身又是由原子构成,后者是更小的粒子。(定从)在非洲象牙海岸沿海已建立起一座试验性发电站,该发电站利用海水的温度级差来发电。(定从)


At present, microwave technology, which includes microwave heating and microwave survey, is being widely applied to industrial and agricultural production.Many people could find that videoconferencing yields productivity gains which make it worth the investment of time and money.目前,微波技术,包括微波加热和微波测量,正广泛地应用于工农业生产。(定从)许多人会发现,视频会议系统可以提高生产效率,因此它值得我们投入时间和金钱。(定从)第3节 翻译练习27 Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative.New types of computers are smaller in size, while they are simpler in operation.49 Each face is an equilateral triangle, while three faces meet at each vertex.新型计算机体积较小,而且操作也比较简单。

每一个面是一个正三角形,而且在每一个顶点有三个面相交。运动是绝对的,而静止是相对的。第3节 翻译练习28 While a crystal solid melts, there is no change in temperature.While there are heat losses in a steam turbine, I cannot prove it.While a spark of life remains, it is a doctor’s duty to save the patient.当晶态固体熔化时,温度没有变化。

虽然涡轮机内有热损耗,但我无法加以证明。只要病人还有一息生机,医生就有责任挽救。第3节 翻译练习29 It is still not clear in my mind why a generator can produce power.This is why some conjugated polymers exhibit electro-luminescence.We all know why the ground loses heat to the air.我仍然弄不明白为什么发电机能发电。(主从)


The reason why elements emit radioactive rays is that they are constantly decaying.The reason why the turbine doesn’t work is the lack of lubricant.元素射出放射线的原因是因为它们不停地在衰变。(定从)那台汽轮机运转不灵的原因是缺少润滑油。(定从)第7章 总复习题

The conductivity of polyacetylene drops rapidly in contact with air.There is a brighter future for intelligent devices in the home.The scientists found that the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell.Once upon a time, bold claims were made about computers, the future and the “paperless office”.聚乙炔一接触空气,其导电性就迅速下降。家庭智能装置仍有着更加光明的前景。(省译)科学家们发现腿内的血管不会肿胀。

曾几何时,有人就有关计算机、未来和“无纸化办公”做过大胆的预测。The doctor advised against the use of the new treatment.If a good base cannot be found at a reasonable depth, then a so-called deep foundation must be provided.Magnetic lines of force cannot be seen, but we know they exist by what they do.磁力线是看不见的,但是我们按照它们的作用即知它们的存在。医生建议不要使用新的治疗方法。

若在合理的深度内找不到坚实的地基层,那就要采用所谓的深基础。We may process directly with Kirchoff’s voltage law for the circuit.The proper values of a and b are determined from two conditions.Optional communications are free from electromagnetic interference.This type of discrepancy could have resulted from differences in kinetics.a和b的值由两个条件决定。


1)She intended to apply for that academic position.2)He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soon have to retire never occurs to him.3)Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we have a tendency to abuse our power.4)Students must observe carefully how good writers use words.5)Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.6)How do you think we should handle the drug problem?

7)According to the agreement, all business polices should apply to everybody without any prejudice.8)The control of the sand storms will involve tremendous amount of work and money.9)You have to take into consideration the local conditions when you apply these technologies.10)All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.11)Based on his careful observation of children’s behavior he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.12)In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.13)The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.14)Cheating at exam does not occur very often.But when it does, the school takes a very tough position.P22

1)In the negotiations, the two sides found they had little in common.2)More and more old people are learning how to surf / use the Internet.3)Don’t forget to write your name on the exam paper.4)We must bear in mind that there is no shortcut in learning.5)He never regretted having shifted from business to politics.6)I’d like to have a chat with you about your term paper sometime

this week.7)Like sports, learning a foreign language requires a lot of

practice.8)They all remember where they were when they heard the shocking news.9)People learn little from victory, but much more from defeat.10)Whenever you face a decision you have three choices: do what you

please;do what others do;or do what is right.Unit 2p52

1)She is always borrowing money and forgetting to pay back.2)Deeply touched by those words, he decided to turn over a new leaf.3)This semester, I’m assisting a professor specializing in international law.4)When the talk was over, the audience stayed on for a few minutes, waiting for the speaker to leave first.5)The couple were continually quarreling about trifles.6)Her family did not want the matter known to the public.7)She was a roommate of mine at college and we would often play tennis at the weekend.8)This is the first time I’ve had turkey cooked this way.9)Who’s left the tap running all night?

10)In the early days of the company, the boss would seek employees’ opinions on big decisions.Unit 3p86

1)it’s encouraging to see these children making progress.2)It wouldn’t hurt you any to do a bit of housework.3)For the Chinese, July 1 1997 is a day t remember forever.4)Is it necessary fro every staff member to wear the company uniform at work.5)In order to live close to nature, more an more city dwellers are moving to the suburbs.6)They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet, as a Chinese saying goes.7)She isn’t asking much.She simply wants to be taken seriously.8)Their goal is to break into the overseas market and compete with giant IT companies.9)Are you willing to make some sacrifices now in order to reach some long-term goals?

10)As everyone knows, China is a developing country.Therefore it is unjustifiable to require her to meet the obligations of developed countries.11)I’m shocked that the idea that women’s place is the home has found favor with both men and women in some parts of our country.12)The suspect couldn’t produceany proof that he wasn’t at the place of murder when it was committed.Unit 4p117

1)Wherever there are air and water, life is possible.2)Jogging every day, he has lost five pounds this month.3)Two of them talked in a whisper so as not to disturb the other guests.4)We’ll let you know as soon as the personnel department reached a decision.5)All those who work for the good of their community heart and soul deserve our respect.6)HIV may live in the body for years before symptoms appear.7)The moment she got home, Susan flung herself on the sofa, utterly exhausted.8)I have a feeling that Professor Liu doesn’t like the way some college students are dressed.9)After the accident, the owner of the mine was made to adopt safety measures.10)Yesterday morning, the manager went off without telling snybody, lesving secret papers all over on the desk.11)Writing in a journal can help you to release emotions even if you are not able to talk to others about how you are feeling.12)The reason he gave---that he didn’t notice the traffic light turn red---is not convincing.13)Life does not always go as smoothly as you’d like.The better you can handle stress, the less it will control your life.14)Between us---my father and me---an understanding began to grow after we opened our hearts to each other that night.15)Severe and prolonged fatigue, night sweats, fever, loss of appetite and weight---all these could be symptoms of AIDS.UNIT 7p216

1)My uncle says that if he were five years younger, he would work towards a Ph.D degree.2)If nations could really respect each other, war would be a thing of the past.3)Would Michael Dell have done better if he hadn’t quit but had finished college?

4)He believes that if it hadn’t been for his handicap he might not have achieved so much.5)He said that he wouldn’t have succeeded if scientists before him hadn’t paved the way for him.6)What I want is to care and be cared about.I don’t think I’m asking too much.7)To his surprise, instead of being criticized, he was praised for his courage to challenge authority.8)If the man in the water had been selfish, he wouldn’t have passed the lifeline on to others again and again.9)I feel it a great honor to be invited to this meeting.I’m very proud of being able to sit among so many outstanding people.10)But for such forms of high-tech communications as satellites and

computers, news and messages wouldn’t be able to travel so quickly.Unit 13P395

1)He’s terribly sorry for what he said to you the other day.Can you forgive him?
