








1. 制定时间计划,评估计划的执行情况,并根据需要实时地调整计划,是管理学习时间的有效策略。(对)

2. 远程学习的方法和技能比传统的课堂学习简单,学习方法并不重要。(错)


4. 在网络环境下,同学之间、师生之间无法协作完成课程讨论。(错 ) 5. 纸质教材、音像教材、课堂讲授的学习策略都是一样的。(错) 任务二 一.单选题

1.开放大学学制特色是注册后 (8)年内取得的学分均有效。 2. 不是专业学位授予的必备条件。(被评为优秀毕业生) 3.是专业学习后期需要完成的环节。(专业综合实践) 4. 转专业后,学籍有效期从(入学注册时)开始计算。 5. (小学、初中)不是目前国家开放大学设有的学习层次。



2. 自愿退学的学生可重新报名参加国开学习,学生原来获得的学分,可按免修免考的有关规定进行课程或学分替换。(对) 3. 入学后第一个学期可以转专业。(错) 4.申请转专业的同时不可以申请转学。(错) 5. 入学后第一个学期可以转学。(错)



1.国家开放大学门户网站网址是( )。 4. 下列选项中,属于浏览器的是(IE)

5. 常用搜索引擎按其工作方式可分为_____、目录索引类搜索引擎和元搜索引擎三类。(全文搜索引擎)


1.音视频资源可以利用Media Player、KMPlayer、暴风影音等播放软件播放。(对 ) 2. 可以用迅雷、电驴等工具下载网络上的资源。(对)

3. 在学生空间中,只能显示在学课程,不能显示已学课程。(错) 4. 电子邮件只能传递文字,不能传递图片、音频等多媒体信息。(错) 5. 在登录邮箱时,用户不需要向服务器提供用户账号和密码。(错)



1. 学生事务服务也叫学生工作。(对) 2. 国家开放大学总共设立了4类奖学金。(对)

3.只要我是开放教育的学生,就可以无条件申请所有学生评优项目。(错) 4. 国家开放大学远程接待中心只提供各类咨询服务,并不接受学生的投诉。(错) 5. 除了奖学金,国家开放大学再无设置任何学生评优项目。(错)

二、单选题 1,国家开放大学学生事务管理和服务的直接承担者、执行总部和各分部相关制度的部门是:(

学习中心学生工作部门 )

2.国家开放大学开展的优秀毕业生申请条件中的课程成绩要求是:( 统设必修课程平均成绩不低于75分,其他课程平均成绩不低于70分 )



学生在申请国家开放大学奖学金或优秀毕业生时,先向其所在的(学习中心)提交申请表。 多选题

1. 国家开放大学学生事务服务的项目包括哪些:(评优表彰, 奖(助)学金, 学生活动, 虚拟学生社区, 个性化服务) 2.国家开放大学总部组织过哪些全国范围内的学生活动:(会计模拟实验操作技能大赛, 向灾区同学伸出援手募捐活动, 法学、工商管理和公共事业管理(教育管理)专业案例设计与分析大赛, 学生数码摄影大赛, 广告设计大赛)

3. 假如你准备申请国家开放大学奖学金,应具备哪些条件:(已修完40%以上本专业课程学分;, 已修统设必修课程平均成绩不低于70分,其他课程平均成绩不低于65分;, 在读期间获得国家、省(部)级奖励,不受名额限制;) 4.学习过程中遇到困难,你可以通过哪些途径得到国家开放大学老师的帮助?(电话, 在线答疑, 邮箱, 传真, 信函) 5. 国家开放大学的学生组织包括哪些类型:(学生会, 学生社团, 校友会 )




第一讲 句子的基本结构

A. ABCAD B. 1. hero 2. happened 3. keep 4. occurred 5. It C. 1. 这部电影有可能在巴黎国际电影节上提名吗? 2. 还有一个重要问题要厂长亲自解决。 3. 看来我们得要在起飞前两小时赶到机场了。 4. 图书馆对面有一座高大的建筑——体育馆。 5. What ever will become of Sam at his wife’s death? 6. Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract. 7. He must have been driving 100 kilometers an hour. 8. He called to tell me about the meeting being delayed. D.1. 由于恶劣天气的缘故,我们一整个星期都呆在室内。 2. 天看上去是那么的高旷,说明没有风暴。

3. 我在黑暗中摸了摸它,感觉有些毛茸茸的,我似乎觉得安全了些。 4. 长途搭乘朋友的车辆,主动承担一定的费用,已经成了惯例。 5. 看来,在一个月内掌握一门语言是不可能的。 6. 看来再坚持这个计划没有多少益处了。

7. 我们的努力为什么都没成功?这仍是个不解之谜。 E. 1. You couldn’t read the mind of the strange girl.

2. Can you find out the difference between the twins? (find out) 3. Uncle patted me on the back with a smile. 4. They have decided to hold a party in celebration of their boy’s 10th birthday. 5. 非常感谢您能光临小儿的婚礼。 6. 昨天有人出价450,000元买这栋房子。 7. 他父亲帮他克服了打电子游戏的不良习惯。 8. 你拥有获取成功所需要的耐心和毅力。

F.1. What (use) can we make of the invention to improve our life? What can we make full use of to improve our life? 2. It was great difficulty that they had in getting the fire under control. It was in getting the fire under control that they had great difficulty. 3. Much care has been taken of the old man in the past two years. The old man has been taken much care of in the pas two years. 4. The efforts that they made to support their daughter to university have already paid off.

1 They made every effort, which has already paid off, to support their daughter to university. G. ADBAC H. 1. was supposed 2. what I am 3. seated/sitting 4. taken off

5. worth considering 6. makes it possible 7. to have developed

第二讲 定语从句


A. 改错:1. when→where 2. where→which 3. where→which 4. the one→the one where 5. that→where 6. that→when

B.单项选择:ADBDD AA C. 翻译

1. 这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。 2. 我们上个月买的那幅房子很漂亮。 3. 你认识上周救了我妹妹的那个男孩吗? 4. 你认识那个男孩吗?他上周救了我妹妹。

5. 他们要求民权。为了这个民权,他们已经奋斗了几百年。

6. 在几乎所有发展中国家,经济的发展取决于出口贸易,而对外贸易转而又创造就业机会,提高生活水平。 D. 改错:

1. 删除but或whom→them 2. with→to 3. to→in 4. that→which或after前加and 5. for→about E. 单项选择DACAB CBADC F. ABDAD A G. DDAAC CA H. 1. This is the only reason that I can state. 2. Everything that he said seemed reasonable. 3. This is the last time I give you a lesson. 4. I don’t like the way you speak to her.

第三讲 定语从句



4. that can 2. who leaves school

3. who possess/have

6. with which 5. that had been explained

E. 1. which→that 2. that→which 3. that→that 4. where→what 5. which→where 6. whom→who

2 7. whose→its

8. 去除it

9. 去除it

10. whose→its

11. looks→look

12. that→as F. BDDCB BAADC

第四讲 状语从句

A. 1. 时间

2. 地点

3. 原因

4. 目的

5. 结果

6. 条件

7. 让步

8. 方式

9. 比较 B. 1-10 ABDDB ACACA


21-32 ABCBC DAACD BC 第五讲 名词性从句(一) A. 1主语










B. 1-5 DDCBA

6-10 CBDAC

11-15 BACDA

16-20 ADCAB

21-25 ACBCC 26-30 BADAB

31-35 BBABC

36-40 CBDDC

41-42 DB

第六讲 名词性从句(二) 1-5 DDCCA

6-10 CBBAD

11-15 CCCBA

16-20 DDACB

21-25 CBDBA 26-30 ACBCC

31-35 ACDDB

36-40 DACDD

41-42 AA

第七讲 非谓语动词(一) 1. frightened

2. disappointing

3. caught

4. to watch

5. being praised 6. being struck by / being stricken by

7. play

8. to improve

9. entering 10. interested

11. to help

12. pulled


14. burning 15. to marry

16.to do

17.to be washed


19. to speak 20. invited

21. Given

22.Having lit

23. Seen

24. To serve 25. see

第八讲 非谓语动词(二) 1-5 BDAAC

6-10 BBCCA

11-15 BCBCD

16-20 BADDB

21-25 ABCAA

26-28 AAB

第九讲 动词的时态及语态


6-10 DBDAA

11-15 CDDBD

16-20 DCBDB

21-23 CAC

第十讲 虚拟语气


6-10 BDAAD

11-15 DCBBB

16-20 CDCCD

21~26 BCACCC 第十一讲 情态动词


6-10 ACDAC

11-15 DADBB

16-20 BCDCA

21-25 DCBBB

26-28 haven’t they; didn’t she; aren’t you

第十二讲 倒装、主谓一致

3 倒装:


6-10 CDABB

11-16 DDDADB 主谓一致:


6-10 CCBAB

11-12 DD




【解析】第一句提到“总体而言,当人们自己做决定时,并不擅长考虑背景 信息。”第二句顺接上文,“乍一看这是一种优势”,that引起定语从句,这种优势使人们具有一种能力,即能够做出不受外界因素影响的不带偏见的决定。B选项submit “服从,提交”,不能与ability连用,C选项transmit “传输,发射”,也不能与ability 搭配,D选项deliver “传递”,同样不能与ability搭配。A, C, D无论从搭配上还是意思上都不合适。A选项grant本身具有赋予,授予的意思。故答案选A。


【解析】external外部因素和上文的backgroundinformation同义复现,不考虑背景信息,不受外界因素影响。A选项minor 次要的,B选项objective 客观的,C选项crucial 残酷的,D选项external 外部的,故答案选D。


【解析】第三题本句but引起句意转折。“但是XX推测不考虑大局会导致决策者被日常接触的信息影响而带有偏见。”首先注意到空前面有定冠词the,指代上文信息,即不考虑背景信息、不考虑大环境。而大局,大环境的表达,此处选择picture是最贴切的。A选项 issue 问题,B选项vision 想象力,美景都不合适,故答案选C。


【解析】通读后面的句子,提到了法官与被告,这明显是生活当中的一个具体的实例,故答案选A。而B选项 on average “平均,通常”,出现的话,周围往往应该要出现数字。C选项in principle“大体上,原则上”,后面需要出现的是总结性的话语,D选项above all“首先” 是用来列举条目,将A,B,D排除。


【解析】从句意上来看“例如,他们提出理论,认为法官不敢在罪行面前表现得太软弱,如果当天已经宣判五六名被告执行缓刑,那么他很有可能将下一个人送入监狱。A选项fond of 喜欢,B选项 fear of 惧怕,C选项capable of 有能力,D选项thoughtless of 考虑不周,故答案选B。




【解析】A if 表条件。B选项 until 表时间,往往跟not连用,直接排除。C选项though表让步,D选项unless 相当于 if...not 。通读空格所在的前后句子,得出这两句之间的逻辑关系是表示条件的。




【解析】A选项decision“决定”,B 选项quality“质量,品质”,C选项status“地位”,D选项success“成功”。申请者的____不应该取决于同一天随机选到的其他几名申请者。接着下文讲到面试官面试MBA[微博]申请者的结果results,因此第9题应该也有结果的意思,与下文结合是达到正面的结果,因此答案是即“申请者的成功”。其它选项带入原文重叠答案,与原义不符合


【解析】空格后面有一个副词为randomly,随机地,既然是随机,那么选项B选项studied“研究过的”,C选项found “找到的” D选项identified“经鉴定的”就与randomly是相矛盾的,全部排除。


【解析】本题解题关键在于but,通过suspect可以看出Dr. Simonsohn与前文意思相反,因此otherwise正好符合题意。




【解析】本题末尾one to five(从一到五),前面又有一个on a scale(…的范围), A分配,D排列语义上说不通,再综合后面的factor(因素),对比一下,只有B

第四篇:高一英语寒假作业 -答案


参考答案: 词汇书: P26-P30 1. apparent

2. approval


4. appeared

5. arbitrary

6. approaching

7. appreciate

8. applauded

9. appointment

10.apple 11. architecture 12.Approximately

13.area 14. appropriate

15. application 16. Apart/Aside from

17. appealing to

18. an appetite for

19. applied himself to

20. approve of P31-35 P36-P40 1 astonished

2 atmosphere 3 attacked 4 attending

5 attentive 6 attitude

7 attraction

8 audience

9 authority

10 automatic

11 autonomous

12 available

13 avoid

14 awesome

15 awkward

16 To my astonishment 17 attach great importance to

18 made an attempt

19 attributes his success to

20 became aware of


第五篇:2013秋季开放大学(电大)英语2 第一次网上作业答案大全


1、Newcastle is ________ from London. A.a three-hour journey B.a three-hours journey C.a three hour journey

2、________ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach. A.Anyone B.Someone C.Everyone

3、He used to ________ very hard when he was young. A.working B.work C.to work

4、She won’t leave ________ her friends come back. A.since B.until C.when

5、Japan lies ________ the east of China A.in B.at C.to

6、We ________ go skiing a lot in the winter months. A.use to B.are used to C.used to

7、He looked terrible this morning. He ________ too much last night. A.has drunk B.must have drunk C.should have drunk

8、Don’t talk so loud. You’ll ________ the baby up. A.wake B.waken C.awake

9、________ her I’ll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.. A.Tell B.Ask C.Request

10、His grandfather is very healthy. He ________ drinks ________ smokes. A.both … and B.neither … nor C.neither … or


1、The doctor says there is ________ in my headache, but I must have a good rest and take some medicine. A.something serious B.anything serious C.nothing serious

2、We succeeded ________ all the difficulties. A.in spite of B.because C.although

3、We ________ go swimming together when we were young. A.use to B.are used to C.used to

4、If I ________ time, I’ll go shopping with you. A.have B.have had C.will have

5、The police arrived quickly, ________ it was too late. A.but B.and C.so

6、A: ________ another piece of chicken, Sally? B: No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’m really full. A.How is B.How about C.Do you have

7、Jack was ________ tired that he couldn’t go a step further. A.so B.too C.such

8、I am having the TV ________ tomorrow. A.repaired B.repair C.to repair

9、Could you tell me how to ________ my English? A.alter B.improve C.change

10、Is the supermarket ________ the right or left? A.on B.in C.at


1、Newcastle is ________ from London. A.a three-hour journey B.a three-hours journey C.a three hour journey

2、I have no idea who stole his wallet. It ________ anyone. A.could have been B.should have been C.must have been

3、They have the car ________ every three months. A.service B.to service C.serviced

4、Learning English well isn’t easy ________ I like it very much. A.but B.and C.because

5、Tibet is ________ the west of China. A.of B.in C.to

6、Both Susan and I ________ ready for the picnic now. A.is getting B.am getting C.are getting

7、You’ll be late ________ you leave immediately. A.unless B.until C.if

8、Do you know if he ________ back next week? If he ________ back, please let me know. A.comes…will come B.will come…comes C.will come…will come

9、Help ________ to some fruits, children. A.you B.yourself C.yourselves

10、Tom has been busy with his work ________ Monday. A.from B.since C.for


1、________ her I’ll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.. A.Tell B.Ask C.Request

2、She ________ along the motorway when her mobile rang. A.drove B.has driven C.was driving

3、Learning English well isn’t easy ________ I like it very much. A.but B.and C.because

4、Is the supermarket ________ the right or left? A.on B.in C.at

5、________ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach. A.Anyone B.Someone C.Everyone

6、A: Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea? B: ________. Please give me a glass of orange juice. A.Neither B.Both C.All

7、Tom has been busy with his work ________ Monday. A.from B.since C.for

8、Tom hurt ________ when playing football. A.him B.himself C.his

9、The doctor says there is ________ in my headache, but I must have a good rest and take some medicine. A.something serious B.anything serious C.nothing serious

10、He tries his best ________. A.and does it well B.to do it well C.doing it well


1、A: Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea? B: ________. Please give me a glass of orange juice. A.Neither B.Both C.All

2、He used to ________ very hard when he was young. A.working B.work C.to work

3、We succeeded ________ all the difficulties. A.in spite of B.because C.although

4、We won’t go for a picnic ________ it rains on Saturday. A.if B.unless C.until

5、A: I haven’t eaten all day. B. You ________ be very hungry. A.must B.should C.have

6、Both Susan and I ________ ready for the picnic now. A.is getting B.am getting C.are getting

7、A: ________ another piece of chicken, Sally? B: No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’m really full. A.How is B.How about C.Do you have

8、Jack was ________ tired that he couldn’t go a step further. A.so B.too C.such

9、________ her I’ll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.. A.Tell B.Ask C.Request

10、Tom has been busy with his work ________ Monday. A.from B.since C.for


1、This idea hit me when I ________ this morning. A.awoke up B.woke C.woke up

2、They have the car ________ every three months. A.service B.to service C.serviced

3、The doctor says there is ________ in my headache, but I must have a good rest and take some medicine. A.something serious B.anything serious C.nothing serious

4、This book is worth ________. A.to read B.of reading C.reading

5、We succeeded ________ all the difficulties. A.in spite of B.because C.although

6、She will have the curtain _________ before the guests come. A.to be changed B.changed C.changing

7、We ________ go swimming together when we were young. A.use to B.are used to C.used to

8、If I ________ time, I’ll go shopping with you. A.have B.have had C.will have

9、Tom ________ the music when Mary entered the room A.listened to B.was listening C.was listening to

10、There are many restaurants on ________ sides of the streets. A.either B.each C.both


1、Learning English well isn’t easy ________ I like it very much. A.but B.and C.because

2、We succeeded ________ all the difficulties. A.in spite of B.because C.although

3、Both Susan and I ________ ready for the picnic now. A.is getting B.am getting C.are getting

4、A: ________ another piece of chicken, Sally? B: No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’m really full. A.How is B.How about C.Do you have

5、Jack was ________ tired that he couldn’t go a step further. A.so B.too C.such

6、I am having the TV ________ tomorrow. A.repaired B.repair C.to repair

7、Do you know if he ________ back next week? If he ________ back, please let me know. A.comes…will come B.will come…comes C.will come…will come

8、Help ________ to some fruits, children. A.you B.yourself C.yourselves

9、His grandfather is very healthy. He ________ drinks ________ smokes. A.both … and B.neither … nor C.neither … or

10、An application form will be sent to you ________. A.on request B.on a request C.in request


1、He used to ________ very hard when he was young. A.working B.work C.to work

2、Japan lies ________ the east of China A.in B.at C.to

3、Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you ________? A.brought up B.were brought up C.had brought up

4、She will have the curtain _________ before the guests come. A.to be changed B.changed C.changing

5、A: ________ runs the guesthouse? B: Tom and Ann. A.who B.what C.which

6、She ________ along the motorway when her mobile rang. A.drove B.has driven C.was driving

7、Jack was ________ tired that he couldn’t go a step further. A.so B.too C.such

8、He tries his best ________. A.and does it well B.to do it well C.doing it well

9、Is the supermarket ________ the right or left? A.on B.in C.at

10、While she ________ a cup of tea in the living room, someone knocked at the door. A.was having B.is having C.having

1、Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you ________? A.brought up B.were brought up C.had brought up

2、She will have the curtain _________ before the guests come. A.to be changed B.changed C.changing

3、We won’t go for a picnic ________ it rains on Saturday. A.if B.unless C.until

4、We ________ go swimming together when we were young. A.use to B.are used to C.used to

5、The police arrived quickly, ________ it was too late. A.but B.and C.so

6、I’m going to take an early bus ________ I can get there in time. A.since B.because C.so that

7、Help ________ to some fruits, children. A.you B.yourself C.yourselves

8、As she. ________ the newspaper, Cranny ________ asleep. A.read … was falling B.was reading … fell

C.read … fell

9、He tries his best ________. A.and does it well B.to do it well C.doing it well

10、An application form will be sent to you ________. A.on request B.on a request C.in request

、Newcastle is ________ from London. A.a three-hour journey B.a three-hours journey C.a three hour journey

2、He used to ________ very hard when he was young. A.working B.work C.to work

3、We ________ go skiing a lot in the winter months. A.use to B.are used to C.used to

4、She will have the curtain _________ before the guests come. A.to be changed B.changed C.changing

5、A: ________ runs the guesthouse? B: Tom and Ann. A.who B.what C.which

6、He looked terrible this morning. He ________ too much last night. A.has drunk B.must have drunk C.should have drunk

7、Don’t talk so loud. You’ll ________ the baby up. A.wake B.waken C.awake

8、Tom ________ the music when Mary entered the room A.listened to B.was listening C.was listening to

9、Polly ________ in that shop since 1998. A.worked B.has worked C.is working

10、Could you tell me how to ________ my English? A.alter B.improve C.change


1、They have the car ________ every three months. A.service B.to service C.serviced

2、________ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach. A.Anyone B.Someone C.Everyone

3、We ________ go swimming together when we were young. A.use to B.are used to C.used to

4、She ________ along the motorway when her mobile rang. A.drove B.has driven C.was driving

5、Can you wake me ________ at about eight? A.on B.of C.up

6、Jack was ________ tired that he couldn’t go a step further. A.so B.too C.such

7、I’m going to take an early bus ________ I can get there in time. A.since B.because C.so that

8、Help ________ to some fruits, children. A.you B.yourself C.yourselves

9、As she. ________ the newspaper, Cranny ________ asleep. A.read … was falling B.was reading … fell

C.read … fell

10、His grandfather is very healthy. He ________ drinks ________ smokes. A.both … and B.neither … nor C.neither … or 、This idea hit me when I ________ this morning. A.awoke up B.woke C.woke up

2、The doctor says there is ________ in my headache, but I must have a good rest and take some medicine. A.something serious B.anything serious C.nothing serious

3、A: Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea? B: ________. Please give me a glass of orange juice. A.Neither B.Both C.All

4、Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you ________? A.brought up B.were brought up C.had brought up

5、Learning English well isn’t easy ________ I like it very much. A.but B.and C.because

6、A: I haven’t eaten all day. B. You ________ be very hungry. A.must B.should C.have

7、He looked terrible this morning. He ________ too much last night. A.has drunk B.must have drunk C.should have drunk

8、Jack was ________ tired that he couldn’t go a step further. A.so B.too C.such

9、I’m going to take an early bus ________ I can get there in time. A.since B.because C.so that

10、As she. ________ the newspaper, Cranny ________ asleep. A.read … was falling B.was reading … fell

C.read … fell


1、Newcastle is ________ from London. A.a three-hour journey B.a three-hours journey C.a three hour journey

2、He used to ________ very hard when he was young. A.working B.work C.to work

3、She won’t leave ________ her friends come back. A.since B.until C.when

4、A: I haven’t eaten all day. B. You ________ be very hungry. A.must B.should C.have

5、Both Susan and I ________ ready for the picnic now. A.is getting B.am getting C.are getting

6、Jack was ________ tired that he couldn’t go a step further. A.so B.too C.such

7、Tom ________ the music when Mary entered the room A.listened to B.was listening C.was listening to

8、Help ________ to some fruits, children. A.you B.yourself C.yourselves

9、There are many restaurants on ________ sides of the streets. A.either B.each C.both

10、His grandfather is very healthy. He ________ drinks ________ smokes. A.both … and B.neither … nor C.neither … or

