





第一讲 句子的基本结构

A. ABCAD B. 1. hero 2. happened 3. keep 4. occurred 5. It C. 1. 这部电影有可能在巴黎国际电影节上提名吗? 2. 还有一个重要问题要厂长亲自解决。 3. 看来我们得要在起飞前两小时赶到机场了。 4. 图书馆对面有一座高大的建筑——体育馆。 5. What ever will become of Sam at his wife’s death? 6. Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract. 7. He must have been driving 100 kilometers an hour. 8. He called to tell me about the meeting being delayed. D.1. 由于恶劣天气的缘故,我们一整个星期都呆在室内。 2. 天看上去是那么的高旷,说明没有风暴。

3. 我在黑暗中摸了摸它,感觉有些毛茸茸的,我似乎觉得安全了些。 4. 长途搭乘朋友的车辆,主动承担一定的费用,已经成了惯例。 5. 看来,在一个月内掌握一门语言是不可能的。 6. 看来再坚持这个计划没有多少益处了。

7. 我们的努力为什么都没成功?这仍是个不解之谜。 E. 1. You couldn’t read the mind of the strange girl.

2. Can you find out the difference between the twins? (find out) 3. Uncle patted me on the back with a smile. 4. They have decided to hold a party in celebration of their boy’s 10th birthday. 5. 非常感谢您能光临小儿的婚礼。 6. 昨天有人出价450,000元买这栋房子。 7. 他父亲帮他克服了打电子游戏的不良习惯。 8. 你拥有获取成功所需要的耐心和毅力。

F.1. What (use) can we make of the invention to improve our life? What can we make full use of to improve our life? 2. It was great difficulty that they had in getting the fire under control. It was in getting the fire under control that they had great difficulty. 3. Much care has been taken of the old man in the past two years. The old man has been taken much care of in the pas two years. 4. The efforts that they made to support their daughter to university have already paid off.

1 They made every effort, which has already paid off, to support their daughter to university. G. ADBAC H. 1. was supposed 2. what I am 3. seated/sitting 4. taken off

5. worth considering 6. makes it possible 7. to have developed

第二讲 定语从句


A. 改错:1. when→where 2. where→which 3. where→which 4. the one→the one where 5. that→where 6. that→when

B.单项选择:ADBDD AA C. 翻译

1. 这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。 2. 我们上个月买的那幅房子很漂亮。 3. 你认识上周救了我妹妹的那个男孩吗? 4. 你认识那个男孩吗?他上周救了我妹妹。

5. 他们要求民权。为了这个民权,他们已经奋斗了几百年。

6. 在几乎所有发展中国家,经济的发展取决于出口贸易,而对外贸易转而又创造就业机会,提高生活水平。 D. 改错:

1. 删除but或whom→them 2. with→to 3. to→in 4. that→which或after前加and 5. for→about E. 单项选择DACAB CBADC F. ABDAD A G. DDAAC CA H. 1. This is the only reason that I can state. 2. Everything that he said seemed reasonable. 3. This is the last time I give you a lesson. 4. I don’t like the way you speak to her.

第三讲 定语从句



4. that can 2. who leaves school

3. who possess/have

6. with which 5. that had been explained

E. 1. which→that 2. that→which 3. that→that 4. where→what 5. which→where 6. whom→who

2 7. whose→its

8. 去除it

9. 去除it

10. whose→its

11. looks→look

12. that→as F. BDDCB BAADC

第四讲 状语从句

A. 1. 时间

2. 地点

3. 原因

4. 目的

5. 结果

6. 条件

7. 让步

8. 方式

9. 比较 B. 1-10 ABDDB ACACA


21-32 ABCBC DAACD BC 第五讲 名词性从句(一) A. 1主语










B. 1-5 DDCBA

6-10 CBDAC

11-15 BACDA

16-20 ADCAB

21-25 ACBCC 26-30 BADAB

31-35 BBABC

36-40 CBDDC

41-42 DB

第六讲 名词性从句(二) 1-5 DDCCA

6-10 CBBAD

11-15 CCCBA

16-20 DDACB

21-25 CBDBA 26-30 ACBCC

31-35 ACDDB

36-40 DACDD

41-42 AA

第七讲 非谓语动词(一) 1. frightened

2. disappointing

3. caught

4. to watch

5. being praised 6. being struck by / being stricken by

7. play

8. to improve

9. entering 10. interested

11. to help

12. pulled


14. burning 15. to marry

16.to do

17.to be washed


19. to speak 20. invited

21. Given

22.Having lit

23. Seen

24. To serve 25. see

第八讲 非谓语动词(二) 1-5 BDAAC

6-10 BBCCA

11-15 BCBCD

16-20 BADDB

21-25 ABCAA

26-28 AAB

第九讲 动词的时态及语态


6-10 DBDAA

11-15 CDDBD

16-20 DCBDB

21-23 CAC

第十讲 虚拟语气


6-10 BDAAD

11-15 DCBBB

16-20 CDCCD

21~26 BCACCC 第十一讲 情态动词


6-10 ACDAC

11-15 DADBB

16-20 BCDCA

21-25 DCBBB

26-28 haven’t they; didn’t she; aren’t you

第十二讲 倒装、主谓一致

3 倒装:


6-10 CDABB

11-16 DDDADB 主谓一致:


6-10 CCBAB

11-12 DD



寒假作业一 unit1 一,unhappy problem bad square test advice famous real joy diving

二,climbing speaking camping laugh thought solve smiling not to be to give,

to become, 三,healthy healthily, bored, more, singer, more dangerous, pleasant, the most nervous, interesting, the worst, slimmer, 四,BCDDA DCBDB CBADB 五,BDCBD ACBDA

寒假作业二 unit2 一 heroes, tasty, subject, seniors, admired, article, geography science unimportant, practicing, languages, history, 二 visitors, useless, fewer less, twice, mixed, myself, driving, unpopular, pleasant, boring, 三DCAAB ACDAD BBAAD BACDB BBCAA 四 help, doesn’t rain, asking, chatting, is going to be doing, opening, put ran, to be, washing, will arrive, arrives will have talking

寒假作业三 unit3 一 to meet, themselves, to close clean, inviting, buildings, beginning, more, interest, amazing, visiting 二to go on a trip to places of, to visit, whole front of, took by, to join in to, 三invitation, interesting, quickly, yourself, beauty,

四,ADBAC CDBAA 五 had fun, at the beginning, feel sick, felt exited, places of interest, in front of

六 called, keeping, to have, climbers, winner, snows, less doing, players, walking, alike 七 1 it is big and white. 2 we should protect them

3 they kill them for their beautiful white coat.

4they live in the snow and ice.

5 A

寒假作业四 unit4 一, leaves, encourages, elephants’ hunting, least, badly, to protect, characters, smells, sharp well 二, BAACB BACBB DCDCB BDCBD ACB 三, To live, is playing, buys, stops, don’t study, won’t, pass, playing, will be, waiting, to have, to continue, 四, Keeping passing and 2if we don’t protect wild animals any more, there will be no wild animals in the world. 3we must take

the following actions to prevent them hunting animals. 4 her coat is made pf animal fur.. 5trying to 6 couldn’t believe. 7the baby didn’t stop crying until his mother came back. 8 the meeting doesn’t start until everyone comes. 9 if I can find the wolf hill, I will be very happy. 10 can he live alone, I am afraid he can’t. 11 if I go to nature reserve, I will watch the lions carefully. Unit5



二、1. longer interesting 2. less 3. hottest coldest 4. laugh 5. hiking 6. closed 7. to help 8. watching 9. better 10. the prettiest

三、1. to protect. 2. carefully 3. hearing 4. action 5. northern 6. continue 7. preparing 8. science

四、1. noisily 2. unhappy 3. disappear 4. peaceful 5. living 6. wetter

五、1. feel 2. shining 3. is sleeping 4. reading 5. dropping 6. comes 7. to see 8. be 9. will arrive 10. have told Uni6


二、1. brightly sunny 2. snowy 3. foggy 4. windy strongly 5. worse 6. easily

三、1. to lock 2. not to talk 3. look 4. doing 5. not to get 6. playing playing 7. to learn speaking 8. to be 9. happen 10. working


五、DBDAD 吴中区


四.56.comfortably 57.worst 58.information 59.yourselves 60.accidents 61.frightening 62.training 63.dropped 64.luckier 65.providing 五.句子翻译

1.This means more and more birds will disappear. 2.The English teacher always encourages us to speak a little English every day. 3.If you want to get rich,you must build roads first. 4.No one knows how that house caught fire last night. 5.Because of clean air.more and more people like to live in the country. 6.When people found Timmy still alive,they couldn’t wait to move away bricks and stones.




四、1. hobbies 2. encourages 3. easily 4. heroes 5. fewer 6. protecting 7. natural

五、1. My teacher has a good sense of humour.

2. Your school uniform is the same as theirs.

3. This song makes her really happy.

4. My mother bought me a mobile phone. 5. What were you doing when the bell rang?

六、1. Where do you plan to go for a trip?

2. There are a lot of places of interest in Suzhou. 3. Thank you for keeping the secret for me . 4. We will go to the park if it is fine tomorrow. 5. It’s impolite to ask a lady’s age in western countries.


2010-2011学年第一学期期末模拟测试卷八年级英语 单词拼写:


2. birth 3. firemen

4. accident 5. peaceful

6. angrily 7. forest(s) 8. airport

9. foreign 10.directions 词形变化

1.incorrect 2. foggier

3. Mice 4.hunters 5.winners

6. northern 7.dishonest 8.babies 9.loss

10. wolves’ 句型转换:

1.wasn’t able to by herself 2.didn’t think were 3.how many fish did catch 4.How nicely 5. a ,member of 6.drives carefully 单项选择:

1.C2.A3.A4.C5.D6.B7.B8.A9.D10.C11.B12.C13.B14.A15.D16.D17.B18.B19.D20.A 动词填空:

1.continued 2.was sewing 3.smells 4.was sleeping 5.to shout 6.is playing 7.will miss 8.dropping 9.weighed 10.will solve 完形填空:

1.A2.B3.A4.D5.B6.C7.A8.D9.B10.C 阅读理解:

1. D2.B3.A4.D5.A6.B7.C8.C9.C10.A11.C12.B13.D14.C15.A 句子翻译:

1. My parents are busy all year roundD. 2. They looked each other in fear at that moment. 3. You need to exercise more to keep healthy. 4. The teacher often encourages us to speak English after class. 5. We must prevent people from cutting down trees. 6. There will be a heavy snow in northeast China tonight. 书面表达略

附加题 单词拼写:

1.bamboo2.nowhere 3.wild 4.information 5.outside

8. outside

6.Thick 7.delicious 8.following 9.train 10.loss

11.incorrect 12.quietly/softly 13.warning 14.thunder 15.Lightning 16.terrible 17.bricks 18.sandstorm 19.selling 20.arrival 词形变化:

1.hearing 2.suitable 3.wolves 4.hobbies 5.wetter 6.excitedly 7.nicely 8.myself 9.foggy 10.caller’s 动词填空:

1. will win 2.hunted 3.playing 4.sing5.isn’t6.was shining7.finishes8.to talk9.was mopping 10.broke 选择题:

16.D17.B18.B19.D20.D21.D22.C23.D24.A25.B26.A27.C28.C29.A30.C 完形填空:

31.D32.B33.B34.C35.A36.A37.C38.D39.D40.A 阅读理解:


56 fear 57 medicine 58 twice 59 encourages 60 accident 61healthy 62 unusual 63 foggy 64 trapped 65 endangered 66 Don’t play 67 If will 68 How often 69 How does 70 were playing 71 In the future ,people will make good friends with animal. 72 Last year, the flood washed all things of the village. 73 Thousands of people are trying to save the people trapped in the fire. 74 My brother is interested in football. 75 A moment of fear went through my mind. 76 poor 77 because 78 took 79 also 80 bird

81 use 82 same 83 mind 84 enough 85 parents 86 few 87 or 88 good 89 remember 90 so 一 单项填空

1-5 DCBBB 6-10 BDDCD 11-15 DDDAA 二 完型填空

1-5 BDCBC 6-10 BDABA 三 阅读理解 DDDC 四 单词拼写

1 sadly 2 shaking 3 hotter 4 February 5Leaves 6 importance 7 Almost 8 heroes 9 traffic 10 encouraged 五 动词填空

1 useless 2 skiing 3 moves 4 Wolves 5 Luckily 6 worse




(1) Today is the 5th of March. It’s my birthday. I get a lot of presents from my friends and family. They are in nice boxes. My father gives me a yellow box and there is a book in it. Jack, one of my friends, gives me a long box. What’s in it? It’s an umbrella. My sister gives me a round box. I think it’s a big cake, but it is a basketball. I like playing basketball very much, so I’m happy to have it. Now, my friends are singing the song “Happy Birthday to you” to me. (

)1.My birthday is on _________.

A. March 5

B. March 7

C. Sunday (

)2. I get a lot of presents from__________.

A. my parents

B. my friends

C. A and B (

)3. My sister gives me ________ as my birthday present.

A. a big cake

B. a basketball

C. a football (

)4. There’s _______ from my parents.

A. a box

B. an umbrella

C. a book (

)5. From this dialogue (对话) , you know _____.

A.I am a boy . B. There’s a birthday party. C. My father is a doctor

(2)Yesterday was September 10. It was Teachers’ Day. We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office. We thanked them for their hard work. Our teachers were very happy. In the afternoon we held a party in our school hall. Many students and teachers gave wonderful performances at the party. Our teachers sang and danced happily with us. All the teachers and students had a good time. 根据短文内容判断正误。( T or F ) (

)1.Yesterday was National Day. (

)2.We bought some flowers and presents to our teachers’ office. (

)3.Our teachers were not happy. (

)4.We held a party in the afternoon in the morning. (

)5. We all had a good time. C. 根据短文内容判断下列各句是否正确,对的写“T”,错的“F”。

An old man and a young man are walking in the park . The old man is behind the young man . There’s a chair in front of the young man . The old man is very glad to see the chair . He is very tired . He is going to sit on the chair for a few minutes (几分钟) .He walks to the chair . He sees the young man walking to the chair , too , So he begins to run . Now he is in front of the young man . The young man says, “Don’t sit on the chair ”. The old man doesn’t listen to him . He is sitting on it . He looks very happy . The young man come over to him . He is holding (举着) a small board in his hand . It says “Wet Paint (油漆未干)” (


1、The young man is playing in the park . (


2、The old man and the young man are very happy to see the chair . (


3、The old man wants to have a rest (休息一下) on the chair . (


4、There is some water on the chair . (


5、The young man asks the old man not to sit on the chair because (因为) it is wet (湿


第一部分听力(30分) I.听句子,从A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳应答语,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. Fine, thanks. B. See you. C. Good morning. 2. A. On Sunday. B. At 8 :00 a . m. C. In July, 1989. 3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, please. 4. A. Its a T-shirt. B. It’s a white T-shirt. C. It’s his T-shirt. 5. A. He is forty. B. He is a doctor. C. He is in black pants. II. 听5段短对话。从A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。{每小题1分,共5分) 6. What does the man usually do on Sundays? A. He usually plays computer games. B. He usually plays basketball. C. He usually plays football. 7. What are they talking about? A. People. B. Cars. C. Traffic accidents. 8. Whats the date today? A. Its March 17th. B. Its March 18th. C. It’s March 19th. 9. Could the boy swim one year ago? A. Yes, he could. B. No, he c ouldn’t. C. No, he cant. 10. Whats the womans favorite Chinese festival? A. The Lantern Festival. B. The Spring Festival. C. The Mid-autumn Festival. III.听1段长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。对话听三遍。(每小题2分,共10分)。www .xkb1.com 11. Does Kate like watching TV? A. No, she hates it. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she d oes. 12. How many hours does Kate watch TV every day? A. About four. B. Over five. C. About three. 13. Which TV program does Kate like best? A. Movies on TV. B. News reports. C. TV plays. 149. How often does Kate watch movies on TV till midnight? A. Every day. B. Sometimes. C. Always. 15. What is Jacks advice? A. Kate should have enough rest. B. Kate should watch TV for a long time. C. Watching TV is good for Kates health. 为您提供的英语寒假作业答案参考[1],希望给您带来启发!




Exercise One



4、three ball pens


1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋 5.oo 一个书签 6.e 一本笔记本

三、A F E C B D

四、come in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case rubber red notebook

五、a book May pencil rubber for

六、I come May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye

七、Her your my his His

八、Come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye 九.1.May I have that ball pen for David? 2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.

Exercise two

一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔

二、this dresses she thin u photos

三、1.X故事书2.X 手表3.√4.X 书签 5.X 狮子6.X 钢笔7. √8.X 可爱的

四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’ your pandas 五.A C A B C

六、1.多么可亲爱2.再见3.我明白4.多么好看的一个玩具熊猫5.过来6.in a toy shop7.this pencil

8、that pencil case

9、my purse 10.her ruler

七、C F D A G H E B

八、1.That is a cat. 2.Is your rubber? 3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok. 4.Can I have a look?Sure,here you are. 九.Can May like nice for think 十.X√X√

Exercise Three 一.pncil book his its what where puzzle

car she he 二.1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书 三.D A C D

四.Jeans gloves scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket 五.1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.over there8.on the desk9.have a look10excuse me 六.A ACBCABCBAAAAACi

Exercise Four 一.SSSSDD 二.1.进来2.喜欢这个风筝3.一个玩具兔子4.看一看5.给你6.in English7.his puppet8.your puzzle 三.ACBBBCABCA 四.CBAABCCA 五.BFCEGAD 六.There Where They Whose their 七.1.Where is the pencil? May I have a pencil?

1.There is a notebook.Do you like the toy?

2.What’s wrong?A hamburger?

Exercise five 一.1.let us2.I am3.I’d4here’s5.four 6.aren’t 7.R 8.fat 二.Hamurger bike bear chair puppet umbrella bag ball kite key pencil case 三.CCCCBABA 四.CADBE 五.1.That ruler is for you.Thank you. 2.What’s this? It’s a bookmark. 3. What’s that? It’s an umbrella. 4.Is Mike’s jacket?No.

Exercise six 一.SSSDSSDD 二.1.两条牛仔裤2.看看他的女式衬衫3.没关系4.好的5.太长6.如此有趣7.this new pause 8.her fan9.a big apple10.too short 三.CACBACA

四.1.I have a long ruler. 2.Whose jeans are they? 3.He looks so funny. 五.Are so small whose scarf too long worry this long one big one is so short 六.EBCAD 七.At Whose is so is my are short 八.FFTFT

Exercise Seven 一.1.去上学2.七点零五3.一百4.吃早饭的时间啦5.at seven thirty five6.eight fifteen7.eleven forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight sweaters10.seven books11.what time12.at six13.have lunch14.go home15.go to bed 二.Eighty-one fifty one two fifteen 三.seven ten time four What’s the time three What’s the time six thirty What’s fifteen plus eighty-five one hundred

四.eleven nine two five four nine four twelve sixteen C C B A C C E B D A A B C A

Exercise eight

一.close write Copy Drink draw

二.在课上 起立 全体同学

sit down

come in

come here

三.1.Yes.Mr Green,don’t be late again. 2.Now,open your books boys and girls. 3.Write the new words in your notebook. 4.Is the green ruler in the pencil case? 5.Plesse don’t eat that pear,all right. 四.1.Don’t close the window,please.请不要关窗户

2.Don’t copy the new words in your notebook.不要讲单词写在你的笔记本上 3.Don’t drink any juice,please.请不要喝桔汁

4.Don’t go to school,please.请不要上学去 五.B A B A 六.E A D B C 七.CBEAD 八. What’s It’s my Can Thank you What’s time ten Let’s go Don’t


Exercise nine

一.1.晚上好 2.一杯水 3. 你的扇子4 吃一些蛋糕 5.多门好看的电话机6. 出什么问题啦7. in the park 8. go to the bed

二.A B B C B C B C 三.1.Su Hai come and have supper 2.What’s the matter,Liu Tao. 3.Here is a glass of milk for you. 4.Are you hungry? 5.Why don’t you go to the bed now? 6.Please have some tea and bread 7.It is thirty six in the morning 8What a nice car! 四.the hungry is for dress It’s 五.1.你累吗?不我病了 2.什么问题?我累了,为什么不去睡啊? 3.今天好热啊!是啊,为什么不穿裙子啊?好主意 4.你渴吗?不,但是我饿了。这儿有个汉


六.E B A I F D G J H C

Exercise ten 一.on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on

二.kite car ruler key car

three forty

三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen 6.four cats 7.a pair of jeans 8.that pencil case 9.a pair of shoes 10.a big rubber 四.GFEBCAD 五.BBDCADDBC

Exercise Eleven 一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A 二.1.May I come in,Miss Liu? 2.May I have a bookmark for Li Ming? 3.You are sure here. 4.This is computer for you. 5.The book and the bookmark are for you. 三.What’s monkey How that it

panda desk camer have a look 四.F T T F T

Exercise Twelve 一.sweater on sofa Where’s copybook It’s desk What’s book I don’t know a picture it’s my it’s cat It’s on 二.E A C B D

三.1.What is that in English?那个用英语怎么说?

2.The kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上 3.Do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?

4.Thank you very much.非常谢谢

5.I don’t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊


Exercise Thirteen 一. 1.Here’s a big one. 2.That ruler is too long.

3.Whose shorts are they? 4.Are they his jeans? 5.I’d like some juice and some bread. 二.F J H I A C B G D E 三.略 四.略 五.略


Exercise Fourteen 一. Desk hamburger breakfast you 二.1.你能在教室里吃东西吗? 2.谁的围巾啊? 3.这牛仔裤太长了。 4.It is time to sleep. 三.略

四.C D B G E A F 五.C C A A B C B A 六.F F T F T T


基础 敏捷 虽然 销毁 仪式 错误

陡峭 艰苦 坚定 吉祥 详细 神 鼠 归 麻铁 毫发 完好无损 湖光山色 勇往直前 毫不气馁 翩翩起舞 道不通 1. 洋洋正在教室里认认真真的读《淘气包马小跳》 2. 可爱的小猫正在开心的吃着美味的鱼。

鸣 血 纶 背 拔 尔 禁 漫流 彰 优良 优美 优异 如果。。。就 虽然。。。但是。。。。 因为。。。。所以。。。。

不但。。。。而且。。。。 盖子 歌颂 风采 有益 瓶颈 彩带 波动 山坡 摸着 模仿 目 8 贝 4 7

泡菜 晶莹 温饱 萤火虫 凝视 渐渐 怀疑 惭愧 睡觉、睡着 责怪、责备 来临、临近

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