



The Subjunctive Mood虚拟语气(必修6)

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

wish,, aggressive, scholar, in the flesh

b. 重点句式

I wish ... were / did ...

If ... were / did ..., ... would / could / should / might do ...

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.

3.moral goals 情感目标

Enable the students to use the subjunctive mood to express their emotion Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点

Enable the students to use the correct form of the subjunctive mood.Teaching methods教学方法

Summarizing; comparative method; practicing activities.

Teaching aids教具准备

A projector and a blackboard.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step ⅠPresentation

At first, give the students an example to present what the subjunctive mood is andin what situations we should use the subjunctive mood.

Then, show them the sentence structures of the subjunctive mood.

T: Now please listen to the following example: Suppose I’m a basketball fan, Yao1

Ming is coming here to play a basketball game this evening. But unfortunately, I haven’t got a ticket for it. I feel sorry about that and what should I say in this situation? Iwill say: I wish I watched the basketball game. / If I had got a ticket, I would go to watch the basketball game. Have you ever heard such kind of sentences?

Ss: Yes. They use the subjunctive mood.

T: Then do you know what is the subjunctive mood and in what situations weshould use the subjunctive mood?

S: The subjunctive mood is used when we want to express a wish, request,recommendation or report of a command.

S: Also, the subjunctive mood is used to express something that is contrary to thefact, highly unlikely or doubtful.

T: Exactly. How can we show our feelings in such situations? We can use the following two sentence structures to express our regretting.

1. Subject + wish + Object Clause

Time Verb Object clause

now: wish would do / could do / were / did

past: wished had been / done

future: wish would do / could do / were / did

2. “If” clause ..., main clause ...

Time Verb Main clause

now: were / did Would / could / should / might do

past: had done Would / could / should / might have done

future: were / did Would / could / should / might do


Fact Request Subjunctive mood

not getting a ticket(If I got a ticket,) watch the game(I could watch the game.) I wish I watched the basketball games.

not having wings(If I had wings, ) fly in the sky(I could fly in the sky.) I would flyfreely in the sky.

not having enough money(If I had enough money,) buy a new computer(I couldbuy a new computer.) I could buy a new computer.

Step Ⅱ Practice

First, show the students some more situations. Then raise some questions and askthem to discuss them according to the situations in groups of four, using thesubjunctive mood. At last, get them to show their sentences.

T: Now I’d like to give you some more situations. Please discuss how to answer thequestions using the subjunctive mood in groups of four.

Show them on the screen.

1. Helen has been living with AIDS for many years. Now she is celebrating her

birthday with her friends. If you were Helen, what kind of wishes would you make?

2. It is said that a falling star can let your dreams come true. If you saw a fallingstar, what kind ofwishes would you make?

3. Besides a falling star, a magic lamp can also let your dreams come true. If youhad a magic lamp, what would you ask it to do for you?

After discussion

T: All right, now who would like to be volunteers to speak out your wishes?Ss: If I were Helen, I would ask for living longer / follow the doctors’ advice.(I wish I had a longer life / I followed the doctors’ advice.)

If I saw a falling star, I would promise to have a flourish future. / I would promise

to make my parents happy forever.

(I wish I would have a flourish future / make my parents happy forever.)

If I had a magic lamp, I would ask it help the poor / I would ask it to bring peace tothe whole world.

(I wish it could help the poor / bring peace to the whole world.)

Step Ⅲ Consolidation

Ask the students to do Exercises 1 & 2 in Discovering useful structures on page 4and Exercises 1-4 in USING STRUCTURES on page 43. Then check the answers.Step ⅣHomework

Write five sentences by using the subjunctive mood



I. Clause Elements (10 points)

Read the sentences and analyse the clause elements in each of them. Use the letters S,V,O,C and A to represent the various elements:


(S) Verb

(V) Object

(O) Complement

(C) Adverbial


The first sentence is an example. David Livingstone | lived | in Africa | for more than ten years. S




II. Blank Filling (20 points) Fill in the blank with the verb given in the parentheses.

III. Multiple Choice (20 points) There are twenty incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer in the numbered squares below.

IV. Blank Filling (10 points) Fill in the blanks in the following short passage, using appropriate articles or other determiners.

V. Error Correction (10 points) This is a composition written by a 13-year-old student. Correct the grammatical errors in the following composition. Write the corrected version below.

VI. Translation (20 points) A. Translate the following sentences into English.(2 points each)

B. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (3 points each)

VII. Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation (10 point) Read the following headlines taken from newspapers. The punctuation marks have been left out. After each headline, write in the blank the type of communicative function they serve: Statement, Question, Command or Exclamation.


选择题 1.A.can’t

. B.couldn’t

C.may not

D.might not .

D.had been broken D.can’t; shouldn’t

2.A.breaks 3. B.has broken.C.were broken


A.won’t; can’tB.mustn’t; may C.shouldn’t; must

4.--Shall I tell John about it?

I’ve told him already. B.wouldn’t



A.needn’t5.--Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?


B.would B.would

C.was going to


D.did get out. D.was able to

A.hadA.had to

6.7.--When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

--They________ be ready by 12:00. A.can


8.Peter_______ come with me tonight, but he’s not sure yet.

A.mustB.mayC.canD.will 9.--Will you stay for lunch?

--Sorry,________.My brother is coming to see me. A.I mustn’t

B.I can’t

C.I needn’t

D.I won’t

10.--Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

--I’m not sure.I_______ go to the concert instead. A.must




11.The two strangers talked as if they _______ friends for years.


A.should be

-- Of course. B.would beC.have beenD.had been 12.-- The room is so dirty, ________we clean it?


A.needn’tC.WouldD.Do 13.Michael_______ be a policeman, for he’s much too short. B.can’tC.shouldD.may

14.--Could I call you by your first name?

--Yes, you________.


license________ take an eye test.


D.should C.mayD.might 15.According to the local regulations, anyone who intends to get a driver’s 16.I should have been there, but I ______not find the time. A.wouldB.couldC.might

17.--Write to me when you get home.--_______.

D.I can A.I mustB.I shouldC.I will

ceremony? 18.Mr Bush is on time for everything.How ________it be that he was late for the opening


19.You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman_______be so rude to a lady.


20.--I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins._________I have a look? --Yes, certainly.


21.--Is John coming by train?

--He should, but he________not.He likes driving his car.


papers have been collected.

—2— D.may 22.It has been announced that candidates_________remain in their seats until all the


23.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter_______ go and do the opposite !


24.--I hear they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

--It_______ true because there was little snow there.

A.may not beB.won’t beC.couldn’t beD.mustn’t be

25.A left-luggage office is a place where bags__________ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.


26.How_________ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?


27.--Who is the girl standing over there?

--Well, if you______ know, her name is Mabel.


28."The interest_________ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides," declared the judge.


29.--I don’t mind telling you what I know.

--You_________. I’m not asking you for it.

A.mustn’tB.may notC.can’tD.needn’t

30.I________ pay Tracy a visit, but I am not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.


31.I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think I_______ report it to the police?


32.-- Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

-- You________ have my computer if you don’t take care of it.

A.shan’tB.might notC.needn’tD.shouldn’t

33.--Excuse me .Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?


--Sorry, I am not sure.But it________be.


34.--Mum , I’ve been studying English since 8 o’clock._________ I go out and play with Tom for a while.

--No, I’m afraid not .Besides , it’s raining outside now .

A.Can’tB.Wouldn’tC.May notD.Won’t

35.Children under 12 years of age in that country________be under adult supervision when in a public library.


36.--Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

--No, it__________be him--I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

A.can’tB.must notC.won’tD.may not

37.You ________ be tired--you’ve only been working for an hour.

A.must notB.won ’t beC.can’tD.may not

38.--Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

--Oh, he________have been a very smart boy then.


39.You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ______ not like the design of the furniture.


40.Tom, you___________leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

A.wouldn’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.may not

D.Need 41.John, look at the time.___________you play the piano at such a late hour?A.MustB.CanC.May

it________ be very slow.

A.shouldB.mustC.willD.can 42.The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because

43.--Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

-- She_________.I’ve already borrowed one.



44.--I’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.

--It_______Harry’s.He always wears green.

A.has to be

A.can’tB.will beC.mustn’t beD.could be 45.You know he is not going to let us leave early if we_______get the work done. B.may notC.shouldn’tD.mustn’t

46.--What’s the name?

--Khulaifi.________I spell that for you?


A.can’tB.WouldC.CanD.Might 47.There’s no light on--they_______be at home. B.mustn’tC.needn’tD.shouldn’t

48.--Mr Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don’t you forget it !

--OK, I_________.


49.--Is Jack on duty today?

--It_________be him.It’s his turn tomorrow.


50.--I think I’11 give Bob a ring.

--You________.You haven’t been in touch with him for ages.


A.needB.mayB.mustC.have toC.shouldD.shouldD.can 51.We hope that as many people as possible_________join us for the picnic tomorrow.

52.Some aspects of a pilot’s job________be boring, and pilots often___________work at inconvenient hours.

A.can; have to

C.have to; may

53.--May I smoke here?

--If you________, choose a seat in the smoking section.

—5—B.may; can D.ought to; must



tough task.B.couldC.mayD.must 54.--Could I have a word with you, mum?B.must--Oh dear, if you______. C.mayD.should 55.Black holes ________ not be seen directly,so determining the number of them is a


56.-- How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

-- It_________be, but it is now heavily polluted.


57.In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you_______take care of your luggage.


58.My MP4 player isn’t in my bag.Where _________ I have put it?


59.As a result of the serious flood, two -thirds of the buildings in the area________.

A.need repairing

C.needs repairingB.needs to repairD.need to repair

60.The boss has given everyone a special holiday, so we________go to work tomorrow.


61.- What does the sign over there read?

--“No person_______smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”


62.--What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

--You___________do anything except to be with them and be yourself.

A.don’t have toB.oughtn’t toC.mustn’tD.can’t

63.--Turn off the TV, Jack._________your homework now?

--Mum, just ten more minutes, please.

A.Should you be doing

B.Shouldn’t you be doing D.Will you be doing C.Couldn’t you be doing





一、格助词 主要接体言、体言性词组




一九八〇年代の初め、この地球上で、一年に、千四百万人もの五歳未満の子供たちが死 んでいました。



春が来ました。青い草があっちこっちに生えます。森の中で、美しい小鳥が鳴きます。白い喋々や黄色い喋々が赤い薔薇の花の上を飛ぶ回ります。可愛い燕が南から来ます。焼ける問うな暑い日が毎日続きます。騒がしい蝉が鳴きます。小さな三毛が軒下で昼寝をします。地平線に消え入る 長い道路には、人影は一人を見えません。











1.感情形容词、形容动词除了把具有感情、感觉的主题作为主体(用「が」表示)外,其感情、感觉的对象通常是不可缺少的(用「が」表示对象) 私は勉強がいやだ。


从上例可知,感情、感觉形容词、形容动词只能用在第一人称上 ,但要表示第三人称时,就得在形容词、形容动词词干下加上结尾词「がる」,对象语用「を」表示。 サリーさんは勉強を嫌がっている。 サリーさんはお金を欲しがっている。


2.感觉对象用「が」表示,主体用「は」表示 私は歯が痛い。 私は手が冷たい。







1·2 传统角度对虚拟语气的研究现状及其不足 1·3阐述本文语用研究观点的缘由 1.引言


3.例证分析阐述本文观点:研究英语虚拟语气使用的语用功能 分析虚拟语气的安慰、假想与愿望、委婉建议、含蓄抱怨与责备、警告命令、对现实不满或拒绝、感激感谢等等语用功能,能够做到语言表达形式与语用功能的有机结合,深入体会英语语言表达的丰富多彩的特性。

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[摘要] 本文从语用学的视角研究和探讨英语虚拟语气中语用功能,我们希望在分析虚拟语气的安慰、假想与愿望、委婉建议、含蓄抱怨与责备、警告命令、对现实不满或拒绝、感激感谢等等语用功能同时拓展自己的专业素质和研究实践能力。我们采用如下研究方法,收集资料、广泛浏览相关网页和翻阅书籍报刊、搜集相关音乐影视资料、请教专业老师和外教、选取论题制作与本项目相关的问卷调查与互动访谈等方式进行创新型课题研究(末页附调查表及其调查结果)。得出结论:在传统虚拟语气的研究过程中,语言学者往往过分对其语法时态、心理隐喻理论、概念映射等进行讨论。英语动词时态主要用来指示动词所表示的动作发生的时间,人们通常认为虚拟语气是用动词的过去时形式表示,而没有升入探讨英美人这样使用的真正意图所在;有人试图将心理距离与认知语言学的概念隐喻理论相结合,构建出基于心理距离的隐喻模式,对其动词时态用法的内在机制做出解释;当然还有人从概念映射理论角度分析英语语气,其认为映射理论给出了虚拟语气的意义和语义实质。


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[关键词] 英语虚拟语气 语用功能 语用视角 1.引言

英语的发展变化告诉我们,无论是复杂句、简单句、从句,人们都会在日常生活中大量使用虚拟语气。莎翁在其作品中,通常使用“were”来替换“would be”的虚拟语气表达式,例如:“After your deathy you were better have a bad epitaph.”(Shakespeare).培根亦曾用虚拟语气表达对其妻子的设想:“It is one of the best bonds,both of chastity and obedience in the wife,if she think her husband wise which she will never do if she find him jealous .”(Bacon).虚拟语气的使用增加了当时热门阅读文学作品的难度。随着现代社会以及英语的发展,英语的虚拟语气逐渐被陈述语气所替代,呈现出一种衰退的趋势。然而虚拟语气仍然发挥着重要

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语气”等,但是“现在虚拟语气”并不总是表示现在,如She urged that she write and accept the lost;“过去虚拟语气”并不表示过去二表示和现在事实相反的情况,如If I were you, I should accept the offer.“过去完成虚拟语气”也不表示过去的过去和二表示与过去事实相反的情况,如It was a lovely day yester day. I wish I had been at the beach then. 显示这样分类很不合适。姚善友在《英语虚拟语气》一书中提出了许多分类:按姓氏分为综合形式和分析形式:按时态分为不定时和完成时;按性质与用途分为表示推测和表示虚拟以及虚拟结果;按历史发展分为:1)现在时虚拟语气:be;2)过去时虚拟语气:were;3)过去完成时虚拟语气:had been.( 姚善友:1959:51-2)然而上述分类方法没有真正揭示虚拟语气形式之间以及虚拟语气形式和陈述语气、祈使语气、形式之间的逻辑联系。章振邦教授将虚拟语气分为be型和were型,这中分发类型过于简单化,既没有包括所有虚拟语气形式,有不能反映虚拟语气形式和动词的其他形式的关系,不能帮助学生掌握虚拟语气,反而给他们增加了理解上的困难。周龙如把虚拟语气形式分为四种类型:1)原型、动词原型(含should等+V),相当于Quirk和章振邦等的be型;2)现在先时型、过去形式(含should 等+v), 相当于Quirk的were型;3)过去先时型、过去将来形式(含should 等+have+Ved);4)将来先时型、过去之过去形式。但这种分类

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其实,传统英语虚拟语气研究从语法时态角度、认知语言学角度探讨,并无不妥之处,但是他们未能从说话人的话外之音、言外之意的角度进行研究,仍然有许多需要改进的地方。通过参照Leech的礼貌原则、Brown Levison的“面子”理论等,我们可以将说话人的话外之音、言外之意根据语境、文化等不同大致分为以下六种:愿望与期望类、委婉安慰类、命令与建议类、遗憾与后悔类、责备与抱怨类、感激与感谢类。 下面我们逐个分析。

(1)、愿望与期望类。Leech 的礼貌原则指出,在语言交际中,使用礼貌的语言是成功交际的重要语言原则之一。在正常情况下,两个人之间的对话都会遵守礼貌原则,可想而知,在说话人、转述人、受话人三方之间进行的语言交际中,转述人作为与该语言无直接利益关系的第三方,尽可能地转述时使自己“置身事外”,是人之常情,而转述命令、建议等祈使语气最为委婉的方式就是使用命令、建议式的语气,它既如实传达了原话,又最大程度保全了受话人的面子。对虚拟语气的使用符合“减少表达有损他人观点的得体准则”,在许多场合

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例如:I wish I had been there when the accident happened.我希望杯事故发生的时候我在那里。说话人这样说的隐含意思是现实情况事故发生时我并不在场,这样真实表达了说话人说话人期望自己能够在事故发生的当时身临其境,舍身救人却没有实现的想法与愿望。I wish they might have come to my wedding ceremony.我希望他们能来我的结婚典礼。事实上是他们没有来参加我的婚礼,我只是在事后希望他们有参加我的婚礼。虚拟语气中动词的形式是不同的,当需要表达现在的时候,我们通常使用过去式。口语中是使用“maybe +subjunctive”虚拟式表示说话人的期待或者希望,如《西厢记》中,May all the lovers in the world be couples in the end.此句中文意思是愿天下有情人终成眷属,形象生动表达了说话人的祝福语。

(2)、委婉安慰类。礼貌是人类焦急的基本原则之一,John J.Grumper 在Brown Levison的《语言使用的一些普遍性:礼貌现象》的序言中指出“李茂盛维持社会秩序的基础,是人们进行合作的前提条件。”Polite一词源于拉丁语“politus”意思是随和的、有教养的。现代社会的人们追求自我,重视他人权利与隐私。任何文化都追求这种自我基础上的人人平等--礼貌。Leech提出的礼貌原则(Polite Principle)给出了礼貌涉及的双方“自身(self)”和“他人(other)”,以及礼貌带来的结果“惠(benefit)”和“损(cost)”的概念,并指出礼貌原则就是要是他人受惠最大使他人受损最小。如If I were

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you , I would have also failed to win the day.如果我是你的话,我也不会成功的。说话人这样讲表明现实情况是听话人所做的事情很难成功,我也可能会失败。说话人希望借用虚拟语气表达对听话人的委婉安慰,劝说其不必过于自责。该句型从句时If+主语+were,主句是主语+would/could表示。If he were in the same severe economic situation ,he would have also be fired .如果他要是也在同样严酷的经济形势下,他也会下岗的。作为语用交流的虚拟语气可以通过多种手法实现委婉曲折的表达,听话者往往能够更加容易的接受说话者的观点。

(3)、命令、建议与要求类。语言中的礼貌、礼貌策略及其礼貌用语是全世界各种语言中共有的现象,Brown Levinson 在其著作Politeness:Some Universals in language Usage 中已有详尽的描述,其礼貌理论核心是“面子”观念。在他们看来,礼貌就是为了满足“面子”需求才去的各种理性行为,因此,他们的礼貌理论通常称之为“面子保全轮”(face-saving theory)或者简称为FST。面子是每个社会成员意欲为自己挣得的在公众中的“个人形象”(the public self-image),可以分为消极面子和积极面子。消极面子即不希望别人强加于自己,自己的行为不受别人干涉、阻碍;积极面子即希望得到别人的赞同、喜爱。例如《现代大学英语精读2》的课文有这样一段对话:It all server to for my mind with pleasure that I forget my Grandpa`s repeated warning ,and one night left

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Maheegun unchained.The following morning is sailed Mrs.Yesno,wild with anger,who demanded Maheegun be shot because he had killed her rooster.这段对话是小主人与收养的小狼亲如兄弟,有一天晚上忘了把小狼拴住,因而小狼吃掉了邻居家的小公鸡。在这种语境条件下,虚拟语气的言外之意是说话人(Yesno 太太)命令听话人非常讨厌并且希望能够立刻必须杀死小狼。这是虚拟语气的命令要求的功能。如果此句改成不定式表达(who demanded Maheegun to be shot --),虽然也可以表示要求命令,但是从语气上来说没有了说话人那种“气势汹汹”狼是非杀不可得感情色彩。另外在句子If I were you, I would go to bed early every night.翻译:如果我是你的话,我会每晚很早就去睡。一般情况下,当他人听到此句话,他们会想这样二个问题:1.“为什么我要是你?”2. “为什么你会早点睡觉” 通过思考,他们会发现这是你对他的建议,建议是让你每天早点睡觉。再如在句子If I were you, I would stay at home watching TV instead of going swimming tomorrow.翻译:如果我是你,明天我会在家里看电视而非游泳。说话人不直接想听话人说出自己的看法和建议,而是委婉地,是用虚拟语气说出自己的意见。

(4)、遗憾与后悔类。根据Brown的消极面子理论,主要是以回避为基础(avoidance-based),说话人通过承认并尊重对方的消极面子需要,不干涉听话人的行动自由来满足对方的消极面子需要。例如If I had known you three years ago, I would have married you.如果

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三年前认识你,我就嫁给你了。一种和已发生事实相反的假设或评论:说话人用一种将来不大可能发生的事情来表达遗憾之情。 It is a great pity that you should have lost the match. 翻译:你在这场比赛中实力真是很可惜。“It is a shame/a pity/incredible/no wonder/strange…that…”等句型结构中,用来表达说话者的惊异,怀疑,失望等情感。We could’t believe that the young woman should have mastered so many foreign languages.翻译:我们是在无法相信那个年轻的女人掌握了那么多门外语。用一些“believe ,think ,suspect ,expect”等动词的疑问形式和否定形式之后的that-分句中表示说话者怀疑或失望的情感。

(5)、责备与抱怨类。认知语法创始人Ronald Langacker认为:语言是用于直接描述发生于我们身边的世界及其事件的媒介,出于人类的认知需求,语言本身就具有虚拟现实性,即使是对真实情形的描述也是如此。对于同样的话语的理解也会因人类的认知差异而有所不同。认知与语义学认为许多语义差异是由于心理空间(mental space)造成的。例如You should have been here 3 hours ago.你应该三小时前就在这里了。在此处语境中,说话人想说,你怎么现在才来啊,其实你在三个小时以前就应该在了,暗含了对听话人的责备、不满、抱怨之情。通过使用虚拟语气,生动形象。再如:You should have finished it in time if you had not idled away.如果你不虚度光阴,你就能及时完成了。在此语境处,说话人借虚拟语气含蓄、委婉

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地表达出对听话人虚度光阴,不认真完成任务的不满和责备之感。如果,本句换成陈述句.Because you have idled away, you can’t finish it in time. 虽然也可以表示说话人的观点,但是从语气上来说没有了说话人那种对听话人虚度光阴、恨铁不成钢的无奈与痛恨复杂感情,形象生动。

(6)、感激与感谢类。Grice在语言语用表达功能方面提出一个重要的会话原则(Maxims of Conversation):合作原则(the Cooperative principle)。我们在日常生活交流过程中,需要根据需要迎合对方的意思来进行语言交流。如But for your help, we could not have achieved our goal.没有你的帮助,我们不能完成我们的目标。说话人通过借助虚拟语气,设想一种与现实相反的场景:如果你没有帮助我,那么,我们就可能完不成任务。突出表现出幸亏是有了你的帮助啊,非常感谢你。If it were not for his help, she would not know what to do.如果没有他的帮助,她不会知道该干什么。虚拟语气可以通过与实施相反的非真实条件句的假设,表达出说话人的真诚的感激之意和感激之情。


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1、R.Qirk. A Comprihensive Grammar of the English language.Longman.1980

2、Mohammed,Informal Pedagogical Grammar Iral vol.4.1996.

3、Hornby ,A.S.Guide to patterns and usage in English.Oxford University Press.1926

4、Levinson,S.pragmatics.(M)Cambrige University Press,1978.

5、Leech,G.Principles of Pragmatics(M).Longman,1983

6、姚善友:《英语虚拟语气》(M) 商务印书馆 1959年版

7、章振邦:《新编英语语法教程》(M)上海外语教育出版社 2009年版

8、周龙如:《也谈英语虚拟语气的形式》(J)外语与外语教学2000年版 第 39 页

9、袁晓宁:《英语虚拟语气形式分类的再探讨》外语与外语教学 2000年版 第 39 页

10、何桂金:《论语虚拟语气的动词形式及其分类》外国语 1997年版 第60页

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11、盛昔:《从语用角度看虚拟语气的动词形式》湖南广播电视大学学报 2007年 第58页

12、赵春梅:《关于英语虚拟语气的语用功能分析》南昌教育学院学报2013年版 第 148页

13、张道真:《实用英语语法》(J)外语教学与研究出版社 1995年版

14、薄冰:《英语语法》(M)开明出版社 1998年版

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STITP调查问卷(虚拟语气语用用法研究) 1. 你认为在英语学习过程中,对于虚拟语气语用功能研究是否重要? A很重要 B重要 C一般

D 不重要

2. 你通过那些途径学习虚拟语气?(可多选)

A语法丛书 B老师上课 C网络资源 E 写作研究 F口语交流 D其他方式_________ 3. 你在英语学习过程中对虚拟语气的应用频率? A经常使用B偶尔使用C很少使用D从来不用 4. 你认为虚拟语气的难点是什么?

A 语法复杂 B语意传达 C 文化差异

D背景知识 5. 你认为虚拟语气能传达那些含义?(可多选)

A愿望与期望 B委婉安慰 C命令与建议 D遗憾与后悔 E责备与抱怨 F感激与感谢

6. 你是否认为虚拟语气和语言学中的面子理论有一定的关系? A 是 B否

7. 你更擅长使用以下哪种句式? A I wish I had done... B If I were you , I would... C It is a shame/a pity/incredible/no wonder/strange…that… 8. 你认为虚拟语气的研究还有那些值得注意的地方?

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1、有87位学习者认为英语学习者认为在英语学习过程中,对于虚拟语气语用功能研究很重要,9位认为重要 ,4位认为一般,没有同学认为不重要。

2、关于利用那些途径学习虚拟语气的问题:34位同学使用语法丛书,48位同学通过老师课堂讲授,12位同学使用了网络资源 5位同学通过写作研究,1位同学使用口语交流。



5、当问到虚拟语气能传达那些含义时,多数同学选择了全选,有92位同学之多:A愿望与期望 B委婉安慰 C命令与建议 D遗憾与后悔 E责备与抱怨 F感激与感谢。


7、问及你更擅长使用以下哪种句式时,有78位同学回答 “I wish I had done...”,17位同学答 “If I were you , I would...”5位同学

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答“ It is a shame/a pity/incredible/no wonder/strange…that…” 9. 你认为虚拟语气的研究还有那些值得注意的地方?


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