Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案


Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案(通用6篇)

篇1:Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案


课题: M3U2 Reading

学校: 曲塘中学 姓名: 陆玉娟

Analysis of teaching materials 1.Introduction of this text The article is about the history of the English language.The development of the English language has been affected by different cultures all through history.This article deals with how English developed and why it has some strange rules.2.Importance of the material

Reading text is the most important source of their language input.3.Teaching requiements

1).Students are expected to gain an overall understanding of the article.2).Check and enhance students’ reading abilities.Analysis of learners’ characteristics: Students have a basic knowledge of reading a text.Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge and skill objectives: To know more about the development of the English language.To practice more skills in reading a history article.2.Process and method objectives: Get further understanding of the text and be able to retell some important elements in the development of English.3.Emotional and attitude objectives:

Know the history of many kinds of language.Teaching strategy To improve learners’ reading abilities by practising listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.Teaching environment, resources and aids

Computer and internet.Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class.Step 2 Lead-in

Enjoy a poem written by William Shakespeare(Sonnet 18), and ask the whole class to read out the first part of this poem emotionally.Students are asked to find some English words that are different from the words we use today.Encourage students to replace the words they have found with those we use today.Step 3 Reading strategy

Ask students to go through the Reading strategy quickly and tell us how to read a history article.Step 4 Listening

Students are allowed several minutes to listen to the text.Their listening is based on the task of underline all the time and dates mentioned in the text.Step 5 Reading comprehension

1.Fast-reading.Ask students to pay attention to the time and dates, and make a time chart of the development of the English language together.2.Retelling.The key words are presented on the screen.Students are allowed 5 minutes to prepare retelling the text individually.Then students are encouraged to come to the front and retell the text.The teacher could also ask students to do the retelling one after another, each student one sentence.3.Careful-reading.Read the text again and find some detailed information.Finish a form.Step 6 Post-reading consolidation

Students are asked to fill in the blanks of a short passage related to the text.Step 7 Discussion How did chinese characters developed?

Step 8 Homework Write a short summary of English and its history according to what we have learned today.Teaching evaluation Evaluate students by looking at their performance in retelling the text and in doing the exercises.Teaching reflection:

After this class, I found that we should give students more time before and after class to preview and review the reading material.In this way, they can have a better performance in class, especially in the period of retelling.We can also have students surf the internet to search for some related information about the history of English and other language.

篇2:Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案

元:Unit 2 Fit for life 板

块:Reading 1

Thoughts on the design: 本节课是一节阅读课,阅读课教学应当遵循循序渐进的规律教学,首先进行与话题相关的预热过程,其次进行精泛阅读教学结合,训练学生快速有效地寻找信息的能力,在阅读过程中穿插听力,训练学生捕捉细节的听力能力,在了解大意的基础上设置问题进行拓展性训练,培养学生思考问题的能力。本篇是一篇介绍药物的文章,大量出现了与药物有关的词汇,因此需要向学生介绍快速了解药物词汇的阅读技巧,帮助学生在此类文章阅读方面扫清障碍。最后,通过短文关键词填空的形式进行复习巩固。

Teaching aims:

After this class, the students will be able to: 1.gain the gist through first and second reading;2.practice students’ listening ability;3.improve students’ thinking ability through discussion;4.understand some medical terms.Teaching procedures:

Step 1

lead-in 1.Fill in the blanks A good _________ tastes bitter.Laugh is the best ____ in the world There is no ______ against death.2.Questions What medicines have you ever taken? And what do you know about them? How much do you know about the two medicines? Who invented the two medicines? What illnesses can the two medicines be used to treat?

Step 2

First reading When was aspirin first sold as a tablet? What did Fleming, Florey and Chain share?

Step 3


Listen to the article and try to answer the questions in C1 on page 20.Step4

Second reading Development of aspirin: Development of Penicillin: Effects of aspirin: Effects of penicillin:


Discussion Do you believe that “wonder drugs” will be invented to treat diseases like AIDS in the future?

Step 6

Reading strategy How can we understand medical terms? Words coming from the same stem: Words that are compound words: Words with irregular plural forms:


Consolidation Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the reading material.Step8

篇3:Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案


中英专家联合编写的普通高中英语课程标准试验教科书《牛津高中英语》 (Advance with English) , 在为学生提供给一个很好的学习框架和学习平台的同时, 对学生的听、说、读、写等综合能力都有很大的提高。其以独特的时代性、趣味性和多样性, 进一步推动了现代英语教育的改革, 深受师生喜爱。教材的特点之一就是单元化, 通过把知识点建立在每个单元的学习基础上, 让学生能够意识到主动学习的重要性和情感认知上的兴趣性, 培养学生的文化意识, 提高交际能力。

各单元一般以配文图画和问题进入主题, 引导学生联想起相关的话题与知识, 通过图文并茂, 让主题浅显易懂, 相对以往的传统教学, 这一部分体现了改革的有效性, 使教师更能轻松进入主题, 在教学上体现着很大的高效性。然而, 我觉得这其中可能存在着有待提升的空间, 例如, Reading导入板块, 我认为应该将其独立为一个课时, 通过教师对学生言语交际能力的设计、组织和训练, 以会话的形式, 进一步提高学生的听说能力, 而不是拘泥于书面阅读能力。教师可以选择通过多种讨论的形式或是话剧形式, 让学生开口说英语, 不仅对知识层面和文化拓展都有很大的帮助, 同时也能够增强学生学习以外的团队意识。因此, 我对此展开了我的教学计划:充分利用书本、教材和网络资源。英国优秀教师科林·柏得盖特说:“一个好的课堂, 绝不会像一潭湖水, 平静无波。它应该是一汪汩汩喷涌的清泉, 充满活力。”所以, 作为教师, 正确深入理解教材, 去粗取精, 活用教材是很重要的, 乃至做到教材为我所用, 为学生所用。


牛津英语的教学理念是以学生为主体进行学习, 教师认识到其重要性, 就应坚决贯彻执行。否则, 不能改变原有的课程观、教材观和教学观, “穿新鞋走老路”, 就不能达到新课程目标。依照传统的英语教材和教学观念, 往往会导致消极现象, 让老师成为课堂主导, 忽略了学生的基本技能掌握, 往往会在教学中产生问题, 使得教学变成毫无质量的灌输。

在高中英语教学中, 往往会有一些问题出现。例如教师在教学中遇到一些属于参照性的问题, 即教师不知道答案, 但是又乐于听到学生们的不同回答的问题, 这类问题往往是没有标准答案的。一方面, 它能促进学生的语言实践, 达到语言交流, 启发学生发散性思维的目的, 在此基础上, 我认为, 教师应当适时补充一些课外内容以丰富学生的文化背景知识。又或是当遇到学生喜欢活跃的课堂时, 教师的教学计划上又该如何计划等。俗话说“物极必反”, 鉴于过于活跃可能会导致低效率, 教师在设计教学上, 仍要让学生能踏实地掌握一些基础知识, 传统教学上的优良传统不能摒弃, 因此, 教师可以选择针对性地结合PPT总结语言点, 让学生学会记笔记, 培养学生养成记笔记的良好学习习惯。

通过牛津高中英语教学welcome板块的实录, 笔者希望广大同仁能够充分利用此教材的新颖之处, 想法设法让教学活动变得不仅仅是脑力活动, 更是让学生情绪高涨和智力振奋的心理活动。不仅让学生有知识的收获, 也让作为教师的广大同仁有快乐的情感体验。


译林牛津高中英语在高中选修模块的导入, 使得教材更加具有灵动性和可选择性, 教师能够根据教材和大纲的要求来选择适当的内容进行教学。而且随着信息科技的不断进步发展, 教学形式可以更加生动, 配合上牛津教材的简单易操作性, 可以为学生打好结实的英语基础, 为学生的学习, 兴趣和未来确定长远的目标。

摘要:随着现代化教育的改革深入, 教学教材也随之发生改变, 本文就以译林牛津版英语教材正在英语教学中不断的渗入, 关于其教材内容和教材安排都能够被不同的英语水平的人接受, 将该教材到入到英语的选修模块中, 是否能够更好的促进的学生学习英语, 译林牛津英语教材的导入能够更好的为高中英语教学提供帮助。



[1]程晓棠.英语教材分析与设计[M].外语教育与研究出版社, 2002.


[3]黎海燕.使用牛津高中英语教材的困惑卟中外教学研究, 2008, (5) .

篇4:Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案


2.本节课的话题是The first underground in the world(世界上第一条地铁),这是关于Public transport(公共交通)的问题,更是全球都关注的话题,学生每天上学回家都有可能遭遇到交通堵塞,尤其上下班高峰期、节假日出行都非常困难,经常有学生就因为上学路途遇到交通堵塞而迟到。



本节课是阅读教学的第一课时,该部分是一篇介绍世界上第一条地铁——伦敦地铁发展历史的旅游宣传手册(brochure)。通过对这部分的学习,要求学生对伦敦铁路建造的历史发展过程有深刻的理解,同时也要求学生掌握旅游宣传手册阅读策略的技巧。由于本课课文具有段落多、课文篇幅长、生词多、逻辑性较强等特点,本节课的教学难点就放在帮助学生理解和掌握课文内容,通过预测及归纳各段落中心思想来构建文本的整体框架;然后再运用skimming & scanning等技巧完成问答、填写表格、填词等练习,以加深对文本的理解,并掌握旅游手册的阅读策略。最后,让学生通过巩固练习或讨论活动来运用所学内容、加深对该话题的理解。





Teaching aims:

1.Develop students skills of reading a tourist brochure.

2.Improve students reading ability.

3.Get students to learn about the history of the first underground in the world.

4.Help students summarize the main idea with the help of some key words.

5.Use what they have learned to talk about the things around themselves.

Step Ⅰ: Brainstorming

(1) If you want to go to the park or the museum,or you want to pay a visit to your classmates,which means of transport will you choose?

(2)If you want to pay a visit to your relatives who live in a nearby city,which means of transport will you choose?


Step Ⅱ: Lead-in

Begin the class by asking students “If you want to get some information about the place where you want to go,what can you do?”

Show the picture of a tourist brochure and ask students what a brochure is used for.


Step Ⅲ: Scanning

1.Ask students to read the first paragraph,and help them to analyze the reasons for the development of the first underground in the world.

(Most railway tracks did not go to the London city centre,so buses,trams,cabs and carriages were required. The number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic jams. So the underground system was developed in London.)

2.Help students get the information of how the underground developed by filling in the diagram. This is a good chance for them to finish C2 on Page 52.


Step Ⅳ: Discussion

1.The World Conference on Transport Research has been held every three years since 1977. The 14th World Conference (交通研究世界大会)will be held on 10-15 July 2016 in Shanghai,China at Tongji University,which will host the Conference at its main campus.

What do you think of the World Conference on Transport Research Society?


Step V: Homework

1.Finish the exercise D on P52.

2.Finish the exercise E on P53.



篇5:Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案

1. distinction (Line 2) n. 分类区别,不同之处,差别,荣誉



2. boundary n. -- the edge (Line5) 边界,分界线





3. historic: adj. -- having importance in or influence on history (Line 6)






4. choke (Line8) v. 窒息;堵塞;阻塞

choke off 中止,放弃;批评,责备,训斥



引申: chock back 忍住,抑制

choke down 硬咽,压制

chock up 哽咽,因激动而未做好;阻塞,充满,长满

During the rush hours the roads are usually _____ up with traffic.

A. chocked B. crowded C. blocked D. checked

5. link up (Line21): to form a connection, especially in order to work or operate together: 联系,连接






6. function as: serve as ( Line42)





7. honor (Line50) n. a quality that combines respect, pride and honesty:



in honor of sb./ sth. in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or sth.为了纪念





My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ______ it. (陕西)

A. in favor of B. in memory of C. in honour of D. in search of

A collection of some phrases beginning with “in”:

in honour of in need of in memory of

in search of in favor of in charge of

8. permit (Line57) v. -tt- [T] to allow sth.:

1). + ing/ n.





2). ~ sb. to do sth.






3). ~ of sth. 认可,容忍



I. 翻译短语

1. 城市的远郊 ____________________________________

2. 对……造成损失 ____________________________________

3. 古建筑 ____________________________________

4. 阻塞交通 ____________________________________;

5. 加快……的速度 ____________________________________

6. 对……负责 ____________________________________

7. 售票处 ____________________________________

8. 旅行卡 ____________________________________

II. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the text.

1. Welcome to the London Underground, or as it is ________ known, The Tube. (common)

2. This problem with traffic led to the ________ of the underground system. (develop)

3. It has the ________ of being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world. (distinct)

4. However, most trains into London only went to the ________ (distance) boundary of the city because building railway tracks into the city would have caused damage to many ________ (history) buildings.

5.Passengers were transported in carriages without windows, which were pulled through ________ narrow tunnels by steam engines. (compare)

6. As more ________ ways of digging tunnels were developed, the first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug in 1884. (advance)

7. Over the next twenty-five years, six ________ deep underground lines were made.(depend)

8. Travelling on these lines was ________, though, as each line was separately owned and many were very far from each other. (convenience)

9. After his ________ of the lines, each one was given a name and most of the names are still used today. (acquire)

10. Between 1918 and 1938, there was much ________ as new connections were built between train lines, and new stations were built. (expand)

11. The last line added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in honour of the twenty-fifth ________ of Queen Elizabeth’s crowning. (annual)

12. The London underground system is working to transport millions of people ________ as it has done for many years. (effect)

III. Rewrite the following sentences with the phrases and expressions in this article

1. During the rush hours the increased number of vehicles often block Ganjiang Road.

During the rush hours the increased number of vehicles often ________ Ganjiang Road.

2. The last line added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in honour of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s crowning.

The last line ________ added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in order to ________ the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s crowning.

3. Do you know who is in charge of the design for the Three Gorges Dam Project?

Do you know who is ________ the Three Gorges Dam Project?

4. This new sofa can also serve as a bed.

This new sofa can also ________ a bed.

5. The government held this conference to speed up the pace of educational reforms.

篇6:Unit2 Reading 牛津高中英语模块七教案

Read an article about two important medicines and another article about Chinese acupuncture to learn about the relationship between medicine and health. Also develop the reading skills and strategy about scientific articles: Understanding medical terms.

Listen to a TV report on short-sightedness among Chinese teenagers to develop the listening skills: how to listen for current situations

Talk about medicines and interview a doctor to train the oral English and communicative skills

Write a script for a radio program training the writing skills

Explore Chinese medicine in order to prepare and present an oral report on a Chinese medicine and meanwhile develop Ss’ research and cooperation abilities

The first period for Welcome to the unit & Reading

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Talking and speaking in oral English

Nowadays, it seems that man cannot live without medicines, i.e, they are very important to keep us healthy.

Refer to Page 17 (Welcome to the Unit ): Look at the following pictures and discuss the people, the places and the treatments shown in the pictures.

Present some questions for Ss to think about the four pictures and arrange their thoughts according to the three questions. In 4 minutes or more, after Ss have talked the pictures enough and then let some Ss express their opinion concerning one or two or the whole of the three questions like the following example:

I think …. First, …; Second, …; In a word, in my opinion,….

Step 2: Presentation for reading

Since medicines are very important, sometimes they can save our lives, today let’s learn about two life-saving medicines: (Turn to page 18: Reading)

Step 3: Fast reading

Skim the text: Find out the main idea and the structure by letting Ss reading the title and the subtitles: What’s the main idea of the newspaper article?

Do Part A: Read the text quickly and answer these questions:

(Answer: Q1: Line 5 & 34; Q2:Line 16; Q3: Line 57)

Step 4: Scanning and skipping reading

Do part C1 & Part C2

If necessary, it is necessary to explain some difficult or complex sentences concerning the answers to Parts C1 & C2.

Step 5: Reading comprehension

Take out Newspaper(Student English Times No 29 Page B1) and lest Ss do “Close reading” ---- Into the text.

Step 6: Paraphrase for some sentences long and difficult to understand

Teaching reading strategy: how to understanding medical terms:

Take out Newspaper(Student English Times No 29 Page B1) and let Ss consider Paraphrase. By paraphrasing sentences, help Ss to understand and guess medical terms. Teachers decide on own situations and pick up other cases to analyse.

Step 7: Discussion

Finish Part F(Page 21) if your time is available.

Group Ss in 5 or 6 and let them choose one of the questions and prepare it. Then let them present and express their ideas or opinions.


1. Finish Part D & Part E.

2. Newspaper (Student English Times No 29 Page B1): Finish “Structure imitation”.

The second period for Language points for Reading

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Review:

Check the homework.

Step 2: Paraphrase and analysis for some important sentences involving some key language points or grammar cases.

1. If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find aspirin and penicillin.

There is a possibility that……

Because he works so hard, there is a high probability that he will pass the language exam.

2. The date that aspirin was invented is given by medical historians as 1897, but in fact, 3,500 years ago, some recipes recommended drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reduce body pains.

recommend 推荐、议,后常接名词、代词、动名词或宾语从句做宾语。

I recommend their pizza.

He recommended buying an English-English dictionary.

My English teacher often recommends that we (should) read as many English short stories as possible.


recommend sb. for sth. 推荐某人做某事

recommend sb. as sth. 推荐某人为……

recommend sth. to sb. =recommend sb. sth. 向某人推荐/介绍某物

recommend doing sth. 建议做某事

recommend sb. to do sth.=recommend that sb. (should) do sth.

3. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called De. Felix Hoffmann produced acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) from some other chemicals to make a medicine for his father.

It be + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that +句子其他部分。当被强调部分指人且做主语时,可用who代that, 被强调的部分指人且做宾语时, 可用whom代that..

It之后的be 常用is或was, 视that之后的句子的时态而定。如果that之后的句子用的是过去的某种时态,则用was; 如果that之后的句子用的是现在的某种时态或一般将来时,则用is。有时可用must be, must have been, can’t be, may/might be 等表示推测的谓语形式。

It was a glass that Mary broke.

It must be my book that he is reading.

It is Mary and Jack that who often help us.

4. The first trials of this medicine took place in 1899 when the company Hoffmann worked for began giving the medicine in powder form to physicians to use with patients.

trial 试验,试用


on trial 受审,在实验中,在测试中

go on trial 受到审判

come to trial 开庭审理

trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索

He is on trial for murder. 他因涉嫌谋杀而受审。

The case never came to the trial. 这个案件从未开庭受审。

Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error.


5. However, in 1971, Smith and Willis from the UK proved that aspirin was a blood-thinning in medicine, and in 1977, a study carried out in the USA showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke, which is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain burst suddenly or are blocked.

1) 本句为并列句,其中第二个并列分句是一个结构复杂的复合句。”that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke, which is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain burst suddenly or are blocked” 是动词showed的宾语从句,其中又含有一个以which引导的非限制性定语从句which is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain burst suddenly or are blocked,修饰先行词stroke。carried out in the USA是过去分词短语,在这里作a study 的后置定语。

2) burst 破裂,爆发

Water pipes often burst in cold weather.


I felt I would burst with anger.


She burst into the office without knocking.



Phrasal Verbs. burst into + n. = burst out doing

burst into tears = burst out crying

burst into laughter = burst out laughing

3) block vt. 阻塞,阻挡,使不通,妨碍


block sth. up 阻碍,堵塞

block sth. off (用障碍物)隔开

blockprevent sth. from 阻止……做……

My nose is blocked up because of a heavy cold.


Police blocked off the street after the explosion.


There is a block of wood lying before us.


6. Fleming tried this mould out on another bacterium and found that it killed the bacterium too.

try something out on 在……上试用某物

The drug has not been tried out on humans yet.


7. He named the chemical found in the mould “penicillin” and tried to make it pure to be a medicine, but was unable to do that.

be unable to 不能,不会

be capable of

8. He named the chemical found in the mould ‘penicillin’ and tried to make it pure to be a medicine, but was unable to do that.

name vt. 说出……的名字;给……取名,命名


name sb. sth. 给某人取名为…….

name…..after… 以……名字命名

Can you name all the plants and trees in this garden.

The child was named after his father.



in the name of 以……的名义 call sb names 辱骂某人

call sb’s name call sb. by name 叫某人的名字

9. However, it was not until World WarⅡthat two other scientists, Howard Florey (Australian) and Ernst Chain (German-born English), managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it.

It was not until……that 是一强调结构。

It was not until midnight that I could go to sleep.

until 其他用法

I waited until three o’clock, but he didn’t come.

He lived with his parents until he graduated from colleges.

He didn’t arrive until I returned.

They talked until dawn.

Not until 9 o’clock, did he get up. ( not until 倒装结构)

10. They were able to produce it in large quantities.

in large quantities = (in quantity) 大量的


a large quantity of = large quantities of … 大量的,许多的。其后可带可数名词复数,又可带不可数名词

Large quantities of food ________ for the winter.

A. has stored B. has been stored C. have stored D. have been stored

11. The new drug was needed immediately because of the war, so mass production started quickly.

1). adj.大量的,大规模的,大众的

mass communication 大量传达 mass meeting 群众大会

mass production 大量生产 the mass media 大众传播媒体

2). n. 块,多数,大部分,大众

a mass of earth 土块 large masses of clouds 一大块一大块的云

the mass 大部分,主要部分

The mass of people in that country are Christian.

the masses 大众,民众

The masses are often the makers of history. 创造历史的往往是民众。

a mass of / masses of 多数,大量 (其后接可数名词复数和不可数名词)

I have __________ of work to do today.

A. masses of B. a great number of C. a good many D. a lot of

12. Due to the widespread use of penicillin, many lives were saved during World War Ⅱ.

due to =because of, owing to, on account of, as the result of


The rent is due tomorrow. (应付的, 到期的)

Have they been paid the money due to them. (应得的)

His book is due to be published in October. (预定的,预期的)

The train is due in Beijing at 3 pm. (同上)

The meeting is due to be held next week. (同上)

The honor is due to him. (应归功于,应给的)

13. If penicillin had not been available, many people would died from bacterial illness or even minor wounds.


14. So, although Fleming discovered penicillin, it was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century.

It is (was will be) …… before…… 过了(一段时间之后)才……

It will be many years before we meet again.


It will be three days before she comes home.


It was ten days before he left.



It won’t be long before… 不久就会……了

It wasn’t long before… 不久就……

It won’t be long before he comes back.


It wasn’t long before he came to school.


15. It was fundamental to saving many thousands of lives and is one of lives and is one of the most important medicines of contemporary society.

be fundamental to 对…是必要的;对…是根本的

I think that hard work is fundamental to success.


The third period for Grammar and Usage

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Review:

Check the homework.

Step 2: Introduction to Phrasal verbs


1.v. + adv.

2.v. + prep.

3.v. + adv. + prep.

4.v. + n. + prep.

5.v. + adj. + prep.

Some examples:

一、v. + adv.

1.come out 出来;花开

2.come over 顺便来访;过来

3.come along 来;随同

4.come in 进 来

5.go up (价格)上涨

6.go down (价格)下降

8.go back 回 去

9.go on 继 续

10.go out 外 出

11.go home 回 家

12.grow up 长大;成长

13.get up 起床

14.get back 回来;取回

15.hurry up 赶快

16.hold on 不挂断;等一等

17.look out 留神;注意

18.look over 检查

19.look up 向上看;查阅

20.move away 搬走

21.put on 穿上;上演


1.come across 遇到

2.come into 进入

3.come from 来自

4.fall behind 落在……后面

5.fall off 从……掉下

6.get to 到达

7.get on 上(车)

8.get off 下来;从……下来

9.turn on 打开

10.turn off 关

11.over 把……翻过来

12.look at 看

13.look after 照看

14.look for 寻找

15.quarrel with 吵架

16.stop...from 阻止……做……

17.wait for 等候


1.be fed up with 厌倦

2.catch up with 赶上

3.go on with 继续

4.get on with 与……相处

5.pull...up from 把……从……中拉出来

6.look forward to 期待

7.come up with 提出


1.take care of 照料;照顾

2.make room for 给……腾出地方

3.make friends with 与……交朋友

4.play a joke on 弄某人

5.have a look at 看一看

6.have a drink of 喝一点

7.say goodbye to 告别;告辞

8.pay attention to 注意


1.be late for 迟到

2.be angry with 生气

3.be busy with 忙于

4.be short for 是……的简称

5.be interested in 对……感兴趣

6.be famous for 因……而著名

7.be good at 擅长

8.be different from 与……不同

9.be good/bad for 对……有益/害

10.be friendly to 对……友好

Step 3: Exercise for application of phrasal verbs

Finish part A on page 25

Step 4: Explanation for some language points

1. put through 完成,使成功;折磨;接通电话

We managed to put the deal through.


You’ve put your family through a lot recently.


He put all his children through college.


Could you put me through to the manager, please?



put aside 放在一旁,积蓄 put off 推迟,延期 put down 写下来,镇压

put forward 提出,拨快 put back 拨回(时钟)

2. Doctors are looking into the case for new treatment.

look into 调查,研究,了解

We’ll look into this matter together.

3. I can’t make out what the article says.

make out

1) 理解

He couldn’t quiet make out what it was about.


We couldn’t make out what she meant.

2) 看清楚

They make out three figures moving in the distance.


They tried to make out the expression on her face.


Please make out a bill for these goods.


We made out a list of books which students ought to read.



They made out they were doctors.

4. split up


The article would be easier to read if you split it up into sections.

The day was split up into 6 one-hour sections.



We were split up into groups to discuss the question.


Let’s split up now and meet again at lunch time.



Mary’s parents split up when she was 13.

She’s split up with her boyfriend.

5. take down 写下,记下

Workmen arrived to take down the old house. (拆掉,拆除,拆卸)

take up take for(误认为,当作) take on take away take in(收留,欺骗,吸收)

take over take off take back

Step 5: Application

Do part B on Page 25. Do a word game.


Finish some homework assigned by teacher.

The Fourth period for Task

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Review:

Check the homework.

Step 2:

Skills building 1 Listening for current situations

1. Brainstorm:

1).Do you often watch English news on TV?

2).How much can you understand?

3).What problems do you have in listening to the news about current affairs or situations?

2. How to listen for current situations?

1)the current situation ( this nay be a problem)

2)an explanation of the situation (this may include facts and figures to support the explanation, and probably a definition of the topic.)

3)reasons why the situation exits

4)how the situation can be recognized and the problem solved

Step 1: Completing notes

Do Parts A B C according to the procedure shown on Pages 26-27

Possible answers to Part A:

(1) short-sightedness (2) increasing

(3)22.8 (4) 55.2

(5)70.3 (6) 21.5

(7) 32 (8) 61.3

(9) 64.2 (10) distant

(11) image (12) reading

(13) bed (14) rooms

(15) information (16) protected

Possible answers to Part B:

No.1 Secondary school No.9 Secondary school

f i

d e

a b

h j


Step 3:

Skills building 2: Interviewing someone

1).Introduce yourself and to thank your guest for agreeing to be interviewed e.g.,

Good morning /afternoon, my name is … First, I’d like to thank you for agreeing to this interview.

2). Say why you are doing the interview and what you want to find out, e.g.,

I am doing this interview to get information for …I would

like to find out information about…

3). Ask questions. The questions should be grouped so that you ask general questions first and then more detailed questions, e.g.,

What is the current situation regarding young people and short-sightedness? (general) Could you tell me some special things that children or parents can do to help protect children’s eyesight? (specific)

Step 2: Interviewing a doctor

1.Discuss solutions to protect eyesight.

Do eye exercises twice every day

Do not read in bed or without good lighting.

Take some eyesight supplements such as Vitamins A, C and E.

Examine your eyesight regularly.

Have your eyes relaxed once an hour when working on computers or watching TV.

Focus your eyes on green trees or grass often for a rest.

2.To Interview each as a reporter or doctor

Reporter: Use the information in skills building 2.

Doctor: Use the information in step 1.

Step 4:

Skills building 3: Writing a radio script

When writing a script, you need to include:

who you are

the subject

the opening

explanation of what the topic is

(e.g., short-sightedness)

background information, include the current situation

reference to other sources (doctor’s interviews, what

schools are doing about the problem, etc.)


closing (thank people for listening)

Step 3: Writing a report for the school radio station


Go on to write the report after school.

The Fifth period for Project

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Review:

Check the homework.

Step 2: Lead-in: (Presenting a picture of acupuncture)

1).Do you know what picture it is ?

---Acupuncture point wall chart

2)What do you know about Chinese acupuncture ?

Step 3: Scanning the website article

Scan the passage and find which of the following topics is not mentioned?

History , past uses, current uses, acceptance in the west, benefits

Step 4: Further reading

Fill in the form to read out the structure of the text.

Step 5: Language points

1. sharp

The shears aren’t sharp enough to cut the grass. 锋利的,锐利的

a sharp drop in prices 价格的骤降

a sharp turn to the left 向左边急转

We were surprised by the sharp tone of her comments. 尖锐的

The cheese is a little too sharp for me.


a sharp sense of humour 很强的幽默感

2. Eventually, metal needles began to appear and these took their place.

take one’s place = take the place of

out of place 不在适当的地方,不适当,不协调

The remark was out of place.


in place of = instead of

in place 在适当的位置,适当的

I like everything to be in place.


3…. and a sword-like needle for letting liquid out of swollen parts.

let sth. out

Don’t let it out about my losing my job, will you? 泄露

They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents. 出租

He is getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out round the waist.


She let out a scream of terror. 发出(叫声)

3. Acupuncture involves putting stainless steel needles into the skin at certain points on the body so that a disease can be cured or a health problem solved.

involve 涉及,使卷入,包括,需要

My job as a guard involves living in the factory all day.


Every day each of us make decisions that involve taking a chance.


This project involves a lot of work.


Don’t involve other people in your trouble.


be involved in 参与,专心地做,涉及

Zhou Enlai was deeply involved in students’ movements when he was in France.


He was involved in working out a plan.


I am afraid your son is involved in the accident.


the involved story 复杂的经历(前置定语)

the people involved 所涉及的人(后置定语)

4. There are twelve different pulses, six on each wrist, and…

six on each wrist 独立主格结构

1) 名词/主格代词 + 现在分词

Time permitting (=If time permits), we can finish the work.

It being Sunday (=As it was Sunday), they has no classes.

Mother being ill, I have to look after her.

2) 名词/主格代词 + 过去分词

The signal given, the bus arrived. (表时间)

Their strength exhausted, they sank down one by one. (表原因)

He sat silently, eyes closed. (表伴随状态)

3) 名词/主格代词 + 形容词/副词

The meeting over, the students were dismissed.(表时间)

The children were making a snowman, hands red with cold. (表伴随状态)

4) 名词/主格代词 + 不定式

The teacher to help us, we will succeed. (表原因)

He invited us to see a film, he himself to buy the tickets. (表补充说明)

5) 名词/主格代词 + 介词短语

6) The old man sat in the chair, book in hand and pipe in mouth. (表伴随状态)

5. addiction n. (常与to连用) 成瘾,沉溺,入迷

Her addiction to alcohol ruined her life.


be/become addicted to ; addict oneself to 沉溺于,醉心于

6. In the west, acupuncture has become very popular, as has Chinese traditional herbal medicine.

as = so 引出部分倒装句

Jim likes playing football, so/as does Jack.

7. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the spinal cord or brain.

block (prevent) sth. from doing 阻止… 做…

