




九年级英语unit2教案:Where is it

教学目标(Teaching Aims)






broom,raincoat,cap,Hong Kong,Macao,SAR


/i:/ e /e/ e /k/ k /^ / g /s/ s /z/ s



本单元主要学会表达大范围(Where is Beijing?)和小范围(Where is my desk?)的空间关系。小范围的空间关系,可利用教室里的物品练习句型。老师可不断的变换物品的位置让学生熟悉前面提到的几个介词。







Where is/ Where’s …?

It is/ It’s on/ in/behind/near/under the…

Where are/ Where’re …?

They are/ They’re on/ in/behind/near/under the…


特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 是动词 + 主语 + 问号


介词 + 定冠词 + 名词

如:in the morning,at night,in the desk,on the table,near the door等。


Look at the picture。What can you see …? I can / can’t see… Can you see …?

Where is /Where’s…? It is / It’s in,behind,near,under the…

Where are /Where’re …? They are / They’re in,behind,near,under the…


classroom,blackboard,schoolbag,raincoat,football 均为合成词。可让学生利用所学过的单词知识,自学这些单词。

学生能自学的词尽量让学生自学,老师可稍加引导,以下单词可迁移,让学生自己读 behind → find room →broom


本单元的口语训练应放在空间关系上。并应当贯穿始终。口语训练重要的一环就是正确引入“位置”所谓概念。这与中文有较大的差异。中文说:在… 里,(上,后面,附近)的结构,英文只用一个介词,不同的介词比表达了不同的位置,而且一般要与定冠词the连用。向学生们介绍介词时,多用直观展示,适当用中文。



2、寻找一个非设计空间表达不可的动机。如:寻找一个提问者看不见的东西。老师上课找不见黑板擦,问一个学生。----Where’s the brush?----It’s under the teacher’s table。老师也可自问自答。尽量从交际出发,减少纯句型练习。







Teacher: Could you help me?

Student: Sure。

T: Go to my office and fetch your notebooks。

S: Where are our notebooks?

T: They are on my table。

S: Where is your table?

T: It’s near the second window。

S: OK。












in the bag,under the table,on the desk,on the table等。



可利用本单元所提供的内容,Taiwan,Hong Kong,Macao,SAR,进行爱国主义教育。







1、指人或事物的某一种类。例如:He is a student。他是学生。

2、指人或某事物,但不具体说明何人或何物。例如;A boy is over there。

3、表示数量“一”的概念。例如:I have a bike,a computer and a small room。我有一辆自行车、一台电脑和一个小房间。

4、用于某些固定词组中。例如:have a look,have a seat等。



1. 学会表达自己对某人或某物的喜爱和理由。

2. 能对自己看过书和电影,听过的cd进行评述。



lyric 歌词,抒情词句

entertainment 乐趣,快乐


photography 摄影,照相

photographer 摄影师

exhibition 展览,展览会




spoil 宠爱



1. sing along with 伴随...歌唱

2. go on vacation 继续度假

3. all kinds of各种各样的

4. prefer... to... 比...更喜欢...

5. be honest 诚实

6. remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事

7. be important to sb 对...重要

8. be sure to do sth 肯定做某事

9. come and go来来往往

10. see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事

11. be lucky to do sth 很幸运...

12. on display


1. rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle.

2. --- what kind of music do you like?

---i like music that i can sing along with.

3. --- what kind of singers do you love?

--- i love singers who write their own music.

4. ---why do you like this cd?

---this music is great because you can dance to it.


section a:

1. i like music that i can sing along with. 我喜欢可以跟着唱歌的音乐。

sing along with the music 和着音乐一起唱,类似的还有:

dance to the music 伴随着音乐跳舞

2. i prefer music that has great lyrics. 我比较喜欢歌词好的歌曲。

prefer v. 更喜爱,更喜欢.相当于like very much. 具体用法如下:

(1)prefer + n. (名词),例如:

i prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs. 我更喜欢演唱轻柔音乐的组合。

jennifer prefers musicians who write their own lyrics.

(2)prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事,例如:

i preferred to stay behind rather than go with you.


she preferred to write to him rather than telephone him.


(3)prefer sth to sth 比…更喜欢…, (此句型中的to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词) 相当于like a better than b.意为 “喜欢a,不喜欢b;宁愿a,不愿b” 使用这个句型,最重要的原则就是“前后一致”,也就是说,prefer和to后面的部分,不论词性、形式都要相同。例如:


难点重点:How to write‘My ideal school’.

教学方法:Reading and writing

教学程序设计:Step 1.Revision

Say something about school lives in British and American.

Revise comparatives.


Step 1.presentation

Think and answer the questions:

1.How many subjects do you learn?lead out:physics.

2.What do you like about our school?Why/Why not?---

写作则需要充分激发和调动学生的已有的经验, 激起学生的心理认知, 主动的探求, 提高学生的写作兴趣, 自身的体验让学生更接近生活, 更有话可说, 听说为先, 并且为书写questionnaires打下基础。


1.Finish Part A and read the whole sentences.

2.Say something about our school like this:

My school starts at---finishes---I think---is interesting.we spend---on---.I hope---Ask several students to make a short passage according to Part A.

学生熟悉写作素材后, 可以先试着整体组织和安排, 其中在口头写作中就会遇到各种问题, 老师应该引导学生及时纠正, 同时也为写作明确了方向。再者, 学生已经对以上句式非常熟悉, 在加上关键句的提示, 写作活动也变得更具体可操作性。


What subjects can Daniel choose to study in his ideal school?

写作是一个综合性的活动, 再听的过程中关键是如何捕捉文篇的整体布局特点。同时通过学生是否和Daniel达成共鸣来检验学生的听的效果。


Read Paragraph 1 and try to answer:

1.What time does Daniel’s ideal school start and finish?Why?

2.Do you enjoy studying in his school?

3.Books closed and try to fill in the blanks.

My___school at.We don’t and we have time for afterschool activities.We only have homework every day.Listen and retell Daniel’s school.

Teach the other paragraphs in the same way.

因为成功的写作起于仿写, 本人设置了精读练习, 根据短文内容填空和根据文意进行整合填空, 主要是引导学生先忠实于文本, 紧紧地依赖文本, 做到有效、必要的语言迁移。在用材上进行必要的取舍, 也是启示学生进行仿写的前提。学生在阅读的过程中就会很自然的通过对比, 来“控诉”现实中学校的不足, 自然会有了自己的ideal school。这为下面的讨论和建构自己的理想学校埋下了伏笔。


Discuss and complete the table below.If you don’t like this school, please write an article about your ideal school.

这部分是写作的核心, 设置讨论就是要让学生合作探究, 进行认知上的创新活动。学生通过例文学习和笔头单句练习之后, 更加明确写作要求, 使写作活动水到渠成。

Step 6.Checking

Reprent some Ss’articles on the screen and check out their mistakes.Then report your answers.

写作的最后一个环节是看学生的文章是否符合课标的要求, 从内容到形式, 从语言到结构是否存在着一些错误, 以便进一步的补救。

Step 7.Homework

Fill in the blanks according to the reading.

作业的设置进一步巩固学习的内容, 对写作活动进行强化。



2. put on


3. folk adj.


4. steal v.

(stole, stolen ) 偷;窃取

5. lay v.

(laid /leid/, laid) 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)

6. lay out


7. admire v.


8. trick n.


9. treat

n. 款待;招待 v. 招待;请(客)

10. fool

n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄 adj. 愚蠢的

11. lie v.

(lay/ lei/, lain/ lein) 平躺;处于

12. dead adj.


13. punish v.


14. warn v.


15. present

n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的

16. warmth n.


17. spread

v. 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播

18. the Water Festival 泼水节 19. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 20. the Chinese Spring Festival 中国春节 21. the Lantern Festival 元宵节 22. the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

1. be crowded with 挤满了…… 2. put on five pounds 胖了五英磅 3. be similar to 和……相似 4. in the shape of ……的形状 5. plan to do 计划、打算做某事 6. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 7. lay her favorite fruits and desserts 摆出她


8. admire the moon 赏月 9. as a result 结果


1. mastery words: farm, hear, meet, course, of course, lot, lot of, enjoy

2. A dialogue between Danny and his new friend

3. The usage of some phrases

Teaching goals: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Remember the mastery words

3. Find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1.introduce where you are from

2. some useful expressions

Difficult points: how to introduce yourself

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcards, and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English.

2) Duty report.

3) Main revision of last lesson. Explain when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions:

Do you like to make new friends? Why or why not?

Who is your newest friend? How do you meet?

Discuss them with the class and you gather many different answers.

Step2 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What does Danny want to buy in Beijing?

Who is Danny’s new friend?

Where does Wu Li come from?

After listening to the tape, answer the questions and discuss the whole text. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points in this period. Write the key points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step4 Practice

Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

You meet a new friend on the train or bus. What should one say to a new friend? What can one do to enjoy time with a new friend? With a partner, write and practice a dialogue. Present your dialogue to your classmates.

In this part the teacher should guide the students to discuss the questions.

You may give them some words to help them.

Step6 A test


1) The woman behind me is singing. (一般疑问句)


2) She is talking to the man. (对划线部分提问)


3) The baby is sleeping. (否定句)


1) Walk to the station. (否定句)


2) Ben is noisy in class. ( 同义句)


Step7 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about Li Ming and his friends. They meet a new friend on the train. Then they feel hungry and they discuss what to eat. What did they say? After class, read the text fluently.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) finish the exercises in the activity book


1. mastery words: get, get on, very, stop, stand, where, see, mana dialogue about getting on the train

2. the usage of word look and see

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. learn some mastery words

Teaching key points: difference of see and look

The usage of imperative Sentence

Difficult points: the usage of Imperative Sentence

Teaching aids: recorder, slide projector, flashcards

Type : text

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) duty report (such as the weather, the school life, their classmates and teachers and so on)

3) check yesterday’s homework

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you argue with your friends? Why?

Do you have a friend who gets very excited? Who? Why?

Answer the questions and say “We are going to learn a dialogue today. Li Ming and his friends are looking for their seats on the train. Danny sits on a wrong seat. So there is an argument. Now let’s look at it.

Step2 Listen to the text with the following questions:

Why is Jenny angry with Danny?

Which is Danny’s seat?

Step3 After listening to the tape, answer the questions and read through the whole text. Make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with the language points at the same time. ( using the slide projector)

Step4 Listen to the tape again and let the students read after it.

Step5 Practice

Have them read the dialogue aloud and correct their pronunciation if necessary. Then have them act it out in roles.

Step6 Come to “LET’S DO IT”: Draw a map of the inside of a train. Draw the seats and write their numbers. You should also draw the door, washroom, stairs and hot water room on the map. Describe your map to a partner. Where do you like to sit? Why?

Do this part in class if time permits.

Step7 A test

1. I see him ____ away.

A. to run B. run C. runs D. ran

2. I _____ but ____ nothing.

A. looked, looked B. looked , saw

C. saw, looked D. saw, saw

3. The ____ behind the tree is Mary’s father.

A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl

Step8 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about getting on the train. Hl Ming and his friends get on the train. They are very excited. Danny sits on the wrong seat. He takes another man’s seat. He has an argument with Jenny. In this text we learn some words such as look and see. We should be able to use them. You must practice after class.

3. Homework

1) Understand the meaning of the text

2) Learn to use the mastery words

3) Finish the exercise in the activity book


1. Mastery words: quiet, word, newspaper, baby

2. A dialogue about what they are doing

3. Present Continuous Tense

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. use the Present Continuous Tense

Key points: 1. What are you doing?

I am……

2. some useful words

Difficult points: the Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids: audiotape, flashcards, slide projector, word cards

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: they can say anything they like to say

3) Check the homework in lesson 12 and explain when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

What is your favourite game? Why?

Do you like babies? Why or why not?

Today we are going to learn a dialogue. It happens on the train. Li Ming and his friends are doing different things. Let’s look at what they are doing.

Step 2 Listen to audiotape and answer the following questions:

What is the baby doing?

What are Wu Li and Jenny doing?

What is Danny doing?

Answer them with the students and discuss the text again. Deal with some important points at the same time. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the dialogue. When explaining the language points the teacher can use some pictures, write on the blackboard or on the slide projector.

Step 3 Listen to audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text aloud and correct their pronunciations when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about offering and eating foods. When the students “eat,” some are quick and some are slow. The students need to be creative about situations where this would happen!

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Play a word game in a small group. Cut some pieces of paper into 2cm squares. Try to make about 100 squares. On each piece of paper, write a letter of the alphabet. Then use the squares to make English words. Join the words together like a crossword.

Step 7 A test


Welcome to Beijing! You want to know something about Chinese f____. Let me tell you. We eat r____, v_____, f______ and m_____ every day. We also have d_______ or n_______ .

You can find your f________ food. At 12:00 we eat l_______ . (food, rice, vegetables, fruit, meat, dumplings, noodles, favourite)

Step 8 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue between Li Ming and his friends. They are on the train to Beijing. They are doing different things. Jenny and Wu Li are playing a word game. Danny is playing with a baby. So we must remember how to express what sb. is doing. After class you should practice the Present Continuous Tense.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words in this lesson

3) finish the activity book of lesson 13


3. driver’s license 驾驶执照 4. No way. 不行;不可能。

5. have part-time jobs 有兼职工作 6. get their ears pierced 让他们穿耳洞

7. serious enough 足够严肃 8. cut one’s hair 理发

9. be excited about (doing sth.) 对……感到兴奋

10. stay by my side 待在我身边;陪伴我

11. make sure 确保

12. keep... from 阻止

13. keep away... from避免接近;远离 14. give sb. a hug 给某人一个拥抱

15. lift... up 把……举起来 16. talk back 回嘴;顶嘴

17. regret to do sth. 很遗憾/抱歉要做某事(事情还没有做)

18. regret doing sth. 很后悔/抱歉做了某事(事情已经做过了)

19. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 20. make one’s own decision 做自己的决定

21. continue to do sth. 继续做另一件事情(已经完成一件工作)

22. continue doing sth. 继续做同一件事(还没完成)

23. manage to do sth. 设法做某事

24. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

25. get in the way of 挡……的路;妨碍 26. achieve one’s dreams 实现某人的梦想

27. be serious about 对……认真、严肃 28. practice doing sth. 练习做……

29. care about 关心

30. have nothing against doing sth. 没有理由反对做某事

1. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.


2. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 他应该停止带那种傻耳环。

3. I’m really excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso.


4. When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. 当我是个小宝宝整夜哭闹的时候,妈妈陪伴在我身旁,给我唱歌。

5. When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.


6. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 我后悔和妈妈顶嘴,后悔没有听妈妈的话。

7. Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?


8. This way, when they start working they can manage their own lives.


9. ...so he needs to think about what will happen if he doesn’t end up as a professional runner?


10. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.


their own clothes.复习52 【复习目标】

1.扎实掌握Section A(1a—2c)的词汇和句型并能灵活运用;

2.通过自主复习,听力与口头练习,能运用所学谈论家规与校规; 3.培养良好的生活习惯,遵守家规与校规。激情投入,做最好的自己。【重、难点】


Step 1 预习相关内容,写出下列词组。






6.和某人一起逛商店 7.理发




12.需要时间做某事 13.代替做某事 Step2.Listening test 1.How did John want to go to the mall with Anna? A.By bus

B.On foot

C.Drive his car 2.Should Anna be allowed to mall with John by car? A.No, she shouldn’t

B.Yes, she should

C.I’m not sure.3.Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced? A.Yes, I think so.B.No, I don’t know

C.I think so if they want 4.Is Anna allowed to choose her own clothes? A.Yes, she is B.No, she isn’t C.I don’t think 5.How did Anna go to the mall? A.By train

B.By bus

C.By car 【能力提升】


1.Tom is not a_______ to go out on school nights.2.Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to get their ears p________.3.It was s_______ in the hot sun without a hat.4.He told me to stop _______(sing).It’s time to have classes.5.I ______(not think)he is a clever boy, is he? 6.More trees should ________(plant)to make our hometown beautiful.Ⅱ.单项选择

1.I find this computer game _____ to play.A.enough easy

B.enough easily

C.easy enough 2.When she won the first prize, she was just a ______ girl.A.twelve years old


C.twelve-year-old 3.Tomorrow I will get my hair ______.It’s too long.A.cut


C.to cut 4.Workers in our company have _____personal computers.A.their own

B.they own

C.own their 5.–I think teenagers should be allowed to have part-time jobs.—______.Studying is more important for them.A.I think so.B.I disagree with you

C.Me, too.复习53 【复习目标】 知识目标:

重点单词:so;either;by 重点短语:on school nights;stay up 重点句型:

1)—We have a lot of rules at my house.—So do we.2)I’m allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.3)I’m not allowed to go out on school nights either.能力目标:让学生学会用英语谈论在家里应遵守哪些规则


Step 1 自主复习阅读相关内容找出下列词组



4.例如_______/_________ 5.在校期间的晚上

6.到10:00为止_____________/______________ 7.和朋友一起购物


9.清理、清除 Step 2 用所学的句型,写出在家里不允许的事情和可以做的事情: I’m allowed to _____________________________.I’m allowed to _____________________________.I’m not allowed to ___________________________.I’m not allowed to____________________________.【巩固练习】


1.The old man should be _________(speak)to politely.2.The man seems to ________(work)in a shop.3.Did Tom go to the movies _________(代替)watching TV? 4.Don’t _________(熬夜)late.You have to get up 5.You don’t know the _______(important)of the job.6.在上学期间的晚上,我不能出去。I can’t go out ______ ______ ______.7.我很活泼,他也一样.I am outgoing._______ ______ _____.8.你应该打扫一下你的房间。You should _______ _______ your room.9.她不得不待在家里照看她的妹妹。She has to ______ _____ _____ to look after her sister.10.—He hasn’t finish the work.—N______ have I.Ⅱ.单项选择

1.—Li Lei will help the poor children of Wenchuan.—_______.A.So will I

B.So I will

C.So do I 2.I’m allowed to go out on school nights, But I have to be home _______ 10:oo pm.A.on


C.at 3.These young trees should _______.A.look after well

B.be look after

C.be looked after well 4.He is not allowed ________ late.A.stay up

B.to stay up

C.staying up 5.It’s not a good habit to ______ late because the next day you’ll feel tired.A.get up

B.make up

C.stay up

复习54 【复习目标】

1.扎实掌握Section B(1a—3a)的词汇和句型并能灵活运用; 2.通过小组合作口头练习运用所学句型,谈论复习中的困惑; 3.通过听力训练,提高学生听力能力; 4.通过对短文的阅读了解学校的规章制度;



Step 1(1)写出下列词组:1.上课迟到


3.提前完成考试 4.担心考试


















14.对于某人来说是一个很好的经历 Step 2.Listening test 任务1 听对话选择正确答案

1.What’s the matter with Peter? A.He thinks he’s going to fail a math test.B.He has a headache.C.He argued with his father.2.Is he allowed to get to class late? A.Yes, he is.B.No, he isn’t

C.Sometimes 3.What will happen if he get to class late? A.He isn’t allowed to take the test.B.He is also allowed to take the test.C.He will be told to go back home.4.Does he think the rule is fair? A.No, he doesn’t B.Yes, he does C.He doesn’t talk about it.5.How does Peter do that? A.He writes a letter to school.B.He talks with his friends C.He talks to the teacher.【能力提升】


1.We all think he will f______ a test because he never works hard.2.I’m glad that I have p______the exam.3.We call the persons between 13 and 19 years old t______.4.As a student, we must be s______ in our study.5.Don’t w_______, there is a little time left.6.When the movie actors came out, the audience(观念)got _____(noise).7.That is the best way to keep them ______(happiness).8.Eating vegetables is a good way ______(keep)healthy.9.I don’t think this kind of book should _______(buy)10.Peter has an opportunity ______(work)in Beijing.Ⅱ.单项选择

1.—Will you come to the dinner party?—I won’t come unless Jenny _____.A.will be invited

B.can be invited

C.invite 2.The children often take time to do things like _______.A.volunteer B.to volunteer C.volunteering 3._____ Lucy ______ Lily are going to Hangzhou.A.Either;or B.Both;and C.Not only;but also 4.She failed _____ the early bus this morning.Because she got up too late.A.catch

B.to catch

C.catching 5.It’ s hot in the room.Please keep the door ______.A.opening

B.to open


复习55 【复习目标】

1.知识目标:mess;sleep;reply 重点短语:old people’s home;take time to do things;have Friday afternoons off 重点句型:1)On Friday afternoons, many students are sleepy after a long week of classes.2)Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others.3)I would like to reply to the article ―Helping and Learning‖ in your last newsletter.2.能力目标:使学生学会用英语来表达自己的意思。3.情感目标:让学生从事例中学会去帮助别人。【复习过程】















14.同意某人 15.八小时睡眠



18.在你的上一篇时事通讯中 Step 2 小组合作,利用3a信息,仿照3b, 编对话。

Step3 单独完成P.23 Part 1 根据所给单词的正确形式填空。并翻译成汉语。Step4 阅读后回答问题.1.What should they be allowed to do? 2.What should they do? 3.What do I want to do? 4.What does Tian Ge want to do? 5.What should some students be allowed to do? 【能力提升】


1.What a m______!You must clean it up at once.2.Last year they went to an old p______ home and made the old happy.3.At p_______ , teenagers are very busy with their study.4.I can’t choose which book ______(buy).5.Everyone needs to have at least eight _______(hour)sleep at night.Ⅱ.单项选择

1.To make our city more beautiful, rubbish(垃圾)________ into the river.A.mustn’t be thrown

B.can’t throw

C.may not throw 2.I wouldn’t like _____ this letter.A.answer

B.to reply to

C.to answer to

3.I didn’t have a good _____ last night, so I was so ____ that I fell ____ in class.A.sleep;asleep;sleepy

B sleep;sleepy;asleep

C.sleepy;sleep;asleep 4.This dress looks good _____ you.A.for


C.on 5.My father is very busy, he hasn’t had a day ______ for two months.A.on



复习56 【复习目标】



3.学会调节自己的生活,勇敢地面对挑战。全力以赴,激情投入,高效复习。【重、难点】 1.理解并复述课文

2.分析长难句 【复习过程】

Step.1 迅速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题,回答问题。1.What do teenagers often think about their hobbies? 2.What does Liu Yu want to be? 3.Do Liu Yu’s Parents allow him to train as much as he want? And why? 4.Why do Liu Yu’s parents think that he won’t achieve his dream? 5.Does Liu Yu think he will succeed? And when will he have the chance? Step2 仔细阅读课文写出重点词组和短语














14.没有什么反对做某事 Step3 根据自己的理解,翻译句子。

1.Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.2.We want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams.3.Being a professional runner is the only thing I have ever wanted to do.4.But they are always talking about what will happen if I don’t succeed.5.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.【巩固练习】


1.Wang Baoqiang tried his best to perform and he ______(success0 in the end.2.Everyone wants __________(achieve)his or her dream.3.Most teenagers have a lot of different ________(hobby).4.What are the rules that should _________(obey)by a teenager? 5.Liu Xiang is a ________(run)star.6.____________(实现)your dream through great effort is really cool.7.Anyone can see the _________(重要性)of good health.8.If at first you don’t __________(成功),try again.9.These hobbies can __________(妨碍)schoolwork.10.I think I should be allowed to ____________(作决定)for myself.Ⅱ.单项选择

1.English is very ________ and all the students know the ______ of English.A.important;importance


C.important;important 2.He _______ fixing the new machine yesterday!Look!It is running well again.A.felt like

B.succeeded in

C.failed in 3.Watching TV too much can get _______ the way of his study.A.in


C.at 4.Is the girl serious about _______ a singer? A.become


C.becoming 5.—Who did it better, Bill or Henry?—I think Bill did just ______ Henry.A.as well as

B.as good as
