
























排名(抢答阶段,选手按铃抢答, 答对一题加十分,答错不扣分)

















至使你顺利地完成学业,有时甚至能影响你今后的人生发展。我在这里特别要提到我在河南大学读硕士期间的两位导师。一个是河南大学外国语学院的蔡新乐博士,一个是河南大学文学院的张如法教授。正是他们两个在学术和生活中对我的指导和关心,使得我这个31岁才考上研究生、被许多人认为毫无发展前途的乡村中学教师在外国文学研究的征途上迅速腾飞。我97年9月进校,98年5月就开始在国家级核心刊物上发表学术文章。在短短的一年半时间里,我先后在《外国文学评论》、《国外文学》、《外国文学研究》和《四川外国语学院学报》等国家级核心刊物发表了5篇文章,这在当时河南大学外国语学院是破天荒的。 第三,要养成敏锐的学术洞察力。洞察力是从事某一专业活动具备的特殊判断能力和本能的反应,如从事文学需要文学洞察力,从事艺术需要艺术洞察力。一个科学家的科学洞察力高,是指他能够感知某一研究工作是具有价值的,善于发现科学研究的发展方向,预测研究可能产生的结果,也就是机会来了他能够抓住。科学洞察力包括直觉、灵感、顿悟和机遇等。其中,直觉是最重要的。哲学家康德说过:“没有直觉的概念是空洞的,而没有概念的直觉是盲目的。”当然以直觉为代表的科学洞察力也不完全是天生的、神秘莫测的。贝弗里奇认为产生直觉的条件是:对问题进行了一段时间专注的研究,伴之以对解决问题的渴望;放下工作或转而考虑其他;然后,一个想法戏剧性地突然到来,常常有一种肯定的感觉,人们经常为先前竟然不曾想到这个念头而感到狂喜或甚至惊奇。现代科学史上通过洞察力来获得重大科研成果发现的例子屡见不鲜,其中最著名的包括德国物理学家伦琴发现×射线、英国细菌学家弗莱明发现青霉素、美国科学家巴丁、布拉顿和肖克莱发现锗的空穴放大效应(据此制成了世界上第一只晶体管)、美国天文物理学家彭齐亚斯和威尔逊发现宇宙背景辐射等。在河南大学外国语学院读硕士期间,我们12个研究生都听翟士钊老师讲授英国小说和美国小说。翟老师在讲授霍桑的小说《红字>的时候,我发现作品中的主要任务的名字Hester Pryne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth 和 Pearl 都很特别,于是产生了强烈地研究这些人名的寓意及其和作品主题关系的冲动。我把我的研究成果写成论文《霍桑〈红字〉中的人名寓意研究》,投到赫赫有名的《外国文学研究》上,结果居然发表了。刚读研究生就成功地在国家级核心刊物上发表文章,这更激发了我的学术洞察力和激情。翟老师在讲授斯坦贝克的中篇小说《人鼠之间》的时候,我发现这篇小说除了开头有一些景物描写外,主要由人物的对话构成。于是我开始研究这种独特的小说形式,通过查阅相关资历,我写了论文《剧本小说---一种跨文本写作的范式》,发表在中国最权威的外国文学刊物《外国文学评论》上。翟老师在讲授马克.吐温的《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》的时候,讲到escapism 这种主题。我立刻开始思索什么是escapism,它与中国文学中的“遁世”有什么异同,它在美国文学中是怎么表现的。于是我写出了《论美国遁世文学的理论建构》,发表在另一个国家级核心刊物---《国外文学>上面。由于家庭出现重大


第四,从一开始就要培养学术诚信。学术诚信主要有两层含义:对待科学要讲求“诚”,对待其他研究者及其劳动成果要讲求信。可是这种对待学术的起码要求如今也被一些科研人员抛在脑后,学术腐败已经在学界愈演愈烈,在我们耳熟能详的著名高校中,也不断有学术腐败的现象发生。例如北京大学人类学博导王铭铭的抄袭,上海交通大学陈进的芯片造假 ,清华大学教授刘辉在申请大学职位和职务时提供虚假的个人履历和学术成果等。在国外,有震惊世界的韩国首尔大学黄禹锡干细胞造假。英国《自然生物学》主编可班德·普尔凡勒博士指出,“在发表于全球三大顶级科学刊物的660篇文章中,20%在某些地方存在不同程度的剽窃之嫌。”美国生物医学领域的学术造假次数持续呈上升趋势。2004年,美国遭到举报后披露的科研造假案达到274起,比2003年增长50%,创下有史以来的最高记录。曾经在我们心目中被称作白色象牙塔的知名高校,其光环不断地被学术腐败的丑闻所抹煞, 实在令人痛心。在我们高校的研究生中,也存在着较为严重的学术造假行为,具体体现在学期论文和学位论文的写作上。他们在写论文时极不认真,更不讲诚信,直接把互联网上的资历下载下来,甚者连改动都不改动一下,以此来欺骗老师。若不是考虑他们将来的毕业问题,老师们真想把他们的成绩判不及格,或终止他们的培养。所以你们新生一定要从一开始就养成诚信的良好美德,这是作为探索科学奥秘的学者最起码的要求。第五,谈谈选我作导师的研究生需具备的条件。首先,欲选我作导师的研究生要具备充实的文史哲知识。单靠死记硬背而获得较高成绩的研究生我并不喜欢带,而那些虽然成绩并不太高,但在本科阶段对文学、史学、哲学和心理学等方面有广泛涉猎的研究生是我所欢迎的。其次,欲选我作导师的学生必须对学术和科研具有强烈的兴趣,愿意在我的指导下对前人未作深入研究的领域进行进一步的研究。那些对学术和科研没有兴趣或者没有潜力、单纯来拿硕士文凭的研究生应该避免选我作导师。再次,欲选我作导师的学生要具有强烈的创新意识和较高的中、英文表达能力。没有强烈的创新意识,就不会主动地去提出问题,进行深入的研究,自然就不会出科研成果。在写论文尤其是学位论文时,就摸不着北,找不到题目可写。有了强烈的创新意识,有了好的科研题目,如果没有较高的中、英文表达能力,同样是出不了成果的。

最后, 祝我们的双向选择成功, 也祝同学们在未来的研究性学习中取得进步,成为合格的研究生。


一、殖民主义时期The Literature of Colonial America

1.船长约翰•史密斯Captain John Smith


“A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony”


“A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country”

《弗吉尼亚通史》“General History of Virginia”

2.威廉•布拉德福德William Bradford and John Winthrop

《普利茅斯开发历史》“The History of Plymouth Plantation”

3.约翰•温思罗普John Winthrop

《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”

4.罗杰•威廉姆斯Roger Williams

《开启美国语言的钥匙》”A Key into the Language of America”


Or “ A Help to the Language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England ”

5.安妮•布莱德斯特Anne Bradstreet


”The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America

二、理性和革命时期文学 The Literature of Reason and Revolution

1。本杰明•富兰克林Benjamin Franklin

※《自传》“ The Autobiography ”

《穷人理查德的年鉴》“Poor Richard’s Almanac”

2。托马斯•佩因Thomas Paine

※《美国危机》“The American Crisis”

《收税官的案子》“The Case of the Officers of the Excise”

《常识》“Common Sense”

《人权》“Rights of Man”

《理性的时代》“The Age of Reason”

《土地公平》“Agrarian Justice”

3。托马斯•杰弗逊Thomas Jefferson


4。菲利浦•弗瑞诺Philip Freneau

※《野忍冬花》“The Wild Honey Suckle”

※《印第安人的坟地》“The Indian Burying Ground”

※《致凯提•迪德》“To a Caty-Did”

《想象的力量》“The Power of Fancy”

《夜屋》“The House of Night”

《英国囚船》“The British Prison Ship”


“The Poems of Philip Freneau Written Chiefly During the Late War”

《札记》“Miscellaneous Works”



1.Renaissance: ( from 14th century to 17th century)

Definition: Renaissance is commonly applied to the movement or period in Western civilization, which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. An age of drama and poetry.

Reasons:the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture, the new discoveries in geography and astronomy, the religious reformation and economic expansion

Significance: a reflection of the class struggle waged by the new rising bourgeoisie against the feudal class and its ideology.

William Caxton—the first person who introduced printing into England.

Sonnet: originated in Italy, sonnet is a fourteen-line poem with a distinctiverhyme scheme and metrical pattern. It was introduced to England by Sir Wyatt in the early stage of English Renaissance and then further cultivated by Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare so as to produce respectively the Spenserian stanza and

Shakespearian stanza, both of which exerted great influence on the successing poets.Shakespearian Stanza: Shakespearean Sonnet is made up of three quatrains(四行诗节) with different rhymes, followed by a couplet. The rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg. Spenserian Stanza: invented by Edmund Spenser. It is a stanza of 9 lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter 抑扬格五音步& the last line in iambic hexameter抑扬格六音步, rhyming ababbcbcc.

blank verse—is unrhymed poetry with each line written in iambic pentamet Metaphysical Poetry:

 Definition:The term is commonly used to name the work in the 17th century written by the writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.Representatives: John Donne & George Herbert

Technique: Peculiar/Metaphysical conceits(奇喻)

 General Features: a. The diction is simple and echoes the words and cadence of

common speech.The imagery is drawn from the actual life yet subtle, the extended metaphors for such images are typically called “metaphysical/peculiar

conceits”. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet’s loved, with God, or with himself.

2.Neo-classic Period:

1)The Enlightenment Movement—The Age of Reason

Definition: The Enlightenment refers to a progressive intellectual movement

throughout Western Europe that spans approximately one hundred years from

1680s to 1789.

Purpose: to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and

artistic ideas.

2) Neoclassicism: (Main literary form—English Novels)

Definition: In literary criticism, this term refers to the revival of the attitudes and

styles of expression of classical literature. It is generally used to describe a period in

European history beginning in the late seventeenth century and lasting until about


Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature: fixed laws and rules for almost every

genre of literature. Prose: lyrical, epical, didactic, satiric or dramatic, each class

guided by its own principles. Drama: in Heroic Couplet; strictly observation of the 3

unity of time, space andaction; regularity in construction; type characters

rather than individuals. Mainstream of literature: realism—writers described the

social realities.

3.Romantic Period: (an age of poetry)

1) Romanticism

English Romanticism is said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of

Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with

Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the


2) Characteristics of the Age

 The Romantic Age is emphatically an age of poetry.Women novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed, for the first time, an important place in English literature. (Jane Austen)The greatest historical novelists Walter Scott belongs to this period. His

historical novels combines a romantic atmosphere with a realistic depiction of

historical background and common people’s life. Scott marked the transition

from romanticism to the period of realism that followed it.

4.The Victorian Period:

1) Victorian Literature

 The novel became the most widely read and most vital and challenging

expression of progressive thought.

 The Victorian age was also a great one for non-fictional prose.The poets of this period were mainly characterized by their experiment with

new styles and new ways of expression.

2) Critical Realism

 English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the 1840s and early 1850s.It found its expression mainly in the writing of novels and the greatest

English critical realist of the time was Charles Dickens—a humorist and

satirist, a great bourgoisie intellect who could not overstep the limits of

 his class.The English critical realism of the 19th century not only gave a satirical

portrayal of the bourgeoisie and all the ruling classes, but also showed

profound sympathy for the common people.

5.The Modern Period—marked by the publification of T. S. Eliot’s The Wast

Land: (Prevailing Genre: Fictions)

1) Cultural Background

Darwin’s Origin of Species and social Darwinism;Einstein’s theory of relativity; Freud’s

analytical psychology; irrational philosophers including Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and


2) The Differences Between Realism and Modernism:

Realism: Theoratical Base ---Rational PhilosophyFunction of Literature--- Educate

People and Criticize Social EvilsSubject--- Public, Exterior WorldConception of

Time &Space--- Clock Time, Geographic spaceForms and Techniques--- Hero, Plot

Tone--- Optimistic

Modernism: Theoratical Base --- Irrational PhilosophyFunction of Literature---

Expression of "Self"Subject--- Private, Interior World

Conception ofTime &Space--- Psychological Time &SpaceForms and Techniques---

Anti-hero, Anti-plot

Tone--- Pessimistic

Modernism is , in many aspects, a reaction against rationalism, it rose out of

skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. The Major theme of Modernism:

distoreted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society,

man and man, and man and himself.

Literary Trends: expressionism, surrealism(超现实主义), futurism, imagism and stream

of consciousness, existentialsm.


1. Literature of Colonial Period

a. Indian tribes had a rich store of oral literature in the forms of songs, spells, charms,

omens ,riddles and stories.

b. Three stages: Traditional literature, Transitional Literature, Modern Literaturec. The first permanent English settlement was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.

d. Puritanism :Origin of Puritan

Doctrines:based on Calvinism1)predestination2)original sin and total depravity

3)limited atonement4)theocracy

Influence on American Literature 1)Its optimism has exerted a great influence on

American literature2)Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception changed

gradually into a literary symbolism

e. Literature of Colonial Settlement: Forms: histories, travel account, biographies,

diaries, letters, autobiographies, sermons and poems. Characteristics:1) American

colonial literature is neither real literature nor American. 2) Their writings served either

God or colonial expansion

2. The Literature of the Revolutionary Period:

a. The Age of Reason: Definition:A rational society is that “reforms the mind,

sweetens the temper, cheers the spirits, and promotes health”(by Thomas


b. The forms of literature: ballads, skits, broadsides, newspaper poems, editorials,

essays, private and public letters, satires, pamphlets

3. The Literature of the Romantic Period

1) American Romanticism: an artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe

in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on

the individual’s expression of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and

forms of classicism, and rebellion against established social rules and conventions.

native factors: It is a period following American independence.(Political independence,

economic development and territorial expansion contributed much to literature.

foreign influence: Romanticism emerged from England and it added impetusto the

growthof Romanticism in America.

2) Distinct Features of American Romanticism

a. It was in essence the expression of a real new experience

b. American Puritanism served as a cultural heritage in American literature. c. American new ideals were strong enough to inspire Romantic spirit

d. both imitative & independent

4.The Literature of the Realistic Period:

a. Realism:is a term applied to literary composition that aims at an prejudice, idealism, or romantic color.

b. Time:Realism flourished from the Civil War to the turn of the century.

c. Features: (1) It stresses truthful treatment of material. (2) Characterization is the center of the story. (3) Open ending is a good example of the truthful treatment of material. (4) Realism focuses on common characters and everyday events. (5) Realism emphasizes objectivity. (6) Realism presents moral vision.

d. Two Literary Trends:

1)Local Color(or Local Corlorism/Regionalism etc.)

a. Local Color is a term applied to literature which, asthat have escaped standardizing cultural influences

b. Features: Presenting a locale which is distinguished from the outside world; Describing the exotic and the picturesque; Nostalgia; Showing things as they are; The influence of setting on character(environmental determinism)

2) Naturalism:

a. Background: 1) Darwinism’s key points: the struggle for existence or evolution, the survival of the fittest, natural selection. 2) SocialDarwinism: the weak and stupid would fall victim in the natural course of events to economic forces.

b. Definition: Naturalism is a critical term applied to the method of literary


c. Features:Humans are controlled by laws of heredity and environment. The universe is cold, godless, indifferent, and hostile to human desires.

The literary naturalists have a major difference from the realists. (Violent, sensational, sordid, unpleasant and ugly vs. genteel)

5. The Literature of the Modernist Period:

1). Modernism:

Cultural Background: Darwin’s Origin of Species; Freud’s analytical psychology(libido, id, ego, superego); Irrational Philosophers: Schopenhauer & Nietzsche

Modernist literature is characterized chiefly by a rejection of 19th-century traditions.

2) Imagism:(Leaders: Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell)

Definition: Imagism is the doctrine and poetic practice of a small but influential group of American and British poets calling themselves imagists between 1912 and 1917. Aiming at a new clarity and exactness in the short lyric poem, the imagists cultivated concision and directness, building their short poems around single images; they also preferred looser cadences to traditional regular rhythms.

Features: Free choice of subject matter, Free verse, Image Without interpretation or comment

Influences: a. The imagist theories call for brief language, describing the precise picture in as few words as possible. This new way of poetry composition has a lasting influence in the 20th century poetry. b. The second lasting influence of Imagism is the form of free verse. There are no metrical rules. There are apparent indiscriminate line breaks, which reflects the discontinuity of life itself. That is art of the poem. (The poet uses the length of the lines and the strange groupings of words to show how life itself can be broken up into somehow meaningless clusters.)

2)The Lost Generation:

.first used by Gertrude Stein, an American woman writer, who was one of the leaders of the group,the term defines a sense of moral loss or aimlessness. The WWI destroyed the innocent ideas, many good young men went to the war and died, or

returned damaged, both physically and mentally; their moral faith were no longer valid--- they were “Lost.”

In the Narrow Sense: a group ofAmerican writers, including Hemingway,

F.S.Fitzgerald, J.Dos Passos, E.E.Cummings, Sherwood Anderson, and Hart Crane, etc.

In the Broad Sense: the entire post WWI American young generation

Main Characteristics: Suffering from the war, losing beliefs, being cut off from life, indulged in drinking and partying.


A summery of first two lessons

From the previous classes, we've essentially get an brief idea of some basic knowledge about the United Kingdom. The main knowledge points can be concluded as follows:

The full name of the complicated country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Britain is no longer an imperial country, though its past has huge effects. The two main effects respectively lie in Britain'international relationships and the make-up of the British population.

UK, as a multiracial society, has the remarkable class regional and economic differences.

London, the capital and the largest city, is dominant in the UK in all fields. England, the largest in geography and population of the four nations, dominant in culture and economy.

A British invasions history which experiences from stages.

Scotland, the most confident of its own identity, has spent a history as a unified state independent of the UK.

Scotland joined the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish parliament.

A brief introduction to Wales.

Northern Ireland has an active cultural life but has its problems because of the conflicts and the influence of UK.

Irish desires for an indepent Irish state all the time, therefore issues accurred in frequent succession. The Home Rule Bill, the East Rising of 1916 and the Sinn Fein Party made Irish independent.

There exists religious conflicts between the Irish and the British because of the ethnical distinction.

British government organised a partition of Ireland as a compromise.

More violent campaign, IRA's violence and Bloody Sunday.

In order to halt the terrible conflicts, Ireland and Great Britain aim to cooperate with each other and arrive at a resolution. Finally, the Good Friday Agreement was emerged.

Learning first two lessons has laid a good foundation for our further study on the following lessons. I'm looking forward to comprehend more knowledge about British politics, economy, culture and foreign relations and so on.
