


纯洁美丽 幽静淡雅



刘淑敏 沛县县委组织部






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B市烟草公司A8品牌卷烟新品上市营销策划方案 ——HH烟草公司BB

一、背景和市场分析 (一策划背景


532、461”品牌发展规划的指导下,进一步向高端提升的又一战略品牌,其“低焦油、低危害”的产品特点,符合国家局“降焦减害”战略趋势。S工业企业为了在B市将A8替换A2品牌卷烟,决定与B 市烟草公司开展协同营销活动,并制定本营销策划方案。






A8品牌卷烟在B市的主要目标消费群体应定位在青年消费者; 特别是那些在城市中生活、工作,学历高、收入较高、追求科技、健康生活的青年消费者。原因是这部分消费者的文化程度决定了其消费的高品位,收入水平又决定了其消费的高档次,且追求健康的生活方式,正好符合A8产品的综合特色。




2、从A8品牌卷烟的产品特点分析,其又是一款更适合青年人消费的个性卷烟,销售渠道还应进一步扩展到年轻人喜欢的烟酒店、娱乐服务等业态; 另外,针对消费中高端卷烟的青年消费者多数为白领阶层,或中层管理人员这一特点,可以重点选择一些商务会所、写字楼附近的卷烟销售终端。




2、新型的图文式传播:可以在客户柜台处摆放宣传品,利用A8 新品上市的宣传画报、刊物,向消费者全面展示A8卷烟的特色。










6、积极引导客户向消费者推介,两个月内再购率要达到60%以 上。

四、针对性营销措施 (一确定目标消费群体












2、工商两支队伍协同拜访客户,在对A8品牌上市进行宣传推介同时,向重点客户发放宣传物料,如POP展架、宣传海报、烟模等, 促使零售客户积极上柜;



(1会议时间:2011年9月10日 (2会议地点:B市烟草公司会议室



(5组织人员:工商营销团队; (6相关费用:品吸烟费用2000元;礼品费用20000元,合计22000元。






4、利用爆炸签标注“店主推荐” “全国重点骨干品牌”字样;



1、营销人员站柜服务,通过营销人员现场演示,和面对面交流, 指导客户向消费者推介 A8 卷烟;

2、实施买赠活动,向客户发放打火机等宣传品,在消费者购买 卷烟是赠送,可以有效提高客户推介卷烟的积极性和信心;

3、开展“淡雅 A8”推广标兵评比活动: (1)活动时间:2011 年 10 月 1 日-10 月 31 日 (2)活动范围:9 月份上柜客户; (3)组织人员:工商协同营销团队 (4)活动内容及方式:由辖区客户经理用手机将客户宣传 A8 品 牌的过程进行录像,并拍照其柜台展示照片,回公司统一汇总,由工 商双方领导,及营销人员对宣传场景进行评分并排名;调取这些客户 在 10 月份的销售数据并进行排名,按照录像排名占 60%权重,销量 排名占 40%权重进行最终评比排名。 (5)评选结果:1-10 名,烟草公司颁发“淡雅 A8”推广标兵证 书,并给予物质奖励;11-30 名,颁发“淡雅 A8”推广能手证书,并 给予物质奖励;31-60 名,颁发“淡雅 A8”推广助手证书,并给予物 质奖励; (6)后期工作:制作活动简报,面向全体零售客户发放,以起



1、培训时间:2011 年 11 月 5 日,半天时间

2、培训地点:B 市烟草公司会议室

3、培训对象: “淡雅 A8”推广标兵评比活动获奖客户,及 9 月、 10 月两个月累计进货达到 10 条以上客户;

4、培训目标:提高零售客户对 A8 品牌卷烟的推销技巧;

5、培训内容:卷烟营销技巧,A8 产品知识介绍。

6、培训师资:B 市烟草公司内训师。


1、开展消费者品吸活动 (1)活动时间:9 月份每个星期日 (2)活动地点:B 市大型商场门前(选取三个) (3)活动主题: “淡雅 A8,青年人的健康品味” (4)组织人员:工商协同营销队伍 (5)活

动方式:在商场门前设置彩虹门、POP 展架、烟模地堆、 宣传海报等物料,向青年消费者免费发放品吸烟,并进行“卷烟品吸 问卷调查”对愿意接受调查的消费者赠送精美打火机、小型烟模等; (6)接触人员:聘请大学生发放品吸烟,由工商协同营销人员 进行问卷调查; (7)相关费用:十万元。


(1)活动时间、地点、主题、组织人员与上述品吸活动同步 (2)活动方式:凡在品吸活动现场的商场内购买 A08 卷烟一条 (10 包) ,即可凭商场销售票据到品吸活动现场进行抽奖一次,多购 买可以多次抽奖; (3)奖品设置:奖券 1000 张,其中一等奖三个,价值 10000 元 的数码相机一台;二等奖 10 个,价值 5000 元的笔记本电脑一台;三 等奖 20 个,价值 1000 元的时尚手机一部;纪念奖 100 个,S 工业公 司提供的价值 100 元的精美茶杯; 未抽到奖的可获得 S 工业公司提供 的价值 20 元的精美打火机一个。 (上述奖品均适合青年人使用) (4)组织人员:商场相关人员,工商营销人员 (5)预计费用:十万元。

(九)其他合理的针对性措施 设置 A8 品牌免费体验区


2、选取数量:各 5 家

3、体验区规模:2-3 平米

4、物料设置:书刊架一个,宣传报刊、册、画,消费者问卷若 干;小型时尚茶几一个,小型休闲椅两个;品吸烟若干;打火机、烟 灰缸、纸抽各两个;门市外侧挂“体验区”标识灯箱一个;

5、活动时间范围:2011 年 10 月 1 日-2002 年 2 月 28 日

6、体验方式:消费者可以到烟酒店体验区免费品吸 A8 卷烟;

7、相关费用:50000 元


(一)密切关注 A8 品牌卷烟的市场价格情况,客户经理在拜访 过程中了解零售客户的库存情况,同时,通过收集消费者调查问卷, 直接向零售客户了解等方式,关注消费者和零售客户对 A8 品牌卷烟 的评价信息,并及时向工、商主管领导反馈。

(二) 成立由工、 商双方领导共同组成的监督考评小组, 建立 《A8 品牌营销管理考核办法》 ,定期对方案的完成进度情况和实施效果进 行评估, 查找存在问题, 并针对所发现问题, 督导营销人员进行改进。

(三)建立《A8 品牌营销紧急预案》 ,设置安全库存,对 A8 品 牌的销售波动进行密切关注, 一旦发生销量突然高位增长, 导致断货, 立即启动紧急预


(四)成立工商协同营销工作组,并按照“四个协同”开展营销 工作:

1、信息协同是前提:实现地市级烟草公司于工业企业的信息互 通,步伐一致;


3、营销协同是手段:工商双方一起走访市场,拜访客户,进行 调研活动;










A Strange Present One day, when I was 14, my uncle sent me a pink T-shirt from ST. Louis, Missouri as my birthday present. On a beautiful Sunday morning, I wore this pink T-shirt and walked gently to the market. On the way, some boys whistled at me. I became very nervous, so I walked faster and more properly with more decorum, but more and more boy


whistle: a small wind instrument for making whistling sounds by means of the breath 口哨

properly: characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting 恰当的

decorum: the conventions of polite behavior 礼貌

agitated: 激动的,表现不安的

Vacations in Space Want a ride in a spaceship? It will cost you about 20 million US dollars. At least that’s what Dennis Tito recently paid for a trip to the International Space Station. What if you aren’t rich, but still want to travel in space? Don’t worry. Research supported by NASA might make your dream come true. Scientists are refining a process that, if successful, will enable rockets to take off from the back of an airplane. If people do end up taking vacations in space, don’t worry about finding somewhere to stay. Businessmen like British Richard Branson are already thinking about building hotels out there.


NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国) 国家航空航天局;美国航天及太空总署

end up: 结束;告终

Keeping Pleasant In these grim times, weighed down with tension and pressure from the realities of life, many people have lost their sense of humor. They tend to keep a straight face all day long and fail to keep life in perspective. They forget how to smile and finally become physical and mental wrecks. They regard life as a burden, and tend to look on the dark side of things.Well goes a saying, “Laugh, and grow fat.” Laughter releases tension, and smiling helps create a pleasant social atmosphere. And, thus, in a way, a sense of humor is an elixir that helps cure mental diseases. Some patients even improve their physical and mental health by reading humorous stories or watching funny movies. This proves that a sense of humor helps us look at the world in a true and healthy light and makes our life worth living.


grim: rigid 无情的,严酷的

tension: uneasy suspense 紧张(状态),不安

perspective: subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view 观点,评价; in dim bimbo 又笨又坏的女人

The Man I Respect Most My father is the man I respect most. Stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration. Once I broke a neighbor’s window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately. When Dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened.

I could only tell him the truth. Rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor. I learned from this episode that not only does Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens. How lucky I am to have such a good father!


stern : severe, strict 严厉的

consideration : careful thought; deliberation 体谅,考虑

uneasiness : 不安

episode : an incident or event that is part of a progression or a larger sequence 插

My Time of Happiness Each Day As a student, most of my time is spent on school work and other school-related activities. Consequently, my time of happiness each day is very limited.

However, this is not to say that I am not happy every day. In fact, I really enjoy coming home from school each evening and having dinner with my family. After dinner, I read or watch some TV with my family. This is a happy time for me every day.

But my happiest time of a day is just before I fall asleep. Lying in bed, I think about all I achieved that day, and it makes me happy to know that the day was full.


consequently : therefore 从而,因此

achieve : to perform or carry out with success; accomplish 完成,达到

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 《风雪夜 林边停》是一首著名的诗歌。写的是雪夜美景?写的是守诺如一?写的是 人生不得不向前行?不同的读者会有完全不同的理解。这大概就是文学批评中所说的“接受 美学”的观点吧。

Whose woods these are I think I know,

His house is in the village though.

He will not see me stopping here,

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer,

To stop without a farmhouse near,

Between the woods and frozen lake,

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake,

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep,


87 Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

—— Robert Frost


queer : deviating from the expected or normal; strange 奇怪的

farmhouse : a dwelling on a farm 农舍,农家

harness : the gear or tackle, other than a yoke, with which a draft animal pulls a vehicle or an implement (全套)马具, 系在身上的绳子

downy : made of or covered with down 绒毛的,柔和的

flake : a flat, thin piece or layer; a chip 薄片;雪片 Robert Frost: 弗罗斯特·R.(1874—1963)美国诗人。生于旧金山,求学于哈佛大学。它 的诗集《新罕布什尔》、《诗选》和《又一片牧场》均获得普利策奖,被公认为美国无冠的 桂冠诗人。

Home—A Joy Forever Home means a lot to me. “Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.” I appreciate the warmth of my home, and regard it as one of the brightest and dearest spots on earth. It is the place where I can take refuge whenever I meet with difficulties, failures and even frustrations in my daily life. At home, my dear parents and brothers and sisters will comfort me and cheer me up. And with their concern and encouragement, I will regain my self-confidence and muster up all my strength and courage to face the stern realities of life. To me, home is forever a joy where I can always find love, understanding, care and help.


humble : low in rank, quality, or station; unpretentious or lowly 粗陋的

refuge : protection or shelter, as from danger or hardship 庇护,避难,避难所

frustration: the act of frustrating or an instance of being frustrated 挫败,挫折,受挫

muster : to call forth; summon up 鼓起(勇气等),积聚

stern : hard, harsh, or severe in manner or character 严厉的,严酷的

Summer 夏日晨风,拂过我的脸庞,扰动我的梦想,飞扬在这青春读书的好时光。

I chanced to rise very early one particular morning this summer, and took a walk into the country to divert myself among the fields and meadows, while the green was new, and the flowers in their bloom. As at this season of the year every lane is a beautiful walk, and every hedge full of nosegays, I lost myself, with a great deal of pleasure, among several thickets and bushes that were filled with a great variety of birds, and an agreeable confusion of notes, which formed the pleasantest scene in the world to one who had passed a whole winter in noise and smoke. The freshness of the dews that lay upon everything about me, with the cool breath of the morning, which inspired the birds with so many delightful instincts, created in me the same kind of animal pleasure, and made my heart overflow with such secret emotions of joy and satisfaction as are not to be described or accounted for.

—Joseph Addison, Tulips


90 [注释]:

divert : to entertain by distracting the attention from worrisome thoughts or cares; amuse 消遣, 通过把注意力从烦恼之事上转移开而娱乐

meadow : 草地

hedge : 树篱

nosegay : 花束

thicket : 灌木丛

animal pleasure: 快感

instinct : 本能

overflow : to have a boundless supply and to be filled beyond capacity 溢出,充满

Joseph Addison 艾迪生·J. (1672—l 719),英国随笔作家和诗人。生于威尔特郡,曾就读于 牛津大学。曾任贸易和殖民地事务专员,1717 年被任命为国务大臣。同年他还创办《旁观 者》杂志。本文选自他的《郁金香》。

Exploring the Oceans

洋世界到底有多少未知的秘密? Ever wonder what lives in the Earth’s waters? Some 300 scientists from 53 different countries are wondering the same thing. For the first time in history, scientists are trying to count how many species of fish, animals and plants live under water.

They are conducting a census of life in the world’s oceans, which cover 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. The study began in 2000 and is expected to end in 2010, at a cost of US$1 billion. So far, scientists have counted more than 15,000 species of fish and around 200,000 species of animals and plants in the oceans. They expect to find at least another 5,000 species of fish.

Scientists believe that the animals and plants they’ve found so far represent just 10 per cent of the world’s total underwater population. That means that they expect to find almost 2 million species of animals and 英语晨读精华

103 plants by 2010. “Our goal by 2010 is to know as much about life in the oceans as we know about life on land now,” says a marine biologist who is working on the project.

The newly-discovered species are not all new species. Many of them have just never been recorded before. Scientists fear that the growing human population is decreasing the variety of species living in the ocean. They hope the census will help them learn how human activity, such as fishing and agriculture, is affecting the oceans.


species : 品种(单复数同形)

census : official counting of the information 普查,种群普查

conduct : to direct the course of; to manage or control 进行,主持

surface : the outer or the topmost boundary of an object 表面

represent : to stand for; to symbolize 代表 underwater : relating to, occurring, used, or performed beneath the surface of water 水中的

biologist : 生物学家

decrease : to grow or cause to grow gradually less or smaller, as in number, amount, or intensity 减少

variety : a group that is distinguished from other groups by a specific characteristic or set of characteristics 种类

Spring Song 布莱克的诗读起来朗朗上口,有音乐的美感,充满感性,喜欢的人很多。希望你也喜欢。

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Birdies, build your nest;

Weave together straw and feather,

Doing each your best. Spring is coming, spring is coming,

Flowers are coming too:

Pansies, lilies, daffodillies

Now are coming through.

Spring is coming, spring is coming,

All around is fair,

Shimmer and quiver on the river,

Joy is everywhere.

—— William Blake


112 [注释]:

straw : a single stalk of threshed grain 稻草,麦秆

pansies, lilies, daffodillies: 三色紫罗兰、百合花、喇叭水仙花

sahimmer : to shine with a subdued, flickering light 微光

quiver : to shake with a slight, rapid, tremulous movement 颤抖,振动

William Blake, 布莱克(1757—1827),英国诗人,著有诗集《天真之歌》(1789)《经验之


New Pictures of an Old Universe 这段科技文章看似复杂难懂,其实不难。读的同时不妨仔细分析这类文章的特点,这对 于在考试中阅读理解同类文章一定有帮助。

For thousands of years humans have wondered how and when the universe first began. Now, thanks to some photographs taken by Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), scientists are much closer to understanding, even seeing, the universe in its beginning years. This is all possible thanks to the WMAP satellite in orbit about one million miles above Earth. The satellite is specially designed to record one kind of cosmic energy: microwave radiation. It can use this radiation to show us what the universe looked like 13.3 billion years ago!

Wait a minute ... how can this satellite show us a picture of the universe billions of years ago? The Big Bang created the universe in a huge explosion, and at the same time it created a specific field of radiation—called the cosmic microwave background, or CMB. This CMB still lingers in the universe today. What the satellite actually does is take pictures of the CMB.

So what did scientists learn from these new pictures? First, they learned that stars formed very soon— merely 200 million years— after the Big Bang. And they were able to confirm estimates of the universe’s age: it was born about 13.7 billion years ago. This is the age that 英语晨读精华

116 scientists long suspected to be true, but now they have the birthday pictures to prove it!


microwave: a high-frequency electromagnetic wave, one millimeter to one meter in wavelength, intermediate between infrared and short-wave radio wavelengths 微波

probe: an exploratory action, expedition, or device, especially one designed to investigate and obtain information on a remote or unknown region 探测(器、卫星、宇宙飞船)

satellite: a celestial body that orbits a planet; a moon 卫星

orbit: the path of a celestial body or an artificial satellite as it revolves around another body(运 转)轨道

cosmic: of or relating to the universe, especially as distinct from Earth 宇宙的

radiation: energy radiated or transmitted in the form of rays, waves, or particles 辐射 explosion: a release of mechanical, chemical, or nuclear energy in a sudden and often violent manner with the generation of high temperature and usually with the release of gases 爆炸

specific: special, distinctive, or unique 特定的,明确的

linger: to be slow in leaving, especially out of reluctance; tarry 徘徊

suspect: to have doubts about; distrust 怀疑,猜测

Three Days to See 下面的文字摘选自海伦·凯勒的自传《假如给我三天光明》。海伦虽然自幼丧失了视力 和听觉,但却是一个生活在黑暗中而给人类带来光明的女性。她在1904 年获得学位,成为 优秀的讲师和作家。“我要把别人眼睛所看见的光明当作我的太阳,别人的耳朵听见的音乐 当作我的乐曲,别人嘴角的微笑当作我的快乐。”她接受了命运的挑战,获得了超越自己的 喜悦。我们为之感动的不仅是文字本身的优美和其中所含的真情,还包括字里行间所反映的 那颗伟大心灵。

Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.„

I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.

Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they 英语晨读精华

126 see. Recently I was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had observed. “Nothing in particular,” she replied. I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such reposes, for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little.

How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough, shaggy bark of a pine. In the spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter’s sleep. I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me. Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song. I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush through my open finger. To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.

——Helen Keller


127 [注释]:

buoyant: having or marked by buoyancy 有浮力的,轻快的

unimaginable: 想不到的,不可思议的

vista: an awareness of a range of time, events, or subjects; a broad mental view 展望,回想

listless: lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic 倦怠的,冷漠的,情绪低落的

incredulous: expressive of disbelief 怀疑的,不轻信的

accustom: to familiarize, as by constant practice, use, or habit 使习惯于

symmetry: exact correspondence of form and constituent configuration on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane or about a center or an axis 对称,匀称

silver birch: 白桦树

shaggy: having a rough nap or surface, as a textile 表面粗糙的

delightful: greatly pleasing 令人愉快的,可喜的

velvety: suggestive of the texture of velvet; soft and smooth 像天鹅绒的,柔软的

remarkable : attracting notice as being unusual or extraordinary 不平常的,非凡的,值得注意 的,显著的

convolution: a form or part that is folded or coiled 回旋,盘旋,卷绕

brook: 小溪

lush: having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation 青葱的,豪华的

luxurious : fond of or given to luxury 奢侈的,豪华的

pageant: 壮观

thrilling: 颤动的, 发抖的,令人振奋的

I Have a Dream (1929—1968),美国黑人解放运动的著名领袖,1968 年被种族主义者刺 杀。1963 年8 月28 日,美国首都华盛顿举行大觃模的黑人集会,为黑人争取自由、平等和 就业。马丁·路德·金在会上发表本篇演说。

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor’s lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall 英语晨读精华

137 be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

——Martin Luther King


Alabama: a tribe of the Creek confederacy formerly inhabiting southern Alabama and now located in eastern Texas 阿拉巴马州(美国的一个州)

lip: either of two fleshy folds that surround the opening of the mouth 嘴唇

drip: to let fall in or as if in drops (使)滴下

interposition: 异议

nullification: the state of being nullified 无效

transform: to subject (a construction) to a transformation 改变 exalt: 升高

crooked: having or marked by bends, curves, or angles 弯曲的

glory: a highly praiseworthy asset 荣誉,光荣

reveal: to make known (something concealed or secret) 显示,透露

jangling: 刺耳的

discord: inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; dissonance 意见不合,嘈 杂声

symphony: 交响乐,交响曲

brotherhood: the state or relationship of being brothers 手足情谊

jail: a place for the confinement of persons in lawful detention; a prison 监狱





一、活动时间 2015年8月15日至12月30日

二、活动主题 阅读增才干、长见识,知识提素质、促发展。







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