



I was born in a small village of Shan Dong province on April 4th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.

In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics. My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professional interests in Accounting, Finance, and International Trade.

The following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. In 1990-1993, I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. In 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.

I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.


INTRODUCTION XX University, founded in XX, is one of the key universities of the province.Its five campuses are located respectively in cities of XX, covering the areas of more than XX million square metres. There are XX colleges offering XX specialties for bachelor degree and XX programs for master degree.

The campuses’ libraries possess a collection of over XX million volumes of books. The apparatuses and equipments are valued at around 19 million yuan RMB. The teaching faculty is more than XXX and total enrollment is XXX . Following the motto “In education, truth could not be obtained without practice; the subtleness of matters could not be approached without experiment”, XXX has forged a tradition of running school of the combinations of teaching, research with social services.

Since 1989,XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching and research. The quantity and grade of scientific and technological awards have been ranking first among the provincial universities for ten years in a row. XXX is also ranked among the top 10 universities of China for decades. 

XXX is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in China, and one of the key universities of the province.

Since 1989, XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching.

Cross-disciplinary programs cover the field of agriculture, industry, basic sciences, economics, management, literature, law and iatrology. 

Located in XX , one hour to XXX by train, two-hour’s trip to XXX International Airport . 

XXX has established official cooperative relationship with XX world famous universities in overseas countries.


i expect to graduate in july from the department of industrial engineering of jiangxi university of science and technology, majoring in industrial engineering. outside classroom, i was very active and took part in different social activities. in my junior year, i served as monitor of my class, and received advanced person of jiangxi university of

英文求职信范文 april 13,2005 p.o. box 48 peking university peking, china 100013 dear sir/madam: sincerely, deng yun 英文求职信


智联招聘 日期: 2005-12-14


求职信是有目的地针对不同用人单位的一种书面自我介绍,通常一页长,书写一般以商业格式为标准,分开头,中间和结尾三部分。首尾部份应注意礼貌,通常信的开始要先做自我介绍,如:姓名、学校、所学专业等。中间部分是正文,是求职信的核心,形式多种多样,一般为自我条件展示、工作展望等内容。先是你写求职信的目的是什么,目标是什么?是想获得一个什么样的具体的职务;其次写自己对从事此工作感兴趣的原因、愿意到该单位工作的愿望和自己具有的资格;接着写出或推销出你的优势或长处,即你的竞争实力;然后谈你为什么想为此机构或公司服务? 你对他们的了解有多少?关于他们的产品或服务、任务、企业文化、目标、宗旨等一切与你自己的背景、价值观和目标相关联的东西。在结尾处建议下一步的行动,联络地点、联络方式,以及最后的感谢语等。这三部分的内容一般占三或四段,可以发挥创意的空间非常的大,不必死守规则,可灵活运用。求职信应与履历分开,有话则长,无话则短,没有必要把简历的内容重复一遍。英文求职信的模式与中文求职信格式


二、礼貌的开头结尾 (一) 开头语 1. in reply to your advertisement in beijing youth daily of december 25, i respectfully offer my services for the situation. 贵公司12月25日在《北京青年报》刊登招聘广告,本人特备此函应征该职位。


3. i have been told by mr. john, manager of the business book publishing, with 据商业图书出版社经理约翰先生称,贵公司拟于今年九月份职员若干名,本人拟参加此等职务应征。

4. so i must to say that i have long been hopeful of working for your hospital after graduation, i am sure that i have the privilege of serving in your hospital, i will greatly increase my experience and my education. 贵院是本地区最有名气的一所医院,我早已渴望能毕业后进入贵院工作,如有这份荣幸,我确信,对我提高行医能力和经验必有极大裨益。 5. dear sir, after my graduation from college this fall, i am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field. 本人将于今年秋天大学毕业,现拟谋求与国际贸易有关的工作,我对贵公司的业务范围较为熟悉,阁下也许能为我安排一份工作。

6. in reference to your advertisement in the newspaper for an accountant, i believe that i have the qualifications to fit your position. 阅读日报上贵公司的广告,得悉贵公司招聘会计,我深信符合该项职务所列条件。 7. on looking over todays economic daily times my attention was attracted by your advertisement for a senior clerk. now as i am desirous of obtaining such a position, i should like to apply for it. 拜读贵公司在今日经济日报上所刊登的广告,得悉贵公司欲招聘一位高级职员,本人现在正寻找这一类职位,特此修函应征。

8. i have learned from the newspaper that there is a vacancy in your firm, and i wish to apply for the position. 从x报获悉贵公司目前尚有空缺,故本人拟应征。

9. i wish to apply for the position of editor advertised in the newspaper. 我拟应征贵公司今日x报刊登招聘编辑一职的工作。

10. i wish to apply for the position advertised in the newspaper. 本人欲申请今日xx报上贵公司刊登的求才广告所列职位,本人自信符合贵公司所要求的条件。


12. i would like to apply for the position of secretary which you advertised in the newspaper of june 15. 本人拟应征贵公司6月15日在xx报刊登招聘秘书一职。

13. i would like to inquire about the position of business manager that you advertised in the newspaper in september 5. 本人意欲应征贵公司于9月5日在xx报上所刊登的招聘业务经理一职。



Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city with more than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for nine dynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui, Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. The Heluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the Huaxia Civilization.

Luoyang is also one of the top tourist cities in China with its numerous cultural relics. The city has inherited from history such cultural heritages as ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles.

There are many points of interest in Luoyang, such as White Horse Temple, Guan Yu Temple, and Longmen Grottoes. 位于河南省西部,洛阳在古代洛河有由于其位置名称。这是一个历史悠久的城市,有三千多年的历史。九代是省会城市,包括东周、东汉、曹魏、西晋、北魏、隋、梧州、梁末,唐末,所以命名为“古都九代”,排名第一的中国七大古都之一。河洛地区以洛阳为中心的华夏文明的重要起源。



It is said that the tallest Buddha was designed for Emperor Wu Zetian. 据说最高的佛像是专为武则天皇帝设计的。

White horse temple is thought to be the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism. 白马寺被认为是中国佛教的发祥地。

Guan Yu was born in Shan Xi,but he was buried in Luoyang. 关于山,但他被安葬在洛阳。

Luoyang is called as “the peony capital”. 洛阳被称为“牡丹之都”。

There are lots of old buildings in Luoyang city. 洛阳市有许多古老的建筑。

It was the capital city for thirteen dynasties, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. 它是十三个朝代的都城,所以它被命名为“九代古都”,在中国古代七大古都中排名第一。


富家女,上学专车接送:蔡英文的家族资产惊人,至少有过7.8间公司,而且蔡英文父亲相当会投资,替11名子女留下巨大遗产。据传从小在阳明山别墅长大的蔡英文,上下学时都有专车接送。2. 客家人,但不会讲客家话:虽然不会讲客家话,但这几年来为了选举,蔡英文苦练客家话,必且常常到客家人聚集的地方拜票。3. 学霸,欧美名校法律博士:蔡英文成绩相当优异,台大法律系毕业后,便前往美国康乃尔大学攻读硕士,之后再到英国伦敦政经学院取得法学博士。 4. 学者,最年轻的教授:27岁蔡英文返回台湾后,便当上了政大国际法教授,成为当时最年轻的教授。5. 杀手,面无表情的谈判对手: 蔡英文的十多年谈判生涯中,为了不让对方读懂她的表情、破解战术,因此养成了她面无表情、不容易被看透的风格。 6. 感情一直空窗:大学时曾有追

