



王源简介 中文名字:王源 英文名:Roy 昵称:王大源,源源,二源,中二源,奶源,源子(俊凯称呼)粉丝名:汤圆 生日:2000.11.08 身高:167cm(成长ing)体重:45kg 现居地:重庆 生肖:龙 籍贯:陕西 星座:天蝎 长处:爱笑,爱唱歌 优点:活泼可爱口才好 爱好:唱歌

平时休息时喜欢做什么:打篮球 队内职务:可爱担当、主唱

介绍 2011年底加入TF家族成为练习生,2012年7月翻唱《一个像夏天一个像秋天》,2013年4月翻唱《当爱已成往事》、6月翻唱《洋葱》、11月翻唱《董小姐》。2013年8月6日,与王俊凯、易烊千玺以TFBOYS组合形式出道,陆续发行《爱出发》、《Heart》、






2015-12-31 微博2015搜索璀璨恒星 第一名

2015-08-22 第五届 梦幻情人 梦幻男神第一名


1 对比研究

1.1 样本收集

为了发现中国公司简介英译文中普遍出现的翻译问题, 该文作者从网上搜集了40篇中国公司及英语国家公司的简介构成小型语料库, 其中20篇英文国家公司简介来自总部位于英语国家的电子、软件、物流、纺织和石材等行业巨头, ;另外20篇中国公司的简介来自中国同样领域的行业巨头。

1.2 样本分类及数据统计

这四十篇公司简介被分为两类, 分别是20篇中国企业简介 (CCP-Chinese Corporate Profiles) 和20篇外国企业简介 (FCP-Foreign Corporate Profiles) 。

从以上表1中可以看出, 中国公司的英文企业简介的平均字数为416.2字, 而英语国家企业简介的平均字数为248.1字。t检验结果显示两者之间存在显著性差异。这说明, 中国企业在英文简介的字数明显多于英语国家企业简介的字数。

表2显示中国公司的企业简介平均每篇包含4.95段, 英语国家公司企业简介平均包含5.3段, t检验结果显示两者之间并未存在显著差异。在作者进一步对中国企业英文简介和英语国家公司企业简介每篇所包含句子数的统计中发现中国公司的企业简介平均每篇有15.5句, 而英语国家公司简介则包括12.7句。两者之间并不存在显著性差异。

因此可以总结, 中国公司的英文简介通常比英语国家企业简介长, 两者有明显差异;但是在字数和段落方面, 两者之间并不存在显著的区别。

2 二者对比研究及翻译策略

为了能够译出, 必要时改写出符合目的语读者习惯的中国公司企业简介, 分析样本中二者差别可以给译员带来一些启示。

2.1 词汇差异

中国企业汉语简介里常有很多形容词或者副词修饰名词或者动词, 以加强语气, 期望给读者留下深刻印象, 比如

例1:结合自身实际, 长城集团积极探索科学高效的管理机制, 创造了具有开放性和包容性的特色企业文化氛围, 形成了一支汇聚科研、生产、销售、服务等多方面优秀人才的精英团队.In line with her own conditions, Great Wall Group has activelyexplored a scientific and highly efficient management system, creat-ed an open and comprehensive corporate culture, and formed anoutstanding work team integrating scientific research, production, sales and services.

从上面的英文翻译中可以看出, 译者在翻译时并没有做过多的考虑, 而是字对字的翻译了原文, 这样做容易给读者造成华而不实、浮夸的印象。而在以下这篇英语国家企业简介中, 作者并没有用太多的形容词和副词, 而是用一些客观数据有力的说明了本公司的实力。因此译者在翻译汉语企业简介时应该注意到目的语读者重视客观事实的思维模式。

例2:National Express Group is one of the world’s leadinginternational public transport groups.Every year, we providearound one billion journeys worldwide on our buses, trains, lightrail services, airport transfers and express coaches.We have 43, 000employees and are market leaders in the UK, North America andSpain.We are committed to improving the quality of life for all by‘Making travel simpler’.

在对二者进行对比研究中, 该文作者还发现, 中国的许多企业简介喜欢用许多四字词语来达到语气上的气势和句式的排比, 但其实连用的四字短语在意思上仅仅是简单的重复, 并没有实际意义。在处理此类短语时, 表达出其意思即可, 不用将连用的四字短语都翻译出来。具体见下例:

例3:千年临床及现代科学检测证实, 阿胶具有补气养血、滋阴润燥、化痰清肺、调经安胎、改善睡眠、强筋壮骨、延缓衰老、美容养颜等功效。

The main product“Dong-E E-Jiao”, with the brand“Dong-E”has a history of more than 2000 years.It is the bestblood tonic.

2.2 句法差异

由于汉语本身具有“虚中带实”的特点, 中文企业简介的行文措词显得铺陈夸张, 有时还运用排比、对偶等修辞手法, 妙语连珠, 着力描绘企业的雄厚实力和拼搏精神;相比之下英文简介的语言就略显沉稳客观, 当然其中也不乏吸引顾客的广告式词句。形象地说, 中文企业简介富有激情如一团烈火, 而英文企业简介平静自然如涓涓细流。中文公司简介中经常会介绍企业的战略和目标, 大多用词夸张、重复, 而且语言浓缩度高, 短短几行就包含很大的信息量, 翻译时要力求简洁而不漏信息。因此译者为了在译文中体现中英文企业简介的差异, 要做到化繁为简, 突出要点;化虚为实, 脉络分明。

例4:公司将紧跟时代步伐, 顺应现代市场经济的发展趋势, 大力推进营销产业化、网络化、现代化、国际化发展战略, 不断提高营销增值性、服务综合性、战略前瞻性, 精心打造“天物金属”的服务品牌。

原译:Our company will follow the steps of the development ofmodern market economy and vigorously push forward the strategy ofindustrialization, network realization, modernization and interna-tionalization.We will constantly improve our incremental market-ing, comprehensive service and predictable strategy to make“TE-WOO Metal”a favorable service brand.

改译:We will continuously improve our business and servicewith the development of networks and the deepening of industrial-ization and internationalization to build the famous brand of“TE-WOO Metal”.

2.3 语篇差异

中国的企业简介以“起承转合”式为主流, 行文规整, 格式单一;西方的企业简介则逐层介绍关键信息, 整体构成较为松散。实际上, “文章结构差异”归根结底是由价值观差异所引起的, 是价值观差异在文章“整体”上的体现。中英文企业简介所立足的价值观是不同的:中文简介主要立足于企业价值, 着重于展示企业的形象;而英文简介是以消费者为出发点, 集中展示产品的消费价值或企业与消费者的利益关系。正因为这样, 中方企业简介中认为有价值的信息, 在外商眼里可能会变得索然无趣。在笔者搜集的英语国家企业简介中, 有些跨国公司会根据分公司所在国家和区域的不同提供不同语言、不同类型相互独立的企业简介, 所有的简介都是原创而不是译文。这样, 中英文简介的篇章组成差异就体现得非常鲜明。也就是说, 同一家公司, 在不同的国家“入乡随俗, 换了衣裳”。

2.4 语体差异

英语是作者责任制 (writer-responsible) , 中文是读者责任制 (reader-responsible) 。在翻译企业简介时, 译者应该注意中英文企业简介的这种语体差异。企业简介相当于一封销售信, 目的是向读者推销自己。据作者对搜集的20篇英语国家企业简介观察发现, 其简介几乎都在正文部分采取的是从读者角度出发的you-attitude, 且正文内容的80%都是有关自己的产品或者服务的。除此以外, 所有的这些简介还提供了企业联系方式。而中国企业的英文简介里很少有从读者角度出发的, 并且正文中有关自己的产品或者提供的服务的内容只有不到60%。其他部分还包括本公司目前所获得的奖项和取得的成就等。20篇中也只有三篇直接在简介里给出了企业的联系方式, 可能译者认为读者应该自己在企业网站上寻找相关的联系信息。

3 结束语

该文在选取四十篇中国及英语国家企业简介的基础上, 构建小型语料库, 对字, 句, 段数进行数据分析比较后发现中国公司企业的简介翻译和英语国家公司企业简介在总字数和段落数方面基本是相同的。又从词汇、句法、语篇、语体等角度举例分析说明两者之间的异同点并根据分析结果对翻译企业简介提出有针对性的建议。公司负责人应该意识到不是所有学过英语的人都可以翻译公司简介, 必须邀请英语国家人士或者擅长商务英语的人来参与。另外, 学校的商务英语也要加以改进, 应该增加《公司简介的翻译与写作》这样的内容。


[1]Bhatia V K.Analyzing Genre:Language use in professional settings[M].London:Longman, 1993.

[2]Nord C.Translating as a purposeful activity:Functionalist approaches explained[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

[3]第三次全国大中型企业翻译研讨会纪要[J].中国翻译, 1997 (1) .

[4]丁衡祁.对外宣传中的英语质量亟待提高[J].中国翻译, 2002 (4) .

[5]富华.企业对外推介英译的文体与文化思考[J].中国翻译, 2006 (6) .

[6]马越.公司简介的英译研究[J].海外英语, 2012 (1) .

[6]谢建平.功能语境与专门用途英语语篇翻译研究[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2008.








Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people (Linell Davis, 2011:24) , while language is a code of culture that we use for communication.Based on culture, language is the most important tool for communication worldwide.Therefore, when the language is used for communication, the profound culture is totally not ignored.

With the economic development, the business and the market is within the global village.As more and more foreigners come to China for traveling or business, they will have to live in Chinese hotels.As we all know that intercultural communication is helpful to spread Chinese culture into the world, and attract more and more foreigners to visit China, so hotel introduction is a way of intercultural communication.In hotel introduction, we can introduce Chinese special customs, food, culture and our ancient architecture.When we tend to introduce Chinese hotel to the world in order to improve Chinese hotel reputation and increase the profit of hotel, we need to translate Chinese hotel introduction into English version.In intercultural communication, translation is a kind of necessary communicative media.Therefore, it is necessary for us to translate Chinese hotel introduction into English version.However, translation is regarded as an intercultural communicative activity.With regard to the differences of Chinese and English culture, we should consider the differences between Chinese and English hotel introduction.

From the perspective of intercultural communication, the paper mainly distinguishes the texts of Chinese and English hotel introduction.

2 The Differences between English and Chinese Ho-tel Introduction

Although the purpose of Chinese hotel introduction is the same as that of the English, which is to expand business and attract the guests and improve the image of the whole nation and promote the smoothness of intercultural communication, as far as the specific expression is concerned, there are still different on he cultural level and the stylistic sphere including the use of adjective, the grammar and the structure of the text organization.

2.1 The differences on the cultural level

“Culture is like an iceberg.” (Linell Davis, 2011:18) It is no easily observable, for it is referred to as subjective culture except the objective culture such as history, literature and custom.It includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be.Because Chinese are used to delay making a decision, we call this line of argument inductive, that is to say, they place the minor points of argument first and then derives the main point as a conclusion.The structure could be sketched out as"Because A, and because B, and because C, therefore D" (Ron Scollon and Suzanne Wong Scollon, 2007:74) .In contrast, the American are tend to adopt the topic-first patterns of discourse.In the deductive pattern, the topic is introduced at first.

Samuel Johnson has said that language is the dress of thought (Qin Xiubai, 2002:22) .The differences of the languages are rooted to the psychological identity and the national culture, owing to different historical, cultural, economical and political conditions and way of life, together with different social customs and traditions, so Chinese and English are from two entirely different language families.As we all know, the Chinese people are deeply influenced by the philosophy and the aesthetics in the long history, therefore, their expression emphasizes on the intrinsic, implicit and ambiguous language structure.Because the western countries has witnessed fully developed slavery and capitalist stages, the westerners attach great importance to science and technology, advocate pragmatism and utilitarianism, and adopt scientific, logical and objective methods.As a result, these characteristics of culture influence the language structure, which make the western language demonstrative, explicit and accurate.Li Ke summarizes the differences in culture aspects of both the Chinese and the West:1) The mindset of Chinese people attach great importance to the perceptivity while the Westerners pursue the sensibility.When this different kinds of mindset take on the language level, the language have the discriminations ranging from parataxis Vs hypotaxis, coherence Vs cohension, and loose Vs compact.2) In the mind of the Westerners, the consciousness of object takes the leading effect in their daily life, while the Chinese is dominated by the subject consciousness.Therefore, in the organization of languages, the Chinese style is topic-comment structure and the active tense often is adopted, in contrast, the English structure is subject-predicate structure and the passive tense is popular.3) The Chinese people are famous for the curved mind while the Westerners are typical for the linear mind.Therefore in the grammatical levels, the sentences in Chinese are bamboo-structure and the run-on sentences;on the contrary, the English sentences are tree-structure. (Li Ke, 2005:211-215)

Because of the differences on the cultural sphere and with regard to the culture as the core, we conclude that all the differences of the culture is reflected by the style of languages.So it is necessary to distinguish the differences in the style of two languages.

2.2 The differences in the stylistic sphere

Style is as"manner of expression" (Qin Xiubai, 2002:8) , so we can use it to express the same content in the different manners.Stylistic meaning is that a piece of language takes on the social circumstances of its use.The style manifests in the sphere of lexicon, syntax and the organization of the text.Context means the sociosituational features when the communication happens.In the different contexts, even if we express the same meaning, the style will be extremely different.Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield has said that style is the dress of thought (quoted by Qin Xiubai, 2002:8) .Therefore, the use of the language can not separate from the social situation and the thought in the social atmosphere.In order to cater to the exotic readers, it is necessary to analyze the stylistic differences to create the appropriateness of the communication in the terms of the language.

2.2.1 The differences in the use of adjective

The distinctive characteristic of the hotel introduction in both Chinese and English is that there are abundant of adj.used in it, especially many commendatory adj.in it.However, the frequency of using adj.in Chinese hotel introduction is much more than that in English version and in Chinese hotel introduction it is common to use the exaggerating adj.to describe the environment and the four-character phrase to achieve the propaganda purpose.Compared with it, in the English version, the adj.is plain, which only pay attention to practical experience as if the travelers are enjoying the service in the hotel when they read it.We can find the differences from the following example:

(1) “金海岸罗顿大酒店坐落于最大经济特区海南省海口市的海甸岛北部, 距离大海仅1000米, 位置优越、环境优美、交通便利, 是国家旅游局正式批准的五星级涉外饭店。她北临碧波万项的海峡, 南接繁华美丽的市区, 金碧辉煌, 气势宏伟, 是矗立在南中国黄金海海岸线上的一颗璀璨的明球。酒店格调高雅、设施一流, 更冠以快捷亲切, 无微不至之个性化服务二著称, 是海内外商务客人和旅游者首选下榻之酒店。”

(2) "The Great Southern Hotel is a heritage-listed hotel located in the heart of Sydney's vibrant entertainment district.Offering 165 guest rooms, a restaurant, public bar, gym and meeting facilities for up to 110 delegates, the hotel is within walking distance of the CBD, Central Station, the CBD, Chinatown, Darling Harbour and Sydney Convention&Exhibition Centres.

"AAtt your doorstep:

Darling Harbour

Star City Casino


Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre

Queen Victoria Building and city retail precinct

Paddy's Markets

Sydney Entertainment Centre"

2.2.2 The ornate style VS the plain style

The writing style of the Chinese hotel introduction is beautiful, for lots of four-character phrases and parallel structures are used and when we read it loudly we can enjoy the beauty of melody and image the fantastic scenery from the ornate words.In addition, a successive four-character phrases can increase the emphatic address and therefore they raise the effects of propaganda, for example, the phrases and parallel structure in example (1) underlined.In contrast, the English version is terse and the writing style is straightforward and there are few ornate adj.and each used adj.is accurate which accords with the English habit of expression.We can get the impression from the example (2) .

2.3 Differences in grammar

On the grammatical sphere, Chinese is the parataxis language which only needs the logical meaning of words or sentences to realize the connection between the words or sentences without the help of the forms of the language, which reflects the flexibility of its units.In addition, lexical units can be long or short, and there is a freedom of combination of lexical units.However, the English is opposed to it.English is a hypotaxis language which attaches importance to the cohesion of the language form.Western languages are made up of verb central elements and the form determines the meaning.In the Chinese hotel introduction the sentence is complete and the meaning of each sentence is independent of that of each other, especially the Chinese sentence is various in order to detail the relevant content of the hotel, for example the sentence in above example (1) “金海岸罗顿大酒店坐落于最大经济特区海南省海口市的海甸岛北部, 距离大海仅1000米, 位置优越、环境优美、交通便利, 是国家旅游局正式批准的五星级涉外饭店。”The only long sentence gives us abundant information about the hotel such as the location, the rate and the whole impression of the hotel beauty in the eye of the Chinese people.While in the English hotel introduction, the simple sentence or the complicated sentences occupied a large part.The structure of grammar in English version is easier than that of Chinese.The outstanding characteristic of the English hotel introduction is that it uses"block language"which deletes the unnecessary functional words (such as may, can, subject and so on) to make the sentence concise, for instance, in the example (2) there are many noun phrase。

2.4 The differences in the organization of the text

According the above example, we know that all the introduction, no matter in China and in the West, begins with the situation, that is to say, all the description from the perspective of the time and the space will directly show the first impression of the hotel, but the beginning of Chinese hotel introduction is more formulaic situational introduction, there are more examples to prove this characteristic:

(3) 广东迎宾馆是一家地处繁华市中心的四星级宾馆, 著名的北京路商业步行街信步可达、毗邻地铁最大的公园前站, 与交易会, 火车站仅数里之隔。

(4) 杭州新世纪大酒店位于美丽的西子湖畔, 距西湖仅百米之遥、地处杭州市商业、旅游中心, 时分适合旅游和商务客人居住。

From the above examples, we can know the model of the Chinese hotel introduction has the firm structure, which begins with the name of the hotel, and then introduces the location where the hotel lies and the beauty of the city where the hotel is.In addition, just like the report of the news, it uses the third person.The structure of Chinese hotel introduction is such like this“XXX酒店位于……, 是一所……酒店, 位于……城市……中心地带黄金路段, 距……有X米之遥。”

Compared with it, the beginning of English hotel introduction is much more various and the emphasis of it is also different.The examples are as following:

(5) Imagine a 5-star Georgian retreat in the city centre o Scotland's Capital City.Consistently classified as one of the AA's top 200 hotels in Britain and Ireland and recently awarded a Scottish Boutique Hotel Special Commendation from the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards 2007.

The above example is extracted from Howard Hotel Edinburgh, Scotland, which lays emphasis on the honor granted in the tourism circle.

(6) There's one thing that guests at the Royal Lancaster Hotel always seem to agree on——the views are breaking.With Hyde Park, the largest of the Royal Parks, directly to the south and vistas east to the City of London, we have arguably the bes views in London.Whether looking down from the hotel's deluxe bedrooms——416 in total——or enjoying the view from the hotel restaurants, it's as if the heart of this great city is within your reach——and indeed it is!

This example is from Royal Lancaster Hotel, which emphasizes the prominent location with beautiful scenery.

3 Conclusion

With regard to the above analysis on the differences between Chinese and English hotel introductions, and based on the crosscultural communication, we know the differences exist in the style, grammar, the organization of the course and the culture.What's more, the deep reason for the differences is due to the distinctive culture.Hotel introduction is an appeal-focused text and whether the translation into English is successful or not depends on whether the target readers have the same reaction with the source readers.In the process of the translation, the translator should focus on the transfer of the information of source text in order to meet with the target text form and the rules of target culture and not to be manacled by the structure of the source text Therefore, when we translate the Chinese hotel introduction into English version, we should use the translation strategies such as reconstruction of the information structure according to the westerners'deductive patterns in discourse, reduce of the rhetorical devices in Chinese based on the westerners'direct mind and interpretation of the special cultural information which is fresh for the westerners.


[1] Linell Davis.Doing culture cross-cultural communication in ac tion[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2011.

[2] Ron Scollon, Suzanne Wong Scollon.Intercultural Communica tion:A Discourse Approach[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2007.

[3] 秦秀白.英语语体和文体要略[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

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