



Good morning,everyone! It is my pleasure to meet you all. First of all, it is really my honor to have this opportunity for the interview. I would like to briefly introduce myself.

My name is ###, born in ###. I learned pharmaceutical analysis in HMU. I will get a master degree in June. I graduated from Hebei University, in which I got university scholarship many times as well as national motivational scholarships.. Meanwhile,I have passed the cet 6 with a score of ###.

Then I entered the HMU with excellent performance. Through learning professional courses, the design of dissertation [ˌdisəˌteiʃən] and experimental design, I have excellent professional knowledge and experiment ability, so I can complete the experimental design and experiment operation independently. I am familiar with Pharmaceutical analysis in vivo,and skilled in operating and maintaining HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography[ˌkrəuməˌtɔɡrəfi]). During the period of my postgraduate, I published two sci (Science Citation Index) articles, one was titled: “#########” and the other one was titled“####”. During this period,.I think the most important things I have learned is scientific thought method, excellent teamwork spirit, the steadfast work style. I believe these will have enormous and positive influences on my lifetime.

My main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. I am well in communication skills. By the way, I am able to work under high pressure and time limitation.

I have full confidence in a bright future. I hope I can be a member of our hospital. Thank you for your attention.



Dear Sir or Madam,

Your recruiting advertisement for Overseas trainee on is of great interests to me. With a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by University of Wollongong Australia and one bachelor degree awarded by Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology, China - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

In addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient IT skills prepare me a qualified candidate. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.

Thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

With enthusiastically personal regards.

Sincerely yours,

Li Fang



姓 名 xxx 性 别 男

出生年月 民 族

身体状况 健 康

籍 贯


专业方向 投资经济研究



通讯地址 xxx(邮编:xxx)


通过大学英语六级考试,拥有较好的中英文表达能力,能够进行正常的外语交流; 熟练掌握计算机办公系统软件和网络的应用,能借助计算机进行相关的数据分析工作;精通金蝶,用友财务软件和SpSS统计软件,EVIEWS计量经济分析软件.














出生年月:1 籍




业:控制科学与工程 政治面貌:团员 电子邮箱: 研究方向:新型惯性器件及高精度导航系统 学



 2009.8—2013.6




 2013.8—至今



(保送) 硕士  2011. 5


 2013.1 中国北车集团参观实习  2013.1 大连船舶重工参观实习  英语六级证书

 计算机国家二级证书  嵌入式助理工程师证书

 2014.11- 中船重工重庆前卫科技集团装备所(国营662厂) 实习工作


 具有丰富的比赛经历和工程实践经验,获国家级奖励10项,省级奖励8项,校级或其它奖励13项,涉及自动控制、嵌入式系统、数学建模等方面。多次参加学生科研立项,多次获学校奖学金和荣誉称号,学习良好,保送本校研究生。担任班科技委员,担任E唯科技协会组织部部长,科技部副部长期间,被评“全国十佳社团”。为人踏实上进,办事沉稳,多次组织活动。  N个月在500强企业的实习经历  丰富的项目经历  30余项竞赛获奖  多家著名媒体报道


 2013.12 MEMS陀螺稳定平台滤波及控制方法研究 

 2013.12 发明专利


专利号201410105381  2014.05 发明专利 一种基于电子水泡的自动调平三角架

专利号201410352966 ◆项目经历:

 AUV国际水下机器人  导盲犬机器人

 基于MEMS的微型仿生机器鱼

 基于工控机的柔性控制系统及微力矩测试应用(本科毕设)  双足机器人(狭窄足印型、交叉足印型)  四旋翼飞行器  摄像头传感智能车

 深圳人口与医疗需求数学模型分析  基于光纤陀螺的稳定平台项目


 单轴转台多对极旋转变压器角度测控系统  光纤捷联系统温度影响分析(硕士毕设) ◆主要项目:

 基于光纤陀螺的稳定云台项目


项目介绍: 两轴光纤稳定云台系统,利用亨通光纤陀螺和32对极旋转变压器进行轴角速度和位置的检测。通过对32对极旋转变压器设计激磁模块、信号调理和软件解算,实现精确测量。对光纤陀螺的数字信号进行滤波,解算角速度信息,形成双闭环控制系统,应用滑模变结构控制模型实现惯性空间稳定控制。

 导盲犬机器人


项目介绍: 新型导盲辅助机器人,应用MEMS加速度计,红外传感器、语音发声模块、摄像头采集、电子罗盘、GPS定位等多种传感器融合,进行坡道检测、道路寻迹、人机交流、定位定向导航,实现了低成本与高效率导航设计,多次获奖,被多家电视及报纸媒体报道。

 基于工控机的柔性控制系统及微力矩测试应用




 理论技能:

 掌握自动控制和机器人系统的设计,掌握多种控制算法和滤波算法,能用MATLAB和Simulink进行数值计算和控制仿真;

 掌握捷联系统、GPS/INS组合导航理论,惯导系统的初始对准和标定方法,针对光纤陀螺和MEMS传感器的系统设计。

 工程实践能力:

 运用CCS进行TMS320 C2000系列DSP调试及软件开发;  运用Qartus/Nios进行FPGA调试及软件开发;

 多种微处理器和单片机使用:

51、飞思卡尔、MSP430、STM32;  信号处理及实时硬件系统开发经验;

 掌握模拟、数字电路的设计和分析能力,能设计各种常用电路和标准接口;  用C、C++、VC++、verilog HDL等语言开发的经验。


1. 2012 AUVSI国际水下机器人大赛 全球第四

2. 2012 第三届全国大学生电子信息创新作品大赛 三等奖

3. 2011 第七届“博创杯”全国大学生嵌入式设计大赛东北赛区 二等奖

4. 2011 中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup中国公开赛双足竞步机器人(交叉足印) 三等奖(第一作者) 5. 2011 中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup中国公开赛空中机器人四旋翼组 冠军 6. 2011 黑龙江省航空航天航海车辆模型锦标赛 三等奖(第一作者) 7. 2012 中国服务机器人大赛 一等奖(第一作者) 8. 2012 全国航空模型公开赛(吉林站) 一等奖(第一作者) 9. 2012 东北三省数学建模大赛 二等奖(第一作者) 10. 2012 第八届“博创杯”全国嵌入式物联网大赛东北赛区 特别奖(第一作者) 11. 2012 第八届“博创杯”全国嵌入式物联网设计大赛 全国总决赛 二等奖(第一作者) 12. 2012 中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup中国公开赛医疗与服务机器人 一等奖1项、三等奖1项(第一作者)


13. 2012 中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup中国公开赛双足竞步机器人(狭窄足印) 三等奖(第一作者) 14. 2012 中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup中国公开赛旅游机器人 三等奖(第二作者) 15. 2012 “美新杯”全国大学生传感器与物联网大赛黑龙江赛区 一等奖(第二作者) 16. 2012 “美新杯”全国大学生传感器与物联网大赛全国总决赛 一等奖(第二作者) 17. 2010 第十六届哈尔滨工程大学“五四杯”科技竞赛 三等奖 18. 2010 第二届机器人游校园竞赛 三等奖

19. 2010 第二届哈尔滨工程大学“启航杯”科技竞赛 二等奖(第一作者) 20. 2010 第二届极速挑战智能汽车大赛电磁组 优胜奖(第一作者) 21. 2011 第三届极速挑战智能汽车大赛摄像头组 一等奖(第二作者) 22. 2011 第十七届哈尔滨工程大学“五四杯”科技竞赛 二等奖1项、三等奖1项 23. 2012 哈尔滨工程大学数学建模竞赛 二等奖(第一作者) 24. 2010第五届“飞思卡尔杯”全国大学生智能汽车竞赛东北赛区 优秀志愿者 25. 校二等奖学金一次 26. 校三等奖学金两次 27. 研究生一等奖学金一次 28. 研究生二等奖学金一次 29. 科研立项结题证书 30. 英语

四、六级证书 31. 计算机二级证书

32. 嵌入式系统助理工程师(由中国电子学会颁发)


Respect leadership:

Hello!!!!! My name is LuoSiMing, are now enrolled in XX university institute of mechanical engineering thermal energy and power engineering, and is about to graduate in July, 2011. Thank you for taking time out of his busy schedule to read my personal recommendation, I hope in your company seek a profession. Below is my job interview to introduce myself.

University is a beautiful environment, the teaching facilities, abundant qualified teachers comprehensive university, has a long history and the fine traditional, in such as rigor and training, the school is famous for its fine and cultivation, whether in intellectual ability, or personal quality training, I have benefited a lot.

Four years, in the strict teachers and personal instructive efforts, I fully grasp internal combustion engines, automobile structure, refrigeration technology, professional knowledge, grasps the system mechanical drawing, mechanical principle, mechanical design, machinery and theoretical basis. In computer, familiar with the Windows/xp and office, photoshop, AutoCAD several big commonly used software, in addition to skillfully use C++, VFp, VB and computer high level language. After school time through self-study I mastery of Solidworks and 3 d design software UG, etc, and have higher English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating ability. The university for four years, I deeply felt, and excellent students work together, make I benefit in competition; To the actual difficult challenges, let me grow up in frustrations. Ancestors taught me diligence, responsible, kind, honest; XX university trained me to be practical and realistic, enterprising style. I love your units are engaged in business, sincerely hopes to in your leadership, for the glorious career building; And in practice to learn and progress.

If I am lucky enough to get your recognition, become a member of your company, I will keep spirit striving to make progress, be humble in learning from our predecessors, and do what I have learnt, together with your company to forge ahead, and ran to more brilliant bright tomorrow!
