



CPA(Cost-per-Action) :每次行动的费用,即根据每个访问者对网络广告所采取的行动收费的定价模式。对于用户行动有特别的定义,包括形成一次交易、获得一个注册用户、或者对网络广告的一次点击等。

CPC(Cost-per-click): 每次点击的费用。根据广告被点击的次数收费。如关键词广告一般采用这种定价模式。

CPM(Cost per Thousand Impressions):每千次印象费用。广告条每显示1000次(印象)的费用。CPM是最常用的网络广告定价模式之一。

CPO(Cost-per-Order) :也称为Cost-per-Transaction,即根据每个订单/每次交易来收费的方式。



PPS(Pay-per-Sale):根据网络广告所产生的直接销售数量而付费的一种定价模式 。

CPTM(Cost per Targeted Thousand Impressions) :经过定位的用户(如根据人口统计信息定位)的千次印象费用。CPTM与CPM的区别在于,CPM是所有用户的印象数,而CPTM只是经过定位的用户的印象数。




CLICK RATE(点击率):是广告吸引力的一个标志。如果这个网页出现了一万次,而网页上的广告点击次数为500次,那么点击率为5%。


PV(page view):浏览量,网站网页被浏览的次数。

UV(unique visitor):独立用户数,访问某个站点或点击某条新闻的不同IP地址的人数。

Advertorial (软文):广告的一种, 即付费文章, 故意设计成像一篇普通的文章。

API(应用程序编程接口/应用程序界面):Application Programming Interface的缩写。是一些预先定义的函数。目的是提供应用程序与开发人员基于某软件或硬件的以访问一组例程的能力, 而又无需访问源码, 或理解内部工作机制的细节。


即Augmented Reality. 是一种实时地计算摄影机影像的位置及角度并加上相应图像的技术, 目标是在屏幕上把虚拟世界套在现实世界并进行互动。目前在互动广告案例中最常见用Flash来实现AR。More >

Big Idea (大创意)

首先它是一个相对性的概念, 尤其在如今碎片化时代。又是个很难解释的概念, 众家说法很多。传统上, 引用一本书中的说法: “具有直击人心的销售力, 又有着无限的衍生性, 至少可以用几十年的idea.”

Brainstorming (头脑风暴)

Brainstorming原指精神病患者头脑中短时间出现的思维紊乱现象, 病人会产生大量的胡思乱想. 美国人奥斯本于1938年借用这点提出了现在这个全新的概念来比喻思维高度活跃, 打破常规的思维方式而产生大量创造性设想的状况. Brainstorming的特点是让参与者敞开思想,使各种设想在相互碰撞中激起脑海的创造性风暴. 当然你也可以理解成”扯淡大会”„哈哈

Brand Loyalty (品牌忠诚度)

品牌忠诚度是品牌影响力的重要指标之一. 一般公认的DSLR方面, 佳能的机主品牌忠诚度比较高; LCD TV方面Sharp的购买者品牌忠诚度相当高„

Brief/Creative Brief/ (工作单/工作简报/纲要)

Agency开始新的工作时作为部门流程和下达工作的书面指令. 通常由Account部门人员在接到客户指令要求或意愿后经提炼写出工作任务单. 通常按项目和工作轻重由不同level的客服或planner相关人员来完成撰写.Budget (预算)

Campaign (广告活动)


Content Management System缩写。别被它的名字给唬住了, CMS可大可小, 它是一个很广泛的称呼, 从一般的博客程序后台, 到综合门户的网站管理程序都可以被称为内容管理系统。CMS具有许多基于模板的优秀设计, 可提高网站开发的效率减少开发成本。

Consumer Insights (消费者洞察)

在营销的领域里, 您常会在项目进行中听到”Consumer Insight”, 也就是从对消费者心理

的了解, 从消费者的想法去找到广告的诉求或定位.

Copy (文案)

即指文案(文字), 也指撰稿人(CW/Copy Writer). 如对广告公司五花八门的职位一知半解想弄清楚的, 请移步至老日志“广告公司互动公司职称头衔 中英文对照表”

CRM (客户关系管理)

CRM是一种以客户为中心以信息技术为手段的“经/营”策略. CRM不仅仅是软件系统, 它的核心是客户细分和客户价值定位, 所表现出来的空间不是软件所能影响的!

DEMO (演示)


Digital Marketing (数字营销)

这个词解释这里是绝对做不到以一概全, 既然是扫盲, 还是大概解释下: Digital Marketing是使用数字媒体来推广产品和服务的实践活动. 数字营销包含了很多互联网营销(俗称网络营销) 中的技术与实践, 但它的范围要更加广, 还包括了很多其它媒体渠道, 如: 手机, 数字户外广告(如Taxi上的触摸屏) 等等„技术不断进步, 手段也不断在增加„

E-Commerce (电子商务)

通过网络等数字媒体销售产品或者服务. 分为:

B2B: Business to Business (企业对企业), 比如阿里巴巴;

B2C: Business to Custom/Consumer (企业对消费者), 比如, 卓越; C2C: Custom to Custom/Consumer (消费者对消费者), 比如eBay, 淘宝, 拍拍. 三种模式.

FYI/FYR (供参考)

即For Your Information / For Your Reference的缩写. 供您参考的意思. 在工作邮件中这是常见的! 在上级对下级的信中多见.

eDM (线上直邮/电子邮件广告)

Online Direct Mail Advertising/Electronic Direct Mail Advertising

IM (即时通讯)

Instant Messenger. 就是即时通讯软件, 常用的IM有Gtalk, QQ, MSN, Skype, ICQ, AIM, 淘宝旺旺, 雅虎通, 网易泡泡等等„

Insights (洞察)

多见的词条如”Consumer Insight” 前面有解释过.

Integrated Marketing (整合行销/整合营销)

运用多样媒体组合(我们多指传统结合数字媒体), 偏重多点广告诉求、注重不同类型消费者需求, 全方位、立体化的营销方式.

Internet Marketing (网络营销/互联网营销)

网络营销, 通常被我们直接叫成’互动营销’或’在线营销’甚至’数字营销’ (主要是因为目前在数字营销领域Internet还是占有主导地位), 把互联网的创意和技术方面联系在一起, 包括设计, 开发, 广告和销售等. 而且网络营销的方法依靠目前技术的飞速更新也始终在推陈出新.

网络营销是使用“网络”这个媒介来培养和推广的过程, 不是简单地表示“建一个网站”或者“推广一个网站”, 在网站背后, 是一个带有明确目标的组织.KPI (关键绩效指标)

即: Key Performance Indicator/Key Performance Index . 网络营销领域可简单理解为“工作成果的评估”。

KV (主视觉, 主画面)

Key Visual的缩写. 它可能不是一张平面广告或者海报, 它可以没有Idea甚至可以没有Solgan。Key Visual只是一个画面。一个可能被用到各种媒体的画面。那个KV也许就是一个明星手里拿着一瓶饮料对着镜头傻笑„

Local Agency/Advertising (本土代理商/本土广告公司/地方广告公司)

一般相对国际广告公司(International Agency, 4A Agency„).

Minisite (迷你网站)

Minisite关注一个窄的对象, 或者有时是一个大站点的一小部分, 相似的名词术语有Microsit和Sitelet. 相关的术语实在是很多了„

Promotion (促销)

促销是指企业利用各种有效的方法和手段, 使消费者了解和注意企业的产品、激发消费者的购买欲望, 并促使其实现最终的购买行为。

促销的实质是信息沟通。市场营销学一般把Promotion分为五大方法或手段: 广告(Ad)、人员推销(Personal Selling)、销售促进(Sales Promotion)、直接营销(DM)和公共关系(PR)。

Rich Media (富媒体)

富媒体指的是一种应用, 这种应用采取了所有适合的最先进技术, 以最好的传达广告主的信息, 甚至与用户进行互动! 目前通过2D或3D的Flash、Video、Audio、Java等技术产生的网络广告形式较之前的Gif Banner而言, 信息承载量大, 表现丰富, 形式多样!

ROI (投资回报率)

即: Return On Investment。 在网络广告领域, 让消费者/用户实现某种行为所花费的成本来衡量ROI, 即CPX (Cost Per X), 其中”X” 可以是广告曝光率, 也可以是用户的访问, 还可以是Click, 乃至用户的下订单购买等等诸多行为。所以业界形成了一些约定俗成的Cost Per X, 例如之前有讲的CPM, CPC, Cost Per Play„

Schedule (工作进度计划表, 日程安排)

每个项目都会有一个Schedule, 就是工作进度计划表。Agency中一般由PM或Traffic或Account Team来制定。因每个公司每个项目情况不同而不同

SEM (搜索引擎营销)

即Search Engine Marketing. SEM就是企业利用搜索引擎来进行网络营销和推广. 搜索引擎排名营销是一个非常管用的网络营销途径, 就拿Google来说, 每天在Google的搜索达数亿人. 如果你的网站能在搜索结果中排名第一页或第一名的话, 想想会给你带来多少生意~


如: “科技以人为本”、“让我们做得更好”、“没有最好 只有更好”、“大家好才是真的好”„

Stickiness (粘性)

一个网站对用户吸引度的标准, 即一定时间段内, 用户的回访次数. 次数越多粘性越高.

Target Audience (目标受众)

缩写TA, 大概的讲就是广告投放对象.URL (统一资源定位、网址)

Word-of-mouth Communication (WOM/口碑传播)

Viral Video (病毒视频)

Widget (小部件/小玩意/窗件/插件/小玩具„这个我还真想不出个合适的解释来了)

一个拥有有图形化界面的小应用程序, 能够完成有高度针对性的特定的任务. 通过软件(如苹果的Dashboard或者Yahoo! Widgets引擎) 集成到网页中或者运行在电脑的桌面上.




1 简介





2 计算机病毒






有4种主要类型的病毒:外壳型、入侵型、操作系统型和源代码型。 外壳型病毒包围在主程序的四周,对源程序不做修改。外壳型病毒较易编写,因此约半数的病毒程序是这种类型。





3 防火墙



谁一直在使用我的网络? 他们在我的网络上做什么? 他们在什么时间使用我的网络? 他们在我的网络上去了何处? 谁要连接我的网络但没有成功?



(1) 包过滤




(2) 应用程序代理





(3) 电路级或通用应用程序代理


电路级代理(尤其是SOCKS)工作在应用层协议的外面。这些服务器允许客户机通过此集中服务,并接到连接请求的源地址,并通过SOCKS客户程序库对它们进行重新编译和链接来阻断未经许可的客户机接到Internet上。基于DLL的TCP组还具有另外一个好处,即能通过使用垫片向应用程序提供SOCKS客户机能力,而不再需要重新编译。 附件2:外文原文(复印件)

Network Security 1 Introduction For the first few decades of their existence,computer networks were primarily used by university researchers for sending email,and by corporate employees for sharing printers.Under these conditions,security did not get a lot of attention.But now,as millions of ordinary citizens are using networks fou banking,shopping,and filing their tax returns,network security is looming on the horizon as a potentially massive problem. Security is a broad topic and covers a multitude of sins.Most security problems are intentionally caused by malcious people trying to gain some benefit or harm someone. Network security problems can be divided roughly into four intertwined areas:secrecy,authentication,non-repudiation,and integrity control.Secrecy has to do with keeping information out of the hands of unauthorized users.This is what usually comes to mind when people think about network security.Authentication deals with determining whom you are talking to before revealing sensitive information or entering into a business deal.Non-repudation deals with signatures:how do you prove that your customer really placed an electronic order for ten million letf-handed doohickeys at 89 cents each when he laterclaims the price was 69 cents?Finally,how can you be sure that a message you received was really the one sent and not something that a malicious adversary modified in transit or concocted?And all thes issues(secrecy,authentication,non-repudiation,and integrity control)occur in traditionl systems,too,but with some significant differences. Before getting into the solution themselves,it is worth spending a few moments considering where in the protocol stack network security belongs.There is probably no one single place.Every layer has something to contribute. In the following sections,we will study network security from several angles. 2 Computer Virus

In our health-conscious society,viruses of any type are an enemy.Computer viruses are especially pernicious.They can and do strike any unprotected computer system,with results that range from merelyannoying to the disastrous,time-consuming and expensive loss of software and data.And with corporations increasingly using computer for enterprise-wide,business-critical computing,the costs of virus-induced downtime(the time during which a machine,esp.a computer is not working or is not able to be used).are growing along with the threat from viruses themselves.Concern is justified—but unbrdled paranoia is not.Just as proper diet,exercise and preventive health care can add years to your life,prudent and cos effective anti-virus strategies can minimize your exposure to computer viruses. What is Virus? A computer virus is a program designed to replicate and spread on its own,generally with the victim being oblivious to its existence.Computer viruses spread by attaching themselves to other programs(e.g.,word processor or spreadsheet application files)or to the boot sector of a disk.When an infected file is actvated,or executed ,or when the computer is started from an infected disk,the virus itself is also executed.Often,it lurks in computer memory,wating to infect the next program that is activate,or the next disk that is accessed. What makes viruses dangerous is their ability to perform an event .While some events are benign(e.g.,displaying a message on a certain date)and others annoying(e.g.,slowing performance or altering the screen display),some viruses can be catastrophic by damaging files,destroying data and crashing systems. What Kinds of viruses Are There? There are four main types of viruses:shell,intrusive,operating system,and source code. Shell viruses wrap themselves around a host program and do not modify the orginal program.Shell programa are easy to write,which is why about half of all viruses are of this type. Intrusive viruses invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program.Intrusive vruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file. Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program files—those with a.COM or .EXE extension—although data files are also at some risk. Operating system viruses work by replacing parts of the operating system with their own logic.Very difficult to write,these viruses have the ability,once booted up,to take total control of your system. Source code viruses are intrusive program that are inserted into a source program prio to the program being compiled.They are the least common viruses because they are not only hard to write,but also have a limited number of hosts compared to the other types. 3 Firewall When you connect your LAN to the internet,you are enabling your users to touch and communicate with the outside world.At the same time,however,you are enabling the outside world to touch and interact with your LAN.Firewalla are just a modern adaptation of that old medieval security standby:digging a deep moat around your castle.This design forced everyone entering or leaving the castle to pass over a single drawbridge,where they could be inspected by the I/O police.With networks,the same trick is possible:a company can have many LANs connected in arbitrary ways, but all traffics to or from the company is forced through an electronic drawbridge(firewall). Basically,a firewall is a standalone process or a set of integrated processes that runs on a router or server to control the flow of networked application traffic passing through it.Typically,firewalla are placed on the entry point to a public network such as the internet.They could be considered traffic cops.The firewall’s role is to the organization’s security policies.Primarily these system are TCP/IP based and,depending on the implementation,can enforce security roadblocks as well as provide administrators with answers to the following questions: Who’s been using my network? What were they doing on my network? When were they using my network? Where were they going on my network? Who failed to enter my network? In general,there are three types of firewall implementations,some of which can be used together to create a more secure environment.These implementations are:packek filterng,application proxies,and circuit-level or generic-application proxies. Packet filtering is often achieved in the router itself.Application proxies,on the other hand,usually run on standalone servers.Proxy services take a different approach than packet filters,using a(possibly)modfied client program that connects to a special intermediate host that actually connects to the desired service. (1) Packet Filtering Consider your network data a neat little package that you have to deliver somewhere.This data could be part of an e-mail,file transfer,etc.with packet filtering,you have access to deliver the package yourself.The packet filter acts like a traffic cop;it nanlyzes where you are going and what you are bringing with you.However,the packet filter does not open the data package,and you still get to drive it to the destnation allowed. Most commercial routers have some kind of built-in packet filtering capability.However some routers that are controlled by ISPs may not offer administrators the ability to control the configuration of router.In those cases, administrators may opt to use a standalone packet filter behind the router. Either way,an administrator needs to understand how to identify data packages in terms the packet filter can understand.Since all Internet traffic is based on IP(Internet Protocol),each application or“package”can be identified through a specific TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)or UDP(User Datagram Protocol)Port.These ports are registered and defined in RFC(Request for Comment)1700 which can be found on the internet. For example,port 23 is for Telnet.A company could block incoming packets for all IP addresses combined with port 23.In this way,no one outside the company could log in via Telnet. (2) Application Proxy To understand the application proxy,consider this scenario where you need to deliver your neat little package of network data.With application-level proxies,the scenario is similar,but now you need to rely on someone else to deliver the package for you.Hence the term proxy illustrates new scenario.The same rules apply as they do for packet filtering,except that you don’t get to deliver your package past the gate.Someone will do it for you,but that agent needs to look inside the package first to conform its contents.If the agent has permission to deliver the contents of the package for you,he will. Most commercial routers do not have proxy capabilties today,although we believe that proxy technology will be integrated with router in the future.Until then,you need to rely on a standalone system that can support application-level proxy services. Since an application proxy needs to communicate on behalf of the sender,it needs to understand the specific language or protocols associated with a particular application.Take as an example the widely used HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)proxy.If you are using a browser on your network,it is highly likely that your IS group has an HTTP proxy configured to allow you to access the Web via a central server.That single machine understands HTTP conversations and speak on behalf of the requesting client.This is application-level proxy. Of course,security and encryption also come into play,since the proxy must be able to open the “package”to look at or decode its contents.These are important issues obviously,but to do them justice would require another article. (3) Circuit-Level or Generic-Application Proxy As with application-level proxy,you need to rely on someone to deliver your package for you.The difference is that if these circuit-level proxies have access to deliver the package to your requented destination,they will.They do not need to know what is inside. Circuit-level proxies(specifically SOCKS)work outside of the application layers of the protocol.These servers allow clients to pass through this centralized service and onnect to source address of connection requests and can block unauthorized clients from connecting out onto recompiling and linking them with a SOCKS client library.DLL-based TCP stacks have the use of shims,eliminating the need to recompile.


Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. 个人简历

With many thanks,简历下载



第四篇:英文 写作 网络对生活的影响

It changes people’s life, and more and more people rely heavily on the internet. They spend much time online to chat, shop, play computer games and study.

In recent years, most people chose They think it saves time and money, and they can buy anything conveniently. In the school, students The knowledge of books is limited. More information can be easily got by searching online, which is the newest and the widest. Everyday, especially the young, with friends or with strangers. They chat and share their experience together. They can freely advance their own viewpoint and express the opinion to some current news.

By shopping online is more and more popular and widespread, thousands were set up on taobao. People sell their products online, and make money easily. Internet can There are provides convenience in our daily life

In the first place, internet affects Spending too much time online will lead to poor eyesight, no attention to study, losing themselves in playing computer games, even cause internet addiction. People should be careful to deal with are the issues that people are concerned about. Not everything of the internet is true, bewaring internet scams.

Therefore, internet should be viewed as a two-edged sword, which should bring us both conveniences and troubles. The as I see it, is to maximize its develop it and exert proper supervision over it so that it can benefit us in a better way.


Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin

