



白 云山景区属千山山脉,主峰 唐帽山海拔876.3米,山势巍峨峻峭, 奇峰怪石彼邻,为千山山脉最高峰。景区内以白云宫—— 白云洞——白云寺为主轴线,分为 仙人洞、白云洞、城顶山、唐帽山、花红峪五大景区,有 云山胜境、行龙通天、峡谷探幽、莲峰挹秀、仙人打坐等300多个景点相映争辉。 春、夏、秋、冬四季景色各异、美不胜收。日出、晚霞、祥云、佛光独具特色、魅力永恒。景区内无峰不奇,无路不险,无石不怪,无仙不玄,更为 白云山风景区增添了悠远而神秘的传奇色彩。

小孤山景区面积为8.609平方公里。有 卧龙山、青云山、石佛山和 仙人洞等。 仙人洞在小孤仙人洞 山镇东南一里多,洞址东南是 青云山,西北是 翠云山,洞口偏西南,对面是 小孤山,洞前是 海城河。依山旁水,妙境佳地。此洞是旧石器时期古人类遗址,距今已有40万年之久。 海城河右岸边有三个角山,洞位中间 三角山端坡角,洞穴完好无损。洞宽阔5.8米,洞深19米,洞室面积90平方米。洞后与落水洞相连,洞顶有两个窟窿,最高4.8米,洞内有堆积物高达6米,高于河床4米。洞口上方有光绪年间刻 汉白玉石额一块,上书“玊洞”二字。“玊”音su 诉。《 说文解字注》释为:朽玉,有疵点的玉石;《 集韵》释为:琢玉的人,或姓。据此可见这旧石器时期古人类遗址是与玉有关。 卧龙山、石佛山及窟窿山沟等,山峰 奇特,险峻峭拔,风光旖旎,让人留连往返,让人感受大自然的无限情趣。在窟窿山沟里,怪石嶙峋,层层叠叠,交错有致,蔚为奇观。山谷两侧有东 石林、西石林、罗圈砬子、阎王鼻子、东石门、窟窿山洞等。唐代 海城地区正处战略要冲地带, 唐太宗征东的故事传说在这地区流传很多。窟窿山洞传说,是唐太宗征东时 薛仁贵一箭射穿,留下了窟窿而名之。因为这一景区奇石怪石群聚因名之为“石圣聚会”。

白云洞景区面积有8.256平方公里。其景观有 云山胜境:当步入松垞子沟时,眼前群峰起伏,山峦重叠,甚为大观。 白云洞更是景致迷人,而那 迎客松、刺天石、济公帽、北天门、山神松、虎踞龙盘、卧虎石、七十二蹬、白云洞、云梯、仙人座、一线天、四方顶、回音石等景观,让人留连忘往返。峡谷 探幽,进入大正沟后,那白云寺、千手、千眼 观音殿、石棚、月牙谷、雌雄洞、天桥、通仙道、卧象石、观景台、探海松、鱼背、佛龛等景观,随着步移景异,渐渐地被这些景观所吸引,让人流连,让人回味无穷。

城顶山景区面积14.271平方公里。其景观有莲峰挹秀:步入石洞沟,进入眼帘的是蟒 龙潭、太师椅、龙头峰、孤仙洞、双鱼石、猴石、莲花洞、石宫卷柏、小黄山、蟒龙洞、天堑、飞来峰、蚌埠石、姊妹峰、悬空人面石、海豹峰、天台以及明代石刻等。穿过莲花洞来到莲花沟,越沟转上即是犹如 莲花瓣岩石构成的 莲花峰,峰不高,但其景观秀丽多姿,让人迷恋。城山撷景:过房子沟,对过则是二道险峻峭壁,直上直下,甚是陡峭,让人如临险峰一般,慎之又慎。站在峭壁上,俯视下面弯弯小溪流水,清澈碧绿,潺潺作声,一股山野情趣,犹然而生。步入鳄鱼峰、龙门洞、小华山、绝壁峡谷、刺天峰、腾云峰、城顶山、高丽城遗址等。登上 城顶山四方俯瞰,南西北三方村野田园,高楼房舍,历历在目,风光景色,一览无余。东面山峦巍巍,云烟缥缈,又是一番景色。 骆峰耸云:步入大石头沟,有六兄峰、石上 松林、二郎泉、龙眼石、骆驼峰、过刀山等。晴天,驼峰高耸,白云缭绕;阴天,驼峰紫雾,遮遮掩掩;雨天,驼峰闪电,风掣雷鸣;雪天,漫山飞花,皑皑雪峰,犹如天女散花,情意悠悠。

唐帽山景区,面积8.652平方公里。其景观有唐帽传奇: 唐帽山满山是神茶树、山 杜鹃和天女木兰花,每年春暖花开季节,漫山野花,灿烂绚丽,微风拂面,缕缕花香扑鼻而来,沁人心脾,让人心旷神怡。 唐帽山,是岫北第一山关。巍峨壮丽,是古战埸上一道战略要冲地带。这里关于唐王传说传承久远,内容丰富多彩。毎一处景观都有关于唐王东征的故事和薛仁贵、尉迟恭等,美丽动听地传说故事,令人心潮澎湃,浮想联翩。古寺轶闻:唐帽 山西坡山腰处有一古庙——红门寺,现仅存遗址及五甬石碑,石碑已年代久远碑文已无法辨认。民间盛传大破红门寺的传说。

花红峪景区面积10.58平方公里,其景观有硕果飘香:花红峪一带山区,山岗上成片成林的果园,主要是苹果和梨类果树。每当春暖花开季节,果园处处飘香, 梨花白似雪,山花红胜火,漫山遍野多姿多彩。秋天苹果红了,梨也金黄色了,山山岭岭,洋溢着丰收的喜悦。春观山赏梨花;秋游山品秋果。金蚕戏叶,蟒沟孙家沟一带的山坡,生长着柞木林,满山坡柞林,年年上山放蚕。漫山满树金蚕爬在柞树叶上戏食着柞叶,进入大自然的这种生物圈,同样会令人兴趣盎然。

白云山千百年来是佛、道修身养性、成仙正果的 灵山天堂,是人佛共存、人仙同乐的心灵净土,是祈福未来、灵验真实的神圣之地,铸成了悠久神奇的宗教文明。每逢佛道吉日,时有天象显祥,信众求拜,灵验屡现 。香客常年络绎不绝,烟云缭绕飘荡,使秀丽险峻的 白云山更加神奇不凡。

如今白云山 自然景观优美、宗教文化深邃、生态环境良好,正以绮丽雄伟的风姿和神秘悠久的文化赋予它的千古神韵,吸引着国内外宾客纷至沓来,竞相朝圣观光。

白云山风景区----- 坐落在普兰店市 元台镇境内,是 长白山余脉。 白云山有 泰山之雄伟, 黄山之秀丽, 华山之险奇,其苍松、奇石、古寺、白云堪称人间奇景。





随着我国经济的不断发展, 中国市场早已被认为是一片具有相当发展潜力的“大金矿”。无论是中国的劳动力还是技术力, 都已慢慢吸引到了越来越多的外国人来中国进行考察和研究。同时, 辽阔的疆土带来的也是各式不同的旅游风景, 我国旅游业的发展一直处在一个持续升温的状态。在来自世界各地的不同人群都到中国旅游这样一个背景之下, 景点名称和景点历史故事的翻译内容也在不断地严格要求着。在现实生活中, 很多公共标识和景点的翻译并没有做到基本意思的传达, 更不用提意境上的抒发。这样无疑是阻碍我国更好地接受来自外国游客的观光和考察的一个问题。因此, 分析中国景点名称的英文翻译, 成了许多外语学习者和研究者开始越来越关注的课题。

旅游景点的翻译犹如是一张面向海外宣传中国的直接资料册, 其质量的好坏将会直接影响到旅游业的发展。


翻译行为是一种跨文化、跨语言和跨社会的交际活动。在翻译的内容当中, 有些内容是可以通过字面的意思直接翻译过去的, 这说明该部分内容具备文化之间的共性, 具有一定的可译性, 然而还有一些内容无法通过简单的字面意思的转换传达给对方, 必须进行一定的意思转换和解释, 或者直接进行音译上的转述才能达到更为合适的效果, 这是由于文化的特性导致的, 因此也就说明该部分不具备可译性, 而具备不可译性。在中国的景点当中, 有相当一部分的景点是由于中国的历史故事或者特有的民间传说等内容命名的, 其中人名和故事名是初来中国旅游的外国人不知道的, 面对这样的景点就应具备该景点的英文名字可能具备不可译性的想法, 及时地在翻译的过程当中加入适当的音译或释译的内容, 以免造成外国旅游者意思上的误解。然而对于一些庞大宏伟, 本身便带有中国独具的特色并受到世人仰慕的, 如故宫、颐和园, 或同历史伟人有关的景点, 便应当找寻合适的英文翻译法, 令外国游客也能感受到同样的严肃性和该景点的宏大。


在我国景点的中文名称之中, 有很多是根据景点名称的大类命名的, 如“西湖”的“湖”, “崂山”的“山”, “黄河”的“河”等等, 还有些地方或景点体现了当地的地方特色, 或者语言特色, 如“布达拉宫”“呼和浩特”“乌鲁木齐”等地。根据不同的中文名称, 相应的英文翻译也具备不同的翻译方式。

(一) 音译法

在地名景点当中, 采用音译法的大多是那些根据景点名称的大类命名的, 抑或是在景点之中带有地名或者人名。如“北海公园”, 英文名字为“Beihai Park”, “苏州园林”译作为“Suzhou Gardens”, “峨眉山”翻译成“E’mei Mountain”, “上海博物馆”翻译为“Shanghai Museum”等等。从这样的翻译当中不难看出, 无非就是中文名字的拼音加上属于该景点名称大类的英文, 简单结合而成的景点翻译, 这样的翻译既能使外国游客在看到名称的时候充分了解到这是一种什么类型的景点, 又能够帮助他们在同国内人交流的时候简洁明快地表达自己的目的和意图。

(二) 意译法

所谓的意译法并不是说在景点的翻译上要全部使用英文的释义, 而是说可以在找寻对应的英文意思的基础上加上一部分中文的音译。这样的景点翻译往往会出现在同历史事件或中国的专有名词有关的景点当中。当然, 也存在不少完全是将该景点的特点进行英文层面上的转述, 如“故宫博物院”翻译成为“the Palace Museum”, “长城”翻译成为“the Great Wall”, “乾清宫”的英文名译作“Palace of Heavenly Purity”, “天下第一关”翻译成为“the First Pass Under Heaven”, “玉佛寺”为“Jade Buddha Temple”。以上的这些景点都具备一定的共性:它们都是相当具备我国文化特征的旅游景点, 并不是能够在各地看到的、形态雷同的普通建筑物。因此在对这种极具历史价值的景点上, 采用意译法更为合适。

在景点的翻译过程中, 既应当体现出文化的变迁, 如在过去古代的建筑风格中“麹院”早已不复存在, 后来演变成的“曲院”也早已不是字面上意思的“曲曲环环的院子”, 所谓的“院”在现代文化的变迁之中已经仅仅成为了英文中的“garden”而已, 成了“花园”或者“公园”的意思。此外, 景点的翻译还应当体现一种文化上的错位, 即由于中西方的文化差异而导致的对于同一事物的正反两方面的理解和翻译。如果在翻译的时候没有将这种差异进行区分和恰当的处理, 文化层面的矛盾就会由此显现。




教师在引导学生利用文本信息写景点导游词的基础上,对有关导游词的写法要进行归纳、点拨,以帮助学生学会写景点导游词。导游词的写作要求一般是:一要突出趣味性。介绍景点,可不失时机地穿插趣味盎然的传说和民间故事,以激起游客的兴趣和好奇心理,语言要生动形象、幽默风趣,用词要丰富多变,善用修辞方法,化静为动,揭示出景点之美。二要突出重点。每个景点都有代表性的景观,每个景观又都从不同角度反映出其特色。导游词不能平铺直叙,要有所侧重地介绍有代表性、有特色的景观。此外还要注意有知识性和富于口语化,在此基础上再提升课堂境界,引导学生从文本走向自然山川、人文景点,通过创写家乡的名胜古迹、自然人文景观来讴歌祖国。我们家乡的山水风景、人文景观、历史名物等,可爱者甚繁,是家乡人的骄傲,已然成为家乡的自然历史文化符号。指导学生运用一定的修辞手段,或铺陈,或定景换点、移步换景,或生动介绍来创写家乡的山水人文景观的导游词,要求选择其中的一处来写,字数不限,但务必抓住景点的特征。学生创写了关于家乡名胜古迹、山水人文景观、新开发的旅游区等方面的导游词,如“兰亭” “东村梅海” “沈园” “越王台”“小舜江”等地的导游词,其中有关于名胜古迹的,也有关于家乡新开发的旅游产业园区的,还有关于本乡本土的地理自然风光的,内容丰富多彩,叙述生动形象。而后请同学们在课堂上作导游解说,师生一起参与点评,兴趣盎然。同学们听着、感受着“导游”的讲述(其中有自己身为“导游”的深情讲述)大家沉浸于优美的导游词之中,沉醉于山水人文美感之中,深切感受到祖国山川风景名胜的美,惊诧于自身的非凡创造力,如临其境,激情飞扬!





Authors was named national 5 a-class scenic area, scenic areas, where putaogou amusement park, now has a luobin wang music art museum, dawa transcribing the folk custom garden vineyard, oasis and the characteristics of the Uighur architecture, folk folk peasant life, experience the Uighur ethnic village, etc.

Beautiful scenery of the authors is famous for widely planted grapes, especially the production of seedless white grapes, thin skin, tender meat, juicy and delicious, nutritious, known as the pearl the laudatory name, the sugar content as high as 20-24%, more than grapes, California in the world. With seedless grapes dasycarpus drying system of raisins, sugar content as high as 60%, are regarded as treasures of grapes. Where putaogou valleys is long and narrow, streams, vegetation wheatgrass. Valleys on both sides of cliffs, steep cliff cliff, ditch slopes under the river is the worlds most sweet grapes, the authors like a sweet river, everywhere dicui honey, sweet blow out. Because of fresh grapes should not be stored, can consider to buy some raisins go home. About 15 to 20 yuan per kilogram, price is a little expensive than that of turpan city, but cheaper than the price of urumqi.

Uygur dance in grape communication is an important project, developed into the collective MaiXiLaiFu song and dance show, kabuki actors will invite you and dance with them. At the time of the show, you will be arranged to sit in a special position in the courtyard, eating fresh fruits while watching the show, the stage is set under the grape trellis a simple platform. Dance of the young men and girls are the most beautiful in the village.


6.Site of Gutian Meeting(龙岩——古田会议) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Please allow me on behalf of China International Travel Agency to extend our warm welcome to you. My name is XXX. My English name is Cindy. So you can call me Cindy. This is our driver Mr. Li. There is an old saying in China that goes “it is a great pleasure to have friends from a far”. It’s my honor to be your local guide during your stay in Longyan city.

If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I will be always at your service. Thank you! Today, we are going to visit Gutian Meeting site, it will take us 10minutes to arrive at the destination, let me tell you something about Gutian Meeting site. It is located in Gutian Town, Shanghang County. We also called West Fujian Province. It is a national revolutionary base scenic area, a selected national cultural relic protection unit and a base for the national patriotism education. OK, our bus is leading to the parking-lot. Please take all of your belongings and fellow me. Now we are here at the site of Gutian Meeting, it has been long respected and admired. LoOK! To the left of the site, there is a vast grassland which was a parade ground for the Fourth Red Army. To the southwest, there stands a parade ground where the Fourth Red Army leaders Mao Zedong, Zhu de and Chen Yi hold a grand parade ceremony and new year evening party, after Gutian Meeting was concluded. The Site of Gutian Meeting was built in 1848. Originally it was the ancestral hall of Liao Family.


(a successful candidate in the year of Wanli and minister of war in the later period of Tianqi in the Ming Dynasty), which covers an area of more than 5400 square meters. It is 87m long from north to south and 52m wide from west to east. The mansion has five main buildings and eight minor ones which comes to 120 rooms. Most of the rooms were built with bricks, stones and woods. In addition to the hall, there is also courtyard and winding corridor. We can see that the floors of which are granite-paved, while the hall brick-paved. These paths leading to the hall separate it into the south gate and the north gate which leads to the Honor Hall and Reception Hall. Along these paths, there are five layers of archways with different inscriptions on their horizontal boards. The layout of the mansion is compact and rational.

It has a high value for the study of the architecture in the Ming Dynasty. Now you have 20-minute free activities. Hope you will have a good time. Please remember we will gather in front of the entrance in at 11:00. Ladies and gentlemen, (How time flies!) we’ll have to conclude our visit to Taining World Geopark. It’s my pleasure to be your guide and have a wonderful time with you all. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, which make my job much easier. I hope that you all have enjoyed yourselves. There might be some inadequacies in my service. I’m expecting your kind advice as well as your friendship. And I also hope that you’ll come to visit Sanming city again in the future. We are looking forward to serving you. Thank you and have a pleasant trip home. 4. Mount Wuyi (武夷山——九曲溪) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Please allow me on behalf of China International Travel Agency to extend our warm welcome to you. My name is XXX. My English name is Cindy. So you can call me Cindy. This is our driver Mr. Li. There is an old saying in China that goes “it is a great pleasure to have friends from a far”. It’s my honor to be your local guide during your stay in Wuyi Shan city.


Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen! Today, with such great joy, on behalf of Anhui Travel Agency. I’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the Pacific. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Li Xin and I work for Anhui Travel Agency .During your short stay in Huangshan, I’ll be your local guide. It’s my honor to be of your service. If you have any request, go ahead! I’ll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!

Ok, now, we’re heading for Qiyun Mount. It’s about 30 minutes’ bus ride. On the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and I’d like to give you a brief introduction about Mt.Qiyun. Mt.Qiyun is situated in Xiuning County of southern Anhui, formerly known as “White Mountain”. It’s now called “Qi Yun”, which means “as much high as the clouds” with a peak poking into the sky.

Mt.Qiyun, together with the Yellow Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain, has always enjoyed the reputation of “Three Famous Mountains in Southern Anhui”. Over about 500 years ago, one emperor in Chinese history praised it as the first mountain in south of Yangtze River. And since 1,300 years ago, it has been chosen as one of the “Four Taoism Holy Lands” in China.

Mt.Qiyun covers a scenic area of 110 square kilometers. It is the rising part of the Yellow Mountain extending southwest to the edge of Southern Anhui Basin. The mountain ranges from northeast to southwest, with highest peak of 585 meters above sea level. Composed by purplish and erinaceous rock and grit, the mountain has been shaped into the unique “Red Cloud Land Form” by long-time weathering and erosion. At present, there has been 300 scenic spots in Qiyun Mount, among which are 50 wonderful peaks, 49 odd rocks, 16 deep caves, 46 nice stream and 25 places of ridges, stairs and terraces. All these go into the making of the natural beauty here. The three major scenic areas are: Yuehua Street, Yunyan Lake and Longshang Lou.

Ok, I have said too much about Mt.Qiyun. I expect you have got a general idea about it. Seeing is believing. Let’s get off the bus and brings your camera, I will show you around the mountain!

Look! The first sight that comes to us is Dengfeng Bridge, which leads to the mountain passage. Come on! Let’s close it! Do you know why it called “Dengfeng” Bridge, and “Dengfeng” which means “being promoted”. It is said that the bridge can bring people gook luck and longevity. Today you came here and you can have good luck and longevity. Long long ago, there is a local governor, who would build bridges for the good of the people, has won their respect and love. Just as the bridge was going to be named, the imperial edict came announcing the promotion of the governor. Thus, the crowed congratulated the governor and gave the bridge the name “Dengfeng”. Ok! Let’s go on visiting! Then we will pass six pavilions one by one on our way up the mountain. Each has its names and different pictures painting on the ceilings. They are Buyun Pavilions, Denggao Pavilions, Yingfeng Pavilions, Songyue Pavilions, Haitianyiwang Pavilions and Wangxian Pavilions.


The Six Banyan Pagoda was built for keeping Buddhist relics. According to the records, some holy ashes from Buddha’s teeth, a sword, a bronze tripod and some other Buddhist treasures are buried under the foundation of the pagoda. This octagonal magnificent pagoda, with its blue glazed tiles, vermilion beams, painted walls and red pillars all in good match, looks like a flowery column and so it is often referred to as the “Flowery Pagod”a.

The highlight of the visit to the temple is to climb the pagoda. This 57-meter-high pagoda looks to have only 9 stories on the outside but actually has 17 stories inside. On each of the 9 external floors, there are many entrances leading to its interior but only one is accessible to the staircase.

So, if you lose your way, you just turn around the circle and you will find your way up or down! On the top floor, there is a huge bronze column with 1023 Buddha figurines in relief. Cast in 1358, this bronze column, together with its attachments, weighs over 5 tons



1、The Palace Museum

The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing、The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient woodenstructure building complex in the world、Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years、24 emperors were enthroned there.2、The Great wall

The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000li Great Wall”、Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD、The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.3、Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terracotta Army

Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province、Construction ofthe mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700,000 workers、Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed、In 1980, two bronze painted horsedrawn chariots were unearthed、They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far、In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion、The largest of the three vaults contains 6,000 lifesize terracotta warriors and horses、The collection of warriors is often dubbed the“eighthwonder of the world”.4、Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man

Remains of the Peking Man(homo erectus)are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing、In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man、Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed、Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, during Paleolithic times、Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.5、The Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang

Dunhuang Grottoes comprise of the Mogao grottoes, West 1,000Buddha Cave, and Yulin Cave、The Mogao Grottoes, representative of the three sites, are located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province、Construction of the grottoes began in 366 AD、The welldesigned grottoes are a treasure house containing painting, sculptures, documents, and cultural relics.6、The Huangshan Mountain

Located in Huangshan City in southern Anhui Province, the scenic area of the Huangshan Mountain covers 154 square kilometers and is famous for its four wonders: strangelyshaped pines, grotesque rock formations, seas of clouds and hot springs、It also features a natural zoo and botanical garden.7、Huanglong

The Huanglong Scenic Area is located in Songpan County, Sichuan Province、Calcified ponds, beaches, waterfalls and embankments characterize Huanglong scenery.8、Chengde Summer Resorts and Surrounding Temples

Chengde Summer Resort, known as “The Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat”, is located in northern Chengde, Hebei Province、Qing Emperors used to spend their summer days handling state affairs at the resort、Construction of the resort lasted from 1703 to 1792、It is the largest and bestpreserved imperial palace outside the capital、Many of the scenic spots around the resort’s lake area mimic famous landscaped gardens in southern China, and the buildings of the Outer Eight Temples feature architectural style of minority ethnic groups such as Mongolian, Tibetan and Uygur.9、Qufu, Confusius’Mansion, Temple and Cemetery

Qufu, in southwestern Shandong Province, was the capital of the state of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period(770476 BC)and the hometown of Confusius, a great thinker and educator、Confucius’Mansion was the residence of Confucius’ eldest male descendants for generation、The mansion holds more than 9,000 volumes of archives dating from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient costumes, and utensils、Confucius’ Temple is famous for its 2,000 stone steles and more than 100 portrait stones from the Han Dynasty、Confucius’Cemetery houses tombs for Confucius and his descendants.10、Potala Palace Potala

Palace in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 meters above the sea level、The palace was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7 th century for Tang Princess Wencheng、Potala features the essence of ancient Tibetan architectural art and houses many artifacts of the Tubo Kingdom.11、The Lushan Mountain

The Lushan Mountain, located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is one of the most famous mountains in China、The mountain features beautiful peaks, seas of clouds, waterfalls and historical sites、Bailu Academy is one of Chinese first schools of higher learning、13、The Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha The Emei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains、It is located 7 kilometers southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province、There are 150 temples on the mountain、The mountain features more than 3,000 plant species and 2,000 varieties of animals、Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan Province、The Buddha is carved out of a cliff and, being meters tall, is the largest sitting Buddha in China、Carving of the Buddha started in 713 and was completed in803、The body of Buddha has a water drainage system to prevent erosion.12、Ancient Buildings on the Wudang Mountain

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