




主题:邂逅大运河 风情最杭州

Have a reencounter with the Grand Canal, the Most Charming Part of Hangzhou


Introduction of Grand Canal (Hangzhou Section)


First dug in Spring and Autumn Period, Grand Canal has a history of over 2400 years. It runs across four provinces, i.e. Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Provinces, two municipal cities, i.e. Beijing and Tianjin, with total length of 1794 km. It is the longest, largest and most ancient canal in world. Grand Canal is the precious material and spiritual wealth left by our ancestors and is an important living and flowing heritage of human being.


Grand Canal is a highlight of tourism in Hangzhou as well as a classic destination for understanding water-town culture in south and lower reach of Yangtze River. The Grand Canal passes through rich and refined Qiantang Land, witnesses the vicissitude of the prosperous ancient capital- Hangzhou and the folk customs of the locals living in white-wall and black-tile residents. You may touch the splendid and profound culture and enjoy the overwhelming and refined beauty of the Grand Canal by hiking, boating, cycling or just sitting there.

大运河在杭州呈现了一幅“流动的中华文明,休闲的天堂画卷”。在这里,外国人领略“很中国”,中国人感受“很杭州”,杭州人感受“很时尚”。 Grand Canal Hangzhou Section presents a scroll of “flowing Chinese civilization and paradise for leisure”. Expats find “authentic Chinese flavor”, Chinese find “authentic Hangzhou flavor” and Hangzhouese find it “very fashionable” here.


Gongchen Bridge

拱宸桥始建于明崇祯四年(1631),“宸”指帝王所居之处,“拱”即为拱手相迎的意思, 1 所以拱宸桥象征着对古代帝王南巡杭州时的相迎与敬意。拱宸桥横跨运河东西两岸,桥形巍峨高大,气魄雄伟。桥身长约92米,高约16米,是杭城古桥中最高、最长的石拱桥,也是京杭大运河南端的标志。

Gongchen Bridge was built in the 4th year of Chongzhen reign in Ming Dynasty (1631), “Chen” means emperor‟s residence, “Gong” means greeting with cupped hands, such Gongchen Bridge was a symbol of welcoming and respect for the ancient emperor when they made inspection tour to Hangzhou in South China. Gongchen Bridge stretched across the eastern and western banks of the Grand Canal and appears majestic and grand. Around 92m in length and 16m in height, it‟s the highest and longest ancient stone arch bridge in Hangzhou and is the landmark of the south end of the Grand Canal.


Address: Qiaonong Street

公交线路:K1路、K635路、K591路、K70/70区间路 Bus: No. K1, K635, k591, K70/70

历史街区 Historic Blocks  桥西历史街区West Bridge Street Historic Block  小河直街历史街区Xiaohe Street Historic Block  大兜路历史街区Dadou Road Historic Block


The worn-down old street and bluestone lane have gradually disappeared and left only in our childhood memory with the passage of time. Xiaohe Street, West Bridge Street and Dadou Road are the well-preserved authentic old streets along the Grand Canal.

桥西历史街区: West Bridge Historic Block

桥西历史街区因位于拱宸桥西侧而得名,这里曾是清朝同治年间一度繁盛的水陆码头,有着浓厚的人文历史背景。街区完整保留了江南水乡古建筑群的风貌和肌理,并保存了大量的历史遗存。结合运河自然景观,街区以非物质文化为核心元素,引进了方回春堂、天禄堂、大运河国医馆等中医名馆,并保护利用工业遗存建成了目前国内最大的博物馆集群——杭州工艺美术博物馆(杭州中国刀剪剑、扇业、伞业博物馆),成为一条以文化 2 传承、博物展览、国医国药为特色的历史文化街区。

West Bridge Historic Block is thus named as it is located in the west side of Gongchen Bridge. Once a busy land and water quay in Tongzhi Reign of Qing Dynasty, the block boasts a long history and profound culture. The block well preserves the styles, features and textures of ancient architectural complex typical of Watertown in South of Yangtze and conserves a large number of historic relics. Based on the natural landscapes of the Grand Canal and focusing on the core element of intangible culture, the block introduced famous TCM Pharmacy such as Fanghuichun Pharmacy, Tianlu Pharmacy and Grand Canal TCM Clinic,. Meanwhile it preserved, utilized and built industrial remains into the largest museum cluster in China that is composed of Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum (China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Fan Museum and China Umbrella Museum). It has become a historic and cultural block featured by cultural heritage, museum exhibition and traditional Chinese Medicine.


Characteristics: traditional culture 地址:桥弄街

Address: Qiaonong Street 公交线路:K635路、K1路 Bus: No. K635 and K1


Xiaohe Street Historic Block


Xiaohe Street Historic Block is located at the junction where Grand Canal, Xiaohe River and Yuhangtang River meet. The block owed its prosperity to the rivers. It was land and water distribution center for cargos from south and north China in Song Dynasty and was developed into 3 independent commercial street in Qing Dynasty. At present, the street still preserves the ancient workshops, stores, wharfs and other historical relics. The waterfront storey houses flanked the street are featured white wall and black tiles, typical style of water town in Jiangnan. Half of the residents in the street are indigenous, who preserved folk customs and life style of ancient people living along Grand Canal and was called Hangzhou‟s “last generation of original residents along Grand Canal”. In 2007, Xiaohe Street Historic Block was conferred “China Habitat Environment Model” award by Ministry of Construction.



Characteristics: Grand Canal folk customs, pop culture 地址:湖墅北路长征桥站

Address: Changzheng Bridge Stop North Hushu Road 公交线路:K76路、K1路 Bus: No. K76, K1


Dadou Road Historic Block


Dadou Road Historic Block stretches between Daguan Bridge and Eastern Bank of Jiangzhang Bridge and is one of the few old blocks that still preserve original visage. It was once a thriving street crowded with shops and stores as well as the key distribution center for urban substances and materials, with thousands of ships passing by everyday. The present block, with newly built Xiangji Temple in the core, preserves a large number of vernacular architecture build in late Qing and early Republic period and introduced such elements as renowned restaurants, clubs and Zen culture. A catering and dining featured block focusing on high-end restaurants and carrying forward Zen culture was developed. In 2011, the block was conferred the title of “Chinese Characteristic Commercial Street” by Ministry of Commerce.

4 特色:休闲美食

Characteristics: leisure and restaurants 公交线路:K76路、K1

51、K57/57路 Bus: No.K76, K151, K57/57


Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum (Hangzhou China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Fan Museum and China Umbrella Museum) 位于桥西历史街区,利用工业遗存保护改建而成,以“工艺美术”和“非物质文化遗产”为特色,2012年被授予“联合国科教文组织全球创意城市网络„工艺与民间艺术之都‟传承基地”,也是目前国内最大的博物馆集群,包括中国工艺美术馆、中国刀剪剑博物馆、中国伞博物馆、中国扇博物馆和手工活态展示馆。作为工业主题性博物馆集群,五馆分别以工艺美术、刀剪剑、伞、扇和活态非物质文化遗产展示为主题,结合运河历史文化与工业遗存保护,成为集收藏、研究、展示、体验、教育、宣传、娱乐、购物和文化创意等功能于一体的国内领先、国际一流的平民化、专业化博物馆。

Located in West Bridge Historic Block, the museum was rebuilt from industrial remains and is features by “arts and crafts” and “intangible cultural heritage”. It was awarded “UNSCO Creative Cities Network „Capital of Industrial Arts and Folk Art‟ Heritage Base” and is so far the largest museum cluster in China, including China Arts and Crafts Museum, China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Umbrella Museum, China Fan Museum and Living Handicraft Exhibition Hall. As industry-themed museum cluster, the five museums focused on five themes, i.e. arts and crafts; knife, scissor and sword; umbrella; fans; and living intangible cultural relics. The museum cluster features Grand Canal culture and conservation of industrial remains and have become domestic leading, world class popular and specialized museums integrated by such functions as collection, research, exhibition, experience, education, propaganda, entertainment, shopping and cultural originality.


Characteristics: industrial arts, intangible culture, living exhibition

中国杭州工艺美术博物馆、中国刀剪剑博物馆、中国伞博物馆地址:小河路336号 Address of China Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum, China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Umbrella Museum: No.336 Xiaohe Road

5 中国扇博物馆、手工艺活态展示馆地址:小河路450号

Address of China Fan Museum and China Living Handicraft Exhibition Hall: No.450 Xiaohe Road

公交线路:K635路、K1路 Bus: K635, K1


16:00停止进馆参观(周一闭馆) Opening Hour: 9:00am to 4:30pm from Tuesday to Sunday Deadline for visit: 4:00pm (not open in Monday)



As one of the eight famous temples in Hangzhou, Xiangji Temple was built in the 3rd year of Taiping Xinguo reign of Northern Song Dynasty (978). The temple was destroyed in war at the end of Yuan Dynasty and was rebuilt in the 4th year of Hongwu reign of Ming Dynasty. It‟s the first stop for pilgrims who came from Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou by boat to pay pilgrimage to Lingyin Temple and Tianzhu Temple and has been dubbed the “the first stop for pilgrims along Grand Canal”. In order to restore its original spectacular, Xiangji Temple was rebuilt in 2009. It is the only temple to consecrate Mahatma Kinnara King Bodhisattva (supervisor of fast) in China.


Characteristics: God of Kitchen, God of Music, Vegetarian Diet 地址:大兜路历史街区内香积寺巷


51、K57/57路 Address: Xiangji Temple Lane, Dadou Road Historic Block Bus: No. K7


51、K57/57 开放时间:07:00—17:00 门票:平时20元,除夕夜50元 Opening Hour: 7:00am—5:00pm

Fare: RMB20 at ordinary time, RMB 50 for New Year’s Eve

6 富义仓

富义仓名取“以仁致富,和则义达”之意,建于清光绪六年(1880),与北京南新仓一起并称为“天下粮仓”。如今富义仓引入了粮仓咖啡、国学书院、动漫创意、越剧工坊等文化创意产业,成为了现代都市生活中的“精神粮仓”。 Fuyi literally means rich and rightness and was abstracted from “the benevolence acquires wealth, while the moderate is righteous”. It is now listed as cultural relic under provincial protection. Established in 6th year of Guangxu reign of Qing Dynasty, Fuyi Granary shares the same reputation with Nanxin Granary in Beijing. The two combined to be “barn for the world”. Nowadays, Fuyi Granary focused on cultural and creative industry, including Granary Café, Chinese Culture Academy, Cartoon Originality, and Shaoxing Opera Workshop, and has become “spiritual barn” for modern people


Characteristics: open-air movies, academy, Shaoxing Opera



The once old shipyard is renovated and rejuvenated for modern life. Grand Canal World was rebuilt from an old shipyard. Now it has developed into a Grand Canal characteristic fashion and leisure experience center integrated by star-rated movie theater, international fashionable brands, KTV, café and music pub, wedding photography gallery, fancy restaurants and other fashion and leisure experience projects. 地址:小河路与湖州街交叉口

Address: crossing of Xiaohe Road and Huzhou Street


Bus: No.K1

运河夜景 Night Scene

运河夜景由世界顶尖灯光设计师罗杰·纳博尼(Roger Narboni)主掌设计,曾荣获2009年国际三大照明奖之一的 “城市、人、光”大奖。每当夜幕降临时,运河两岸的彩色光雾配合各类建筑、桥梁的轮廓光及水中的威尼斯灯柱,使得大运河在夜幕中如同一幅流动的水墨 7 丹青,充满了江南水乡的流光溢彩和水墨韵味,是不得不看的夜景盛宴。

Roger Narboni , the world‟s top lighting designer, was in charge of the night scene design of Grand Canal, which won 2009 “City, People, Light” award, one of the three most famous lighting awards in the world. As night falls, the colorful optical haze rising from the various buildings along the both banks of the Grand Canal, the rimming light of the bridge and the Venice lamp poles in the water turned t Grand Canal into a flowing Chinese ink painting at night. “Jiangnan-style Ink Painting” lighting effect is the night scene feast you cannot miss.


Characteristics: romance, ink painting

漕 舫

Canal Boat (Cao Fang)

“漕,水转谷也;舫,并舟也”。即古代水路运粮之官船。漕舫的记载最早见于《春秋左传》,而漕舫作为我国古代重要的“漕运之器”,其称呼则始于秦汉。漕舫是大运河2400年漕运文化的经典浓缩和复古演绎,如今的运河漕舫是以曾广泛存在于杭州运河的清代经典木质“漕舫”为原型,整合现代工艺及功能,符合现代旅游要求而打造的船型,内部空间布置最大程度地满足了乘客的舒适性,而漕舫本身也成为了杭州运河一道流动的亮丽风景。 “Cao, laterally means water transfer of grain; Fang, literally means boat”. So Cao Fang means official boat used for transfer of grain by waterway in ancient time. The earliest record about Cao Fang was seen in “Chronicle of Zuo in Spring and Autumn Period”. But it was not until Qin and Han Dynasty that it was used as an important “vessel for grain transporting”. Canal Boat is the miniature and replica of the 2400-year history of canal transportation culture. The present Canal Boat was made using prototype of classical wooden “boat” widely used in Grand Canal in Qing Dynasty. The boat adopted modern technology and functions to meet the requirements of modern tourists. The interior spatial arrangement can meet the passengers‟ demands for comfort to the largest extent. The Canal Boat itself has become a beautiful scene on the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal


Characteristics: on-water sightseeing, business reception, tea drinking, foods and beverages

8 塘栖古镇

Tangxi Ancient Town


Located in Yuhang District of Hangzhou, Tangxi Ancient Town was built in Northern Song Dynasty and topped the list of “Ten Famous Towns in South Yangtze” in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Well known literature master Mr. Feng Zhikai ever depicted Tangxi as one of the representatives of fair land in south China.

镇内保留有老宅、古街、长桥、弄堂等众多历史遗存:古运河仅存的七孔石拱桥——广济桥;有浙江省内最大的石碑之称的乾隆御碑;由东晋文学家郭璞亲自选址,被康熙帝称赞好井好水的郭璞井。镇内两条特色街区:厚重古老的水北街与现代时尚的水南街隔河相望,充分体现“左岸历史 右岸未来”。水北街集合了塘栖传统糕点、特色小吃、书场、评弹,箍桶等传统美食和当地民俗;水南街引入时尚精致餐饮,满足各方食客的美食需求。 Many historic relics, such as ancient houses, ancient streets, Long Bridge and lanes are well preserved in Tangxi, including Guangji Bridge, which is the only existing seven-hole stone arch bridge over Grand Canal; Qinglong Imperial Stele, the largest stone stele in Zhejiang Province; Guopu Well, which was named after Guo Pu, the litterateur of Eastern Jin Dynasty who selected the site of the well, and was appraised by emperor Kangxi for its excellent water quality. There are two characteristic streets in the town: profound and ancient North Water Street and modern and trendy South Water Street on the opposite banks of the river. The north street represents history and past while the south street represents reality and future. North Water Street has a collection of traditional snacks and local folk customs, such as traditional cookies, characteristic snacks, storytelling and ballad singing and bucket hooping, while the South Water Street has a variety of fashionable and delicate restaurants for the choice of the gourmets


Tangxi was appraised first batch “folk town” in Hangzhou in 2009

9 运河旅游线路: Canal Tour Itinerary


Itinerary 1: Fantastic Night Tour 璀璨运河夜,阅览两千年

Resplendent Canal Night · Experience Two Thousand Years History 从武林门码头上船出发,徜徉夜运河,沿途欣赏西湖文化广场,御码头、富义仓、乾隆舫、小河直街、桥西直街,最后到达京杭大运河江南第一古桥——拱宸桥后,返回武林门码头,结束夜游运河的愉快旅程。(全程约1小时,途中不上岸)

Appreciate night scene of Grand Canal by boat. The boat starts from Wulinmen wharf, passes by Westlake Cultural Square, Imperial Wharf, Fuyi Granary, Emperor Qianlong‟s Boat, Xiaohe Street, West Bridge Street until it arrives at Gongchen Bridge, the No.1 Ancient Bridge over the Grand Canal in South China. Then the boat will go all the way back to Wulinmen Wharf to end the pleasant night tour. (It takes around 1 hour for the whole journey with no stop on the way)


Ticket price: 100 Yuan/ Person

时间:每天19:30 节假日增开19:00、20:00两个时段航班,详情请咨询票房和计调电话。

Time: 7: 30 pm every night


Itinerary 2: Ancient Charm Tour

“一船揽尽运河风情,身心体验水上人家”,零距离感受京杭大运河杭州段的独特风情。 “Embrace canal folk customs by boat, experience life on-water families”. Up-close contact with unique folk customs in Hangzhou Section of Grand Canal 游线:香积寺←→拱宸桥

Route: Xiangji Temple ←→ Gongchen Bridge

票价:60元/人 (单程30分钟) 香积寺门票20元/人 Ticket price: 60 Yuan/ person (30 minutes for one way trip) 时间:10人以上成团,请提前预约

10 Time: minimum 10 person for the tour, please reservation in advance


Itinerary 3: Tour to Tangxi Ancient Town “船行千年运河·漫游塘栖五街”

“Navigate along thousand-year Grand Canal to Tangxi, enjoy sightseeing in five streets in Tangxi”


Wulin Gate←→ Tangxi(4 hours for navigation, 3 hours for sightseeing in the ancient town, total to be 7 hours)


Ticket price: 150Yuan/ person



Time:Saturday, Sunday and holidays at 9:00 a.m.


Itinerary 4 Night Tour in Qiantang River 晚转江河汇流 印记钱塘辉煌

Appreciate the Convergence of River and Canal• View Splendid Qiantang River 晚18:30从武林门码头开航,一路往南沿途欣赏千年古运河新貌,看武林新姿、石栏长阵、石弄潮声、运河怀古、艮新秋韵、江河流霞等运河新景,观赏夜色下壮阔恢弘的钱塘江盛景,感受杭州步入钱塘江时代的辉煌成就以及钱江两岸的历史巨变。

The boat set sail from Wulinmen Wharf at 6:30pm. The highlights of the tour include New Look of Thousand-year Ancient Grand Canal, New Visage of Wulin Gate, Long Stone Fence, Sound of Tide Flapping the Stone, Memorial of Old Grand Canal, Autumn Charm of Genshan Gate, Rosy Clouds over River, appreciating spectacular night scene of Qiantang River, experiencing the glory achievement and great changes along the banks in Qiantang River Era.


(It takes around 3.5 hours for the whole journey with no stop on the way) 票价:下舱 150元/位

11 上舱 220元/位 Ticket price: 150Yuan for lower deck

220 Yuan for upper deck 时间:每天19:30(每年7月—10月)

Time: 7:30 pm (from July to October every year) 注:其他时间可包船,价格10000元/艘

Fare for chartered boat at other time: 10000 Yuan/ Ship

咨询电话 :0571-56079211 56079231 56079230 Advisory phone:0571-56079211 56079231 56079230 地址:杭州市拱墅区小河路336号(刀剪剑博物馆)5号楼2楼

ADD:2nd Floor,Building No.5,China Knives&Scissors&Swords Museum,No.336 Xiaohe Road,Hangzhou



Tom & Mike


Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China. It was established on the basis of monks running school by Zhudong, the magistrate of Tanzhou prefecture in 976A.D at the time of Northern Song Dynasty. The academy accepted disciples throughout the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional Confucian learning to an institute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named Hunan University. The academy has witnessed a history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it was called a “one-thousand-year-old academy”.我们便到了岳麓书院的大门,大门始建于宋代,旧称“中门”,清代同治7年进行过翻修,采用的是南方将军门式的结构。



The gate was formally built at the time of the song Dynasty, and was then called central gate. The present structure was renovated in the 7th year of Tongzhi reign of Qing Dynasty, adopting the st ructure of a General Gate of southern China.

The characters “Yuelu Academy” on the horizontal tablet were inscribed by Emperor Zhen Zong, the emperor of Song Dynasty. It was said in the 8th year of Xiangfu reign, northern song Dynasty Zhengzong learnt the education reputation of Yuelu Academy and the virtue of the master,

Zhoushi, so he summoned Zhoushi to the capital to an interview and gives him the title “master of the imperial college” in the hope that he would stay in capital to gives lectures. However, Zhoushi longed for his Yuelu academy and insisted on going back to the academy. So the emperor awarded his Majesty’s own handwriting “Yuelu Academy” to hang on the top of the main gate and meanwhile presented him with some classic to take back to academy. From then on, Yuelu Academy became well-known all around the country and student came here to study in endless stream. Yuelu Academy became one of the four famous academies in the Northern song Dynasty.

Now on the door posts of the gates are couplets which read “the kingdom of Chu, unique home of the talents; the Academy of Yuelu, the very cradle of all. This couplet originates from Chinese classics and it is very appropriate given the fact that talents have been brought up continuously by the Academy since its establishment.



Located at the heart of the academy, the lecture hall is the most important place for teaching and momentous ceremony as well as the core of all construction of the academy. The hall had 5 lecture rooms when it was first built in the 9th year of Kaibao reign, northern song Dynasty. In the 6th year of Qiaodao reign, southern song Dynasty, the famous idealist Zhangshi and Zhuximade made a joint lecture here, which was the first joint lecture in the Confucian academies of China.

Under the foreside brim of the hall is a horizontally-inscribed board “Seeking truth from the facts” written by Bing Bu cheng, the principle of the industrial school. He treated it as a school motto in order to encourage students of the academy to be realistic in doing everything throughout their lives so as to judge wisely.

In the center of the hall are two gilding inscribed wooden boards. One read “Learn before you can probe the infiniteness of the universe.” Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty inscribed it to encourage the idealists to advocates their philosophy and to improve their self-cultivation. The second was inscribed by Emperor Qianlong and it reads “The doctrines taught here in the south are genuine Confucian doctrines.”This is the highest praise the academy could receive from the perspective of the advocates of idealism, indicating the essential status of the academy in the history of the idealism.



Nanshan Tourism

Scenic Spot Sightseeing:

Yantai Longkou Nanshan Scenic Spot is the National 5A-class Scenic Spot and is divided into three parts of Religious History and Culture Park, Theme Park-Happy Valley and Donghai Tourist Resort. Nanshan Buddhist Temple, Xiangshui Nunnery, Nanshan Taoist Temple, Lingyuan Taoist Temple, etc. in Religious History and Culture Park are the historical relics of Jin and Tang Dynasties; Nanshan Giant Buddha which is the largest tin bronze Sitting Buddha in the world (with the height of 38.66m and the weight of 380t) and Nanshan Medicine Jade Buddha which is the largest indoor Jade Buddha in China (with the height of 13.66m and the weight of 660t) are the two highlights in the Park; Nanshan Huayan World includes Five-Dhyani-Buddha Palace, “Medicine Buddha Carol” Music Fountain, Prayer Corridor, etc., which enrich the religious cultures in Nanshan Scenic Spot; the History and Culture Park, which is built according to the sequence of dynasties and takes historic culture as longitude and propitious culture as latitude, is set up in Nanshan Scenic Spot as a vivid general history of China, thus comprehensively showing the extensive and profound Chinese civilization and the colorful national culture; Theme Park-Happy Valley is mainly constructed with Nanshan courtyard, Equestrianism Club, Pet Park, Happy Island, Kwan-yin Island, Bodhi Island, Tropical Plants Garden, Waterfall Plaza, etc., thus integrating participation, knowledge and entertainment together; Donghai Tourist Resort, with the length of 20km, is divided into coast tourist area, golf recreation area, rehabilitation and leisure area, villa area, commercial and trading service area, cultural education area, etc., and is a comprehensive tourist resort with high scientific and technological content, good ecological environment and harmonious development between man and nature while integrating residence, tourism, leisure and humanistic education. Gathering ancient and modern essences and blending Chinese civilization, Nanshan Scenic Spot has already become the large multifunctional scenic spot which integrates tourism, vocation travel, industrial touring, conference and commerce, entertainment and shopping, etc. and sketched the beautiful scenery of “Blessing and Longevous Nanshan, The Heaven for Nourishing The Heart” via her particular charm.




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The logo pattern of Nanshan Theme Park – Happy Valley, based on the creative elements of the construction project of Happy Valley and organically combining waterfall, pleasure boat wharf, ferris wheel, Nanshan logo, etc. in the form of silhouette, shows the thematic content of Happy Valley by applying the effect of color dyed paper-cut paintings. The logo is shaped as square outside and round inside, which is originated from sunrise at sea, thus presenting the mutual echoing between Nanshan and Donghai and forming a happy and peaceful space. Nanshan and Donghai are taken as the creative elements for the mascot, Huanhuan and Lele, thus integrating the visual experience of health, enthusiasm, vitality and happiness into the two cartoon images with open arms for welcoming the tourists, and meanwhile fully reflecting the openness and tolerance of Happy Valley.

Nanshan Theme Park - Happy Valley, which was planned in and built since 2008, is one of the three parts of Nanshan Scenic Spot, and includes Nanshan Courtyard, Equestrian Club, Pet Park, Happy Island, Kwan-yin Island, Bodhi Island, Waterfall Square, Nanshan Courtyard, etc.

Happy Island mainly includes experiential and participatory entertainment projects and is mainly provided with the following entertainment equipments and projects, such as luxurious carrousels, whirlwind knights, self-controlled flying elephants, mermaids, bumper cars, large-sized slides, double bungee jumping, space cruiser and pleasure boat & wharf, so Happy Valley is an ideal place for tourists to experience adventure and excitement, relaxation and bodybuilding. The Equestrian Club integrates equestrian sports, bodybuilding and relaxation together, and is provided with indoor horse fields, obstacle fields, practicing fields, horse training fields and pasturing fields, etc., and holds the horse riding courses taught by experienced coaches, caballeros or horse riders about safe riding knowledge, riding posture, sitting posture and physical training, etc., and irregularly organizes the equestrian competition activities. Nanshan Courtyard is mainly established to represent the historical culture, local buildings, folkloric products, farming equipments, life scenery, etc. of the old Huangxian County and Nanshan Village, attached with Jiaodong civilization of farming and farming products show. Inside the Village, the characteristic catering areas of the old Huangxian County and commercial streets producing and selling Jiaodong folkloric products have been built, with an atmosphere of strong rural and local culture. The Pet Park combines pets breeding, performance and show together, and also provides special entertainment performances of pets.




Religious Culture Park

Religious History and Culture Park in Nnashan Scenic Spot is composed of Nanshan Taoist Temple, Nanshan Buddhist Temple, Nanshan Buddha, Xiangshui Nunnery, Lingyuan Taoist Temple, etc., which are the relics of Jin, Tang, Song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and have thick historical ambience. The ancient architectural complex is constructed harmoniously with the surrounding mountains, forests and waters, and these ancient buildings are simple and elegant, with tortuous and great appurtenance and tremendous momentum. Moreover, Nanshan Buddha in this scenic spot is a precious tin bronze Sitting Buddha of Sakyamuni in the world, with the height of 38.66m and the weight of 380t, which is called the largest bronze sitting Buddha in the world. Merit and Virtue Hall, Buddha Hall and Buddhist History Museum are constructed under the lotus pedestal of the Giant Buddha, wherein 9999 vivid golden bronze Buddhas are displayed in Buddha Hall, thus forming the ten thousand Buddhas array together with the Giant Sitting Buddha, and the historical records pertaining to the originality and prosperity of Buddhist culture, and dozens of cultural relics such as the Buddhist Relics of Sakyamuni and museum pieces of Buddhist culture are displayed in Buddhist History Museum.

南山景区宗教文化园由南山道院、南山禅寺、南山大佛、香水庵、灵源观等组成。其景点均系晋、唐、宋、元、明、清代遗迹,千年古刹,可谓胜地重光,更添新颜。古建筑群中的亭榭廊塔,山林水系,依山构造,古朴典雅,迤逦壮观,气势宏伟。景区内的南山大佛,是一座举世罕见的锡青铜释迦牟尼大坐佛,高 38.66米、重380吨,堪称世界第一铜铸坐佛。


Chinese Historical Culture

Chinese History and Culture Park in Nanshan Scenic Spot is the large theme scenic spot, which is constructed according to the chronological sequence from ancient time to Qing Dynasty in China at present and takes the historic culture as the longitude and the propitious culture as the latitude and occupies an area of 6km2. By virtue of the Chinese ancient buildings in different historical periods and with different styles and historic records and physical displays, this Park vividly presents the general trends, important cultural relics and events as well as the representative figures of Chinese history during the five thousand years, integrates historic culture, propitious culture, folk culture, cooking culture, civil culture, etc. together according to the tourism requirements, and comprehensively shows the extensive and profound Chinese civilization and the colorful national culture as a vivid general history of China, so this Park is the place for the tourists to appreciate the Chinese civilization and the historical evolution of the Chinese descendant as well as the influential man. Nanshan Jade Buddha in the Park is composed of Jade Buddha Hall, Medicine Buddha Mandala and Buddhist Relics Hall, and the Burmese Medicine Jade Buddha with the height of 13.66m and the weight of more than 660t is consecrated in Jade Buddha Hall, which is the largest and tallest Jade Buddha. Six Medicine Jade Buddhas with different colors are consecrated around the Giant Jade Buddha to form Seven Medicine Buddhas of the Medicine Buddha Sutra. Additionally, the Park is also provided with Tropical Rainforest Garden, Farming Expo Park, Grotto, Kwan-yin Cave, tourism cableway, etc. In July 2003, the Park was named as “Middle School History Teaching Scenery Base” and “Juvenile’s Patriotism Education Base”.


Coastal Tourism Home

Nanshan Donghai offshore tourist area is located at the north of Donghai Development Area of Nanshan Group and integrates tourism, vacation travel, leisure, shopping and entertainment together. The development projects include Donghai golf, golden bathing beach, offshore yacht, offshore fishing, recreation villa, coastal forest oxygen bar, and the bathing beach has a gold coastline of 20km, so this area is the ideal place for tourists to experience charm of nature and sea while enjoying first-rate facilities and eating special foods as well as purchasing special products there. With the high green mountains and broad blue sea existing in harmony, people who love mountain and sea can have beautiful vision and heartfelt benediction in this area.




Group1 1.在建设江西一流的旅游路线大纲中,与宜春有关的线路是仅仅只有一条,请问是哪一条?这条线路的旅游地点包括哪些?

①赣西的绿色精粹之旅(the tour of green essentials in West Jiangxi) ②主要旅游地点包括:南昌、仙女湖、宜春、樟树等。

2.请列举一些宜春的历史名人(至少五个)。 宋应星、熊雄、杨杏佛、熊佛西、邓子龙。

Group2 1.袁州的“三宝”(three treasures)是指哪三宝?

皮蛋(lime-preserved egg)、夏布(grass cloth)和脱胎漆器(bodiless lacquerware)

2.宜春的主要旅游景点有哪些?(至少列举五个) 明月山、阁皂山、丰洞山、百丈山、官山。

Group3 1.四特酒(Sitir Alcohol)的四大特点是什么?

清澈(clear)、味醇(thick fragrance)、回味绵甜(sweet aftertaste)、深入人心(satisfied effect)

2.请简介宜丰官山国家级自然保护区(state-level natural preservation)。

地处赣西北,是江西最早的国家级自然保护区,森林覆盖率(the percent of forest coverage)超过百分之九十,被人们誉为“绿色珍珠”,是大家度假旅游的好去处。

Group4 1.宜春的人口和面积是多少?



江西第一个生态城市(eco-city),世界级著名文化旅游城市(world-level famous cultural touring city),国家卫生城市(national sanitary city),国家园林城市(national garden city)。

Group5 1.宜春的哪些矿产资源畏惧江西第一?

原煤(raw coal)、石中盐(rock salt)和生石灰(quick lime)。


位于宜春,是4C级地方机场(4C-class regional airport),投资超过五亿,是赣西唯一的机场,2013年6月正式对外开放。

Group6 1.明月山景区由哪些部分构成?

由五个主要景区和一个度假区(resort)构成。分别是潭下区、太平山区、塘家山区、仰山区、玉京山区和温汤温泉度假村(Wentang Hot Spring Resort)


是一部讲解农作物(crops)和工业原料(industrial materials)相关知识的书籍,并附有许多插图,受各国重视,被称为权威著作(standard work),宋应星也被称为“中国的狄德罗”(Chinese Diderot)。

Group7 1.请简介“宜春”一名的由来。


2.请简介宜春的月亮文化(moon cultural)。

体现在“明月处处有,宜春月最明”(There is a bright moon everywhere,but the moon of Yichun is the brightest)这句话上。宜春开办了许多与月亮有关的文娱活动,被人称为“月城”。

Group8 1.禅宗五宗有哪两宗是发源于宜丰的?


2.请简介阁皂山。 位于樟树市东南部,因环境优美,葛玄来到此地,因而成为了道教名山和福地(paradise)。

Group9 1.宜春推出的月亮文化旅游路线,包含哪十个景点?(请最少列举五个)

月亮广场相遇(Meeting at Moon Square),媒人相系(Tying by matchmaker),抱月亭相恋(Falling in Love in Baoyue Pavilion),拜月坛相誓(Vowing on Baiyue Altar),梦月山庄相拥(Hugging in Mengyue)。

2.请简介宜春的脱胎漆器(bodiless lacquerware)。

为袁州三宝之一,造型美观,非常耐用(durable),生产属于纯手工(manual),工序多达数十道(the complete production needs dozens of procedures)。

Group10 1.列举至少五位在明月山驻足并留下诗篇的名人。 韩愈、范仲淹、黄庭坚、辛弃疾、朱熹。


傩舞(exorcise dance)、剑(sword)文化、民间诗词(folk poetry)等。

Group11 1.宜春有用哪些著名特产?

四特酒、袁州三宝、竹雕(bamboo carving)、冻米糖(frozen rice sugar)等。 2.请简介吴有训。

生于宜春,著名物理学家(physicist)和教育家,研究X光(X-ray),并获得过诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize)。为中国的物理学发展做出了巨大贡献。

Group12 1.在宜春主要有哪些佛教寺庙?

黄檗禅寺(Chan Temple)、百丈禅寺、宝峰禅寺等。



Group13 1.江西的第一位和第二位状元都出自宜春,请问他俩分别是谁? 卢肇和易重(zhóng)。



②祭祀蔡伦(worship Cailun)以及山神(the God of Mountain)。 ③听风(listening to the wind)。

Group14 1.温汤温泉的三个特点是什么?



是武功山的一部分,吸引了大批文人来此地并留下文章,同时也是沩仰宗(Wei Yang Sect)的发源地。

Group15 1.三爪仑景区的三大主要特色是什么?

能够呼吸到新鲜空气,同时也有江西最大的佛教寺庙,除此之外,游客们还能去漂流(rafting activity)。

2.宜春的四大国家森林公园是哪四个? 三爪仑、明月山、天柱峰、阁皂山。



Group1 1.赣州的人口和区域面积有多大? 人口约为840万,4万平方千米。

2.请简要介绍赣州围屋(enclosed houses)的分布情况(distribution)。 主要位于龙南、定南、全南三个地区,其中龙南的围屋最具代表性。

Group2 1.江西的“五朵金花”里,哪四种矿产资源分布于赣州?

铀(uranium)、钨(tungsten)、稀土(rare earth)、钽(tǎn)铌(ní)(tantalum)。



Group3 1.赣州主要的农产品有哪些?(最少五个)

白莲子(white lotus seed)、竹子、甜柚(honey orange)、兔肉(rabbit)、蜜桔(tangerine)。 2.请背诵毛泽东诗词《清平乐·会昌》,并指出其写作背景。

东方欲晓,莫道君行早。 踏遍青山人未老,风景这边独好。会昌城外高峰, 颠连直接东溟。战士指看南粤,更加郁郁葱葱。

写作背景:第五次反围剿(the fifth campaign against“encirclement and suppression”)即将失败,毛泽东站在山头,看到士兵们坚守此地,心中感慨,遂写下该诗篇。

Group4 1.赣州有代表性的客家文化旅游景点有哪些? 白鹿村、赣县客家文化城、围屋。


红井(Red well)、中央政府大礼堂(the grand hall of central government)、中央政治局旧址(the site of the Central Political Bureau)

Group5 1.赣州哪两个县,被称为脐橙(navel orange)之乡和金边瑞香(Daphne odora)之乡? 信丰和大余。

2.请简介“长征(Long March)第一山”云石山。


Group6 1.在江西精品旅游线路中,包括赣州的旅游线路有哪几条? 四条,它们分别是:

①赣中南红色经典旅游线路(Tour of Red Classic Scenic Spots in South-Central Jiangxi) ②赣东南共和国摇篮之旅(Tour of Cradle of the Republic in South-West of Jiangxi) ③赣南客家摇篮和东江源之旅(Tour of Cradle of Hakka and Source of Dong River in south Jiangxi)

④赣南生态休闲之旅(Tour of Leisure and Ecology in South Jiangxi)



Group7 1.以“四古”(4 ancient items)为代表的宋朝城市旅游区中,“四古”代表着什么? 古石窟(grottoes)、古城墙(city wall)、古浮桥(floating bridge)、古窑(kiln)



Group8 1.赣州有代表性的红色旅游资源主要有哪些?

云石山、瑞金苏维埃共和遗址、兴国将军园(Garden of Generals) 2.简介赣南采茶戏(tea-picking opera)


Group9 1.简介擂茶。




Group10 1.请说说赣州的地貌状况。



五指峰(Peak Wuzhi)、翠微峰、三百山、九连山、陡水湖。

Group11 1.请简介陡水湖景区。



国家园林城市、全国卫生(sanitation)城市、优秀旅游城市(excellent tourism city)、国家历史文化城市、有利投资城市。

Group12 1.赣州有代表性的客家名菜有哪些?

酿豆腐(stuffed toufu)、三杯鸡、烩鱼饼(braised fish cake)、鱼丸(fish ball)、赣南小炒鱼(sauteed fish)。

2.瑞金为什么被称为“红色故都”(former red capital)。

毛泽东开创了以瑞金为中心的中央革命根据地(the central revolutionary base),也是苏维埃政府的发源地,因此它是全国革命的中心。

Group13 1.“三杯鸡”(Braised Chicken of Three cups of Sauce)中的三杯指的是什么? 一杯甜米酒、一杯香油(sesame oil)、一杯酱油(soy sause)。

2.请简介第一届苏维埃大会(the First Soviet Congress)的概况。

与1931年召开,在此会中,建立了中国苏维埃共和国临时中央政府,选了毛泽东、朱德、周恩来等人为中央人民委员会(Central People’s committee)委员(member),同时,毛泽东为主席。

Group14 1.请简介小炒鱼这道菜的由来。

王守仁在赣州当官(official)的时候,厨师有一天炒鱼(sauteed a fish)的时候不小心放了醋,王觉得很好吃,便称其未小炒鱼。

2.请简介福寿沟(Fushougou Drainage)。


Group15 1.赣州的“腊味之王”(King of Cured Food)和“南国山珍”(Mountain’s Treasure in South China)分别指什么?

南安板鸭(pressed salted duck)、安远香菇(mushroom)

2.请简介赣州的生态状况(ecological conditions)。

赣州是美丽的生态之家(ecological home),森林覆盖率很高,是国家重点林区(key forest zone)被称为江南水乡(water city),以及园林城市。

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