




[2009-01-05] 查建英《八十年代访谈录》 [2009-01-06] 查建英《八十年代访谈录》(续)[2009-01-07] 北岛《七十年代》(上)[2009-01-08] 北岛《七十年代》(中)[2009-01-09] 北岛《七十年代》(下)

[2009-01-12] 汉密尔顿《卡萨诺瓦是个书痴》 [2009-01-13] 香港国际古书展

[2009-01-14] 吴兴文《我的藏书票世界》 [2009-01-15] 许定铭《爱书人手记》 [2009-01-19] 琼-蒂蒂安《奇想之年》

[2009-01-20] 诺伯-伊利亚斯《临终者的孤寂》 [2009-01-21] 诺伯-伊利亚斯《临终者的孤寂》(续)[2009-01-22] 贝亚特-拉蔻塔《死前活一次》 [2009-01-23] 索甲仁波切《西藏生死书》 [2009-02-02]《我和电影的二三事》 [2009-02-03]《一个人的电影》

[2009-02-04]《中国独立电影:访谈录》 [2009-02-05]《莎乐美的七层纱》 [2009-02-06]《我们时代的叙事》 [2009-02-09]《神话学:生食与熟食》

[2009-02-10] 德尼-贝多莱《列维-斯特劳斯传》 [2009-02-11] 列维-斯特劳斯《忧郁的热带》(上)[2009-02-12] 列维-斯特劳斯《忧郁的热带》(中)[2009-02-13] 列维-斯特劳斯《忧郁的热带》(下)[2009-02-16] 黎坚惠《时装时刻》

[2009-02-17] 伊恩-葛里菲斯《时尚是个好生意》 [2009-02-18] 恩特维斯特尔《时髦的身体》 [2009-02-19] 吉尔-利波维茨基《时尚帝国》

[2009-02-20]《Why Do Architects Wear Black?》 [2009-02-23] 圣严法师《学思历程》 [2009-02-24] 圣严法师《明末佛教研究》 [2009-02-25] 圣严法师《正信的佛教》 [2009-02-26] 圣严法师《禅钥》 [2009-02-27] 圣严法师《禅的智慧》

[2009-03-02] 大卫-克里斯托《英语帝国》 [2009-03-03] 瓦克《拉丁文帝国》 [2009-03-04] 瓦克《拉丁文帝国》(续)

[2009-03-05] 小森阳一《日本近代国语批判》 [2009-03-06] 黄锦树《马华文学》 [2009-03-09] 约翰-伯格《观看之道》 [2009-03-10] 约翰-伯格《观看之道》(续)[2009-03-11] 约翰-伯格《另一种影像叙事》 [2009-03-12] 约翰-伯格《抵抗的群体》 [2009-03-13] 约翰-伯格《我们在此相遇》 [2009-03-16] 黄启后《我心中的历史》 [2009-03-17] 黄启后《我心中的历史》(续)[2009-03-18] 马振犊《国民党特务活动史》 [2009-03-19] 马振犊《国民党特务活动史》(续)

[2009-03-20] 卡尔-波尔尼《印度中国如何改变世界》 [2009-03-23] 凤凰网读书频道:不一样的关怀 [2009-03-24] 梁文道:拉丁文与我们有关吗? [2009-03-25] 凤凰网友推荐《中国知青史》 [2009-03-26]《不用读完一本书》 [2009-03-27]《0n Reading》 [2009-03-30]《官僚制》

[2009-03-31] 马克思主义如何解读官僚制 [2009-04-01] 吕宁思:官僚制的性质与模式 [2009-04-02]《危机:挑战改革》 [2009-04-03]《危机:挑战改革》 [2009-04-06] 王德威《后遗民写作》 [2009-04-07] 骆以军《经验匮乏者》

[2009-04-08] 魔性作家骆以军的集大成之作《西夏旅馆》 [2009-04-09] 骆以军《西夏旅馆》:人该怎样承载记忆 [2009-04-10]《西夏旅馆》:骆以军的狂暴想象 [2009-04-13]《中国怎么想》

[2009-04-14] 美国企业家:经济降温后中国怎么想 [2009-04-15]《中国不高兴》值不值得看 [2009-04-16] 梁文道:《中国不高兴》内容前后矛盾 [2009-04-17]《中国不高兴》:文艺腔军事腔之争 [2009-04-20]《私人阅读史》 [2009-04-21]《靠不住的历史》 [2009-04-22] 薛巍《西风不识字》 [2009-04-23] 影响世界的十二本书 [2009-04-24]《先上讣告后上天堂》 [2009-04-27] 张爱玲《小团圆》 [2009-04-28] 张爱玲《小团圆》(续)[2009-04-29]《小团圆》是张爱玲的自传吗? [2009-04-30] 张爱玲《小团圆》为何要回顾过去 [2009-05-01] 梁文道:胡兰成 聪明而危险的男人 [2009-05-04] 伍尔夫-许奈达《伟大的失败者》 [2009-05-05] 李奥-巴伯塔《少做一点不会死》 [2009-05-06] 茱迪-黎凡《可不可以一年都不买》 [2009-05-07] 尤瑟夫-皮柏《闲暇:文化的基础》 [2009-05-08] 比尔-波特《空谷幽兰》

[2009-05-11]《五四运动:现代中国的思想革命》(上)[2009-05-12]《五四运动:现代中国的思想革命》(中)[2009-05-13]《五四运动:现代中国的思想革命》(下)[2009-05-14] 陈平原《触摸历史与进入五四》 [2009-05-15] 叶曙明《重返五四现场》

[2009-05-18] 李泽厚与《中国现代思想史论》 [2009-05-19] 林毓生《中国意识的危机》 [2009-05-20] 杨念群《五四九十周年祭》 [2009-05-21] 舒衡哲《中国启蒙运动》

[2009-05-22] 罗志田《激辩时代的文化与政治》 [2009-05-25] 雷颐《历史的裂缝》

[2009-05-26] 张鸣《近代史上的鸡零狗碎》(上)[2009-05-27] 张鸣《近代史上的鸡零狗碎》(下)[2009-05-28]《中国好人》

[2009-05-29] 洪维扬《日本战国风云录》 [2009-06-01] 朱立熙《国家暴力与过去清算》 [2009-06-02] 徐贲《人以什么理由来记忆》 [2009-06-03] 徐贲《人以什么理由来记忆》(续)[2009-06-04] 保罗-唐纳顿《社会如何记忆》 [2009-06-05] 马克-欧格《Oblivion》

[2009-06-08] 派福瑞及加瑟《born digital》 [2009-06-09] 劳伦斯-莱斯格《REMIX》

[2009-06-10] 凯尔-桑斯坦《republic.com》 [2009-06-11] 凯尔-桑斯坦《信息乌托邦》 [2009-06-12] 胡泳《众声喧哗》 [2009-06-15]《龙纹身的女孩》 [2009-06-16]《知我者谓我心忧》 [2009-06-17]《毛泽东的心理分析》 [2009-06-18]《大红大黑周佛海》 [2009-06-19]《胡兰成:天地之始》 [2009-06-22]《荔枝谱》

[2009-06-23]《地域文化与国家认同》 [2009-06-24]《左图右史与西学东渐》 [2009-06-25]《我与父辈》 [2009-06-26]《我与父辈》(续)[2009-06-29] 米兰-昆德拉《玩笑》 [2009-06-30] 米兰-昆德拉《好笑的爱》 [2009-07-01] 米兰-昆德拉《告别圆舞曲》 [2009-07-02] 米兰-昆德拉《笑忘录》

[2009-07-03] 米兰-昆德拉《不能承受的生命之轻》 [2009-07-06] 舒特《寻求哲人石》 [2009-07-07] 舒特《寻求哲人石》(下)

[2009-07-08] 麦迪逊-贝尔《革命狂潮与化学家》 [2009-07-09] 保罗-史查森《门得列夫之梦》 [2009-07-10] 普利摩-李维《周期表》 [2009-07-13] 高罗佩《中国古代房内考》 [2009-07-14] 再谈《中国古代房内考》 [2009-07-15] 孤独的性:手淫文化史

[2009-07-16] 再谈《孤独的性:手淫文化史》 [2009-07-17] 萨德《卧房里的哲学》

[2009-07-20] 杰瑞-霍普金斯《亚洲勃起》 [2009-07-21] 詹姆斯-华生《饮食全球化》 [2009-07-22] 尤亨-史密特《碧娜-鲍许》 [2009-07-23] 贾樟柯《贾想》

[2009-07-24] 李昱宏《冷静的暗房》

[2009-07-27] 杨天石《寻找真实的蒋介石》 [2009-07-28] 杨天石《寻找真实的蒋介石》(续)[2009-07-29] 邓云乡《清代八股文》

[2009-07-30] 陈国球《文学史书写形态与文化政治》 [2009-07-31] 李智良《房间》 [2009-08-03] 钱文忠《季门立雪》 [2009-08-04] 季羡林《季羡林谈师友》 [2009-08-05] 季羡林《季羡林文集第七卷》 [2009-08-06] 季羡林《季羡林文集第十一卷》 [2009-08-07] 季羡林《季羡林文集第九卷》 [2009-08-10] 村上春树《关于跑步》 [2009-08-11]《地狱里的温柔》 [2009-08-12]《一句顶一万句》 [2009-08-13]《伍尔夫读书随笔》 [2009-08-14]《查理曼大帝的桌布》 [2009-08-17]《“立面”的误会》 [2009-08-18] 张大春《认得几个字》 [2009-08-19]《黄珂》

[2009-08-20] 杨黎光《中山路》

[2009-08-21]《与希罗多德一起旅行》 [2009-08-24]《正义的历史映像》 [2009-08-25] 萧翰《法槌十七声》 [2009-08-26]《走钢索的律师》 [2009-08-27] 萨伯《洞穴奇案》(上)[2009-08-28] 萨伯《洞穴奇案》(下)

[2009-08-31] 瞿同祖《中国法律与中国社会》(上)[2009-09-01] 瞿同祖《中国法律与中国社会》(下)[2009-09-02] 苏力《法律与文学》

[2009-09-03]《情感 循吏与明清时期司法实践》 [2009-09-04] 卢建荣《铁面急先锋》 [2009-09-07] 张炜:《芳心似火》 [2009-09-08] 毛尖:《乱来》 [2009-09-09]《吴鲁芹散文选》 [2009-09-10] 北岛:《青灯》 [2009-09-11] 北岛:《午夜之门》 [2009-09-14]《上帝没什么了不起》 [2009-09-15] 丹尼尔.德内特:《打破魔咒》 [2009-09-16]《GOD IS BACK》

[2009-09-17]《REINVENTING THE SACRED》 [2009-09-18]《THE LITTLE BOOK OF ATHEIST》 [2009-09-23]《蒋中正迁台记》

[2009-09-24]《1949浪淘尽英雄人物》 [2009-09-25] 张大春《认得几个字》 [2009-09-28]《毛泽东的心理分析》

[2009-09-29] 杨天石《寻找真实的蒋介石》 [2009-09-30]《寻找真实的蒋介石》之二 [2009-10-01] 林毓生:《中国意识的危机》 [2009-10-02] 马克-莱昂纳德:《中国怎么想》 [2009-10-05] 雅诺什-科尔奈:《思想的力量》 [2009-10-06]《中国留学之父容闳》 [2009-10-08]《胡志明生平考》 [2009-10-09]《南北韩,统一必亡》 [2009-10-12]《东方帝国》 [2009-10-13]《中国皇帝》

[2009-10-14]《秦俑真相:一个跨世纪的考古奇案》 [2009-10-15]《周恩来的政治生涯》 [2009-10-16]《死亡祭仪》

[2009-10-19] 丹-布朗《THE LOST SYMBOL》 [2009-10-20] 凯萨琳《8的秘密》

[2009-10-21] 安伯托-艾可《玫瑰的名字》 [2009-10-22] 安伯托-艾可《玫瑰的名字》(续)[2009-10-23]《谋杀理性批判》 [2009-10-26]《黑天鹅效应》 [2009-10-27]《动物精神》 [2009-10-28]《谁说人是理性的》(上)[2009-10-29]《谁说人是理性的》(下)[2009-10-30]《乱好》

[2009-11-04] 杨显惠《夹边沟记事》

[2009-11-05] 杨显惠《定Xi孤儿院纪事》 [2009-11-06] 杨显惠《定Xi孤儿院纪事》 [2009-11-09] 唐德刚《晚清七十年》 [2009-11-10] 唐德刚《胡适口述自传》 [2009-11-11] 唐德刚《胡适口述自传》(续)[2009-11-12] 唐德刚《李宗仁回忆录》 [2009-11-13] 唐德刚《袁氏当国》

[2009-11-16] 麦尔坎-葛拉威尔《异数》 [2009-11-17] 小白《好色的哈姆雷特》 [2009-11-18] 舒国治《理想的下午》 [2009-11-19] 许知远《镀金中国》 [2009-11-20] 陈冠中《盛世:中国,2013年》 [2009-11-23]《达尔文的秘密花园》 [2009-11-24]《完美先生达尔文》 [2009-11-25]《完美先生达尔文》(续)[2009-11-26]《达尔文,他的女儿与演化论》 [2009-11-27]《达尔文,他的女儿与演化论》(续)[2009-11-30]《蚁族:大学毕业生聚居村落实录》 [2009-12-01] 北岛《另一种声音》 [2009-12-02] 蒋勋《汉字书法之美》

[2009-12-03] 卡尼格尔《知无涯者:拉马努金传》 [2009-12-04]《知无涯者:拉马努金传》(续)[2009-12-07]《王阳明的五百年》 [2009-12-08]《历史名人的心理分析》 [2009-12-09]《参与的逻辑》 [2009-12-10]《欧风欧雨》 [2009-12-11]《病了的字母》

[2009-12-14] 布莱恩-费根《历史上的大暖化》 [2009-12-15] 隆伯格《暖化?别闹了!》

[2009-12-16] 弗里德黑姆-施瓦茨《气候经济学》 [2009-12-17] 安东尼-吉登斯《气候变化的政治》 [2009-12-18]《全球暖化生存指南》 [2009-12-21] 浦嘉珉《中国与达尔文》 [2009-12-22] 浦嘉珉《中国与达尔文》(续)

[2009-12-23] 辛格《达尔文左派:政治、演化与互助》 [2009-12-24] 辛格《达尔文左派:政治、演化与互助》(续)[2009-12-25]《dissent over descent》 [2009-12-28]《开卷有疑》










[2010-01-11]《White Tigger》

[2010-01-12]《White Tiger》(续)




[2010-01-18] 冉云飞《吴虞和他生活的民国时代》

[2010-01-19] 刘小枫《睇视之光》

[2010-01-21] 蔡子强《新君王论》

[2010-01-22] 蔡子强《新君王论》(续)



[2010-01-27]《Economic For Humans》

[2010-01-28]《Economic For Humans》(续)


[2010-02-01] 周有光《朝闻道集》





[2010-02-08] 张胜《从战争中走来:两代军人的对话》

(一)[2010-02-09] 张胜《从战争中走来:两代军人的对话》

(二)[2010-02-10] 张胜《从战争中走来:两代军人的对话》

(三)[2010-02-11] 张胜《从战争中走来:两代军人的对话》

(四)[2010-02-12] 余戈《1944:松山战役笔记》





[2010-02-22] 塞林格《麦田捕手》

[2010-02-23] 塞林格《麦田捕手》(续)

[2010-02-24] 朱天心《初夏荷花时期的爱情》

[2010-02-25] 朱天心《初夏荷花时期的爱情》(续)

[2010-02-26] 黎紫书《简写》







[2010-03-09] 书籍“腰封”的前世今生





[2010-03-17] 卡佛《大教堂》

[2010-03-18] 雷蒙德-卡佛《Collected Stories》《新手》收入美国文库

[2010-03-19] 卡佛《卡佛短篇小说自选集》

[2010-03-22] 小思《一生承教》

[2010-03-23] 止庵《沽酌集》

[2010-03-24] 周绍明《书籍的社会史》

[2010-03-25] 周绍明《书籍的社会史》续

[2010-03-26] 亚伦-班奈《非普通读者》



[2010-03-31] 钟叔河《笼中鸟集》

[2010-04-02] 廖信忠《我们台湾这些年》

[2010-04-05] 麦家《风声》

[2010-04-06] 马克罗兰兹《哲学家与狼》

[2010-04-07] 马克罗兰兹《哲学家与狼》(续)

[2010-04-08] 苏童《河岸》

[2010-04-09] 苏童《河岸》(续)

[2010-04-12] 汤姆霍兰《波斯战火》

[2010-04-13] 九思《三平斋夜语》

[2010-04-14] 何蜀《文强传》

[2010-04-15] 何蜀《文强传》(续)

[2010-04-16] 马洛夫《阿拉伯人眼中的十字军东征》

[2010-04-19]《Don’t Think Of An Elepant!》

[2010-04-20] Salmon《Storytelling》

[2010-04-21] Salmo《Storytelling》(续)

[2010-04-22] 黄昱宁《一个人的城堡》

[2010-04-23] 张展鸿《公路上的厨师》

[2010-04-26] 卡普钦斯基《帝国》

[2010-04-27] 卡普钦斯基《帝国》(续)

[2010-04-28] Handley《国王从不微笑》

[2010-04-29] Handley《国王从不微笑》(续)

[2010-04-30] 龚浩群《信徒与公民》

[2010-05-03] 伯恩斯坦《黄金的魔力》

[2010-05-04] 伯恩斯坦《黄金的魔力》(续)

[2010-05-05] 章诒和贺卫方《四手联弹》

[2010-05-06] 张翠容《拉丁美洲真相之路》

[2010-05-07] 张翠容《拉丁美洲真相之路》(续)

[2010-05-10] 宁应斌《性无须道德:性伦理与性批判》

[2010-05-11] 罗永生《合谋的殖民力量》

[2010-05-12] 阿根廷女作家Ana Maria Shua

[2010-05-13] 费内翁《三句话小说》

[2010-05-14] 托马斯-伯恩哈德《历代大师》





[2010-05-21] 探秘古罗马时代的交通规则

[2010-05-24] 林西莉《古琴的故事》

[2010-05-25] 成公亮《秋籁居琴话》

[2010-05-26] 成公亮《秋籁居琴话》(续)

[2010-05-27] 严晓星《近世古琴逸话》

[2010-05-28] 江文也《孔子的乐论》

[2010-05-31] 鲁宾《听见100%的村上春树》

[2010-06-01] 岑朗天《后虚无年代》

[2010-06-02] 小森阳一《村上春树论》








[2010-06-14] 孙中兴《理论旅人之涂尔干自杀论之雾里学》


[2010-06-16] 吴飞《自杀作为中国问题》

[2010-06-17] 吴飞《浮生取义》

(一)[2010-06-18] 吴飞《浮生取义》




[2010-06-24] 库珀《足球经济学》

[2010-06-25] World Cup and Economics 2010》

[2010-06-28] 季承《我和父亲季羡林》

[2010-06-29] 季承《我和父亲季羡林》(下)

[2010-06-30] 六六《蜗居》(上)揭露社会的根本矛盾

[2010-07-01] 六六《蜗居》(下)黑色幽默反应社会鸿沟

[2010-07-02] 傅慰孤《高维战略》

[2010-07-05] 傅慰孤《高维战略》(续)










[2010-07-19] 高立《跟着足球学通识》

[2010-07-20] 高立《跟着足球学通识》续

[2010-07-21] 恺蒂《南非之南》

[2010-07-22] Michael《WHY WE COOPERATE》《我们为什么要合作》

[2010-07-23] Nicholas《The Shallows》网络损伤了我们的记忆力

[2010-07-27] 黄贤强《跨域史学》

[2010-07-28] 蓝博洲《老红帽》

[2010-07-29] 蓝博洲《老红帽》续

[2010-07-30] 伐札梅谛《不生气的生活》

[2010-08-02] 彭志铭《广东俗语正字考》


[2010-08-04] 潘慧娴《地产霸权》

[2010-08-05] 潘慧娴《地产霸权》续

[2010-08-06] 陈丽娟诗集《有猫在歌唱》

[2010-08-09] 金一南《苦难辉煌》

(一)[2010-08-10] 金一南《苦难辉煌》

(二)[2010-08-11] 金一南《苦难辉煌》

(三)[2010-08-12] 李克威《中国虎》


[2010-08-16] 朱天文《荒人手记》

[2010-08-17] 朱天文《荒人手记》(续)

[2010-08-18] 朱文天《巫言》

[2010-08-19] 韩寒《飘移中国》

[2010-08-20] 韩寒《飘移中国》(续)



[2010-08-25]《In Search of Memory》

[2010-08-26] 再谈《不能承受的生命之轻》


[2010-08-30] 蓝佩嘉《跨国灰姑娘》

[2010-08-31] 蓝佩嘉《跨国灰姑娘》(续)

[2010-09-01] 陈流求、陈小彭、陈美延《也同欢乐也同愁》

[2010-09-02] 张大春《四喜忧国》

[2010-09-03] 张铁志《摇滚乐可能改变世界吗?》

[2010-09-06] 奇普希思《粘住》

[2010-09-07] 菲利普津巴多《路西法效应》

[2010-09-08] 菲利普津巴多《路西法效应》(续)

[2010-09-09] 菲利普津巴多《路西法效应》(续二)

[2010-09-10] 菲利普津巴多《路西法效应》(续三)

[2010-09-13] 凯博文《道德的重量》(上)

[2010-09-14] 凯博文《道德的重量》(下)

[2010-09-15] 南方朔《有光的所在》

[2010-09-16] 李娟《阿勒泰的角落》

[2010-09-17] 黄夏柏《看杂志》

[2010-09-20] 泰勒-科文《达蜜经济学》

[2010-09-21] 陈婉莹、钱钢《中国Meng博》

[2010-09-22] 陈婉莹、钱钢《中国Meng博》续

[2010-09-23] 王小峰《答案从未在风中飘过》

[2010-09-24] 张发财《一个都不正经》

[2010-09-27] 赵广超、吴靖雯《十二美人》

[2010-09-28] 冯明珠《知道了》

[2010-09-29] 连阔如《江湖丛谈》(上)

[2010-09-30] 连阔如《江湖丛谈》(下)

[2010-10-01] 赵园《想像与叙述》

[2010-10-04] 李长声《枕日闲谈》

[2010-10-05] 比目鱼《虚拟书评》




[2010-10-11] 俞天任《浩瀚大洋是赌场》

[2010-10-12] 俞天任《浩瀚大洋是赌场》(续)


(三)[2010-10-14] 斯科特《国家的视角》

[2010-10-15] 斯科特《国家的视角》(续)

[2010-10-18] 昂山素季《Freedom from Fear》

[2010-10-19] 渥雷-索因卡《恐惧的气氛》

[2010-10-20] 哈维尔《狱中书:致妻子奥尔嘉》

[2010-10-21] 哈维尔《狱中书:致妻子奥尔嘉》(续)

[2010-10-22] 史丹格《曼德拉的礼物》

[2010-10-25] 施奈德《疯狂实验史》

[2010-10-26] 施奈德《疯狂实验史》(续)

[2010-10-27] 乔治-约翰逊《十项最美的实验》

[2010-10-28] 克里斯《如何帮地球量体重》

[2010-10-29] 克里斯《如何帮地球量体重》(续)



[2010-11-03] 波义耳与霍布斯的争论



[2010-11-08] 吉见俊哉《博览会的政治学》

[2010-11-09] 艾伦-狄波顿《机场里的小旅行》

[2010-11-10] 艾伦-狄波顿《机场里的小旅行》(续)

[2010-11-11] 维克多-谢阁兰《碑》

[2010-11-12] 维克多谢阁兰《出征:真国之旅》

[2010-11-15] 略萨《城市与狗》

[2010-11-16] 略萨《城市与狗》(续)

[2010-11-17] 略萨《中国套盒》

[2010-11-18] 略萨《中国套盒》(续)

[2010-11-19] 略萨《天堂在另一个街角》

[2010-11-22] 萧富元《贫穷创新》

[2010-11-23] 米兰-坎达《印度星球》

[2010-11-24] 马克-涂立《印度慢吞吞》

[2010-11-25] 亚拉文-雅迪嘉《白老虎》

[2010-11-26] 亚拉文-雅迪嘉《白老虎》(续)


[2010-11-30] 现代印度的奇怪崛起



[2010-12-06] 张震《张震回忆录》

[2010-12-07] 张震《张震回忆录》(续)

[2010-12-08] 张发奎《蒋介石与我》

[2010-12-09] 张发奎《蒋介石与我》(续)

[2010-12-10] 张鹏《战斗日》

[2010-12-13] 陆文夫《美食家》

[2010-12-14] 真空法师《真爱的功课》

[2010-12-15] 约翰-弥尔《我的知识之路》

[2010-12-16]《The Honor Code》(上)

[2010-12-17]《The Honor Code》(下)

[2010-12-20] 李文烈《我们扭曲的英雄》

[2010-12-21] 李文烈《我们扭曲的英雄》(续)



[2010-12-24] Demick《Nothing To Envy》(上)

[2010-12-27]《Nothing to Envy》(中)

[2010-12-28]《Nothing to Envy》(下)

[2010-12-29] 白永瑞《思想东亚》(上)

[2010-12-30] 白永瑞《思想东亚》(下)

[2010-12-31] 黄皙映《客地》


听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 1.A.present B.parent C.pleasant

() 2.A.6:10 B.6:20 C.6:30

() 3.A.hand out B.hang out C.hand up

() 4.A.Yesterday was Sunday.B.Today is Monday.C.Today is Sunday.

() 5.A.The museum is free for people to visit.

B.There are many people in the museum every day.

C.A lot of visitors go to the museum on vacations.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 6.A.Thank you.B.You are kidding.C.No, not at all.

() 7.A.Yes, I did.B.Not yet.C.No, I didn’t.

() 8.A.I want to buy one.B.I like it very much.C.I don’t think so.

() 9.A.Yes, please.B.Here it is.Thank you.C.You’re welcome.

() 10.A.I really like them.B.I hate eating them.C.I’ve just eaten them up.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 11.Which subject does Helen learn best?


() 12.Who ran fastest at the sports meeting?


() 13.What does the man want the woman to do?

A.He wants the woman to see a fi lm with him.

B.He wants the woman to go to a concert with him.

C.He wants the woman to visit a museum with him.

() 14.What do Cathy’s parents want her to be when she grows up?

() 15.What does Leo do on weekends?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

() 16.Where does John eat breakfast?

A.In his factory.B.At home.C.At the bus station.

() 17.How does he get to his factory at last?

A.By bus.B.By boat.C.On foot.

() 18.How old was Ann’s mother?

A.About 70.B.About 27.C.About 37.

() 19.Why did Ann buy her mother the electric machine for her birthday?

A.Because her mother was old.

B.Because her mother liked drinking tea.

C.Because her mother couldn’t make tea herself.

() 20.When did Jet Li begin to learn martial arts?

A.At the age of 8.B.At the age of 11.C.At the age of 17.

() 21.How many movies are mentioned in the passage?


() 22.When did Anna win the Oscar for the fi lm Fear?

A.Last year.B.This year.C.The year before last.

() 23.Was Anna surprised when she won an Oscar?

A.A little bit.B.No, she wasn’t.C.Yes, she was.

() 24.Who helped Anna to solve her problem?

A.The director.B.Her teachers.C.Her parents.

() 25.What’s Anna’s advice for young actors?

A.They should not learn from others.

B.They should be themselves all the time.

C.They must believe in their own talents.


V.单项选择 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)


() 26.Jenny often goes to______school without______breakfast.

A.a, a B.the, the C.the, /D./, /

() 27.Miss Smith is a friend of______.

A.Mary’s mother’s B.Mary’s mother

C.Mother’s of Mary D.Mary mother’s

() 28.—What did you get?

—I got a______bill.

A.fi ve-dollarsB.fi ve-dollarC.fi ve dollarsD.fi fth dollars

() 29.—Do you know______of them?

—No, I know Mr.Johnson and Mrs.Johnson.


() 30.Jack has studied in this school______the year of 2006.


() 31.Tom does his homework______Jenny.

A.as carefully as B.so carefully as

C.as careful as D.so careful as

() 32.Danny has______collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

A.largerB.a largerC.the largerD.a large

() 33.—Have you heard that Tom, along with his parents, ______to Japan?

—Really?No wonder I haven’t seen him these days.

A.has beenB.has goneC.have beenD.have gone

() 34.Danny fell asleep______he was watching TV.

A.afterB.beforeC.whileD.as soon as

() 35.______boring soap opera!I’ll never see it again.

A.HowB.WhatC.How aD.What a

() 36.Johnson hardly had time for movies, ______?

A.was heB.wasn’t heC.did heD.didn’t he

() 37.Mr.Liu’s voice______sweet.We all like his songs.


() 38.Ads sometimes help people learn more about new products, but at other times they______

tell lies.


() 39.Mary likes singing.She is often heard______in her room.

A.to singB.singC.sangD.sung

() 40.Most people______when the big fi re broke out.

A.is sleepingB.was sleepingC.are sleepingD.were sleeping

() 41.We’ll have a picnic in the park if it______rain tomorrow.


() 42.A new library______in our town last year.

A.was builtB.is buildingC.was buildingD.is built

() 43.Don’t______too late, or you will feel tired in class.

A.come upB.stay upC.wake upD.get up () 44.The factory______we’ll visit next week is not far from here.


() 45.Could you tell me______?

A.what size room is it C.what the size of the room is

C.how the room big is D.how big the size room is

VI.完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

People often complain they have no time to do the things they want to do.They feel they are very 46______from day to night.In fact they have wasted much time.

Many old men said that their bodies were weaker 47______weaker.They didn’t have any time to take exercise.But they could play mahjong (麻将) all day.If they have a 48______, run slowly or do some other sports every day, they will have 49______bodies and have a long life They don’t know that saving is getting.

Adults usually complain they have 50______time to do the things they really like.But mos of them like having dinner in a restaurant with friends 51______work.When they get home, it is very late.They are 52______in the evening, but they don’t have energy the next morning.They don’t understand that time fl ies.

Young men believe that they should increase 53______.But they have no time to read or write.They enjoy 54______TV after they come back from work.They 55______much time on the boring soap operas every evening.They know about the stars very well, but their science knowledge is very poor.They don’t know how to“make hay while the sun shines”.

() 46.A.free B.busy C.sleepy D.lazy

() 47.A.and B.but C.or D.to

() 48.A.shower B.look C.walk D.dinner

() 49.A.unhealthy B.weak C.thin D.strong

() 50.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few

() 51.A.during B.between C.after D.before

() 52.A.exciting B.excited C.interesting D.interested

() 53.A.health B.knowledge C.habits D.manners

() 54.A.looking B.seeing C.reading D.watching

() 55.A.spend B.cost C.pay D.take

VII.阅读理解 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)

阅读A、B、C三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


People in the United States like fast food very much.They always buy it from fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, the KFC and so on.

Hamburgers are not the only food that fast food restaurants serve.They also serve fish chicken and sandwiches.Also some of them serve coffee and other drinks.

Fast food restaurants are very popular in the United States.Service in fast food restaurants is fast, and it is not too expensive.In America, about half women still work outside home after they get married.They are too busy to do the cooking for the family.The fast food restaurants help them to solve this problem.

Now McDonald’s has come to China.Did you go to those restaurants?Do you like the food?But when we enjoy it, we should remember it is bad for our health if we eat too much.

() 56.From the passage we know that fast food restaurants in the United States______.

A.are not popular B.don’t serve drinks

C.are very popular D.are not easily found

() 57.Fast food restaurants serve______.

A.fast food and some drinksB.eggs and drinks

C.only fast foodD.fruit and vegetables

() 58.In the United States, ______work outside home after they get married.

A.all the women B.about half of the women

C.no women D.few women

() 59.Many women in the USA are too busy to cook for their family, so______help them tosolve the problem.

A.their parentsB.their husbands

C.their childrenD.the fast food restaurants

() 60.The passage mainly tells us about______.

A.McDonald’sB.the KFC

C.American womenD.fast food restaurants


Dolphins are not fi sh.They are mammals (哺乳动物) .They live in groups and speak to each other in their own language.But they are quite different from almost all land animals.Their brain is as big as men’s, and they live a long life—at least 20 or 30 years.

Like some animals, dolphins use sounds to help them fi nd their way around.They also use these sounds to talk to each other and help them fi nd food.They do not use their ears to receive sounds, but use the jaw—the lower part of the mouth.

It is strange that dolphins are friendly to men, and for thousands of years, there are many stories about dolphins and men.In the 19th century, in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand, there was a dolphin.The seamen liked him very much and gave him a very good name Jack.From 1871 to 1903, Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way.In 1903 a passenger on a boat with the name of The Penguin shot and hurt Jack.Luckily the dolphin didn’die, and after a long time he got well again.He guided the ships through the area for nine more years.But he refused to help the boat The Penguin.

Today, some people still kill dolphins, but many countries in the world now protect them.In these places, people are not allowed to kill them.

() 61.The underlined word“jaw”means“______”in Chinese.


() 62.How do dolphins fi nd their way?

A.They use their noses to smell the way.B.They use their ears to hear the way.

C.They use their eyes to see the way.D.They use sounds to fi nd their way.

() 63.Who was Jack in the passage?

A.The writer.B.A dolphin.C.A seaman.D.A boat.

() 64.The dolphin guided the ships for about______.

A.32 yearsB.9 yearsC.41 yearsD.23 years

() 65.According to the passage which of the following is NOT true?

A.Dolphins are not fi sh.

B.Dolphins live alone.

C.Dolphins are kind and friendly to people.

D.Dolphins can live a long life.


() 66.If an Australian student wants to learn Chinese, he or she can______.

A.call 021-58609228B.fax 02l-58609728

C.e-mail cherrylf@hotmail.comD.telephone 010-69191617

() 67.How many square meters (平方米) is the garden of the house for sale?

A.509 sqm.B.428.8 sqm.C.312.9 sqm.D.80.2 sqm.

() 68.Where is Cherry working now?


() 69.If Nick goes skiing on______in Beijing Snow World Ski Park, he has to pay more money

than on Tuesday.

A.Sunday B.Friday C.Wednesday D.Monday

() 70.If you want to ski for four hours on weekdays, how much money will you pay at least?

A.138 yuan.B.200 yuan.C.208 yuan.D.280 yuan.

卷II (非选择题共35分)

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

IX.任务型阅读 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)

阅读短文, 并按要求完成下列试题。

Chinese basketball player Wang Zhizhi returned home from the United States on the morning of April 10th after he had been expelled (除名) from the National Team for four years.

“It has been a long time.I am so glad to be coming back home, ”Wang told a CCTV reporter.

Wang, the fi rst Chinese to play in the NBA (National Basketball Association) when he joined the Dallas in 2001, was welcomed by the Chinese basketball offi cials at the Beijing Internationa Airport that morning.

“I realized I had made a big mistake (for refusing to return when he was needed) .I want to say sorry to my fans and to the Bayi Team which trained me and gave me the chance to play in this time and win back my place in the National Team, ”Wang went on.

“Wang Zhizhi won’t play in the fi nal competition of the CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) because he didn’t register (注册) , ”said Zhang Bing, who works with the Bayi Team.

根据短文内容回答第76、77、78题, 并把信息填入第79、80题的横线上。

76.How many years hasn’t Wang Zhizhi been a member of the National Team?_______________________________________________________________________________

77.Why did Wang Zhizhi say sorry to his fans and Bayi Team?_______________________________________________________________________________

78.Which team did Wang Zhizhi play on after 2001?_______________________________________________________________________________

79.Wang Zhizhi couldn’t play in the fi nal competition of the CBA because he didn’t____________________.

80.Wang Zhizhi was____________________by the Chinese basketball offi cials at the airport.

X.词语运用 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示, 写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。

81.The new school year begins in__________________ (九月) .

82.We should plant more trees__________________ (保护) our environment.

83.Paris is one of the__________________ (最有活力的) cities in Europe.

84.Dick’s hobby is__________________ (拍照) .

85.I__________________ (吵醒) by a loud noise last night.

XI.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分10分, 共计15分)

A) 连词成句 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)

86.you, your, school, work, busy, are, with______________________________________________________________________________?

87.you, movie, how, do, go, often, to, a______________________________________________________________________________?

88.he, good, comes, always, ideas, up, with______________________________________________________________________________.

89.yesterday, bike, he, his, me, new, lent, afternoon______________________________________________________________________________.

90.I, you, me, paper, have, gave, run, out, of, the______________________________________________________________________________.

B) 书面表达 (计10分)

请以If I Became a Famous Basketball Player为题, 写一篇英语短文。

提示:1.很多人会知道我的名字并喜欢我, 我会拥有很多“粉丝”。

2.我会很富有, 将会捐钱给慈善机构去帮助更多的人。

3.我也会有烦恼, 没有时间做自己喜欢做的事。

要求:1.必须包含以上内容, 可适当发挥。



2009年中考英语模拟试题 (八)

Section I

I.1.Dancing with so many friends is pleasant.2.He said he got up at six twenty yesterday morning.

3.Did the monitor hand out the exercise books to his classmates?4.The day after tomorrow will be Tuesday.

5.There are too many visitors in the museum during the holidays.

II.6.You really did a good job.7.Have you fi nished reading that interesting book?

8.How do you like the book Harry Potter?9.Anything else?No?OK, 68 yuan in all.

10.What have you done with the bananas?

III.11.M:How about your mid-term exams, Helen?W:I got an A for math, a C for physics and a D for biology.

Q:Which subject does Helen learn best?

12.M:Hi, Mei.Did Gary run fastest at the sports meeting?W:No, he got the second place.Dan won at last.

Q:Who ran fastest at the sports meeting?

13.M:Will you be free this afternoon?W:Sorry, I’m afraid not.What’s the matter?

M:I’ve got two tickets for Hai Mingwei’s concert.Q:What does the man want the woman to do?

14.M:What do you hope to be when you grow up, Cathy?

W:I hope to be a teacher but my parents would like me to be a doctor.M:What about your sister Kate?

W:She likes singing and hopes to be a singer.Q:What do Cathy’s parents want her to be when she grows up?

15.M:What do you do on weekends, Lucy?

W:I often do some reading at home, and sometimes I help do the washing.What about you, Leo?

M:I usually play basketball.You know, I’m playing for the school team.Q:What does Leo do on weekends?

IV.Passage I

John works in a factory in a new town.But he lives far from his factory.Every day he gets up very early.He eats breakfast at home.Then he goes to a bus station by bike.There he takes a bus to get to the River Stop from the bus station.There is no bridge over the river.He takes a boat to get across the river.He gets off the boat and then walks to his factory.He does the same thing every weekday.

Questions:16.Where does John eat breakfast?17.How does he get to his factory at last?

Passage II

Ann’s mother was about seventy, so Ann wanted to give the old lady a nice present for her birthday.She liked drinking tea, so Ann bought a small electric machine that could make tea.She brought it to her mother on her birthday and showed her how to use it.“Before you go to bed, put tea and water in it, ”she said, “and don’t forget to turn on the machine.When you wake up in the morning, your tea will be ready.”The old lady was very happy.

Questions:18.How old was Ann’s mother?19.Why did Ann buy her mother the electric machine for her birthday?

Passage III

Jet Li is a famous Chinese martial arts star.He was born on April 26, 1963.He began to learn martial arts at the age of 8.At the age of 11, he won his fi rst national championship.For the next fi ve years, he remained the All-Around National Wushu Champion of China.When he was 17, he retired from the sport and began his fi lm career.He acted in the fi lm Shaolin Temple which made him a well-known martial arts star.Later, he acted in many other excellent fi lms such as Hero and The Warlords.

Questions:20.When did Jet Li begin to learn martial arts?21.How many movies are mentioned in the passage?


M:Anna, you won an Oscar last year for the fi lm Fear.How did you feel about that?

W:It was very exciting, but I don’t think the Oscar is only for me.It should go to everyone who worked on the fi lm.

M:Scary fi lms don’t usually win Oscars.Were you surprised?W:No, not really.I think it’s a very good fi lm.

M:I agree.And how did you become an actress?

W:Well, I loved acting at school, but I had trouble reading, so I couldn’t read very well.Everyone thought I was silly.

M:That was terrible.How did you solve it?

W:My parents helped me a lot.Then I went to a theater school, but I waited a long time before I got a good part.

M:How did you get the part in Fear?

W:The director saw me in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and he liked my scary character!

M:Have you got any advice for young actors?

W:Well, they should learn from other actors, but they must believe in their own talents.M:Anna, thank you.

Questions:22.When did Anna win the Oscar for the fi lm Fear?23.Was Anna surprised when she won an Oscar?

24.Who helped Anna to solve her problem?25.What’s Anna’s advice for young actors?

Section II

VIII.Before 1750, the idea of skating hadn’t appeared.That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin.

Merlin was a man full of ideas and dreams.One day Merlin got an invitation to a party.He was excited.As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a special entrance at the party.He thought he could skate into the room.Merlin tried different ways.Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe.These were the fi rst roller skates.

On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin.Everyone was surprised to see him.But Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates.He rolled on and on.Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror.Then the mirror broke into pieces.No one ever forgot Merlin’s special entrance!

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (八)


I.1~5 CBACC II.6~10 ABBBC III.11~15 ABBCA IV.16~20 BCABA 20~25 BABCC

V.26~30 DABAB 31~35 ABBCD 36~40 CDBAD 41~45 BABCC VI.46~50 BACDB 51~55 CBBDA

VII.56~60 CABDD 61~65 ADBCB 66~70 CCBAA


VIII.71.1750 72.ideas and dreams 73.invitation 74.violin 75.stop

IX.76.For 4 years.77.Because he refused to return when he was needed.78.The Dallas.79.register 80.welcomed

X.81.September 82.to protect 83.liveliest 84.taking photos 85.was woken up

XI.A) 86.Are you busy with your school work?87.How often do you go to a movie?

88.He always comes up with good ideas.89.He lent me his new bike yesterday afternoon.

90.I have run out of the paper you gave me.

B) One possible version:

If I Became a Famous Basketball Player










L:今天录的这个节目《消费社会》(《Consumer Society》)是有史以来最深的了。这个节目拍了三个月,以往的深不到哪儿去。有的书它是经典,但是不深。像我讲过希罗多德的《历史》,还有《孙子》,《论语》,都是这样。可能一看经典就觉得很深。其买不必。节目很多是一些很浅的书,比如《追逐日光》(《Chasing Daylight》)。
















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《Purity and Danger》——英国女爵士的“肮脏观” 【系列四】万象

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