



name: gender: male

age: native place:

english: working experience: above 3 years

the telephone number: email:

career objective

target functions: java engineer

target cities: shenzhen

self evaluation

1, clear thinking, independent analysis and problem solving ability.

2, the work is earnest, responsible, willing to communication, willing to mutual aid, willing to learn, bold innovation, willing to share, personality, cheerful.

3, have good learning, communication and team cooperation ability.

4, the software has a good understanding

skill expertise

1. skilled myeclipse platform, skilled in weblogic or tomcat service programming,

2. for struct, hibernate, spring technology framework application proficient,

3. familiar with javascript, xml, ext, dwr, jquery, jxl, commons - fileupload, freemarker technology,

4. database main use oracle

5. to a c + + and.net languages also familiar with

6. have the standard developing document writing ability

work experience

project name: china telecom online business hall (hainan, sichuan)

cycle: since november XX

software development to ___11__our environment: oracle + windows xp + jdk1.4.0 + eclipse + svn

development tools: eclipse + oracle

the use of the technical: struts + spring + hibernate (ssh) frame + log4j + ajax + jsp

project description:

1, the system business information browsing, business consulting, business acceptance with online capture to expend, online shopping experience and convenient.

2, system foreground for customers to provide comprehensive telecom customer service function, background management system for province branch company and family and individual client channel management personnel, online business hall operation center to provide complete business data statistical analysis function.

3, the system use oracle database is, the more popular struts + hibernate + spring structure.

4, for the convenience of management, the system of spring struts and configuration files using multiple module integrated manner, mainly according to the function module distribution.

education experience

XX/9-XX/6 shanghai maritime university


Current Industry Computer Software Senior Software Engineer

Target Industry Telecommunication (Equipment• Operation• Value-Added Service), Internet• e-Commerce, Computer Software, Computer Hardware• Network Equipment, IT service• system integration

Internet Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, R&D Engineer, System Analyst, Software Engineer

Working Experience:

/04-Present Longtop Development DBA

Company Profile: Longtop Group, established in ,

is one of the leading China-based integrated IT service providers in the world.

Longtop provides globally sourced strategic IT consulting, software development,

enterprise application implementation and maintenance,

and system integration services to Fortune companies across China and North America.

According to recent data from CCID Consulting, one of the leading market research firms in China,

Longtop is one of the leading banking IT service providers in China and one of the top service providers in

ATM and foreign exchange software.

Type of Company: Joint Venture

Size of Company: 1000+

Location: Xiamen

Number of People under My Supervision: 3 People

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Project: Dubai Stock trading system

Client: Dubai Exchange Company

Role: Development DBA

Environment: Java, Jboss, Oracle 10g, Times ten 6.03


1. System analysis and Data modeling

2. PL/SQL programming

3. Research on Times ten

4. SQL review

5. Production environment maintenance.

Project: ASD HR Plum tree portal system

Client: American Standard

Role: Development DBA

Environment: .Net, Plum tree, PeopleSoft data source, Oracle 9i


1. Performance tuning

2. SQL review



每位大学生刚踏进高校大门时, 求职简历绝大部分的内容都是空白的, 或者是不完美的, 怎样才能在毕业时把求职简历填得完美, 那就要求在一开始的就业指导过程中, 引导大学生明确哪些内容是大学生活必须完善的, 怎样去完善, 为今后的大学学习生活指明了方向。

制订明确的职业生涯规划, 规划自己的大学生活, 规划自己的人生职业, 逐步实现自己的人生目标, 不但求职简历的内容丰富了, 而且大学生活也更加丰富多彩。2012届优秀毕业生小李, 他和很多大学生一样, 怀着美好的憧憬进了大学校园。大一时和其他同学一样参加各种招新活动, 入选学生会, 选择自己喜欢的社团;大二时利用暑假期间到社会上做了兼职, 感受到了生活的艰辛;大三时很多学生都在为将来的就业做打算, 部分学生为考研做准备, 受宿舍环境的影响, 小李也加入了考研的队伍, 买书以及制订学习计划, 最终考上了名牌大学的公费硕士研究生。小李的成功经验表明, 他是能力特别强的, 能松能紧, 但对于大部分学生来说, 可能很难做到。因此, 在对大学生上就业指导课时, 就要提前给学生明确大学四年的学习方向, 考研还是工作。如果是考研, 就要提前做好相关准备, 如选择学校、购买书籍, 制订详细的学习计划。这样就会更好地引导他们提前做好准备, 选择考研的学生也会更多。2012年我校共有25位学生考取硕士研究生, 创我校历史之最。对那些毕业后选择工作的大学生, 对他们及时进行求职简历方面的指导, 根据用人单位的人才需要, 要求他们在学好专业课的同时, 务必积极参加社会实践, 提高实践能力, 使他们明确自己应该怎样度过大学学习生活, 毕业时就不会感到迷茫, 就业选择概率就会更大。这样, 在大学新生的就业指导课中, 为大学生做学习设计作详细的指导, 让学生明确大学的学习方向。

引导大学生学习求职简历的制作, 不仅为大学生在校学习生活指明了方向, 而且有利于学校培养更多、更优秀的毕业生。


学习求职简历的制作, 能够让学生更明确自己的方向, 树立明确的学习目标。

据调查, 每年临近毕业, 很多大学毕业生都为制作求职简历烦恼, 烦恼的主要原因不是他们不会制作求职简历, 而是如何填写求职简历上的内容。很多毕业生为了就业, 铤而走险, 制作虚假的求职简历。据报道:近七成大学生赞同“求职简历作假”, “一个班有4个班长, 一个学校有三四十个学生会主席”, 这种现象在大学生求职过程中经常出现。福建师范大学社会历史学院学生曾对大学生校园公德状况进行了调查, 有66%的大学生赞同求职简历作假, “简历不作假, 典型一大傻”成为广受追捧的校园流行语。造成上述情况的主要原因是, 学生入学后没有明确自己毕业后的求职目标, 不知道为实现这个目标自己在大学的三四年里需要怎样努力。如果大一的就业指导课就学习如何制作求职简历, 大一新生就会对自己的大学生涯有个更好的规划。比如成绩要达到哪个层次, 为锻炼自己的能力要参加哪些社会实践、为提高毕业后的竞争力需要获得哪些证书等, 就有一个明确的方向。这样学生的大学生活也就过得更充实, 综合素质也会得到更大的提高。为将来的职业发展树立了明确的目标, 也就不会为如何填求职简历发愁和制作假简历, 大学生活也会过得很充实。2011届评为优秀毕业生的小陈, 从踏进大学校门的那一刻起就被学院东区图书馆楼顶的“学高为师, 身正为范”所吸引, 暗自下决心, 在大学四年里, 要以“学高为师, 身正为范”为学习的榜样, 毕业后做一名优秀的人民教师。因此, 制定了大学四年的学习目标, 大一:积极参加学生会的竞选, 参加各种学校组织的活动;大二:通过普通话考试和大学英语四、六级考试;大三:参加社会实践活动, 到乡村中小学见习、支教, 同时利用寒暑假期间做家教;大四:做好教育实习, 制作好求职简历, 收集有关教育的招聘信息。小陈在毕业时被评为自治区优秀毕业生, 大学四年里多次被评为优秀学生干部、三好学生等, 当广东某教育局来招聘教师时, 成功地通过了层层选拔, 最终被录用。据了解, 该学生毕业后在某中学做教师, 年年都被当地教育局评为“优秀教师”。

可见, 大学生学习求职简历的制作, 能够让学生更明确自己的方向、更好地规划自己的大学生涯, 这些对大学生将来的就业将产生重要的影响。


在求职简历中有“大学期间担任过何种职务”这一栏, 简历上这一栏的填写对学生就业是非常重要的。从笔者工作这几年的经验来看, 很多用人单位都比较喜欢在大学期间担任过学生会干部的学生, 班干部或者宿舍舍长的毕业生。他们认为这样的学生在工作能力上、沟通能力上都是比较优秀的, 可以更好、更快地进入工作状态。而现在的大学生都是“90后”, 他们大多数从小就受到父母的宠爱, 不用做家务, 过着衣来伸手、饭来张口的生活。他们上大学后, 什么都不想做, 也不愿意竞选学生干部, 就想宅在宿舍玩游戏或者上街瞎逛, 又或者在参加各种派对中度过。他们认为, 在大学里做学生干部, 主要是帮老师搬搬东西, 传达通知给学生, 这些简单的工作没法让他们的能力得到真正的锻炼和提高。其实, 他们的想法是片面的, 他们没有意识到个人的素质和修养是在一点一滴的工作中积累的, 做学生干部可以锻炼一个人多方面的能力, 如可以提高与人沟通的能力, 学生干部是学生和老师的桥梁, 有上传下达的作用, 通过与老师和同学的沟通, 语言表达能力会得到很大的提高。在以往的面试过程中就发现, 做过学生干部的学生语言表达清晰、流畅, 没做过学生干部的学生无法表达自己心中的想法, 甚至有些同学出现脸红、紧张等现象, 他们有着明显的区别。通过求职简历的指导, 让更多的学生积极主动地去竞选学生干部、班干部, 更加乐意去做学生干部, 有利于各项工作的开展, 同时也把自己的潜能更好地挖掘出来。

学习制作求职简历的内容包含着大学生整个大学生涯的点点滴滴, 是大学生整个大学生涯的缩影。通过学习制作求职简历, 帮助大学生指明在校学习生活的方向, 做好个人大学生涯规划, 树立明确的学习目标, 激发大学生学习潜能, 为将来的成功就业打下坚实的基础。


[1]叶蓉.高职生制作求职简历的误区及教学对策分析[J].武汉商业服务学院学报, 2009 (3) :64~66












投其所需用BaIance Sheet展示自我


Name:Guan Jian Wei

English Name :WIN

Personal Data:

Sex:male Age:23 Height: 183 cm Weight: 75kg Blood Type: B

Arital Status :Single Native Place: Xingtai city of Hebei province , China

Email:win888jianwei@126.com.Mobil Tel:***

Educational Background

Major: Business Administration

Graduate school: Hebei University

Degree: Bachelor


2002.9--2004.6 HEBEI QIHUANGDAO EDUCATION COLLEGE Learning english

20010.9—2005.09 , Hebei University.Learning company adminstration knowledge by myself mainly.Academic Main Courses:

Management of Human Resources/Production andBusiness Administration Operation Management/Strategic Management/Quality Management/Marketing/International Trade/Principles of Management/Groundwork of Accounting/Economic Law and so on

English Skills:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of Windows / Office2000

Self Assessment:

a energetic, adaptable and able man, is cooperative.and honest to others

Employment Experience :

Employment Experience :

2004/6--2004/10 sale car accessories kits to abroad in WENZHOU QISHIJIAYIN CAR ACCESSORIES CO.,LTD

2004/10--2005/3 General Manager Assistant

assist the manager to open a good market to sale car accessories in Southeast Asia ,2 million RMB per month now,and it will be added month by month.Position Wanted:



E-mail: xxx

Tel: 010******** or 136*******


Seek Sales Engineer position with opportunity for continued career development.

Skills and Qualifications

Bilingual: Fluent in English and Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese).

Strong leadership and management skills; result-oriented and creative; possess outstanding communication, interpersonal, and analytical skills; have entrepreneurial spirit.

Over 10 year Business Development, IT projects management, and technical sales & marketing experience in MNCs based in Silicon Valley.

Technically inclined: Extensive work experience with network deployment supporting large-scale TCP/IP and LAN/WAN network environment. Hands-on experience of Cisco CMTSs,

Possess in-depth knowledge of the Chinese and American business cultures with good exposure to IT, Telecom and Semiconductor industries.


San Jose State University, San Jose, California

B.S., Engineering of Industrial Technology & Business Management

Professional Experience

8/-Present ZhongYing Petrochemicals San Jose, CA & Beijing,

International Business Development

Strategic management role in establishing business relationships and operations with partners in China and overseas.

In charge of NDAs, contract negotiations, proposals, account management, business relationship with oversea sellers, and prospecting new clients.

8/2004 - 8/ Target Corporation Gilroy, CA

Assistant Store Manager

Responsible for sales revenue, overseeing store operations and merchandising of $20 millions retail store. Kept tracks of sales revenue, store budget and payroll issues.

Hired and managed suitable store supervisors and team members.

6/2002 - 8/2004 AT&T San Ramon, CA

Technical Consultant

Provided clients with technical consultations and recommendations for network optimization.

Responsible for advanced level troubleshooting on issues pertained to

Interfaced with Network Operation Center on issues pertained to routing,

4/ -1/2002Redwood City, CA

Project Engineer

Provided world-class project engineering services to our broadband cable operators throughout the U.S. and Canadian regions, and IT solutions for Cox,

Managed network migration, network deployment projects, and executed planned outages.


篇7:大学生 英文简历求职信

To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education

1997.9-XX.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.Academic Main Courses


Advanced MathematicsProbability and StatisticsLinear Algebra

Engineering MathematicsNumerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

FunctionalAnalysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming

Electronics and Computer

Circuit PrincipalData StructuresDigital Electronics

Artificial IntelligenceComputer Local Area Network

Computer Abilitees

Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate

1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare


Current Place: Luogang Height/Weight: 170 cm 50 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 21 years

Career Objective

Application type: Graduation Program

Preferred job title: Others: salesperson 、Others: office assistant 、Others: running a clothing store

Working life: 5 Title: No title

Job type: Part-time Expected Start date: In a week

Expected salary: ¥2,000--¥3,500 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Shenzhen Huangpu

Work experience

Educational Background

Name of School: hunan university of science and engineering

Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: -05-01

Name of Major 1: international trade Name of Major 2:

Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No

-08 -04 hunan university of science and engineering computer Computer level certificate

Language Ability

Foreign Language: English Level: excellent

Language ability: have a good command of both spoken and written english.

Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: good

Relevant skills and abilities

I am open-minded ,I am good at communicating with others, which can keep good relationship with others. I also Good at etiquette and the runway .I attach more importance to spoken English learning



Name: Dahong Xu (Rainy)

Address: 601-3-8 Gudang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Tel (mobile):01234567890



Guildford College of F. and H.E. May--June 2007 Short course in Culinary Arts and English

Stoke Park


Surry, England

Hangzhou Zhongce Vocational School Sep.2005—Jun.2006 Culinary Arts

Hangzhou Fengtan Middle School Sep.2002—Jun.2005 General School Studies

Exams Taken

Hangzhou Zhongce Vocational School End of semester’s exams 2005--2006

(English, Chinese, Math, Operations&theory)

Hangzhou Fengtan Middle School Final exam 2005

(English, Chinese, Math, Science)

End of semester’s exams 2002--2005

(English, Chinese, Math, Science)


Practical experience during studies




145 Tahquitz CanyonPalm Springs, California92262760-555-1212


Award-winning, multilingual Business Student with extensive professional and entrepreneurial experience.

Awarded Student Leader for exemplar, service in student government.

Received 2001 Service Award for outstanding contributions to campus activities.

Fluency in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Technically proficient in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; programming in Visual Basic and HTML; Web design.


TRANSLATOR, Orange County, California

Private Contractor.............................. 4/00- Present

Team with two secretarial assistants to provide conversation-based translation and mediation services to non-English speaking business owners and employees.


Awarded Hispanic Business Community recognition for assisting immigrants.

RRMXV, LLC.Santa Ana, California

Foreign Currency Trade, Intern....................... 12/01 - 2/02

Handled $50,000+ monthly m trades and investment, specializing in Euros, Dollars, and Yen transactions; investigated trends and issued market reports.









性 别:

出生年月: *** 联系电话: ***

学 历: 专 业:

工作经验: 民 族: 汉

毕业学校: ***






目标职位: 电话销售 | 客户关系管理

目标行业: 互联网·电子商务 | 通信(设备·运营·增值服务) | 电信运营

期望薪资: 面议

期望地区: ***

到岗时间: 1周内


20xx ***有限公司 客户关系组组长


1.企业大客户关系维护; 对消耗金额较高的用户做好客户关系的维护

2. 欠费用户的追缴





200x—200x ***中心 客服主管




3. 做好客户的续费工作 并定期回访,对老客户进行二次开发









Wilma A.Davidson

Senneca Drive

Fairlawn, NJ 18227

Mr.Stephen R.Troutsman

Vice president MIS

lri Star Manufacturing, Inc.600 Commerce Street

Newark, NJ 18223

Dear Mr.lroutsman:

Enclosed is my resume outlining more than 15 years extensive experience in corporate telecommunications.In summary, my credentials include:

-broad experience in international computer networking

-design and implementation of voice, data and LAN systems

-in-depth experience with telecommunications and information processing technologies

-interpersonal skills for interfacing well with all levels of management

I would like to put this expertise to work in a senior telecommunications management and/or internal consulting position.Although I am concentrating my search in the greater New York City area, I would consider other locations for the right opportunity.If you are currently searching for someone with my credentials, I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss I how might help you to solve some of your more difficult telecommunications problems.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Wilma A.Davidson(手写体)

Wilma A.Davidson


Dear Mr.lroutsman:

Enclosed is my resume outlining more than 15 years extensive experience in corporate telecommunications.In summary, my credentials include:

-broad experience in international computer networking

-design and implementation of voice, data and LAN systems

-in-depth experience with telecommunications and information processing technologies

-interpersonal skills for interfacing well with all levels of management

I would like to put this expertise to work in a senior telecommunications management and/or internal consulting position.Although I am concentrating my search in the greater New York City area, I would consider other locations for the right opportunity.If you are currently searching for someone with my credentials, I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss I how might help you to solve some of your more difficult telecommunications problems.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Wilma A.Davidson(手写体)

Wilma A.Davidson


