





1. 再次陈述主题。用 paraphrase 方式再次呈现主题陈述中出现的三要素: a.问题中存在争议的地方; b.观点;c.理由。

2. 结束句。放在陈述完主题之后。


1. 托福作文的最后总结教训或提出建议

In conclusion, whether to imitate or vary from others to achieve success, it hinges mostly on the occupations we engage in. For jobs like doctors that require routine practices, it is unnecessary for them to make alterations to become successful. Whereas artists like painters whose works are characteristic of creativity and imagination, it is of crucial importance to distinguish from others to succeed.

2. 提出令人忧虑的结果或可能出现的负面结果


e.g., To summarize, on one hand, for artists who are fortunate to profit immensely from their occupation, it is unnecessary for the government to offer additional financial incentives for them. On the other hand, government should provide financial support and appropriate policies to impoverished artists who engage in conventional craftsmanship because these are viewed as national treasure and cultural heritage of the country. If the government did not support those unfortunate traditional artists, the valuable conventional forms of arts would disappear very soon.

3. 提出问题留待读者思考

In conclusion, it is inevitable for children to commit mistakes at a young age, parents should play their part to instill the importance of good behaviors in their children. Parents should allow children to make small mistakes as a meaningful learning experience. However, what would be like if parents permit their children to commit serious mistakes like theft and robbery?


Finally, thus, in a word, in brief;

In conclusion, to conclude, in the end;

In the final analysis, in a nutshell, on the whole;

To summarize, to encapsulate, in sum, in summary

In light of these facts, considering these ideas


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

students should be encouraged to take courses like science, technology, engineering and math that are likely to lead to job opportunities rather than subjects they might be interested in.


Students should choose the major such as science, technology, and engineering which can help them find good jobs instead of the major which they are interested in.


题目大意:大学生应该选择哪种专业:能够帮助他们找到好工作的专业(比如科学类,技术类和工程类)VS自己喜欢的专业。此题目波波建议选择感兴趣的专业:理由如下1.学习更有动力 2.从长远来看,更有利于就业。


The question of “ what is the most important subject or skill the schools should teach? ” has never failed to attract attention from educators, school administrators and even politicians especially when it comes to subjects like technology, engineering and math. Some argue that students should be encouraged to take such classes rather than the ones they are interested in since they give them a better shot to find jobs. However, personally, I am not in favor of this position based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, it is true that courses like technology, engineering and math are very

technical, most of which can be applied in solving real world issues. However, the exposure that students have to apply these theories are very limited in class. Taking technical oriented classes will not give students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities, on the other hand, there are enormous benefits for students to take courses that they are interested in.

First off, taking courses that students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals. Old saying “ interest is the best teacher” remains relevant as it did a century ago. Interest serves as the internal motivation for students to explore in the area that they are interested, on the contrary, if they are forced to take courses for a utilitarian purpose, they might not keep their interest for a long time thus have a lower learning efficiency. Recent study conducted by the Society of Developmental Psychology shows that students will be more enthusiastic and passionate about learning when given the freedom to make their own choices to take classes. Also, giving students the opportunity to choose the classes they are interested in can help them to explore their real interest, thus their potential can be fully tapped before heading off for career options.

Additionally, taking courses students are interested in have enormous practical purposes and they can be a great source of leisure and relaxation. For instance, lots of students like art and music but seldom do they have a chance to learn. Actually, taking art and music classes help to develop creativity and make the students more imaginative. Actually, lots of scientific research in the psychological field shows that early exposure to art and music not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride. Students who spend more time in learning art and music end up having higher analytical thinking and reasoning skills than those who don’t.

In conclusion, taking courses that students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals and it can also be a great source of leisure and relaxation.


Under the current system of higher education, with the majors becoming increasingly diverse, how to choose an appropriate major has never failed to attract the attention of the general public. Most parents strongly recommend that it is much better to choose a major which can guarantee a good job, while college students, the receiver of higher education, tend to choose the field which caters to their interest. As far as I am concerned, the latter viewpoint is more reasonable, with the reasons listed below.

First of all, selecting the major that students like can help them to grasp the knowledge better. Just as a saying goes, interest is the best teacher, which is true of undergraduates. To illustrate, under the drive of interest, students are more likely to automatically devote more time and energy into what they major in, thus definitely having a better command of professional knowledge and skills imparted by teachers. By contrast, without any interest in what they are taught, college students who generally lack in self-motivation may do anything but study in class. For instance, on campus in China, it is not uncommon to see that many students squander their valuable time by taking a nap, whispering or even playing smart phones while attending the class. What’s worse, some of them may even skip classes. The reason underlying the above phenomenon is nothing but lack of passion for what they learn.

Secondly, choosing a major students are interested in can do a better job in helping them secure a good job. As we all know, with the constant change and progress of society, the job market is also changing quickly. In other words, some promising industries a few years ago might very well become obsolete, which means that the major one chooses cannot necessarily guarantee a good job. By contrast, under such a society full of fierce competition, it is the professional skills and abilities people own that play the key role in landing a decent job. Obviously, only when people select the field they have passion for can they establish a solid foundation of specific knowledge and skills in this field. Therefore, the major catering to one’s interest can better improve his or her competence, thus increasing their likelihood of securing a decent job.

Taking all the above into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that choosing the major which interests students is much better, in terms of making undergraduates have a better command of what they major in and find a suitable job.



即起景与结景之间, 在时空上此呼彼应,严密完整。

(一 )时间上的呼应。从时间上 体现景观 变化的此 呼彼应。如:杜牧的《叹花》诗:“自恨寻芳到已迟,往年曾见未开时。如今风摆花狼藉, 绿叶成荫子满枝。”此诗是说杜牧在湖州做官时, 曾经看上了一位漂亮的民间小姑娘,年龄才十余岁,杜牧与其母行聘礼相约: 过十年后来娶。后来杜牧出为湖州刺史,其时该女已经出嫁三年,生有二子。杜牧感慨万千,遂做此诗。诗的开头慨叹“寻芳到已迟”,即流露出贻误佳期的悔恨之情;中间进而忆惜伤今,结尾却以初夏的另一种景观出现:枝繁叶茂,新果满枝。眼看良机已经失去,一种莫名的惆怅油然而生。诗中先说“寻芳到已迟”,后说“成荫子满枝”,前后呼应,前果后因。呼应得十分得体。

(二 )空间上的呼应。即从空间上体现景观之间的彼此呼应。如岑参的边塞诗《碛中行》:“走马西行欲到天 ,辞家见月两回圆。今夜未知何处宿,平沙莽莽绝人烟。”诗的开头写行程之远,几乎到了西部的天边。结尾处便呼应,写出这极地“天边”的荒凉景象:在大漠的深处,莽莽黄沙,绝无人烟,简直找不到一个投宿之地,并为此而犯愁。首尾呼应,一脉相承。


诗的开头以情起, 结尾处以情作结。遥相呼应, 呼应得体。如北宋诗人石象之的《咏愁》中“来何容易去何迟,半在心头半在眉。门掩落花春去后,窗涵残月酒醒时。柔如万顷连天草,乱似千寻匝地丝。除却五侯歌舞地,人间何处不相随? ”这首诗专门题咏愁情, 首联追寻“愁”的行踪:它悄悄潜入人们的心头和眉宇之间, 且是易来难去;颔联追索“愁”潜入的时机:春去秋来,花谢月残,门掩黄昏,酒醒清宵,正是愁来之时 ;颈联描摹 “愁”来之状 :即“柔”且“乱”,铺天盖地 ,如无边的春草,似乱丝乱麻;尾联慨叹“愁”几乎无处不在 : 除却王侯之家的歌舞之地, 它和人们形影相随。这首“咏愁”之作,通篇不着一“愁”字,却又句句不曾离开“愁”。开篇写“愁”易来难去,结尾说“愁”处处相随,首尾呼应,一开一合,自是圆融。


以景起, 以情结, 情景交融,妙合无垠。如杜甫的《月夜忆舍弟》:“戍鼓断人行,边秋雁一声。露从今夜白, 月是故乡明。有弟皆分散,无家问死生。寄书长不达,况乃未休兵。”这首诗是杜甫在唐肃宗干元二年秋, 白露节这天晚上在秦州所作。其时正值“安史之乱”,杜甫与几个弟弟音讯不通, 激起强烈的忧虑和思念之情, 写下了这篇感人至深的五言律诗。诗的前半写景,后半抒情,情景融合,彼此呼应。此诗首联写边塞的秋声:“戍鼓”、“秋雁”, 声声入耳,声声断肠;颔联点明月夜思乡:时届白露,已属深秋,望月抒怀,戴露思亲,融情入景,道出了游子思乡的共同心声 ,成为千古名言; 颈联渲染思乡亲情:故土无家可归,弟皆四处分散,生死未卜,挂肚牵肠;尾联归结到触动此夜浓重思乡亲情的真正原因:战乱未休止,音讯久不同, 赋予了思乡亲情的深刻的社会内涵, 鲜明的时代特色。全诗首尾呼应, 脉络分明,圆转自如,结构严谨。末尾的“未休兵”,呼应开头的“断人行”,情思沉郁,凄楚动人。


开篇直抒胸臆,以情起;结尾以景结情, 或淡化开头的情思, 或让这种情感转入更深层次的境界。例如: 北宋寇准的《夏日》诗 :“离心杳杳思迟迟 ,深院无人柳自垂。日暮长廊闻燕语,轻寒微雨麦秋时。”此诗作于其罢相期间。首句即点明刚刚罢相离开汴京时的复杂心情:秋思杳杳,忧心忡忡,意冷心灰, 无精打采。“杳杳”、“迟迟”两个叠词,更透露出忧郁惝恍的心境; 次句着意渲染深院无人问津, 唯有垂柳相伴的孤寂冷清的环境, 一种失落感油然而生; 第三句用燕子日暮归巢来反衬心境的寂寥;末句,以麦熟季节的蒙蒙细雨, 丝丝寒意,呼应开头那“杳杳”、“迟迟”的“离心”与“思”绪,真是珠联璧合,天衣无缝。

篇3:首尾呼应 铸就华章


































