



Construction of the Great Wall began during the Spring and Autumn Period to the WarringStates Period. Several vassal states built wall fortifications successively along the precipitousmountain ridges to ward off the plunder of nomadic people and the invasion of each other.In 221 B. C. when Qin Shihuang united China, he ordered to link the walls up.

During thefollowing dynasties, the Great Wall was destroyed continuously by natural disasters and humanbeings.Among the remaining broken pieces of walls, those constructed in the Ming Dynasty arethe most well-preserved and splendid ones. The Great Wall stretches some 6,300km fromJiayuguan Pass in the west to the Yalujiang River in the east, traversing 11 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions.

Not only is it the most magnificent ancient militarydefense work, but one of the most remarkable ancient buildings in the world.


作者:于  朝代:唐  体裁:五古      秦皇岂无德,蒙氏非不武。岂将版筑功,万里遮胡虏。



一、立足课本, 精选练习, 巩固强化基础知识

复习伊始, 全面重点复习高一高二及高三上的语言点, 高三下也不敢懈怠, 快速扫完。强调学生掌握课标词汇, 并适当扩大词汇量的积累。利用早读时间小测抽查, 重点对语法知识进行系统的复习并辅之以相应的配套练习材料, 及时讲评;同时教会学生利用语境做好情景交际题;并让学生建立相应的错题集, 减少错题再错几率, 做到真正掌握所学知识, 灵活解题,


单项填空的特点是:内容覆盖面广, 考查范围包括中学英语教学大纲所有的语法及词汇知识:重点突出, 强调动词用法的考查;突出语境的作用, 利用语境间接考查语言知识的运用, 应引导学生分析具体的语言情景, 运用所学的知识, 注意词的搭配, 词语辨析等, 从而找出正确答案。故此时的单项填空的强化训练十分必要, 且应注意及时讲评, 进行归纳总结, 并引导学生加强探讨, 设立错题集。尤其对解题方法进行重点讲解。我精选近几年各地的高考选择题部分给学生练习, 让学生熟悉并掌握高考主要考查的重要句型。

完型填空:侧重完型填空方法指导及训练。因为完型填空主要是测试学生综合运用语言的能力, 所以我从以下几个角度来引导学生:从惯用法和固定搭配的角度来分析, 从上下文的角度来分析, 从文章的中心句、关键句、关键词来分析作者的观点和态度, 从词汇的意档评分标准。尽可能对学生的书面表达详批详改, 整理归纳, 针对不同的学生给予合理的指导, 对全体学生有明确的要求:句型繁简适度;有闪光点, 要有较高级词汇和较复杂语言结构;开门见山, 层次分明, 承上启下;细读提示, 写全要点;书面干净、整齐、规范。同时让学生背诵范文, 做好语言积累。


The Great Wall of China spans over 550 km and remains one of the Seven Wonders of the World.It is located in Beijing,China.The Great Wall is made of stone and brick.The first Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang built the new wall to prevent attacks from others.It is said that the Great Wall can be seen from the space.I went to the Great Wall once and the view there was so beautiful.I am proud of being a Chinese.



你知道中国最伟大的建筑是什么吗? 我认为是长城,建于2000多年前, 有6000多米长。长6-7米4-5宽。

You may ask how the people were able to build the Great Wall. Yes, there were no machines helping them to build easily. They used their hands, arms, legs and feet. Although it is not easy to build the Great Wall, the people in history have already finished it. That’s amazing, isn’t it?

你可能会问人们是怎么建造长城的呢。是的没有机器来帮助古人建造,他们用手,胳膊, 腿以及脚来建造。尽管建长城不容易,但是历史上的人已经完成了。 这很神奇不是吗

Now the Great Wall is a famous building. Many tourists from China or other countries are attracted to visit it. It has been a place of interest.

现在长城是一座注明的建筑物,许多来自中国和其他国家的游客被吸引来参观它。 它已经成为名胜古迹。

The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese.


The Great Wall is like a huge dragon winding is located in the badaling, ups and downs in the mountains, ancient and solemn.

Look forward to the Great Wall, the Great Wall no head, looked back, the Great Wall is not the tail. Ah! Really not the kui is called the ”Great Wall". So how long wall built in? You might ask, how much manpower has been spent on the Great Wall? Chinese ancient working people with intelligence, just built the world famous Great Wall, thus, we the Chinese people are great!

Grass at the foot of the Great Wall, slightly nod, the flowers waved. The wings of the butterfly flapping shine. Valley cloud, like a white gauze covered in the whole valley. Swallows dancing lightly over the valley, scissors tail like flash. What a beautiful view!

Point of view, the Great Wall not only attracts people with its majestic, but also attracts people with beautiful scenery.


针对我国学外语听说环境不利但读写条件充分的国情, 我国第二语言习得专家王初明教授首倡英语“写长法” (2000, 2002) , 旨在设长度为可控变量, 以切合外语学习特点的作文任务来营造语境, 以“写长”体验去克服外语学习者的心理焦虑等情感。这种做法在很多类型的英语写作中效果显著。笔者把写长法运用于高职英语一年的教学实践中, 发现写长法适用于叙事性和议论型写作, 但商务型的应用写作重在简练, 忌讳拖沓冗长。

2 高职英语写作课程设计研究

很多高职院校的英语老师把“写长法”应用于有英语相关专业的写作教学实践中并取得了重大成功, 首先是固定范畴和写作题目, 其次是范文分析, 最后是课堂讨论, 这一过程对他们的课堂英语写作水平的提高起到了很大的帮助。重要的是, 写长法也有助于高职学生克服写作的心理焦虑。

课程设计大致上可分为三个阶段进行:其中, 第一阶段旨在树立写作信心, 培养兴趣, 发掘潜力;第二阶段注重词汇选择, 注重段落的连贯性, 融意谋篇;第三阶段提高写作修养, 磨练文笔, 以优秀文章为典范。三个阶段总共为一年的课程计划。

2.1 第一阶段:锻炼学生平铺直叙的写作能力, 克服内心焦虑

构思原则是:从“无章无法”起步, 让学生的思绪自由的爆发, 没有任何写作焦虑心理的障碍, 培养学生自我欣赏的兴趣, 激活学生的语言潜力。

具体做法是:第一步, 同学们写好后与同座交换来相互指正修改。让对方说出所看文章的亮点在哪。第二步, 老师表彰写得好的作文, 在课堂上拿出来与其他同学共赏, 老师念或者让学生自己念, 特别讲解好文章独到的谋篇布局, 漂亮的句型, 恰到好处的用词等等。对于文章中一些带典型性的局部错误也在表彰过后以讨论的口吻归纳出来, 对于不到位的句子老师给出修改意见, 继续鼓励他们修改, 改好后可共享到班上的Q群或微信里供大家借鉴, 甚至可以推荐到一些杂志上去发表。此外, 模仿范文也是提高写作的好方法, 可以帮助学生放开思路, 舒展胸臆, 发挥想象力。

此阶段跨越4~5周, 可根据学生的进度而定。第一周:先给出一个话题, 让学生在15分钟内完成一篇课堂快写, 然后分组交流;第二周:引导学生带着问题到图书馆查阅资料或做社会调查, 用英语组织语言再回到班上交流;第三周:精讲一篇喜爱的文章并分析其文体特色;第四周:老师组织学生回到课堂上互评互改, 并结合老师的精讲。这些任务组合在时间安排上可以交错衔接, 重在完成的质量。

2.2 第二阶段:明确写作目的, 应用型商务写作不宜太长

根据高职就业的特点, 英语写作注重应用文, 如通知、会议记录、求职简历、邀请函、感谢信、节日卡片等, 培养学生接触工作岗位的职业素养。在这个模块, 不宜写太长, 讲究实用, 语句讲究精炼, 不宜累赘, 根据一定的称呼和套路进行。如:

在此阶段, 教师的任务是帮助学生提高写作的得体性 (appropriacy) , 对于写作当中的拼写语法等小错误可以采取学生自查自纠的方法, 最好是提醒学生自己修改三遍后再上交给老师看, 这样的做法会大大提高学生的主观能动性。切忌严重批评, 会大大刺伤学生的自信心。对于文体结构, 老师给出范文做示例, 分析范文的特点, 从逆向思维的角度讲述语言的特点和读者的心态, 如何能把商务信函恰到好处的传达, 既得体又不失文雅。

2.3 第三阶段:从独特的视野立论谋篇

此阶段的教学要旨就是培养学生辩证思维能力, 在社会热点问题上能够发表自己的看法。而论述能力的培养, 则离不了规矩方圆。我国英语教育界著名学者桂诗春先生 (2004) 精辟地指出:“从发展学生的思维能力来说, 不同的文体有不同的作用, 议论性的文体强调准确性和逻辑性, 如用词达意, 寻找蕴涵, 建立联系, 根据所提出的目标形成问题, 评价决策。”由此可见, 议论文体在用词的选择上讲究准确、达意, 并不一定要拖沓冗长。

根据高职学生学英语的特点, 在教学方法上可以这样做:按照“写长法”的规则, 先给出一个社会热点, 不提及论述文体的特色和技巧, 让学生先按自己的思路放开写, 自定论题, 有感而发, 书生意气, 听凭挥洒。教师只指定与范文类似的话题范围, 自然地引导学生掌握议论文的文体结构。如以生动的引子开头, 正文是对中心论题的充分论证, 结尾往往与中心思想相呼应, 比较风趣的论文最后往往出现几句反语式的调侃。经过3~4周实践, 学生即可大略掌握这套技巧, 每次写完后还要求自己修改几遍后再上交, 这样一来, 学生的斟词酌句的能力也能得到大大提高。同时再鼓励学生开始收集一些漂亮的句型, 做好下载和整理出来形成自己的参考文献, 这对他们今后的写作大有脾益。


自20世纪80年代以来, 外语学习者内部情感因素收到很大的关注。焦虑作为外语学习中一项重要的情感因素, 引起不少研究者的关注。写作焦虑是指学习者在写作过程中表现出来的焦虑行为, 是困扰外语学习者的一大障碍。首先, 不少实验证明, “写长法”能在一定程度上降低评价焦虑、构思焦虑、身体焦虑、回避行为等。其次, “写长法”有助于学生主动使用积极的元认知、认知和社会情感策略应对写作任务, 帮助实现从被动到主动的转变。再者, “写长法”有助于增强学生英语写作学习动机, 进而实现“以写促学”。英语写作, 作为学生语言输出技能和沟通方式之一, 是英语学习和教学中的一个重要方面。

另一方面, 高职学生的英语本身就比较差, 若是应用英语专业和商务英语专业的高职学生可以加强第三阶段的练习, 若是艺术类学生就大可不必, 但可以作为熏陶和了解来设计课程。哪怕是成绩较好的学生, 成天在立论的准确性和谋篇的逻辑性上花功夫也会有些疲劳。

为了最大限度降低高职学生的写作焦虑, 在课堂应用上, 如何将学生的“理想主义”转为“现实主义”是教师应该思考的问题。假设给出一个英语写作题目“我理想中的职业”, 学生们先在课堂分组进行一问一答并做好记录, 这种作业境界叫做“理想主义”。接下来对正从事这门职业的人士展开社会调查, 了解他们的思想感受与你理想中的差距, 并且最后运用谋篇布局的写作手法记录下来, 奉献给读者, 这种境界乃是“现实主义”。通过这种方式, 让学生们初步尝试了从课堂作业到职业任务的境界过渡, 大幅度地增强了学生对自己写作实力的自信心, 英语学习上的投入精神也随之加强。

4 结语

“写长法”对高职英语的写作能力的提高确实起到积极的影响作用, 也在一定程度上制约写作焦虑对写作过程和成绩的负效应, 但对于高职的应用英语写作而言讲究的是实事求是, 不宜累赘。作为高职英语教师, 一定不能盲目随从, 要针对高职学生的特点, 灵活运用科学的教学法, “因才施教”, 才能达到高职教育与职业衔接的无缝对接。


[1]Chomsky, N.Aspects of the Theory of Syntax[M].Cambridge:The MIT Press, 1965.

[2]方玲玲.“写长法”在大学英语教学中的应用研究[J].外语界, 2004, (3) :40-45.

[3]王初明.外语写长法[J].中国外语, 2005, (1) :45-49.


The Great Wall was renovated from time to time after the Qin Dynasty. A major renovation started with the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, and took 200 years to complete. The wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. With a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west and to the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east. What lies north of Beijing is but a small section of it.

A Map of the Great Wall

The map shows the Wall running from Jiayu Pass of Gansu Province to Shanhai Pass of Hebei Province. Representative sections of the Great Wall built in Ming times are situated near Shanhai Pass, Gubeikou and Juyong Pass.

Badaling Section

The Badaling section of the Great Wall snaking along the mountains northwest of Beijing was built at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century. Being 7.8 metres high and 5.8 metres wide at the top on the average, it has battle forts at important points, including the corners.

Located 10 kilometers south of the Badaling section of the Great Wall and built in an 18.5-kilometre-long valley, the pass has always been an important gateway northwest of Beijing. The name is believed to have its origin in the workers and slaves conscripted to build the Great Wall in ancient times. Cloud Terrace, built in 1345, was originally the base of a pagoda over looking the main road of the town of the pass. The arched gate of the terrace and the walls inside the arch are decorated with carvings. of elephants, lions, birds, flowers and heavenly kings as well as charms in six languages-Sanskrit, Tibetan, Phats pa (Mongolian), Uygur, West Xia and Han.

Mutianyu Section

The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall, 70 kilometers northeast of Beijing, is linked to the Gubeikou section on the east and the Badaling section on the west. It is one of the best sections of the Great Wall.

The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall is crenelatted for watching and shooting at the invading enemy. Some of the battle forts on the wall are as close as 50 metres apart.

Jinshanling Section

Located in Miyun County northeast of Beijing, the Jinshanling division of the Great Wall, like the Simatai division, belongs to the Gubeikou section of the colossal defence barrier.

The battlements in the Jinshanling division of the Great Wall are built along the ridge of a mountain, where the soldiers can resist the invading enemy by taking advantage of the high terrain.

A decrepit battle fort at dusk often reminds one of the battles in ancient times.

Simatai Section

Located to the east of Jinshanling, the Simatai division of the Great Wall is 3,000 metres long and has 35 battle forts. The wall rises and falls with the precipitous mountain ridge, while the battle forts are located high up the hills.

Alarm was raised by means of smoke signals, at night by fire. Smoke was produced by burning a mixture of wolf dung, sulfur and saltpeter. Shots were fired at the same time. Thus an alarm could be relayed over 500km within just a few hours.


One day during the summer vacation, my mother and I went to the Great Wall to see the magnificent Great Wall.

My mother and I rode to the foot of the Great Wall, only to see the Great Wall rolling like a dragon, creeping slowly, reaching to the far horizon... We know the history and orientation of the Great Wall while we go to the Great Wall. The Great Wall of the Great Wall rises from the mountains and customs, the west to the jiayuguan pass, and the mountains. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese people. There were six beacon towers on the Great Wall of badaling, and it was said that the towers could spread intelligence thousands of miles away in ancient times. The beacon tower is divided into two layers, the upper part is the observatory, the lower ground is where the soldiers eat and sleep. Once you find out the enemy, you can ignite the beacon and spread the word far away. It shows how important it was in the military at that time. Under the Great Wall, there were thick woods, and from time to time they heard the chirping of birds and the voices of the tourists, who marveled at the great building. I wonder why the Great Wall, after more than two thousand years, is still so strong? It is a miracle in the history of architecture.

The Great Wall is too strong! It is reminiscent of the great motherland, and wish our beautiful motherland stronger and stronger.


Looking at the Great Wall, we seem to be back in the qin dynasty. Under the whip swinging of qin shi huang, the men in the harsh voice yelling, the suffering of the Chinese civil shoulder load lines feldspar, mixed with his own blood, with hard work, with a patriotic heart, with a fresh life, of the built in the history of the Great Wall, and the Great Wall of flesh and blood can stand in the east of the world.

Looking at the Great Wall, we are back in history. In those wars, for many years, entrusted with Great Wall stand tall in the above the earth, rivers, and between the throat region, time and time again to resist the enemys invasion, defender of the sacred territory of the motherland. And you see, the stone on the strong wall of the towering sky, which did not shed the blood of our soldiers? What part of the world is not weeping about the soldiers hearts? Where did not the white bones of the intruders be buried in the stony and wild patches of land outside the wall? Which one does not show the marks of the soldiers battle with the enemy? Then the Great Wall became angry, and it hurt, and leaped up, and, at the top of his head, the iron walled giant of the wall, said to the world, “whoever dares to infringe it will kill one.”


美国英语起源于英国英语。1607年, 首批120个殖民者乘三艘大船横越大西洋, 在弗吉尼亚州的詹姆斯河口建立了詹姆斯城。1620年, 又有120名清教徒乘“五月花号”船驶抵马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯, 建立了殖民地。那时英国正是伊丽莎白一世的时代, 英语正处于现代英语的早期开始阶段, 那些远涉重洋来到北美的英国殖民者使用的大多是十六世纪末、十七世纪初的英语。这是美国英语的起点, 也是英、美两国英语相互关系的共同开端。

不过由于在新大陆特殊环境里进行交流的需要, 美国使用的英语开始发生变化, 其中最大的特点就是借用了大量其他民族的语言, 促成了今日英美语的差异。

2. 印第安语借用词

众所周知, 人们常把美国社会称作熔炉, 意为多种民族和多种文化的融合。早在哥伦布发现新大陆之前, 这块土地上就有印第安人从事渔牧耕作, 并形成了他们自己的文化传统和词汇。当盎格鲁-撒克逊的后裔在16世纪初踏上美国大陆后, 他们所作的第一项工作就是给所见的东西命名, 来表达新大陆的特殊地理、生态环境和土著居民的各种生活用品和风俗。为求简而易行, 移民者的命名直接取于印第安语。如:植物类的hickory (山核桃) , persimmon (柿子树) 。动物类的moose (驼鹿) , raccoon (浣熊) 。此外, 当今美国各州的州名有一半左右都源于印第安语。如:Indiana (印第安纳州) , Kentucky (肯塔基州) , Massachusetts (马萨诸塞州) 。

3. 法语借用词

在向北美移民和开发的历史上, 英法两国曾经为获取和征服这块殖民地而展开过激烈的争夺。法国殖民者、狩猎者、生意人和传教士很早就深入圣劳伦斯河和密西西比河流域。

英国英语中的法语借词都集中于文学、艺术、服装、纺织、家具陈设和烹饪等方面, 而美国英语向法语借词则是在完全不同的社会历史环境下进行的。法语的借词大致可以分为两类:一类是有关探险、旅行和表达西部风景、风俗的词。主要在中部几个州的英、法语接触中形成, 例如charivari (对新婚夫妇恶作剧的胡闹音乐, 大吵大闹) calumet (印第安人的一种烟袋) lacrosse (长曲棍球) 等;另一类词是颇能反应法国文化特色的烹饪饮食词汇, 如jambalaya (火腿、鸡或牡蛎等煮成的什锦饭) praline (果仁糖) 。

4. 西班牙语借用词

英语与西班牙语在美洲的交融早在移民开始之前探险时期已经开始。西班牙除了占有中美加勒比海地区外, 在美国也有大片的殖民地, 像德克萨斯州、新墨西哥州早先便属于西班牙。到现在, 西班牙语仍是美国第二大语言, 在南方诸州尤为流行。在两种语言和文化的接触中, 许多西班牙语词汇陆续不断地进入了美国使用的英语, 如tomato (番茄) , barbecue (烧烤) 和sarsaparilla (洋菝契) 等。

5. 非洲裔黑人语言借用词

在其他语言和文化的影响中值得一提的是非洲裔黑人的语言, 向美洲贩卖非洲黑奴和黑奴在种植园被强迫劳动是西方资本主义殖民历史上的可耻一页, 非洲裔黑人构成了美国最大的少数民族。尽管由于社会地位的地下等原因, 他们的语言对美国英语的影响不如他们的人数那样客观, 现在的美国英语中仍然有幸存下来的一些非洲语借词, 如gumbo (杂烩) , okra (一种蔬菜名) , hoodoo (一种符咒) 等。


美国英语根源于英国英语, 但是美国特殊的自然和社会环境推动了美国英语的独立发展, 而北美各民族文化的接触交融又为美国英语的这种发展提供了丰富的语言材料。在十六世纪英国英语的基础上, 美国英语大量吸收来自印第安、法国、西班牙和非洲裔黑人的语言, 这些借用词大大的丰富了美国的词汇, 使之与英国英语向分离, 形成具有自己特色的语言。


[1]侯维瑞.《英国英语与美国英语》.上海外语教育出版社, 1992.

[2]杨信彰.《英语词汇学教程》.高等教育出版社, 2009.


I visited the Great Wall with my friends last Sunday. It took us two hours to get there by bus. We started early in the morning at about half past six. It was hot and a bit windy that day. There were thousands of people on the wall. we climbed up the tower and walked on the wall for about two hours. We also took lots of photos. I bought a history of the Wall and my friends bought some souvenirs. The Great Wall looks like a dragon and it is really a wonderful sight. It is one of the wonders of the world so we really felt proud. Although we were tired, we felt happy and really had a good time.


what lies north of beijing is but a small section of it.a map of the great wallthe map shows the wall running from jiayu pass of gansu province to shanhai pass of hebei province. representative sections of the great wall built in ming times are situated near shanhai pass, gubeikou and juyong pass.badaling sectionthe badaling section of the great wall snaking along the mountains northwest of beijing was built at the beginning of the ming dynasty in the 14th century.

being 7.8 metres high and 5.8 metres wide at the top on the average, it has battle forts at important points, including the corners.located 10 kilometers south of the badaling section of the great wall and built in an 18.5-kilometre-long valley, the pass has always been an important gateway northwest of beijing. the name is believed to have its origin in the workers and slaves conscripted to build the great wall in ancient times. cloud terrace, built in 1345, was originally the base of a pagoda over looking the main road of the town of the pass.

the arched gate of the terrace and the walls inside the arch are decorated with carvings. of elephants, lions, birds, flowers and heavenly kings as well as charms in six languages-sanskrit, tibe tan, phats pa (mongolian), uygur, west xia and han.mutianyu sectionthe mutianyu section of the great wall, 70 kilometers northeast of beijing, is linked to the gubeikou section on the east and the badaling section on the west. it is one of the best sections of the great wall.the mutianyu section of the great wall is crenelatted for watching and shooting at the invading enemy. some of the battle forts on the wall are as close as 50 metres apart.jinshanling sectionlocated in miyun county northeast of beijing, the jinshanling division of the great wall, like the simatai division, belongs to the gubeikou section of the colossal defence barrier.
