





No one will deny that human beings have benefited a lot from the invention of television. It makes people learn the latest news and allows them to follow the latest development in politics and science. Many of the TV programs are both instructive and stimulating. People can almost travel throughout the world and acquaint themselves with the strangest customs while staying in their sitting room. Radio programs might provide the similar service,but on television screen everything is much more vivid,much more real.

However,people also have different opinions on television and have argued heartedly about its advantages and disadvantages since its invention. Some even relate it to the negative influence on our children and the increasing crime rate. One anxious mother said,TV is really a nuisance to my son. He spends so much time watching TV that he doesnt do well in studying. He needs to stop!According to the police,the number of young criminals is increasing rapidly,which results in the TV programs. They said some programs were full of violence and obscenity. They have bad influences on children.


with______________________________.(update)millions of visitors,因为经常更新信息,这位电影明星的博客已经吸引了大量访客。

2.At the weekend in Wuhan, you can often

people______________________________, waiting to have dinner.(seat)see many


3.Is it these piles of coats______________________________?(iron)


4.______________________________ that the swimmers were frightened away.(big)


5.Should ______________________________, your health care and other benefits would not

be immediately cut off.(fire)


6.The teacher still loves them so much, ______________________________ in study.(whatever)


7.They are working harder and harder, so all the construction

work______________________________ by next month.(complete)


8.After he graduate from university, he______________________________ to education all

the time.(devote)


9.The book, ______________________________ yesterday, is called life of pi.(pick)


10.______________________________ the whole length of the pool without coming up for

breath even once encourages the adults who cannot swim.(cover)



1 高考体育考生短期集训自身的特点

一般的日常体育教学中, 体育教师往往采用“填鸭式”教学方法, 在这个过程中, 学生只要跟随教师的教学节奏就可以了, 使学生养成了以“教师为中心”的习惯, 学生在学习过程中不加思考很盲目的学习。总结多年的指导训练认为, 在进行集训过程中, 要结合高考体育考生的实际情况, 制定严谨训练教学步骤:

1 . 1 纠正错误的动作技术, 建立正确技术动力定型

在进行训练之前, 通过训前的测验掌握每名参训者的实际情况 (运动技术、身体素质等) , 制定有针对性的训练计划。对技术能力差的参训生着重进行技术指导, 并且及时发现技术错误。由于这部分参训者未经过专业训练, 导致他们的动作技术已经形成了错误的动力定型, 要纠正错误动作技术需要一个较长的过程, 在训练中教育他们不要急躁, 慢慢纠正并逐渐适应。而对于有过训练的经历的参训生则把重点放在技术提高上来, 加强五大素质的全面提高, 对加试的四个项目中较弱的项目作为重点训练进行提高。

1 . 2 技术分解训练与技术整合训练有机结合

学习和训练任何一个运动项目, 不论是技术相对简单的还是相对复杂的运动项目, 采用先分解后整合的学习方法都是必经之路。学习运动项目技术成功与否主要看技术细节的掌握程度, 粗略掌握技术虽然在取得成绩上会起到一定作用, 但是当成绩提升到一定节点后便会停滞不前。这个时候如果能在“细节”点上下大功夫则会起到以点带面的作用。

2 科学的训练方法, 严格的训练管理

在日常的体育教学过程中, 针对的是普通学生, 对于普通学生的体育教学主要是秉承高中《体育与健康课程》的具体要求进行授课。是要把学生对于参与体育的兴趣调动起来, 使他们掌握相应的体育运动技能, 培养他们的终身体育观念, 并且要养成良好的健身观念, 但是对于即将参加高考体育加试的体育高考生的要求则需要有特殊的对待方式。对于体育高考生则需要遵循的是要贯彻和执行科学性的系统训练方法和原则。适用的评价标准也要有一个新的高度。在这个过程中要全面提高高考体育考生的自身素质。因此, 在高考前的体育集训训练中要遵循体育知识和技能紧密结合, 教学方式的原则性和规律性相统一。在进行实践训练过程中抓住体育训练原则这一核心和宗旨, 达到提高体育训练成绩的目的。

2 . 1 安排适合的训练时间, 谋划有效的训练计划

在新的《 体育与健康课程 》标准中提供了相关项目的训练原则, 并且对训练时间、运动量和运动强度均给予理论性的设定。由于这些内容的提供, 为训练指导的一线体育教师提供了理论依据, 通过这样的训练方式和方法有利于体育考生养成良好体育训练的习惯。经过对吉林省设有体育专业的高校体育专业500 m学生调查得知, 占比为95.5%的学生是由于到高中二年或高三之后, 感觉到学习跟不上, 成绩一直徘徊不前甚至有节节下降的情况, 单单通过文化课的考试进入大学之路已经行不通了, 对于一些先天身体素质较好的学生便产生了通过体育高考的途径。这些考生虽然自身身体素质相对较好, 但是体育素质相对不高, 这些体育考生的训练时间长的有一年多一点, 有些只有短短的七、八个月的时间。针对于这些情况制定科学的短期集训计划和训练时间是取得好成绩的保证条件。

根据学校教学计划以及参训生的实际情况, 通过实践训练经验总结, 把夏季训练时间安排在下午4:00~6:00点, 冬季训练时间安排在下午3:00~5:00比较合适。安排这个时间段既符合各个学校的课时安排, 不耽误文化课的学习又适合人的生理特征。据美国军事体能训练专家、特种兵精英体能教官马克·劳伦认为“每天最佳训练时间为上午10:00~11:00点, 下午为2:00~5:00, 这个时间段天气的气温适合, 人体的运动机能状态 (肌肉爆发力、抗疲劳能力) 最好”。

在运动训练学理论中把针对于高考体育考生的训练称之为短期训练, 而在这个短期训练过程中进行冬训这是关键中的关键。通过近四个月的冬训可以有效提高参训者的力量素质。冬训过程应遵循以力量训练为主, 以灵敏、速度、柔韧性和耐力训练为辅的原则。训练采用手段主要以周训练计划为单位, 在训练过程中采用循环训练的方法进行安排。

2 . 2 针对项目的各自特点, 规范标准的技术动作

吉林省体育高考生参加体育加试项目包括100 m、800 m、立定三级跳预案和掷铅球4个项目, 总分为100分。这4个项目大致包含力量 (掷铅球) 、速度 (100 m和800 m) 、耐力 (800 m) 和灵敏 (100 m) 等几大田径素质。这对于所需的几大素质, 在短期集训教学过程中就必须有针对性进行训练。日常的体育教学通常是对学生进行身体练习, 但是对于体育高考生仅仅进行身体练习是远远不够的。根据多年进行短期集训的体会总结:由于这些学生大多数属于临时抱佛脚, 平时缺乏体育锻炼, 在运动技术的全面性上有缺失, 主要体现为参加短期集训的学生在身体素质方面表现出高低差异比较大, 运动技术和能力水平参差不齐。因此作为短期集训的体育指导教师不仅要帮助学生确定参加高考的目标, 更重要的是要把规范参训者的运动技术动作作为训练的重中之重。在短期集训过程中, 要根据参训者运动技术和运动能力水平不同的实际, 制定多个层次的训练计划和实施方案。

2 . 3 短期集训后期的技术改善、运动量和强度的调整训练, 加强心理疏导

2.3.1 加强技术改善是关键, 科学负荷调整是保障

作为参训生, 经过了6~9个月短期集训, 不论在技术掌握方面还是身体素质方面已经都得到了改善和积累。但是由于体育加试日期的临近, 在体育考试的心中会产生惶恐的心理, 由于这种心理因素的影响, 往往导致参训者出现动作技术动力变形和不稳定。因此在这个时期训练的重点就要放在技术改善上。又由于经过一个漫长的冬训, 到了3、4月份春季的到来, 压抑了一个冬天的情绪会突然爆发出来, 此时就应该在运动量和强度方面进行科学调整, 多安排一些恢复性训练和调整性训练, 例如安排一些“法特莱特”训练法等。多年的训练实践表明, 指导训练教师采用“大负荷、大运动量—恢复—再大运动量、大负荷—再恢复”能够持续提高参训生的运动竞技水平和竞技能力, 所以恢复在运动训练中作用非常之大。

2.3.2 妥善进行加试前的心理疏导

高考是千军万马过独木桥的一个过程, 也可以说是人生抉择的一场大战役, 对于每一名考生都会产生心理恐惧, 虽然体育类考生相对来讲心理素质较好, 但是也会出现不同程度的心里焦虑。体育类考生不仅要承受体育加试的压力还面临着文化课考试的双重压力。因为参与体育集训势必要耽搁文化课学习的时间, 能够做到文、体双丰收, 做到文、体共同提高是有难度的。

在这个过程中, 积极妥善进行心理疏导则显得十分必要。积极协调学校的教育心理学教师进行帮助, 经常和学生谈心, 增强他们的自信心, 教育他们把体育训练中不服输、勇往直前的精神运用到学习文化课中来。对于在体育考试怯场的考生则要采用多种训练方法。如加试前多安排模拟体育加试考场场景和气氛进行测试, 参加各种运动会等来积累比赛经验等等。

3 结语

体育类考生是一个群体, 他们是高考大军的一个重要组成部分。高等体育教育虽然为各级类学校培养了大量的体育师资人才, 但是培养这些体育人才的前提是要有足够的后备梯队。在现今这样一个注重全民体育的时代, 大力抓好高中阶段的体育生的考前集训, 为高等体育院校培养更多更好的体育人才显得十分重要。

摘要:我国于1977年恢复高考, 恢复高考后国家便制定了相关的高考制度。对于参加高考的各类人才也制定了形式多样的考试模式。国家教育部要求参加体育课类考生需要参加体育专项考试, 考试合格上线的考生可以参加全国统一高考考试。针对于体育类考生如何进行科学训练使考生通过短时间的短期集训迅速提高成绩则显得十分关键。



[1]耿晓平.我国高考加试体育的政策分析[J].当代体育科技, 2013 (13) :148-149.

[2]范哲华.适宜的运动强力手段对高考体育加试成绩的影响[J].咸宁学院学报, 2009 (S1) :135-136.

[3]郭凌云.高校体育教育专业学生高考体育加试及相关问题的分析与研究[J].体育科技, 2014 (1) :134-136.




1. 排除再推法:对于难度较大的题,一时不知道选哪一个。这时要逐个试填,如果还不行就推出四个词的别的意思,然后选取组成最好语境的选项。例如:

Giving up my job to go back to fulltime education was a big , but now I know it was the best decision I have ever made. (湖北)

A. projectB. commitment

C. competitionD. ambition


2. 删除拓展法:通过删除一些次要成分或从句;或者将原句拓展成复合句、并列句或并列复合句,对照选项就能选出最佳答案。例如:

an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. (江苏)

A. BasedB. Basing

C. BaseD. To base

动词base与逻辑主语you之间构成主谓关系,所以用现在分词作状语。可将 an important decision more on emotion than on reason补全为If you base an important decision more on emotion than on reason就容易些了,答案:B。

3. 变化还原法:把整句的顺序如倒装式、强调式或疑问式的题干变换为陈述句,再选就容易多了。例如:

Only then how much damage had been caused.(陕西)

A. had she realizedB. she realized

C. did she realizeD. she had realized

这是考查倒装句,正常顺序为she realized how much damage had been caused但由于句首是only then,所以必须选倒装句式did she realize。答案:C。


1. Only the opening ceremony of the English Club. The majority of the students were having a class then.

A. a few people attended

B. did a few people attend

C. attended a few people

D. a few people were attended

2. I was only joking when I said Mary was silly; who she took it seriously.

A. thought

B. had thought

C. would think

D. would have thought

3. 2012 saw sharp increase in productivity, much to surprise of the administrative agency.

A. the; aB. a; a

C. a; theD. the; the

4. —Could you tell me something about the virus, Dr. White?

—Sure. It via the bloodstream and causes ill health in a variety of organs.

A. concentratesB. circulates

C. accumulatesD. accelerates

5. His ability in mathematics can be considered outstanding, he can figure out different approaches to a very difficult problem in just a few minutes.

A. whileB. so

C. forD. but

6.It is many people, have come to apply for the job , not fit for the job.

A. who; who do I think isendprint

B. that; I think is

C. that; who I think are

D. who; that I think are

7. It was in her hometown, Jilin Province she grew up several snowstorms happened.

A. that; whereB. where; that

C. which; whatD. what; which

8. —Where did you find him?

—It was in the hotel he stayed.

A. thatB. where

C. whatD. which

9. The teacher helped them in time, otherwise they able to solve the problem.

A. had never have been

B. would never have been

C. had never had been

D. should never have been

10. Their suggestion is that the wounded soldiers to hospital at once.

A. be sentB. is sent

C. was sentD. should send

11. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad.

A. he had consideredB. had he considered

C. he consideredD. did he consider

12. , he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.

A. Quiet a student as he may be

B. Quiet student as he may be

C. Be a quiet student as he may

D. Quiet as he may be a student

13. , mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he

B. However he is late

C. However is he late

D. However late he is

14. The days are gone physical strength was all you needed to make a living.

A. whenB. that

C. whereD. which

15. Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, , of course, made all the others upset.

A. whoB. which

C. whatD. that

16. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students allows them to communicate freely with each other.

A. whichB. where

C. whatD. who

17. His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out it is that he is trying to express.

A. thatB. how

C. whoD. what

18. Modern science has given clear evidence smoking can lead to many diseases.

A. whatB. which

C. thatD. where

19. The village is quite different from it was ten years ago.

A. thatB. which

C. whatD. where

20. Youll see to it everything is ready in time.

A. whatB. that

C. whetherD. how

21. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier into small pieces.

A. breakB. breaking

C. brokenD. to break

22. China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from in the South China Sea.endprint

A. attacking

B. having attacked

C. being attacked

D. having been attacked

23. The picture on the wall is painted by my husband.

A. is hangingB. is hung

C. hangingD. hung

24. — you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone?

—Sorry Sir, but its urgent.

A. CanB. Should

C. MustD. Would

25. —That must have been a long trip.

—Yeah, it us a whole week to get there.

A. takesB. has taken

C. tookD. was taking

26. She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child everything!

A. had been eatingB. had eaten

C. have eatenD. have been eating

27. —Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon?

—Im sorry, but by then I to Beijing.

A. flyB. will fly

C. will be flyingD. am flying

28. They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house .

A. is being rebuiltB. has been rebuilt

C. is rebuiltD. has rebuilt

29. In order to find the missing child , villagers all they can over the past five hours.

A. didB. do

C. had doneD. have been doing

30. Carbon dioxide is said the earth twice as quickly as previously feared.

A. to be heatedB. to be heating

C. to have heatedD. to have been heated


1—5 ADCBC6—10 DBBBA11—15 DBDAB

16—20 ADCCB21—25 DCCCC26—30 BCADB







A. attacking

B. having attacked

C. being attacked

D. having been attacked

23. The picture on the wall is painted by my husband.

A. is hangingB. is hung

C. hangingD. hung

24. — you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone?

—Sorry Sir, but its urgent.

A. CanB. Should

C. MustD. Would

25. —That must have been a long trip.

—Yeah, it us a whole week to get there.

A. takesB. has taken

C. tookD. was taking

26. She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child everything!

A. had been eatingB. had eaten

C. have eatenD. have been eating

27. —Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon?

—Im sorry, but by then I to Beijing.

A. flyB. will fly

C. will be flyingD. am flying

28. They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house .

A. is being rebuiltB. has been rebuilt

C. is rebuiltD. has rebuilt

29. In order to find the missing child , villagers all they can over the past five hours.

A. didB. do

C. had doneD. have been doing

30. Carbon dioxide is said the earth twice as quickly as previously feared.

A. to be heatedB. to be heating

C. to have heatedD. to have been heated


1—5 ADCBC6—10 DBBBA11—15 DBDAB

16—20 ADCCB21—25 DCCCC26—30 BCADB







A. attacking

B. having attacked

C. being attacked

D. having been attacked

23. The picture on the wall is painted by my husband.

A. is hangingB. is hung

C. hangingD. hung

24. — you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone?

—Sorry Sir, but its urgent.

A. CanB. Should

C. MustD. Would

25. —That must have been a long trip.

—Yeah, it us a whole week to get there.

A. takesB. has taken

C. tookD. was taking

26. She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child everything!

A. had been eatingB. had eaten

C. have eatenD. have been eating

27. —Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon?

—Im sorry, but by then I to Beijing.

A. flyB. will fly

C. will be flyingD. am flying

28. They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house .

A. is being rebuiltB. has been rebuilt

C. is rebuiltD. has rebuilt

29. In order to find the missing child , villagers all they can over the past five hours.

A. didB. do

C. had doneD. have been doing

30. Carbon dioxide is said the earth twice as quickly as previously feared.

A. to be heatedB. to be heating

C. to have heatedD. to have been heated


1—5 ADCBC6—10 DBBBA11—15 DBDAB

16—20 ADCCB21—25 DCCCC26—30 BCADB







22. A 关系副词when 引导限制性定语从句,在从句中充当状语,修饰先行词the days。 23. B 当先行词前有the same.such.so.as等修饰时,定语从句应用关系代词as来引导。故选B。 24. B 关系副词where引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the small mountain village, 在从句中作状语,表语从句中缺少主语,用what引导。 what=the place that 故选B。 25. D 关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的句子,在从句中作主语,故选D。



No poem should ever be discussed or “analyzed”, until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student.Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.All discussions of poetry are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally, the most telling “interpretation” of it, suggesting tone, rhythm, and meaning all at once.Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice, on records or on film, is obviously a special reward.But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting it.I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analyzing” it, if there isn’t time for both.I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry.Poetry is “ a criticism of life”, and “ a heightening(提升)of life”.It is “an approach to the truth of feeling”, and it “can save your life”.It also deserves a place in the teaching of language and literature more central than it presently occupies.I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry.Those who don’t like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else.But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature, about its sound as well as its sense, and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.1.To have a better understanding of a poem, one should________.A.discuss it with othersB.analyze it by oneself

C.copy it down in a notebookD.practise reading it aloud

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a function of poetry?

A.Extending your lifeB.Saving your life

C.Criticizing lifeD.Heightening life

3.According to the writer, one of the purposes of teaching English is to get students________.A.to understand life.B.to enjoy poetry.C.to become teachers.D.to become poets

4.What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply?

A.More stress should be laid on the teaching of poetry.B.Poetry is more important than any other subject.C.One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry

D.Poetry is the foundation of all language and literature courses

5.The phrase “make room” in the last paragraph could be best replaced by

A.“build a booth”B.“provide equipment”

C.“leave a certain amount of time”D.“set aside enough space”


Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the learned in the early days of the history, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly meant reading aloud.Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become popular.One should be careful, however, of supposing that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is distraction(分散注意力)to others.Examination of reasons connected with the historical development of silent reading shows that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.The last century saw a gradual increase in literacy(读写能力)and thus in the number of readers.As readers increased, so the number of listeners dropped, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud.As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the popularity of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, trains and offices, where reading aloud would disturb other readers in a way.Towards the end of the century there was still heated argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening.Indeed this argument remains with us still in education.However, whatever its advantages are, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other.By the end of t he century students were being advised to have some new ideas of books and to use skills in reading them which were not proper, if not impossible, for the oral reader.The social, cultural, and technological developments in the century had greatly changed what the term

“reading” referred to.6.Why was reading aloud common before the nineteenth century?

A.Because silent reading had not been discovered.B.Because there were few places for private reading.C.Because few people could read for themselves.D.Because people depended on reading for enjoyment.7.The development of silent reading during the nineteenth century showed_______.A.a change in the position of literate people

B.a change in the nature of reading

C.an increase in the number of books

D.an increase in the average age of readers

8.Educationalists are still arguing about__________.A.the importance of silent reading

B.the amount of information provided by books and newspapers

C.the effects of reading on health

D.the value of different types of reading material

9.What is the writer of this passage attempting to do?

A.To explain how present day reading habits developed.B.To change people’s way to read.C.To show how reading methods have improved.D.To encourage the growth of reading.C

Sherlock Holmes is considered by many people as the greatest detective in fictional literature.He is, in fact, more famous than his own creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.In the popular series of stories, Holmes is described as “tall and lean, pope-smoking, always in his cape and speaks in a splendid manner”.Doyle gave Holmes’ address as 221-B Baker Street, London, and to this day some visitors to London still go to Baker Street to search for 221-B.Of course, there never was really any such address.Holmes’ flat was supposed to be shared by the lovable, but sometimes clumsy Doctor Watson who went around with Holmes trying to solve crimes before Holmes did.Poor Dr Watson lost out to Holmes every time.Doyle gave Holmes a masterly skill of deduction---the ability to come up with interesting conclusion from the simplest clues found at the scene of a crime.Doyle said that the description of Holmes was modeled on one of his lecturers at Edinburgh University where he studied medicine.That man was Dr Joseph Bell.Sherlock Holmes first appeared in Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet published in 1887.Holmes was so loved by all that when his author killed him off in one of his stories, readers wrote in anger to complain.They refused to allow Holmes to die!Holmes was brought back to “life” and appeared in further stories.The stories of Sherlock Holmes have been reprinted many times ever since then.Today we can watch Holmes at work on cinema and television screens as well as on stage.10.Sherlock Holmes was________.A.the greatest detective who ever lived

B.Dr Joseph Bell

C.Arthur Conan Doyle

D.only a character made up by Arthur Conan Dolye

11.Dr Watson was________.A.tall and learn

B.lovable but always clumsy

C.lovable but sometimes clumsy

D.lovable and never clumsy

12.Holmes was supposed to have lived_______.A.with Dr WatsonB.with Dr Joseph Bell

C.with the greatest detectiveD.with Doyle

13.Doyle made up the description of Holmes_______.A.from his own imagination

B.based on a famous London doctor

C.based on Dr Joseph Bell at Edinburgh University

D.based on a model of Holmes


1.D 根据第一段内容可知答案。


3.B 根据文章中第三段第二句话I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry.可知答案。

4.A 结合本段主题及It also deserves a place …more central than it presently occupies.可知答案。

5.C 根据第三段第一句话I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analyzing” it, if there isn’t time for both.及in the classroom(在课堂上)可知答案。


7.B 从最后一段可找到答案。

8.D 文中第四段的第一句话作了明确说明。

9.A 作者写此文的目的正是向我们说明现代的阅读习惯是如何变化的、发展的。

10.D 从第一段前两句话可知:Holmes(福尔摩斯)被公认为是虚构文学中最伟大的侦探家,事实上他比他的创作者Arthur Conan Doyle 先生还出名,由此可知Holmes是Arthur Conan Doyle 笔下虚构的一个人物形象。

11.B 由第一段倒数第二句话可知:福尔摩斯和很可爱但有时难免笨拙的华伦医生住在一起。华伦医生伴随福尔摩斯左右并试图在福尔摩斯之前破案,但可怜的他每次都输给福尔摩斯。由此可知答案。

12.A 由第一段倒数第二句可知在小说中Holmes即福尔摩斯被安排和华伦医生住在一起,故选A。

