



In Honour of Teachers on the Occasion of Teacher’s Day.

September 10th is a special occasion, on which we students can express our sincere gratitude to our respectable teachers.

In my memory, Mr. Jiang, my Chemistry teacher in high school, impressed me most in my past school years. At that time, I did rather poorly in Chemistry, which made me very upset. Mr. Jiang, a considerate and patient teacher, did not have any bias against me, who lagged far behind the others. Instead, he encouraged me and worked out an individualized plan for me. Highly motivated by this, I got interested in this subject, found the correct methods and managed to catch up with others.

I will never forget those who have dedicated all their efforts to help me grow intellectually. Working even harder and making my due contributions, I think, will be most rewarding to my teachers.


Teacher, you for our dedication and sweat! You are like a candle, lights others and burning itself.

When I enter school of that day of, you takes good care of us, do you remember? That is one thing in grade two. Before the open cultural festival, we go out to rehearse location. At that time, I didnt care a bit of a headache, feel for a moment, but my head is becoming more and more pain, this is when the teacher is sick you find me, just come over to ask what is wrong with me? I said a bit of a headache, and then you touched my forehead said ”you have a fever. Let me rest in their seats, etc. My mom came to pick me up.


We all have different goals, val-ues, beliefs, and experiences, butthere is one universal thing thatbinds us all:We just want to behappy.

Everything we think, say, anddo is linked to our innermost de-sires to achieve happiness.But forsome reason, often no matter whatwe do, happiness is just out ofreach.

So how is it that some peopleseem to be happy all the time?

1.They smile

they don’t have much to smile about.The important part about smiling isthat the change in physiology actual-ly triggers a change in psychology.

2.They build and nurture relationships

Happy people believe in mutually-beneficial relationships, and work hard to ensure that they build and nur-ture not only existing relationships, but also new ones as well.

3.They create value

Happy people are focused on the long term.They work to create value in whatever it is that they’re doingin life.They always strive to provide more value in their work than what others have paid for it.

4.They eat healthy

Happy people eat foods that are high in energy, raw, and nutritious.Rather than fill their stomachs withprocessed and fast foods, they opt for things made from natural and organic ingredients.

5.They live in the moment

It’s hard to be happy when you spend most of your day worrying about the past or living in fear of the fu-ture.Happy people live in the moment.They’re present in the here and now (此时此地) .

6.They set goals

While happy people tend to live in the moment, they also set goals for the future.The goals give them anintended direction of travel.They’re steeped in (沉浸于) their hopes and aspirations of whatever they’re tryingto achieve in life.

7.They think positive

When think positive, and look past problems and negativity, not only do we feel better mentally speaking, but our minds are better able to process the here-and-now.In fact, positive thinking is not only the basis for be-ing happier in life, but also for being more present.

8.They embrace change



1. Pronunciation 发音

2. Vocabulary & Sayings 词汇和谚语

3. Practical / Useful / Real English 实用、地道的口语表达

4. Western Culture 西方文化


歌名:"You Don't Miss Your Water ('Til the Well Runs Dry)"

演唱者:Craig David


You can call me whenever from wherever, just remember that I will be there.

Through all the stormy weather, us break up never, no, we'll be together forever.


1. Pronunciation 发音


a. 咬舌音,也就是英语中的/θ/和/T/这两个音。其发音要领是:将舌头微微伸出,轻放于上、下牙齿中间,用牙齿咬住舌头(注意:这里说的咬住其实更接近于轻轻触碰),然后发音即可。前者/θ/是清辅音,也就是用气息发音,声带不振动;后者/T/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。

b. 唇齿摩擦音/v/。唇齿摩擦音/v/是绝大多数有地方口音的同学都会出错的一个发音难点,很容易与/w/混淆。其实,/v/的发音要领在于发音时用上面的牙齿与下唇轻轻摩擦即可,而发/w/的音时,牙齿和嘴唇是没有任何摩擦和接触的。


2. Vocabulary & Sayings 词汇和谚语

这是一首情歌,描述的是失去爱人后的复杂心情。歌名“You Don't Miss Your Water (' Til the Well Runs Dry)”本身就是一句很好的谚语。曾经有学生望文生义,直译成:“当你在跑步时,不要等到口干的时候才想到要喝水。”此话一出,令在场所有同学都笑翻在地。这句话的本意是“不要等到井水干涸时才开始怀念水(的味道)”,引申为“不要等到失去后才知道珍惜”。


3. Practical / Useful / Real English



a. 介词词组“through the stormy weather”,它的意思是“度过难关”。

这个词组还可以表达成“through the rain”“through the night”。这其实很好理解,因为对大多数人来说,下雨天、大风天还有漫长的夜晚都不是那么好受,所以在英文里面就出现了这些表达方式,直接把坏天气用以指代“麻烦”或“难关”等恼人的情形。

例句:Don't worry, I can help to get through the rain. Tomorrow is going to be a new day. Life is beautiful. 别担心,我来帮你度过难关。明天会是崭新的一天。生活是美好的。

I can make it through the rain! 我绝对能度过难关!

b. 动词词组“break up (with sb.)”,口语中最常用于表示一段感情的结束,也就是“分手”。其名词形式为“break-up”。

例句:She's just broke up with her boyfriend. 她刚和自己的男朋友分手。

Their love ended up in break-up. 他们的恋情以分手告终。

很多同学在说英语时,习惯错误性地将中文的字面意思直接一一对译,因此常常闹出很多笑话。例如曾经就有很多学生将“分手”直接通过字面意思错误地翻译成“cut hands”,这样的表达无疑会让人一头雾水。由此可见,正确的口语表达在交流时尤为重要。而听歌和看歌曲MV的过程中,“耳濡目染”所学到的地道口语表达会令我们印象深刻。久而久之,我们就能在正确场合将这些表达脱口而出了。

4. Western Culture 西方文化

由于这是一首情歌,所以歌中并未过多涉及西方文化。不过笔者可以为大家推荐其他几首歌曲:Mariah Carey的“Fly like a Bird”、“One Sweet Day”和“Make It Happen”。这三首歌曲都不约而同地表现了西方文化中一个很重要的部分:信仰。对于英语学习者来说,运用英语自由交流的一个重要前提便是了解西方文化。只有在了解文化的基础上,语言的交流才能更顺畅。

以“One Sweet Day”为例,看到这个歌名,大多数人会望文生义,猜想这是一首情歌,描述情侣之间甜蜜的一天。但仔细研究歌词:“I know you're shining down on me from heaven, like so many friends we've lost along the way. And I know eventually we'll be together, one sweet day, patiently to see you in heaven.” 我们发现,这里的“one sweet day” 是指在天堂与已逝亲人和朋友再次相见的那一天。进一步了解歌曲背景:这首歌曲是Mariah Carey为了纪念当时过世的好友而写的,而贯穿歌词始终的,便是一种坚定不移的信仰——相信亲人和朋友永远不曾离开,相信自己终有与他们重逢的那一天。


推荐歌曲:“If I Were a Boy” by Beyonce Knowles / “Bye Bye” by Mariah Carey


推荐歌曲:“If I ain't Got You” by Alicia Keys / “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga

推荐理由:以上两首歌曲主要对“fame (名誉、名气)”和“fortune (财富)”进行了大量描述,而这两个topic是很多口语类考试(例如雅思、托福考试等)的常考、必考话题。建议大家多记忆歌词,掌握并灵活运用其中的有用词汇和常见表达。

推荐歌曲:“I Believe I Can Fly” by R. Kelly / “We Will Rock You” by Queen / “Fighter” by Christina Aguilera



22、 Thanks for being an inspiring teacher.


23、 Wishing you a happy Teacher“s Day.


24、 I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.


25、 My child speaks highly of you. Thank you very much.


26、 The whole secret of the teachers force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.



I am the grass, you are the sun, shining my way of growth. Thank you, teacher!


Teacher, you are the seeder of this hope and happiness! Thank you, teacher!


With your hard sweat, you have nurtured the tender seedlings just broken in spring. Thank you, teacher!


Every corner of the heart, every inch of the heart, is full of respect for you.


A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candles tears dry only when its burned down to ashes. Teacher, you worked hard!


There is Bole in the world, and then there is Qianli Ma. Thank you, my teacher.


Thank you, teacher, it is you who drive away my timidity, shine your eyes and face life bravely.


Teacher, you have worked hard. May you be happy, healthy and happy all your life!


Teacher, you use the selfless portrayal of your life to draw a growing flower roll.


Between the friction of pen and paper, you have spent your holy life. Bless you, teacher!


We love you, dear teacher, and express our feelings with flowers in full bloom.


Thank you, dear teacher, for your influence and education that I will never forget.


Teachers, in this beautiful festival, sincerely wish a happy TeachersDay!


You are the most unforgettable person in my life. Thank you.


You are a stone step, bearing my step by step steadily upward climbing.


Dear teacher, happy holidays. May you always be young, happy and healthy.


I wish my teacher Peach and Plum all the world, work smoothly, and good health!


Teacher, you take your heart out for us, send you blessings and wish you happy!


Thank you for your hard work, but also hope you can take good care of your body, everything goes well!


Please accept the studentsgood wishes and wish you a happy Teachers Day and a happy day!

47、For all the great things you say and do…The bestteachers award goes to you.


48、As another school term approaches…wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours.


49、You are the best.


50、Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently.


The Spring Festival is the most solemn festival, in order to this grand festival, people dress up very beautiful homes.

The Spring Festival is coming, we are very happy, and every family with a couplet, there is “f” word, “fu” means “to”. Street, old and young, men and women put on new clothes, every household hangs red lanterns, relatives get together eating dumplings, talking and laughing, sat in front of the television watching the Spring Festival gala, are permeated with the joy of the whole family. Finally in the clock struck twelve o clock, families with firecrackers to greet the New Year arrives. Put firecrackers, children most like them, gun in hand “split beep!” rang. Look at the sky is the colorful dress like a gorgeous fireworks, we all cheered, happy!

When the Spring Festival, the adults will give the child a red envelope. In the firecrackers, children one year older again, should be more reasonable.


There is only one spring festival in a year, and this years Spring Festival has just passed. Its a little sweet with a busy time.

Because we used to live with grandma, now we have bought a new house, but we still have to spend the holiday with grandma. On the morning of thirty, we returned to grandmas home with a family of three. My father and I together the Spring Festival couplets character, “continues to be a blessing to prove. Mother and grandmother were busy cooking, grandma made my favorite food, and I was very fun to play, my grandmother made 12 dishes. I had enough to eat, and then I started playing for thirty nights to watch the Spring Festival Gala. My grandparents, Grandpa and mom all made dumplings, and I set off firecrackers outside. Until 11:30, I went out with my father and grandpa to pick up firecrackers outside, and it was bustling. After putting the firecrackers into the house and eating the dumplings, grandma took out the pigs claw, and let us all eat some to symbolize the new year to flinch some money. I didnt eat it, but I ate it this year. 12 oclock to the bell ring, give elders a new year, everyone gave me a big red bag.

How can I never forget this Spring Festival, which makes me unforgettable. The days are better.


Think of what was spent in the old year, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and joy and sorrow. Happy and unhappy, happy and unhappy, the scene is back in front of the scene. To cherish, or to leave a regret, have passed. Once happy, happy, and also should be satisfied. Once happy has passed, not happy also passed, also should learn to forget. Once happy to pass. Not happy to pass. It is better to meet the new year with pain and pain.

Think about how to spend the new year, put down all the thoughts and tedious of the old year, and come to what is going to happen in the new year. With enough courage and confidence, and full of hope for the future, do a good job in the new year and live a good life. Happiness, happiness and warmth.

The earth has been rotated for a week, and it should be a full end to the old year. The new year is a new starting point, whether it should be in this bumpy circle on the road of life with no regrets but leave happy unforgettable traces. What was done and what was done in the old year had already been done, and what had happened and what had happened had happened. The only thing we can do is look forward to it, take it naturally, have confidence, and then face it, work hard and go to perfection.

In fact, every day is a new starting point and a new start. The sun repeats the West and the west every day. Every day we repeat the day and night. We sleep and wake up every day. The earth repeats the new day and the new year everyday. We should treat every day as if we were born with a new baby, because every day is new, even every day, every year, every minute and every second. It covers the old marks and shows the new self. Even if we are short, we should cherish it, even if it is insignificant, we should do it well.

Blinking our eyes, we see the world is new every time. Although we repeat every day every day, each year repeats every year. But we have a new day every day, and each year has a new year. Things do not repeat every day, and the situation is not repeated every year. Good every day, good every year; good every point, good every second this is the new meaning.


It is Teachers Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man.

They are also kind to everybody and they dont want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time. I will be a teacher when I grow up.



在上学期中,是您,把我们从小学的算术领到了出众代数的课堂,让我们认识了代数中的“a,b,c……”。您教会我们“什么是整式”,“整式的加减”和“怎样解一元一次方程”;在下学期中,您又在上学期代数的基础上,又教会我们“怎样解二元一次方程组”,“怎样解一元一次不等式及不等式组”和“整式的乘除”,您不辞辛苦反复给我们讲解数学中的重点、难点,直到每个同学听懂为止;您在初一就教了我们初二才学的“因式分解”,让我们学会更多的知识; 此外您还把我们引到了几何的世界,又让我们认识了“α,β,γ”,您告诉我们:“平面几何研究的是:形状、大小和位置;表达的形式有:母语、几何语言和图形语言。”

















