六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版


六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版(精选6篇)

篇1:六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版


Unit3 What will you do this summer?

Lesson 20 Tomorrow we will work and play

这节课通过对一般过去时、现在进行时的复习,引发出新的时态:一般将来时。在warm-up and review中,我设计了一系列的动作游戏,让学生在快速的节奏中听听做做。既吸引了学生的注意力,又发展了学生的语言技能、创造思维和想象能力。学生在活动中体验了成功,复习了旧知,并为学习新知做了很好的铺垫。

高年级的同学已经具备了一定的语言基础,我先让学生进行一系列的有关进行时和过去时的问答,再引入新授部分的将来时,让学生在真实的语境中去感受和体验。游戏部分是本课的高潮, 在听录音初步理解了课文以后,我设计了一些问题让学生快速反应,然后分小组进行竞赛。学生自己设计问题让对方回答,为了“难倒”对方,学生敢于、易于、乐于提出问题,使用语言进行交流。在活动中学生获得了成就感,体验了成功,树立了自信心。学生在轻松愉快的氛围中灵活运用所学的句型,激发了学生的学习兴趣.开放性的活动设计,培养了学生的发散思维能力;评价的激励机制,鼓励学生互相帮助,共同学习,从而使不同层次的学生都有所发展。



篇2:六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版

2. the usage of adj. and adv.

3. a dialogue about how to take a taxi

Teaching goals: 1: remember the mastery words

2. learn the difference of slow and slowly; quick and quickly

3. understand the meaning of the text

Key points: the usage of slow and slowly; quick and quickly

Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcard, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: They can say anything they like to say.

3) Check the homework of last lesson. Explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you like to take taxi? Why or why not?

Have you ever stayed in a hotel? When? Where?

Maybe they have many different answers. Gather them and then say “Today, Li Ming and his friends get to Beijing. They want to go to a hotel by taxi. Danny has a dialogue with the driver. Let’s look at what does he say to the driver.”

Step 2 Listen to tape with the following questions:

Why is Danny scared?

Can Danny speak Chinese?

Can the driver speak English?

Step 3 After listening to the text, discuss the questions with the students. Go through the dialogue at the same time. Deal with the language points. You can use the blackboard or the slide projector. Pay attention to the different usage of slow and slowly, quick and quickly.

Step 4 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step 5 Practice

Have them read the text for a few minutes and then have them act out the dialogue in roles. Correct their pronunciation if any.

Step 6 Demonstrate quickly and slowly by performing an action quickly and slowly as you say the words. Point out the difference between “ I am quick/slow.” and “I am ___ing quickly/slowly.”

Ask for volunteers to perform actions quickly and slowly. Describe the volunteers’ actions to the class. Then ask the class to describe the actions.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make a dialogue about taking a walk on a busy street in Beijing. Let them use slow and slowly, quick and quickly.

Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Imagine you are a tour guide. Your group members are on a trip to Beijing. Where do they want to go? Where do you take them?

Step 8 A test


1) They eat many _____ . (noodle)

2) Look! They are ________ over there. (help)

3) Be ________ , or we will be late.(quickly)

4) The train is _________ tonight. (come)

5) Thank you for _______ me. (help)

6) They found that lost sheep ________. (quickly)

7) The bike is going _________ . (fast)

8) That old man is walking ________ . (slow)

9) That car is _______ (slowly), but this bus is _______ . (fast)

10) _________ , I can’t go down. (help)

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the exercise of the workbook

the next reading in the student book

Lesson 18 Tian’anmen Square

Teaching content : 1. mastery words: laugh, fly, hard, quietly, worry, put

2. learn a dialogue about flying a kite

3. some word such as quiet and quietly, loud and loudly

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn some words of adj. and adv.

Key points: 1. there be…

2. the usage of adj. and adv.

3. some useful words and phrases

Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.

Teaching aids: audiotape, word cards, slide projector, a picture of Tian’anmen Square, a kite

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response in correct way.

2) Duty report.

3) Check the homework.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions :

Have you ever visited Tian’anmen Square? If yes, when? If no, why not?

Do you want to visit Tian’anmen Square? Why or why not?

You may give them some words to help them.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

What happens to Danny?

Can Jenny fly a kite?

Can Danny fly a kite?

Answer the questions together with the students and then discuss the text again. If they have any question, explain to them. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of loud and loudly, quiet and quietly.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it. Give them a few minutes to practice the text. Correct the pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the text in roles.

Step 4 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about walking in Tian’anmen Square. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as possible from this unit (easy, hard, loudly, quietly, many, men, women, children, people). Encourage the students to be active and praise them for talking risks with English! The more they experiment, the more they learn.

Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work with a parter. Draw a map of Tian’anmen Square. Describe your maps to each other. What are the people doing? Try to use loudly, quietly, slowly and quickly.

Step 6 A test


1) 放风筝 _____________ 2) 玩得痛快 __________ 3) 天安门 __________

4) 看见某人放风筝 _________ 4) hurt one’s arm _________

5) Let’s do sth. ___________ 6) laugh at _________

2. 词形转换

1)We often see boys ________ football. (play)

2) Tom is a ____ boy, he often doesn’t talk with others. (quietly)

3) The street is so busy, but the people like to walk ______ (happy)

4) I can’t hear your words, will you speak ________ (loud)?

5) Let’s _______ the basket on the table. (puts)

Step 7 If there is enough time, do the exercises in activity book.

Step 8 Summary

Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They are flying kites. There are so many people on the Tian’anmen Square. Some people are loud and some are quiet. After class you should understand the meaning of the text and try to use loud, loudly, quiet, quietly correctly.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book in lesson 18

the next reading

Lesson 19 The Palace Museum

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: sky, film, camera, picture, smile, break, tail

2. a dialogue about taking pictures

3. some useful words

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3.master the usage of some words and phrases

Key points: 1. express taking a picture

2. ask permission to do sth.: May I …?

Difficult points: 1. express what you see

2. express taking a picture

Preparations: a picture of the Palace Museum, a camera

Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, a camera, flashcards and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Everyday report in English.

3) Check the homework and explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever been to the Palace Museum? If yes, when?

What do you know about the Palace Museum?

Do you want to live there? Why or why not?

Today Li Ming and his friends go to the Palace Museum. The weather is fine. The palace is red and yellow. It’s beautiful. They take some pictures there. Now let’s join them.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:

What happens to Jenny?

What’s wrong with Danny’s nose?

What do they do for Danny’s nose?

What’s wrong with Danny’s tail?

After listening, discuss the questions with the students. Make sure they understand the whole text. Deal with any language point at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of the following words: sunny, help sb. (to) do sth., careful, fall, break

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask some students to act out the dialogue in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue about visiting the Palace Museum. Encourage the students to use much new vocabulary as they can.

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about taking pictures. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as possible (camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly)

As the students work on this dialogue, take real pictures of each group with your camera. Later make a poster of these photos to put up in class. Do this as a class project! Help the students write English sentences under each photograph to describe the action.

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

In a small group, write a dialogue about taking pictures. Where are you taking pictures? What funny things happen?

Step 7 A test


1) Can you sing? Yes, it’s e_______ .(容易)

2) Working out the problem is h______ . (难)

3) He b_______ that glass , look! He is crying. (打坏)

4) Don’t w________ , the classmates all help you. (着急)

5) Bad luck! He f________ off his bike. (掉下来)

6) Now Tom is putting the f______ in his c________ . (装胶卷)

Step 8 exercise

If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book of lesson 19

read the next reading in lesson 20

Lesson 20 Let’s Write Home

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: letter, dear, dad, soon, bottom, address, stamp

2. a text about writing a letter

3. some useful expressions

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 24

Key points: learn how to write a postcard

Learn how to write an envelope

Difficult points: write a letter

Preparations: postcards, letters, envelopes

Teaching aids: audiotape, postcards, envelopes, letters

Type: text

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Everyday report in English

3) Check the homework and explain something when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the following questions: Have you ever write a letter in Chinese?

Do you know how to write a letter in English?

Where do you put the address?

Where do you put the stamp?

Today we will learn how write a English letter.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of a letter. Then look through the text together with the students. Show the students some letters and envelopes and let them know how to write a letter. Learn the words: top, bottom, left and right. Show a letter to the students when explaining.

Step 4. Use objects in the classroom-such as the blackboard, a door or a window-to demonstrate top, left, right, bottom and corner. Ask for volunteers to show you the top, left, right and corner of objects in the classroom.

Step 5 practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying postcards. Why are they buying postcards? Who do they buy them for?What pictures do the postcards have?

Step 6 Play a game

Play “Opposites” with the new vocabulary and other vocabulary.

Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Make a postcard. Draw a picture on it. Include a place for writing a note, for the address and for the stamp. Write to a classmate. Do you know his or her address? Ask!

Step 8 If time permits, do some exercises in the activity book.

3. Homework

1) the remaining activities in the activity book

the next reading in the student book

Lesson 21Sending an E-mail

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: send, e-mail, show, welcome

2. a dialogue about sending an e-mail

3. an English song

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. some useful words and phrases

Key points: how to ask for help and how to send an e-mail

Difficult points: learn how to send an e-mail

Preparations : a postcard, a letter

Teaching aids: audiotape, slide projector, a postcard, a letter

Type: dialogue and song

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report

3) Check the homework and explain something if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Ask the following questions: Do you have a computer?

Where can you buy one?

Do you use e-mail?

Who do you like to send e-mail to?

Today we will learn a short dialogue about sending an e-mail.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

When will Danny go home?

Who does Danny send an e-mail to?

Where does Danny send his e-mail?

Answer the questions and discuss the dialogue with the students. Deal with the language points at the same time. You can use a computer and show the students how to send an e-mail. If they have any question you can help them.

Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about writing and sending an e-mail. Encourage them to use as many different words as they can.

Step 6 Let’s sing a song

Play the tape for the students to listen.

Read through the songs together. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the song. Deal with any language point at the same time.

Step 7 Listen to the audiotape for a few times again and let them sing after it. Make sure they can sing the song themselves.

Step 8 Do some exercises in the activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the dialogue

2) learn to sing the song

3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book

the next reading

Lesson 22 The Great Wall

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: today, turn, traffic, light

2. a dialogue about visiting the Great Wall

3. some useful expressions

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the dialogue

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn to use some useful expressions

Key points: 1. follow the direction

2. some phrases: in an hour, arrive in, stop doing

Difficult points: some phrases

Teaching aids: a picture of the Great Wall, audiotape, slide projector

Type : dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: they can say whatever they like to say

3) Sing the song learnt last lesson

4) Check the homework

2. New lesson

Step 1 lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever climbed a mountain or walked a long way? Where?

What do you know about the Great Wall? How long is it? How old is it?

Encourage them to discuss the questions and give some words to help them if necessary.

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

Why is Jenny unhappy with Danny?

Which bus do they take to the Great Wall?

How long does it take them to get to the Great Wall?

After listening, answer the questions together with the students. Learn the text and make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to find and look for; in an hour, stop doing sth.

Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text and then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 A test


1) Look! Who ______ in the pool?

A. swims B. swimming C. is swimming

2) The cup of coffee is _______ you.

A. for B. of C. with

3) The little girl _____ a new bike.

A. is B. has C. have

4) Does he ______ a computer?

A. have B. has C. there is

Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group. Write a song or a poem about the Great Wall. Make a poster for it with the words and some pictures. Practice your song or poem and teach it to your classmates.

Step 7 Activity book

In Number 1, the students can review the direction words.

In Number 2, the students match the correct words and pictures.

Number 3 is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:

Listen. Fill in the blanks.

a. Danny: This is a computer. You can send your friend an e-mail.

b. Jenny: This is a piece of paper. You can send your friend a letter.

Step 8 Summary

Today we know Li Ming and his friends go to the Great Wall. They take a no.919 bus to go there. When they get there they talk about sth. about the Great Wall. After class read the text fluently and remember the useful words.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book

the next reading in student book

Lesson 23 Shopping in Beijing

Teaching content: 1. mastery words: gift, chopsticks

2. a dialogue about shopping in Beijing

3. some useful phrases

Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. learn to ask about time

Key points:some sentences about shopping

ask about time

Do things slowly or quickly.

Difficult points: the usage of slowly and quickly

How to ask about time?

Teaching aids: some real things as gifts, some pictures, audiotape, slide projector


Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.

2) Duty report: They can talk about weather, friends, family, classmates and so on.

3) Check the homework. Explain if necessary.

2. New lesson

Step 1 lead in

Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Do you like to shop quickly or slowly? Why?

Where do you like to go shopping? Why?

Today Li Ming and his friends go to shop at Wangfujing. They buy many things as gift. What do they buy? Let’s go look?

Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:

In the story, who shops quickly and who shops slowly? What do they buy/

Who will go to the hotel with the panda?

After listening, answer the questions and deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of go doing, with, gift and so on.

Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let the students follow it.

Step 4 Give them a few minutes to practice the dialogue and then have them act out it in roles.

Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Write a paragraph. You go on a trip to Beijing and buy some gifts for your friends. For whom do you buy gifts? What do you buy? Read your paragraph to your classmates.

Step 6 A test


1) They have a _____ meal. They eat their meal ______ . (quick, quickly)

2) The old man walks _____ . He is a ______ man. (slow, slowly)

3) The family are watching TV _____ . They are all very _____ .( quiet, quietly)

4) The students make a _______ noise. They are talking ______ .(loud, loudly)

5) It’s an ______ question . I can answer it _____ . (easy, easily)

6) Lucy is a _____ girl. She does everything _____ . (careful, carefully)

Step 7 If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book

篇3:六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版

Mothers and Fathers Are Special

First part:Mother’s Day.


1.知识与技能:掌握本课单词及短语alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method.

2.过程与方法:通过中心话题“Mother’s Day”, 及配套的PPT课件和图片来直观导入新课, 培养学生学会感恩。

3.情感、态度与价值观:Family的含义。培养学生学会感恩, 培养学生细致观察的能力。


1.alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method的用法。

2.What day is Mother’s Day?Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May every year.

3.How do people celebrate it?Give presents to their mothers, or make a special breakfast for their mothers.


多媒体课件, 视频。


本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”。整个单元的设计围绕这一主题展开。学生通过关注家人、亲情和沟通, 主要是感恩教育。通过课堂项目和故事, 学生复习已学词汇和学习新词汇, 熟练针对这些话题进行交流。


学生在之前已经学习了本单元的部分词汇, 并预习了本课。通过前五个单元的基础学习, 对理解本单元的知识点有一定的帮助。本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”, 学生对这方面的内容有所了解, 但理解不够深刻。所以本单元的主要教学方法是, 挑本单元的重难点讲, 单独板书, 重点强调。尽可能多地以图片和视频的方式教学, 来加深学生对本来陌生事物的印象, 从而提高记忆能力。


alive, hero, take care of的用法。


1.听故事, 看图片answer me the question.How do you like the story?

2.导入新课, 看视频, 画出重点。


(1) People give______gifts______ (礼物) to their mothers.

(2) In England people__celebrate_____ (庆祝) “Mothering Sunday”.

(3) In North America, people do___special____ (特别) things for their parents.

(4) They also try___to help______ (帮助) mothers all day.

(5) Their mothers are still_______. (活着的)

(6) In the______ (17世纪) they began to use machines.


(1) It was amazing that the little baby was still. (活着的)

(2) These soldiers are______. (英雄)

(3) We should______ (照顾) our mothers when they are old.

九、板书设计 (略)

十、教学反思 (略)


篇4:六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版

[关键词]古典诗词 想象 体验 比较阅读

[中图分类号] G623.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-9068(2015)01-078






























篇5:六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版

按住ctrl键 点击查看更多小学六年级资源


1.This ball is _______(big)than that one.2.Let’s make a ________(雪人)together.3.________(小心)!Here comes a bus.4.It’s snowy, I ________(be)very cold.二、选择正确的答案。

()1.It is cold today.Take ________ your jacket and put ________ your coat.A.off, onB.for, onC.off, inD.on, on

()2.________ a tall girl!

A.WhatB.HowC.What’sD.How is

()3.I________ at home yesterday.A.wasB.wereC.areD.is

()4.It’s ten o’clock.Li Ping ________TV in the bedroom.A.watchB.is watchingC.watchesD.watched


Today is Sunday.The sun is shining.The pupils(小学生)of No.14 Schoolhave no lessons.They are in the park.The park is beautiful and large.Thereare many trees and flowers in it.There is a river and a hill in it., too.Some girls areunder a big tree.They are singing and dancing.Tom and Jack are sitting besidethe river.They are drawing.Kate is there, too.She is looking at the fish in the rive.Look, there is an apple in Rose’s hand.She is eating it.They are happy.1.Today is not Saturday.()

2.It`s a fine day.()

3.The pupils of No.14 School are having a class now.()

4.There are two boys and a girl beside the river.()

5.Jack is drawing.()

篇6:六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 20教学反思 冀教版




















2课时 教学过程:















先让学生分析、讨论,教师提示、明确: 板书: 全曲分为四段:





先让学生分析、讨论,教师提示、明确: 板书: 全曲分为四段:

第一段是告诫性的,强调旧日朋友不可忘; 第二段是抚今追昔;

第三段面对分离,举杯畅饮; 第四段共祝友谊万岁!





1、《毕业歌》在写作上有何特点? 先让学生分析、讨论,教师提示、明确:


2、《友谊地久天长》的主旨内容是什么? 先让学生分析、讨论,教师提示、明确:

在地球的各个角落,在亲朋的离别或是会议的告别仪式,人们以各种不同语言齐唱《友谊地久天长》(Auld Lang Syne,又名《骊歌》),朋友们紧紧挽着手,歌唱永不相忘的友谊。它驱走了人们离别的哀愁,使人们满怀激情各奔前程。







